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Author here. Meaning the real author, the living human holding the pencil, not some abstract narrative persona. Granted, there sometimes is such a persona in The Pale King, but that’s mainly a pro forma statutory construct, an entity that exists just for legal and commercial purposes, rather like a corporation; it has no direct, provable connection to me as a person. But this right here is me as a real person, David Wallace, age forty, SS no. 975-04-2012,1 addressing you from my Form 8829–deductible home office at 725 Indian Hill Blvd., Claremont 91711 CA, on this fifth day of spring, 2005, to inform you of the following:
All of this is true. This book is really true.
I obviously need to explain. First, please flip back and look at the book’s legal disclaimer, which is on the copyright page, verso side, four leaves in from the rather unfortunate and misleading front cover. The disclaimer is the unindented chunk that starts: ‘The characters and events in this book are fictitious.’ I’m aware that ordinary citizens almost never read disclaimers like this, the same way we don��t bother to look at copyright claims or Library of Congress specs or any of the dull pro forma boilerplate on sales contracts and ads that everyone knows is there just for legal reasons. But now I need you to read it, the disclaimer, and to understand that its initial ‘The characters and events in this book…’ includes this very Author’s Foreword. In other words, this Foreword is defined by the disclaimer as itself fictional, meaning that it lies within the area of special legal protection established by that disclaimer. I need this legal protection in order to inform you that what follows2 is, in reality, not fiction at all, but substantially true and accurate. That —The Pale King is, in point of fact, more like a memoir than any kind of made-up story.
This might appear to set up an irksome paradox. The book’s legal disclaimer defines everything that follows it as fiction, including this Foreword, but now here in this Foreword I’m saying that the whole thing is really nonfiction; so if you believe one you can’t believe the other, & c., & c. Please know that I find these sorts of cute, self-referential paradoxes irksome, too—at least now that I’m over thirty I do—and that the very last thing this book is is some kind of clever metafictional titty-pincher. That’s why I’m making it a point to violate protocol and address you here directly, as my real self; that’s why all the specific identifying data about me as a real person got laid out at the start of this Foreword. So that I could inform you of the truth: The only bona fide ‘fiction’ here is the copyright page’s disclaimer—which, again, is a legal device: The disclaimer’s whole and only purpose is to protect me, the book’s publisher, and the publisher’s assigned distributors from legal liability. The reason why such protections are especially required here—why, in fact, the publisher3 has insisted upon them as a precondition for acceptance of the manuscript and payment of the advance—is the same reason the disclaimer is, when you come right down to it, a lie.4
– David Foster Wallace, The Pale King
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The Red Circle
Published in 1911 as a two-parter, this is the penultimate story we'll be covering His Last Bow, leaving just the titular story there.
This does sound rather like "The Veiled Lodger", doesn't it?
These days, you'd have to check the immigration status of your tenants. In 1902, really not an issue. Although anti-immigrant sentiment was definitely there and growing.
Those strange coded personal messages - some even encrypted - very much existed in newspapers back then. Once radio had become a thing, the British would use them on radio broadcasts to Occupied Europe in the Second World to get messages to the resistance movements. Including the "get ready" and "go" codes for the mass sabotage operations that preceded Operation Overlord in 1944.
"Timekeepers" were used for recording arrivals and departures at a site, including that of staff for the purposes of paying wages, determining lateness etc.
Great Orme Street is more properly called Great Ormond Street, located in Bloomsbury. It is best known for the world-famous children's hospital called Great Ormond Street Hospital. They have a permanent UK copyright to Peter Pan which gives them a right to royalties for publications, adaptations, performances etc. The US copyright on the original version expires next year. If anyone wants to do a LfW retelling of the original book, it would be nice to contact them and arrange a donation. They're a very good organisation.
"Art for Art’s sake" was a French slogan from the latter half of the 19th century. You may know its Latin version - ars gratia artis - as the motto of film studio MGM.
The light flashing message gets a whole chapter covering it in Klinger's annotated version, as it's been heavily discussed by scholars. Basically, it would take multiple minutes to send that message.
The Pinkerton detective agency did a lot of investigative work in its early days, both criminal investigation and more nefarious stuff to aid strike-breaking. The latter got the US government banned from hiring them as such in the 1893 Anti-Pinkerton Act. They are still involved in anti-union stuff today.
Much of Notting Hill had become increasingly slum-like by this time as an influx of people led to houses built for one family being split to hold far more; the idea when the area was built was for the middle classes to live there, but they didn't buy the properties. It later attract large numbers of Afro-Caribbean immigrants in the post-war era, partly as the notorious slum landlord Peter Rachman was prepared to rent to them while others weren't. This growing ethnic tension culiminated race riots in 1958, with white "Teddy Boys" attacking West Indian homes. Since then, the slums have been cleared and the area has gentrified quite a bit.
It is also home to the annual Notting Hall carnival every August since 1965 (bar 2020 and 2021), which around 2 million people attend. The Metropolitan Police have moved from active hostility to active cooperation in its running and there will be photos of officers dancing with those in the parade at any given carnival. The reputation for violence is unjustified and arguably fuelled by racism - while there were frequently arrests for violence, drugs and weapons offences, on a pro-rata basis, the arrest rate is about the same as the Glastonbury Festival.
The Carbonari ("charcoal makers") were secret revolutionary societies active in what would become Italy in the early 19th century. After failed uprisings in 1831, the various Italian governments cracked down hard on them and they were effectively eliminated. They were not really engaged in protection rackets.
Dynamite was patented by Alfred Nobel in 1867. Being a good deal more stable than nitrogyclerine - although storage is important as old dynamite is a good deal less stable - it became popular for terrorists and criminals, with a series of bombings by Irish republicans between 1881 and 1885 leading to the formation of Special Branch.
Covent Garden is home to the Royal Opera House.
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This day in history
THIS SATURDAY (July 20), I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
#20yrsago Walkmen changed our social norms https://web.archive.org/web/20040803222231/http://www.belleville.com/mld/belleville/entertainment/music/9144361.htm
#20yrsago Ultima preservation efforts: a guide https://web.archive.org/web/20040721014058/http://www.nelson.monkey.org/~nelson/weblog/culture/games/ultimaPreservation.html
#15yrsago ATMs that spray attackers with pepper-spray https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/jul/12/south-africa-cash-machine-pepper-spray
#10yrsago TSA employee to security theater skeptics: “You don’t have shit for rights” https://memex.craphound.com/2014/07/18/tsa-employee-to-security-theater-skeptics-you-dont-have-shit-for-rights/
#10yrsago Documentary on the making of the Homeland audiobook with Wil Wheaton https://vimeo.com/100956787
#10yrsago Ontario police’s Big Data assigns secret guilt to people looking for jobs, crossing borders https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/police-chiefs-call-for-presumed-innocence-in-background-checks/article_f479a149-f184-5824-80ee-0427abfe4b71.html
#10yrsago UK government “dries out” its “water damaged” CIA torture files https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/10969535/Lost-US-extraordinary-rendition-files-have-dried-out-Foreign-Office-says.html
#5yrsago SAMBA versus SMB: Adversarial interoperability is judo for network effects https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/07/samba-versus-smb-adversarial-interoperability-judo-network-effects #5yrsago An Indian research university has assembled 73 million journal articles (without permission) and is offering the archive for unfettered scientific text-mining https://memex.craphound.com/2019/07/18/an-indian-research-university-has-assembled-73-million-journal-articles-without-permission-and-is-offering-the-archive-for-unfettered-scientific-text-mining/
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#5yrsago Thousands of elderly Hong Kongers march in solidarity with young human rights activists https://hongkongfp.com/2019/07/17/no-rioters-tyrannical-regime-thousands-hong-kong-seniors-march-support-young-extradition-law-protesters/
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#5yrsago Sony’s copyright bots remove a band’s own release of its new video https://memex.craphound.com/2019/07/18/sonys-copyright-bots-remove-a-bands-own-release-of-its-new-video/
#1yrago Let the Platforms Burn https://pluralistic.net/2023/07/18/urban-wildlife-interface/#combustible-walled-gardens
Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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Ramarao told that she did not hear from her son on Saturday and Sunday and thought that maybe he had lost his phone or gone for a hike. On Monday, she went to his apartment and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. She considered filing a missing-person report, but hesitated, knowing she would need to go to the police station in person to cancel it later.
"He'll get mad at me," she thought. The following morning, she called the San Francisco police which found his body just after 1 pm.
Ramarao said she was not informed about what had happened nor allowed inside his apartment. As officers arrived, she begged them to check if his laptop and toothbrush were missing, hoping it would indicate whether he had left.
"They didn't give the news to me," Ramaro said, "I'm still sitting there thinking, 'My son is traveling. He's gone somewhere.'
Around 2 pm, she was told to go home which she refused.
"I sat there firmly," Ramarao told BI. Around 3:20 pm, a long white van arrived with its light on.
"I was waiting to see medical help or nurses or someone coming out of the van," adding, "But a stretcher came. A simple stretcher. I ran and asked the person. He said, 'We have a dead body in that apartment.'"
About an hour later, a medical examiner and police officers requested a private meeting with Ramarao in the apartment's office. They informed her that Balaji had died by suicide and, based on CCTV footage, he had been alone. The department spokesperson told BI there was no initial evidence of foul play.
no fucking way it was suicide.
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Abusive Sexual Contact
Advocating Overthrow of Government
Aggravated Assault/Battery
Aggravated Identity Theft
Aggravated Sexual Abuse
Aiming a Laser Pointer at an Aircraft
Airplane Hijacking
Armed Robbery
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assaulting or Killing Federal Officer
Assisting or Instigating Escape
Attempt to commit Murder/Manslaughter
Bank Burglary
Bankruptcy Fraud/Embezzlement
Bank Larceny
Bank Robbery
Bombing Matters
Bond Default
Breaking and/or Entering Carrier Facilities
Bribery Crimes
Certification of Checks (Fraud)
Child Abuse
Child Exploitation
Child Pornography
Civil Action to Restrain Harassment of a Victim or Witness
Commodities Price Fixing
Computer Crime
Concealing Escaped Prisoner
Concealing Person from Arrest
Concealment of Assets
Conspiracy (in matters under FBI jurisdiction)
Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer
Contempt of Court
Continuing Criminal Enterprise
Conveying False Information
Copyright Matters
Counterintelligence Crimes
Credit/Debit Card Fraud
Crime Aboard Aircraft
Crimes on Government Reservations
Crimes on Indian Reservations
Criminal Contempt of Court
Criminal Forfeiture
Criminal Infringement of a Copyright
Cyber Crimes
Damage to Religious Property
Delivery to Consignee
Demands Against the U.S.
Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles Used in Foreign Commerce
Destruction of an Energy Facility
Destruction of Property to Prevent Seizure
Destruction of Records in Federal Investigations and Bankruptcy
Destruction of Corporate Audit Records
Destruction of Veterans’ Memorials
Detention of Armed Vessel
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Domestic Security
Domestic Terrorism
Domestic Violence
Drive-by Shooting
Drug Abuse Violations
Drug Smuggling
Drug Trafficking
DUI/DWI on Federal Property
Economic Espionage
Election Law Crimes
Embezzlement Against Estate
Entering Train to Commit Crime
Enlistment to Serve Against the U.S.
Environmental Scheme Crimes
Escaping Custody/Escaped Federal Prisoners
Examiner Performing Other Services
Exportation of Drugs
Failure to Appear on Felony Offense
Failure to Pay Legal Child Support Obligations
False Bail
False Pretenses
False Statements Relating to Health Care Matters
Falsely Claiming Citizenship
False Declarations before Grand Jury or Court
False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers
False Information and Hoaxes
False Statement to Obtain Unemployment Compensation
Federal Aviation Act
Federal Civil Rights Violations (hate crimes, police misconduct)
Female Genital Mutilation
Financial Transactions with Foreign Government
First Degree Murder
Flight to Avoid Prosecution or Giving Testimony
Forced Labor
Forcible Rape
Fraud Activity in Connection with Electronic Mail
Fraud Against the Government
Hacking Crimes
Harboring Terrorists
Harming Animals Used in Law Enforcement
Hate Crime Acts
Hostage Taking
Identity Theft
Illegal Possession of Firearms
Immigration Offenses
Impersonator Making Arrest or Search
Importation of Drugs
Influencing Juror by Writing
Injuring Officer
Insider Trading Crimes
Insurance Fraud
Interference with the Operation of a Satellite
International Parental Kidnapping
International Terrorism
Interstate Domestic Violence
Interstate Violation of Protection Order
Lobbying with Appropriated Moneys
Mailing Threatening Communications
Major Fraud Against the U.S.
Medical/Health Care Fraud
Missile Systems Designed to Destroy Aircraft
Misuse of Passport
Misuse of Visas, Permits, or Other Documents
Money Laundering
Motor Vehicle Theft
Murder by a Federal Prisoner
Murder Committed During Drug-related Drive-by shooting
Murder Committed in Federal Government Facility
Narcotics Violations
Obstructing Examination of Financial Institution
Obstruction of Court Orders
Obstruction of Federal audit
Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of Criminal Investigations
Officer Failing to Make Reports
Partial Birth Abortion
Penalties for Neglect or Refusal to Answer Subpoena
Picketing or Parading
Possession by Restricted Persons
Possession of False Papers to Defraud the U.S.
Possession of Narcotics
Possession of Child Pornography
Private Correspondence with Foreign Government
Probation Violation
Product Tampering
Prohibition of Illegal Gambling Businesses
Protection of Foreign Officials
Public Corruption Crimes
Radiological Dispersal Devices
Ransom Money
Receiving the Proceeds of Extortion
Recording or Listening to Grand or Petit Juries While Deliberating
Reentry of an Alien Removed on National Security Grounds
Registration of Certain Organizations
Reproduction of Citizenship Papers
Resistance to Extradition Agent
Rescue of Seized Property
Retaliating Against a Federal Judge by False Claim or Slander of Title
Retaliating Against a Witness, Victim, or an Informant
Robberies and Burglaries Involving Controlled Substances
Sale of Citizenship Papers
Sale of Stolen Vehicles
Searches Without Warrant
Second Degree Murder
Serial Murders
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Abuse of a Minor
Sexual Assault
Sexual Battery
Sexual Conduct with a Minor
Sexual Exploitation
Sex Trafficking
Solicitation to Commit a Crime of Violence
Stalking (In Violation of Restraining Order)
Stolen Property; Buying, Receiving, or Possessing
Subornation of Perjury
Suits Against Government Officials
Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or Informant
Tampering with Consumer Products
Tampering with Vessels
Theft of Trade Secrets
Trafficking in Counterfeit Goods or Services
Transmission of Wagering Information (Gambling)
Transportation into State Prohibiting Sale
Transportation of Slaves from U.S.
Transportation of Stolen Vehicles
Transportation of Terrorists
Unauthorized Removal of Classified Documents
Use of Fire or Explosives to Destroy Property
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Video Voyeurism
Violation of Prohibitions Governing Atomic Weapons
Violence at International airports
Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering Activity
Willful Wrecking of a Train Resulting in Death
Wire Fraud
That’s the list of all of my crimes
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Events 5.11
330 – Constantine the Great dedicates the much-expanded and rebuilt city of Byzantium, changing its name to New Rome and declaring it the new capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. 868 – A copy of the Diamond Sūtra is published, making it the earliest dated and printed book known. 973 – In the first coronation ceremony ever held for an English monarch, Edgar the Peaceful is crowned King of England, having ruled since 959 AD. His wife, Ælfthryth, is crowned queen, the first recorded coronation for a Queen of England. 1068 – Matilda of Flanders, wife of William the Conqueror, is crowned Queen of England. 1258 – Louis IX of France and James I of Aragon sign the Treaty of Corbeil, renouncing claims of feudal overlordship in one another's territories and separating the House of Barcelona from the politics of France. 1713 – Great Northern War: After losing the Battle of Helsinki to the Russians, the Swedish and Finnish troops burn the entire city, so that it would not remain intact in the hands of the Russians. 1812 – Prime Minister Spencer Perceval is assassinated by John Bellingham in the lobby of the British House of Commons. 1813 – William Lawson, Gregory Blaxland and William Wentworth discover a route across the Blue Mountains, opening up inland Australia to settlement. 1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857: Indian rebels seize Delhi from the British. 1880 – Seven people are killed in the Mussel Slough Tragedy, a gun battle in California. 1889 – An attack upon a U.S. Army paymaster and escort results in the theft of over $28,000 and the award of two Medals of Honor. 1894 – Four thousand Pullman Palace Car Company workers go on a wildcat strike. 1919 – Uruguay becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty. 1970 – The 1970 Lubbock tornado kills 26 and causes $250 million in damage. 1985 – Fifty-six spectators die and more than 200 are injured in the Bradford City stadium fire. 1996 – After the aircraft's departure from Miami, a fire started by improperly handled chemical oxygen generators in the cargo hold of Atlanta-bound ValuJet Airlines Flight 592 causes the Douglas DC-9 to crash in the Florida Everglades, killing all 110 on board. 1997 – Deep Blue, a chess-playing supercomputer, defeats Garry Kasparov in the last game of the rematch, becoming the first computer to beat a world-champion chess player in a classic match format. 1998 – India conducts three underground atomic tests in Pokhran. 2011 – An earthquake of magnitude 5.1 hits Lorca, Spain. 2013 – Fifty-two people are killed in a bombing in Reyhanlı, Turkey. 2014 – Fifteen people are killed and 46 injured in Kinshasa, DRC, in a stampede caused by tear gas being thrown into soccer stands by police officers. 2016 – One hundred and ten people are killed in an ISIL bombing in Baghdad. 2022 – The Burmese military executes at least 37 villagers during the Mon Taing Pin massacre in Sagaing, Myanmar. 2024 - Minnesota officially updates its flag.
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2025 LBSIM MBA Management Quota
2025 LBSIM MBA Management Quota
2025 LBSIM MBA Management Quota. We at Ace Guru Education Services understand the stress and difficulties nowadays students face while applying for courses in top colleges because of the increase in competition. We help students to increase their chances of getting admission to their preferred courses in top MBA colleges. We provide admission assistance, guidance, and counselling for students to top colleges and universities in India.
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2025 LBSIM MBA Management Quota. Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi is a premier and dynamic institute of Management and Information Technology Education. Established by the Lal Bahadur Shastri Educational Society in 1995, has emerged as one of the top business schools in the country. It takes pride in being one of the foremost institutes in providing value-based management education, thus developing professionals with a humane and pragmatic approach on the march towards corporate excellence.
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All candidates are required to take CAT, XAT or a valid GMAT score. Students are required to update their CAT/XAT/GMAT score in their respective form after the declaration of results. Foreign students, PIO and NRI sponsored candidates are also eligible and are required to take the Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) at a test centre outside India.
Indian residents who have appeared for GMAT will be required to furnish their GMAT scores while applying and should provide an attested copy of the GMAT score sheet to the Admission Office for verification at the time of personal interview. GMAT scores without the above document will not be accepted and the application may be summarily rejected.
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2025 LBSIM MBA Management Quota
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SkymoviesHD: A Comprehensive Overview of the Site
SkymoviesHD is a popular yet controversial website that allows users to download and stream movies, TV shows, and other multimedia content for free. Known for its extensive library, the site offers movies across genres and languages, including Bollywood, Hollywood, Tollywood, regional Indian cinema, and even international content. While it attracts millions of users, its operations raise ethical and legal concerns due to copyright violations.
In this article, we will delve into SkymoviesHD, exploring its features, content offerings, legal implications, and the risks associated with using such platforms.
Features of SkymoviesHD
Diverse Content Library
SkymoviesHD provides movies, TV shows, and web series from various industries, including Bollywood, Hollywood, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and more.
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The site is frequently updated with the latest movie releases, including theatrical and OTT platform content.
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SkymoviesHD functions by pirating movies and shows, often releasing them shortly after their official debut. The website operates through proxy servers, enabling it to bypass restrictions in countries where piracy websites are banned.
The site frequently changes its domain name to avoid detection and blocking by authorities. Despite being illegal, its high-speed downloads, minimal advertisements, and extensive library ensure a steady influx of users.
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Many countries, including India, have stringent anti-piracy laws. Accessing or distributing pirated content can result in penalties, fines, or imprisonment.
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Impact on the Entertainment Industry
Piracy undermines creative efforts, affecting livelihoods in the entertainment ecosystem.
Reduced box office collections and streaming platform subscriptions lead to budget cuts and limited scope for experimental content.
Risks of Using SkymoviesHD
Legal Consequences
Users accessing or downloading content from piracy websites may face legal actions under anti-piracy laws.
Data Security Issues
Piracy websites often expose users to malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks through malicious advertisements or downloads.
Quality and Authenticity Concerns
While SkymoviesHD offers multiple video quality options, pirated content may have poor audio-visual quality, subtitles, or watermark issues.
Moral Implications
Using such platforms contributes to the growth of an illegal industry that harms legitimate creators and producers.
Alternatives to SkymoviesHD
For those looking to enjoy movies and shows legally and safely, here are some alternatives:
OTT Platforms: Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+ Hotstar, Hulu, and more.
Free Legal Options: YouTube, Tubi TV, Crackle, and other ad-supported streaming services.
Cinema: Watching movies in theaters supports creators and provides the best viewing experience.
While SkymoviesHD may seem like an attractive option for free entertainment, the ethical, legal, and security risks associated with its usage outweigh its benefits. Supporting legal platforms ensures that artists, producers, and everyone involved in the entertainment industry receive fair compensation for their work.
Remember, every click on a piracy site fuels a system that exploits creativity. Choose legal means to enjoy content and contribute to the betterment of the entertainment ecosystem.
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The LegalDost's Ultimate Guide to Patent Related Services
IPR, or intellectual property rights, are essential for keeping invention alive and encouraging it. One of the most important ways to protect new ideas and products is with a patent. It might be challenging to find your way around the legal system, especially in India. The LegalDost is a reliable partner for copyright services that could potentially expedite the process.
We at the LegalDost provide a wide range of patent services that are customized to meet your needs. We offer complete solutions for patent agents, companies, and inventors, from patent renewal and filing to prosecution and opposition proceedings.
Comprehensive Patent Services by the LegalDost
A list of the patent-related services we provide follows:
Patent Renewal
A patent needs to be renewed to be valid and enforceable. A common question among inventors is Is it possible to renew a patent? But you must act right away to avoid mistakes.
Patent Renewal Fees in India: Depending on the patent's age and type, prices vary. The patent renewal process is explained to you by the LegalDost, which also helps you in paying the renewal payments on time.
How to Renew a Patent: It becomes hassle-free to renew your patent with our help. From figuring out the patent renewal fees to overseeing the deadlines, we do it all.
If you are a patent agent, we can assist you with the renewal of patent agent registration and ensure compliance with regulations such as the patent agent renewal fee in India.
Filing Provisional and Complete Specifications
When you apply for a patent, you must know what provisional and complete specifications in patents mean.
Provisional Specification and Complete Specification: The first step involves creating a provisional specification, which serves as a placeholder for your idea. The second step is to make a complete specification, which includes detailed claims.
Provisional Patent Application in India: The LegalDost helps you make and file both provisional patent applications and complete specifications, ensuring that your application is complete and free of mistakes.
PCT Filing
Expanding patent protection internationally? File your application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
PCT Filing in India: They make the PCT filing process easier and ensure it follows the national and PCT filing procedures.
PCT Filing Fees and Timeline: Our team figures out the PCT filing fees in India, keeps track of the deadlines, and makes sure that all the PCT filing requirements are met.
How to File a PCT Application in India: When you file your application, the LegalDost helps you with every step, from the PCT filing date to e-filing entries.
Patent Prosecution
Patent prosecution is the process of talking to the patent office about your application and getting it approved. That's why these steps are important for the patent registration process.
What Is Patent Prosecution? It involves replying to examination reports, resolving objections, and ensuring the patent's grant.
Patent Prosecution Services: The LegalDost offers professional support for patent prosecution in India, guiding you through the patent prosecution steps and providing affordable options.
Patent Oppositions
With the help of our pre-grant and post-grant opposition services, you may protect your patent rights or contest applications that lack merit.
Pre-Grant Oppositions for Patent: This enables you to stop a patent with no merit from being granted.
Post-Grant Oppositions for Patent: File oppositions after issuance in order to properly protect your interests.
Patent FER Filing
It takes skill and accuracy to handle a First Examination Report (FER).
What Is FER and How to File FER for Patent? First Examination Report (FER) lists the objections raised by the patent examiner. To guarantee the smooth progress of your patent, the LegalDost helps with filing a response to FER of patent applications.
Indian Patent Search and Registration
To make sure that your invention is original, it is essential to perform an Indian patent search before submitting.
Indian Patent Search by Number or Application Number: The Indian Patent Office Search is one of the sophisticated tools offered by the LegalDost for checking the status of patents.
Patent Registration in India: Our professionals walk you through every stage, from the cost of patent registration in India to the patent registration process, to make sure your idea receives the protection it merits.
Why Choose the LegalDost for Patent Services?
Expert Guidance: We make complicated tasks like provisional patent application, patent renewal, as well as PCT filing easier by using our deep knowledge.
Cost Transparency: Whether you need to figure out PCT filing costs or patent registration fees in India, we make sure everything is clear.
End-to-End Support: All the way from filing to patent infringement actions, our team can help you protect your intellectual property.
Timely Reminders: Our proactive notifications will ensure you don't miss any dates for filing a provisional specification or renewing a patent.
Seamless Online Processes: With our digital tools, you can easily do things like filing a provisional patent application online or handling the process of renewing a patent.
Simplify Patent Protection with the LegalDost
The LegalDost is the best place to go for all things patent-related, whether you're a creator, a business, or a patent agent. We have streamlined the patent filing procedure under PCT, taken care of patent prosecution costs, and helped with action for infringement of a patent in India.
Our track record shows that we are one of the best patent prosecution law firms in the country. We offer reliable and cost-effective solutions.
Secure Your Invention Today!
Don't let complicated procedures stifle your inventiveness. Contact the LegalDost for hassle-free patent services ranging from "provisional patent applications" to "renewal of patents in India."
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Performance Santa Fe presents: Kristin Chenoweth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNeZgzfg4DI Performance Santa Fe presents Emmy® and Tony® Award winning actress and singer Kristin Chenoweth whose career spans film, television, voice-over and stage. Kristin will be performing on December 21st, 2024 at The Lensic in Santa Fe at 7:30pm. Tickets are available through the Lensic Box Office. Link for tickets: https://ift.tt/j9n1owH 🔔 Ready to explore Santa Fe like never before? Subscribe and get into the best places to eat, shop, and experience New Mexico’s rich culture and vibrant events! https://www.youtube.com/@santafetv3948/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉 Facebook: https://ift.tt/7iWl3Yt 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/YWGdpMT 👉 Website: http://santafe.com/ 📩 For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉 Santa Fe Services https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-9zDBjjH7jbQsW2va-7fErI8IHsEwzQR 👉 Hotels in Santa Fe https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-9zDBjjH7jZbBXoihseO8Xfo3SAXQyES 🎬 WATCH OUR OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 Best Things To Do In Santa Fe: Ghost Ranch Tour & Stunning Scenic Views! Travel Vlog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc9-5rb0hmA 👉 Meow Wolf Experience: Top Must-See Spots & Best Things To Do In Santa Fe! Fun Vlog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzCyRLZr0k8 👉 Santa Fe In 1 Day: Top Attractions, Local Eats, And Scenic Views - Guide For First-Time Visitors https://youtu.be/WSTvMgrQHTw?si=ZP0GUW7qAQL15jYs 👉 Day At Santa Fe Railyard - Farmers Market, Train Ride, Shopping & More Family Adventures! Fun Vlog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3qKU4xXics 👉 Fly Fishing The Pecos River (Santa Fe): Best Way To Catch Rainbow Trout! Trout Fishing Adventure https://youtu.be/Nh3C9sJksp8?si=PwJ7CsTa9308_d6Z ============================= ✅ About Santa Fe TV. Welcome to Santa Fe TV, a New Mexico travel channel! Our team has created videos about exciting things to do and see around the City Different. Explore where to shop, the best places to eat, where to live, and the top cultural events such as the International Folk Art, Indian, and Spanish Markets. Whether you're a visitor or a local, our content will help you uncover hidden gems and unique experiences that make Santa Fe special. Discover breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture at every corner. Before planning your trip, visit our website for more tips and recommendations on exploring the land of enchantment. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Planning a trip to Santa Fe? Subscribe for guidance on the best food spots, shop places, hidden gems, top events, and the city's vibrant culture! https://www.youtube.com/@santafetv3948/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= #performancesantafe #kristinchenoweth #thelensic #liveperformance #musicaltheater ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your research. ✖️ Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Santa Fe TV. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to our YouTube channel is provided. © Santa Fe TV via Santa Fe TV https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHyVLpNXCIcqXOZK6_McLPg November 16, 2024 at 01:50AM
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Mp4moviez Download Moviez
In today’s digital age, streaming and downloading content has become easier than ever. One platform, MP4Moviez, has gained widespread popularity, especially for those seeking free access to movies and TV shows. But what exactly is MP4Moviez, and what are the potential risks of using it? Let’s dive into the world of MP4Moviez to better understand its appeal, functionality, and the legalities involved.
What Is MP4Moviez?
MP4Moviez is a website known for offering a variety of movies, TV shows, and other media for free download. It primarily caters to users who want easy, unrestricted access to the latest films and shows. However, MP4Moviez operates outside the boundaries of copyright laws, making it a part of the vast network of piracy websites.
How MP4Moviez Works
How Content Is Distributed
MP4Moviez relies on illegal sources to distribute copyrighted material. Content is usually uploaded to the site shortly after release, allowing users to access it before or soon after it hits theaters or official streaming platforms.
User Experience and Interface
The website features a straightforward interface, making it easy for users to search, browse, and download content. Its design is simple, allowing people to find movies by category, language, or release year. However, this accessibility comes at a cost, especially considering the legal and security risks involved.
Types of Content on MP4Moviez
Movies and TV Shows
MP4Moviez offers a vast selection of movies and TV shows, ranging from the latest Hollywood blockbusters to regional films. The variety draws users in by offering something for everyone, regardless of their tastes or location.
Regional and International Content
One unique aspect of MP4Moviez is its inclusion of regional content, such as Bollywood movies and South Indian films. This feature makes it especially popular in regions where access to such content may be limited on mainstream streaming services.
Also Recommended:- AllMoviesHub
Genres and Categories
The website organizes its content by genre, making it easy for users to browse through categories such as action, drama, horror, and romance. This organization adds to the overall appeal, allowing users to quickly find the types of content they enjoy.
The Popularity of MP4Moviez
Why People Use MP4Moviez
People are drawn to MP4Moviez for its free access to a vast library of movies and shows. The platform’s convenience, combined with the absence of subscription fees, makes it an attractive option for individuals who may not have the means or desire to pay for legitimate services.
Advantages of MP4Moviez for Users
MP4Moviez offers numerous benefits to users, including easy access to hard-to-find movies, especially in certain regions. Additionally, it allows people to download content and watch it offline, adding flexibility to their viewing experience.
Legal Issues Surrounding MP4Moviez
Piracy Laws and Regulations
MP4Moviez is considered illegal in most countries due to copyright infringement. Piracy laws are designed to protect the intellectual property of creators, and by offering copyrighted material for free, MP4Moviez directly violates these laws.
Consequences for Users and Operators
Using or operating sites like MP4Moviez can lead to legal repercussions, including fines and potential jail time in some regions. While enforcement varies by country, the risks are real for both operators and users.
Impact of Piracy on the Entertainment Industry
Loss of Revenue for Creators
Piracy significantly affects the entertainment industry by depriving creators of the revenue they deserve. Filmmakers, actors, and production companies rely on box office sales and legitimate streaming to sustain their work.
Impact on Quality of Content
Reduced revenue can lead to lower production budgets, ultimately impacting the quality of movies and shows. Piracy contributes to a cycle where creators are unable to invest in high-quality content due to a lack of financial support.
Is MP4Moviez Safe to Use?
Risks of Malware and Viruses
Piracy sites often carry risks beyond legal issues. Downloading content from MP4Moviez can expose users to malware, viruses, and other harmful software that can compromise devices and personal information.
Data Privacy Concerns
Because MP4Moviez operates in legal grey areas, there are no safeguards for user privacy. This lack of security means user data could potentially be sold or compromised, adding another layer of risk.
Alternatives to MP4Moviez
Legal Streaming Services
There are several reputable streaming platforms available, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+. These services provide high-quality content legally, offering peace of mind in terms of safety and legality.
Free Alternatives with Licensed Content
For those who prefer not to pay, services like Crackle, Tubi, and IMDb TV offer free, ad-supported movies and shows. These platforms provide a legal way to access entertainment without the risks associated with piracy sites.
How to Access Content Legally and Safely
Subscription-Based Platforms
Platforms like Netflix and Hulu offer various subscription plans, allowing users to choose options that fit their budget and viewing needs. These services also often provide family plans or bundled packages for added value.
Free Trials and Offers
Many streaming platforms offer free trials, allowing users to explore content legally before committing to a subscription. Services like Apple TV+ and Amazon Prime Video often include trial periods, making them a great way to enjoy content temporarily at no cost.
The Future of Piracy Websites Like MP4Moviez
Tighter Regulations and Actions
As technology advances, governments and entertainment companies continue to take stronger measures against piracy. Many countries are increasing fines and developing technology to track and shut down piracy sites like MP4Moviez.
Technological Advances Against Piracy
Emerging technologies, such as blockchain and AI, are being explored as potential solutions to prevent piracy. These tools could be used to track and control the distribution of copyrighted material, ultimately reducing the effectiveness of sites like MP4Moviez.
MP4Moviez remains a popular yet controversial platform for accessing free movies and TV shows. While it offers a convenient way to download content, the legal and security risks cannot be ignored. Users should consider the impact of piracy on the entertainment industry and explore safer, legal alternatives. By choosing licensed streaming services, viewers can enjoy content without compromising their security or the livelihoods of content creators.
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A List of Every Single Crime Vol.1 (A-C)
Abusive Sexual Contact
Advocating Overthrow of Government
Aggravated Assault/Battery
Aggravated Identity Theft
Aggravated Sexual Abuse
Aiming a Laser Pointer at an Aircraft
Airplane Hijacking
Armed Robbery
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assaulting or Killing Federal Officer
Assisting or Instigating Escape Attempt to commit Murder/Manslaughter
Bank Burglary
Bankruptcy Fraud/Embezzlement
Bank Larceny
Bank Robbery
Bombing Matters
Bond Default
Breaking and/or Entering
Carrier Facilities
Bribery Crimes
Certification of Checks (Fraud)
Child Abuse
Child Exploitation
Child Pornography
Civil Action to Restrain
Harassment of a Victim or Witness
Commodities Price Fixing
Computer Crime
Concealing Escaped Prisoner
Concealing Person from Arrest
Concealment of Assets
Conspiracy (in matters under FBI jurisdiction)
Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer
Contempt of Court
Continuing Criminal Enterprise
Conveying False Information
Copyright Matters
Counterintelligence Crimes
Credit/Debit Card Fraud
Crime Aboard Aircraft
Crimes on Government Reservations
Crimes on Indian Reservations
Criminal Contempt of Court
Criminal Forfeiture
Criminal Infringement of a Copyright
Cyber Crimes
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Safeguarding Your Digital Content: The Importance of Copyright Registration in Delhi
As a seasoned writer and content creator, I understand the importance of protecting your intellectual property in the digital age. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the significance of copyright registration in Delhi and how it can safeguard your digital content.
Introduction to Copyright Registration in Delhi
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, where content is easily accessible and shareable, it is crucial to ensure that your original work is protected from unauthorized use or exploitation. Copyright registration in Delhi serves as a legal mechanism to establish your ownership and exclusive rights over your digital content, such as articles, blog posts, images, videos, and more.
Why is Copyright Registration Important for Safeguarding Your Digital Content?
Copyright registration in Delhi offers several key benefits for protecting your digital content:
Legal Recognition and Proof of Ownership: By registering your copyright, you create a legal record of your ownership and the date of creation, which can serve as evidence in the event of a dispute or infringement.
Enhanced Legal Remedies: Registered copyrights provide you with stronger legal standing and access to a wider range of remedies, including the ability to seek statutory damages and attorney's fees in copyright infringement cases.
Deterrence Against Infringement: The presence of a registered copyright can act as a deterrent, discouraging potential infringers from using your content without permission.
Ability to Enforce Your Rights: With a registered copyright, you have the legal standing to take action against any unauthorized use of your digital content, including the ability to seek injunctions, damages, and other legal remedies.
Increased Licensing and Monetization Opportunities: A registered copyright can make your digital content more valuable and attractive to potential licensees or buyers, as it provides them with the assurance of your legal ownership and the ability to use the content without risk of infringement.
Understanding the Process of Copyright Registration in Delhi
The process of copyright registration in Delhi involves several steps:
Identifying the Copyrightable Work: Determine the specific digital content you wish to register, such as articles, blog posts, images, videos, or software code.
Completing the Copyright Registration Application: Fill out the necessary application forms, either online or through a physical submission, providing details about the work, the author, and the rights you wish to claim.
Submitting the Required Documents: Depending on the type of digital content, you may need to submit copies or samples of the work, along with any additional supporting documentation.
Payment of the Registration Fee: The copyright registration process in Delhi requires the payment of a fee, which can be done through various payment methods.
Processing and Issuance of the Copyright Certificate: Once the application is processed, the Indian Copyright Office will issue a copyright registration certificate, which serves as official proof of your ownership and rights.
Benefits of Online Copyright Registration in Delhi
In recent years, the Indian Copyright Office has introduced an online copyright registration in Delhi, which offers several advantages:
Convenience: The online registration process allows you to complete the entire application and submission process from the comfort of your device, saving time and effort.
Faster Processing: Online copyright registration in Delhi often leads to faster processing times compared to traditional physical submissions.
Reduced Paperwork: The digital nature of the online system minimizes the need for physical documentation, making the overall process more efficient.
Tracking and Status Updates: The online platform provides you with the ability to track the status of your copyright registration application and receive updates on its progress.
Enhanced Security: The digital infrastructure of the online system ensures a higher level of security and protection for your sensitive information and intellectual property.
How to Choose a Reliable Copyright Registration Consultant in Delhi
If you prefer to have professional assistance with the copyright registration process, it is essential to choose a reliable and experienced consultant in Delhi. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a copyright registration consultant in Delhi:
Expertise and Track Record: Look for a consultant with a proven track record of successfully handling copyright registration cases in Delhi, with a deep understanding of the applicable laws and regulations.
Transparent Pricing and Services: Ensure that the consultant provides clear and transparent information about their pricing structure and the specific services they offer, without any hidden fees or surprises.
Responsiveness and Communication: A good copyright registration consultant should be readily available to answer your questions, provide updates on the status of your application, and maintain open communication throughout the process.
Client Testimonials and Reviews: Seek out client testimonials and reviews to gauge the consultant's level of professionalism, reliability, and customer satisfaction.
Compliance with Legal Requirements: Verify that the consultant is fully compliant with all the legal requirements and guidelines set forth by the Indian Copyright Office for copyright registration in Delhi.
The Role of Copyright Registration Lawyers in Delhi
While a copyright registration consultant can be helpful, in some cases, you may benefit from the expertise of a specialized copyright registration lawyer in Delhi. These legal professionals can provide invaluable guidance and representation in the following scenarios:
Complex or Disputed Copyright Claims: If your digital content is subject to complex ownership issues or potential disputes, a copyright registration lawyer can help navigate the legal complexities and ensure your rights are protected.
Copyright Infringement Cases: In the event of copyright infringement, a lawyer can assist you in taking legal action, representing your interests, and seeking appropriate remedies.
International Copyright Matters: If your digital content has global reach or you need to address copyright concerns across multiple jurisdictions, a lawyer versed in international copyright law can be a valuable asset.
Licensing and Commercialization: Copyright registration lawyers can guide licensing your digital content, negotiating terms, and exploring monetization opportunities.
Compliance and Regulatory Matters: Lawyers can ensure that your copyright registration in Delhi complies with all relevant laws and regulations, mitigating any potential legal risks.
Common Misconceptions about Copyright Registration in Delhi
Despite the importance of copyright registration, several common misconceptions often hinder individuals and businesses from taking the necessary steps to protect their digital content:
"My Content is Already Protected Without Registration": While copyright protection arises automatically upon the creation of original work, registration provides additional legal benefits and strengthens your ability to enforce your rights.
"Copyright Registration is a Complex and Lengthy Process": The introduction of the online copyright registration system in Delhi has significantly streamlined the process, making it more accessible and efficient.
"Copyright Registration is Expensive": The registration fees for copyright in Delhi are relatively affordable, especially when compared to the potential costs of copyright infringement and legal disputes.
"I Don't Need to Register My Content if It's Not Commercially Valuable": Even if your digital content is not generating revenue, it is still important to register your copyright to establish your legal ownership and rights.
"Copyright Registration is Only Necessary for Large Businesses": Copyright protection is equally crucial for individuals, freelancers, and small businesses that create and publish digital content.
Copyright Infringement Cases in Delhi and Their Outcomes
Unfortunately, copyright infringement is a widespread issue in the digital landscape, and Delhi is no exception. Let's explore a few notable copyright infringement cases in Delhi and their outcomes:
The Case of the Copied Blog Posts: In a high-profile case, a popular blogger in Delhi successfully sued a local news website for reproducing several of their blog posts without permission. The court awarded the blogger substantial damages and issued an injunction to prevent further unauthorized use of the content.
The Dispute over Viral Social Media Images: A Delhi-based photographer took legal action against an e-commerce platform that had used their images without credit or compensation. The court ruled in favor of the photographer, ordering the platform to pay damages and implement measures to prevent future infringement.
The Battle Over Unauthorized Software Code: A Delhi-based software development company filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against a competitor who had allegedly copied and used their proprietary code. The court's decision upheld the software company's copyright and awarded them damages and legal fees.
These cases illustrate the importance of copyright registration in Delhi and the legal remedies available to content creators who have taken the necessary steps to protect their intellectual property.
Tips for Protecting Your Digital Content Without Copyright Registration
While copyright registration in Delhi is highly recommended, there are some steps you can take to safeguard your digital content even without a registered copyright:
Identify Your Content as Copyrighted: Include a copyright notice (e.g., "© 2023 Your Name. All rights reserved.") on your digital content to inform others of your ownership and rights.
Implement Digital Rights Management (DRM) Measures: Utilize DRM tools and technologies to control access and prevent unauthorized use or distribution of your digital content.
Monitor and Regularly Search for Unauthorized Use: Actively monitor the internet for any instances of your digital content being used without your permission, and be prepared to take swift action.
Send cease Letters: If you discover unauthorized use of your digital content, consider sending a formal cease and desist letter to the infringer, demanding the immediate removal or discontinuation of the infringing activity.
Leverage Social Media and Online Platforms: Utilize the reporting and takedown mechanisms provided by social media platforms and online content-sharing sites to address any copyright infringement issues.
Remember, while these measures can help protect your digital content, they may not provide the same level of legal protection and enforcement options as a registered copyright in Delhi.
Conclusion: The Necessity of Copyright Registration for Safeguarding Your Digital Content
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the importance of copyright registration in Delhi cannot be overstated. By registering your digital content, you establish legal ownership, enhance your ability to enforce your rights, and deter potential infringers from unauthorized use. Whether you're an individual content creator, a freelancer, or a business, protecting your intellectual property should be a top priority.
Read Our Other Blogs To learn more About Copyright Registration in Delhi
The Importance of Copyright Registration in Delhi’s Creative Economy: A Comprehensive Guide
Boosting Innovation and Economic Growth: The Power of Copyright Registration in Delhi
Preserving Cultural Heritage: The Importance of Copyright Registration in Delhi for Traditional and Indigenous Works
Understanding the Importance of Copyright Registration in Delhi: Empowering the Creative Economy
The Key to Legal Protection: Copyright Registration in Delhi for Startups and SMEs
#copyright registration#copyright#copyrightlaw#registration#Delhi#Attorney#lawyers#consultant#copyright application#copyright filing#filing#copyright protection
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Events 5.11
330 – Constantine the Great dedicates the much-expanded and rebuilt city of Byzantium, changing its name to New Rome and declaring it the new capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. 973 – In the first coronation ceremony ever held for an English monarch, Edgar the Peaceful is crowned King of England, having ruled since 959 AD. His wife, Ælfthryth, is crowned queen, the first recorded coronation for a Queen of England. 1068 – Matilda of Flanders, wife of William the Conqueror, is crowned Queen of England. 1258 – Louis IX of France and James I of Aragon sign the Treaty of Corbeil, renouncing claims of feudal overlordship in one another's territories and separating the House of Barcelona from the politics of France. 1713 – Great Northern War: After losing the Battle of Helsinki to the Russians, the Swedish and Finnish troops burn the entire city, so that it would not remain intact in the hands of the Russians. 1812 – Prime Minister Spencer Perceval is assassinated by John Bellingham in the lobby of the British House of Commons. 1813 – William Lawson, Gregory Blaxland and William Wentworth discover a route across the Blue Mountains, opening up inland Australia to settlement. 1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857: Indian rebels seize Delhi from the British. 1858 – The Minnesota Territory gains enough population to enter as the 32nd state of the United States of America; the date is annually celebrated in the state as "Statehood Day". 1880 – Seven people are killed in the Mussel Slough Tragedy, a gun battle in California. 1889 – An attack upon a U.S. Army paymaster and escort results in the theft of over $28,000 and the award of two Medals of Honor. 1894 – Four thousand Pullman Palace Car Company workers go on a wildcat strike. 1919 – Uruguay becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty. 1970 – The 1970 Lubbock tornado kills 26 and causes $250 million in damage. 1985 – Fifty-six spectators die and more than 200 are injured in the Bradford City stadium fire. 1996 – After the aircraft's departure from Miami, a fire started by improperly handled chemical oxygen generators in the cargo hold of Atlanta-bound ValuJet Airlines Flight 592 causes the Douglas DC-9 to crash in the Florida Everglades, killing all 110 on board. 1997 – Deep Blue, a chess-playing supercomputer, defeats Garry Kasparov in the last game of the rematch, becoming the first computer to beat a world-champion chess player in a classic match format. 1998 – India conducts three underground atomic tests in Pokhran. 2011 – An earthquake of magnitude 5.1 hits Lorca, Spain. 2013 – Fifty-two people are killed in a bombing in Reyhanlı, Turkey. 2014 – Fifteen people are killed and 46 injured in Kinshasa, DRC, in a stampede caused by tear gas being thrown into soccer stands by police officers. 2016 – One hundred and ten people are killed in an ISIL bombing in Baghdad. 2022 – The Burmese military executes at least 37 villagers during the Mon Taing Pin massacre in Sagaing, Myanmar.
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