#ina's lifeblogging
juiletburked · 9 years
So, I just started using Trakt (and spent hours setting up everything and putting in my progress on all the tv shows...) and now I feel like adding people, so if we’re mutuals and you use Trakt, let me know your username and I’ll follow you ;)
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juiletburked · 9 years
For anyone wondering, yes I am back home from my vacation in the US, so my mini hiatus is over and you can reach me on here again :)
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juiletburked · 9 years
If anyone is wondering about the lack of updates, I'm in the US for a couple of weeks. I'll probably tweet about it from time to time, so if you'd like to read some updates on what I'm up to and where I am at the moment, you can follow me over there. @ juiletburked
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juiletburked · 9 years
I’m on my way to meet up with my prof and I’m super nervous, cause I’m about 90% sure it’s gonna go horribly. I just wanna go back home tbh.
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juiletburked · 9 years
I gotta go back to my old place tomorrow (cause I have to do some statistics for my bachelor dissertation and have to use the program at uni to do so) and I so don’t wanna go back there, cause the place is all empty now and all I’ll have is a couch and some empty boxes. 
So it’s gonna be quite sad and I’ll probably be miserable there since all I’ll do all day is go to uni to try and somehow figure out how to do the statistics until I give up for the day, go back “home” to my couch and hopefully get some sleep so I can start over again the next day...
And the worst part is that I honestly don’t know how much time I’ll have to spend there, cause it all depends on how quickly I can figure out the statistics part (and I’m really scared about getting stuck on something and not being able to do them at all and hence not being able to go back to my sister’s and my place yet, but also not getting anywhere dissertation-wise and alskdjas)
Basically I’m just really anxious about this whole thing and hope to gOD that it miraculously works out somehow after all, cause otherwise I’ll be so screwed... *sigh*
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juiletburked · 10 years
Alright, Tumblr strike it is... see you all in 24 hours ;)
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juiletburked · 10 years
i was tagged by verafarmigas to list my top 10 favorite horror films for halloween — Thank you :D
(I won't be listing them in any particular order, though and I don't know whether I'd call them my ALL TIME FAVS, but as far as I remember those were all pretty enjoyable :))
The Conjuring
Resident Evil (not necessarily the first one and definitely not the most recent one though)
Paranormal Activity
You're Next
Silence of the Lambs
The Sixth Sense
The Cabin in the Woods
I love watching scary movies, but somehow I can't come up with more good ones right now haha
tagging: whoever wants to do this idk ohswanfire aunicorndumbass queenderien reginasidiot victimizedbyreginamills lareulcastillo deanhwinchester claraisnotlittle pausethetragicending
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juiletburked · 10 years
Mae Whitman is really making me want to get more piercings... her's look so amazing ugh
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juiletburked · 10 years
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Damn haha
But how'd you like Carmilla then? :P
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I was so exhausted, I could barely keep my eyes open, so yeah, that's my excuse haha
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juiletburked · 10 years
So many people keep tagging me in the song shuffle challenge thing and I always feel so bad for not doing it. But I kinda can't, cause lately I've only been listening to music on Spotify, where I either just choose a random playlist in the browse section or go to my own playlist which only has like 12 songs or something in it. So yeah, wouldn't make much sense to shuffle that one haha
But thanks for tagging me anyway! I see your tags and mentions and I appreciate them nonetheless haha
pausethetragicending, claraisnotlittle, ... and several more, though I can't go that far back in my mentions anymore. BUT YES. THANK YOU! <3
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juiletburked · 10 years
Can my prof just please mail me back?
I can't tell whether just didn't get to it yet, whether he didn't get it in the first place or whether he's being passive aggressive about it.
And I'm so fucking nervous about it potentially being the latter, so waiting for a response really doesn't help matters...
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juiletburked · 10 years
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juiletburked · 10 years
So I printed the stupid page, signed it and mailed it to his stupid address. But for unknown fucking reasons the postal office was obviously too stupid to get it to him and now I have to do it again, which in itself wouldn't be that big a deal, but of course I'm out of black ink and I don't have any fucking stamps anymore, so now I can waste my whole afternoon showering, going to the city to buy new printer ink and stamps, then going home and printing it AGAIN and then sending it on its way again. And all of that while being on my fucking period.
Because that's OBVIOUSLY how I wanted to spend my afternoon when I had planned to finally get some shit done regarding my Bachelor dissertation. Fucking great.
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juiletburked · 10 years
Gonna go dye my hair now, cause Lulu isn't here for some inexplicable reason and I'm bored
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juiletburked · 10 years
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juiletburked · 10 years
reginasidiot said: lmao literally made the same mistake not too long ago, had to wait an hour for a 3' video to render sighh. also the thing with the versions is a pain in the ass. btw what are you editing?
GOD, the different versions are making me crazy. It's so crappy that I OWN the freaking program, yet I have to go to uni 5 billion times to edit with an older version, cause they have monitors that are properly calibrated, so I have to do my colouring here. And of course because of the versions not being backward compatible, I have to do EVERYTHING else here, as well if I wanna do the colouring properly *sigh*
And I'm editing a short film for uni. It's a (pretty trashy) horror film, but it's certainly good practice for me. One group wrote and filmed it and now it's my job to cut and edit it (well mine and another girl's but since she has no clue about how the programs work, I volunteered to do it pretty much on my own). The cutting is done, I also just did the colouring, but will probably have to tweak it a little here and there once the rendering is done and I can finally LOOK AT IT.
And after that I'll still have to edit the sound some more and decide on some songs / sounds to use. I kinda did parts of that the other day already, but eh, I'm not sure which ones to use and if I do, where to do it :P
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