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rhiancantthinkofgoodnames · 7 years ago
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Tried to get a cute photo with Thor. I got a good one of him giving me a smooch! 💋 #rat #thor #thortherat #rats #petrat #intarat #ratsofinstagram #rhianbowww #rhiancantthinkofgoodnames #girl #fox #makeup
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olympicgames-en · 4 years ago
Intarat steps aside and Romania ban nears as weightlifting faces further barrage from IOC
#OlympicGames #London2012 [Inside The Games]Thailand and Romania, two nations with severe doping problems, have suffered setbacks on the eve of an important meeting of the International ...
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hunzohokuto · 4 years ago
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gokul2181 · 4 years ago
WADA weightlifting probe finds evidence of doppelgangers providing samples | More sports News
New Post has been published on https://jordarnews.in/wada-weightlifting-probe-finds-evidence-of-doppelgangers-providing-samples-more-sports-news/
WADA weightlifting probe finds evidence of doppelgangers providing samples | More sports News
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A three-year investigation into the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has uncovered cases of suspected urine substitution and “doppelgangers” being used to impersonate athletes, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) said on Thursday. Eighteen weightlifters from six countries are suspected of giving manipulated samples, WADA said, adding that the cases of urine substitution would be forwarded to the International Testing Agency (ITA). WADA said that it found evidence of “doppelgangers” being used to impersonate athletes during the sample collection process. The discovery was part of multiple and ongoing WADA probes that began in 2017, including Operation Arrow, a covert investigation into the practice of urine substitution at the point of collection. Other branches of the investigation included Operation Outreach, which looked into accusations that a high-ranking member of the IWF was paid to protect Russian athletes from detection, and Operation Heir, which looked into allegations of an organised doping and a protection scheme operating within Romanian weightlifting. The IWF did not immediately respond to a request for comment. “WADA is appalled by what its Intelligence and Investigations Department has uncovered in this investigation,” said WADA president Witold Banka in a statement. “For too long, clean weightlifters have had to deal with an entrenched culture of doping in their sport, where the promotion of fear ensured that the truth remained hidden and that those who wanted to do the right thing were isolated.” An independent investigation into the IWF conducted earlier this year by Canadian law professor Richard McLaren found widespread corruption within the organisation, including doping coverups with fines paid directly to former president Tamas Ajan. The 81-year-old Hungarian Ajan had been at the IWF since the mid 70s, serving first as secretary general and then as president from 2000 until his resignation in April. The troubled federation last week appointed its third interim president in as many days, with Britain’s Michael Irani, the former chair of the anti-doping commission, taking over from Thailand’s Intarat Yodbangtoey. Yodbangtoey had replaced American Ursula Papandrea in the role after an emergency meeting of the executive board.
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dimelotv · 4 years ago
Tres presidentes en cuatro días en la Internacional de Halterofilia
Tres presidentes en cuatro días en la Internacional de Halterofilia
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El británico Mike Irani se ha convertido hoy en nuevo presidente de la Federación Internacional de Halterofilia (IWF), solo tres días después de que el martes asumiera el cargo el tailandés Intarat Yodbangtoey en una reunión convocada a espaldas de su predecesora, la estadounidense Urusula Papandrea.
Irani, un reumatólogo de 71 años, es el presidente de la Comisión Médica de la IWF y ha…
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soclaimon · 5 years ago
Thai weightlifting chief denies offering bribes at world congress #ศาสตร์เกษตรดินปุ๋ย
#ศาสตร์เกษตรดินปุ๋ย : ขอบคุณแหล่งข้อมูล : หนังสือพิมพ์ The Nation.
Thai weightlifting chief denies offering bribes at world congress Jun 11. 2020
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Intarat Yodbangteoy during an interview By THE NATIONThe honorary president of the Thai Amateur Weightlifting Association has denied allegations that he…
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90revolution · 7 years ago
Cum arată Tesla Model 3 după un impact frontal la 100 km/h
Cum arată Tesla Model 3 după un impact frontal la 100 km/h
Un (fost) fericit posesor de Tesla Model 3, a intarat cu 100 km/h într-o altă mașină complet oprită. În mod normal, astfel de accidente sunt destul de grave și se lasă cu victime sau în cel mai bun caz, doar cu intervenția echipei de descarcerare. Din fericire, ambii pasageri au reușit să iasă pe picioare din mașină și să documenteze accidentul.
După cum se vede din fotografii, partea frontală a…
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dimelotv · 4 years ago
Presidente interino de la Federación Internacional Halterofilia es de un país suspendido
Presidente interino de la Federación Internacional Halterofilia es de un país suspendido
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Intarat Yodbangtoey, presidente de la federación de halterofilia de Tailandia, suspendida por repetidos casos de dopaje, ha asumido la presidencia interina de la Federación Internacional (IWF) tras desalojar del puesto a la estadounidense Ursula Papandrea, en una reunión telemática a la que esta no fue convocada por su propio comité ejecutivo.
Yodbangtoey, también presidente en funciones de la…
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