#inspired by a similar list in Sei Shounagon's writings
sapphic-recluse · 2 years
Awkward Things
An artist has done some covers you like, and they use the popularity from them to boost their own original music, but that original music is nowhere close to compelling for you.
Surprise! You’re on public transit and you’ve given everyone a taste of your batshit out-there music taste.
You message a friend, “hey would you like to see this silly video?” They message back in seconds, “sure!” You then send them the video and there is zero response for hours.
You join a new online community, look over the rules, and scrutinize their “don’t be a bigot” policy to make sure it covers your needs, and wind up having to ask a mod about it. 
You’re starting to feel at home in the new online community, but you want to post something that could cross the line, and you reach out to the mods for clarification. They do not get back to you for hours without so much as a “hey we’re talking over this.” Especially awkward is when they get back to you with, “sorry this took too long, but unfortunately that’s too far and you shouldn’t post it.”
You want to use your e-ink reader and pass the time reading. You have to look over your shoulder and put your back up against the wall to make sure no-one can look over your shoulder to read the horrendous fanfic you’ve got going on.
A small-time streamer you’re a chat mod for and regularly spend time watching is breaking out from their usual and playing something new. You have no interest in the new game.
You’re at the checkout in a grocery or convenience store. Your card is declined.
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