#inevitably i'm going to remember something later and curse myself for not including it
baura-bear · 1 year
can u pls talk some more about ryan kopel’s davey i am Begging (thank u for all the posts about uksies it is keeping me sane)
um. i wrote a lot.
"For me I think he's just gotten weirder and weirder as time goes on um, just, yeah, all his quirks and everything have started to come out much more than they were in December. Hopefully he will just continue to get even stranger" -Ryan Kopel about how Davey has changed as time goes on (from Wednesday's Q&A)
Thought that quote was fitting to start off with. Like I said, I saw the show in March so I definitely got a "weirder" version of Davey than I might have if I'd gone in December. I've listened to audio boots from pre-March and I can tell just from his line delivery how much his character has changed and it's incredible. (I would like to say I am interpreting "weird" as autistic because I say so). He is constantly stimming and his acting is so physical he's always bouncing around, limbs flailing about in such a cartoony way it's amazing. Rocks back and forth on his feet a lot, hugs papers, fiddles with strap of paper bag, taps thumbs together and wipes hands on front of his pants regularly. He also has a habit of clasping his hands together in front or behind him and it makes him look really sweet.
Even his growth from act 1 to act 2 is so fun to watch. When he first meets the newsies they ALL seem skeptical of him, Crutchie gives him BOMBASTIC side eye and Race is very snarky with him. You can see him get more comfortable with them, but there's still a bit of that hesitance which is so interesting to watch. He also gets much more comfortable around Jack which comes across in Watch What Happens (Reprise) and Jack's betrayal scene.
He also is very good at making Davey gay in a 1800s closeted young queer boy sort of way. Javey is strong in this production (if you hadn't figured that out from the numerous backstage pictures). Lot's of the lines he delivers towards Jack are very much Boy-Who-Is-In-Love-But-Very-Bad-At-Hiding-It. He gets SUPER embarrassed about Les looking at the bowery beauties and when he sees Jack's backdrop he very eagerly jumps forward and says "Thats!!- I mean. Uh. that's... really good."
Les and Davey's sibling bond is also so sweet, it's just as strong with every Les (I saw 3/4 of the original Les's). He's always got a hand on his shoulder or his arms wrapped around Les from the back. 99% of the show is Davey looking at Les with absolute astonishment at what he's doing "Buy a pape from a poor orphan boy?" "Oh- no he's not an orphan!" *cue Jack pulling Davey away*
Speaking of which. When Davey's trying to hawk his paper it's to the audience and the last thing he says before Jack cuts in is "Paper? anyone? Not for you"
There are so many good moments in act 2 good lord. I love Watch What Happens (reprise) because Ryan's version isn't so much that David is trying to convince Jack of anything, but rather that Davey already knows he's won the argument and he's being so cocky about it. ALSO THE WAY HE DELIVERS "we are INEVITABLE" is amazing.
I have so many thoughts about the stike rally. First of all when Davey goes up while everyone's chanting for Jack his reaction to the crowd is very much "Oh my god there are so many people here what do I do" rather than Ben Fankhauser's take of a more confident Davey. Multiple times Davey goes over to Medda like a proud little kid showing their mom what they did. When Jack enters (and starts suggesting they disband the union) Davey asks Medda if she knows what's going on and she looks so confused and heart broken by Jack's actions she just shakes her head at Davey. While everyone is yelling at Jack Davey tries multiple to get him to stop by stepping forward and touching his arm or shoulder and even saying "Jack, stop, please Jack stop?" and he actually tries so hard to be understanding. Of course all hell breaks loose and Jack ends up pushing Les to the ground which is what finally breaks Davey he says "What are you doing Jack?" and gestures to Les on the ground before helping him up and running off stage.
Before they print the Newsie Banner Katherine hands her notebook to Davey and he reads it over and writes something in her notebook before handing it back so they can print it.
"People like Joe don't talk to nobodies like us" Davey and Jack both smile sweetly and lean their heads together
I hope this was sufficient :)))))) it was very fun to write. If you made it this far I have one more message: go Listen to Ryan Kopel on Spotify
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sillyrabbit81 · 4 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 3k
Warnings: swearing, mild smuttiness
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 9 Part 11
Part 10
We eventually got up. We showered and dressed. I fed Perrin, and we ate breakfast. I asked Liam what his plans were for the day.
"Not much. I thought I would stay with you until you kick me out." He winked. "What are your plans?"
"Well, I have to kick this guy out..." I said with mock agitation. Liam feigned a look of hurt. "Not much until tonight. I'm going to Dave's house for dinner. I'll see my nephews and niece, which will be good. My Mum too, I suppose."
"Dave's your brother, right?" I nodded. "You haven't told me much about your mother. I think this is the first time you've mentioned her."
"We don't always get along. Mum's mellowed as she's gotten older, but she was a bit of a tyrant when I was growing up. She didn't like Andy. Well, she didn't like any of my boyfriends. She always judged them based on their jobs like she wanted me to end up with a doctor or lawyer or something like that. It's like she thought she'd wasted her money sending me to a private school because I found myself attracted to tradies."
"What's a tradie?
"A tradesman."
I laughed at a memory. "I used to tell my friends that if a guys hands weren't calloused enough to cause a run in my stockings, then he has no business touching my legs."
Liam burst out laughing. "Are you serious?"
"What can I say? I like a man who is good with his hands." I shrugged before continuing, "anyway, that's one reason why my mum and I didn't get along."
"What about your Dad?"
"He passed away three years ago."
"I'm sorry."
I didn't say anything for a while. I played with the crusts of my toast, breaking it into little crumbs. I think Liam sensed my mood and changed the subject. "You went to a private school?"
"Yeah," I said. "An all-girls, Catholic one at that."
"Well, that explains a lot." Liam quipped, his tone very serious, but his twitchy lip gave him away.
I narrowed my eyes and frowned. "I hate you."
Liam ignored me and cupped my face with his hands. "Kiss me." He ordered. And I did.
We spent most of the morning sitting together and talking. We spoke about the books we were reading. We found that we had similar taste in books when we talked before we met. Liam had recommended a book to me, and I had finished it a few days ago. I showed him my bookshelves, and we compared which ones we had read. He asked to borrow a couple.
Later we just sat on the lounge. We talked, held hands, cuddled, kissed, had coffee, and then some tea. We took turns patting Perrin, who had taken to Liam really well.
It got close to lunchtime, and it seemed like we were both trying to work out a way to avoid the inevitable parting. Neither of us had brought it up since breakfast. Eventually, Liam asked, "when can I see you again?"
Liam was sitting up, and I was laying on my back with my head in his lap. Liam was stroking my hair, sometimes taking a curl and twisting it around his finger. I smiled when I saw him do that since I had done the same to him earlier.
"As soon as possible," I replied. "I'm going to miss your pretty face." I reached up and patted his cheek patronisingly.
He gave me a small smile but didn't say anything. Then his god damned lip twitched.
"What are you thinking?" I asked. "I can tell when your lip twitches that you're thinking something naughty or you know something I don't know."
"My mother tells me the same thing." His lips stretched into a full grin, revealing his Hollywood white teeth.
"Well, I'm not your bloody mother, so tell me."
"I was just thinking about all the parts of you that I'm going to miss."
"You're very cheeky."
"Unfortunately for you, my mother tells me that too."
"You're a fuck knuckle," I said, smirking. "I'll bet your mother doesn't tell you that."
Liam's eyes went wide. "Bloody hell, Sweetheart. Anyone would think you didn't like me." He was smiling though.
"It's because I like you that I insult you. I'm very polite to people I don't like." I said, putting a sickly sweet smile on my face and batted my eyelashes at him.
"You're lucky you're cute." Liam leaned down and kissed me. "You haven't answered my question. When can I see you again?"
"Well, we both work all week. I guess that means we will have to wait until Friday night."
"Do you want to come to my place on Friday after work? Spend the weekend with me?"
"Ok. I'll ask Dave when I see him tonight if he will have Perrin for me. But it shouldn't be an issue."
Liam's face was unreadable for a moment. Then he smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm already looking forward to it." He sat back and said, "well, I suppose I had better call an Uber."
I sat up and waited for Liam to book his ride. When he had finished, I said, "Call me tomorrow night. After work?"
Liam nodded. He scooped me up and sat me on his lap. "Don't worry, Sweetheart. You won't get rid of me easily." He smiled and caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers. "Now, kiss me."
I threw my hands around his neck and kissed him hard.
Liam kissed me back, his arms wrapped around my waist, and he crushed my body into his. Our kisses became ardent, and I squirmed on his lap. I didn't want to let him go. Not ever.
I wanted him again now, and I cursed myself for letting him call for an Uber. I felt like he was part of my life like I had already given let him into my heart when I let him in this house. This sacred place. Mine and Andy's place. It seemed as though he had just blended into my life and any thoughts of the future now included him.
But I also knew enough to hold back, to remember I didn't really know him. The weekend wasn't real life. It was an illusion. It wasn't the daily grind of work, come home, sleep, do it all again. To make it worse, Liam's life wasn't normal. Would I adjust? Could I adjust? Did I even want to try?
I knew I did want to try, at least. Liam seemed worth it. Worth the risk of another broken heart, another love snatched from my grasp. If I didn't try with Liam, then who would I try with? And if I never tried, then love would be gone from my life forever.
Liam pulled away. "I had better go now, or I think I'll never leave." We got up just as his phone alerted him the driver was less than a minute away. He grabbed his bag, and I walked him to the door, and he followed behind me up the hallway.
We got to the door, and before I could open it, he turned me around and pinned me to it with his whole body. His forehead pushed against mine. He kissed me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. He ground his body against me. "Lana," he breathed. "Lana, I..." He stopped talking, kissed me again softly then pulled away.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't want Liam to stop. "I'll call you tonight," I said despite our plans to call tomorrow night. I knew I wouldn't be able to wait until then. I opened the door for him.
As he walked out the door, Liam put his hand on the back of my head. He brought me to his face, and he kissed the top of my head. "As you wish." He winked and pulled the door closed behind him.
The rest of my day felt lonely. I moped around for a bit. I threw Perrin the ball for a while. He was too old these days for more than a few runs, but he still loved it. I did some washing, cleaned my bathroom and put my Ben and Jerry's tub in the bin. I painted my nails.
When the afternoon wound down, I called Riza.
"Hey, Slut!" She said when she picked up.
"Piss off," I said back.
"Well, don't keep me in suspense. What the fuck happened?"
"I don't even know where to begin."
"Well, did you fuck him?" I shook my head. If Liam thought I was direct, he should talk to Riza. I didn't say anything. She knew me well enough to know what the answer was by my silence. "'Bout fucking time." She said, and I laughed. "So tell me about him. What's his name? What does he do for work? Where does he live? Boxers or briefs?"
"Uh, his name is Liam. Liam Cross."
"Like the actor? Man, that's weird. I knew a girl once whose name was Indiana Jones. I couldn't do it cause I kept thinking about Harrison Ford."
"No, Riz. Not like the actor, he is the actor."
Stunned silence. Then, "you're shitting me."
"Serious as a heart attack."
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I didn't know who he was," I told Riza about the Will/Liam thing.
"You're really not joking. Send me a pic."
"I didn't take any."
I swear I could hear Riza roll her eyes. "Of course, you didn't. You never do!" Then she shouted, "Hey Jen! Lana..."
"Riza! No, no, no!" I shouted.
"Fucked Liam Cross," she finished.
I hung my head. Fuck. I could trust Riza, but Jen, I wasn't sure of. She spent all day on Instagram and Snapchat. I didn't know if she could keep quiet.
"You there, Lansey?" I heard Jen talking in the background. "Hang on a sec, what's that, babe?" More Jen talking. "Oh shit, you looked good on Friday night Lans, no wonder you got fucked."
"How do you know what I wore Friday night?"
"Jen found pics."
"That quickly?"
"Yeah, they're everywhere. Some of you guys at a shop too. Hey, that's the shop near Mike the Butcher, right?"
This was news to me. I knew they took pictures, but I didn't think they were posted. I should have though. Why wouldn't they be? "Fuck."
"Did you just meet him? On Friday?"
"Yeah, why?"
"There's this one picture of you two, and he's touching your cheek. You two look like you're in love," she teased, making love sound like llllooooouuuuv. "Ha! There's Perrin!"
"Is my name mentioned? Do they know who I am?"
"Doesn't look like it. You two look perfect together."
"Tell Jen not to say anything. Please?"
"Yeah, yeah, no worries."
She kept talking, but I'd had enough. "I've gotta get going," I said.
"Lans, you ok?" She knows me too bloody well.
"Yeah," I bit my lip and took some deep breaths. "It's a lot to take in, you know. He's bloody famous, it's like, I don't want that shit in my life."
"Is he worth it?"
"I think so. I mean, he's a sweet, kinda daggy guy who happens to be built like Hercules and sexy as fuck. What's not to like?"
"I always thought he was gay."
Before I could stop myself, I said, "He's definitely not gay. I'd never believe a gay guy could growl a girl out like he does." I've got to learn to keep my mouth shut.
Riza yelled, "yas girl! You got a keeper!"
I laughed. "Fucking hell. Alright, Riz, I've really got to go. Say hi to Jen. Don't say anything!" Riz agreed, and we hung up.
Dinner at Dave and Lucy's was mostly uneventful. I jumped with the kids on the trampoline and played some wrestling on the PlayStation. My mum wasn't too much of a bitch. I forgot about the pictures and didn't think about Liam for a while. I needed that. I felt like the weekend was such a whirlwind and so much happened I needed some time to get back to normality, something familiar.
After dinner, Mum went home, and the kids wanted to watch a movie. I got on the lounge with the two older ones, Charlie and Harry and went through Netflix. Lucy had taken Lilly to bed. I saw Liam's face in one of the movies thumbnails, and I groaned. It was the one where he was a superhero. It was nearly ten years old. Though it didn't seem possible, he was even more handsome now. I quickly flicked past it.
"No, Aunty Lanny, I want to watch that one," Harry said.
"Isn't it too scary?"
Dave called out from the kitchen, "it's their new favourite. They've been watching it all week."
"Then we can watch something else," I said.
Both boys protested. I half relented. "Have you seen the sequel?" It had much less screen time for Liam since he had teamed up with a couple of other superheroes in that one.
"There's a sequel?" Charlie was excited.
So we watched the sequel. I'd seen it before, but it was weird watching it now. I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Although it was obvious that Liam was the actor, it was surprisingly easy to forget him and believe he was really the character.
He looked different to the Liam I knew. His hair was lighter, he was clean-shaven, and even the way he held his face was different. The way he moved and mannerisms weren't Liam's either. His voice was different too. The most apparent change there was the accent. Those harsh American tones seemed so strange after hearing his soft Queens English ones. Although, scenes with his shirt off still made me think of Liam.
After the movie I said goodbye to the kids, and they went to bed. I asked Dave if he would watch Perrin next weekend. I tried to sound casual about it, but Dave knew me better than that.
"Girls weekend?" He asked. I tried to say yeah, but I blushed, and he knew it wasn't a girls weekend.
Dave was eight years older than me, the same as Liam. I adored Dave. I remember following him around as a kid, wanting to do everything he did. As we got older, I watched the same movies he did, read the same books he did and listened to the same music, which is probably why I prefer 90s music to 2000s music.
He was sweet about it for the most part. He even got me alcohol a few times when I was 17 and took me to the pub with his mates when I was 18. He was protective though. Not one of his mates was allowed to touch me. It had made me mad at the time, especially when I had the hots for his best mate Chris since I was 12. So when he worked out that I was probably going to be spending the weekend with a guy, I expected him to freak out. He didn't.
"Is he a good bloke?" Dave asked. "Treating you well?"
"Yeah, he is." I couldn't help but smile.
Dave grunted, "I can tell by the look on your face, you are smitten. Alright then, Perrin can stay."
"Thanks, Dave. Don't tell mum."
"Yeah, Nah. I'm not stupid."
I went home and got ready for bed straight away. I was mentally exhausted, but I still called Liam. Not only because I said I would. I did miss him in my bed already. I felt lonely again. Of all the things about being married I missed, sleeping with somebody else in the bed was high on the list.
When I went to call, I was confused for a minute because I couldn't find his number. Then I remembered he was in my contacts as Will. I changed the name and called him. I hoped I wasn't calling too late.
"Hello, Sweetheart." Liam's voice sent a ripple of excitement through me.
"Hey," I said. "How was the rest of your day?"
"Good. Do you want to FaceTime?"
"I'm in bed."
"Me too." He said, and I heard the ring of FaceTime come through the phone.
I answered. Liam's face appeared. So did his naked shoulders. Sweet Jesus, he couldn't fit in the frame.
"Much better," he said, smiling. "How was your day?"
"Ok, I just hung around at home then saw the fam. Dave said he would have Perrin next weekend," I got flustered thinking about it. I cleared my throat. "So yeah, that's sorted."
"Excellent. I'm really looking forward to it. How was the family? Was your mum ok?"
"Yeah, she was good. The kids are fans of yours, by the way."
He gave a short laugh at this. "Really? Did you tell your family about me?"
I said I didn't and told him about the kids and the movie. "They loved it. I liked it too." I told him about how it was strange to watch him act after actually knowing him, and for a lot of the time, I had forgotten it was him. I just believed the character and enjoyed the story.
"Thank you." Liam seemed genuinely pleased. "That is the aim of what I do."
"I did tell Riza about you. Her wife, Jen, found pictures of us almost immediately."
"Did you see the ones from yesterday?"
"She told me about them, but I've not seen them."
"You ok?"
I shrugged, "it is what it is. I asked them not to say anything about us."
Liam changed the subject and showed me he had started one of the books he had borrowed. Once again, I was grateful that he seemed to know my mood and not push me.
We talked for about ten minutes before I started yawning.
"I better let you go. You're tired, Sweetheart."
"Yeah," I said as a yawn overtook me. "I think you're right." I blinked several times, my eyes watering from the yawns. "Call me tomorrow night?"
"I definitely will. Goodnight, Sweetheart."
"Night, Liam." I fell straight asleep.
Part 11
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