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They spent time with family, but they also made time for themselves that holiday season.  Saoirse enjoyed the hunt through the house for her pikachu things, loving everyone one of them.  For the first time, she wanted to get Caiden a gift she knew he would love -- something he would adore for years to come.  Torin had helped her in the search for the perfect guitar, and it had taken her months to settle on the right one.  She had written a note, tucked it into the lid of the guitar’s case: “You help me more than you will ever knew.  You and your love has been the missing piece, the thing I never knew I needed.  I will be your wife.  Your wife.  I love the sound of that.  Yours.  I love that.  I love you.  Thank you.”
Saoirse and Cai - Musical Holidays
( For @indissoluta )
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corruptedones-blog · 7 years
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Closer to the Edge (Closed Verse)
Saoirse stumbled across Caiden on her travels.  She had never intended to make roots -- not yet; but no matter what, she seemed to always returned to him.  Friendship began, and that, over time, grew into more.  To Saoirse, Caiden was her family, her world, in many senses.  She had lost so much, and she was terrified to lose him or his sister.  Saoirse mad an effort to settle as much of her life as she could, making a home with Caiden, and eventually, an engagement.
Grady had a history of never being in the right place at the right time, if you asked him.  He had not been in time to save his family.  He had not been able to save the woman he had grown to love nearly a century later, or her son.  Those were situations that left a permanent mark on Grady’s mind, shaping him to become the fighter that he is now, the firefighter.  He had little idea that meeting Caidence would lead him to the sister he had long thought had been lost, the sister is pained him to speak about, along with his three brothers.
This is a closed verse with @indissoluta since she and I love pain and feels.  The ships are set in this verse, and Saoirse and Grady’s back story is intact.  They are both wolves, both O’Riley family.  Grady dropped the surname, using his middle name as his last name to protect any of those searching for any survivors of that day back in the 1700′s, unknowing that his family lived.
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shpixn · 7 years
indissoluta replied to your post: i have a mighty need to write again (i know it has...
Obviously Cai is picking Emma :|
naturally :) i think if i bring her back i’ll have to ignore the last few seasons haha
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So here’s the thing.
I’m annoyed and mildly pissed off at tumblr. Once again my tags are gone, and I’m so damn tired of trying to put them back and them just vanish again. On one blog it’s enough because I was smart with that one. I saved all of his tags in notepad so I don’t mind copying and pasting when I need too. But for Cai? I’d have to go through all of his crap again to find the right tags because my memory? It’s crappy. My blog is a mess. My theme keeps breaking and I don’t want to find a new one, make a new one, or find out what’s wrong with the one I have. Cai was my first OC on indie and I love him to death, and I love his URL more than I should admit. It’s one of my favorites I came up with when I started. But the fact of the matter is I don’t want to move Caiden’s whole blog to a new one again. Three times is enough for me. But I’m so tired of it being busted and messy.  And there is no way in the name of  Spongebob I’d get rid of Caiden because he’s the love of my life. So, within the next while or so, I will be moving Caiden to my multimuse.   I’ve actually been thinking about this for months. His sister is already over there and it’d just be easier for me and maybe it’ll make me happy. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll bring him back over here as well if it doesn’t quite work out over on the multi. I don’t know yet. But for the time being I’m going to be taking him and all of his threads over there if anyone is still interested in rping with him on a multi. Too long didn’t read: Tumblr is pissing me off with it’s ish so Cai is moving to my multimuse over at @indissoluta​.
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Replaceable || Saoirse & Cai
( @indissoluta )
He hadn’t seen her most of the day and he was starting to get worried. Their time a part seemed far and few in between so when the minutes became hours? Caiden had questions. He wiggled his nose and he smelled faintly her scent and then something that wasn’t right…He followed it to find her in the bathtub and he saw the marks on her. “Firecracker…” He didn’t ask her how or what happened, there would be time for that later. Instead he went through the closet off to the side of the bathroom where he kept most of his first aid things. (Unlike most who had a first aid kit Caiden had a first aid shelf, and a box, and a bucket…) With one hand full of assorted things he moved over to the tub and knelt before it to examine her wounds carefully. “How bad are they..?”
She had been at a meeting with a client for most of the morning.  It was two towns over, but Saoirse should have been back by the early afternoon.  She never even got to text Caiden about the meeting -- about how she got the client.  It was a good job, one that would help with bills and costs.  Yes, Saoirse had money, but there was something about working for a living.  She thrived on that -- so, she never touched her savings.  Not unless it was an emergency.
The men had jumped her in the parking garage.  She was a fighter, strong and fierce, but when you knew that you had to keep your secret hidden, that lowered your ways to fight back.  Saoirse held her own, but even still, her verses four men meant that she was on the ground before the end of it.  Sounds of the scuffle echoed against the concrete, but with everyone in offices surrounding the garage, no one heard the commotion.
When the men left, she pulled herself up, getting into the car.  The drive home was slow -- one hand pressed against her side to stop the bleeding from some wound she barely remembered.  Once she was inside, she stripped out of her clothes, running the water in the tub.  Anger was still overpowering every feeling in her body -- even the pain.  Sometimes, she hated having to act human.
Caiden’s scent filled her nose, her head jerking towards the door.  She hadn’t even heard him come in.  
“My head hurts.”  She whispered, because anything else wanted to make her scream.  Saoirse could feel the bruise developing on her cheek. She moved her hand to show the gash on her side. There were a few minor cuts, and her ankle was swollen.  “I didn’t let them get my ring.”  She still had her left hand clinched in a fist, protecting that token Caiden had given her.  “I hate the world sometimes.”  And those words were a growl.
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✲ for a random one of the above. - Caiden & Saoirse
( @indissoluta - She hasn’t yelled at me in a bit. )
Saoirse had been out shopping for a few groceries that sheneeded to make dinner for them that night. She was only gone for little over an hour, taking her time since sheknew Cai was at work until the late evening. That was one reason she knew something was off the moment that shewalked in the door.  There was blood inthe air.
She dropped the bags of food on the table, heading into thebedroom.  Saoirse didn’t knock on thedoor, nor did she pause to think Cai might want privacy.  Instinct to make sure that he was okay hadkicked in – just as it had with him a few weeks back when it was herinjured.  
“Cai – “  Saoirsestopped when his back was the first thing that she saw.  It was never something that she had seencompletely.  Not for long, anyway.  Cai had always been cautious when it came tocovering his scars, but now Saoirse had a glimpse of every inch of hisback.  She had bite back the urge togrowl over the knowledge that someone had hurt him so badly in the past.  Yes, she had her own scars, but she had madepeace with them.  This was Cai – her love,her mate, her best friend.
She saw how he tensed, so, she moved to stand in front ofhim – focusing on why he was bleeding now,not scars of the past.  There was bloodtrickling down his face from a nasty gash just above his brow.  “Let’s get you cleaned up.”  
Saoirse moved then, grabbing the kit from the cabinet,knowing it had enough to get the wound clean. If she needed more specific supplies, she would worry about thatlater.  Not once did she ask what hadhappened.  Saoirse had cleaned Cai upmore than once from a fight.  He neverwent looking for fights.  If somethingprovoked him, there was cause.  Cai couldbe hard headed, but he was not stupid.  
She had lifted herself up on the counter, pulling Caibetween her legs as she worked, gently wiping the blood from his face.  “No stitches. It’s stopping.”  A butterflystitch bandage helped to keep the cut together. Saoirse’s eyes looked over her love, checking for other injuries, andsave some blossoming bruises, he was in one piece.
“Now, listen to me,” she began, reaching up so that herfingers could tuck her hair back.  “We’regoing to get in that shower, and get you cleaned up.  Or maybe the tub.  You get to pick.  You get me naked either way.”  And she gave him a playful smile.  Her face softened as her lips parted to speakagain.  “We both have pasts.  We both have scars, inside and out.  You don’t have to tell me what happened toyour back.  I won’t ask, but I willlisten if the day comes you want to talk. Just know this…I will protect you, just like you protect me, Cai.  I love you…and that means all of you.  Past mistakes and all.”
Her fingers tugged on his hair, pulling him closer for akiss that echoed the emotion her words had carried, the love.  Saoirse accepted Caiden – ups and downs andall.  There was no changing either ofthem, and that was what made their acceptance of each other even morebeautiful, more special.
“Now, how do you want me naked?”  She asked, nipping his lips.  
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Icon thingy for Saoirse about Caiden
Anonymously or not, send my muse another muse’s name and they can only reply with an icon summing up their feelings about them! ( @indissoluta )
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Send “&” for a LOVING text. - Saoirse to Caiden
( @indissoluta )
[ Text: Rockruff ] You are at work.  Which means you won’t get this for a bit.
[ Text: Rockruff ] I love you.  I also made you pizza, no tomato sauce.
[ Text: Rockruff ] I also baked cookies.  I got bored.
[ Text: Rockruff ] I also missed you.  
[ Text: Rockruff ] I should get back to work.  
[ Text: Rockruff ] I promise I will sleep soon.
[ Text: Rockruff ] I will at least be in bed when you get home.
[ Text: Rockruff ] Come snuggle with me?  I’ll be in just one of your shirts.
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corruptedones-blog · 7 years
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Mood Board: Life with Firecracker
( Saoirse and Caiden - @indissoluta )
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corruptedones-blog · 7 years
✆ - Caiden to Saoirse
Send ✆ for my muse to reveal how they’d describe yours to their friends when they aren’t around.
( @indissoluta - a taste inside Firecracker’s life)
Saoirse had gone out to Simon’s ranch for the weekend.  All the boys were there, so she could finallyspend time with them.  The four of themhadn’t been in the same spot in years, so it was a welcomed chance to catchthem up on the happenings of her life. Eoghan had always been closest to Saoirse, so he had already heard hergushing about Caiden.  Simon had heard,in passing, and he gave a grin each time the red head spoke.  That was Simon for you – quiet andcaring.  He had softened some in his age,and he was not as cold as he seemed at first glance.
It was Torin that caught her alone that night, pulling herlaptop away from her.  Saoirse, ofcourse, growled at him.  “I’m working,Air Boy.”  
He sat the laptop on the coffee table, screen still open sothat her work wasn’t lost.  “I want totalk to you, Swish.”  She turned,shooting him a glare.  “Nothing bad.  Swear it. I want to know more Caiden.  Inever pictured you the type to get engaged to a guy.  You always seemed…against marriage.”
The wolf sighed, leaning back on the couch.  “You know I was…back when we grew up.  I knew being the only O’Riley daughter, Icould have been pushed into a marriage. I didn’t want that..”  She ran herfingers through her hair, tucking it behind her ear, moving so that she wascurled up beside Torin.  “Caiden came outof left field, Tor.  I ended up leavinghim for a bit, all in the name to keep him safe, but – “
“You couldn’t stay away?” He asked with a grin that was full of mischief and care.  A combination that Torin was known for.
“No.  He got into sometrouble, and I came to bail him out. Neither of us are perfect, but he has a good heart.  He does everything he can to protect his twinsister.  He is loving, funny, goofy – he makesme laugh.  He also makes sure I don’twork too much.  He is really good, Torin,and I love him.  A lot.  I want to make that promise to him, to be hisforever.  All the storybook happily everafter stuff…”  She giggled at herselfthen, feeling the way she was blushing.  “Willyou by my maid of honor?”  Saoirsequestioned with a smirk.
Torin grinned, laying his head down in her lap.  “I would love to be.  You know I never miss a party.  You know, your dad would be happy for you,Swish.  I know it.”  His voice softened with those words, but heknew she needed to know that.
“I wish he could be there. Tristan said he would stand in if we did the typical wedding stuff.  I don’t even know what we are doing just yet.”  
Torin took her hand, kissing her.  “I’m happy for you, Swish.”
“Thank you, Air Boy. You should come back with me…meet him. Just…no flirting with him,” she teased, sniffling softly.  Her fingers tugged playfully at his curls,and he just laughed.  
“I promise, I’ll behave.”
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corruptedones-blog · 7 years
✿ Saoirse to Caiden
Nose Kiss
( @indissoluta )
Caiden loved to work out.  Saoirse had told him more than once that he didn’t need to, but she understood that it was something that he loved to do.  Just like she loved to go on runs as a human.  
He was laid on the floor, doing sit ups.  Saoirse had placed herself on his feet, providing a counter weight for each of his motions upwards.  Her chin was resting against his knees, while her arms wrapped around his calves.  She might not have understood how he could love working out as much as he did, but it didn’t stop the support that she had for him.
“You are unnatural,” she teased, with a mischief smirk as he came up for another completed sit up.  “Please, never, ever change.”  The firestarter added, placing a kiss to the very tip of Caiden’s nose, smiling at him.  One of those smiles that lit up her golden brown eyes, and every feature of her freckled face.  
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Cai and Saoirse do the "Boyfriend/Girlfriend buys my costume" challenge because they saw it on youtube and thought it'd be fun. But when Cai pulls out a sexy costume he quickly tosses it aside and says "Not for public just for bedroom" and goes back to showing Saoirse what he got her.
//Completely accepted!
( @indissoluta )
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Since Cai is a bit of a sleepy wolf lately, you can find me at @mactireagcroi or @indissoluta
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