#intercontinental indonesia
themakeupbrush · 10 months
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Miss Intercontinental Indonesia 2023 National Costume
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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Let's Celebrate a Maths Wizkid, Uwakmfon Unwana
You might be wondering the numerous Medals just on one neck. Master Uwakmfon Unwana has proved himself within the space of 2 ½yrs (JSS2-SSS1) to be an Intercontinental
Mathematics Champion as he is:
Champion in America Maths Competition
Champion in South African Maths Competition
Champion in Canadian Maths Competition
Champion in Pan African Maths Competition
Champion in Ghana Maths Competition,MIT
Champion in Indonesia Maths Competition
Champion in Stanford Maths Competition
Champion in istem Maths, Germany
Champion in IYMC, Intercontinental and many more that cannot be mentioned here as he had clinched 2O medals in various Maths Competition globally.
Currently on his way to Ghana for a Research program and has been admitted into the World Science Scholars by Prof Brainne Greene a renowed Theoretical Physicists in Super String Theory.
Congratulations Uwakmfon Unwana and keep on soaring higher.
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wilsweb-asientour · 1 year
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Tag 8. 11.07.2023
Generationen. Wir standen relativ früh auf, um Wilson (Nics Vater) und Sam (Bruder) Tschüss zu sagen. Kurz daraufhin waren Nic und Webster im Park laufen. Aufgrund der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit war Webster jedoch auch nach seiner Dusche weiterhin mit Schweiß bedeckt. Als Nächstes aßen wir Frühstück mit PawPaw (Auntie Emily), Nics Großmutter. Es gab Kaya Toast mit weichen Eiern. Wilson schloss sich dem Kaya-Fanklub an, zu Nics Vergnügen, Webster war nicht der größte Befürworter.
Zum Mittagessen ging es ins Intercontinental Hotel, denn Julia lud uns freundlicherweise zum Mittagessen ein. Das Essen war grandios, der absolute Hammer. Insbesondere gefiel uns der Bonito-Fisch, köstlich. Wir unterhielten uns kurz mit dem Koch und liefen dann zur „Arab Street“, die Ecke Singapurs, wo die sogenannten „Malays“ wohnen. Die Sultan-Moschee hatte offen und wir schauten eifrig ins Innere. Danach aßen lokales Eis und liefen zur Formel-1 Zielgerade. Im September findet hier das berühmte Rennen statt und schon jetzt werden Zuschauerbühnen aufgebaut. Wir liefen dann zur Merlion Fontäne, wo Wilson das obligatorische Touristenbild machte, und holten Chicken fürs Abendessen. Es gab ein Schweinefleischgericht, ein filipino Auberginengericht und unsere Chicken Wings, dazu Wein. Julia nahm nach dem Abendessen Abschied und fuhr mit dem Taxi zum Flughafen - es war wirklich ein wunderschöner, unerwarteter und gemeinsamer Aufenthalt in Singapur mit ihr. Danke dafür, dass du unseren trockenen Humor und unsere Albernheit mitgemacht hast! Julia einen guten Weiterflug nach Australien (Auslandssemester) und euch allen eine gute Nacht! Morgen geht es nach Indonesien, sp. nach Bali.
Day 8. July 11, 2023
Generations. We got up relatively early to bid farewell to Wilson (Nic's father) and Sam (brother). Shortly after, Nic and Webster went for a run in the park. Due to the high humidity, Webster was still sweating even after his shower. Next, we had breakfast with PawPaw (Auntie Emily), Nic's grandmother. We had Kaya toast with soft-boiled eggs. Wilson joined the Kaya fan club, much to Nic's delight, but Webster wasn't the biggest advocate.
For lunch, we went to the Intercontinental Hotel because Julia kindly invited us for a meal. The food was fantastic, absolutely amazing. We particularly enjoyed the bonito fish; it was delicious. We briefly chatted with the chef and then walked to "Arab Street," the corner of Singapore where the so-called "Malays" reside. The Sultan Mosque was open, and we eagerly peeked inside. After that, we had local ice cream and walked to the Formula 1 straight. In September, the famous race takes place here, and spectator stands are already being set up. We then walked to the Merlion fountain, where Wilson took the obligatory tourist photo, and we picked up chicken for dinner. There was a pork dish, a Filipino eggplant dish, and our chicken wings, accompanied by wine. Julia bid farewell after dinner and took a taxi to the airport - it truly was a beautiful, unexpected, and memorable stay in Singapore with her. Thank you for enduring our dry humor and silliness! Julia, have a safe onward journey to Australia (study abroad semester), and to all of you, have a good night! Tomorrow, we're heading to Indonesia, specifically Bali.
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weddingorganizerjkt · 2 years
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0812-1313-7919 Intercontinental Jakarta Pondok Indah Hotel
Intercontinental Jakarta Pondok Indah Hotel KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919, Sasana Krida Malang, Paket Wedding Intercontinental Hotel, J W Marriott, Intercontinental Wedding Decor, Ritz Carlton Indonesia
Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Sedang mempersiapkan pernikahan namun tak memiliki banyak waktu & belum tahu mulai dari mana?
Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu.
Memopro, Memorize your Memories
Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur)
More Wedding Info : https://bit.ly/Halo-Memopro https://paketpernikahanjakarta.com/
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0812.1313.7919 Bidakara Hotel Wedding Planner
Bidakara Hotel Wedding Planner KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919, Intercontinental Jakarta Ballroom, JW Marriott Wedding Fair, Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Buffet Promo, Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan Wedding, Intercontinental Wedding Ballroom
Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Sedang mempersiapkan pernikahan namun tak memiliki banyak waktu & belum tahu mulai dari mana?
Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu.
Memopro, Memorize your Memories
Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur)
More Wedding Info : https://bit.ly/Halo-Memopro https://paketpernikahanjakarta.com/
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turisiancom · 7 days
TURISIAN.com - Wakil  Ketua Umum (WKU) Paguyuban Sosial Marga Tionghoa Indonesia (PSMTI) Koordinator (Korwil) Jawa Barat – DKI Henry Husada menyatakan bahwa Rakernas PSMTI  ke-20 telah melahirkan beberapa gagasan. Diantaranya, bagaimana PSMTI berperan langsung dalam mendukung program pemerintahan Presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto dan Wakil Presiden terpilih Gibran Rakabuming Raka. “Salah satu fokus yang menjadi concern kami adalah, mendukung program ketahanan pangan,” kata Henry, Sabtu malam, 28 September 2024, usai Rakernas sekaligus peringatan Hari Ulang Tahun (HUT) ke-26 PSMTI yang digelar di Hotel InterContinental Pondok, Jakarta Selatan. Sementara itu, dalam keterangan persnya, Wilianto Tanta, Ketua Umum PSMTI, menyampaikan komitmen organisasinya untuk terus mendukung pembangunan nasional. BACA JUGA: PSMTI Dukung Penuh Kebijakan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional [caption id="attachment_22351" align="alignnone" width="2252"] Wakil Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Gerindra Hashim S. Djojohadikusumo memukul gong menandai dibukanya Rakernas PSMTI Ke-20. Foto: Ist[/caption] Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat “PSMTI akan konsisten menjalankan berbagai program sosial, budaya, dan kemasyarakatan. Hal ini guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Tionghoa Indonesia serta masyarakat luas,” ujar Wilianto.Ia menekankan bahwa PSMTI turut berperan aktif dalam mempererat hubungan antar suku dan agama di Indonesia. Rakerja Kerja  Nasional (Rakernas)  kali ini mengusung tema 'PSMTI Siap Mendukung Indonesia Emas 2045 dalam Bidang Ketahanan Pangan, Makanan Bergizi, dan Stunting'. BACA JUGA: Perayaan Festival Lentera PSMTI 2024, Melambangkan Kekuatan dan Ketangguhan Para kader terbaik PSMTI Wilianto mengajak seluruh pengurus dan anggota PSMTI untuk bahu-membahu merealisasikan visi organisasi dalam mendukung program-program pemerintah. Tak hanya itu, ia juga menegaskan kesiapan para kader terbaik PSMTI untuk terlibat dalam pemerintahan Presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto dan Wakil Presiden terpilih Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Baik, keterlibatan di kabinet maupun perusahaan negara, demi mendorong pembangunan ekonomi nasional. BACA JUGA: Kontes Ternak dan Ekspo Pangan 2024 Jabar Kembali Digelar Lima Harapan PSMTI “Tentu kita memiliki kader-kader unggulan yang siap berkontribusi di pemerintahan Pak Prabowo dan Mas Gibran,” kata Wilianto. Dalam kesempatan itu, Wilianto juga memaparkan lima harapan PSMTI untuk menyongsong Indonesia Emas 2045. Pertama, ia ingin PSMTI menjadi "Rumah Besar" bagi masyarakat Tionghoa Indonesia, tempat bersatu dan berkolaborasi untuk berkontribusi pada pembangunan bangsa. Kedua, PSMTI diharapkan menjadi mitra strategis pemerintah dalam program ketahanan pangan, mengingat 80 persen anggotanya adalah pelaku usaha yang siap mendukung inisiatif tersebut. BACA JUGA: Mencicipi Kopi Medan Sambil Melancong Ke Istana Maimun, Apa Saja yang Bisa Ditemui? Wilianto juga mengingatkan pentingnya partisipasi aktif dalam memperkuat kesadaran berbangsa demi meningkatkan kohesi sosial. “Saling percaya, menghormati, dan bergotong-royong adalah pilar utama untuk mewujudkan Indonesia yang sejahtera dan berkeadilan,” ujarnya. Di bidang sosial, PSMTI, kata Wilianto, harus mampu menjaga solidaritas antar anggota masyarakat. Hubungan sosial yang kuat, menurutnya, akan menjadi fondasi bagi kemajuan komunitas dan harmonisasi internal. BACA JUGA: Erick Sebut Terminal LNG Bali Maritime Hadir untuk Ketahanan Pariwisata [caption id="attachment_22346" align="alignnone" width="600"] Henry Husada (kiri), Wakil  Ketua Umum (WKU) Paguyuban Sosial Marga Tionghoa Indonesia (PSMTI) Koordinator (Korwil) Jawa Barat. (Foto:Ist)[/caption] Terakhir, ia menegaskan pentingnya peran PSMTI dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat melalui pemberdayaan ekonomi lokal, pendidikan kewirausahaan. Serta kerja sama lintas sektor yang dapat menciptakan peluang ekonomi berkelanjutan. “Dengan kerja
keras dan komitmen bersama, saya yakin PSMTI akan terus maju dan memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat Tionghoa Indonesia dan seluruh bangsa,” kata Wilianto. Acara tersebut juga dihadiri oleh Wakil Ketua Dewan Pembina Partai Gerindra Hashim S. Djojohadikusumo dan Menteri Pertanian Andi Amran Sulaiman. ***
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coffeefranchisehub · 13 days
Is Coffee Traded More Than Oil?
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Millions of people rely on it to kickstart their mornings and boost their productivity. But beyond its delicious aroma and flavor, coffee is also a significant commodity in the global market. Many people wonder how it compares to oil, one of the most traded commodities worldwide. In this article, we will explore whether coffee is traded more than oil, looking at various factors that influence both commodities, their trading volumes, and their impact on the global economy.
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The Coffee Market: A Global Perspective
Coffee is not just a drink; it is a multi-billion-dollar industry. The global coffee market is vast, involving numerous players, including farmers, exporters, importers, and retailers. According to the International Coffee Organization, global coffee consumption reached over 166 million 60-kilogram bags in the 2020-2021 coffee year. This figure reflects a steady increase in demand for coffee, particularly in emerging markets.
Types of Coffee Beans
There are two main types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica beans are known for their smooth flavor and aromatic qualities. They account for about 60-70% of global coffee production. Robusta beans have a stronger, more bitter flavor and are often used in espresso blends. Understanding these types of beans is essential for grasping the dynamics of the coffee market.
Coffee Production
Coffee is grown in over 70 countries, primarily in tropical regions. The top coffee-producing countries include Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, and Indonesia. Brazil alone accounts for about one-third of the world’s coffee production. The geographical conditions, climate, and farming practices in these regions significantly affect the quality and quantity of coffee produced.
Coffee Trading
Coffee is traded on various exchanges, including the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) and the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). Futures contracts are a common way to trade coffee. These contracts allow buyers and sellers to lock in prices for future delivery. This trading helps stabilize prices and allows producers to hedge against price fluctuations.
Factors Influencing Coffee Prices
Several factors can impact coffee prices, including:
Weather Conditions: Droughts, floods, and other adverse weather events can reduce coffee yields, leading to higher prices.
Global Demand: Changes in consumer preferences and trends can drive demand for coffee, influencing prices.
Currency Fluctuations: Coffee is usually priced in U.S. dollars. Therefore, currency fluctuations can impact the purchasing power of coffee-importing countries.
Production Costs: Rising labor and production costs can affect the price of coffee. Farmers may need to increase prices to cover these costs.
The Oil Market: A Global Perspective
Oil is another crucial commodity traded worldwide. It powers vehicles, heats homes, and is a key ingredient in many products. The oil market is complex, with numerous factors influencing prices and trading volumes.
Types of Oil
There are various types of oil, including crude oil, gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. Crude oil is the primary commodity traded in global markets. It is further divided into two main categories: West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent crude. WTI is primarily traded in the United States, while Brent crude is used as a benchmark for oil prices worldwide.
Oil Production
Oil is produced in numerous countries, with major producers including the United States, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Canada. The production levels in these countries can greatly influence global oil prices. For example, decisions made by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) regarding production levels can significantly impact supply and prices.
Oil Trading
Oil is traded on various exchanges, including the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). Futures contracts for oil are widely used, allowing traders to speculate on future price movements. This trading activity is often influenced by geopolitical events, economic data, and changes in supply and demand.
Factors Influencing Oil Prices
Several factors can impact oil prices, including:
Geopolitical Events: Conflicts in oil-producing regions can lead to supply disruptions and price spikes.
Economic Growth: Strong economic growth can increase demand for oil, pushing prices higher.
Technological Advances: Improvements in extraction technologies, such as fracking, can lead to increased oil production and lower prices.
Global Policies: Regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions can impact oil demand and prices.
Comparing Coffee and Oil Trading Volumes
When comparing coffee and oil trading volumes, it is essential to consider several aspects. Both commodities are vital to the global economy, but they are traded in different quantities and contexts.
Coffee Trading Volumes
Coffee trading volumes are substantial but relatively small compared to oil. According to the International Coffee Organization, around 9.9 million tons of coffee were traded globally in 2021. The trading volume on exchanges like ICE for coffee futures contracts can reach several hundred thousand contracts per day during peak trading periods. However, the overall value of the coffee market is dwarfed by that of oil.
Oil Trading Volumes
Oil trading volumes are significantly higher than those of coffee. The global oil market sees billions of barrels traded daily. In 2021, the total volume of crude oil traded globally was approximately 11 billion barrels per day. This staggering figure highlights the importance of oil in the global economy and its role as a primary energy source.
Market Capitalization
The market capitalization of coffee is also much lower than that of oil. The global coffee market is estimated to be worth around $100 billion, while the oil market is valued at over $2 trillion. This difference in market size further illustrates the disparity between the two commodities.
The Importance of Coffee and Oil in the Global Economy
While coffee is an essential commodity, oil has a more significant impact on the global economy. Oil is the backbone of many industries and plays a crucial role in transportation, manufacturing, and energy production. Changes in oil prices can have widespread effects on inflation, economic growth, and consumer behavior.
Coffee’s Role in the Economy
Coffee plays a vital role in the economies of many producing countries. It provides employment for millions of people and is a key export for countries like Brazil and Colombia. The coffee industry supports farmers, traders, and retailers, contributing significantly to local economies.
Oil’s Role in the Economy
Oil, on the other hand, is a cornerstone of the global economy. It fuels transportation, powers industries, and is a critical component of countless products. Fluctuations in oil prices can affect everything from transportation costs to the price of goods in stores. This interconnectivity highlights the importance of oil as a commodity.
In conclusion, while coffee is an essential and widely traded commodity, it does not surpass oil in terms of trading volumes or overall economic impact. The coffee market is significant, providing livelihoods for millions and contributing to local economies. However, oil remains the dominant force in global trade, influencing economies and markets on a larger scale.
Coffee and oil serve different purposes in the global economy. Each has its unique characteristics, trading patterns, and factors influencing prices. Understanding these differences is crucial for anyone interested in the commodities market.
In the end, both coffee and oil are vital to the global economy. They highlight the complexities of trade, consumption, and market dynamics. As consumers, we may enjoy a cup of coffee while driving a car powered by oil, demonstrating the interconnectedness of these two important commodities.
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kabartangsel · 1 month
Prabowo Subianto Dampingi Presiden Jokowi Sambut Tamu Negara di Gala Dinner Indonesia-Africa Forum, Bali
Menteri Pertahanan RI Prabowo Subianto mendampingi Presiden RI Joko Widodo menghadiri acara Gala Dinner Indonesia – Africa Forum (IAF) ke-2 di Imperial Ballroom, The Intercontinental Bali, Jimbaran, Bali, pada Minggu (1/9) malam. Acara ini merupakan rangkaian kegiatan Forum Tingkat Tinggi Kemitraan Multipihak atau High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) 2024 yang…
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 8.8 (after 1940)
1940 – The "Aufbau Ost" directive is signed by Wilhelm Keitel. 1942 – Quit India Movement is launched in India against the British rule in response to Mohandas Gandhi's call for swaraj or complete independence. 1945 – The London Charter is signed by France, the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union and the United States, establishing the laws and procedures for the Nuremberg trials. 1946 – First flight of the Convair B-36, the world's first mass-produced nuclear weapon delivery vehicle, the heaviest mass-produced piston-engined aircraft, with the longest wingspan of any military aircraft, and the first bomber with intercontinental range. 1956 – Marcinelle mining disaster in Belgium. 262 coal miners, including a substantial number of Italian migrant workers, were killed in one of the largest mining accidents in Belgian history. 1963 – Great Train Robbery: In England, a gang of 15 train robbers steal £2.6 million in bank notes. 1963 – The Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), the current ruling party of Zimbabwe, is formed by a split from the Zimbabwe African People's Union. 1967 – The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is founded by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. 1969 – At a zebra crossing in London, photographer Iain Macmillan takes the iconic photo that becomes the cover image of the Beatles' album Abbey Road. 1973 – Kim Dae-jung, a South Korean politician and later president of South Korea, is kidnapped. 1974 – President Richard Nixon, in a nationwide television address, announces his resignation from the office of the President of the United States effective noon the next day. 1988 – The 8888 Uprising begins in Rangoon (Yangon), Burma (Myanmar). Led by students, hundreds of thousands join in nationwide protests against the one-party regime. On September 18, the demonstrations end in a military crackdown, killing thousands. 1988 – The first night baseball game in the history of Chicago's Wrigley Field (game was rained out in the fourth inning). 1989 – Space Shuttle program: STS-28 Mission: Space Shuttle Columbia takes off on a secret five-day military mission. 1990 – Iraq occupies Kuwait and the state is annexed to Iraq. This would lead to the Gulf War shortly afterward. 1991 – The Warsaw radio mast, then the tallest construction ever built, collapses. 1993 – The 7.8 Mw  Guam earthquake shakes the island with a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent), causing around $250 million in damage and injuring up to 71 people. 2000 – Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley is raised to the surface after 136 years on the ocean floor and 30 years after its discovery by undersea explorer E. Lee Spence. 2004 – A tour bus belonging to the Dave Matthews Band dumps approximately 800 pounds of human waste onto a boat full of passengers. 2007 – An EF2 tornado touches down in Kings County and Richmond County, New York, the most powerful tornado in New York to date and the first in Brooklyn since 1889. 2008 – A EuroCity express train en route from Kraków, Poland to Prague, Czech Republic strikes a part of a motorway bridge that had fallen onto the railroad track near Studénka railway station in the Czech Republic and derails, killing eight people and injuring 64 others. 2008 – The 29th modern summer Olympic Games took place in Beijing, China until August 24. 2009 – A Eurocopter AS350 Écureuil and Piper PA-32R collide over the Hudson River, killing nine people. 2010 – China Floods: A mudslide in Zhugqu County, Gansu, China, kills more than 1,400 people. 2013 – A suicide bombing at a funeral in the Pakistani city of Quetta kills at least 31 people. 2015 – Eight people are killed in a shooting in Harris County, Texas. 2022 – The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) executes a search warrant at former president Donald Trump's residence in Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida. 2023 – 2023 Hawaii wildfires: 17,000 acres of land are burned and at least 101 people are killed, with two others missing, when a series of wildfires break out on the island of Maui in Hawaii.
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g4ljw-amateur-radio · 2 months
Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2439 for Friday July 26th, 2024
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ghanashowbizonline · 5 months
Sports Today - Guinea seal final men's football spot at Paris 2024
Ghana Sports Today; bringing you all trending sports news as it happens. Get daily comprehensive summary of the recent sports – football news that have rocked the online scene. Check out the news below. Guinea clinched the final spot in the men’s football tournament at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games with a 1-0 win over Indonesia in an intercontinental play-off in France. Getafe forward Ilaix…
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systemtek · 7 months
Superconductor market size to grow by USD 4.47 billion from 2022 to 2027
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According to Technavio, the global superconductor market size is estimated to grow by USD 4,472.26 million from 2022 to 2027. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of almost 8.7% during the forecast period. APAC will account for the largest share of the global market during the forecast period. The report includes historic market data from 2017 to 2021. In 2017, the market was valued at USD 6316.30 million.  For more Insights on market size Request a sample report A superconductor is a material that can conduct electricity with zero electrical resistance and the exclusion of magnetic flux. Technavio has segmented the market based on type (Low-temperature superconductors and High-temperature superconductors), and product (Magnets, Cables, Transformers, and Energy storage devices. - The low-temperature superconductors segment will account for a significant share of the global market during the forecast period. Factors such as low-temperature superconductors are widely used in applications such as high-energy physics, automobiles, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) devices. Currently, commonly used MRI magnets are cylindrical superconducting magnets made from low-temperature Niobium-titanium (NbTi) superconductors. NbTi magnets are compact, demonstrate reliable performance, and are cost-effective. These advantages of low-temperature NbTi superconductors drive their adoption in MRI applications. Such factors will drive the growth of the low-temperature superconductors segment in the global superconductor market. Technavio has announced its latest market research report titled Global Superconductor Market 2024-2028 Geography Overview By geography, the global superconductor market is segmented into APAC, North America, Europe, South America, and Middle East and Africa. The report provides actionable insights and estimates the contribution of all regions to the growth of the global superconductor market. - APAC is estimated to account for 47% of the growth of the global market during the forecast period. Governments of countries in APAC are investing significantly in developing high-voltage power grids. For instance, in November 2022, Sun Cable signed a deal with the Government of Indonesia to develop the world's largest intercontinental solar and storage project. The growing investments in power grid projects will accelerate the demand for superconducting cables, transformers, and generators. This, in turn, will drive the growth of the market in APAC during the forecast period.  The development of smart grids Smart grids provide various benefits, such as managing the power supply efficiently during blackouts. They are prepared for emergencies such as natural disasters, as they re-route the electrical supply to working lines and isolate the fault lines. Electrical equipment, components, and transmission lines carry high currents and voltage at high temperatures, which necessitates the use of superconductor materials. As superconductor devices are suitable for high-temperature applications, they need to be integrated across generators and transformers. Therefore, with the growing interest in smart grid deployment across the world, the need for superconductor devices will drive the market's growth during the forecast period.  - The emergence of SMES systems is a key trend influencing the superconductor market.  - The high lead time may impede the superconductor market growth.   Analyst Review The superconductor market is poised for significant growth, driven by advancements in electric power and high-field magnet technology. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines utilize superconductors to generate powerful magnetic fields essential for imaging diagnostics in the healthcare sector. These machines, particularly advanced MRI systems, are integral to public health activities worldwide, supported by government initiatives such as those by the US government through entities like the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Rising expenditure on healthcare globally, including in developing countries like India, fuels the demand for cutting-edge medical technologies, including superconductors. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries also contribute significantly to the market growth through substantial government support and investments in medical industry infrastructure. Superconductors play a vital role in enhancing energy efficiency, particularly in high-power applications where resistance in wires can lead to significant energy losses. This is especially crucial in electronics manufacturing enterprises, where superconductors can improve production value and efficiency in various consumer electronics. India's health sector expenditure reflects the increasing focus on improving healthcare infrastructure, including the adoption of advanced medical technologies. The growth rate of the superconductor market is thus projected to accelerate, driven by a confluence of factors including technological advancements, increased healthcare spending, and expanding applications across diverse industries.  The Superconductor Market is thriving, fueled by advancements in electric power and high-field magnet technology. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines rely on superconductors for their powerful magnetic fields, revolutionizing healthcare. Energy efficiency and magnetic fields drive innovation, propelling the market forward. Read the full article
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militaryleak · 11 months
Indonesian Air Force Acquires New Falcon 8X Intercontinental Business Jet
The Indonesian Air Force (Tentara Nasional Indonesia – Angkatan Udara, TNI-AU) has recently welcomed a powerful addition to its fleet with the acquisition of a brand new Dassault Falcon 8X intercontinental business jet. This aircraft, registered under the number A-0801, was officially handed over to the Indonesian Air Force at the Halim Perdanakusuma International Airport on November 8, 2023, as…
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weddingorganizerjkt · 2 years
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Pondok Indah Intercontinental Hotel Wedding 081213137919
Pondok Indah Intercontinental Hotel Wedding KLIK https://wa.me/6281213137919, The Westin Jakarta Wedding Organizer, Paket Wedding Hotel Bidakara, Wedding Gedung ICE BSD, Sampoerna Strategic Wedding Harga, Kempinski Indonesia
Memopro Wedding Organizer bergerak di industri pernikahan mulai dari 2019 sebagai Perencana Pernikahan Profesional. Sedang mempersiapkan pernikahan namun tak memiliki banyak waktu & belum tahu mulai dari mana?
Ceritakan rencana Pernikahan Impianmu kepada kami. Kami bantu mewujudkan hari bahagia kamu sesuai dengan keinginan & harapanmu.
Memopro, Memorize your Memories
Langsung Hubungi Owner : 0812-8289-1133 (Fathur)
More Wedding Info : https://bit.ly/Halo-Memopro https://paketpernikahanjakarta.com/
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baliportalnews · 11 months
Klinik NULOOK Gelar Demonstrasi Langsung Eksklusif Teknik Kontur Wajah GISELLELIGNE untuk Transformasi Perawatan K-Aesthetic
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, KUTA - Klinik NULOOK, pusat anti-penuaan dan regeneratif terkemuka di Bali, baru-baru ini memamerkan demonstrasi kontur wajah secara langsung, menyoroti kemampuan Filler HA yang terkenal, GISELLELIGNE. Acara ini dipimpin oleh dokter kulit terkemuka Korea, Dr. JaeYoon Jung, bekerja sama dengan dr. Hadrian Deka M.D. diadakan pada Minggu (5/11/2023), demonstrasi ini berfungsi sebagai platform pendidikan, memperkenalkan kemajuan K-aesthetic mutakhir pada 100 dokter yang berpartisipasi. Hal ini merupakan landasan dari seminar ‘Beyond Aesthetic – Meet the Master in Bali’, sebuah acara selama dua hari yang diselenggarakan oleh CGBio, perusahaan medis bio-regeneratif terkemuka di Korea di bawah kepemimpinan CEO Hyun-Seung Yu. Diadakan di Hotel Intercontinental Bali, seminar ini dihadiri oleh sekelompok dokter estetika terkemuka dari Amerika, Eropa, dan Timur Tengah. Acara ini merupakan wadah untuk berbagi pengetahuan, teknik, dan hal terkini di bidang estetika yang tak tertandingi, semuanya dikurasi dan disajikan oleh para ahli K-doctor. Pada sesi pagi, Dr. JaeYoon Jung memberikan pemaparan tentang kontur wajah dengan GISELLELIGNE di Intercontinental Hotel, Jimbaran. Sesi sore berlangsung di Klinik NULOOK, di mana Dr. Jung memberikan kuliah secara langsung yang instruktif. Bersamaan dengan itu, dr. Hadrian Deka M.D. dari NULOOK melakukan demonstrasi dan menerapkan teknik di bawah bimbingan Dr. Jung. Demonstrasi secara langsung ini menggarisbawahi kemanjuran Filler GISELLELIGNE, produk pembentuk wajah K-Beauty yang terkemuka. Peserta mempunyai kesempatan eksklusif untuk melihat dampak transformatif Filler HA dari dekat, mempelajari penerapan dan keuntungannya. Dr. JaeYoon Jung, yang dikenal karena keahliannya dalam kemajuan K-Beauty di Klinik Dermatologi OARO, mengatakan, filler GISELLELIGNE mewakili kemajuan signifikan dalam kontur wajah. “Efikasinya, dikombinasikan dengan teknik presisi yang kami terapkan, memberikan pasien penampilan yang alami dan tampak lebih muda,” jelas Dr. JaeYoong Jung. Sementara itu, dr. Hadrian Deka M.D. dari NULOOK menyatakan, kesempatan belajar langsung tentang teknik K-aesthetic dari ahlinya adalah suatu hal yang sangat berharga. “Kami akan menerapkan pengetahuan ini untuk memberikan prosedur dan hasil yang sangat baik bagi pasien klinik kami, meningkatkan kualitas hidup mereka dengan memungkinkan penampilan awet muda dan sehat setiap hari,” ujar dr. Hadrian Deka M.D.
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dr. Hadrian Deka M.D. (Kiri) dan Dr. JaeYoon Jung (Kanan). Sumber Foto : tis/bpn Seminar ‘Beyond Aesthetic – Meet the Master in Bali’ menawarkan kesempatan bagi para profesional estetika untuk berkumpul, belajar dari para pemimpin industri, dan menyaksikan langsung prosedur K-Aesthetic yang transformatif. Selain itu, acara ini menggarisbawahi komitmen NULOOK untuk mengintegrasikan perpaduan unik Bali antara keanekaragaman budaya, tradisi penyembuhan, dan inspirasi estetika regeneratif. NULOOK telah mengukir ceruk tersendiri di sektor estetika Indonesia, menyediakan spektrum luas layanan kosmetik dan bedah plastik. Melayani penduduk lokal dan wisatawan, klinik ini menggunakan teknologi medis K-Beauty terkini. Layanan mereka mencakup perawatan bersertifikat K-Beauty seperti prosedur Filler, Botox, dan Laser, serta sedot lemak dan prosedur kecantikan yang berfokus pada kesehatan menggunakan teknik seperti SVF. Melalui acara global ini, NULOOK bertujuan untuk memperkuat posisinya sebagai pusat layanan K-Beauty di Bali, memperkuat statusnya sebagai tujuan utama untuk prosedur kosmetik dan estetika Korea yang canggih dan lembaga terkemuka untuk pendidikan K-aesthetic.(bpn) Read the full article
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turisiancom · 8 days
TURISIAN.com - Paguyuban Sosial Marga Tionghoa Indonesia (PSMTI) menggelar hajatan besar berupa Rapat Pimpinan Nasional (Rapimnas) pada Jumat, 27 September 2024. Usai Rapimnas, akan dilanjutkan dengan Rapat Kerja Nasional (Rakernas) ke-20 sekaligus  perayaan ulang tahun ke-26 pada Sabtu, 28 September 2024, bertempat di Hotel Intercontinental, Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan. Acara ini dihadiri lebih dari seribu peserta, yang datang dari 33 provinsi dan 308 kabupaten/kota. Johnny Situwanda, Ketua Panitia Penyelenggara, memaparkan bahwa Rapimnas digelar untuk menampung laporan dari ketua atau pimpinan delegasi daerah, yang akan menjadi masukan dalam Rakernas. BACA JUGA: PSMTI Dukung Penuh Kebijakan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional Sementara itu, tahun ini tema yang diusung adalah “Paguyuban Sosial Marga Tionghoa Indonesia Siap Mendukung Indonesia Emas 2045 dalam Bidang Ketahanan Pangan, Makanan Bergizi, dan Penanggulangan Stunting”. "Pertemuan ini bertujuan untuk menyusun langkah strategis di tengah isu-isu penting yang dihadapi bangsa," kata Johny. Sementara itu,  Ketua Umum PSMTI, Willianto Tanta dalam sambutannya meminta agar seluruh Ketua PSMTI dari tingkat pusat hingga cabang dapat bersinergi dan bergerak bersama. BACA JUGA: Kontes Ternak dan Ekspo Pangan 2024 Jabar Kembali Digelar Khususnya, untuk merealisasikan program-program strategis di bidang ketahanan pangan. Termasuk, penyediaan makanan bergizi, dan penanggulangan stunting. Sedangkan Henry Husada, Wakil  Ketua Umum (WKU) PSMTI Koordinator (Korwil) Jawa Barat – DKI  mengatakan bahwa Rapimnas yang rutin setiap tahun ini diharapkan menghasilkan inovasi baru. [caption id="attachment_22326" align="alignnone" width="675"] Henry Husada (mengenakan jas), selaku Wakil  Ketua Umum (WKU) PSMTI Koordinator (Korwil) Jawa Barat – DKI foto bersama di arena Rapimnas, Jumat 27 September 2024. (Foto: Ist)[/caption] Mengumpulkan Masukan “Rampimnas ini menjadi tolak ukur untuk mengenali kendala dan mengumpulkan masukan yang bisa dijadikan solusi dalam memajukan organisasi,” kata Henry. BACA JUGA: Erick Sebut Terminal LNG Bali Maritime Hadir untuk Ketahanan Pariwisata Memasuki hari kedua, Sabtu 28 September 2024, akan digelar untuk pembahasan program, sekaligus seminar yang menghadirkan pembicara kementerian RI. Diantaranya,  Menteri Pertanian, Dr. Ir. H. Andi Amran Sulaiman, serta tokoh nasional dan pengusaha Hasyim Djojohadikusumo. Seminar ini membahas isu-isu penting terkait ketahanan pangan, ketersediaan makanan bergizi, serta upaya penanggulangan stunting. BACA JUGA: Perayaan Festival Lentera PSMTI 2024, Melambangkan Kekuatan dan Ketangguhan Masih kata Johnny Situwanda, Rapimnas, Rakernas, dan HUT ke-26 PSMTI ini menjadi bukti komitmen PSMTI. Didampingi Ketua Harian I Martinus Johnnie Sugiarto dan Ketua Harian II Djoni Toata, lanjut Johny Situwanda diharapkan rangkaian acara yang akan dilaksanakan bersesuai yang diharapkan. Yakni, untuk berkontribusi dalam pembangunan bangsa, khususnya dalam isu-isu ketahanan pangan dan gizi. Disamping itu lanjut, Martinus dan Djoni acara ini juga menjadi wadah untuk berkoordinasi. Dan mensinergikan program kerja antara pusat dan daerah, demi mencapai tujuan bersama. ***
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