#intending to make Fushimi part of his private police group bc he's heard Fushimi is good with a knife
ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
How about some Oiran!Fushimi and Client!Yata? Like maybe the Homra boys buy Fushimi for a night so Yata can pass onto adulthood already. Naturally they fall in love but Fushimi is still a prostitute of Yoshiwara and can't leave until someone buys him. Thanks!
I really love the mental image of Oiran!Fushimi, with the makeup andcolorful silks and everything. Say Yata’s part of the swordsman groupHomra who help keep the peace and are generally very popular andrespected, they’re known as a rough group that nonetheless focus onprotecting the weak and taking care of people who try to prey on thepoor. Yata’s a rising star in the group, he’s younger than most ofthem and his height makes people underestimate him a lot but he’sfast and quick learner and he’s extremely loyal to their leaderMikoto, Yata’s always praising Mikoto and is basically Homra’s numberone fan. Because of his age Yata usually doesn’t go with the otherguys down to the pleasure quarter (vice commander Kusanagi would killthem all) but finally when he comes of age the Homra guys are allexcited to take him out for some drinking and whoring. That Yata goesbright red at the very mention of women and can barely talk to themwhen he passes by them in town is not considered an obstacle in theleast, Chitose especially figures the best way to get him over it isto just toss him in the river and see if he floats, more or less.
So since it’s a special day and maybe they just finished a big jobrunning some rogue samurai out of town or something it’s decided thatthey’ll take Yata to one of the most expensive pleasure houses, sothat he can lose his pesky virginity in style. Yata’s not really intothat but he doesn’t want to look like a kid who can’t handle women sohe goes along with everyone, trying desperately to smother hisnervousness as he’s dragged into the pleasure quarter where he’snever even so much as set foot before. Yata would probably be quietlylosing it too, like he keeps staring at everything wide-eyed andspotting heavily made up women staring at him from the windows ofhuge buildings where they’re like almost on display and Yata can feelhis face going redder and redder with each step. Finally they reachthe place Chitose chose and everyone’s all excited, they settle downat a table to drink and let the oiran entertain them. Yata’s a littleconfused at first because his mental image of prostitutes washalf-naked women throwing themselves at him but all the oiran aredraped in silks and makeup and they know a lot of other skills,several are playing instruments or talking with the other patrons orreading poetry and Yata’s like wait are these guys reallyprostitutes. The other Homra guys find that hilarious, like yeahthey’re supposed to entertain you in all ways, get it. Yata’sstill trying to figure the whole thing out when he hears this softscornful tongue click from the oiran who’s pouring him sake. Yataturns to glare at them and finds himself staring into thesecaptivating blue eyes.
Yata’s face starts going red again and he stumbles over his words ashe tries to talk to the oiran, who just looks at him scornfully andsays this isn’t a place for virgins. Yata’s surprised torealize this oiran is male and he’s trying to figure out if the guy’slike in hiding or something, the oiran rolls his eyes and notes thatthere are several male oiran here and hasn’t Yata noticed. Yata’slike how the hell was I supposed to notice and the guy just sighs andis like whatever, I have better things to do than deal withfirst-timers. He leaves and Yata can’t believe that an asshole likethat works in a place like this, like who the hell would want tospend a night with him. That’s when a couple of the Homra guyssidle up to him with matching smirks as they tell Yata that for hisbirthday they bought him a night with the most popular oiran in theplace. Yata’s getting a little tipsy by this point from too much sakebut he’s still sober enough to be really embarrassed. He doesn’tresist too much when one of the attendants offers to lead him to theroom though, swallowing down his nervousness as he tells himself thatit’s fine, this is a coming of age thing after all.
He’s led to a single room with a soft bed and incense burning, thereare pillows arranged on the floor and a drink made for him and italmost looks like he’s in a fancy hotel rather than a brothel. He’ssitting nervously on the floor when the door opens and the oiranwalks in. Yata manages to stutter out a hello and is shocked intomomentary silence when he’s answered with a familiar tongue click andan annoyed ‘Great. The virgin.’ Yata’s like shut the fuck upso what that I’m a virgin, the oiran just sighs like let’s get thisover with. Yata’s halfway drunk but still tense, the oiran sighsagain and offers to massage his shoulders first. Yata’s like I guess,since I bought you for the night and the oiran snorts a little. Yataasks his name and the oiran answers that there’s no point in knowinghis name, but if Yata must know it’s Fushimi Saruhiko. I imagine thatfirst night they don’t actually sleep together – Yata’s too nervousand drunk and Fushimi’s just being an asshole most of the time butthey end up talking a lot instead, Yata drunkenly admitting that he’sanxious about the whole thing and that he wants so badly to fit in atHomra and be just one of the guys you know. Fushimi just indulges himbecause it’s a paying customer but he does find his heart beatingoddly fast every time Yata compliments him, like Fushimi has a fullset of entertaining skills beyond sex and he uses a lot of them whendealing with drunken Yata, like he plays some music and reads a bitof poetry and kicks Yata’s ass at go and Yata’s super amazed eachtime.
The next morning everyone’s congratulating Yata on losing hisvirginity at last and Yata just rolls with it because he’s tooembarrassed to admit that all he did was hang out with the prostituteall night. He tries to say goodbye to Fushimi before he leaves butFushimi blows him off because as far as he’s concerned Yata’s justanother client, nothing more. Except Yata can’t stop thinking aboutFushimi and ends up saving his money to come back and buy a nightwith Fushimi again. Fushimi assumes Yata’s finally ready for some sexthis time but instead Yata just wants to hang out with him again, hehad fun last time and he thinks Fushimi’s kinda interesting even ifhe is a jerk so Yata would like to spend more time with him. Fromthere Yata starts going to see Fushimi every time he has enoughmoney, all the Homra guys and the other oiran assume that Yata’s justanother one of Fushimi’s regulars but they never sleep together, justhang out and talk and Yata feels almost like Fushimi’s someone he canconfide in, while Fushimi feels like Yata’s the first one who everreally saw him for himself, looked beyond the makeup and silksto the person he is. Fushimi doesn’t quite trust the feeling though,he was sold to the brothel at a young age by his asshole dad and he’sbasically assumed ever since that he has to rely on himself tosurvive and no one else.
Then one day Yata overhears one of Homra’s new recruits bragging,they made some big score and a bunch of the newer recruits went tothe pleasure quarter to celebrate. The guy starts talking about howhis parents sent him some cash and he used that and the extra fromHomra to buy one of the popular oiran, one named Fushimi. Yata canfeel the blood pounding in his ears as he hears the guy start to talkabout how great the sex was and how he had Fushimi begging for moreand finally Yata can’t take it and decks the kid. He gets disciplinedby Kusanagi for it and Yata’s like 'but that asshole said thingsabout Saruhiko…!’ Kusanagi knows some about what Yata’s friendshipwith Fushimi and he kinda sighs because he figured this would come upeventually, reminding Yata gently if what Fushimi’s profession is andthat like it or not, as long as Fushimi’s bonded to that housethere’s nothing Yata can do to stop him from spending the night withanyone who can pay for his services.
Yata’s really upset by this sudden reminder of reality and he ends upgoing to the pleasure house with all the savings he has left, wantingto see Fushimi. As soon as they’re alone Fushimi starts teasing himfor being so eager and Yata just grabs him by the shoulders and islike 'I’m going to buy you.’ Fushimi doesn’t get what he means andYata repeats it, that he’s going to buy Fushimi and take him away.Fushimi laughs like that’s a nice idiot’s dream but it won’t happen,my freedom costs more than you can pay, virgin. Yata’s like Iknow and I don’t care, I told you: I’m going to take you away with meand we’re going to be together. His eyes are so intent and honestthat Fushimi finds himself wanting to believe and as they talkto each other they keep leaning in more and more until soon they’remaking out. Making out progresses to sex and the next morning they’relying together in bed with Yata telling it to Fushimi again andagain, that he’s going to buy Fushimi no matter what it takes, sothey can be together.
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