#initially it was very pink but the 3rd gif wasn't working out with the pink
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tortibomb · 19 days ago
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손 The Guest | Episode 6
-> Kim Dong Wook as Priest Choi Yoon/Matthew
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snowgoldwaylon · 4 years ago
Whisper of Roses - Raul Menendez X Reader Chapter One
You never really expected to find the love of your life while walking the streets of Nicaragua, until you accidentally stepped on the foot of Raul Menendez.
A/N: This story is written in a universe where Black Ops never happened, and you both live a normal, CIA and crime free life. Just a couple teenagers falling hard.
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You never really got involved with many people. For as long as you could remember, you were very antisocial. Socialization never came easy, so you always were known as the 'Quiet One' to most.
You had friends here and there, but you really only wanted and needed one person in particular. And he was your best friend!
His name is Arlan Davila. You met him one day on a field trip in the 3rd grade. You both had been attached to the hip ever since! He was definitely one of the real ones, and always had your back.
You were sitting in your room, getting ready for the big day! You were also singing your heart out to the radio. I Ran by A Flock of Seagulls played loud, but not as loud as you could sing.
"AND I RAN, I RAN SO FAR AWAY!" You sang, gluing a rose to your cap with a hot glue gun.
Today was the day you finally escaped school for good. Graduation!!!! You danced in your spot just a little bit, knowing it was going to be over soon.
After a rather smooth sailing high school career, you finally did it. The tassel was most definitely worth the hassel. Now all you had to do was show up, grab the goods and get out!
Of course, you being you was decorating your cap last minute. You kept putting it off and putting it off until you ran out of time. Now, you were just hours away from graduating.
Your luck, sucked. Right as you went to glue the last sunflower on, you ran out of hot glue for the glue gun. You pulled back and looked at it, pressing the trigger a few times. Surprise!
It yielded nothing. With a sigh of frustration, you turned it off, unplugged it, and sat it up right. You looked at your cap with some big, sad eyes. The cap just wouldn't look right without this stupid sunflower.
You knew you now had to walk about maybe 10 minutes down the road, to the nearest craft store and pick up glue. You quickly threw on shoes, a coat, grabbed your wallet and headed outside.
You began the 10 minute walk, sticking to the sidewalk for good measure. It was about 4 PM, only a few more hours until you went back to the school. So you know you REALLY had to make this quick, or else you were going without any hair or makeup.
You looked over at all the trees, which were slowly coming back after a long, and harsh winter. You saw how vibrant and green they began to look again. The skys were a brilliant blue, and the clouds were perfect. The breeze that was going set it all off.
After walking more, you finally made it to the store. You walked in, and a bell went off. This signaled the workers that a costumer was here. You quickly went right over to what you needed.
You grabbed a package of sticks of glue, and headed straight for the cash register. After a small, polite interaction with the kind old women working the store, you quickly left.
You walked back home. You were coming up to crossing the small bridge, and that's when your bag decided to rip. It must have already been ripped, it probably just went unnoticed.
Your package of glue sticks took you off guard. It rattled you so bad, that the initial loud 'THUMP' it make upon smacking concrete, you gasped and stumbled.
And of course, you stumbled right into a man walking in front of you. You fell straight to your butt, and had never felt more embarrassed.
The man in front of you quickly stopped, and turned. You didn't even dare to look up. Since the packaging busted on the bag ripped, you quickly scrambled for all the glue sticks while rambling an apology.
"Sir I am so sorry, I'm just in a huge hurry, I'm so stressed out and my anxiety is out of the roof. If I dirtied anything of yours, I'll pay for the cleaning fee." You went on.
The man crouched down, and began to help you. You were suprised by this kind action, and paused as he spoke.
"Oh Miss, please don't worry about it. It sounds like you are already worried, you didn't ruin or dirty anything of mine. Don't fret, here let me help you up, yes?" He spoke, sticking a hand out.
There was something about his thick accent that was just so attractive. And the way on how nice he was to you? You had never felt any more warmness and kindness from a single soul before.
You looked up, and locked eyes with the most handsome man you had ever seen. He had the most perfect and beautiful tan skin tone. His skin shimmered gracefully in the sunlight.
His hair was a brilliant black, slicked back with the finest looking grease. It wasn't oily, but it was thick, and not a single hair out of place. And finally, your ultimate weakness in a person,
His eyes. The windows to the soul, as they say. The way they sparkled and just lit up as soon as you looked at him directly, you felt your heart suddenly begin to dance as if you were on a tv show.
You both were in a shock and awe as you gazed in each other's beauty, and grace. Finally, the young man, with his hand still extended began to speak and it brought you back.
You quickly took his hand, and boy did you feel the sparks. He helped you up gently, and gave you a bag from his pocket. He securely put your glue sticks in, tied the bag and handed it to you.
"Are you alright, Miss?" He asked.
"Yes Sir, I am. Thank you for being so kind. What is your name? I'd love to get to know you." You asked with a smile.
He flashed you a dazzling smile, and ran a hand through his hair.
"I'm Raul, Raul Menendez. And it's mutal. Now, who do I have the honor of speaking to?" He asked with a cool tone.
This made you blush, big time.
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I'm a student at Moravian High School, I actually graduate this evening. I don't think I've seen you around." You said.
Raul nodded his head, and slipped his hands into his pockets.
"Yeah, I graduated a couple years ago. But, I went to school there. And now, I think I have a reason to watching the graduation tonight, if you wouldn't mind." He said, sending you a wink.
You smiled big, and nodded.
"Yeah of course, I'll definitely make sure to talk to you afterwards. I'd love to become good friends with you." You said.
He suddenly had a small pink tent to his cheeks, and looked down. He kicked the ground slightly and looked back up.
"Of course, how about dinner on me tonight? If you don't have any wild plans?" He questioned.
"If going home and playing poker with my friends is wild, than I should be locked away!" You laughed.
He laughed with you, and looked back at you.
"Wow crazy lady! Watch out!" He joked.
"Well, I better head back. I'm working on my cap. I just need one more sunflower and it's done!" You exclaimed.
"Why don't I walk you home? Looks like I'm heading your way anyway." He said.
You nodded, and you both began walking back to your neighborhood. Maybe your luck wasn't as bad as you thought.
To Be Continued....
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