#inspired largely by that one glorious scene between them in trk?? when Allison's umbrella breaks in the middle of a downpour
ok so Matt and Allison bromance
she steals his caps all the time. she'll throw it on backwards and then take a selfie in it with him to show him looking cross and her grinning exaggeratedly
Allison has a 'Matt voice' which is just her speaking in a deep, dudebro voice and she uses it to mock him whenever he says something particularly dudebro-y
lots of "your girlfriend's a snack" "tell me about it" "I'll wife her up myself if you don't do it yourself soon" "watch yourself Reynolds" conversations
just. cocaptains of the Dan Wilds fan club
messing around during practices together. he pulls her ponytail when walking to his position on court, she retaliates later by squirting water down his shirt
if he's watching basketball in the girls' room she'll join him on the couch and rate the players with him but where Matt is rating them out of skill, she's rating them out of how hot she thinks they are.
- and then she distracts him with what Matt claims to be a wildly inaccurate rating of LaMelo Ball and now they're both judging and bickering over attractiveness until Dan walks in and berates them for objectifying NBA players and makes them feel guilty
he has to annoy her every time she gets into something new. he walks into their dorm one day and Allison has a few of those Tibetan meditation bowls spread around her and it all looks very calming and serene until Matt goes over and he's like "tf is this?" and Allison tells him to shut up and not touch anything and Matt reaches out to inspect one and she slaps his hand and the serenity is lost
they carry the foxes' music taste on their backs
he makes fun of her resting bitch face all the time. he'll take a video and zoom in on her while she's spaced out and looking intensely pissed off to all hell and then he'll switch the camera to his face and pull an exaggeratedly pouty look and then send it to her right then so he could watch her reaction
Matt accidentally scratched her car once in his first year and Allison didn't give a shit because she's like that but she milked his guilt about it for months
they fight over Renee like she's their favorite toy
also they're always dragging her into their arguments and making her judge shit for them
skdjjds omg wait when it comes to Matt, Allison will spend ten minutes hiding behind a door just so she can jump out and scare the everliving shit out of him. she has dozens of videos on her camera roll of her getting such evil satisfaction from scaring the most ridiculous noises out of Matt
he can be so infuriatingly brother-like, he can crack her cool, collected exterior like no one else. and the others always get a kick out of seeing Allison (who's always cool as fucking ice) lose her shit at the slightest provocation from Matt.
like he'll go to sit on the sofa and accidentally nudge the table that she's using to paint her toes and it messes her up and she'll stare at it for twenty seconds and then she'll stare at him for twenty seconds before attacking him with a rolled up notebook going "now. i. have. to. start. all. over. a-gain." and, experienced boxer that he is, Matt just has his arms covering his head as he shrinks into the couch going "SORRY I'm so sorry I'm the worst i know. i can fix it I'm sorry- RENEE help me" *grabs Renee and tries to use her as a body shield*
er right. so. they're best friends
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