#in my hc they ddidn't sleep with each other yet
wisp-of-chaos · 10 months
Ok, but here's how the party with the tieflings played out with Paru in my mind
Paru was sneaking stares at Astarion for quite some time before she's able to gather up enough courage to walk over and start a conversation. It might also be the wine maging her more confident than she usually feels about such matters, but that's beside the point now.
Taking another sip from ger glass, she takes a deep breath and steadies her hands when Astarion turns and effectively silences her with one of *those* smiles.
Her heart immediately skips and her breath hitches and she almost lets go of her drink; her tail flicking and twitching anxiously.
"Here's my little treat with their cheeks all flushed", he says and Paru feels her whole face tingling with heat. It was ridicolous what a simple look and a few words of the pale elf could do to her.
"You will come to my bed tonight, won't you?", he asks and if she hadn't been blushing already she would by now.
"Um", she cleverly says and drops her eyes down to her twiddling fingers; gripping the goblet as if her life dependet on it. She both loved and hated his honeyed words; how they came so easily and without effort to him. How they twisted and turned her mind into a warm, fuzzy puddle of nonsense.
Normally, she would ecade his flity words and sultry suggestions but tonight ... tonight could be diffrent, if she dared to make the leap.
Peeking back at him, she was met with that sweet yet dangerous smile of his. Her heart beat faster and her breath grew shallow and heavy as she felt her lips curling into a smile to match his.
He'd offered to share a night with her before, after the rather unfortunate encounter with the monster hunter in the swamp. But back then, Paru had been more concerned with treating their wounds than anything else and only scoffed at him before she took out some bandages and patched up the worst injuries.
Astarion hadn't brought it up again afterwards and Paru thought it forgotten; just another one of his meaningless flirts to join the others she'd heard since meeting him.
She couldn't deny that she was affected by them, however. And judging by his words and looks and smirks, he knew it too.
It still baffled her how someone like him could be interested in her that way; she wasn't remarkable in any way. If anything, most people were put off by her odd skin pigmentation and the fact that she was a tiefling.
Yet, that wasn't something Astarion seemed to mind. With all his cruel remarks and snide comments about other people, he had yet to say anything about Paru's looks that could be considered negative or insulting.
So, maybe ... maybe it wouldn't hurt to indulge a little bit? To celebrate their little victory a little more privately with Astarion.
Paru took another sahky sip from her wine and then dared to join Astarion's teasing words. "A little treat?", she echoed and was relieved that her voice didn't betray her nervouseness. "You can do better than that."
And oh, did she regret giving in to that little hope in her heart as she saw Astarion's smile sharpen, his fangs catching the light of the stars above.
"Oh, I certainly can, it would be my pleasure", he said all too easily and Paru felt her heard dropping into her stomach. Oh-uh ...
Tilting his head, Astarion lifted a hand to his chin in thought. "How about this one", he mused out loud and went on with it:"All these accolades from the tieflings are nothing compared to the sound of my name, cried from your lips."
Paru felt her whole face igniting with heat and had to grip the gobled with both hands, least her dropping it. But they hadn't yet- ...
A soft chuckle disrupted her disturbed and very embarrassed mind and she was met with yet another teasing grin from the elf. "At least, I imagine it to be sweeter than anything this bunch can come up with tonight."
Paru glared at him, her tail giving an angry flick. "So many honeyed words, as usual", she said with a little bite to her words, still disgruntled.
But of course that only encouraged himfurther and he tried again. "Hmm, let me give it another go", he hummed, his eyes romaing over Paru's body without the slightest hint of shame, making the hair on her neck stand on end.
"Every part of your perfect body whispers temptation", he said, his hands gesturing towards her person for good measure,"it's as if the Gods made you just to ruin me."
Paru gave him an unimpressed look, one eyebrow lifted up and crossed her arms, midnful of the goblet still clutched in one of her hands. "You're sillier than I thought", she said, although she had to admit - silently and only to herself - that had been somewhat sweet.
"I can go on all night with the flattery, but is that really all you want?", Astarion asked and Paru honestly considered it. It would surely be entertaining to hear everything he could come up with.
"How about if I said these little words ...", he continued and Paru frowned. Where was he going now?
"Everyone's favourite."
For a moment, Paru felt as if her heart had stopped beating. She blinked, speech- and breathless, with eyes growing wide ever so slightly. Surely he wouldn't- ...
"I love you."
Paru felt the words stabbing through her chest like shards of ice.
It was true that she had more than just a little crush on the pale elf, but there had been no indication that the feeling was mutual. Not until now, at least.
Frowning, Paru studied his face in silence.
There was no mockery nor cruel smile on his face; but no honesty either, yet his cast his eyes aside and let a dark shadow fall over them. A glimmer of another emotion dashed over his face but it was gone too quick to decifer it's meaning and before she knew it, Astarion was back to giving her one of his lopsided smiles.
Of course, Paru thought and sighed. "Having fun, are you?"
Astarion let out a small chuckle. "I am, it's hard not to with you", he said and Paru felt her chest tightening. "No, as much as I relish standing around and saying all my favourite lines at you, I'd much rather we got to experience each other's full portfolio of talents, if you're interested."
Sighing again, Paru took a deep, long sip from her drink, and then: "Maybe another time."
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