#india won the toss
Foxtrot Alpha Alpha - Chapter 23
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Pairing: Hangman x Female OC
Word Count: 3365
Warnings: Swearing, reference to sex
Summary: Hangman learned his lesson a long time ago to never show his true feelings when someone's words or actions hurt him. To do so showed weakness that could be exploited, and Seresin men couldn't show weakness. Of course, there was an exception to every rule, and Jake's always came in the form of women, three in particular: his mom, Juliette Kazansky, and the girl whose name he could no longer bring himself to speak. She was the girl that got away; she was his biggest 'what if' and his biggest regret; she would forever be the ghost that haunted his dreams. Jake believed that's where she'd stay, for he would surely never see her again after what he did.
Or so he thought.
Notes: This is the sequel to India Lima Yankee; I'm using the same callsign for the Female OC as in Ghost Story because I just really like it, but they are different characters; chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: Long Hot Summer American Country Love Song
Sleep evaded the Texan all because of three little words spoken days earlier: "Fine. I'll come." Coming from anyone else, they would've meant nothing. This, however, came from Ghost. The girl who refused to speak to him, let alone be around him, ever since Ghoul's death. The girl who discarded him from her life like an undesired weed in a garden. He understood why, of course. Why would Ghost keep him around? The guy who killed her best friend and nearly killed her? She'd made it clear their first night at the Hard Deck that she still blamed him, specifically after her 'watery grave' comment. He'd given up hope that night that they could ever be more than 'old acquaintances.'
Therefore, when Ghost agreed to have him pick her up on Saturday morning for dogfight football, he'd been more than a little taken aback. Even if he'd used a cunning argument in an attempt to get her to agree, Hangman had not expected it to actually work. Ghost hadn't called or texted him to cancel the pickup and say she'd changed her mind, deciding to drive herself; she hadn't canceled the plan altogether, either. No. She had confirmed the pickup with Friday evening, to which he naturally responded yes.
By the time Hangman was meant to head over to Ghost's place, he'd been up for four hours already, spending most of that time working out to alleviate his nerves over being alone, truly alone, with Ghost for the first time since the accident.
"Come on, man," Hangman mumbled to himself, shouldering his duffel bag. "You've faced a fifth-gen fighter in a fourth-gen and won. You can handle a twenty-or-so-minute car ride to get coffee and to go to the beach."
He tossed his stuff into the back and slid into the driver's seat. Country music blaring, he cruised over to Ghost's apartment. He texted her: Here. Hangman exited the truck and waited impatiently at the passenger side door, keeping his hands tightly clasped in front of him to stop himself from mindlessly fiddling his thumbs. Ghost appeared a moment later, somehow holding her guitar case and tote bag in one hand, locking her door with the other, and having her phone sandwiched between her ear and shoulder, a smile lighting up her face. As she approached Hangman, he heard her say: "That sounds great! Listen, my ride is here, but call me later, and we can talk more about it... sounds good. Bye!"
"Hey, stranger," Hangman greeted happily, relieving Ghost of her baggage and opening the passenger door for her.
Ghost returned the sentiment with equal enthusiasm. "Morning!"
"You're in a good mood this morning," he said after putting her stuff in the back and sliding into the driver's seat. "What gives?"
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"Do you remember Leo Wolfe?"
Hangman thought back to the chubby, baby-faced cadet he'd sat next to a decade ago. "Yeah, he's Wolfman's son, right?"
"Yeah. You only met him once at my high school graduation dinner, but we've stayed in touch. He's in San Diego for his friend's bachelor party and wanted to visit. I haven't seen him since a little after we graduated from the Navy, so it's been a long time coming."
"That'll be nice. Isn't he a pilot, too?"
"WSO. Followed in his dad's footsteps. Callsign Wolfie."
Hangman chuckled. "Fitting. So, let me guess-" he pulled into the Starbucks drive-thru- "venti iced chai and a ham and Swiss croissant?"
"Yeah, how do you remember that?" Ghost queried, tilting her head.
"You've ordered the same thing for as long as we've gotten Starbucks together. The only time you differ is when the weather turns cold, or Fall hits because then you order a hot chai latte or an iced pumpkin chai latte, respectively."
"Why try something new when my current drink orders are perfection?" Ghost scoffed in mock offense. Hangman shot her an impish grin in response, then leaned out the window and put in their order. As he pulled to the window, she asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"It's on me," he said nonchalantly. 
"No protests. You can repay me by explaining why you're bringing your guitar to dogfight football. Pretty sure we can't throw it, nor do I think you want us to."
"Thank you. That's sweet of you." Ghost shoved her cash back into her wallet. "As for the guitar, Juliette said Penny was hosting an open mic night today, and I thought if I wasn't too sweaty and gross after football, I might do a set or two."
"If you want a partner-"
"You'll have to fight Rooster and Jules for those spots, but you're welcome to try."
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"I'll take my bets with Rooster. I know better than to go against Princess."
"Don't we all. How did you two become so close? I know you two became friends during the training detachment, but she seems closer to you than the other Daggers."
Hangman shrugged, hoping to convey indifference despite having had deep feelings for Juliette at one point, feelings that still occasionally arose. "We had a very short, what did you use to call it... flirtationship?"
"You and Juliette were a thing?" Hangman could've sworn Ghost's voice went up an octave.
"Not unless you count a couple of spontaneous kisses a thing before Bradshaw reeled her back in. I don't know... we just kind of clicked. It probably helped that I saved Rooster's life." Hangman did not elaborate further, but the words he wanted to stay remained on the tip of his tongue: Juliette reminded me of you, and I fell for her because of that before I had the chance to stop myself. Unable to gauge how Ghost would react to such a statement, he decided silence as the best option. "What about you and Bradshaw?"
Ghost flushed. "Oh, well, uh, we were always friendly, but we both were going through some shit after we graduated Top Gun. We got drunk together, one thing led to another, and we- we might've hooked up..."
Hangman gasped over-dramatically, clutching his heart. "You didn't!"
"I wasn't friends with Juliette yet! I didn't even know they had dated!" Ghost protested, her cheeks flushing an even deeper maroon. 
Hangman laughed good-naturedly and patted her thigh. "Don't worry. I'm messing with you. I already knew about it."
"You- how?"
"Word spreads fast, and one of my associates saw you two leave the bar together and then also saw y'all leave Bradshaw's apartment the morning after."
Ghost narrowed her eyes, mulled over her thoughts briefly, then said, "It was Firefly, wasn't it?"
"It was Firefly. Gotta ask, though, does Princess know?"
"Oh, yeah. Jules could tell by the absolute evaporation of color in my face when she showed me a picture of Rooster that I knew him. It didn't help that I'd literally told her maybe five minutes beforehand how I'd had the best one-night stand of my life right after Top Gun. To say I was mortified barely covers it."
"You getting with Rooster isn't surprising. In fact, I'm shocked you two never dated. No, I'm more surprised that you had a one-night stand with him."
"He's the only one-night stand I've ever had, and I swear to God, if that leaves this truck-"
"I'll be the victim of friendly fire. Don't worry; your secret's safe with me," Hangman promised, handing Ghost her drink and food. Grabbing his, paying, and thanking the barista, he pulled back onto the main road and headed toward the Hard Deck. "Speaking of dating, outside of Kyle, have you dated anyone recently?"
"Not really. Dated one guy for a few months, but he got shipped to a different place, and we broke it off because of the long distance. Maybe if we'd had more time to spend with each other, it could've worked out. I met him because of Leo, actually. He asked me to keep an eye on his friend because he'd just lost his mom." Ghost leaned her head back against the seat and rolled it to look at Hangman. "What about you? Any girlfriends?"
"Nah. You know me. I don't have a habit of settling down. I did have a couple of potentials, but those crashed and burned."
"How come?"
"One loved another man, and the other girl hated me." Hangman purposefully left out the girls' names, considering they were, respectively, Juliette and Ghost. 
"Their loss," she said. Jake tried not to think about the irony of the statement coming from her. "What about Coyote? Has he dated anyone?"
Jake frowned. "I thought you two stayed in contact?"
"Not religiously. We'd wish each other happy birthday, happy holidays, and whatnot, but that was it."
"He's dated, but no one serious. Longest one lasted maybe three months."
Ghost nodded in acknowledgment but said nothing else, munching on her croissant. Hangman tried to formulate a new topic of conversation but failed miserably. For him, an awkward silence fell over them, but thankfully, it lasted only a short time because he pulled into the parking lot not long after. The pair hopped out and grabbed their belongings.
"Where is everyone?" Ghost asked, scanning the near-empty beach.
Hangman tossed a football in his hands. "I think we're a little early. Don't worry; they'll be here soon. Want to toss this around for a bit? Warm up?"
"Yeah, that sounds-" Ghost jumped at her cell blaring Lily Allen's 'Fuck You.' She scrambled to turn it down, but Hangman caught a glimpse of the name on the phone and felt his blood boil. Not even bothering to hide his annoyance, he growled, "Kyle's still calling you?" 
"Yeah," Ghost muttered, rolling her eyes and hitting decline. "Thought I had that turned down."
"If he calls again, please let me take care of it. All I need is thirty seconds. If that."
Ghost raised an eyebrow at him. "And what exactly are you going to say to him?"
"Let me answer that ringing phone and find out," Hangman insisted, nodding at the phone in her hand, which had started ringing again. Ghost hesitated, then handed the phone to him. Grinning, he happily took it and answered. "Hello?"
"You're not Annalise. Who the hell is this?" Kyle's irritated voice caused an unhealthy rage to surge into Hangman's blood. He sounded more irritated that Ghost hadn't answered rather than being concerned that some "random" guy had picked up her phone instead.
"You're right; this isn't, Annalise. She didn't pick up for a reason, and the hundreds of unanswered calls should give your tiny brain an insight as to why."
"Who the fuck do you think you are?"
"I will be your worst God damn nightmare if you continue harassing her." Hangman glanced at a guy shouting that the Hard Deck wasn't open yet. "Listen carefully because I'm only going to warn you once: they call me Hangman for a reason. If I see you call her one more time, or if Ghost tells me you've reached out to her again, I will rain down living hell on you."
Kyle scoffed. "Yeah? You and whose army?"
"How about the US Navy? Now, I may not have the power to set nine four-star admirals on your ass myself, but-" Hangman smirked at the sight of the blonde hopping out of the familiar blue Bronco that parked next to his truck- "I know the person who can, and they don't take kindly to people messing with their family."
"... Seresin, is that you?" The amused drawl in Kyle's voice caused Hangman's lip to lift in a snarl. "I'll be damned. I thought Annalise cut you out of her life after you killed her wingman."
"She did, and you know what? It speaks volumes that she'd rather hang out with me, the guy who killed her best friend, than answer one of your phone calls."
Ghost stiffened. "Jake-"
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He ignored her and continued, "I will say this only once more: leave Annalise alone. Do not call her, do not text her, do not reach out to her. She does not want anything to do with you. Move on or find out what happens when you don't have my brother and father to back you up in a fight."
Hangman hung up before Kyle could utter a syllable in response. He turned to Ghost and said, "He shouldn't bother you again. If he does, let me know. I'll talk Princess into setting some admirals on him."
"I'm not worried about that. About Ghoul-"
"I said what I needed to get the point across to him." Hangman then pointed out that Rooster and Juliette had arrived, declared they should head over to greet them, and then clapped Ghost's shoulder as he left the conversation. He didn't want to talk about what he'd said with Ghost, not now nor ever. He already knew she blamed him for Ghoul's demise and required no reminder, let alone a conversation about it. Hangman didn't need to hear the blame straight from her lips.
Upon approach, Juliette chirped, "Hey! You're here early."
"Yeah, I thought the line would be longer at Starbucks, so Ghost and I got here pretty quickly." Noticing Rooster's brow shoot up, Hangman said, "Put that back down."
Rooster failed to oblige. "So, you two are hanging out?"
"She offered me an olive branch, and I took it." Hangman knelt to pet Raptor and Lightning. "Are the others on their way? I haven't checked my phone recently."
"Weren't you just talking on the phone?"
"He was on mine to my stalker of an ex-fling," Ghost replied, walking up to the group and kneeling next to Hangman to pet the German Shepherds, who had both rolled over onto their backs for belly rubs. 
"Kyle?" Juliette asked.
"Kyle," confirmed Hangman and Ghost simultaneously.
"Have I missed something?" Rooster queried.
Juliette patted his shoulder. "I'll catch you up later, honey. What-"
A buzzing phone caught everyone's attention. Judging by how Ghost flinched, Hangman guessed correctly that it was hers. He growled, "If that's Kyle, I swear to God-"
"Hey, Wolfie," Ghost said, placing a calming hand on Hangman's shoulder. His heart lurched at the voluntary, gentle contact.
"Wolfie?!" Jules exclaimed, perking up.
The muffled voice on the other end said, "Is that Juliette Kazansky?"
"Yep, that's her! We're waiting for the rest of the Daggers to get here for dogfight football."
"Dogfight football?"
"I'll explain it when we see each other. What's up?"
"I was standing next to this blue Bronco, looking out over the ocean, and I noticed the most beautiful girls petting some extremely happy German Shepherds." At his words, Ghost stood instantly, scanning the parking lot eagerly. She seemed to zero in on an unfamiliar figure beside Rooster's vehicle. Hangman stood with her just in time to hear Wolfie ask, "Should I go talk to them?"
Ghost beamed broadly. "There will be hell to pay if you don't."
Hangman watched a man jog over, and as he closed the gap between them, he recognized the 'unfamiliar' figure, and his heart inexplicably sank. A ripped man had replaced the former chubby cadet, albeit with some of his baby face left. He was a spitting, younger image of Leonard "Wolfman" Wolfe.
"Wolfie!" Ghost gleefully exclaimed as he swept her up into an air hug. "What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting to see you today."
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"I swear this is just a coincidence. We're meeting here for our day of shenanigans. Considering we're inevitably going to end up drinking copious amounts of alcohol, we're all taking Ubers here." Wolfie turned to Juliette and glanced down at her bulging belly before leaning forward and gently hugging her. "I'd greet you more exuberantly, but I don't want to hurt you or the babies! It's good to see you, Kazansky!"
"You too, Wolfe." Pulling away, she said, "You remember Bradley, right?"
Wolfie snorted. "How could I forget Bradshaw? How you doing, man? Long time no see. What's it been? Ten years?"
"More, I think. And I'm doing good. Yourself?"
"Never better. Good to see you two back together." Then, turning to Hangman, he said, "You look familiar. Where do we know each other from?"
"This is Jake Seresin," Ghost introduced quickly. "Jake, this is Leo. You two met at my graduation party."
A flicker of recognition flashed in Wolfie's eyes. He extended his hand and replied, "Oh, yeah! Callsign Texas, right?"
"It's Hangman now," Jake corrected with a charming smile as he shook the man's hand. 
"Hangman?" Wolfie repeated. "Why Hangman?"
"Fly with me and find out."
Wolfie chuckled. "Not sure if I want to find out with that callsign. Well, listen, I won't keep you guys from whatever you're doing, but we need to catch up before I leave."
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"I'm not sure what you and your friends have planned, but you're welcome to join us for football. The more people, the better. I'm sure Mav would love to see you, too!" Juliette said sincerely, leaning into Rooster. The color in her face had drained a little, making him wonder if she was getting nauseous or dizzy. Both were concerning to Hangman. Rooster subtly slipped an arm around her waist, his eyes flicking to her to gauge the situation. Whether he observed anything or not, his gaze reverted back to Leo.
"Let me check with the boys. There are six of us, myself included," Wolfie explained, taking out his phone and shooting a text off to a group chat labeled 'Bachelor Blowout.' "There's my pilot, Jackal. You don't know him, but we do have four other eighty-six legacy babies: Sunrise and Diva-"
"Who are they related to from the eighty-six flyboys?" Ghost queried.
"Sundown and Hollywood, respectively. And then, of course, y'all know Jack and Joey Kazansky."
Juliette stiffened. "Oh God. My brothers are with you?"
"Yeah, why?"
She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Ooooh, I'm going to get an earful from them about a few things, mainly how I kept some of my pregnancy complications from them."
Wolfie blinked. "Uh, excuse me, what pregnancy complications?"
"Just a few fainting spells and some high blood pressure, all of which I have under control now. I didn't want them to panic if they learned I had more than one blackout, but they did, and now they're pissed. Shit..." Juliette's eyes locked onto two buff, blond men approaching from the distance. "I'm going to take care of this early on. I'll be back."
Juliette hurried off. Rooster excused himself to join her, stating he should help, leaving Hangman alone with Ghost and Wolfie. He felt like the odd man out between them. Hell, between the current group at the beach, he was the only one that didn't have a relation to the infamous "Flyboys of '86." Even Ghost did, being the daughter of Charlotte Blackwood. Where was Coyote when he needed him?
"I'm going to call Jackal and see what he wants to do. I'll be right back!" Wolfie clapped Ghost gently on the shoulder and walked off, talking to his pilot. For better or worse, this left Hangman alone with Ghost.
"Well-" she began- "this morning has certainly turned interesting."
"I know. Feeling kind of like the odd man out with all you legacies," Hangman teased in an attempt to hide his insecurity about it. He moved to stand next to Ghost, watching Juliette and Rooster with the Kazansky boys and Wolfie chatting on the phone.
Ghost caught onto his hidden concern immediately, though. "Don't worry. I feel out of place with them, too. Rooster, Wolfie, and the Kazanskys all grew up together, even if they didn't live next door to each other. Mom never really stayed in touch with anyone except Wolfman, so I never met anyone but Wolfie. I met Sunrise and Diva a handful of times and heard about them through Wolfie, but never met Bradshaw and Jules until I joined the Navy. Funny, considering how close our parents all were at one point."
He turned his head to look down at her. "Guess it's you and me against the legacies today."
Ghost met his gaze, the corner of her lip tugging upward. "Forever?"
Hangman's heart soared. "And always."
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @bradshawsandbridgetons @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @mak-32 @midnightmagpiemama @luckyladycreator2 @ellamae021 @kmc1989
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23
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Cricket - SL vs India Men's 1st ODI
The match ended in a tie, which is the last thing any of us expected. But here we are. They actually played well today!
7.39pm - Sorry about the slow updates, been having a bit of a headache. Sri Lanka made it to 230 and, would you believe it, didn't get bowled out.
Meanwhile, Wellalage is coming mighty close to being man of the match.
5.54pm - Fifties from Pathum Nissanka and Dunith Wellalage. Feels like I can breathe a little.
2.20pm - Btw, we won the toss and chose to bat first.
2.19pm - So I know we aren't exactly hopeful here, but we're still watching. Because of course we are. Not leaving each other behind is something we sorely need to learn.
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dreamboatt · 3 months
India have won the toss and the match as well😌🇮🇳
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viratfc · 3 months
India won the toss and is batting … letsgooo
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articlesminer · 2 years
India Women vs Australia Women, 4th T20I Live Updates: India Women Win Toss, Opt To Field vs Australia Women | Cricket News
India Women vs Australia Women, 4th T20I Live Updates: India Women Win Toss, Opt To Field vs Australia Women | Cricket News
Please Read the full News and Share in Your Timeline IND-W vs AUS-W, 4th T20I Live: India Women take on Australia Women in 4th T20I© AFP IND-W vs AUS-W, 4th T20I Live Updates:India Women’s team captain Harmanpreet Kaur won the toss and opted to field against Australia in the 4th T20I of the five-match series, at the Brabourne Stadium in Mumbai on Saturday. After facing a defeat in the third…
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voidsteffy · 2 years
India won the toss and chose to bat
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reddyannaa1 · 2 days
Rishabh Pant gets into an argument with Litton Das: India vs Bangladesh 1st Test match heats up | Reddy Anna
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Overview of Reddy Anna
After a run deflection in the opening Test match between India and Bangladesh in Chennai, there was a heated exchange between Litton Das and Rishabh Pant. India lost several important wickets early in the innings before Pant and Jaiswal built an important partnership to steady the ship. Since 2010 Reddy Anna Book has led the way in offering India's top sports ID services. Our dedication lies in providing dependable and safe platforms for every sports fan. Our goal is to establish a safe, dependable, and enjoyable space for people to take in the thrill of sports without worrying about anything. Reddy Anna Book is the place to go if you want to access our services or obtain a cricket ID.
Litton Das and Rishabh Pant experienced a difficult moment during the first Test match between India and Bangladesh in Chennai. India was struggling at 34/3, with Rohit Sharma, Shubman Gill, and Viral Kohli back in the pavilion. Yashasvi Jaiswal and Pant were attempting to form a collaboration.
Taskin Ahmed produced a full delivery in the 16th over, which Jaiswal smashed toward mid-on. Pant was going for a single when the ball swerved off his leg, allowing him to finish the run.
Litton Das was not thrilled with this and spoke with Pant about his displeasure. Many people talked about the incident on Twitter as it garnered attention on social media.
Najmul Hossain Shanto, the captain of Bangladesh, won the toss and chose to bowl first on the dry Chennai field. The choice proved advantageous as Rohit Sharma was removed in the sixth over. India's problems got worse when Shubman Gill was out without adding a run, leaving the team at 28/2.
Virat Kohli then came in with hopes of stabilizing the innings, but Hasan Mahmud soon dismissed him for a low score. It was left to Pant and Jaiswal to reconstruct the innings.
By the time lunch arrived, India had bounced back. Pant scored 33 off 44 balls and Jaiswal 37 off 62 balls. They formed a 50-run partnership while looking at ease in the middle.
Regarding cricket fans looking for dependable and authentic online book ID services in India, Reddy Anna is the clear choice. Reddy Anna is dedicated to offering the best possible user experience, therefore she makes sure that every client gets not just an ID but also access to a thriving community of ardent gamers and admirers.
India vs Bangladesh so far
The bounce and swing in Chennai surprised the hosts, making for difficult conditions. Hasan Mahmud claimed three crucial wickets during the early cricket session in Chennai as the Bangladeshi bowlers dominated. India struggled against the movement on a tricky pitch, but Jaiswal and Pant stabilized the innings with an unbeaten 54-run partnership.
After taking his fourth wicket of the innings, Hasan Mahmud ultimately dismissed Rishabh Pant for 39. Batting with him is KL Rahul, who is unbeaten at 50. India are 132/4 after 35 overs.
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starbiopic · 4 days
Chennai Test: Bangladesh's Bold Decision to Bowl First Breaks a 42-Year Tradition
The opening Test match between India and Bangladesh in Chennai brought with it a surprising twist. Bangladesh won the toss and opted to bowl first, a decision that hadn’t been made by any team at the Chepauk Stadium in the last 42 years. The last time a team chose to bowl first in Chennai was back in 1982. This decision by Bangladesh not only ended a long-standing trend but also put India in a…
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blogy-hub · 4 days
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tfgadgets · 2 months
India vs Sri Lanka Live Score, 1st ODI: Washington Sundar Gets Pathum Nissanka, Sri Lanka Five Down vs India
India vs Sri Lanka 1st ODI LIVE Cricket Updates© AFP India vs Sri Lanka 1st ODI Live Updates: Sri Lanka are five down against India in the ongoing first ODI at R Premadasa Stadium, Colombo. Sri Lanka captain Charith Asalanka won the toss and opted to bat first but the decision didn’t go well with the side. Mohammed Siraj, Axar Patel, Shivam Dube, Kuldeep Yadav and Washington Sundar all have…
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Cricket - SL vs India Men's 2nd ODI
Vandersay got 6 (just- what-) and Charith Asalanka got the rest. After the hopelessness of the T20s, this is exactly what we needed.
In other words, this damn team is never letting me get off my cricket addiction.
8.53pm - I had to go do some work and HOLY MOTHER OF THOR WHAT HAPPENED HERE
6.57pm - Okay so we scored 240/9, which is better than we expected. Let's see how the rest goes.
Sri Lanka won the toss and chose to bat.
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chennaitop10 · 2 months
The World of Street Foods: A Culinary Adventure Across the Globe
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Street food is more than just a quick bite on the go; it's a vibrant, flavorful celebration of culture, tradition, and community. From bustling markets in Asia to colorful food trucks in the Americas, street food offers a window into the heart and soul of a place, where local ingredients and age-old recipes come together to create something truly special. This article takes you on a journey through some of the most iconic street foods around the world, highlighting their origins, unique flavors, and the cultural significance they hold.
1. Asia: The Street Food Capital of the World
Asia is undoubtedly the mecca of street food, with its sprawling night markets and countless vendors offering everything from savory snacks to sweet treats.
Bangkok, Thailand: Pad Thai and Som TumIn the bustling streets of Bangkok, the aroma of sizzling noodles and the spicy tang of papaya salad fill the air. Pad Thai, a stir-fried noodle dish with shrimp, tofu, eggs, and a tamarind-based sauce, is a quintessential Thai street food. Served with a side of crushed peanuts, lime wedges, and chili flakes, it perfectly balances sweet, salty, sour, and spicy flavors. Som Tum, or green papaya salad, is another must-try. Made with shredded unripe papaya, cherry tomatoes, green beans, and peanuts, all tossed in a dressing of lime juice, fish sauce, and chili, this dish is a refreshing yet fiery delight.
Delhi, India: Chaat and SamosaThe streets of Delhi are a paradise for spice lovers. Chaat, a broad category of savory snacks, is a crowd favorite. Variants like Aloo Tikki Chaat (potato patties topped with chutneys, yogurt, and spices) and Pani Puri (crispy hollow shells filled with tangy tamarind water) offer an explosion of flavors in every bite. Samosas, deep-fried pastry pockets stuffed with spiced potatoes and peas, are another beloved street food, often enjoyed with a cup of steaming chai.
Tokyo, Japan: Takoyaki and TaiyakiJapanese street food is a delightful mix of tradition and innovation. Takoyaki, bite-sized balls of batter filled with pieces of octopus, pickled ginger, and green onions, are a popular treat at festivals and night markets. They’re typically topped with savory takoyaki sauce, mayonnaise, and bonito flakes. Taiyaki, a fish-shaped cake with a sweet filling (usually red bean paste or custard), is a popular street dessert that has won hearts worldwide.
2. The Middle East: A Feast of Flavors
The Middle East is renowned for its rich culinary heritage, and street food plays a central role in the region’s food culture.
Istanbul, Turkey: Simit and Döner KebabWalking through the streets of Istanbul, it’s hard to resist the allure of Simit, a circular bread encrusted with sesame seeds, often referred to as the Turkish bagel. This crunchy, chewy delight is usually enjoyed with a cup of Turkish tea. Another iconic street food is the Döner Kebab, a dish where seasoned meat (typically lamb, chicken, or beef) is roasted on a vertical spit, then shaved off and served in a pita or flatbread with fresh vegetables and sauces.
Beirut, Lebanon: Manakish and FalafelManakish is often described as the Lebanese pizza. This flatbread is topped with za’atar (a mix of thyme, sesame seeds, and sumac), cheese, or minced meat, and then baked to perfection. Falafel, deep-fried balls made from ground chickpeas and herbs, are another street food staple, often served in a pita with tahini, fresh veggies, and pickles.
3. Europe: Where Tradition Meets Innovation
European street food has evolved from humble beginnings to a sophisticated culinary scene, blending traditional recipes with modern twists.
Paris, France: Crêpes and Croque-MonsieurThe streets of Paris are synonymous with Crêpes, thin pancakes that can be filled with sweet or savory ingredients. Popular fillings include Nutella, bananas, ham, and cheese. Croque-Monsieur, a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, is another French street food classic, often enjoyed with a béchamel sauce for added richness.
Berlin, Germany: Currywurst and PretzelsBerlin’s street food scene is dominated by Currywurst, a dish of sliced sausages topped with a ketchup-curry sauce, served with fries or a bread roll. It’s a comforting, hearty snack that’s perfect for any time of day. Pretzels, with their distinctive knot shape and salty crust, are another popular street food, often enjoyed with mustard or butter.
4. The Americas: A Melting Pot of Flavors
The diverse cultures of the Americas are reflected in their street foods, which range from traditional indigenous dishes to modern fusion creations.
Mexico City, Mexico: Tacos and ElotesMexico City is a street food lover’s paradise, with Tacos at the forefront. Whether it’s Tacos al Pastor (marinated pork with pineapple) or Tacos de Carnitas (slow-cooked pork), these hand-held delights are a must-try. Elotes, or grilled corn on the cob slathered with mayonnaise, cheese, lime juice, and chili powder, is another popular street snack that captures the essence of Mexican flavors.
New York City, USA: Hot Dogs and Soft PretzelsNo discussion of American street food would be complete without mentioning the iconic New York Hot Dog. Typically topped with mustard, ketchup, sauerkraut, or onions, this simple yet satisfying snack is a staple of the city’s food culture. Soft Pretzels, often sold by street vendors, are another quintessential New York street food, enjoyed plain or with a variety of dips.
5. Africa: A Tapestry of Tastes
African street food is as diverse as the continent itself, offering a rich array of flavors and textures.
Lagos, Nigeria: Suya and Puff-PuffSuya is a popular Nigerian street food, consisting of skewered, grilled meat seasoned with a spicy peanut sauce. It’s often served with sliced onions and tomatoes, and is perfect for those who enjoy bold, smoky flavors. Puff-Puff, deep-fried dough balls that are soft and fluffy on the inside, are a beloved sweet treat, often dusted with powdered sugar or served with a dipping sauce.
Cape Town, South Africa: Bunny Chow and KoeksistersBunny Chow, a hollowed-out loaf of bread filled with spicy curry, is a street food with a fascinating history, originally created by Indian immigrants in Durban. It’s a hearty, flavorful dish that has become a staple across South Africa. Koeksisters, sweet, sticky, braided doughnuts soaked in syrup, are a popular dessert, offering a delightful contrast of textures and flavors.
Street food is more than just a meal; it's an experience that connects people across cultures, generations, and continents. It’s a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of communities who have turned humble ingredients into iconic dishes. Whether you’re savoring the tangy kick of a Thai Som Tum, the smoky richness of Nigerian Suya, or the sweet indulgence of a Parisian Crêpe, street food offers a culinary adventure that’s as diverse as it is delicious. So next time you’re exploring a new city or even your hometown, don’t hesitate to dive into the vibrant world of street food—it’s a journey worth taking.
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crictalent · 2 months
India Won Super Over 5 Balls Left.
In India VS Sri Lanka T20 Series 3rd Match, India Won Super Over.Clean Sweeped Sri Lanka In The Series By 3-0.IND VS SL T20 Series MATCH 3rd Srilanka Won The Toss And Elected To Bowl First,Batting First India Made 137/9 In 20 OVERS. While Chasing India Stopped Srilanka On 137/8.Match Came To Super Over.In Super Over Srilanka All Out On 1/2 in 0.3 OVERS. And India Won The Match When Surya Kumar Yadav Smashed 4 On The First Ball Of Super Over.
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a2zsportsnews · 2 months
SL vs IND: Why is Shubman Gill not playing in second T20I vs Sri Lanka
India vice-captain Shubman Gill was not available for selection for the second T20I against Sri Lanka at Pallekele International Cricket Stadium in Pallekele on Sunday. According to the official update by the BCCI, Gill woke up with a neck spasm. Hence, he was forced to sit out for the game. India captain Suryakumar Yadav won the toss and opted to bowl. “Gill misses out as he woke up with a neck…
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pitchperspective-23 · 2 months
India's T20 World Cup Triumph 2024
 "Dhoni finishes off in style, It's India who win the World Cup." These lines said by Ravi Shastri had gone old with respect to India's World Cup Trophy drought. The most dominating team in bilateral series could not win an ICC Trophy and this was the biggest disappointment for ICT fans. After losing the 2023 world cup final, the first thought which came into my mind was that most probably 2024 t20 wc would be the last world cup Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli will play together. So, this was their only chance for a world cup glory and they did not gave us a feeling of dismay, sadness and disappointment but an year full of cherishing memories, joy and happiness
India won the T20 World Cup 2024 happening in the USA and West Indies. They became the only team to win a world cup staying unbeaten. Their journey to the final was a happening one from the high pressure game against or the game against Australia. Especially, the game against Pakistan was a sheer representation of the evolution of Indian team's pace battery in the last decade. From 98 percentage of winning the match with Pakistan our pace battery broke their dreams of winning a game against India as they took the game from them in the last 10 overs. From the first game to the last one, India never looked a under confident or worn out team as they dominated everybody they faced badly. One such win was against Australia in the Super Eight which was personal for every Indian citizen ( If you know what I am talking about). Rohit's knock in that game was the indication of the frustration he had in himself after every knockout loss in every world cup in the last 5-6 years with more respect to 19th November. Then comes the Semifinal against England and that transition from 10 wicket win to 10 wickets out was outstanding. The game was one sided as soon as England completed their powerplay during the batting stint. Every cricket in the team was hungry of that silverware. So, they never looked back to the losses they had been facing but focused on their race to the unmatched legacy of winning a World Cup Trophy. The final was the best which could happen in an ICC tournament. It was not a cricket match a display of every emotion one can imagine in a game of cricket. India set a target of 177 and defend for India seemed easy until Klaseen smashed 24 runs in the 15th over and his team needed just 30 of 30 balls. India's pace attack pulled off a blinder from that stage by first Bumrah giving an economical over and then Hardik took the wicket of Klaseen to shift the momentum of the game on his side. The hidden hero was Arshdeep Singh who also pulled of two brilliant overs at the right - one in the middle and the other in the death. Last over consisted of South Africa requiring 16 runs and Hardik had to defend them. The first ball was a full toss indicating the pressure Hardik had with respect to his last 6 months. Miller swung his bat so hard but could not get the middle and it was the sticker that touched his bat but it was enough to go to the boundary but not above it as Suryakumar Yadav caught the ball and fancied India's chances to get the silverware. 
Virat Kohli was in tears and Rohit Sharma lied down to celebrate their undermining hard work in the last decade and the last time in this format. The pair decided to announce their retirement from T20I's together after getting their hands on the silverware. Looking back to their world cup triumph I see a roller coaster ride filled with emotions of joy, happiness and satisfaction. The trophy weighing 12kg which they lifted had made 1.3 billion people happy back home which they expressed through lighting firecrackers and doing individual parades. India became the first cricket team to win a T20I world cup unbeaten displaying their want to get hands on the trophy badly and they gave everything for it. We also gave everything for it and got the result back paying the debt of our worshipping to the team from the last 17 freaking years.  
Ravi Shastri's lines were replaced by the ones - Long on, Long On and what a catch, Suryakumar takes it and Miller's gone !!!!!!!!
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trendingallworldnews · 2 months
India vs Zimbabwe 3rd T20I: India Secures a 23-Run Victory to Lead Series 2-1
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India vs Zimbabwe Live Score, 3rd T20I: Indian skipper Shubman Gill plays a shot during the third T20I match against ZImbabwe at Harare on 10 July. (X/@bcci)
In a thrilling contest at Harare, India triumphed over Zimbabwe by 23 runs in the third T20I of the 5-match series. Chasing a target of 183 runs set by India, Zimbabwe managed to score 159/6 in their 20 overs.
India's win was largely due to their strong batting performance, with contributions from multiple players. Shubman Gill, captaining the side, won the toss and opted to bat first. He led from the front, scoring his first T20I half-century as skipper with a swift 66 off 36 deliveries. Ruturaj Gaikwad supported him well, narrowly missing his half-century with a commendable 49 off 28 balls. Yashasvi Jaiswal, making his series debut, added a solid 36 off 27 balls. India posted a competitive total of 182/4 in their 20 overs read more.
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