#indian army helicopter
nueveg · 2 years
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merisarkar · 10 months
MoD approves purchase of 97 LCA Tejas, over 150 LCH Prachand helicopters
New order for LCA Tejas, LCH Prachand helicopter: India’s apex defence procurement body, the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) Thursday cleared the procurement of indigenously designed and developed 97 Light Combat Aircraft Tejas Mk 1A and 156 Light Combat Helicopters from state owned aircraft and helicopter manufacturer Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. The approvals also involve other major…
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defencestar · 10 months
India clears purchase of hundreds of Tejas combat jets, Prachand attack helicopters
India Defence News: India’s apex defence procurement body, the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) Thursday cleared the procurement of indigenously designed and developed 97 Light Combat Aircraft Tejas Mk 1A and 156 Light Combat Helicopters from state owned aircraft and helicopter manufacturer Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. The approvals also involve other major defence procurements and upgrades…
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boc-news · 2 years
অরুণাচলপ্রদেশে ভেঙে পড়ল সেনা হেলিকপ্টার
ফের দুর্ঘটনার কবলে সেনা হেলিকপ্টার (Helicopter)। ভেঙে পড়ল সেনা হেলিকপ্টার। শুক্রবার সকালে অরুণাচলপ্রদেশে (Arunachal Pradesh) ভেঙে পড়ল সেনা হেলিকপ্টারটি। সংবাদ সংস্থা সূত্রে খবর, অরুণাচল প্রদেশের সিংগিং গ্রামে সেনা কপ্টারটি ভেঙে পড়েছে। ইতিমধ্যে উদ্ধারকারী দল ঘটনাস্থলে রওনা দিয়েছে। এই ঘটনার জেরে এখনও পর্যন্ত কোনও হতাহতের খবর মেলেনি। জানা গিয়েছে, কপ্টারটি যে জায়গায় ভেঙে পড়েছে, সেই অঞ্চল…
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newsreadersin · 2 years
Cheetah helicopter crashes in Arunachal Pradesh, one pilot killed
Cheetah helicopter crashes in Arunachal Pradesh, one pilot killed
An Indian Army Cheetah helicopter crashed in Tawang area of ​​Arunachal Pradesh this morning. According to the information, two pilots of the Indian Army were flying Cheetah helicopter. Official release from the Army, one of the two pilots martyred by serious injuries while other is undergoing treatment. The incident took place at around 10:00 am on October 5, about 65 km from Tawang district…
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newsrds · 2 years
Indian Army Cheetah helicopter crashes near Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh
Indian Army Cheetah helicopter crashes near Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh
Official sources said a Cheetah helicopter of the Indian Army crashed near Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, killing one of the pilots. catch all business News, market news, today’s fresh news events and breaking news Updates on Live Mint. download mint news app To get daily market updates. More low subscribe to mint newspaper , Enter a valid email , Thank you for subscribing to our…
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lilithism1848 · 1 year
Atrocities US committed against NATIVE AMERICANS
In 2016, the US army corp of engineers approved a Energy Transfer Partners’ proposal to build an oil pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, sparking the Dakota Access Pipeline Protests, evoking a brutal response from North Dakota police aided by the National Guard, private security firms, and other law enforcement agencies from surrounding states. The Standing Rock Sioux tribe believes that the pipeline would put the Missouri River, the water source for the reservation, at risk, pointing out two recent spills, a 2010 pipeline spill into the Kalamazoo River in Michigan, which cost over billion to clean up with significant contamination remaining, and a 2015 Bakken crude oil spill into the Yellowstone River in Montana. Police repression has included dogs attacking protesters, spraying water cannons on protesters in sub-freezing temperatures, >700 arrests of Native Americans and ~200 injuries, a highly militarized police force using armored personnel carriers, concussion grenades, mace, Tasers, batons, rubber bullets, and tear gas. In November 2017, the keystone XL pipeline burst, spilling 210,000 gallons of oil in Amherst, South Dakota. 
In 1975, FBI agents attacked AIM activists on the Pine Ridge Reservation, in the ‘Pine Ridge Shootout’. Two FBI agents, and an AIM activist were killed. In two separate trials, the U.S. prosecuted participants in the firefight for the deaths of the agents. AIM members Robert Robideau and Dino Butler were acquitted after asserting that they had acted in self–defense. Leonard Peltier was extradited from Canada and tried separately because of the delay. He was convicted on two counts of first–degree murder for the deaths of the FBI agents and sentenced to two consecutive terms of life in prison, after a trial which is still contentious. He remains in prison.
In 1973, 200 Oglala Lakota and AIM activists occupied the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, on the Pine Ridge Reservation, called the Wounded knee incident. They were protesting the reservation’s corrupt US-backed tribal chairman, Dick Wilson, who controlled a private militia, called Guardians of the Oglala Nation (GOONs), funded by the government. FBI, US marshals, and other law enforcement cordoned off the area and attacked the activists with armored vehicles, automatic rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, and gas shells, resulting in two killed and 13 wounded. Ray Robinson, a civil rights activist who joined the protesters, disappeared during the events and is believed to have been murdered. As food supplies became short, three planes dropped 1,200 pounds of food, but as people scrambled to gather it up, a government helicopter appeared overhead and fired down on them while groundfire came from all sides. After the siege ended in a truce, 120 occupiers were arrested. Wilson stayed in office and in 1974 was re-elected amid charges of intimidation, voter fraud, and other abuses. The rate of violence climbed on the reservation as conflict opened between political factions in the following three years; residents accused Wilson’s private militia of much of it. 
In Nov. 1969, a group of 89 Native Americans occupied Alcatraz Island for 15 months, to gauge the US’s commitment to the Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868), which stated that all abandoned federal land must be returned to native people. Eventually the government cut off all electrical power and all telephone service to the island. In June, a fire of disputed origin destroyed numerous buildings on the island. Left without power, fresh water, and in the face of diminishing public support and sympathy, the number of occupiers began to dwindle. On June 11, 1971, a large force of government officers removed the remaining 15 people from the island.
From its creation in 1968, The American Indian Movement (AIM) has been a target of repression from law enforcement agencies, and surveillance as one of the FBI’s COINTELPRO targets. This includes the wounded knee incident and the pine ridge shootout. 
In 1942 the federal government took privately held Pine Ridge Indian Reservation land owned by tribal members in order to establish the Badlands Bombing Range of 341,725 acres, evicting 125 families. Among the families evicted was that of Pat Cuny, an Oglala Sioux. He fought in World War II in the Battle of the Bulge after surviving torpedoing of his transport in the English Channel. Dewey Beard, a Miniconjou Sioux survivor of the Wounded Knee Massacre, who supported himself by raising horses on his 908-acre allotment received in 1907 was also evicted. The small federal payments were insufficient to enable such persons to buy new properties. In 1955 the 97-year-old Beard testified of earlier mistreatment at Congressional hearings about this project. He said, for “fifty years I have been kicked around. Today there is a hard winter coming. …I might starve to death.”
In 1890, US soldiers killed 150-300 people (including 65 women and 24 children) at Wounded Knee (19-26 people, including two women and eleven children.) on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the U.S. state of South Dakota. Twenty-five soldiers also died, and 39 were wounded (6 of the wounded later died). At least twenty soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor. The event was driven by local racism towards the practice of Ghost Dancing, which whites found distasteful, and the Native Americans arming up in response to repeated broken treaties, stolen land, and their bison-herds being hunted to near extinction by the whites.
In 1887, the Dawes Act, and Curtis Act, resulted in the loss of 90 million acres of native-alloted land, and the abolition of many native governments. During the ensuing decades, the Five Civilized Tribes lost 90 million acres of former communal lands, which were sold to non-Natives. In addition, many individuals, unfamiliar with land ownership, became the target of speculators and criminals, were stuck with allotments that were too small for profitable farming, and lost their household lands. Tribe members also suffered from the breakdown of the social structure of the tribes.
Starting in the 1870s, The US army, aided by settlers and private hunters, began a widespread policy of slaughtering bufallo and bison, in order to destroy many tribe’s primary food source, and to starve Native Americans into submission. By 1900, they succeeded; the bufallo population dropped from more than 30 million, to a few hundred. The country’s highest generals, politicians, and presidents including Ulysses S. Grant, saw the destruction of buffalo as solution to the country’s “Indian Problem.” By destroying the food supply of the plains natives, they could more easily move them onto reservations.
Starting in 1830-50, The Trail of Tears was a series of forced removals of Native American nations, including Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, Cherokee people and the African freedmen and slaves who lived among them, from their ancestral homelands in the Southeastern United States to an area west of the Mississippi River that had been designated as Native Territory. The forced relocations were carried out by various government authorities following the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830. “Marshaled by guards, hustled by agents, harried by contractors,they were being herded on the way to an unknown and unwelcome destination like a flock of sick sheep.” They went on ox wagons, on horses, on foot, then to be ferried across the MississippiRiver. The army was supposed to organize their trek, but it turned over its job to private contractors who charged the government as much as possible, gave the Indians as little as possible. The Cherokee removal in 1838 (the last forced removal east of the Mississippi) was brought on by the discovery of gold near Dahlonega, Georgia in 1828, resulting in the Georgia Gold Rush. Approximately 2,000-6,000 of the 16,543 relocated Cherokee perished along the way.
In 1848, the California Genocide is a term used to describe the drastic decrease in Native American population in California. The population decreased from ~300,000 in 1769, to 16,000 in 1900. 
The Second Seminole War, also known as the Florida War, was a conflict from 1835 to 1842 in Florida between various groups of Native Americans collectively known as Seminoles and the United States, part of a series of conflicts called the Seminole Wars. The Second Seminole War, often referred to as the Seminole War, is regarded as “the longest and most costly of the Indian conflicts of the United States.” ~3000 seminoles were killed, and 4000 were deported to Indian territory elsewhere. 
In 1832, the Black Hawk War, was a brief 1832 conflict between the United States and Native Americans led by Black Hawk, a Sauk leader, in Illinois. The war gave impetus to the US policy of Indian removal, in which Native American tribes were pressured to sell their lands and move west of the Mississippi River and stay there. Over 500 Native Americans were killed in the conflict.
In 1832, the Chickasaw Indians were forced by the US to sell their country in 1832 and move to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) during the era of Indian Removal in the 1830s.
In 1813, the Creek War, was a war between the US, lead by the then notorious indian-hunter Andrew Jackson, and the Creek nation, residing primarily in Alabama. Over 1,500 creeks were killed. The war effectively ended with the Treaty of Fort Jackson, where General Andrew Jackson insisted that the Creek confederacy cede more than 21 million acres of land from southern Georgia and central Alabama. These lands were taken from allied Creek as well as Red Sticks. In 1814, Andrew Jackson became famous for his role in the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, where his side killed more than 800 Creeks. Under Jackson, and the man he chose to succeed him, Martin Van Buren, 70,000 Indians east of the Mississippi were forced westward.
The Red Sticks, a faction of Muscogee Creek people in the American Southeast, led a resistance movement against European-American encroachment and assimilation; tensions culminated in the outbreak of the Creek War in 1813.
From 1785-96, the Northwest Indian War was a war between the US and a confederation of numerous Native American tribes, with support from the British, for control of the Northwest Territory. President George Washington directed the United States Army to enforce U.S. sovereignty over the territory. Over 1,000 Native Americans were killed in the bloody conflict.
In the 1800s, Indian removal was a policy of the United States government whereby Native Americans were forcibly removed from their ancestral homelands in the eastern United States to lands west of the Mississippi River, thereafter known as Indian Territory. That policy has been characterized by some scholars as part of a long-term genocide of Native Americans. 
The Texan-Indian Wars were a series of 19th-century conflicts between settlers in Texas and the Southern Plains Indians. Its hard to approximate the number of deaths from the conflicts, but the Indian population in Texas decreased from 20,000 to 8,000 by 1875.
The Indian Wars is a name given to the collection of over 40 conflicts and wars between Native Americans and US settlers. The US census bureau reports that they have cost the lives of about 19,000 white men, women and children, including those killed in individual combats, and the lives of about 30,000 Indians. The actual number of killed and wounded Indians must be very much higher than the number given… Fifty percent additional would be a safe estimate.
From 1500-1900s, European and later US colonists and authorities displaced and committed genocide on the Native American Population. Ward Churchill characterizes the reduction of the North American Indian population from an estimated 12 million in 1500 to barely 237,000 in 1900 as a “vast genocide.. the most sustained on record.
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usafphantom2 · 8 months
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Greece evaluates sale of Mirage 2000 jets to India 🇮🇳
Although the expected selling price is modest, Athens sees an opportunity for broader strategic cooperation with New Delhi.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/08/2024 - 19:28in Military
The leadership of the Hellenic Air Force is exploring the possibility of selling the 18 Mirage 2000 EGM/BGM to India, a proposal that was communicated to the Prime Minister's office and the Ministry of National Defense of Greece.
The aircraft served until 2022 in the 332ª "Hawk" Squadron, and most of them are not in flight condition, while some were cannibalized to keep the others flying. However, it seems that there is fertile ground between the two parties and do not rule out the possibility of the subject of the sale of the fighters to be discussed during the future visit of Prime Minister K. Mitsotakis to New Delhi.
Squadron 332 struggled with problems of availability of the Mirage 2000, resulting in the abandonment of some aircraft on the runways of Tanagra and others cannibalized because they were beyond the operational life.
At the end of 2023, New Delhi decided to communicate its interest to the Greek part in acquiring used Mirage 2000, as it plans to keep these fighters in service for at least another decade. Athens, aiming to further strengthen defense relations with India, has already decided to sell the retired Mirage. The Air Force General Staff expects to profit
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However, the criterion for its sale is more political than economic. In the General Staff of the Greek Air Force, which is directly involved, they do not expect profits. On the contrary, they maintain modest expectations regarding the selling price of aircraft, which are unfortunately in poor condition. The experts' estimate is that, at best, they will be sold for a few million euros.
These 18 Mirage, which carried the weight of the interceptions in the skies of the Aegean Sea, were withdrawn from service in January 2022 with the arrival of the Rafale. The aircraft were inactivated due to lack of support long before the arrival of the new French fighters. However, there are still users of the French delta fighter, such as India, which maintains about 50 aircraft in three combat squads and may be interested in supplementing any losses or renewing its stock of spare parts for existing ones.
The Hellenic Air Force is also evaluating the future of the newest Mirage 2000-5 operated by Squadron 331 "Teseu". Although the support contract has improved its availability, concerns about its compatibility with evolving technologies and high integration costs, such as the proposed Link-16 terminal, have led to a reassessment.
Tags: Military AviationHAF - Hellenic Air Force / Greek Air ForceIAF - Indian Air Force/Air Force of IndiaMirage 2000
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Events 7.12 (after 1920)
1920 – The Soviet–Lithuanian Peace Treaty is signed, by which Soviet Russia recognizes the independence of Lithuania. 1943 – World War II: Battle of Kursk: German and Soviet forces engage in the Battle of Prokhorovka, one of the largest armored engagements of all time. 1948 – Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion orders the expulsion of Palestinians from the towns of Lod and Ramla. 1960 – Orlyonok, the main Young Pioneer camp of the Russian SFSR, is founded. 1961 – Indian city Pune floods due to failure of the Khadakwasla and Panshet dams, killing at least two thousand people. 1961 – ČSA Flight 511 crashes at Casablanca–Anfa Airport in Morocco, killing 72. 1963 – Pauline Reade, 16, disappears in Gorton, England, the first victim in the Moors murders. 1967 – Riots begin in Newark, New Jersey. 1971 – The Australian Aboriginal Flag is flown for the first time. 1973 – A fire destroys the entire sixth floor of the National Personnel Records Center of the United States. 1975 – São Tomé and Príncipe declare independence from Portugal. 1979 – The island nation of Kiribati becomes independent from the United Kingdom. 1995 – Chinese seismologists successfully predict the 1995 Myanmar–China earthquake, reducing the number of casualties to 11. 1998 – The Ulster Volunteer Force attacked a house in Ballymoney, County Antrim, Northern Ireland with a petrol bomb, killing the Quinn brothers. 2001 – Space Shuttle program: Space Shuttle Atlantis is launched on mission STS-104, carrying the Quest Joint Airlock to the International Space Station. 2006 – The 2006 Lebanon War begins. 2007 – U.S. Army Apache helicopters engage in airstrikes against armed insurgents in Baghdad, Iraq, where civilians are killed; footage from the cockpit is later leaked to the Internet. 2012 – Syrian Civil War: Government forces target the homes of rebels and activists in Tremseh and kill anywhere between 68 and 150 people. 2012 – A tank truck explosion kills more than 100 people in Okobie, Nigeria. 2013 – Six people are killed and 200 injured in a French passenger train derailment in Brétigny-sur-Orge.
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cupidsbower · 1 year
Indian films I can't find
If any of you know where I can access any of these, I'd be super grateful. My preference is for source with English subtitles, and if possible visuals in reasonable condition.
Starring SRK
Army (1996), Baadshah (1999), Bhoothnath (2008), Circus (1989-90), Deewana (1992), Devdas (2002), Dil Aashna Hai (1992), Guddu (1995), Har Dil Jo Pyar Karega (2000), Heyy Babyy (2007), Hey Ram (2000), Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam (2002), Idiot (1991), Josh (2000), Karan Arjun (1995), King Uncle (1993), Koyla (1997), Pardes (1997), Ra.One (2011), Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman (1992), Shakti: The Power (2002), Trimurti (1995), Yeh Lamhe Judaaai Ke (2004), Yes Boss (1997), Zamaana Deewana (1995)
Starring Kajol
Dushman (1998), Gupt: The Hidden Truth (1997), Helicopter Eela (2018), Pyaar to Hona Hi Tha (1998), Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya (1998), Raju Chacha (2000), Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior (2020), U Me Aur Hum (2008)
Bajirao Mastani (2015), The Dirty Picture (2013), Ek Tha Tiger (2012), Enthiran: The Robot (2010), Jab We Met (2007), Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro (1983), Kahaani (2012), Monsoon Wedding (1995), Mother India (1957), Mughal-e-Azam (1960), Neerja (2016), Omkara (2006), Panga (2020), Secret Superstar (2017), Thapped (2020)
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merisarkar · 1 year
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Craig Awww Yrrr You Rock Thxx 💖
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novumtimes · 2 months
At least 41 dead after landslides in southern India devastate Kerala state
At least 41 people were killed and scores injured after landslides in the hills of India’s southern Kerala state, local media reported, with rescue operations obstructed after a main bridge collapsed in the region. State Health Minister Veena George said that over 70 people were injured and the Indian Express reported that many people are likely to have been washed away in the Chaliyar River. “The situation is serious. The government has pressed all agencies into rescue,” state Forest Minister AK Saseendran told Reuters after the landslides in the Wayanad district of the state. More rain was predicted through the day. The army was brought in to build a temporary bridge after a bridge in the district that linked the affected area, mostly tea and cardamom estates, to the nearest town of Chooralmala was destroyed, Saseendran added. Local news channel Asianet TV said as many as 41 people died after the landslides caused havoc in the region. Television visuals showed relief personnel making their way through rocks and uprooted trees as muddy water gushed through, with many houses destroyed. One man was seen struggling to free himself after being stuck in chest-high mud for hours, as rescue workers were not able to reach him despite multiple efforts. Rashid Padikkalparamban, a resident involved in the relief efforts, said there were at least three landslides in the area starting around midnight, which washed away the bridge connecting the affected area, the Mundakkai estates, to Chooralmala. “Many people who were working in the estates and staying in makeshift tents inside are feared trapped or missing,” he said. Relief efforts were ongoing on Tuesday, and two helicopters of the Indian Air Force have been mobilised, the Kerala chief minister’s office said in a statement. Rescue operations were hampered as the area was not reachable by road because of the bridge collapse, Mohsen Shahedi, a senior National Disaster Response Force officer told Reuters. Kerala is particularly prone to heavy rain and flooding, with nearly 400 people killed in one of the Source link via The Novum Times
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67-romeo · 3 months
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Is #WayBackWednesday a thing? -- it is now! #wbw Check out this photo & caption..."WARRIOR COMES OF AGE -- An Apache Indian heralds the rollout of the first production AH-64A APACHE Attack Helicopter for the U.S. Army 2 months ahead of schedule on Sept. 31 at Hughes Helicopters, Inc APACHE Assembly and Flight Test Center in Mesa, Ariz. U.S> Army requirements call for at least 515 of the day/night and adverse weather attack helicopters to be built through 1988. A total of 59 product APACHEs are currently under contract, and Congress recently authorized an additional 112 AH-64As for Fiscal Year 1984. #75YearsAbovetheBest
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