#indian idol 12
newseighteen · 2 years
Pathan Movie Song- Shahrukh Khan& Deepika Padukone
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doesthendnlive · 1 month
I'm so tired. Sorry for bad grammar or mistakes.
TW for rape/pedophilia/slavery/domestic violence/violence against Indigenous women and girls specifically
It makes me so angry we Sacagawea and "Pocahontas" are known our figure head Native "Women". If you want to go a litter further the fact that "La Malinche" is idolized as well in the same way. But we don't learn about their actual lives.
Why are public schools obessed with these pedophilic relationships between Native girls and old gross ass white males as "The country coming together" or a "unity between 'Indians' and whites'" or "the creation of our mestizo race" or whatever else.
Sacagewa was only 12 when her "husband" bought her, and 16 when he impregnated her. I didn't learn this until I looked it up and searched for it myself.
"Charbonneau was also known for his short temper with his wives. On August 14, 1805, Charbonneau struck Sacagawea during a domestic argument, and was told to stop by Clark. This one incident has led to Charbonneau's reputation as a "wife beater," although it was the only time during the expedition that this type of behavior was noted. Coupled with the rape incident described above, however, Charbonneau seems to have been a sometimes violent person with little regard for women Native girls . His consistent record of marrying Native girls under age 16 also makes one wonder about a possible need to exhibit power over women Native girls
Charbonneau is known to have had a total of five wives, all young Native American women girls whom he married when they were sixteen years old or younger. He may have had more wives who have been lost to the record, however. His last known wife, an Assiniboine girl, was 14 when she married him in 1837; he was more than 70 years old."
Matoaka was even younger if I remember right, the bastardization of her real life story and the fetishization of her story and Native women and girls beause apparently we're all from her people. The fact the "Pocahontas" even exists, the disregard for her actual story and scraping details out to make it more palatable.
Despite the fact the she didn't get to have palatable, she had to endure violence, forced removal, rape, and forced impregnation by her rapist(s). She didn't get to have that comfort or safety but everyone else gets to when 'learning' about her.
"La Malinche" or "Malintzin" (we literally don't know her birth name) was around 11-16 years of age when she ended up on the hands of Spaniards
What makes it worse in regards of "Malintzin" is that Hispanic Males fetishize the "Mestizo race" and the rape of Indigenous women and girls especially to create this race.
They only claim their Indigenous decent when it benefits them, while they are still actively anti Indigenous themselves and hate actual indigenous peoples/communities.
Argentina specifically, it's called chineo, criollo males are known for targeting Indigenous women and girls to rape/gangrape them. It's a old colonial practice that still happens to this day.
Im just so angry that our figure Indigenous "women" are just these little girls adultified into these grown women just to make people less uncomfortable with the power dynamic imbalance and pedophilic relationships and colonialism and colonization in general
Racist white males (Spanish, English, French, whatever flavour of white idc) love this idea of conquering Indigenous women and raping them. I heard way too many gross comments from old white males with rapey undertones to them about them being white and me being a Indigenous girl.
Or even them mocking the sexual violence we face, one of my ex white male friends mocked me for being abused when we got into a argument not related to it at all he also was more and more racist to me as time went on.
In both of the Americas Indigenous people, but especially Indigenous Women and girls aren't safe. It's scary how much violence is forced onto us and how these figure head "Women" are watered down into comfortability for the general public.
The violence we face is pretty much the same in the Americas, and its scary to know we are stuck in places that hate us despite being on our lands in the first place.
all of this but THIS PART ESPECIALLY:
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sillygoose067 · 3 months
Over the 7 Seas
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Author’s Note: FYI, if you haven’t been following along closely since chapter 2, I had the OC be Indian/a brown girl— Just because I felt like we don’t get enough representation. So if you don’t like that, I guess just either live with it, or blur that piece of information out as you go. Also: did I use some random ass generator wheel for some of the super specific information? Yes. Will I change it? Probably not. Did I check if that kinda stuff was even possible? …Mayhaps.
When you finally make it into the restaurant and sit down to order, you immediately spot multiple people, mostly young women, pulling out their phones, trying to (not so) discreetly take photos and videos of the two of you. You could just imagine the headlines and hashtags trending the next day.
Charles is immune to this by now and smiles and waves at some of the phones, and ignores the majority of the others. 
Biting your lip, you scan through the menu. “Charles?”
“Would you mind recommending me something? I’ve never been here before”.
“Sure Chéri. Is there anything you don’t or can’t consume? I hate to assume, but I know that lots of Indians are vegetarian”.
“Ah, no. My family and I eat everything, so no worries”.
He orders a Tourte de Blettes for you and a Pissaladiere for himself.
“So. Tell me more about yourself.”
Not knowing how to go about this, you think for a while. “Well, I’m Indian, but I was born in Singapore, and brought up in America”. You count off a finger. “I was certified to be a music producer at a very young age, sometime in secondary school and I have a degree in forensic science. I really love singing, but usually only in my free time. I've actually been working at a producing studio here”. You scrunch your brows trying to recall any interesting details about yourself. “Um, I’m also a dance choreographer for a lot of Korean idol groups and produce music for them too, so I go over there from time to time… I don’t know. What exactly do you want to know?”
When you meet Charles’s eyes again, he’s looking at you with an adoring expression on his face. “You’re so cute, like a little angel. Mon ange” (My angel).
You blush in embarrassment. He asks you more about why you chose your major and what it’s like working with idols while you wait for your meals. “I’d love to hear you sing sometime”.
Just then, the waiter comes with your dishes. Whew, saved by the food! The aromas wafting off the delicious looking dishes are absolutely mouth watering, as if the sights weren’t enough. You begin to split your food in half, and he asks what you’re doing. “Oh- well, my family and I always split our meals equally to try everything, Sorry, I did that out of habit– I can take the piece back–”
“I think I quite like that idea. Here”, He splits his meal and gives it to you as well. 
After dinner, the two of you decide to split the bill, because you were unwilling to let Charles pay in full, regardless of whether or not he earned more than you. 
As you walk back home, hand-in-hand and discussing common interests, you find yourself leaning your head on his arm, and later, with his arm around your shoulder. 
When you reach the door to your apartment, he turns to you and moves a strand of hair out of your face. “I liked getting to know you tonight, and I hope you will give me the chance to take you out again”. You make a sound of agreement. Knowing that you aren’t quite ready to have your first kiss yet, you pull him down slightly and get on your tiptoes, kissing his cheek. He smiles and kisses the crown of your head in return, and then ushers you into your home. 
When he leaves, you send him a text. Thank you for the best first date ever.
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surra-de-bunda · 2 years
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June Mack in Scoop Magazine No 12 (1983).
The Mistress of Hollywood
June Mack was June Cassandra Mincher. Born in Louisiana in January 1955. Eighth child in a family of dirt-poor, hardscrabble, ex-sharecroppers. Food was always in short supply. Love and affection were non-existent. June grew up ignored and forgotten. She retreated to a fantasy world. Took refuge in TV re-runs of old movies. Harlow. Lombard. Monroe. Vampy, trampy blondes. Women with smooth skin and pointed noses. A southern Black girl didn’t have the luxury of idols that looked like her. Then June hit puberty. She got curves, got noticed, and got options. Suddenly life happened. No more hopping tables at the local Hi-D-Ho. She got attention and exploited it. She parlayed it into cash the most old-fashioned way. She took control on the vinyl tuck and roll, pleasing the light-skinned boys she barely even knowed. Her new found power bought a one-way greyhound ticket out of the south. Double time. As fast as shit through a goose. She had one destination in mind. Hollywoodland. Home of the movie princesses she loved. She grabbed a lease on a small apartment and a part-time job as a nurse. She sprung for a new wardrobe. A different kind of clothing. Attire that would get noticed. She placed an ad in the underground newspaper. “Sexy Black & Indian. 56-26-42. Private Apt. Come Worship My Body. Call Raven. Generous Men Only.” She took clients. The bucks rolled in before the first month’s rent was due. But June had greater ambition than being a part time nurse, part time sex worker, full time dreamer. She wanted to be someone. She wanted a whole new identity. Several of them in fact. At one point, she had at least 33 aliases. June Mack was just one. Her face and body had to change. Not just for the johns, but to erase every detail from where she came. She spent $20k on cosmetic surgery. Quacks pumped silicone into her face, hips, cheeks. She bought a pointed nose just like her idols, and a chin to match. She expanded her chest to a blouse-busting 66 inches. The new June emerged. She stood out in any company.
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hydroyaksha · 1 year
Stray kids fic recs
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A skz fic list for those who’re too lazy to actually search for them (you’re just like me!!)
If any of the authors on this list do not want me to put their work on this list, I will immediately remove it, please tell me if you don’t want it here!
Personal favorites - ❤️
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Kim seungmin
Scaredy cat
Very short and sweet, my favorite line has to be “speed run this bitch”. I absolutely love haunted houses fics and both the MC and seungmin being scared just made this twice as funny!
The minstrel, Kim Seungmin
(Royal AU) fluff, slight angst (wandering bard! Seungmin x princess! Reader)
This was just soooo cute! Seungmin and the MC’s relationship was just so precious and it really encapsulates how you could fall in love in such a short time. Totally read this, 12/10!
(Spider man AU) (spider man! Seungmin x dj! Reader) fluff, angst, more fluff
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Seo changbin
Sun and moon
(soft! Girl x rough! Boy) fluff, angst(?)
This was a very sweet fic, changbin was always there for the reader when she needed it and it was just such a calming read. It was very cute how they went from a fake relationship to something genuine and it warmed my heart!
Outside my window
(Shapeshifter! Changbin x reader) angst, fluff
Had a great bittersweet ending and I loved the overall theme!
The prince, Seo Changbin
(Prince! Changbin x princess! Reader) Angst, Fluff
I should also probably mention that I absolutely love enemies to lovers, something about how opposites attract is just so pleasing to see so this fic was just a gift from heaven! Changbin’s promise to the reader at the end was just so sweet and warming, totally read it if you’re a enemies to lovers fan!
Sprouts and their Joy ❤️
(Brother figure! Changbin/ reader) fluff, angst
Changbin was so sweet in this fic, he was such a good older brother figure to the reader and was always there for them, when he finally said “I love you” I think I almost cried. This was such a touching read and I totally suggest reading it!
Don’t call me cupcake
Chapter one: Changbin
(Resident evil AU) (Agent! Changbin x agent! Reader) fluff, teeny bit of angst
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Bang Chan
The unbounded knight, Bang Chan
(Unbounded knight! Chan x queen! Reader) angst, fluff fluff, a lil suggestive at the end
This might actually be my favorite of this short series, aside from Minho’s one. Chan just seemed like such a happy lil dude and the reader was just so sweet when she warmed up to him, their relationship was very very cute!
(Cinderella AU) (noble!Chan x princess! Reader)
Ohhhh I loved the swapped roles in this, Chan was so mature for his situation and always upheld his manners, to top it off he has so much kindness in him too!
Can you lend me a crayon?
(Single father! bangchan x babysitter adult! Reader) fluff, smut, lil bit of angst so far
Gee wowza, I usually don’t read fics like this but whooey mama. 13/10 absolutely loved the first part and am looking forward to the rest! The wording and structure of the story is sooo addicting and the plot is to die for! Keep up the great work!!!
Butterfly wings ❤️
(Indian dancer! Reader x idol! Bangchan) fluff
I had to re-add this fic here because it’s absolutely everything I have ever wanted in a fic! As a kathak dancer myself, this fic was to die for and I felt like my culture was really being appreciated here! Bangchan really gave off the vibes of a fanboy and I found it sooo cute! 20/10 absolutely would read again and again!
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Yang jeongin
Heroine addict
(Superhero! Reader x journalist student! Jeongin)
So so cute, Jeongin was such a determined student and all those things he did just to see the reader was so sweet, the last scene really touched my heart. I felt like Jeongin was such a careful boy when it came to interviewing the reader, he never asked her personal things! 20/10
Brown sugar
(Witch! Barista! Jeongin x reader) fluff fluff
Just started reading from this author and I’m absolutely in love this universe already, you’ve gotta check out their witch! Skz universe fics!
(Crown prince! Jeongin x assassin! Reader) fluff fluffy fluff
Blue and silver
(Silver fox! jeongin x human! Reader) flufffffff, lil bit of angst
24 to 25 ❤️
(Childhood friends! Jeongin x reader) fluff angst
Oh. My. God. The actual amount of investment I put into this fic was insane. I couldn’t stop reading it, both parts were immensely riveting and so much fun to read! The development across their ages was so well planned that it just had me wanting more and more. These two were the cutest ever 20/10!
Loving the monster
(Fae king! Jeongin x human! Reader) fluff, angst, there is some torture/ cruel pranks in this fic
Another monster fic that was so much fun to read! The betrayals the reader goes through and the trust she eventually puts into jeongin was so heartwarming to read, this fic was so enticing! 12/10
Speaking in tongues ❤️
(general! Jeongin x arabian dancer! Reader) fluff, angst, violence
This was an actual master piece??? It felt like an actual movie reading this story, I can’t wait to read the final part omg! The story building and the writing was to die for! I fell in love with all of the characters in this story as they had so much character to them! There was so much depth in this fic, I fell in love with the way this author writes. 20/10!
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Han ji-sung
Anything but normal
(Spiderman! Han x friend! Reader) fluff, teensy suggestive at some points
This was so cute ahwbwnwakaoshwbwk, their relationship was very funny and the way their personalities were written was just perfect 12/10 totally recommend
Do you trust me?
(Nerve AU) ongoing, fluff, a lil suggestive (?), very little angst
Honestly I was so happy when I found this AU, I’m a sucker for AU’s and a nerve AU on top of it? Sign me up. It was cute to see how their relationship blooms from strangers to friends as they complete dares together!
The blacksmith, Han Jisung
(Blacksmith! Han x crown princess! Reader) fluff, lil bit of angst
Very very cute, this was like a one sided enemies to lovers thing but Han didn’t hate the reader??? Well- it doesn’t matter, the story was very cute and the ending was so satisfying. My fav line has to be the one where the reader talks about how she might as well become the first queen to rule alone!
Hear.t fm
(DJ! Han x best friend! Reader) fluff, very little angst
This was so refreshing to read, Han switching to DJ J.ONE and back was funny to read when the reader would tease him about having a crush on J.ONE, 13/10!
Young God ❤️
(Serial killer! Han x reader) fluff, angst angst, completed
Oh when I tell you this was good good, it was like a full 30/10 for me, Han’s character was written so beautifully and carefully it just squeezes my heart! He was always so sweet and careful around the reader, I really felt bad for him when his past came to light. Such a good read, I totally recommend this!
Utterly lovesick
(Bsf! Han x bsf! Reader) fluff, angst
Summary: out of the 6 times Han attempted to get a kiss from you, he only succeeded 1 time.
For my great friend, you ❤️
(Idol! Han x assassin! Reader) fluff fluff, angst to a whole new level
Oh my god this is a master piece, there is so much I want to say about this fic. When the reader started playing “M.I.A” in the fic, guess what happened to me? I was listening to the “this is stray kids” playlist on Spotify and it suddenly played M.I.A! This fic had me going through so many feelings! The ending was super bittersweet but with an extra dollop of sweet. This is a must read!
Love in cheese
(Alien! Jisung x human! Reader) smut!, fluff fluff
10/10 read, but it is smut so if ur uncomfy with it pls don’t read!
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Lee minho
The chancellor, Lee Minho
(Assassin! Minho x Queen! Reader) angst, fluff
Oh my god, this fic was too good, there aren’t many words I can use to describe this fic but it’s good, this is a must read! I loved how the author captured Minho’s love for the reader in such a beautiful way and it was so touching!
(Black cat! Minho x reader) angst, fluff
Cute and sweet, short but a good read!
A fairy tail that lasts
(Playboy! Minho x writer! Reader) fluff, angst
Oh my god this was just a bucket of sugar! Minho’s character was written with such love and I adored how he immediately dropped his past ways when he met the reader! This was such an amazing read, 30/10!
Green flames ❤️
(Slytherin! Minho x Gryffindor! Reader) fluff
Ok this was so cute and the TENSION between the two was so riveting! I loved this so much and would love to see a continuation! I re-added this fic here on the skz separate master list because I felt like it needed a whole other page of recognition! Def one of my fav reads thus far, 12/10!
(Spider-Man! Minho x reader)
Soo cute, you could really feel the trust in their relationship!
Countless skies upon us
(swordsmaster! Minho x reader)
Absolutely loved how their relationship developed across the fic!
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Hwang Hyunjin
In which Hyunjin must choose between you or dragonfruit
This was just a whole bunch of crack and humor, the short series was surprisingly funny to read (check out the Han one too!)
The thief, Hwang Hyunjin
(Thief! Hyunjin x princess! Reader) very little angst, fluff fluff fluff
Ohhh this might be my favorite in this AU and I just have to give it to the author, you really have a way with words, I always find a smile on my face when I reach the endings of your fics!
(Assassin! Hyunjin x assassin! Reader) fluff (?), some suggestive stuff but never escalates
I’d love to see a part two! I liked the idea of the reader being a flirty jokester and hyunjin being a somewhat emotionless dude! 11/10
Guard dog
(Werewolf! Hyunjin x reader) fluff fluff
Summary: Hyunjin takes up a date from one of his friends and ends up in an adoption center for dogs. Everything seemed to bother him until he met you, the person in a wheelchair willing to adopt a huge “dog” like him.
Backseat driving
(Street racer! Hyunjin x reader) fluff, angst (not too much, a little suggestive but nothing too bad
I remember reading this fic a while back and it was just so good! 12/10 totally recommend
The duke and I
(Bridgerton AU) (duke! Hyunjin x author! Reader)
fluff, angst (?), smut (you can skip it tho, i did it and it still made sense without the scenes)
Oh my god this was super good, I love how Hyunjin was always supportive of the reader’s writing and how he encouraged her and was honest with critiques. 14/10 you have to read it!
Back in time
(Prince! Hyunjin x reader) fluff, angst
God the ending really touched my heart, I hope for a part two or something like a continuation of this. I love how open the reader is and how nonchalant she can be sometimes, it just made her so charming! She and Hyunjin made such a good pair in this story!
Forward in time
(King! Hyunjin x Reporter! Reader) fluff, angst (?)
THISSSS!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! So this was basically an alternate version of the last fic and I loved it so much!! Hyunjin was honestly so hilarious in this story, the hair scene was definitely my favorite!
Android! Hyunjin
(Android! Hyunjin x reader) fluff fluff, teeny bit of angst
A thump in the night
(Vampire bat AU) (bat! Hyunjin x reader) fluff fluff
You’re short and he loves it so much
(Short! Reader x hyunjin) fluff
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Lee Felix
When a flower blooms
(Gu ardian fairy AU) fluff
This was short and sweet, very very cute 13/10 recommend it
The prince, Lee Felix
(prince! Felix x thief! Reader) angst, fluff
This one was a little more sad compared to the Seungmin one but was super good regardless! I feel like their relationship is still young and that they’d need some more time before they really can understand eachother but this was totally a good read!
Hero’s soup for the weak soul ❤️
(Superhero! Felix x best friend! Reader) fluff, teensy angst
Oh My GOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDD!!!!! This author is so talented I swear to god I’m going to fill this entire rec list with only their work at this point. This fic was so cute and funny, Felix is pretty lazy but super affectionate and the reader’s just a diligent school worker, the best type of pair!
Off the deep end
(Rebel! Felix x royal-ish! Reader) smut, angst, fluff
This is such a good series bro actually I would buy this if it was a physical book! 12/10 I absolutely love how the story is progressing and can’t wait to see the end! (It’s also enemies to lovers so 👀)
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Ot8 (poly)
Autumn daze
(3racha x reader) fluff fluff fluff, humor
You find out that they’re a vampire
Ot8 (separate stories) x reader (fluff, angst, humor if you squint)
Skz as your brothers
seperate stories, fluff fluff fluff
Covering you when uncomfortable
Separate stories, cuuute
Authors you just have to check out!:
They’ve got such a colorful selection of AU’s for straykids and I just had to mention them! Most of this list would’ve been filled with their works but I felt like it’d be best if you all follow them to get updates! You totally need to check them out!
Oooh I really like this author, their oneshots are so long it honestly feels like I’m reading the script for a movie. Their fics always manage to pull on my heart strings with the way they write their fics with utmost care! They’ve got such a colorful masterlist that’s definitely worth checking out!
Ok so- this author is absolutely amazing! A lot of their straykids stories cater to Indian/desi people and it’s so heartwarming! Even for those who aren’t desi, these stories are so well written that it’s an absolute joy to read! Not only that- they’ve got multiple AU fics which are to die for! Make sure to check them out!
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dazaisdior · 1 year
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NOTE: at some point i’ll make character bios for each of them. but, as for right now. i’ll just give basic information (name, face claim, pronouns, etc.) and the series they are featured in. some will appear in multiple series while others were created for a specific series.
(best viewed in dark mode!)
self-indulgent (not a self-insert, just an oc insert who’s based of me!!)
face claim:
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timeskip face claim:
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pronouns: they/them
sexuality: bisexual and poly
birthday: 10/24
additional features: luma is indian so their skin is tan with curly/wavy long black hair, and their eyes are brown. when they experience intense emotions, their eyes will turn red. depending on the intensity of the emotion will determine how red their eyes are. they assume they most likely got this from their mother, who has red eyes.
additional information: very chaotic. obsessed with chase atlantic, cigarettes after sex, the weeknd, arctic monkeys, the neighbourhood, and CORPSE HUSBAND. went through a lot at a very young age causing them to have PTSD, depression, ADHD, and anxiety.
rarity: ★★★★★
banner name: galactic dreams
vision: galaxy
weapon: two katanas
featured in: hunterxhunter, tokyo revengers, jujutsu kaisen, haikyuu, genshin impact, honkai: star rail, yandere simulator, and doki doki literature club.
luma’s mother
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pronouns: she/her
sexuality: unlabeled
birthday: 6/1
additional information: a famous supermodel known around the world. she began modeling at the age of seventeen but became famous due to a lingerie shoot she did at twenty-three. luma hopes they can die without ever seeing these photos.
featured in: tokyo revengers, jujutsu kaisen, hunterxhunter, yandere simulator
mentioned in: doki doki literature club and genshin impact
luma’s younger cousin
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pronouns: she/her
sexuality: pansexual
birthday: 1/14
additional information: luma’s younger cousin of 15 months. an absolute sweetheart.
rarity: ★★★★
banner name: n/a
vision: anemo
weapon: catalyst
featured in: tokyo revengers and genshin impact
deceiving beauty
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pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
birthday: 12/18
additional information: her looks are very deceiving. while she’s very pretty and elegant, she’s also very energetic and chaotic. the heir of the sakamoto clan in inazuma. she’s close with the kamisato siblings.
banner name: wintery lullaby
vision: cryo
weapon: catalyst
featured in: genshin impact
third of the twelve fatui harbingers
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pronouns: she/her
sexuality: unlabeled
birthday: 4/16
additional information: a mysterious woman who values intelligence over beauty.
vision: pryo
weapon: switchblade, pink serum (provided by dottore)
featured in: genshin impact
akademi’s pink haired pop idol
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pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
birthday: 2/28
additional information: akademi’s pink haired pop idol. she’s been singing since she was a kid. developed a more chaotic personality after meeting her best friend, luma miyazaki, in their first year of akademi.
featured in: yandere simulator
ex-aspiring model
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pronouns: she/her
sexuality: sapphic and polyamorous
birthday: 2/24
additional information: inherited cursed energy from her father. gave up her goal of becoming a model to join jujutsu high per her father’s wishes. she still looks up to hayami miyazaki, however.
featured in: jujutsu kaisen
stunning jujutsu sorcereress
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pronouns: she/her
sexuality: bisexual
birthday: 10/31
additional information: one of the most powerful jujutsu sorceresses. is very introverted but flirty with people she’s comfortable with.
featured in: jujutsu kaisen
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hey taylor,
i don't know if writing like this a good thing but this is the only thing left for me to do. hi, im manu. ive been a swiftie since seven years and you were n are my only idol since day 1 i discovered you and not a single day goes by without listening to you. because of you and my fan page in instagram for you ive found so many swiftie friends who became my found family. ill forever be grateful for this.
but im writing this as a cry for help. im a 22yo girl and comes from a very toxic family. my parents got separated when i was 12 and later my father left us forever and i had to grow up with my toxic mother who always differentiated between me and my brother. ive never been loved through out my entire life. my mother and her brother abused me, tortured me and even made me quit my studies. they tried to force me into a marriage and house arrested me when i refused. i can't step out of my house they only allow me to go out single day in a month that too i have to return by 6pm. they broke my mobile phones too even now im typing from a broken mobile. i tried to ran away a few times but my uncle has found me everytime using his influence.
please i can't live in this hell anymore. im just living everyday in a routine loop. i want to study again. please free me from this hell. please help me. i want to move out from this place and start studying again start living again.
please i have no one to go to other than you. my idol, my godmother, my everything. i tried to be hopeful but these suicidal thoughts are making me sick. im scared i don't want to end my life. please help me taylor. ill forever be indebted.
i don't ask for anything else please just free me from this place and help me study again i don't want to marry someone and moreover im a queer they don't know about this and my typical indian family can't take it. i literally can't come out to them in my whole life. please help me taylor. ive been trying to reach you , taylor nation and even lexie manion on instagram from more than a month but nothing works. im including the pictures too. please taylor talk to me for once. please helppp!
@taylorswift @taylornation
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choicesfanaf · 2 years
Meet My MC
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Book: Open Heart
Name: Arundhati Vidya Kulkarni
Face Claim: Bhumi Pednekar
Nicknames: Aru (everyone), Rookie (Ethan), Dolphin (Sienna), Didi (Sahil, her brother)
Date of Birth: 10th September, 1989
Love Interest: Ethan Ramsey
Occupation: Head of Diagnostic Team at Edenbrook
Hometown: Brookyln, NY
Family: Dilip Kulkarni (Father), Nandita Kulkarni (mother), Sahil Kulkarni (younger brother), Mr. Whiskers (cat)
Education: Harvard University
Height: 5'3''
Random Facts:
Arundhati was named after her late aunt, who died when she was 12, becasue of a brain tumour.
Her middle name was given because her parents wanted her to be wise and intelligent.
Aru moved to the US at the age of 11 after her dad got an opportunity to work in New York.
Aru always had always wanted to become a doctor, due to her grandpa telling her interesting stories about treating people and  who was a doctor and treated a lot of patients during the 1940s. He was furious at the way the Britishers were treating his fellow Indians. As a result, he vowed to save every ill person he saw and decided to become a doctor.
Her grandpa sometimes used to take her to his clinic for fun. Many times, he would explain the case to her in a simple way and explain to her what was going wrong.
She was in awe of how quickly he could find out what had gone wrong with his patients and solve their problems.
Dr. Ethan Ramsey's book, Diagnostic Principles helped her solidify her decision as she realised her immense fascination and love of medicine.
When she got into Edenbrook, she was eager, yet nervous to finally meet and work under her idol, Dr. Ethan Ramsey
Aru’s favourite festival is Holi, the festival of colours. She loves to run around and put colour in everyone’s hair/ face (given they are okay with it).
She has a birthmark on her back as well as her thigh, which Ethan absolutely loves
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Tagging: @peonierose, @choicesficwriterscreations, @jamespotterthefirst, @rookiemartin, @quixoticdreamer16
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indianartisansblogs · 2 years
25 Greatest Home Decor Ideas You’ve Ever Seen
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People often struggle with choosing the right home decor for their homes because they do not know what will complement their interior. However, if you know how to use the home decor object that you buy properly, even the simplest of objects can make your home look stand out. Here are 25 home decor ideas that you can implement in your home:
1: Flower Wall Art Decor –
You can buy Indian Artisans’ Aster and Daisy flower wall art decor available in teal and gold color that give your home a more rustic look.
2: Tree Wall Art Decor –
If you have an expansive wall that is empty, buying a gold luxury tree wall art decor would add an element of visual interest to your walls.
3: Leaf Wall Art Decor –
Add a touch of tradition and culture to your living space with the contemporary leaf wall art decor of paan and chestnut leaf.
4: Clocks –
You can use uniquely designed clocks with gold accent and double rim or modern swirl to make it a statement piece in any given room.
5: Shelves –
You would be amazed how some of the minimalist-looking shelves can brighten up your room. You can find one-tier, two-tier, and three-tier shelves that come in various sizes and shapes.
6: Geometric Shelf –
From hexagon to round, you can find geometric shelves in almost every shape that you desire.
7: Lanterns –
Indian Artisans’ has a comprehensive collection of some of the most beautiful lanterns in black, made of iron and metal and stainless steel lanterns that can add a lovely touch to your bedroom or dining room as well as the patio.
8: Tea Light Holders –
Tea lights add a comforting touch to your space and enhance your room’s aura. You can find these tea light holders in various designs cage, lotus, and peacock, among many others.
9: Showpieces –
You can add various tabletop showpieces like boats and airplanes if you are fond of them and add a personality to your home.
10: Figurines –
Do you want to upgrade the look of your home on a budget? Take a look at the Indian Artisan’s figurine sets available in various designs.
11: Candle Stands –
Your candle stands have much more use than just setting the tone for intimate dinners and evenings. You can put it on display by your bookshelf when you are not using it for candles.
12: Tables –
Who said your tables have to be boring looking? Take a look at Indian Artisans’ collection of marble-top nested tables with metal legs to save space.
13: Brass Idols –
You can choose from a vast collection of brass idols comprising Ganesh Ji, Durga Mata, Gautam Buddha, and many more by Indian Artisans.
14: Magazine Holders –
Do you have books and magazines that you want to keep at arm’s reach? Buy minimalist magazine holders that are functional and add character to your home or office space.
15: Basket Hampers –
Basket hampers are perfect objects to use in your bedrooms, bathrooms, and even kitchens to store collections of your personal care items and your favorite condiments in the kitchen.
16: Urli –
Even though Urlis are primarily used during the festive season, you can use them to illuminate a specific area of your home and make it the center of attention.
17: Coffee Mugs –
Enhance your kitchen space and brewing experience with ceramic cups or stoneware mugs that you incorporate for home decor as well.
18: Planters –
Introduce a little bit of greenery in your home, whether in the living room, bedroom, or patio, with Indian Artisans’ collection of indoor and outdoor planters. Choose from a wide collection of patterns, designs, sizes, and shapes to add uniqueness to your home.
19: Serveware –
You do not have to keep your dining table or kitchen counter looking bare with this colorful and unique-looking serve ware that adds a pop of color to the space.
20: Cake Stands –
Bring out your extravagant cake stands for special occasions that are elaborately designed and make for elegant decor.
21: Platter –
Be it a glass tray, wooden platter, or silver ones, Indian Artisans, have it all.
22: Serving Trays –
Your serving trays do not have to be boring now that you can choose from a multitude of designs, materials, and styles.
23: Rugs –
Even though Indian Artisans do not have rugs in their collection, do not hesitate to look for some gorgeous-looking rugs for your living room.
24: Wall Painting –
Depending on what you like, add some colorful paintings to your rooms, and do not hesitate to spruce up your painting selection.
25: Bookshelf –
If you have some space, add a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf in a contrasting color to your living or study room.
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newseighteen · 2 years
pavandeep Rajan New Songs Released on 23-sep-22
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Oslo Walking Tour Continued
After lunch we continued our walking tour. Here is Oslo’s City Hall. It known for having a lot of art works. We plan on touring inside of the building later during the week when it is open.
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The exterior of City Hall has 16 painted wood carved panels built into the side of the brick building. Below are a couple of examples of the art work depicting scenes from Norwegian mythology.
The picture on the left is of Odin, the most powerful god, riding his eight-legged stallion Sleipnir, the fastest stallion in the world. He is holding his spear Gungnir, which hits everything that he hurls it at.
The picture on the right is of Tor, the god of strength who battles giants, drives a chariot drawn by two goats. His hammer causes thunder and lightning when struck.
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Behind City Hall is Oslo’s harbor. At the back side of City Hall that faces the harbor we saw the six statues that celebrate the nobility of the working class. Norway, a social democracy, believes in giving respect to the workers who built their society and made it what it is, and these laborers are viewed as heroes. Totally different from America where we seem to idolize CEOs, sports figures, movie stars and entertainers. Not the common working man/woman.
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The Oslo harbor.
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The National Museum, known for its collection of Norwegian and international art is also at the harbor. We also plan to visit this later in the week.
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The Nobel Peace Center shown below celebrates the work of Nobel Pease Prize winners.
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After we completed our walking tour we decided to ride the tram in order to see more neighborhoods in Oslo. We took Tram 12 and then transferred to Tram 11 which almost made a complete loop around the central section of Oslo. The trams move extremely fast through the city as they are not constrained by having to compete with a lot of cars on the street. Are there cars on the street? Yes, but there are not many, because vechiles are charged a toll to enter various toll rings within Oslo.
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For dinner we ate at Det Peppern Gror. It was a very popular Indian restaurant in the City Hall area and is rated by TripAdvisor as second best restaurant in Oslo. We had butter chicken, chicken tikka masala and garlic naan. The food was great! Food and eating out is expensive in Oslo, as it is one of the most expensive cities to live in the world.
Even with being expensive, they say Norwegians are among the happiest people in the world. Some people say it is because they live collectively and are very considerate. I guess there is a cost for that happiness.
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marali-iin · 29 days
The path to become an Idol
TW: mentions of S.A, Gender dysphoria, attempt of murder and mental disorders
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Mifuyu Chō, a survivor of a brutal SA at the age of 11 who found comfort on pretty idols during her recovery in the hospital now at the age of 16 aspires to work hard to become an Idol so they can bring happiness and hope to other people just as the one she received in the hospital.
I just wish to make everyone around happy and help them ease their problems away with music!
Sol Butala, a trans girl that doesn't have the support of her parents. As her dysmorphia keeps as a struggle to her everyday life at the age of 15, Elliott jus doesn't seem like his own name or self anymore. She's so immersed in how it hurts to be living as someone who you don't are so your parents don't hate you losses her light in life and isolates from the people she and things she once loved.
The whole world is loud and goes too fast, but Mifuyu's voice is the only comfort that I need to don't get lost in my mind
Mei Swan, a gifted child in sports that's known for always winning first place. Swimming, Running, Basketball, Tennis, Baseball, Dancing, you name the sport and she wins. At the young age of 17 she seems to have such a bright career and future, only if she also saw it that way. It just feels like empty trophies on her desk, winning is more an obligation than a gift now, but how could she even disappoint her loving parents who have always given nothing but support.
If it's not number one then why even try? Mom deserves a perfect daughter after all
Zenoko Azuyama, a retired idol who joined the industry at the age of 10 by decision of her mother. She was pretty and talented since birth, but such a pressuring industry in such a young child only generates bad things. At the age of 14 with an already eating disorder decided to quit after her mother had a mental crisis and tried to kill her, singing just lost any meaning and her life got ruined at such a young age.
I hate mom, I hate how she failed that time, she knew I was tired but couldn't try to actually end it all for both of us. I can't do it myself
I DID THEM! My first complete character introduction on this app. I can finally start writing again after two months of not enjoying it! I like how this turned out, but I'll still add a little more information here:
🪻Mifuyu Chō
Non-binary bisexual, she/them. 170 cm, autistic + imposter syndrome. Korean, 16 years old. Has haphephobia, loves bows and puffy dresses. AFAB. Extroverted and good with reading body language, bad at maths, literature and physics but good at P.E. Has bad eye sight but won't use glasses, has a 10 year old younger brother, is afraid of cats.
Voice: Airi Momoi (Project Sekai)
💫Sol Butala
Trans-fem pansexual demirromantic, she/her. 168 cm, autistic, Indian, 15 years old. AMAB. Hates any type of chocolate instead of white chocolate. Terrified of insects, has astigmatism. Good at any science (physics, chemistry, biology) but sucks at art. Introverted, has two sisters (19 and 12). Seems like she likes Mifuyu (did have a platonic crush on them)
Voice: Xingqiu - English voice (Genshin Impact)
💜Mei Swan
Asexual Lesbian, she/her (might be changed to she/him). 166 cm, OCD + anxiety. Half Japanese half American, 17 years old. AFAB. Has Atychiphobia, bad sleep schedule, is actually very confident on her looks. Extroverted looking and good to talk to new people, terrified of actually socializing in secret. Good at fast singing, meet Mifuyu virtually
Voice: Ichika Hoshino (Project Sekai)
🎀Zenoko Azuyama
Aro-ace (possibly demigirl too) she/they. 172 cm, borderline personality disorder + bipolarity. Has anorexia due to being exposed to the industry at such a young age, Japanese, 16 years old, AFAB. Would have beautiful curls if she didn't stop taking care of them at the age of 14, currently using keratin instead. Loves chocolate covered strawberries and raspberries. Hates the taste of green tea and caffeine
Voice: Hanya - English (Honkai Star Rail)
Any questions will be responded + reqs open!!
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livesanskrit · 2 months
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
Dr. Rajkumar.
Singanalluru Puttaswamaiah Muthuraj (24 April 1929 – 12 April 2006), better known by his stage name Dr. Rajkumar, was an Indian actor and singer who worked in Kannada cinema. Regarded as one of the most acclaimed actors in the history of Indian cinema and a versatile actor, he is considered a cultural icon and holds a matinée idol status in the Kannada diaspora, among whom he is popularly called as Nata Saarvabhouma (emperor of actors), Bangarada Manushya (man of gold), Vara Nata (gifted actor), Gaana Gandharva (God of singing), Rasikara Raja (king of connoisseurs), Kannada Kanteerava and Rajanna/Annavru (elder brother, Raj). He was honoured with Padma Bhushan in 1983 and Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 1995. He is the only lead actor to win National Award for singing. His 35 movies have been remade 58 times in 9 languages by 34 actors making him the first actor whose movies were remade more than fifty times and the first actor whose movies were remade in nine languages. On the occasion of "Centenary of Indian Cinema" in April 2013, Forbes included his performance in Bangaarada Manushya on its list of "25 Greatest Acting Performances of Indian Cinema". Upon his death, The New York Times had described him as one of India's most popular movie stars.
#sansgreet #sanskritgreetings #greetingsinsanskrit #sanskritquotes #sanskritthoughts #emergingsanskrit #sanskrittrends #trendsinsanskrit #livesanskrit #sanskritlanguage #sanskritlove #sanskritdailyquotes #sanskritdailythoughts #sanskrit #resanskrit #celebratingsanskrit #drrajkumar #rajkumar #indianactor #indiansinger #kannadacinema #kannadafilm #sandalwood #versatileactor #kannada #karnataka #kannadafilmindustry #padmabhushan #dadasahebphalkeawards #bengaluru
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navagiraga · 4 months
Indulge in Luxury and Nature's Beauty at Navagiraga Resort in Kumbakonam near Sirkali
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Kumbakonam, a charming town in the Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu, is located in close proximity to the Navagiraga Resort in Sirkali. Situated at a distance of around 50 kilometers, Kumbakonam offers a perfect blend of historical significance, religious fervor, and natural beauty.
Known as the "Temple Town" of South India, Kumbakonam is renowned for its numerous ancient temples that reflect the grandeur of Dravidian architecture. The town is home to more than 180 temples, each with its own unique history and architectural style. Among the most famous temples are the Adi Kumbeswarar Temple, Sarangapani Temple, and the Nageswaran Temple. These temples not only attract devotees but also history enthusiasts and architecture lovers from all around the world.
Apart from its religious significance, Kumbakonam is also famous for its rich cultural heritage. The town is known for its traditional arts and crafts, including the exquisite Kumbakonam silk sarees and bronze idols. Exploring the local marketplaces provides an opportunity to witness the craftsmanship of skilled artisans and purchase souvenirs that showcase the local culture.
For nature enthusiasts, Kumbakonam offers breathtaking landscapes and serene surroundings. The town is nestled amidst lush green paddy fields and coconut groves, providing a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the Cauvery River banks or enjoy a boat ride to experience the tranquility of nature.
Food lovers are in for a treat in Kumbakonam as well. The town is famous for its unique cuisine, especially the traditional South Indian filter coffee and delicious local delicacies like idli, dosa, and vada. Don't forget to indulge in the mouthwatering Kumbakonam degree coffee, which is brewed with a distinct flavor.
While staying at the Navagiraga Resort in Sirkali, you can easily plan a day trip to Kumbakonam to explore its attractions. The convenient distance of around 50 kilometers makes it an ideal destination for a day excursion. You can hire a cab or take a local bus to reach Kumbakonam and spend the day immersing yourself in its rich heritage.
Kumbakonam near Navagiraga Resort at Sirkali is a perfect combination for travelers seeking a blend of history, spirituality, and natural beauty. With its ancient temples, cultural heritage, scenic landscapes, and delicious cuisine, Kumbakonam offers a memorable experience that will leave you enchanted. So, plan your visit to Kumbakonam and create lasting memories amidst the splendors of South India.
Kumbakonam is known for its plethora of temples, each with its own unique charm and significance. Here are some of the must-visit temples in Kumbakonam:
Adi Kumbeswarar Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is one of the most prominent and ancient temples in Kumbakonam. It features intricate carvings and sculptures, and its main deity, Lord Kumbeswarar, is believed to grant blessings for marital harmony.
Sarangapani Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is one of the Divya Desams, the 108 temples revered by the Vaishnavite sect. It is renowned for its stunning architecture and the annual float festival held in the nearby Mahamaham tank.
Nageswaran Temple: Also known as the Koothandavar Kovil, this temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is famous for its architectural brilliance. It boasts intricate carvings and a unique feature where the main deity changes its color throughout the day.
Ramaswamy Temple: Built in the Dravidian style of architecture, this temple is dedicated to Lord Rama. It is known for its beautifully carved pillars and exquisite sculptures depicting scenes from the epic Ramayana.
Mahamaham Tank: Although not a temple, the Mahamaham tank holds immense religious significance. It is believed that taking a dip in the tank during the Mahamaham festival, which occurs once every 12 years, washes away sins and bestows blessings.
Chakrapani Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, specifically in his form as Chakrapani, the bearer of the divine discus. It is known for its stunning idol of Lord Vishnu with his discus and conch.
Kasi Viswanathar Temple: Located near the Mahamaham tank, this temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is believed that a visit to this temple is equivalent to a pilgrimage to Kashi (Varanasi).
These are just a few of the many temples in Kumbakonam that offer a unique spiritual and architectural experience. Exploring these temples will provide a deeper understanding of the rich cultural heritage of the region.
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thewikiwiki · 8 months
Gayathry Rajiv (Singer) Age, Wiki, Height, Weight, Career, Biography, Parents and More
Gayathry Rajiv is an Indian Singer who hails from Kakkanad, Kerala. She grabbed headlines for appearing in the renowned television reality show Indian Idol 14 as a contestant but unfortunately, she was eliminated from the show on 12 November 2023. The show was hosted by Hussain Kuwajerwala and the judges were Kumar Sanu, Shreya Ghoshal, and Vishal Dadlani. Besides appearing in this reality show…
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udantravel · 8 months
Tempo Traveller on Rent in Delhi To Ayodhya Varanasi Lucknow Mathura Paryagraj Vrindavan
Tempo Traveller on Rent in Delhi To Ayodhya
Udan Travel IND Services Provide 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 26-seater Luxury Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi to Ayodhya Tour Package. Tempo Traveller has 1+1, 2+1, and 2+2 Seats, and Extra Space for luggage with a Carrier, which is Modified with Excellent interior facilities. 1+1 is Maharaja Seater Tempo Traveller, Sofa Bed, Pushback Seats, Ample space, Music system, LED TV, First Aid Box, Icebox, and Charging point.
Ayodhya is a historic city in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, and it holds immense religious and cultural significance. It is primarily known as the birthplace of Lord Rama, a central figure in Hindu mythology, and has several tourist attractions associated with this religious heritage. Here are some of the key tourist places in Ayodhya:
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Ram Janmabhoomi Temple: This is the most important religious site in Ayodhya and is believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama. The temple complex has significant historical and cultural importance.
Hanuman Garhi: It is a prominent temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman, known for its distinctive architecture and the view it offers of the city.
Kanak Bhawan: This temple is dedicated to Lord Rama and Goddess Sita. It is known for its intricate and exquisite architecture.
Treta Ke Thakur: This is another temple dedicated to Lord Rama and is believed to be the place where Lord Rama performed the Ashwamedha Yagna.
Nageshwarnath Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is an important pilgrimage site.
Tulsi Smarak Bhawan: This museum is dedicated to Goswami Tulsidas, the author of the epic poem "Ramcharitmanas," which narrates the life of Lord Rama.
Guptar Ghat: This ghat is associated with Lord Rama's exile and is believed to be the place where Lord Rama took a dip in the Sarayu River.
Nandigram: This is a historical site believed to be the place where Lord Rama stayed during his exile. It has ancient caves and temples.
Kala Ram Temple: Another temple dedicated to Lord Rama, known for its black stone idol.
Valmiki Bhawan: This is believed to be the ashram of Sage Valmiki, who wrote the Ramayana, an ancient Indian epic.
In addition to these religious sites, Ayodhya also offers beautiful ghats along the Sarayu River, which provide a serene atmosphere for a leisurely stroll. The city is rich in culture and history, and visitors can immerse themselves in the spiritual and historical heritage of this sacred place. Please note that while Ayodhya is a significant pilgrimage destination for Hindus, it is also a place of historical and cultural importance for people of all backgrounds.
Tempo Traveller on Rent in Delhi To Varanasi
Udan Travel IND Services Provide 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26 Seater Luxury Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi To Varanasi Tour Package. Tempo Traveller has 1+1, 2+1, and 2+2 Seats, with Extra Space for luggage with a Carrier, Which is Modified With Excellent interior facilities. 1+1 is Maharaja Seater Tempo Traveller, Sofa Bed, Pushback Seats, Ample space, Music system, LED TV, First Aid Box, Icebox, and Charging point.
Varanasi, also known as Benares or Kashi, is one of the oldest and most sacred cities in India. It is a major pilgrimage destination for Hindus and a popular tourist spot for people from all around the world. Here are some of the top tourist places to visit in Varanasi:
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Kashi Vishwanath Temple: This temple is one of the holiest Hindu temples dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is the most important pilgrimage site in Varanasi.
Sarnath: Sarnath is an important Buddhist pilgrimage site located just a few kilometers from Varanasi. It's where Lord Buddha gave his first sermon after attaining enlightenment.
Ghats of Varanasi: The ghats along the banks of the River Ganges are one of the most iconic and spiritually significant aspects of Varanasi. Dashashwamedh Ghat, Assi Ghat, Manikarnika Ghat, and others offer stunning views of the river and various religious activities.
Banaras Hindu University (BHU): BHU is one of the largest residential universities in Asia and a hub of education and culture in Varanasi. The campus itself is a beautiful place to explore.
Ramnagar Fort: This historical fort is located on the eastern bank of the Ganges River and is known for its unique blend of Indian and Mughal architecture.
Bharat Kala Bhavan Museum: Located within the BHU campus, this museum houses a remarkable collection of sculptures, paintings, and artifacts, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of India.
Tulsi Manas Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Rama and is known for its beautiful architecture and the inscriptions of the Ramcharitmanas, a sacred text.
New Vishwanath Temple (Birla Temple): This temple, made of white marble, is a more recent addition to Varanasi's religious landscape and is dedicated to Lord Shiva.
Durga Temple: Also known as the Monkey Temple, it is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and is famous for its bright red color and religious significance.
Bharat Mata Temple: This unique temple is dedicated to Mother India and features a relief map of the Indian subcontinent carved in marble.
Tibetan Temple (Tibetan Mahayana Buddhist Monastery): This monastery is a peaceful place that reflects the Tibetan culture and Buddhist teachings.
Assi Ghat: This ghat is situated at the confluence of the Ganges and the Assi River and is a popular spot for taking a boat ride and witnessing the evening aarti.
Kaal Bhairav Temple: Dedicated to Lord Bhairav, this temple is known for its unique rituals and customs.
Chunar Fort: Located a short distance from Varanasi, Chunar Fort offers a historical and scenic escape from the city.
Gyanvapi Mosque: This mosque is located near the Kashi Vishwanath Temple and is an important historical site.
Varanasi is a city with a rich cultural and spiritual heritage, and these places offer a glimpse into its history and significance. Additionally, exploring the narrow lanes, trying local street food, and witnessing the daily rituals and ceremonies along the ghats can also be a captivating part of your visit to Varanasi.
Tempo Traveller on Rent in Delhi To Lucknow
Udan Travel IND Services Provides 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 26-seater Luxury Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi to Lucknow Tour Package. Tempo Traveller has 1+1, 2+1, and 2+2 Seats, Extra Space for luggage with Carrier, which is Well Modified with Excellent Interiors Facilities. 1+1 is Maharaja Seater Tempo Traveller, Sofa Bed, Pushback Seats, Ample space, Music system, LED TV, First Aid Box, Icebox, and Charging point.
Lucknow, the capital city of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, is rich in history, culture, and heritage. It offers a variety of tourist attractions and places to explore. Here are some of the popular tourist places in Lucknow:
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Bara Imambara: This grand architectural marvel was built by Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula in the 18th century. It houses a large central hall without any support beams, making it an engineering marvel. The Bhool Bhulaiya, a labyrinth of narrow passages, is a famous part of the complex.
Chota Imambara: Also known as the Imambara of Hussainabad, it is another beautiful monument built by Nawab Muhammad Ali Shah. The complex includes a mosque and a stunning main building with intricate decorations and chandeliers.
Rumi Darwaza: This iconic gateway, also known as the Turkish Gate, is one of the most famous landmarks in Lucknow. It is an example of Awadhi architectural style and stands tall as a symbol of the city.
Lucknow Residency: The Residency is a historical site that played a significant role during the First War of Indian Independence in 1857. It's now a museum and a peaceful place to explore with well-preserved ruins.
Janeshwar Mishra Park: This large urban park is one of the largest in Asia and provides a green oasis within the city. It has lush gardens, a lake, and walking tracks, making it a perfect place for a relaxing stroll or picnic.
Ambedkar Memorial Park: Also known as the Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Samajik Parivartan Prateek Sthal, this sprawling park is dedicated to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and is known for its grand architecture, including grand statues and beautiful landscaping.
Hazratganj: This is a bustling commercial area and a popular shopping district in Lucknow. It offers a variety of shops, boutiques, restaurants, and cafes.
Dilkusha Kothi: This historic site was once the hunting lodge of Nawab Saadat Ali Khan and later served as a summer palace. It's now in ruins but provides a glimpse into Lucknow's colonial past.
Moti Mahal: Also known as the Pearl Palace, it was built by Nawab Saadat Ali Khan and is a fine example of Mughal architecture. The palace was known for its exquisite design and artwork.
State Museum: The Lucknow State Museum houses a diverse collection of artifacts, art, and archaeological finds, providing insights into the history and culture of Uttar Pradesh.
These are just a few of the many tourist attractions you can explore in Lucknow. The city's rich history, cultural heritage, and architectural beauty make it a fascinating destination for travelers.
Tempo Traveller on Rent in Delhi To Mathura
Udan Travel IND Services Provides 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 26-seater Luxury Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi to Mathura Tour Package. Tempo Traveller has 1+1, 2+1, and 2+2 Seats, Extra Space for luggage with Carrier, which is Well Modified with Excellent Interiors Facilities. 1+1 is Maharaja Seater Tempo Traveller, Sofa Bed, Pushback Seats, Ample space, Music system, LED TV, First Aid Box, Icebox, and Charging point.
Mathura, a city in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, is a place of great religious and historical significance, particularly for followers of Hinduism. It is renowned as the birthplace of Lord Krishna, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. Mathura offers a variety of tourist attractions for those interested in exploring its rich heritage. Here are some of the notable tourist places in Mathura:
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Krishna Janmabhoomi Temple: This is believed to be the exact birthplace of Lord Krishna. The temple complex includes a prison cell where Lord Krishna is said to have been born. It is one of the most sacred sites for Hindus.
Dwarkadhish Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Krishna and is known for its stunning architecture. The temple is a significant religious site and attracts devotees from all over India.
Vishram Ghat: Vishram Ghat is a sacred bathing ghat on the Yamuna River. It is believed that Lord Krishna rested at this spot after killing the demon Kansa. Pilgrims take holy dips in the river here.
Kusum Sarovar: This is a historical and architectural marvel, known for its stepped tank surrounded by intricate sandstone structures. It is said to be the spot where Radha and Krishna used to meet.
Radha Kund and Shyam Kund: These are two sacred tanks closely associated with Radha and Krishna. Pilgrims visit to take a dip and seek blessings.
Gita Mandir: This temple is dedicated to the Bhagavad Gita and features a beautiful marble structure with verses from the Gita inscribed on its walls.
Govardhan Hill: Located near Mathura, this hill is associated with the story of Lord Krishna lifting it to protect the residents from torrential rains. There is a temple at the top of the hill, and it's a popular pilgrimage site.
Mathura Museum: Also known as the Government Museum, it houses an impressive collection of sculptures, pottery, and artifacts from the Mathura region, dating back to ancient times.
Rangaji Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Ranganatha, a form of Lord Vishnu. It is an architectural marvel with its Dravidian style of architecture.
Kans Qila (Kans Fort): This historical fort is associated with the tyrant King Kansa, the maternal uncle of Lord Krishna. It is now in ruins but still attracts history enthusiasts.
These are just a few of the many attractions in Mathura. The city is also known for its vibrant culture, traditional music, and local markets where you can shop for traditional Indian handicrafts and sweets. Mathura is a must-visit destination for those interested in Hindu mythology and Indian heritage.
Tempo Traveller on Rent in Delhi To Paryagraj
Udan Travel IND Services Provides 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 26-seater Luxury Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi to Prayagraj Tour Package. Tempo Traveller has 1+1, 2+1, and 2+2 Seats, Extra Space for luggage with Carrier, which is Well Modified with Excellent Interiors Facilities. 1+1 is Maharaja Seater Tempo Traveller, Sofa Bed, Pushback Seats, Ample space, Music system, LED TV, First Aid Box, Icebox, and Charging point.
Prayagraj, formerly known as Allahabad, is a city in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is famous for its rich cultural and historical heritage and is a major pilgrimage center for Hindus. Here are some of the top tourist places to visit in Prayagraj:
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Sangam: The Sangam is the confluence of three sacred rivers - the Ganges, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati. It is one of the holiest places in Hinduism and a major attraction for pilgrims. The Kumbh Mela, one of the largest religious gatherings in the world, takes place here every 12 years.
Allahabad Fort: This historic fort was built by Emperor Akbar in 1583 and later renovated by Emperor Shah Jahan. It's an architectural marvel with high walls, massive gates, and a beautiful palace inside.
Anand Bhawan: It was the ancestral home of the Nehru-Gandhi family and is now a museum. It is a place of historical significance and offers insights into the life and times of India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.
Khusro Bagh: This historical garden contains the tombs of Prince Khusro, a son of Emperor Jahangir, and his family. The garden is known for its Mughal architecture and serene atmosphere.
All Saints Cathedral: This magnificent Gothic-style cathedral is one of the finest examples of colonial-era architecture in India. It's also known as the Patthar Girja (Church of Stones).
Triveni Sangam Ghat: This is a sacred bathing ghat at the confluence of the rivers Ganges, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati. It's a popular place for taking a holy dip and experiencing the spiritual vibes.
Patalpuri Temple and Akshaya Vat: Located inside the Allahabad Fort, Patalpuri Temple is a sacred site where it's believed that Lord Rama visited during his exile. The Akshaya Vat is an immortal banyan tree. Pilgrims visit to offer prayers and seek blessings.
Bade Hanuman Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Hanuman and is known for having one of the largest Hanuman idols in India. It's a popular place for devotees and tourists.
Alfred Park: This park has historical significance as it was the site where the first Indian War of Independence in 1857 began. It's a peaceful place for a leisurely stroll.
Khusro Bagh: A historical garden containing the tombs of Prince Khusro, a son of Emperor Jahangir, and his family. The garden is known for its Mughal architecture and serene atmosphere.
Prayagraj offers a mix of historical, cultural, and spiritual experiences. It's an important city in India and a must-visit destination for those interested in its rich heritage and religious significance.
Tempo Traveller on Rent in Delhi To Vrindavan
Udan Travel IND Services Provides 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, and 26-seater Luxury Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi to Vrindavan Tour Package. Tempo Traveller has 1+1, 2+1, and 2+2 Seats, Extra Space for luggage with Carrier, which is Well Modified with Excellent Interiors Facilities. 1+1 is Maharaja Seater Tempo Traveller, Sofa Bed, Pushback Seats, Ample space, Music system, LED TV, First Aid Box, Icebox, and Charging point.
Vrindavan is a sacred town in the Mathura district of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is a significant pilgrimage site for followers of Lord Krishna and is associated with many legends and stories from Hindu mythology. Vrindavan is known for its temples, ghats, and vibrant cultural heritage. Here are some of the prominent tourist places in Vrindavan:
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Banke Bihari Temple: This temple is one of the most famous and revered temples in Vrindavan. It is dedicated to Lord Krishna, specifically in his Banke Bihari form. The deity in this temple is not shown in a static form but is believed to be living and breathing, and the curtain in front of the deity is opened and closed frequently.
Krishna Balaram Mandir (ISKCON Vrindavan): The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) temple is a beautiful complex with a stunning marble temple at its center. It offers a peaceful atmosphere and often hosts events and classes related to Krishna consciousness.
Prem Mandir: This temple is known for its stunning architecture and is dedicated to Lord Krishna and Radha. It is beautifully lit up in the evenings, making it a popular spot for visitors.
Radha Raman Temple: This temple is dedicated to Lord Krishna in his Radha Ramana form. The deity is carved from a single saligram stone and is considered very sacred.
Sri Radha Vallabh Temple: Another important temple dedicated to Lord Krishna, this one has a deity of Radha as well. It is known for its intricate and beautiful architecture.
Kusum Sarovar: This is a historic stepped tank and garden, associated with the legends of Radha and Krishna. It's a serene place to visit and offers some picturesque views.
Govind Dev Temple: Dedicated to Lord Krishna, this temple is a popular attraction and is known for its exquisite architecture and beautiful idols.
Sri Ranganathar Temple: A unique temple dedicated to Lord Ranganatha (a form of Lord Vishnu) with South Indian architectural influences.
Gopesvara Mahadev Temple: This is a temple dedicated to Lord Shiva and is closely associated with the legends of Lord Krishna.
Sri Gokulananda Temple: Another temple dedicated to Lord Krishna, it is known for its spirituality and peaceful ambiance.
Nidhivan: A mystical place associated with Lord Krishna and Radha, believed to be the nightly playground of Lord Krishna and his divine consort Radha.
Seva Kunj and Nidhi Van: These are beautifully maintained gardens with temples, and they are believed to be the places where Lord Krishna performed his pastimes with Radha and the gopis.
Apart from these, Vrindavan has many ghats along the Yamuna River, where you can witness beautiful sunsets and engage in spiritual activities. The town is also known for its vibrant festivals, including Holi, which is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Vrindavan is a place of great religious and cultural significance, making it a must-visit destination for devotees and tourists interested in Hindu spirituality and history.
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