#insert surprise bitch I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me meme here
rollychan · 3 years
I think I might be coming back to tumblr (as in, become more active again)
Sorry to everyone following me recently only to find I just disappeared off the face of the earth (yes I like to be dramatic sometimes, what of it)
I am just a bit conflicted about moving forward in the Loki fandom right now. On the one hand, I'd love to get back into actual literary analysis again bc it's been ages since I last did that (for uni anyway) and it's fun, but on the other hand I dislike the Loki series enough not to want to rewatch it (it might come as no surprise that I am not planning on watching season 2). And the other Loki movies have already been analyzed to death. I might still go and rewatch the series regardless of my reservations. The thing is also that I'm also very interested in the worldbuilding and stuff other than Loki and from what I've seen most other people aren't interested in the things I am interested in, so the analyses I'm gonna do might bore you guys to tears lol
Decisions, decisions...
I'm currently also deep in TMA hell (though I'm procrastinating with season 5 because the season 4 ending killed me dead) and would probably like to do some literary analyses for that because some of it really is fascinating (I actually do like season 1 and 2 the most because those were more horror to me than the following seasons somehow, though I do like how everything clicks into place once you learn what it's all about - but it does sort of take away from the horror, if that makes sense? I guess it also has to do with the stakes increasing and I likes the season 1 stakes just fine)
And then I've also become addicted to Ark: Survival Evolved again so that game's been eating my time too. I've actually set up my very own server on my computer and it even works. I'm amazed. (even though I work in IT, everything that has to do with networks causes me headaches)
My brain has started to connect everything into fic ideas again, too, so that's actually a sign I'm getting back into the groove. I'm not planning on writing any of those ideas because really, an Ark/Loki crossover, brain? How would that even work??? (though it would be funny to see Loki with an army of titanoboas and basilisks lol or maybe that's just me and my... unique... sense of humor)
(and then there's also the funny little fic ideas I have for side characters of the Guild Hunter series that my gf @kael1030 made me read xD)
Anyway, this is sort of an update on what's up with me. Not an exhaustive one, but an update nonetheless.
If you guys haven't noticed from my blog already, it's a multifandom multipurpose mess and I'm sorry (a little)
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