#in the sky the clouds are so far they're out of reach // service manager tag
cogs-inc-tech-support · 9 months
Recently, I've been having issues with my work-issued computer overheating while trying to respond to my e-mails. What is the best fix for this? Also... are singed wires covered in the company's electronics insurance plan?
Thank you for your time,
Hello, Mr. Bonpyre. I apologize, but I believe your computer overheating is due to... external factors. I wish you luck on your endeavor to cool your computer down.
And yes, singed wires are covered under the electronics insurance plan. Please bring the damaged equipment to my office at your earliest convenience, and I will submit a request for a replacement. Thank you.
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cogs-inc-tech-support · 9 months
'Ello, my vacuum cleaner exploded while I was cleanin' as usual again. This is the fourth time it's 'appened within the past couple of months. Is there a way to prevent this? I've asked other Suits who use the same brand of vacuum cleaner and they 'aven't complained about anythin' like that.
( @ask-bellringer )
Hello, Mr. Biggs. Is this about an official company-issued vacuum cleaner? If it isn't, then we do not handle tech support for that.
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cogs-inc-tech-support · 9 months
i saw a toon on camera 26b-SBHQ. its brown
...Okay? I don't know why this is our issue. We handle Tech Support, not Toon battles. Warn @allan-bravecog-and-co, not us. I don't even work in Sellbot HQ anymore, so I can't exactly stop the toon...
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cogs-inc-tech-support · 9 months
hi, mingler 10642, someone stole my wireless mouse connector. not the mouse itself, just the connector.
Hello, Mingler 10642. Unfortunately, we don't handle theft. If you would like a replacement wireless mouse, please come to us in person. Otherwise, best of luck finding it.
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cogs-inc-tech-support · 9 months
Welcome to the official Tech Support blog for C.O.G.S. Incorporated. This is Théoden Bähr speaking, Theo for short. Codename "Maintenance Teddy-Bear," Mr./Mx. honorifics. As laid out between my staff and I, I will use uncolored text in posts. I primarily handle general maintenance supervision. For corporate purposes, I am considered a Bossbot. "Level 50.mgr," apparently.
Webmaster speaking! Full name Archimedes Webster. If you're respectful, you can call me Archie. Any and all pronouns and honorifics. I use blue text! I handle anything related to the cogs.ink website. If you have inquiries related to that, I will likely be the person answering them, unless I am out of commission. I am a Boardbot.
Tobias Boswell the Service Manager here. He/nix pronouns, and Mr. honorifics. I'll use green text. I handle general technological services, such as external social media... like this. I'm a Sellbot.
As the lead of the Tech Support team, I have elected to lay out some interaction rules. First and most foremost, we will not do battles. It is my understanding that Toons typically do not challenge suits to battle via Tumblr, however I felt it needed stating anyways. Secondly, we will not participate in Toon activities. We have important work to do. And thirdly... refrain from using Toon magic, please. Keep it away from us.
(ooc under cut)
Welcome to the Tech Support blog! Temporarily text-only. I have basic ideas for their apperance but no refs.
I, the mod, prefer Maes or PeachyMun. Do not call me Peachy. If you must shorten my name, use "PM" instead. Pronouns page here.
Archie is a Level 32.mgr v2.0, Tobias is a Level 18.mgr.
Théoden, obviously, is a teddy bear-based suit. Archimedes is based off a Fighting Spider (pretty lads!!), and Tobias has a smartphone for a head.
Actual Rules
No NSFW allowed.
I reserve the right to reject or modify any M!As that I receive. (yes, I take M!As)
Please follow standard roleplay etiquette: no godmodding, please respond with at least half a sentence, respect my boundaries, ask first before killing/maiming my character, etcetera.
These guys are newer characters, so bear with me! This is also my first multi-character blog in a bit.
Facts about Theo that he won't tell you
Secretly, he has a soft spot for bear toons. They're so much like him... (This does not extend to U. N. Kani.)
They are literally in their 60s. Sir, please.
If a toon came with intentions of just hanging out and NOT trying to beat him into scrap metal and mangled stuffing, he would probably actually let them hang out. It's a well-needed break from toons convinced he's the next "boss fight" or something.
Facts about Archie they won't tell you
A bit scared of cats, and cat toons by extension. Not for any tangible reason that xe know of, just a deep-seated fear from early childhood. It's a lot better than it used to be, at least!
She actually has god-awful vision. Thankfully, she has contacts. Glasses are too easy to break or lose... though she does own a pair or two.
Utterly oblivious to Mac Opsys having access to Cogs.Ink. Too busy dealing with other stuff... overworked.
Facts about Tobias he won't tell you
Knows about Tiberius' Acorn Acres activities. Does not care, but definitely knows that he (used to?) hang out there to do detective work and be an information broker.
He's actually really weak for his level. Only 1200 or so HP.
If he could bite, he would be biting toons.
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