#in his ai country) and he kept waiting for me to open my mouth for the finger and called me a good boy?
emotionalalgorithm · 14 days
<- guy who just had the most peculiar yet completely plot coherent sexually-charged am dream
0 notes
welldonekhushi · 3 years
To Love An Indian | Tony Stark x Desi!Reader
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Summary: The reader is a desi woman who was appointed as an assistant by Tony Stark. How will your relationship with the billionaire genius go?
Warnings: All fluff, used Hindi language! Translations are available.
Word Count: 2,914
The special fact about you was, being an Indian was something common about when you live in a western country.
Mostly migrate to other places for finding a job, same as you. Never believed once in your life, you're going to get a job of an assistant. For a billionaire genius, and a superhero.
Everyone in your family was so happy about it, at least they have expectations that their daughter will finally make her name and earn. Maybe find someone special that you find to be perfect in your life?
Your mom and dad always worked hard for you for a better future and lifestyle. They never been so happier when they found out you were being appointed for a job in America. They felt so successful and proud for making their daughter educated enough to send her further.
Your flight was tomorrow, but the nervousness just kicks inside that how would your interview go. It was actually Tony Stark, the genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist. You can't even mess up with him. But, there was one thing which bugged you about, a tingly feeling.
You remember him since the day when the world was saved from the Chitauri invasion, and everyone was celebrating about the victory of heroes. It filled throughout the Indian media, about the new superheroes, named as the Avengers, who fight the inside and outside evils. The moment Iron Man showed on the screen, you were left surprised. You kept staring at the hero saving others and making sure if they're secure.
Mostly! When he opened his mask, and revealed his face, everyone held such shocked faces, like they never knew Iron Man was basically a human inside controlling the suit.
"Lo, hum joh isse robot samaj rahe the, yeh toh insaan nikala!" Your grandmother exclaimed. (Wow, we thought he was robot, but he turned out to be a human?)
"Chodo na, dadi. Hai toh hero, na?" You replied, turning back to the television. (Leave, grandma. At least he's a hero, right?)
But, you kept looking at his face. The way he spoke, the way he actions, and everything. You were lost into the man, that suddenly you revealed your smile, your sister noticing it.
"Didi, kya hogaya?" Your sister broke your contact, making you jerk in an instant. (What's wrong, sis?)
"O-oh, k-kuch nahi. Bas me usse dekh rahi thi, baat karte hue." You stammered, looking back. (Oh, it's nothing. I was just looking at him, talking.)
"Oho, pyaar me toh nahi pad gaye na?" Your sister teased, making you blush. (Oh, are you falling in love, huh?)
"Aree! Pagal toh nahi ho? Of course nahi! Hero hai, respect karti hu." (Hey! Are you crazy? Of course no! He's a hero, and I respect him.)
You did appreciate him, but this kind of respect leading to somewhere else.
It was morning, and the time for your flight. Bidding everyone a heartwarming farewell, hoping to see your family soon again.
"Beta araam se jaana. Maine tere liye bahut saari kheer banayi hai. Kha lena agar bhuk lagi toh, thik hai?" (Dear, go easy while you leave. I made lots of pudding for you, so eat it if you feel hungry, alright?)
"Haa maa, ghabrao nahi. Me araam se jaaungi. Ashirvad do bas." You kneeled down to take blessing from your mom and dad, them giving it back. (Yes, mom don't worry. I'll go easy, just give me your blessing.)
"Khush raho, beti. Kaam karna aur naam roshan karna." Your father removed his spectacles, crying tears for her daughter leaving. (Be happy, my daughter. Work hard and make your name bright.)
You hugged your dad, weeping because he wasn't ready to accept the fact you were now leaving him for a long time. After breaking the hug, you wiped his tears, giving him confidence.
Stepping in the taxi, you bid them goodbye, waving your hand and leaving for the airport.
Your new life now began, the moment you entered America. Landing, you then stayed in the hotel for the night, tired and exhausted. But, along that you wanted to remember your lines, so you quickly revise and go to sleep. In the morning, you hurriedly reach Stark Tower for the interview, since the time was running a bit fast.
Entering in the huge interior, looking at a lot of people working in. It did made your nervousness kick in again, but behaved like a strong woman, just wanting to complete the interview as a badass.
You reached the receptionist. "Excuse me, can you tell me where will Mr. Stark take the interview?"
"Oh, on the 15th floor, meeting rooms."
"Thank you." You smiled, reaching the elevator and waiting for the floor to arrive. Checking your watch, you were two minutes late, but hoping they'll just manage. Entering the room, feeling the slight cold air hitting your skin. It seemed empty, but hoped he was waiting for a while.
"Uhm, Mr. Stark?" You called out.
"Come in, Miss (L/N)." A deep, masculine voice filled through the room, knowing someone was actually in. Stepping inside, and closing the door, you seat yourself, trying to hide away your nervousness. It seemed you were slowly forgetting your lines but, being a strong woman is your passion right? Who even can—
The moment the chair turned around towards your direction, you lost it. It looks like you totally forgot the lines now.
Because Tony Stark just faced in front of you.
Did you just, blush? No, it might be embarassment. But, he too stared at you for a while. It was like an awkward staring contest, but remembering you were here for an interview, you brought yourself back.
"Good morning, Mr. Stark. Sorry for being so late." You wipe off the flick of hair on your face.
"It's okay. At least you were on time." He replied, giving a smile. Damn, it was cute.
"So, Miss (L/N). You're from, India right?" He asked, looking at your documents.
"Y-yes! I'm from India, also fully graduated from college."
"What really made you accept this assistant job?" He started asking questions.
"I just don't want to work for money, but I want to find what better I can do while I'm by myself."
"That's everyone's expectations. We should really try something new, and it's a fact of finding your true self."
"Right." You nodded.
"Alright, I have appointed you, congrats." He closed the document and gave a grin.
You widen your eyes. "What? I-I thought you were going to ask more questions..?"
"I don't ask many of them, I know you're capable for everything so, no need." He shrugged.
"W-wow.. I mean, it's way different back there.. haha. What a prick I am." You chuckled.
"You shouldn't actually be uncomfortable or nervous around me, okay? I'll always be available for your problems." He stood up from his chair, and you also too. Offering his hand for a handshake, and you happily accept it.
"Congratulations for the job, Miss (L/N)."
"Aapka bahut, bahut dhanyawad." You accidentally speak in your language, making you cover your mouth in surprise. (Thank you very much.)
He raised his eyebrow in confusion, not sure what you really meant. "Excuse me?" He tilts his head, smirking.
"I-I meant, thank you for accepting me as your assistant, Mr. Stark.. I'm sorry about that." You replied, trying not to fluster from embarassment. But, it didn't seem to make him feel weird, he was like.. more interested?
"No no, it's fine. Accidents happen, but your language is just beautiful. Just tell me whenever you're about to speak Hindi, JARVIS, my AI will help me translate it." He chuckled, and you laugh back.
"Mr. Stark you're so funny." You shook your head and continued to laugh. He sees you smile, which somehow warmed his heart. You might not notice it, but something was being created in between.
And time actually told that, when you both worked together for a long time.
"Please, call me Tony."
Years while working with Stark, you really enjoyed the job. He was a sweet, generous person who will look after you, hoping nothing worse happens. It kind of made you both like good friends, later on. Everytime you looked at him, some strange feelings always attacked you. You can't even guess what it means, but maybe because you really appreciate him.
One day came, when you even noticed about his weaknesses. It made you worry when he never came upstairs to sleep, so after a lot of convincing, he accepted your plead and slept. Even it became more forward, when Tony faced nightmares, and wanted to sleep with someone by his side.
He had been lonely, and it hurts.
His tired face made you want to rub it gently, and relax him to sleep. But, it looks like, you weren't friends anymore.
The way he became more protective and caring throughout your job in his mansion. Like a boyfriend.
But, the question came, does he even love you back, that you're feeling it all?
In the morning, Tony woke up to see the side of the bed empty. Maybe you were up early and started working. He got up and rubbed his hair, went downstairs to get some coffee. While drinking, he suddenly heard someone.. singing?
It didn't seem like an English song. It was foreign.
He could even hear the feminine sound softly, coming from the othe room.
Main tainu samjhawan ki, na tere bina lagda ji,
Main tainu samjhawan ki, na tere bina lagda ji,
Tu ki jaane pyaar mera, me karu intezaar tera,
Tu dil tuhiyo jaan meri
Main tainu samjhawan ki, na tere bina lagda ji,
When he slowly entered the room, you were the one singing while cleaning up the documents. Seriously, he never knew you sang so well. It literally made him feel so surprised, by seeing your other talent. He leaned on the door ledge, hearing you sing beautifully without noticing, like he was lost into it.
Everyday, whenever you used to sing this song while working, he secretly saw you and always adored your voice. It just made him fall in love.
On a particular day, he heard you sing the same song again. He stepped in the room, seeing your beautiful face and voice again.
In midway of your song, you turn around and see him on the doorway, and you gasped. "O-oh, Mr. Stark! G-good morning!"
"Good morning." He replied in his groggy, morning voice. "I never knew you sang so well. You never told me you even sing." He chuckled.
"Really..? I uhm, used to sing but, I had different plans.." You rub your hair, looking embarassed.
"But you sing so well.. I'm amazed." He smiled. "Problem is, I didn't understand because, that's a different language. God, I need to take Hindi classes from you, dang. What does it mean?"
You both laughed. "This song.. uhm actually is about, a lover, explaining his.. other lover that, he can't live without her, because they're deeply attached to each other. It's my favorite song, by the way."
"Oh really? You're into romantic songs, it seems." He raised his eyebrow and smirked, finding a seat.
"Yeah but, uhm.. because they show a lot meaning, even after I'm just a single-pringle, haha. Weird isn't it?"
He stared at you for sometime, it wasn't serious, but gentle. "It's not."
You blushed, don't know why but the tone of his voice dragged into it. Both kept staring at each, and had no idea about the surroundings.
You were the one to break through, coming back to reality. "Oh! S-sorry I just got lost.. a while back."
He got up from his chair, and went closer to your direction. Looking at each other's eyes, he found yours the most beautiful. Felt like he can swim in it. Caressing your cheek and rubbing it with his thumb, you started to panic inside, not able to notice what's happening now.
"Y/N.." He said, in a soft voice. "I.. wanted to ask about something."
You gulped, still flustered. "W-what is it?"
He realised something else, and then cleared his throat. ".. can you, teach me Hindi?"
"Huh?" You looked surprised.
"Yeah, I told a very while back, that I will once ask you to teach me Hindi. I'm very interested, can you please?" He flashed a grin. Like, there was no problem for you to teach him your language. It's good to make others know about your culture.
You gave him a nod as a reply, and he became excited. "Thank you, I'll gladly be your student, Miss Y/N."
For weeks, Tony had been taking Hindi classes from you. I swear, it could have been tough for him, but he was just so interested to learn the language. All you know he was just keen so you were teaching him all that. Giving him assignments and worksheets with grammar, you helped him through everything.
"Maine khana khaya.." You said the words, and waited for him to recite back. (I ate my food.)
"Maine khana.. khaya? Did I say it right?" He replied, in a weird way because his American accent was also mixing in between.
"No no, you're going correctly! Now say it again."
"Maine khana khaya." Tony said it properly.
"Good! I'm proud of you. Damn, Tony. You're going good in this language."
"For you, I can do anything, even learning a tough language."
The moment which left you blank again. He still fixed his soft eyes with yours, clearing your throat to break the tension.
"Okay so, do you have any doubts so far?
"Well, uh. I have a doubt, many of them." He rubbed his nose.
"Ask me."
He first rubs his hands nervously, then looks back at you. "How do you say.. love in Hindi?"
"Oh, well.. pyaar." You replied, being straightforward.
"Okay.. now how do we say, you're beautiful in it?"
You felt a tingly feel in your stomach, but still continued. "Tum khoobsurat ho."
He chuckles. "Alright. Now, if I ask my final doubt.. how do I say.. I love you?"
You gasped. Did he really mean it? Clenching your pen, you became nervous.
"Tell me, my love. I want to know about it."
".. me tumse pyaar karta hu."
"Yes, that is what I wanted to hear." He skids closer to you, growing close to your face.
"Mujhe tumse pyaar hai." He said, properly in Hindi. You felt like to explode. Tony Stark.. loves you?
Suddenly, he gets up from the couch, offering his hand. You grab it and get up, till a familiar song plays in the room.
Tony grabbed your waist from one arm and your hand from the other, swifting to the movements as if they're dancing.
He started singing the song, when the verse began.
- play it now! -
"Main tainu samjhawan ki, na tere bina lagda ji.." He sang the line so perfectly. You were just shocked and surprised. Both were dancing like a couple on stage.
Main tainu samjhawan ki, na tere bina lagda ji..
Tu ki jaane pyaar mera, me karu intezaar tera,
Tu dil tuhiyo jaan meri
Main tainu samjhawan ki, na tere bina lagda ji..
While he was singing your favorite song, you were about to burst in tears. You never believed it. The billionaire genius, actually loved you this whole time. Happily resting your head on his chest, he continued to dance while holding you close. When the song finished, he still saw the tears in your eyes.
"D-did you wanted to learn Hindi.. b-because of all this?" Your voice cracked.
"Yes, my love. Just for you. I have to tell this but.. I fell in love the moment I saw you for the first time. Your smile, laugh, voice, behavior, eyes.. and your.."
"And your.. what?"
He sighed, and then leaned to close the gap between your lips. The kiss was sweet yet passionate, like he waited for this moment.
He pulled off for air, both of your gazes neutrally looking. "I'm surprised that I fell in love with an Indian, like you. But, you're pretty, no matter what nationality you belong to. You changed my life Y/N. Trust me, the way you took care of, pampered, and worried for me.. I can never forget that. I really love you for that, my love. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.. d-do you accept me as your boyfriend?"
You started to sob, clenching his shirt tight. Maybe she wasn't happy about it. "L-look, if you don't accept, it's okay.. you deserve. Alot better than—"
"Yes, yes and a million times yes!" You said excitedly, and he sighs in relief. "Did you like.. learn the entire song?"
"Yeah, I even did take help from JARVIS for the translation, also from your teachings, never forgetting that." He winked.
"Oh god.." You laughed.
"But come on, you didn't like it? Tell me!"
"I did, Tony. And I want to thank you for it, a lot."
He gently wipes off your tears, and kisses your forehead. "Now, do you want to celebrate for our engagement?"
"Like where, Mr. Stark?" You said, flirtatiously.
He darkens his eyes, and picks you in the bridal style. "Right in our shared bedroom, sweetheart." He takes you in the room while giggling, shutting the door from inside.
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3pirouette · 3 years
Fic: The Good Doctor: Learning Curve (1/1)
Title: The Good Doctor: Learning Curve
By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette
Disclaimer: They're not mine.
The Good Doctor Series on AO3
Learning Curve on AO3
Story Summary: Peggy didn’t realize that she’d put her foot in her mouth when she’d asked Barton if he was a father.
Satisfies the Clint Barton Square for my Steggy Bingo Bash and Day 5 of Steggy Week: Favorite Trope/Genre. Usually the “getting used to the future” trope is saved for Steve, but I thought we’d turn it on its head a little.
A/N: Clint is… a mystery to me. He’s one of the characters I rarely write because I don’t feel like I have a good hold on who he is internally. As a square for my SBB, this is a challenge, but I really liked this idea, and I love this universe, so… Also, I now really like this soft, Daddy!Clint.
Peggy hated crying.
She hated showing anyone any kind of weakness.
She especially hated crying in the shared kitchen where anyone could come in and just see her standing in the middle of the kitchen, crying. Even though she knew she was alone, that didn’t make it feel any less public or exposed.
But she didn’t really have much of a choice, not when every single thing she’d tried to accomplish today had felt like a struggle and just out of her grasp and Steve was off somewhere and she was here, alone, trying to figure out just when to give up and try to talk to the disembodied voice in the ceiling or call Tony’s girlfriend who was currently all the way across the country.
She reached out to the counter, sniffling, eyes filled with tears from both the smoke of her burnt chicken and the emotional release she was having. She pulled at the slip of paper, trying to make out the number.
“You could just call her, you know.”
She jumped at the voice, warm and soft and male and very much not the AI she’d been expecting. She swiped at her eyes, sniffing away the tears. “I’m sorry?”
“Pepper. She wouldn’t mind.” The man gestured at the paper. “She’s pretty nice, once you get past that outer shell of cold-hearted CEO. She’s actually pretty down to earth.” He shrugged and moved past Peggy into the kitchen. “I mean, you could ask Friday for help, too, but she’s not as good as Jarvis was.”
Peggy watched as he moved around her, seemingly glued to the spot as he pulled her ruined chicken from what she thought had been an oven. “I mean, it’s not your fault everything around here is suped up to eleven.” He shrugged and tossed the chicken in the trash before he ran water in the tray and set it in the sink to soak.
Peggy didn’t even get out the whole sentence before he held his hand out to her. “Clint Barton.” He smiled, but it faded when she didn’t take his hand. He let it drop and moved back to the cabinets. “Picking up some tech and meeting the team in Hungry in the morning. Steve said you’d be here.” He started opening cabinets and picking through the cupboard. “Figured I’d see if there was anything worth scavenging here before we’re on freeze dried protein bars for the next few days.” He turned to her, face scrunching up. “They’re so dry.”
Peggy watched as he walked past the oven and flicked a switch, the overhead fan turning on and pulling the residual smoke from the air.
“Looks like there isn’t much… Wanda make any of that Pepper-stuff?”
“Paprikash?” Peggy stuttered out, still shocked at the ease he was moving around.
“Yeah!” He smiled and pointed at her, moving to the refrigerator. “I have no idea what’s in it, but it’s good.” He pulled out a glass container and smiled. “Bingo! Want some?”
Peggy nodded, shaking herself out of her stupor. “I’m afraid I’ll be of little use lest I burn down the kitchen.”
“Nah,” Clint moved around swiftly, barely looking as he pulled pots and spoons and bowls and set the stew to warm on the stove. “Friday’d activate the fire suppressants first.”
Clint leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms, looking her over. “Please tell me you weren’t crying over just a burnt piece of chicken?”
She cleared her throat, feeling suddenly caught. “Well, I…” she let the sentence drift off, not sure if she could get it all out without falling apart again.
He let the silence hang for a moment before he softened his face as he busied himself but getting the leftovers on the stove. “Steve asked me to check on you. Said he’s been calling and calling and you weren’t answering.”
Tears welled in her eyes. “I… I…” Her hands flailed at her sides and the emotional release that had been so rudely interrupted by Barton’s appearance returned in full force.
He immediately moved forward, eyes soft, voice softer. “Hey, hey. Now it can’t be that bad.”
“I broke the phone!” She cried out, hands flailing in front of her and miming her frustrations out. “The little metal piece that goes in to charge it broke off and then I couldn’t charge it and none of the other ones would fit in it because I’d broke off the little piece inside and I tried to get it out but then I ended up making it worse because it wouldn’t turn on and I didn’t know how to fix it and then I was talking to Friday and I don’t know who Jarvis is but that woman in the ceiling knows nothing about phone and kept telling me to charge it and I couldn’t and…” She took a deep breath and dissolved into more tears.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Clint cooed, moving her over to one of the kitchen stools. “Sit. Take a deep breath,” he maneuvered away, filling a glass of water while he kept his eyes on her, “In for five, out for five, come on.” He modeled the breathing in front of her, waiting until she’d managed to even hers out before handing her the glass. “Little sips, ok?”
Peggy nodded, and he watched her as she caught her breath. When he seemed satisfied she wasn’t going to hyperventilate, he stepped back around and stirred the simmering paprikash.
She was quiet until she was no more than breathing heavy, swiping at the tears still falling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry. That was… I’m sorry.”
“You know,” he started, almost ignoring her apology, “If I’d been pulled out of green goop and found out it was seventy years later in an entirely new world and my clone had ruined everything I’d try to build, I’d be a little upset, too.” He looked up at her, a half-smile on his face. “No one expects you to understand everything right away.”
She didn’t even have to think about her response. “I do.”
“Yeah, well,” he ladled out the stew into two steaming bowls, “Maybe you should give yourself some slack, too.”
She watched as he slid the bowls over than moved around the counter, gesturing to the seat next to her. “You mind? I won’t get much company the next few days.”
“Not at all,” she whispered, taking the warm bowl in her hands. She breathed in the warm, spicy steam but didn’t move to taste it, instead watching cautiously as Clint started taking heaping mouthfuls.
“You should eat,” he murmured around another spoonful. “You’ll feel better.”
Feeling like a chided child, she took the spoon and dipped it in. She hated to admit that he was right: after a few mouthfuls, she started to feel more like herself. “You must have children,” she said softly. “You were really quite good at stopping that tantrum.”
She noticed immediately the way he stiffened up, the way he carefully didn’t look at her and the way he deliberately took another mouthful of the stew. Peggy didn’t realize that she’d put her foot in her mouth when she’d asked Barton if he was a father. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “It’s none of my business.”
“No,” he replied softly, setting his spoon in the bowl and wiping his mouth off with a napkin. “It’s just….” He turned in his chair, leaning on the counter as he looked at her. “I’ve worked with these people for so long, and not one has ever picked up on that. Five minutes and you’re pinning me down.” He smiled and laughed through his nose, turning back to his stew. “What do ya know.”
Peggy kept her eyes glued to him. “What do you mean?”
He laughed for real this time and turned back to her, smiling. “They used to say that Peggy Carter was sharp as a tack. That she could look at you and know everything about you. But when Shield fell and everything with Zola came to light…” Barton shrugged. “People didn’t seem to tell the war stories anymore. Just kinda, phased Director Carter out of Shield’s history. But here you are, in the flesh, and in less than five minutes you’ve got me pegged.” He laughed lightly again, playing with the spoon in his bowl. “You really are that much larger than life, aren’t you?”
Peggy didn’t really know what to make of all he’d said, she was still catching up with all she’d missed, and had steadfastly stayed away from information on the other her. She shrugged. “I’m just an agent, Mr. Barton. A spy. One that takes pride in her craft.” She pointed at him. “You stayed calm in the face of a crying woman, something that not many men can do, I assure you. But not only that, you moved about and settled the situation without any muss or fuss. You’re kind. And Intuitive. And have clearly dealt with toddlers before.” She laughed a little at the last part. “It’s not a hard jump.”
“Three kids. Two boys and a girl,” he whispered, pride exuding from him. “And I do everything I can to make sure as many people know as little about them as possible so they can stay safe.”
“I’d say that’s a smart move in your line of work,” she replied softly.
“Yeah,” he said, daydreaming as if he could see his children before him. It was a long moment before he turned back to her, his melancholy gone and the confident, nearly hyper man she’d first met back. “Let’s get this cleaned up and I’ll help you get set up with a new phone, ok?” He pulled his out of his pocket and started pressing the glass screen before handing it to her, the rings loud in the quiet space. “But first…”
“Barton?” Steve’s voice carried between them loud and clear.
“Here with Peg, Cap.” He smiled at Peggy. “All is well except for a few technology mishaps and a burnt chicken. I’ll get her all squared away before I head out.” He handed her the phone. “You two chat for a bit while I get all this cleaned up.” He hit another button and Steve’s voice was smaller, coming from the earpiece at the top of the square.
Peggy mouthed a thank you as she pulled the phone up to her ear, stepping away and out of the kitchen, watching as the man moved with a lithe grace to clean up as Steve rambled away in her ear.
She placated him quickly, telling him what had happened and feeling no real comfort at his reassurances that it was okay. She hadn’t been lying when talking to Barton: she expected more of herself. The pace she was moving at seemed far too slow compared to the life she’d led, and she wanted out of the invisible boundaries that constantly popped up and surprised her.
Steve was saying his goodbyes before she knew it, and all too soon she was left with a dark cell phone in her hand the faint noise of Barton moving about the small kitchen. With a deep breath she moved forward, holding his phone out to him. “Thank you.”
His smile was small but sincere. “You’re welcome.” He turned, waving his hand over his shoulder for her to follow him. “There’s always an extra phone or two down in storage, between me and Friday we’ll get it all set up for you.”
She followed him wordlessly to the elevator and slipped in next to him, shoving her hands in her pockets to keep from fidgeting. “I won’t tell,” she blurted out somewhere between floors 28 and 22.
Clint smiled, but didn’t turn his head to look at her. “They all know now, anyway. But I appreciate that.”
“I know how hard it can be,” she nearly whispered, turning her eyes to the numbers instead of his profile, “to find people you can trust. To feel like you’re safe. To feel like you have something of your own.” She nodded. “I won’t tell. Ever.”
The door opened with a soft chime, but he didn’t move to exit, just turned at her and smiled a little. “You really are that good, aren’t you?” He extended his arm and tipped his head, waiting for her to step out of the elevator before he did, quickly moving next to her to lead the way. He stopped at the first storage room and let his fingers fly over the keypad. “You know, I’m glad he has someone.” The door slid open and he disappeared, Peggy rushed to follow as he moved down the shelf lined room. “I’m glad you have someone, too, for that matter. This does get lonely.” He stopped, scanned a shelf, and picked up a box, flipping it in the air theatrically before turning and presenting it to her. “We’re a bit of a mish-mash of misfits. The weird kids.” He shrugged, but didn’t seem all that bothered by his own description, “But if you need a friend? Back-up? There’s no one else I’d want to have my back than these people.”
Clint smiled at her as she took the box. “You’re a part of that now, like it or not. You call, we’ll come running. And once you’re ready, I have no doubts you’d do the same for any of us.”
Peggy looked down at the box then back up at Clint, still standing there smiling at her. She couldn’t help it if her eyes watered a little. “Well, that’s quite the tall order to fill.”
He didn’t answer, just smirked and patted her on the shoulder as he passed her. She watched as he walked back down the hall for a long moment before she ran to catch up, quickly realizing she neither knew how to get back upstairs through the labyrinth of the tower nor how to set up the new phone.
She also had the distinct feeling that somehow, she’d made her first real friend since being in the tower. Someone that saw her, not what she’d been through.
“We’ll start with using a cell phone,” he let his voice ring out in the space, “then we’ll work on being an Avenger.”
Peggy smiled, feeling like that was a feat she might actually be able to accomplish one day now that she knew she had more than just Steve on her side.
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pinkmangafish · 3 years
Noodles ... and a few surprises
Rating: General
Fandom: Psycho-Pass
Pairing: Kougami and Tsunemori (Shinkane)
Characters: Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kougami, and pretty much everyone else alive at the end of PP3: First Inspector. 
Summary: Part 1 - Kougami collects Akane from the isolation centre and quickly realizes something is wrong. Part 2 - Kougami arranges a surprise party for Akane, but is that what it really is?
Author’s Notes:  I had hoped to finish this in time for shinkaneweek, but it kept growing. Please point out any glaring canonical mistakes, and if possible, I'll fix them. This is my second piece of fanfic, so I am very new to all of this. I find that I am torn between the relationship between Kougami and Tsunemori, and how the plot moves forward to, hopefully, an end to the Sibyl System.
Akane Tsunemori stepped outside for the first time in what seemed a very long time. Well, it had been … No, she was not going to think about that now. Today, though technically an enforcer with limitations on her movements, she was free. Free of that windowless room.  Free of the probing questions from the perfunctorily concerned doctors. Free of the constant surveillance. Free of the need to be on her guard even when she was asleep. Free to go outside and feel the sun and wind and rain on her body. She lifted her face to feel the sun, but it was already late afternoon and the sun had lost most of its warmth. Never mind. There was always tomorrow.
She dropped her gaze and saw the man waiting for her. She caught her breath. This was better than the sun on her face. Shinya Kougami was leaning against a car as nonchalant as ever.
“I’m here to get you.” he shrugged. “Sorry.”
She had half expected Shimotsuki to collect her or to at least send a drone for her, but somehow, she was not at all surprised to see him. She walked down a few steps and then stopped and looked up around.
“I’m hungry,” she announced.
He laughed. “Is that all you can say?”
She walked slowly over to the car and smiled up at him. There were some new lines there that she had not seen in all his visits to her. Most of the time, they had leant on either side of the door as they talked, but even so, she was surprised. She almost reached out and touched his face.
“Yes. Treat me to something,” she replied.
“Yes, ma’am,” He paused as if considering something. Then, abruptly, “I’ll drive.”
Akane nodded and got in the car. If she had expected him to start a conversation she would have been disappointed, but then, she knew him and was not. She did not feel the need to chat, either. Content to be with him she wondered if she was going to have the courage to say what needed to be said. But that was not a conversation to be held in the car. It could wait a little longer. For now, she stared at the city flowing past her window. As they got to areas that she knew, she saw signs of her time away in the shops and cafes that had taken the place of others: a florist where there had been a gift shop or a mall with a new name and look. This is what Yayoi, Kagari and the other enforcers must have felt like she thought. Some of them, she knew, had spent many more years than she had in the isolation center before being granted a reprieve of sorts. A life of boredom and isolation swapped for one of danger and death, but also friendship and the chance to feel like they belonged. Her thoughts abruptly changed direction. She wondered what Homura’s plans for her were. She was under no illusion that he was responsible for her freedom despite the Sibyl System’s claim to have made the decision itself. Assigning her to Shimotsuki as an aide had been a bold move. Staring into traffic, her head against the window, she questioned whether her and Homura’s aims were still in alignment or was he now playing a different game? And if so, was she now a pawn? Then there was Arata, and Kei and the new team of enforcers. So many new variables were in play. She needed to catch up quickly. And … she had to talk Kougami. She sighed heavily.
Kougami glanced at her. He was not comfortable with this pensive version of Akane but he knew her better than to try and distract her. He waited until the car had parked and his door was open. “Akane, we’re here. Let’s get some noodles.”
 She looked at him and then at their surroundings. She recognized the small mall as the one near her old apartment. How had they got here so quickly? She was out of sync. She was unreal and everything else was too real. Had she really been that lost in thought? She would need to be more careful, more alert. Her stomach growled. Noodles? Yes, of course he’d take her to eat noodles.
“I hope Thai is okay? The old ramen place closed down six months ago,” Kougami led the way across the street not waiting for her. She nodded. Then wondered how he know about the ramen shop. She could not remember having eaten there with him. He glanced down at her, “We’re practically neighbors now. I live in that block over there,” he pointed to a small apartment building behind them. So near, she thought.
The small Thai noodle shop was a reminder that the city, no, the country, was changing and changing rapidly. Immigrants were starting to open their own businesses and that, she knew, was a good thing. The restaurant was barely that, just a few plastic tables and chairs. Kougami led her over to a corner table by the window. She wondered whether he even realized he had assessed which table gave them the best vantage point. Probably not.
A waitress appeared with a menu and set down a bottle of fish sauce and a small dish of chili in vinegar. “Sawatdee, kha, Kougami-san,” she said giving Akane a quick, interested look.
Akane realized that he had been telling a story. “I’m sorry, Kougami, I spaced out. Who were you trying to hold onto?”
He looked at her steadily. She had seemed fine when she walked out of the isolation center. Now, though, he could see the signs of exhaustion in her face. “Oh, just some junked up trafficker. He’d been bringing in kids from … doesn’t matter. Except that to bring him down both Gino and I had to hold onto him while Kei shot him with a paralyzer.”
“No!” She looked at him in amusement, her attention finally on him. “You got shot with a paralyzer again?”
“Well, technically, Gino and I are secondaries. We were holding onto the perp, so … Kei wasn’t actually trying to shoot us,” Kougami smiled at her but his eyes were watchful.
“Hmmm, are you sure about that?” she asked. “You had a bit of a run in with him just a couple of weeks ago.”
“Ahh, you know about that?” Kougami shook his head. “I’m not saying that we’re friends now. Hell, I don’t even like the man that much. But we can work together.”
The noodles arrived. Tom yum goong, hot, spicy and delicious, she slurped slowly and steadily. She smiled at him, “Much better than AI hyper-oats.” Then her eyes fell back to the table and she was quiet again. She stayed still staring at the soup that remained in her bowl, but her eyes were moving as the thoughts and questions flooded her mind. At one point she looked up quickly at Kougami and opened her mouth, but then closed it, and dropped her head down again. She stayed like that for so long that Kougami began to worry.
“Akane, what is the matter? Please, tell me … if you can.” He leant forward so he could hear her, but she said nothing. “Akane, you are okay now. You are out. You are safe.”
To her surprise, Akane felt large, hot tears streaming down her cheeks. Bemused, she watched them as they slid off her chin and fell into the soup. She wondered reflexively what the soup would taste like; if she would be able to taste the salt from her tears. Then she felt a gentle hand drying her cheeks and looked into Kougami’s eyes. He seemed to become aware of what he was doing and started to pull his hand away, but she grabbed it and held onto him. His eyes widened as her grip tightened and then he stretched out his other hand.
She clung to him desperately, tears still falling and her breath uneven with sobs. All she could hear was that one word, “safe”. She was safe. She was safe. And yet, even though it was true, it was also a lie. She knew that the most dangerous part of the journey was ahead. And yet again, and yet again, she was safe. She held onto his hands for all she was worth.
Kougami began talking again, softly, in no hurry. His voice providing her with another anchor. “One time, in Tibet, I went on a raid with this guy, Dawa, I think his name was. Anyway, he was as tough as they come. Not nasty, just through and through tough. The kind of guy you are glad to have at your back or to follow. The raid went badly. Someone had leaked the plan and they were waiting for us. The fight was brutal, and we lost several people, all friends of his from childhood. One guy literally exploded in front of him as if he’d been hit by a lethal dominator, but Dawa just kept going. A natural leader. Eventually, we got the upper hand, got what we came for and escaped. It took us almost a week to get back. The whole time, Dawa just held it together. Two more died on that trek - one from his wounds and the other slipped into a crevice. Dawa didn’t flinch once, just kept going and kept his people together. When we got back to camp, one of his men was waiting for us. He handed Dawa the body of an old dog. This man, who could wipe off the blood of his friend and keep going, collapsed where he was and started crying like a child. I don’t know if he really did love that dog as much as that or if it was his way of grieving for his friends. I do know that keeping those kinds of feelings inside is a kind of death.” His voice trailed off.
Akane sighed deeply and pulled one hand away and mopped her eyes with a paper napkin. “Thank you, Kougami. I’m feeling tired. Can we go?”
She waited at the table while he paid the bill. By the time he returned, when she smiled at him, her eyes were almost clear. “Thank you for the noodles.”
“You’re welcome.”
Out on the street the strange hyperreal feeling returned. Colours were a little too bright, noises a little too loud and the sidewalk seemed to be moving under her. It was like walking in a distorted holo. She saw a street scanner and flinched. Kougami frowned down at her. Apart from when she had first started work as an Inspector, he had never seen her this unsure of herself. She put her hand into his and felt his fingers tighten slightly. Safe.
Her apartment was only a few minutes’ walk from the mall, so they left the car where it was. About halfway there, she realized she had forgotten her small bag of belongings. “My keys, they’re …” she began to turn back.
“It’s okay, Akane, Yayoi gave me your spare set. I’ll get your things later.”
She thought about asking why he had her keys, but then decided she could not be bothered. As soon as he opened the door, it was obvious. The underfloor heating was on and there was the unmistakable feeling of stepping into a clean apartment. She kicked her shoes off in the hall, walked into the living room and looked around. The large sofa where she had slept so many nights seemed enormous after the one in isolation. She looked over at the kitchen in the corner. There was even a bowl of fruit on the counter. She glanced up at him surprised, “Thank you, Kougami.”
“Well, it isn’t much. I just set the auto-cleaner to do its job and bought some fruit,” he shrugged, but she could see he was both embarrassed and pleased by her reaction.
“I’m tired.”
“Then I’ll leave you to sleep. I’ll come back with your things, but I’ll just leave them by the door,” he stepped back, but her hand did not let go of his. His expression remained neutral as she raised a finger to her lips and began to walk towards the bedroom. She gave a small shake of her head and her own expression was so serious he was in no doubt that this was not a seduction.
With her finger still against her lips, she let go of his hand and opened a small cupboard. When she pulled out a small, plastic, white cat with a pink bow he looked totally perplexed. She set the cat down and pushed a small button on the back, then held her fingers up as she counted down from five.
“Now we can talk. This little kitty has a jammer. Any bugs, and I am sure there are some, will pick up nothing more than a silent room,” she sat down on the bed. Another sigh.
“Where did you get that thing?” without thinking, Kougami sat next to her.
“Long story short? Shion.”
Kougami grunted. Then he shifted so he could look at her. “You said we could talk. So talk.”
“You know there are somethings that I can’t tell you? Not that I don’t trust you, because I do. I trust you with my life. But knowing those things will not only endanger you, but also me, and possibly others, and what we are trying to do.” She had taken hold of his hand again. Her eyes grew wide and very luminous. “But you are right about what keeping things in does to you. To me. Th … there is one thing I do need to tell you, Shinya,” she paused and then gave a little nod to herself. “I love you.”
Then, as he registered and reregistered her words, “Say that again!” 
“I love you, Shinya,” another pause. She did not take her eyes from his, “And you love me.”
“Yes,” he breathed. “I love you, Akane. You have no idea how much.” He began to reach for her but stopped.
Akane frowned, “What’s the problem?”
He looked embarrassed, “Well, the effects of the dominator haven’t worn off yet. I’m, I’m not going to …, I mean, I can’t … I’m sorry.”
She smiled ruefully, “I have just put your life in more danger and that is what you think about? That can wait. This can’t. The most dangerous phase has begun. It is quite possible that one of us, even both of us, won’t see the other side. You know this.” She put her hand against his cheek as he protested. “And I have put us in more danger. Yes, yes, I have. There is no way we can hide a relationship, and I don’t want to, but it can be used against us. I’m so tired of being on my own, so scared that each time you walk away it might the last time I’ll ever see you and I never told you how much you mean to me. How much I love you. That I’ll be killed, or you will be. Maybe it was all the time I had to think in isolation that did it. But that thought kept growing inside me until sometimes it felt like I couldn’t breathe. Especially after you’d come to see me. I finally realized that I can’t go on without loving you, without being able to love you and yet I have to keep going to help bring down the System. So, I guess I’ve grown a little selfish. I couldn’t live with not telling you I love you. I do you, know? I love you.”
His eyes had never left hers as she spoke. The words rushing from mouth and her expression changing at the end from serious to joyous. She allowed him to pull her over to him. She wrapped her arms around his chest and dropped her head on his shoulder and sighed deeply. She breathed in his scent. He chuckled, “Hey, I’m the one that is supposed to be the hound.”
“You were never a hound. More a wolf,” she returned. The relief of telling him that she loved him was beginning to make her a little lightheaded.
“A wolf, huh? Well, that gives me a few ideas for tomorrow,” he dropped feather kisses across her forehead.
“Only a few?” she asked in a disappointed tone.
 “Oh, Akane, you have no idea,” he looked at her with a wicked smile.
Akane looked at herself in the bathroom mirror as she toweled her hair dry. She barely recognized the woman looking back at her. The muscles around her jaw were relaxed and her eyes shone. Even her hair looked fuller. Was this what she looked like when she was happy? And she was. Happier than she had ever been.
They had not slept much despite Kougami’s insistence that she needed to rest. Soon one or the other would start talking, words of love falling into the safety of the warm dark room. Or he would hold her hand so he could kiss every line on her palm again and again and only release it to kiss the other. Too long had they waited for this night, words tumbled from their lips and their whispers became a confession of hopes, loss, pain and then again hopes as life brought them together, tore them apart and reunited them. So many years had gone by and they had so much to make up for.
“Akane, food’s almost done,” Kougami called from the other side of the door. “Oh, and put some clothes on.”
She blinked and returned to the present. He was up to something. She opened the bathroom door and a blast of cold air hit her. Quickly dressing she joined him in the living room. “Shinya, why’ve you opened all the windows in the bedroom? And …” she took in all the food on the counter. “Just how hungry do you think I am?”
Her doorbell chimed.
“Oh, hell! They’re early,” He threw her a sly look. “Ah, you stay here, I’ll be right back.”
“Kougami, what have you done?”
“It’s a surprise,” and he was gone.
She wondered if he had ordered more noodles from the little restaurant to add to the mountain of food in front of her. Then she heard the front door open and the sound of several people shushing each other as they piled into her little hall.
Akane got up and, laughing, went to greet them.
“Akane!” said three voices at once.
Shino, Yayoi and Gino, if anything could make her happier on this day, then this was it. She hugged them.
Shion laughed, and poked Kougami’s ribs. “I see you’ve talked,” she said winking outrageously and laughed as Kougami went red. “Well, there is a sight I never expected to see. Shinya Kougami bashful.”
“Shion, Yayoi, you look amazing,” laughed Akane holding the latter at arm’s length. They were both wearing party dresses. Then she turned back to Ginoza, “Hello, Gino, it is good to see you. I hear that you got in the way of a paralyzer.”
“Ha! He told you about that, did he? Ignatov better watch out is all I can say. Right, Ko?”
“What? Oh, yes, Kei has it coming. Again.”
The doorbell chimed again. Akane looked at Kougami in surprise. “Who?”
 “And speak of the devil!”
Kougami came back leading a small group of people. “Everyone, Akane Tsunemori in person. Akane, you know Arata and Kei, and this is Maika Ignatov and Sho Hinakawa. The last two are Mao Kisaragi and Kazumichi Irie.”
“Hey! What about me? Why does no one ever introduce the old enforcer!” demanded Todoroki pushing his way forward. “Pleased to meet you, Inspector. I’m Tenma Todoroki.”
“Just Akane, I’m not an inspector anymore,” smiled Akane. “I remember seeing all of your photos in the files. It is wonderful to finally meet you all. I guess we’ll all be working together now.” The serious looks they all gave her made her pause. “I mean, I’m an enforcer now, even though I’m not assigned to Unit 1 …”  
Mao nodded at her teammates and they relaxed. “You’re welcome in Unit 1 any time, Tsunemori … Akane. Err …. I’m sorry if it’s rude, but we’re starving, and we don’t get to eat out very often. Come on, Irie.”
Todoroki grimaced, “Can’t take them anywhere.” But he and Hinakawa followed them quickly into the kitchen.
What was all that about? All three had become so serious in a blink and then back again. Looking around the room, she began to get the feeling that she was missing something obvious. Before she could begin to think about it, the doorbell chimed. Again. She glared at Kougami as he passed her to get the door. He smiled at her, but she could see he was getting a little tenser each time he went. And that was strange, she thought, it did not quite make sense.
“It will take a little time,” said Arata with his mouth full. He was bouncing from foot to foot and balancing a plate full of food.
“Sorry, what will?” she turned her attention to him.
“Being out. Getting your senses back as it were. But,” he glanced in Kougami’s direction, “you are already on the right track.”
Her eyes widened and she started to ask him what he meant, but he just beamed at her and slightly shook his head. So, something was going on. Well, she would trust them to fill her in when they could. Right now, she had a party in her apartment. Shion had taken control of the music, which was now loud enough to annoy the neighbors. Akane shook her head, that would not be a problem. It was the middle of the afternoon, no one would be home.
“Sorry, Gino, what was that?” She shook herself. Get a hold of yourself Tsunemori.
“I just said that Sugo and I are your neighbors. We’re sharing an apartment down the street.”
“Oh! That’s great! Are you in the same block as Sh… as Kougami?” she asked. 
Gino smiled, “No, we’re down the other way.”
She looked at him, then at Kougami, and saw that Sugo and Frederica had arrived. What were they doing here? In one sense, since Gino and Kougami worked with them it made sense to invite them as well, but …. somehow it felt more deliberate than that. Yes, something was definitely going on. Everyone was behaving normally. Normal for a party, that is, she thought. Mao and Irie were dancing with Yayoi and Shion, Sugo and Kei were playing a holo game and everyone else was chatting and eating.  
An arm slipped around her waist. “Are you enjoying yourself, Akane?” His next words were so low that even though he had bent to whisper them in her ear, she almost missed them. “Say yes.”
“Oh, yes,” She turned to look up at him and he smiled down at her; she did not miss the flick of his eyes at the wall. “Walls have ears,” he breathed.
She laughed, “Shinya, you wretch!” It was all she could think of saying. Of course, everything they were doing and saying was probably being monitored. She had been the one to point that out yesterday. So why remind her of it?
The familiar sound of her doorbell interrupted them. She raised her eyebrows questioningly. Kougami kissed her head. “Patience. You’ll see. This is a surprise party, after all.”
He wouldn’t have invited her parents or Kaori. Her parents had been distraught when she was arrested. They had been steadfast in their support for her and called all the time. Even so, this was not the right time for a family reunion. And Kaori had made it clear from her refusal to accept Akane’s call at the start of her sentence that she did not want to be associated with a latent criminal. So who else was there?
“Sorry we’re late, everyone. Work, you know,” beamed Homura with a nervous looking Shimotsuki beside him.
If Akane’s mouth dropped open she made a valiant recovery. “Hello, Sir. Hello, Chief. How good of you to come.”
Shimotsuki, to everyone’s surprise, rushed forward, threw her arms around Akane’s neck and burst into loud sobs. “Oh, Akane, I’m so, so sorry.” Akane instinctively hugged her sobbing boss.
A tiny whisper, “We have to talk. About It.”  
Akane pulled back and stared at Mika who returned her stare and nodded, only to sob even harder, “I really am sorry.”
Homura shot a look at Akane, “Let’s take her into the bedroom for some quiet. Arata,” he threw over his shoulder, “Could you bring her some water?”
Together, Akane and Homura led the still sobbing woman into the bedroom. Arata followed immediately with the water. “Here’s your water, Chief. Get some rest, we’ll all be next door.” Then he paused and shut the door but stayed in the room.
“Well, hopefully we’re safe,” he said. “If we’re not all arrested in ten minutes, I reckon Akane’s jammer is working.”
“Yes, sorry about all the subterfuge,” added Homura. “Here, Mika, have this.” He passed a now dry-eyed Shimotsuki a perfectly folded handkerchief.
Akane sat down next to her. “Mika, did I understand you? You know what Sibyl System is?”
Mika looked pale and nodded. “For a few years. And now, Arata, too.”
“We’re the only ones who know what it really is,” said Homura. “Though I haven’t actually seen it. My father did and he told me.”
“So is this a council of war?” asked Akane.  
Arata answered her. “Not quite, but we all,” and he nodded towards the door to include the rest of the party, “agree that somehow we need to bring it to an end. We just don’t know how yet.”
“So, it is not just the two of us?” asked Akane looking at Homura.
“It never was. I know people who will support us, but it is safer if you don’t know who they are. It is a reasonable bet that all the enforcers will help. While you were inside, we’ve been making all sorts of small changes so we can be ready.”
“You mean like getting everyone to live within a three-block radius?” suggested Akane.
Mika actually smiled, “Yes, exactly like that. Unfortunately, because of our positions, Shizuka and I can’t move, but it was surprisingly easy for SAD to arrange for their people to move here, and then Kei and Arata. Obviously, the enforcers have to stay at MWPSB.”
“For now, at least,” said Homura.
“Is that wise, though?”
“What is more natural than colleagues and neighbors getting together for lunch or dinner or to play a holo game?” smiled Arata.
Homura looked at the time. “This meeting is just luck. We had no idea you had a jammer, so when Kougami said he wanted to give you a surprise party this afternoon it seemed a bit unusal. But when we arrived, he showed us a note about the kitty. Hmm, I think we’d better rejoin the others. They’re covering our absence, but I don’t think we should push our luck. Arata, you and Kei had better come in a few days so Akane and I can give you an “official” briefing on things.” 
Opening the door, Homura pretended to check on Mika who said she was fine and would be out in a minute. As soon as they had all left, Akane pulled Kougami into the bedroom.
“You’ve been planning this all along?” she demanded staring up at him fiercely.
He grinned, “What you thought we couldn’t mange without you? Ouch!”
“I’ll do more than poke your ribs if you’re not careful, Shinya Kougami!”
His smile got bigger, “Akane, you couldn’t expect me and Gino and the others to do nothing. We knew that something was going on, but you couldn’t or wouldn’t say exactly what. Ouch! Ouch!”
Akane poked him in the ribs. He caught her hands and folded them together in his. “Akane, please, I had to do something. I was going crazy. I love you.”
She glared up at him, “Say that again!”
“I love you.”
She sighed happily. “Okay, I suppose we’d better join the party. How long do you think everyone will stay?”  
12 notes · View notes
nlmorgan89 · 3 years
Jeff Tracy had been back on earth long enough to organise a surprise graduation for Alan when they got a call about a rescue in the Atlantic. Jeff should have been suspicious as John had said it was a Gold card members rescue, what ever that meant. What he was surprised about was after reading the names all his sons groaned and Scott, never leave anyone behind, Scott had asked if they were really needed. As a tidal wave was approaching them it was a neccesary rescue, what had happened to make everyone not want to rescue these people. He waited till everyone was gone before asking his mum.
"Why did no one want to rescue these people?" Jeff asked, she had been taking a nap and had not been there for the initial report.
"Who is it?" Sally asked, there was a sort list of people who her grandson's hated rescuing.
"Francois Lemaire and Langstrom Fishler. What?" Jeff asked again after she groaned and went to the desk calling Val.
"Tracy's if its about the Gold card members John already called us and I am on the way with some back up from The Mechanic, Rigby and Kayo." Val said she was sitting down in a cockpit already flying out to make sure that Scott did not do anything to tarnish the IR reputation.
"Thank god, just beware Lemaire already made Allie cry during his last rescue, if he gets upset you know what everyone else will do." Sally said, she had also sent Jeff copies of the rescues that the boys had done involving the Gold card members.
"Okay so you want me to deck him first before anyone else does." Val said the fact that she was serious was not lost on anyone.
"How did they survive into adult hood? Not even the boys managed to do half this shit in their teens." Jeff said, he wondered how both remained rich and working in their respective fields.
"I have no idea but I wont blame you if you want to throw your weight around, I remember your college days were some good times. Val, you and the Commando's where quite good at starting things and not getting caught." Sally said, they both grinned at that, but quickly went back to watching the rescue The Mechanic had assigned the ground and air crew with a dragonfly mecha and Gordon had his ray mecha. It was just a precaution so that no one was seriously hurt. Even John had EOS in drones so she could assist and keep an extra set of eyes on the family. While no one was hurt by some miracle was more down to the extra safety of the mecha's and EOS it was still time consuming. It would have only taken them an hour but it instead took them 7 hours so everyone was tired and hungry.
"Val are the Commando's still around?" Jeff asked once everyone was fed and in bed, Sally was in the hall listening them plan their revenge, she knew she should feel sorry for the poor idiot but they brought this on themselves. When the morning rolled around Jeff was watching the news and had to laugh when he saw the report.
"Yesterday, after International Rescue was called out to rescue the parties involved they were met with a rather pleasant surprise after waking to find themselves in a mysterious bubble. Maybe now they can let International Rescue rest and I am sure after seeing these videos the rest of the world will agree..."
"Why are they in a fish bowel?" Scott asked, he had wanted to thump them last night and had put that on the backburner after he had to hold both Virgil and Gordon back. Rigby and Val were to busy holding Kayo and The Mechanic back after he had made Alan cry, even EOS had placed John in quarantine lockdown so he didn't do anything stupid.
"No idea, but I would call that poetic justice. I am going to a lunch with some college mates on the main land, will pick up dinner so you don't need to cook anything mum." Jeff said, Sally was grinning she had not even heard Jeff leave the island but then it did not surprise her when he walked out and climbed into a SPECTRUM plane. Her poor family were totally confused.
Later... "Damn Jeff you have not changed at all. Shame Lee missed out on this?" Charles said, he was not surprised when a Commando's alert had gone out after he had watched the Tracy boys rescuing the idiots once more, even his own team had been called out during the Tracy's absence when they had gone to rescue their dad to save Lemaire.
"I have to agree, though it was rather fun," Samuel said, raising his glass to Jeff everyone followed suit. He too had wanted to kill Fishler after one of his machines almost killed the treaty that he had made with Titanica.
"So, what is the next prank?" James said, he was happy just to get away from his desk, it was no fun running a country but then he would not change it for anything.
"No idea, but we should team up next time prank wars break out in one of our divisions, show these youngsters how its done." Val said, she had been in a meeting reassuring the idiots that they had no idea how the bubbles had appeared and promising that they were doing everything in GDF's power to help them.
"Ready to watch Phase 2?" Jeff said, he had placed cameras around both houses so they could watch their pranks play out. Everyone nodded, as Jeff had only told them to come up with something to help contain all of his pranks thus the bubble. "Well hope they have a good cleaner on hand will secretly send them a massive donations once they have cleaned the buildings."
"Jefferson what exactly did you plan? Also congratulations on your re-election James." Val said, she was the only one that could get away with calling him Jefferson only because she could be as scary as Sally Tracy when she wanted to be.
"Thanks Val," James said, he noticed people snapping photos but he knew that they would not make it online thanks to Jeff's sons AI, EOS. "After lunch we should take a group photo for old times."
"Agreed, we should make it a regular thing too, we don't get breaks where we are able to leave work often." Samuel said, but started choking, how had Jeff added that much glitter to the water supply. Everyone was loosing it too for the sprinklers had started spraying the houses and yard with glitter. Poor Lemaire had just entered his shower and Fishler was doing his laundry. Jeff was grinning like that evil SOB that he was. Even Gordon's glitter bomb was tame compared to that.
"Is that really sanitary Jeff." Charles said, he was tearing up from laughing so much, glad he was best friends with him and not an enemy. That thought was going through all of there minds, it was fantastic having the master strategist back in charge. "Is that 'Sh*t List' playing?"
"Yes, OMG you even messed with all the audio devices dude." Samuel roared, he had to laugh they had discussed revenge songs and this one made the list only because of the one line. 'I grab my pen and I write up a list, of all the people that won't be missed. You made my shit list'.
"What can I say 11 years is a good way to expand ones prank list." Jeff said, which was truthful aside from thinking of his family he spent years thinking of ways to pay back Gordon if he decided to prank him once he was back. Turns out these three pranks were his best ones though he was saving the Kool-Aid in the pool for when Gordon was too much for the entire family. 3 hours later he was looking at the photo they had taken all his friends were surrounding him, and could not be prouder of his friendships and how even years later they were still great friends.
"Hi dad, who are they?" Alan asked, the boys had come in wanting to ask how his day away had gone, and surprising him with a visit by Lee Taylor.
"Hey Lee, boys, these are my college mates. Val your god-mother, Charles Grey the commander-in-chief of Spectrum's Cloudbase, Samuel Shore, commander of WASP, the last person is James Holland, president of the US." Jeff said, he watched as his boys stared open mouthed at this. Lee laughed, and clapped his friend over the shoulder, he had made it back and watched the news report of the bubbles that had appeared and realised his team had come together wishing he had been involved but kept his mouth shut. "Lee forgot to tell you James says you owe him some money after Moon base was destroyed."
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margoshansons · 5 years
The Killing Kind (8/?)
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Part Eight: 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 
Summary: They reach Prague, Peter’s acting funny, and they get a small break from saving the world.
Warnings: Maybe some light swearing? Tony Stark angst.
Notes: This is a bit of filler, but I loved writing in Peter’s POV. Also, this chapter needs hella editing later down the road when I’m finished. 
She couldn’t even enjoy the beautiful scenery that lit up Prague, not when she knew that Peter had one of the most powerful AIs at his disposal and her dad was lingering around every corner. All she could do was dart her eyes around, looking around every corner for a possible drone ready to craft another awful illusion. 
Y/N looked beside her to MJ, the girl standing in awe at the European country. There’s no way in hell she would let anything happen to her, especially when she could prevent it. The bus came to a stop in front of a building that definitely did not deserve to house a handful of students from New York. Her hand wrung the leather watch on her wrist, moving it back and forth as she walked through the gorgeous hall, barely noticing Mr. Harrington’s giant smile or his comment about upgrades. MJ’s soft hand tugged on her blue jacket, silently nodding at Peter and Ned’s separate conversation. 
“Wait here” Y/N mouthed, meeting her friend’s confused and outraged gaze. 
She gingerly approached the two friends, anxious to see what Peter had planned. 
“So what’s the plan?” Y/N interrupted, throwing the two boys off their groove. 
Peter jumped, eyes darting back and forth between her and Ned, “Plan? Um, there’s no plan about anything at all.”
Y/N’s eyebrow rose in suspicion, “So, you’re just gonna tackle the elementals head-on? With no backup, or you know, an idea?”
His shoulders relaxed at the mention of the elementals, glad to have his actual plan under wraps. 
“She knows?” Ned whispered, a hint of betrayal lacing his voice. 
Peter was speechless.
“About him being spiderman?” She interjected, pride rising in her stomach, “Yeah, I figured it out almost immediately. He’s really bad at hiding things.”
Ned nodded his head in understanding, “So that’s why you and MJ watch him all the time.”
Her chest tightened at the mention of her constant watching. “I-I don’t uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She tried to ignore the blush creeping up her cheeks while avoiding Peter’s smug gaze. 
“You were watching me?” Peter asked.
Y/N shrugged, “You kept disappearing, and it was MJs idea, to begin with so…”
She honestly had no explanation for her behavior since freshman year. Even the mention of MJ was a lie, she just really didn’t want Peter knowing that she had been lurking around like some stalker. It had been her idea, to begin with, especially after seeing him come back from Germany badly hurt. She never planned on becoming friends with the kid, let alone feeling...whatever it was that had caused her to giggle and stammer whenever he was around. 
“Look,” Y/N continued, “If you don’t want me to know your plan that’s fine,”
She missed the regretful look that passed over his face. 
“Just...don't lie to me,” She asked, fully aware of her own hypocrisy. But she didn’t want another person who had become so important to her to lie to her face again.
Peter nodded, watching Y/N’s retreating frame. 
He was still watching it when Fury kicked him out of his thoughts in the tunnels. 
“Are you listening to me?” 
Peter nodded, shame filling his chest at the scolding. Memories of Tony doing that exact same thing to him when he first started out clouded his head. 
“He’s thinking about how you kidnapped him” Beck defended, and a surge of safety rose up in his chest, similar to when he was around Y/N. 
“He had obstacles,” Fury reprimanded, “I removed them”
Peter had to resist the urge to scoff. His school vacation and his growing relationships were not obstacles that needed removing. At least not to him. 
“So what’s the plan, Parker?” Fury asked, eyes trained on him.
Peter swallowed, trying to ignore the uneasy feeling the man gave him. “I sit up in the square waiting for the signal from you guys and then Mr. Beck and I--”
“My name is Mysterio” Beck interjected, throwing a playful gaze toward the young teen. The way his eyes lit up was all too reminiscent of Tony, and it almost made it seem like he was still alive, fighting this war with them. It made Peter smile. 
“Then Mysterio and I will attack it and take the thing down.”
Beck nodded, and Peter caught a sense of pride in his gaze, which filled up his chest with something he hadn’t felt since Tony’s death. 
“We’ll try our best to keep civilians out of the way” Beck continued, “But the most important thing is to not let it interfere with any metal.”
Peter shuffled at the thought of civilian casualties. MJ, Ned, Betty, Y/N. He needed them safe, and he needed to make sure Fury and Beck understood that his friends were his number one priority, not this elemental business. 
“Look” He swallowed, “My friends are here, and I can’t help but think that we’re putting them in danger--”
“Your friends?” Fury stood up in irritation, “Now you care about them? Stark gave you a multi-million dollar AI and the first thing you thought about doing was calling a drone-strike on your so-called friend. If it wasn’t for that girl, you could’ve ruined our whole operation here Parker.” Peter gulped down his nerves at the lecture, realizing just how much damage EDITH could’ve done if Y/N wasn’t there to hack Brad’s phone. He owed her a lot.
“It's clear to me that you are not ready for this” Fury finished, enunciating every last word of that sentence. 
That was all it took for Peter to sink back into himself, memories washing over him faster than Thanos’ army had. 
Tony’s words stuck in his head like an endless song. “If you’re nothing without this suit then you shouldn’t have it.”
Maybe he was right. Maybe Peter didn’t deserve to be anything other than a sixteen-year-old kid from Queens. Maybe he should take a page out of Y/N’s book and ignore his powers. Maybe he should follow Mr. Stark’s original advice and stop being a superhero. Stop being spiderman. When Beck gives him the option he almost takes it. It sounds so tempting. To just give in and run back to MJ and Y/N, to revise his whole plan and take them up to the Eiffel Tower, grasp Y/N’s hand and give her the pendant he had purchased that night on the rooftop. 
To tell her that he was happy to finally have someone to talk to. Tell her that he had been watching her since freshman year too. Tell her that he was so thankful that she stepped into his life and that he finally had someone who just got it. Who understood the pressure being a kid and a superhero has on a person. 
It was the same way he felt with Mysterio. An overwhelming sense of safety and security. A sense of a family, a sense of love. A sense that finally, truly, he was not alone.
And when he looked at Beck’s face all he could see was Y/N, and how he would never forgive himself if she ended up in more danger than she already was. She had died in Beck’s universe, and Peter would make sure she lived in this one. 
His feet hit the pavement and he took out EDITH, a sense of determination twisting in his chest. “EDITH, I need a way for my friends to remain inside for a few hours”
*** “Good news everybody!” Harrington announced, “We’re going to the opera!”
Groans filled the room with teenage disappointment and all she could do was look at MJ. The two girls rolled their eyes at the news and Y/N knew that this was because of Peter. Whatever monster he had decided to fight, he obviously wanted her out of the equation. 
Well, screw him too then. 
It took her exactly ten minutes to change from her leggings and t-shirt ensemble to the yellow floral wrap dress May had gifted her for her birthday three weeks ago. 
She met MJ on the stairs, wearing a similar pattern but much longer. 
“You look weird in flowers” was all she said before Y/N playfully pushed her best friend’s shoulder. 
“Says you, I don’t think I’ve seen you in anything that wasn’t black or making some kind of feminist statement.” She scoffed, a smirk tugging at her lips. 
The two girls descended the stairs, black boots slapping against the marble. 
“Not very feminist of you to demean another woman’s choice of clothing.” MJ continued to shoot back, “That being said, can't believe you won’t give up the jacket”
Y/N chuckled lightly at the mention of the familiar blue leather engulfing her shoulders. “Well, you did give it to me right before you blipped so…”
MJ’s mouth perked up slightly at the memory. “That’s the problem with you Beck,” She opened the door of the hotel, “You’re so sentimental”
The friends chuckled, following their classmates through the winding streets of Prague, unaware of a certain Spiderboy’s gaze locked onto their linked figures.
Thank you so much for the love these past few weeks!
@21bruhs @maiabiovillage @spidey-holland7 @petersblake @queen-destenie@thewinchesterchronicles @filthydeatheaters@cutiepiemimi13@happylittlesuns @smolbeanfive @leilei-draws @olivia1112@avnngrs@suvikamahes98blr @broken-from-fandoms @your-pixels-are-showing@sarablog10 @santa-feigh @jade-mccartney @prettyylamee @badboysdoitbetter2 @isabellapotter15
@keanuuuuuureeeeeeevesssss ss
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tonks32 · 5 years
Inktober #16 - Stargazing
This time going to Mass Effect with some M!Ryder and Cora Harper. This is been rolling around in my head for a while now with their story starting before Andromeda. It got a bit away from me....
  Life in the countryside of earth was a stark contrast to life on the Citadel. Scott was still trying to decipher if it was a good or a bad change. He knew it was a needed one at least. With his father stripped of his N7 rank and kicked out of the alliance, coupled with his mother’s sickness, the quietness of the Scottish countryside made things a tad bit easier to handle.
  That was something Scott was doing a terrible job at. Handling all of these life changes at once was overwhelming. His twin had her own way of dealing, meaning working her way through every man and bar insight. Scott almost envied his sister’s ability to numb herself. He scratched the stubbles along his jaw as he rearranged himself on the chair he dragged to the roof in order to watch the stars. He couldn’t sit still. He always had to be doing something to keep his mind busy.
  So, sitting and waiting for his mother to die, knowing he couldn’t do a damn thing about it, killed Scott. Maybe he should be more like his-Alex. The stubborn bastard still worked around the clock in sheer desperation to save his wife. Scott never saw Alec so emotional before. Possible for the first time in his life, Scott could see how much his father truly loved his mother. It humanized him.
  “Knock, knock,” A voice came up from the open watch leading to the roof. “Anyone home?”
  “Cora?” Scott tried and most likely failed to keep the pleasure from his voice upon hearing hers.
  The blond poked her head through the open, one of her breath-taking smiles plastered on her face. “Expecting someone else, Ryder?”
  Scott sat up, spreading his legs until his fit hit the ground on either side of the lounge chair to make room for her to sit. “Well, nor er-I just thought…” He watched her climb onto the roof enamored by the way her body moved in the dim light. “I figured Sara would’ve dragged out onto the earliest shuttle to the city.”
  Cora, well aware she was under the intense gaze of the youngest Ryder, sat in the place he vacated. She hated seeing his blue orbs clouded with a storm of emotions. “Didn’t feel much up to the bar scene. She’ll text me if she needs back up. Besides.” Since she had the desperate urge to, she reached out to touch a hand to his. He jolted before relaxing under her touch. “I feel like I’m needed here more.”
  With you. Cora kept that last bit to herself.
  Tugging her hand upward, Scott pressed his brow against it. He’d know Cora for over two years now, being his father’s mentee, but also his twin’s best friend. And in that time, he’d grown quite fond of the biotic. She was beautiful. He doubted there wasn’t a man in the galaxy that would argue the point. Her beauty wasn’t what drew him to Cora. It was her strength in both her duty and her life as a biotic and the struggles that came with that caught hold of him. The sheer power coursing through her left him scared shitless and always wanting to be on her good side while he remained in awe of it.
  Then there was her sense of humor only a select few knew about. He was lucky to count himself among that small group. Her smile and the way her amber eyes would sparkle. They broadcasted every single emotion she was feeling. Not that she was shy about telling a person how she felt.
  Scott mentally shook himself before his thoughts could continue further and get him in trouble. Cora Harper was his friend and didn’t want to do anything to compromise or lose that.
  Cora ran her fingers through his disheveled ginger hair. She tried to keep her heart from rolling in her chest when he heard the smallest sigh of pleasure from him. “Talk to me, Scott.”
  “She’s getting weaker,” He whispered fighting another wave of tears. It was a wonder there was any left. All he did these days was cry. In private and far away from Alec lest his father would find another weakness to remind him of. But he knew here, with Cora, that he was safe to let it all out. He couldn’t do it without concerning his mother or facing Alec’s disapproval nor burdening Sara who was already hanging by a threat herself. Cora was becoming his anchor. Keeping him afloat in the sea of turmoil that was his life.
  “I can’t imagine how hard this is for you.” Cora pressed her lips to his crown. Family was something she didn’t understand. Her biotics, along with their intensity, caused her parents to all but kick her to the curb. After a life of living in the slums, she joined the alliance in search of a purpose. For a place to belong and a family to fill the void. Nothing came close until she met the Ryder clan. In the short time, she’d known her, Ellen had been the mother she always dreamed of having. Adoring, Loving. Understanding. Even protective.
  Sighing, Scott brushed his lips over her knuckles. “Thank you," He whispered drawing away to look up at her. Amber eyes full of compassion and sorrow held his gaze. Scott fought the urge to lean forward. Friends. That's what they were. Only friends. "For being here."
  She gave him a soft smile. "You make it sound like a hardship."
  "Well..." Scott shrugged.
  "I always enjoy spending time with you," Cora confessed before she could think twice. But then again, they were to leave for Andromeda soon. A journey full of the unknown. This was not the time to leave things unsaid. "I always have."
  Scott grappled with surprise and keeping it from his features. That was something new. They joked and flittered, all harmlessly, with one another. Wasn't that all there was? Or perhaps things finally were shifting for them? Or, maybe, it was her way of comforting him. "Here." Hooking arm around her waist, Scott pulled her back flushed against him. He figured it was his imagination when he heard Cora's soft sigh. Scott gestured to the telescope next to the chair. "Take a look."
  Basking in the warmth of him, Cora leaned forward, peering through the lens. Stargazing was one of Scott's favorite past times. Especially now, since the Alliance cut him loose and wasn’t traveling through them. She knew that the only thing that helped him stay sane this far out into the country was the undistorted view of the night sky. "Andromeda," She whispered in awe. There it was. A small smudge in the dark sky. Someplace light-years away that in a month or two would be their new home.
  In six hundred years life as they knew it in the Milky Way would cease to exist. This very place would be completely unrecognizable. Cora wondered what it would look like. Even wondered more about the people, places, and the life that awaited them in their neighboring galaxy.
  Cora drew away to look up with her own eyes. "We set out on our journey and yet it still seems so farfetched. Impossible even."
  "Isn't that what the human spirit is all about?" Scott asked stroking his finger down the nape of her neck. She didn't jerk or bat it away on a laugh. The corner of his mouth curved. This was interesting. "Pushing the limits. Exporting the unknown?"
  "Regardless of the risks," Cora finished her mind going to all the brave explores that lead the charge in finding the new, no matter the cost. "Do you find yourself second guessing your choice?"
  That was a conversation that Scott didn't want to dive into tonight. Not after the emotion day he'd been through. "Can't second guess when I haven't been hustled into a stasis pod. Ask me then."
  Cora snorted but didn't push. He'd been through a lot tonight. Forced to watch his father argue over an AI's ability to infuse with an implant that he was sure could cure his mother. Cora knew that the heat was all one-sided. Alec, her mentor, was the universes' most stubborn ass. Of all species.
  "I should go," Cora whispered. "You look like you can use some rest."
  He tilted his head to the side. "Saying I look, bad Harper?"
  "No. Simply exhausted."
  "I feel it. Straight down to my bones." And it had nothing to do with the constant cold that hung in the Scottish air. "Cora?"
  The sudden bashfulness in his voice had the biotic looking up in bewilderment. He was always so sure of himself, arrogant even at times. To hear and see him so unsure, maybe nervous, left her wondering what he was going to say. If she was being truthful, it left Cora a bit hopeful. "What is it?"
  Scott fought the fiddle with the stings of his Initiative sweater. "I can't go downstairs." Where his father was feverishly working and his mother was slowly passing away. "Will you stay up here a bit longer?"
  She smiled. "As long as you need." Knowing what he needed without having him to say it, Cora shifted in that chair, snuggling up against him for comfort as much as warmth. "I'm here for you too, Scott."
  He laid his cheek against her hair. "And I'm forever grateful for it."
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takadasaiko · 5 years
Houseguest: Chapter One
Summary: Two months after the battle of New York, Tony gets a surprise visit from Steve Rogers at his home in Malibu. Still uncertain exactly what brought him there in the first place, the two not-quite-friends find themselves in the middle of an increasingly dangerous mission to recover stolen alien tech.
Chapter One: The Surprise Visitor
It was all planned out. The reservations had been made, he'd had JARVIS set three alarms - including one that gave him a ten second warning that his systems would be shut down and all unsaved designs would be lost - to make sure that he was out of the workshop in time, and he was showered and ready with a few minutes to spare. He was not going to mess this up. He didn't dare mess this up.
Tony ran a hand back through his dark hair to smooth a few strands into place and pulled in a deep breath, going over everything again. Pep had had a five-thirty phone call with the Board in New York, but she'd promised to keep it under an hour when he'd told her their dinner reservations were set for seven. Just after six she'd have time to change and they'd drive to her favourite restaurant on the beach. It had to be perfect.
"Miss Potts has arrived," JARVIS announced as Tony snapped his watch into place. "She is not alone."
That stopped him in his tracks. "What do you mean not alone?" he demanded, but it was Pepper's voice from downstairs that answered him, not the AI.
"Tony? Are you upstairs?" He darted over to the hall just outside of his room that overlooked the living room below, hearing the telltale signs of Pepper's heels against the marble floor and her voice drifting up, even if it didn't sound like she was talking to him. "Tony didn't mention that you were coming into town."
The inventor slammed to a stop at the voice that answered her. "Uh… he didn't know," came Steve Roger's awkward answer. "He mentioned I should look him up if I was in Malibu and -"
"Hey, Cap. You forgot how phones work?" Tony popped off, starting down the stairs. "I mean, I know there've been some upgrades since '45, but it's still a pretty basic concept." Pepper shot him a withering look as he circled down and he flashed her a grin. "Not that you don't look great in a business suit, but that's not what you're wearing to Nobu, is it?"
"My dress is out in the car, but you had a guest lingering at the front door when I got here. It's like he was afraid to knock. Couldn't imagine why."
"I'm interrupting something, aren't I?" Steve managed, looking more awkward by the moment. Good. Maybe he'd slink right back out the door and they could get on with date night.
"We had dinner plans, but that's alright," Pepper answered and damn it if she weren't reacting to the lost puppy look Rogers seemed to be wearing like a pro. "I didn't get a chance to meet you while we were working on the tower's redesign."
"And you can meet him tomorrow," Tony cut in as he came to join them on the ground floor. "I mean, you're not flying out tonight, right, Cap? And we have reservations…."
"Because we've never canceled reservations before? It's fine. We'll go later. You have a friend in town."
Friend was a stretch, but there was no arguing with her when she was like this. Well, no winning the argument, at any rate. He'd thought that she might have caught on to the fact that this wasn't just another dinner, but if she'd had an inkling of an idea it had gone out the window the moment she had seen their spangliest Avenger standing on Tony's doorstep. Great. The best laid plans did tend to blow up more spectacularly than just winging it.
"I don't want to intrude," the blond tried and Tony didn't miss the brief look his girlfriend gave him.
"Too late for that," he answered with a forced smile and for a second he thought Pepper might smack him for it. Instead she just shot him a warning look that only a blind man could have misinterpreted.
"I think I have some clothes to change into upstairs. Do you have any food in the house? I can cook dinner or we can order in -"
"I have liquor," he offered and boy did he need some about then.
"Okay, but I'm something a little more substantial to go with it," Pepper answered, but at least she was smiling while rolling her eyes at him. "I'll have them deliver a pizza."
"Perfect," he managed as he watched her start for the stairs, her ponytail bouncing with each step and pulled her phone from her purse to call it in.
Tony turn an accusing glare on the taller man. "Please tell you've got a damn good reason for being here. Bad guys chasing you? Aliens back? Something that makes it worth it that you just crashed a night I've been planning for weeks."
"I'm sorry, Tony. I should've called."
"I'll go."
"Oh no. She wants you to stay, so if you go now I'll get an earful about forcing you out." He tilted his head a little, studying the man that his father had spent decades searching for and his entire childhood talking about. He didn't look afraid or even worried. More embarrassed than anything, and Tony reached up to massage some of the tension from the bridge of his nose. "It's been two months since New York. Last I heard you took a motorcycle out and nobody's heard from you since. You drive clear across the country?"
"I did, actually."
"So what? Just need a place to crash when you hit the West Coast?"
"No, nothing like that. I'll get a motel or something. I just… I wanted to…."
"Pizza's on its way," Pepper called as she started back down the stairs, now dressed in a pair of jeans and one of Tony's AC/DC t-shirts. "Captain Rogers, you strike me as more of a beer than a wine man."
"That'd be great, thank you," he answered politely. "And Steve's fine, Miss Potts."
"Then I'm going to insist on Pepper." Then she was gone again, descending downstairs to the wine cellar below Tony's workshop.
Tony turned back to Cap. "How'd you find me, anyway? My address isn't exactly listed."
"Nick Fury."
"But he couldn't give you my phone number? Weird."
He turned up the stairs towards the kitchen, motioning for the taller man to follow and he heard him snort in response. "I'm sorry. I should have called. I just assumed you'd be holed up in your lab or something. I didn't even know you had a girlfriend, much less one that you would be -"
Tony turned, quirking a dark eyebrow. "One that I'd be what, Cap?"
"That you'd… I just didn't realize you were… in a …"
"Uh huh. Keep going. You're doing great." He offered a shit-eating grin and chuckled. "It's fine. Keep your reasons for all I care. The night's planned events are a bust now so we might as well make some new ones."
He opened the fridge and reached in, grabbing two beers as he did and went back for a bowl of limes as an afterthought. Hey. They weren't working and apparently they had no place to be. The least he could do was furnish the great Captain America with a hangover for crashing his night. Tequila worked nicely for that.
"Where all have you been to see in the last couple of months?" Pepper called from the living room.
Tony pressed one of the bottles into Cap's hand and breezed past him, the other man following until they reached the base of the stairs and Tony split off towards the bar. "I just made my way across the US. I really didn't travel as a kid and while I saw a few cities with the Army I never really got to enjoy them."
"That sounds amazing. Neither of us have been on a real vacation in…. years. Tony, what are you looking for?"
"Tequila." He could practically feel her quirk a questioning eyebrow from the living room. He found what he was looking for and snagged the bottle and glasses, starting back out. "I mean, in our defense, last time we tried we got attacked."
"You did what?" Rogers asked cautiously.
"He wouldn't have been able to get to you if you hadn't decided you wanted to play race car driver."
Tony made a face. "Yeah, because him showing up at the expo didn't happen right after."
Pepper flashed him a playful smile. "But that wasn't on vacation." She turned back to their drop-in guest. "Sorry. You were saying?"
Cap was watching them like he was trying to decide if they'd lost their minds or if this was supposed to be normal for them. Tony was fine with letting him guess. As Pepper kept the conversation going he busied himself with three generous glasses of tequila, salting the rims and handing them out.
"Oh that's way too much," Pepper argues.
"It's fine. When's your first meeting?"
"It's fine. Cheers. To Cap's impromptu visit." He lifted his glass, flashing her his most innocent smile. He waited until the other two knocked against his, the clink echoing. He tilted it back and stuck a lime in his mouth. A shudder ran through him. Okay. Wow. It'd been a while since he'd done that.
They chatted, Rogers telling them where he'd been and what he'd seen. He'd gone down the East Coast first, cut across Louisiana into Texas, and then made his way to Southern California from there. He still wanted to make it up to Washington State and back around. Chicago was on his list, he knew. Minneapolis. Detroit. As long as there were no major catastrophes that had them all coming back together, he thought he had time. He didn't say anything about Tony's invitation that he'd extended to all of the Avengers. Not that any of them really had. It had been a stupid idea anyway. An expensive one too, with the living quarters that he'd designed for each of them. Ah well. At least he and Pepper had a place to stay when they were in New York.
Pepper leaned against him a little more as the conversation continued, her long day mixing with the alcohol, and Tony wrapped an arm around her on the couch. She nestled into his shoulder and he played with strands of strawberry blonde hair in a way he knew she liked. He lifted his newly refilled glass to his lips with his free hand. "Where's Peggy Carter these days?"
Tony couldn't miss the way that Cap stiffened at the question. "I'm not… why?"
"You guys were a thing, right?"
"How do you….? Is that in a file somewhere?"
Tony snorted louder than he meant to at that and mumbled apologies to his snoozing girlfriend before dark eyes flickered back up to meet blue. "I knew her when I was younger. Dad worked with he - on SHIELD, I guess, not that he ever told me that - and I met her a few times. Haven't seen her in years, but I thought…"
"She moved back to England," Rogers said softly. "That's what her file said anyway."
"Those things are always outta date. If you want I can track her down for you. Might be nice to say —"
The word was sharp enough that Tony stiffened at it. Cap winced. "Sorry. No, thank you. That's really not necessary."
"Okay then." The room went quiet and Tony shifted Pepper gently so that they'd both be a little more comfortable. She inched the rest of the way down so that her head rested on the couch next to him, freeing him up to move a little. He glanced over to the bottle that they'd already put a dent in that night and grabbed for it. If he was feeling the affects, surely Cap was. He hadn't been sure the man even drank until that night.
"Everyone's gone."
Tony pauses mid-reach. "Gone?"
"My whole unit. Your dad. Peggy's alive, but she has a family and I…. I'm just part of a past she moved on from."
Tony chewed on his lower lip before refilling his glass and leaning over to refill Rogers' as well. They were both going to need it. "So what are you doing here? I mean, I wasn't exactly your favourite of our little makeshift team of superheroes."
He watched blond brows draw together thoughtfully and he took a long sip from his glass. "Your dad took some getting used to. He was…. brash. Arrogant. Obnoxious. But when push came to shove he was there when you needed him. I wouldn't trust another pilot back in the war. I thought I saw….." His lips twitched downward. "I guess I missed him, but he's been gone for years now." Blue eyes finally flickered to meet brown. "You're here though."
And just like that Tony's mood plummeted. "Always nice to be a fill in for a dead man," he snapped quietly.
"That's not —"
Tony dragged in a breath and tilted the glass back. He couldn't feel his lips anymore. Scratch that. He couldn't feel his face. "Listen, I should get her upstairs to bed," he managed, motioning at the still-sleeping Pepper.
"Oh. Maybe I should get going then."
"Nah. I have like… six guest rooms. Pick one. There's a gym on this floor if you want. You saw where the kitchen is. Despite what Pep says, it's usually pretty well stocked. If you need to know where something is, just ask JARVIS. G'night."
"Tony, if I offended you somehow…."
"Why would I be offended, Cap? We're not friends. You were pals with my old man. I don't mind putting you up for the night."
He ignored the kicked puppy look the other man was giving him as he roused Pepper just enough to get her on her feet, teasing her the whole way about how the tables had turned and what a bad influence he'd been on her. She leaned into him as they made their way up the stairs to his bedroom and told him she loved him. Well. At least the night wasn't a total bust. That made it alright.
Notes: So begins another crazy story. One that I did not actually plan to write, mind you, but the boys wouldn't leave me alone until I did. I do love shoving them in a room together and making them play nice.
Next time: A hungover Tony gets news of a breakin at a Stark Industries facility.
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bffhreprise · 3 years
Best Friend For Hire, Entry 388
 Landing in the Slayer wing of the airport, I was scared.  Until my information was delivered, there was always a chance the Slayer’s mind might wander into mine, killing me for the warning I was carrying.  Between him and my masters, my loyalty should have been him, but Ai and Mai were the ones I was born to serve.  My family had directly served theirs for hundreds of years, and I wouldn’t betray them by keeping them in the dark.
 I had researched the best way to reach Somerset Estate, but I still hesitated now that the time had come.  My English was poor.  If I arrived at the wrong destination, reaching the correct one could become problematic.  As I stepped out of the airport, I reached for the knife behind my back as the door to a limousine opened.  When I saw the calf-length auburn hair of the woman stepping out of the driver’s door, I bowed instantly, trying to make sense of the clothes she wore.
 Speaking in Japanese, a woman’s voice I didn’t recognize said, “Ito-san, Somerset-sama sent this limousine for you.  You can call me Mila, no honorifics necessary.  I already know you well and will see to your luggage.”
 I looked up in surprise, but I remembered the rumors about James Somerset, the man who had won the heart of Alma Pendreigh.  Nodding to this Mila, I entered the vehicle.  Once seated, I told her “You speak Japanese very well.”
 Her smile was visible in the rearview mirror as she thanked me.  “My mother, Aaliyah Sypher, taught me.” she explained.
 I did my best not to shudder, recognizing the name of the assassin.  Aaliyah was many things, but her proficiency at killing was what my family feared the most.  In all of our research, we had found not one survivor from a contract she had taken.  There wasn’t a plan in place to try stopping her.  Drache-sama had declared such a defense impossible herself, so we were honor bound to heed her order to ignore this weakness in the family’s defense.
 After several blocks of silence, I asked “How do you know of me?”
 She smiled again as she said, “Ai and Mai have talked about you numerous times, but Mother also shares information.  I was aware that you’d be coming before you even purchased tickets last night and prepared a room for your stay.”
 I couldn’t ignore that she knew when I had purchased my plane tickets, but how could she have known I’d come before even I had decided?  If the assassin was truly her mother, Mila was likely to be a very dangerous person.  “Please pardon my rudeness in asking, but why do you appear as Alma-sama?” I questioned, unable to escape the fear of her form.
 She still smiled, completely unshaken.  “My master chose my form before he and Alma were even dating.  He hadn’t meant to make me so similar to her, but the questionnaire he completed led to the similarity.  You see, I am not a biological lifeform.  This is just one of numerous bodies I control.  Not only do I act as the sole maid in Somerset Estate, but I am the chauffeur, sous chef, educational instructor, confidant, security, aid for everyone, and friend of everyone at the estate.  While we’re chatting, I’m also communicating with more people than you’d likely guess.”
 I vaguely remembered that Duncan-sama had mentioned an extremely advanced artificial intelligence being at Somerset Estate, but I hadn’t been prepared for this.  I spent much of the remaining trip in silence, trying to wrap my head around the idea that such technology existed in the world without my family being aware.
 When we arrived, I found the grand mansion fitting for someone of James Somerset’s position.  The design was certainly based on an English country house, which probably pleased Alma-sama greatly.  I had been initially surprised when the two chose this as their primary residence rather than her family’s estate, but this was also the corporate office of James’ business.
 Mila guided me inside, insisting that she would take care of my luggage.  My father would be shocked to learn that Aaliyah’s own… daughter… had carried my luggage.  Before we even finished crossing the long hallway, my masters came running toward us, embracing me before I could even bow properly.
 “Ahmya!” exclaimed one of them.
 “Why are you here?” questioned the other.
 “Mila wouldn’t tell us.” accused the first, glaring at MIla.  Surprisingly, there was no actual anger in her look.  She seemed almost… playful.
 “We should speak in private.” I replied, never quite knowing what to do when these two embraced me.  They had always treated me more familiarly than they should, considering my station.
 Both of them rolled their eyes as the second one said, “As you wish, but Mila will hear everything anyway.  Our husband insisted on letting her spy on us.”
 Smiling yet again, Mila informed them “Honestly, my sensors are sharp enough to have heard everything in your wing even after you had disabled my access.  I did ignore what was said to respect your wishes.”
 Waving her hand at Mila, the first of the twins told me “See what we have to deal with?”
 Again, I was struck with how she didn’t actually seem angry.
 When we were finally alone, deep in what they had explained to be their wing of the mansion, I explained the situation in Japan.  Godric Slayer had revoked Alma-sama’s authority over their family and appeared to be preparing for the Drache family to be replaced entirely.  The twins took the news better than I had expected, but one of them quickly asked Mila to show them specifics of what was happening.  To my surprise, what I had thought was a mirror on the wall illuminated, bringing up information as requested.  T/hey were even able to receive live feeds from the family’s security system.
 “H-How is this possible?” I asked nervously.  This was a serious breach in our security.  The twins didn’t even have to enter a code.
 One of them smirked as she said, “Mila has access to everything.  There’s no keeping her out.  We had tried for a while, but even Alma can’t compete with Mila.”
 “We need to go tell Alma.” stated the other twin, busily typing on their phone.
 “Alma isn’t currently in the country.” stated MIla, her voice coming from the walls.
 “What!?” exclaimed both of them at once.
 “Where is she?” asked the one with the phone.
 “I am not at liberty to say.” replied Mila.
 The twins groaned and motioned for me to follow them as they ran.
 On the way, one of them asked “Will James see us?”
 “Yes, he has a few minutes to spare at the moment.” came Mila’s voice, keeping pace with us from the mansion’s walls.
 The mansion was every bit as enormous as I had expected, so our trip took a while even at a jog.  The twins, thankfully, kept their pace slow enough for me to keep up.  Eventually, we arrived at a door where Mila stood, already waiting for us.  At our approach, she opened it.
 “James, where’s Alma!?” demanded the twins in unison as soon as they were inside.
 The office was large and decorated with fine furniture that looked like a collection of antiques to my eyes.  One wall was covered in books, a chandelier hung from a high ceiling, and a couple chairs sat by a low table next to a fire.  The man at the desk was dressed in a fine suit, typing at a computer that seemed to be built into the desk.
 He took a moment to finish typing something, his fingers moving far faster than my eyes could follow, before looking up to say, “In England at the moment.  You’ve apparently been informed about the current restructuring in Japan.”
 I wasn’t terribly surprised that Mila had informed him.  Of course, the rumors I had heard about him would suggest that James might have known already.  He was said to be incredibly well-informed.
 “When will she be back?  We have information for her.” stated one of the twins with a tone of urgency.
 “She’s already read your email, and I’m sure you’ve seen her reply.  She knows.  She knows what Godric is doing, why he is doing it, and even a guess at how things will play out.  Relax.  She’s taking losses, but things will be fine.” he told them without even a hint of concern.  Then he surprised me by saying, “Ahmya, Mila has prepared a room for you in the employee wing.  Feel free to make yourself at home, since you’ll be here for some time.”
 I bowed low, shocked that he had bothered to address me, especially in Japanese.  “Your graciousness is appreciated. Somerset-sama.” I replied respectfully.  A blast of energy shot out of him, forming into spells that I had no hope of following.  I took a moment to realize that my weapons were leaving my body, but I didn’t dare try to stop them.  Before a man like James Somerset, I had no power.
 “James!  What are you doing?” demanded the second twin on my behalf.
 “I don’t want any blood in her room.  Mila’s relieving her luggage of the other toys for now.” he replied, still sounding perfectly calm.  He knew.  Somehow, he already knew.  “She’ll also be keeping her under constant supervision until you two have talked her around.”
 I cringed as the twins whirled to stare at me.
 “Why?” asked the first twin, her voice sounding angry, angry and just a little sad.
 “You wouldn’t really, would you?” questioned her sister with a frown.
 I didn’t want to answer, but I was speaking before I could stop my mouth.  Ai and Mai were my masters.  “I have no place in our family now.  Please, let me have an honorable death.”
 Instead of yelling at me or ordering me to stand down, they embraced me again, squeezing me with their inhuman strength.
 James, who had resumed typing, said, “Ahmya, I’m certain you know of me.  That being the case, I’m sure you heard that Death herself appeared as my second during my last fight for Alma’s hand.  I’ll be asking her not to take you no matter your actions.  If you die without my permission, you’ll roam the world forever as a ghost, completely unredeemable for all eternity.”
 I hurried to keep up after they barely allowed me time to turn around.  They were holding me once again.
 “James is spooky sometimes anymore.” stated one of the twins.
 The other simply nodded.
 The first one looked at me as she said, “Ahmya, James wasn’t lying.  Don’t you dare try anything.”
 “We’ll speak to our husband.  He might convince James to…” started the second one.
 “To not stop you from reaching the afterlife.” finished the first, shivering as she spoke.
 “I would never risk harming you or your position here.” I assured them, disappointed with how my voice shook.  James-sama’s words were echoing in my mind.  Death herself listened to him.  Still, I felt torn.  Godric would find out I came here.  He might not kill me while I was under the protection of James-sama and Alma-sama, but…  Tears came to my eyes.  At very least, I would be cast out of the family, a dishonored wretch unfit to serve the twins.  What was going to become of me?
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7r0773r · 4 years
Vice: New and Selected Poems by Ai
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Coming home, I find you still in bed, but when I pull back the blanket, I see your stomach is flat as an iron. You’ve done it, as you warned me you would and left the fetus wrapped in wax paper for me to look at. My son. Woman, loving you no matter what you do, what can I say, except that I’ve heard the poor have no children, just small people and there is room only for one man in this house. (from Cruelty, p. 4)
I found my father, face down, in his homemade chili and had to hit the bowl with a hammer to get it off, then scrape the pinto beans and chunks of ground beef off his face with a knife. Once he was clean I called the police, described the dirt road that snaked from the highway to his trailer beside the river. The rooster was in the bedroom, tied to a table leg. Nearby stood a tin of cloudy water and a few seeds scattered on a piece of wax paper, the cheap green carpet stained by gobs of darker green shit. I was careful not to get too close, because, though his beak was tied shut, he could still jump for me and claw me as he had my father. The scars ran down his arms to a hole where the rooster had torn the flesh and run with it, finally spitting it out. When the old man stopped the bleeding, the rooster was waiting on top of the pickup, his red eyes like Pentecostal flames. That’s when Father named him Preacher. He lured him down with a hen he kept penned in a coop, fortified with the kind of grille you find in those New York taxicabs. It had slots for food and water and a trap door on top, so he could reach in and pull her out by the neck. One morning he found her stiff and glassy-eyed and stood watching as the rooster attacked her carcass until she was ripped to bits of bloody flesh and feather. I cursed and screamed, but he told me to shut up, stay inside, what did a girl know about it? Then he looked at me with desire and disdain. Later he loaded the truck and left. I was sixteen and I had a mean streak, carried a knife and wore such tight jeans I could hardly walk. They all talked about me in town, but I didn’t care. My hair was stringy and greasy and I was easy for the truckers and the bar clowns that hung around night after night, fighting sometimes just for the sheer pleasure of it. I’d quit high school, but I could write my name and add two plus two without a calculator. And this time, I got to thinking, I got to planning, and one morning I hitched a ride on a semi that was headed for California in the blaze of a west Texas sunrise. I remember how he’d sit reading his schedules of bouts and planning his routes to the heart of a country he thought he could conquer with only one soldier, the $1000 cockfight always further down the pike, or balanced on the knife edge, but he wanted to deny me even that, wanted me silent and finally wife to some other unfinished businessman, but tonight, it’s just me and this old rooster, and when I’m ready, I untie him and he runs through the trailer, flapping his wings and crowing like it’s daybreak and maybe it is. Maybe we’ve both come our separate ways to reconciliation, or to placating the patron saint of roosters and lost children, and when I go outside, he strolls after me until I kneel down and we stare at each other from the cages we were born to, both knowing what it’s like to fly at an enemy’s face and take him down for the final count. Preacher, I say, I got my GED, a AA degree in computer science, a husband, and a son named Gerald, who’s three. I’ve been to L.A., Chicago, and New York City on a dare, and know what?– it’s shitty everywhere, but at least it’s not home.
After the coroner’s gone, I clean up the trailer, and later, smoke one of Father’s hand-rolled cigarettes as I walk by the river, a quivering way down in my guts, while Preacher huddles in his cage. A fat frog catches the lit cigarette and swallows it. I go back and look at the picture of my husband and son, reread the only letter I ever sent and which he did not answer, then tear it all to shreds. I hitch the pickup to the trailer and put Preacher’s cage on the seat, then I aim my car for the river, start it, and jump out just before it hits. I start the pickup and sit bent over the steering wheel, shaking and crying, until I hear Preacher clawing at the wire, my path clear, my fear drained from me like blood from a cut that’s still not deep enough to kill you off, Father, to spill you out of me for good. What was it that made us kin, that sends daughters crawling after fathers who abandon them at the womb’s door? What a great and liberating crowing comes from your rooster as another sunrise breaks the night apart with bare hands and the engine roars as I press the pedal to the floor and we shoot forward onto the road. Your schedule of fights, clipped above the dashboard, flutters in the breeze. Barstow, El Centro, then swing back to Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, and a twenty-minute soak in the hot springs where Geronimo once bathed, before we wind back again into Arizona, then all the way to Idaho by way of Colorado, the climb, then the slow, inevitable descent toward the unknown mine now. Mine.
(from Fate, pp. 129-33)
My wife deserved to be shot. I served time in the Gulf, and I am telling you when I came home and found her packed up and gone, it wasn't long until I hatched a plan. I located the man behind it all, staked out his apartment and his job. Then one afternoon, I dressed up in camouflage, loaded up my AK-47 and went to Hot Dog Heaven. I found them in the parking lot, sharing kisses over lunch. I came up from behind, but changed my mind and walked right in front, and aimed through the windshield, before they had a chance to see who it was. I shouted my name, hoping she would hear it as she died, then I went to the passenger side and fired at his head. A red mass exploded like a sunburst. At first, I couldn't believe I'd done it, then I put the gun down and looked at my hands, which were steady. I pulled open the door, before I knew what I was doing. I just had to see what he was hiding in his pants. It was pathetic, a sad, shriveled thing there between his legs and not the foot-long she had said made her scream with pleasure. I did hear screams, but they were coming from my mouth, not hers. Noise, I thought, as I fired at her body again. Of course, I'd turned the gun on myself. What else could I do to erase it all? - the 911 calls, the sirens in the distance, but the ordinariness of murder overwhelmed me, possessed me like a spirit and I thought how easy it would be to take two or three more people with me. Instead, I decided to give myself up, plus I was out of ammunition. I guess it is my destiny, to be a living example for other men, who are only bluffing when they threaten violence. Now once a week, I write a column on relationships for the prison publication. I base my advice on actual situations. For example, Clarence Thomas. He had a dick fixation, just as I did. For me, it was a torment and my downfall and nearly his. Ultimately, the question is always how far are you willing to go? I think within his parameters, Clarence went the distance. As far as I'm concerned, he's earned his place on the Supreme Court and stands tall beside all the other men, who haven't given in to a woman's scorn, who are born again from the fire of their ridicule. If you ask me, Anita Hill got off too easily. I would have caught the bitch some afternoon, while the cherry blossoms were in bloom and boom, solved all my problems. Oops! I think I wobbled over the line that separates fantasy from crime. The counselors tell me all the time I've got to get it straight how the imagination sometimes races on without us. But I know Debby and Ed are off somewhere eating wedding cake and letting me take the fall for their betrayal. Is it fair that on the other side of this wall Clarence has it all and I have nothing but a ball and chain? That reminds me, I checked this Othello play out of the library. It's about a guy who loses his reputation and his wife, well, he kills her, but she made him. I found some parallels to my own life and Clarence's. Othello's black. But the other subtler thing is how a man must stand up to humiliation, must retaliate, or lose himself, who when he finds some pubic hair in his can of Coke must ask, regardless of the consequences, who put it there? (from Greed, pp. 176-79)
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tahlreth · 7 years
What Has Been Done Part Two
Part One
A/N: Hey! So I don’t know if I linked the first part right? XD I hope I did? Someone tell me if I didn’t please? X’D So this took longer than I thought it would, but today I was watching LOTR after posting a chapter in a different fic on AO3, and my muse was like “HEY, WHAT IF WE DID THE THING”, and I was like “I’d love to do the thing!” so we did the thing, and here it is! <3 It’s pretty long, so if you’re on mobile you might not get to see it all - still not sure how that all works. XD Thanks for reading, and I hope it was worth the wait!
The first order of business, Bucky knew, was to show Tony that he was absolutely and without a doubt not on Wanda’s side. Most of the Avengers seemed pretty eager to defend the little witch – something he just couldn’t wrap his head around, if he were being honest. She wasn’t a kid, no matter what Steve said, and she’d been neck-deep in some seriously shady shit of her own volition. And yet he’d been eyed with deep suspicion when he joined the group while most of his housemates seemed happy to hand her the keys to the kingdom.
Since everyone who’d demonstrated themselves to be on her side were clueless as to the tension between her and Tony, Bucky’d come to an obvious conclusion. He’d never find out the ‘why’ of their dynamic until he could show Tony that not only was he not on Wanda’s side, but he was in fact firmly on Tony’s. First thing’s first though – he wasn’t going to trust Bucky even a little until he had some data that showed Bucky didn’t like or trust Wanda. Bucky was happy to provide all the data he could.
His chance came one night at a team dinner. Though they’d been deemed ‘mandatory’ by Stevie, Tony often found a way to wriggle out of them. But their gear was all in tip-top shape, the idiot genius was well-rested, and he was ahead of schedule when it came to his SI projects. That Trifecta of Doom (Tony’s words) meant that Stevie ruthlessly enforced the ‘you must show up and socialize like a normal human being or so help me God’ rule.
Bucky hated that rule.
Still, it meant that Tony joined them for dinner, so it was working in his favor for the moment. The whole team was present except Thor and including the current object of his ire. He knew it was only a matter of time before she gave him an opening.
He would wait.
He could be patient, for Tony’s sake.
“So Rhodes will be here next week?”
“Yeah. My platypus finally convinced his CO’s that he needs me to check over the armor. I wish he’d tell the Air Force to stuff it and just come around to see me more often. I love doing upgrades, but I’d like more time to just hang out and blow shit up. It has been months since I’ve had my hands on my baby though, so I am looking forward to it. If they outfitted War Machine-”
“Iron Patriot.” Steve corrected with an unholy amount of glee, not bothering to duck when Tony chucked a roll at him. The little shit just caught it in his mouth and started to eat it, clearly enjoying the chance to tweak Tony’s nose a bit.
“We do not speak that name in this house, you heathen,” Tony hissed, a playful glint in his eyes. Bucky loved him like this – open and playful, willing to play a role to make them all laugh. “Anyway, like I was saying. If they put any filthy, unreliable HammerTech on War Machine,” he continued, glaring at Steve as he emphasized the name. Stevie just continued to grin unrepentantly. “Then I’m gonna hack the Pentagon again in retaliation.”
“Tony. You can’t-”
“Yes! That is an awesome plan, and I for one am fully in favor!”
“Clint, don’t encourage him. Please.” They were all smiling and chuckling, having a good time and enjoying each others company for once. Even Vision’s lips were curved in a vague expression of humor as Tony announced his plan to play the ‘Numa Numa’ song over the Pentagon’s loudspeakers for at least half an hour or until they got him out of the system – whichever came first. So, of course, Wanda took the opportunity to ruin everything.
“So your ego is so big you cannot allow anyone else to have a hand in your work?” It was fucking unfair that she had such a lyrical, lilting voice and that she could sound so sweet while poking and digging at old wounds. “And your little… prank would put the whole of this country at risk as well, would it not Stark?”
She always spat his name like she was throwing down a gauntlet, and it raised Bucky’s hackles immediately. He’d had handlers address him like that, always trying to push his buttons so they could see where his lines were. It wasn’t done to find boundaries to respect, oh no – it was so they knew exactly where and how hard to prod to make him snap, and then they could laugh as they watched him punished for giving in. No one else but Tony seemed to notice the tone though. They just kept eating, smiling like this was business as usual.
It pissed him off that it really fucking was.
“HammerTech is notoriously unreliable,” Tony told Wanda carefully, most of his good humor already gone. Now he was wary and defensive, readying himself for the attacks he knew were yet to come, prepared to face them alone because the rest of their team was made up of morons. “If the military had someone even halfway competent fiddling with my designs, I wouldn’t mind quite so much. And I’d have Friday monitoring everything at the Pentagon – she’d make sure any actual emergencies trumped the prank.”
“Ah, so we should trust national security to one of your AI’s. It always goes so well.” Wanda’s smile was sharper than the knives Bucky carried hidden on his person at all times, and there was a disturbing glitter in her eyes. Everything in him was screaming that she was a threat, and that he needed to take her down… but if he tried without the backing of the team, he would look like the crazy one. They might decide he needed to be confined and watched again; he couldn’t protect Tony if that happened, so it was imperative he keep calm until the most opportune moment. Everyone else looked uncomfortable now too, which should have made him feel better.
Except the were all of them – all except Vision – side-eying Tony, not Wanda. The slightest, vaguest mention of Ultron, and they were all looking at the genius in suspicion, like he was harboring horrid plans for world domination. It was enough to make him growl softly and clench both hands around his silverware hard enough that he bent the metal. Only Stevie and Nat noticed, or at least they were the only ones who glanced his way. Vision was still staring at his plate and shifting uneasily, while Sam and Clint were watching Tony with narrowed eyes. Wanda, of course, was still staring down Tony. God he wanted to stab the lot of them.
Murder wasn’t necessarily always bad.
Tony was still and wearing the smile he usually broke out for the press when they were being especially vicious. He shouldn’t have to wear that smile in his own fucking home. “Ha. Well, Friday is… she’s a lot more limited than even… than even JARVIS was. More a VI than an AI. Could someone pass the potatoes please?”
Bucky’d been wound tighter than coiled steel for a good five minutes; at the slightest hint that it would please Tony, he’d happily kill Wanda and offer him her head on a silver fucking platter. At the moment, he’d deliver a non-fatal stab wound to the rest of the team with a smile on his lips and a song in his heart. So when Wanda finally, finally gave him an excuse, he maybe overreacted just a little.
Or maybe they’d all been under-reacting for too fucking long.
As soon as the scarlet mist wrapped around the dish that held the scalloped potatoes, Bucky reacted. He didn’t wait to process the cruel glee in the witch’s expression; he didn’t stop to look for the indulgent smile he knew he’d find on Steve’s lips or for the terror that would be in Tony’s eyes. No, with the speed and ease born from years of cruel training at Hydra’s hands, Bucky reached for one of his knives and threw; when he heard the ‘thunk’ of it hitting wood and sticking, he didn’t bother to fight the satisfied smile that briefly curved his lips.
Though he’d barely aimed, the tip of the knife had managed to pierce Wanda’s sleeve as well, drawing a shriek from the woman. Now the little witch’s hand was pinned to her chair, and she was glaring at him with murderous intent. Her surprise had made her lose control of her powers; Nat being on her game was the only thing that saved the potatoes. She caught them before they could hit the table, and it was only after setting them down that she joined the rest of the team (sans Wanda and Bucky) in jumping to her feet and watching Bucky carefully. None of them were side-eying Tony anymore, he noticed cheerfully, and they were even reaching for their weapons. That was a definite improvement, because outta the two of them, he was infinitely more dangerous. He schooled his expression, making it blank as he pinned a dead-eyed stare on Wanda.
“What the fuck is your problem?” she demanded, tugging at the knife. It was in deep enough that it took quite a bit of her strength to pull it free. He was almost sorry she didn’t use her magic to get herself loose; he’d have been happy to go for the other sleeve. Or even her hand, really – he wasn’t feeling too picky just then.
“Keep your magic to yourself, witch,” he ground out, purposefully using something close to his ‘Winter Soldier’ voice. Right now that had everyone even more worried, but in a minute or so it’d land them all firmly on his side in this little spat. If they thought her magic was a trigger… well. It really was, though not in the way they’d think, and it was something he could handle. He’d never have brought it up if it weren’t a way to protect Tony and show him that Bucky was not going to join Wanda’s band of defenders. “We’re not inna fight, and we aren’t training neither. We’ve all got fucking hands, so we can pass shit around like regular folk.”
“No, Stevie. Been lettin’ this go long enough. I been tryin’, honest, but – no. She’s Hydra-”
“I am NOT-”
“Oh, not anymore or so you say. But you were, and they’re the ones who gave you those powers! Every time I see ‘em… no. I get it in training, which I understand – gotta learn to work with it if I ever want to be cleared to go out in the field. But I shouldn’t have to think about Hydra every time we sit down to eat!” Stevie’s face had already melted into an expression of warm, anxious concern. Bucky might have felt guilty for milking this if the blond idiot hadn’t left his Tony to suffer alone for so long.
“Buck… why didn’t you say anything before now?”
“… ‘Cause I didn’t wanna hurt team morale.” Oh, Wanda knew he was bullshitting – he could tell by the fury in her eyes. “B’sides, she can mess with my head if she’s mad at me, right? ‘M tired of people fucking around with my brain.” It was true, even if he didn’t let himself think about that too often. He let out a little too much of that, and he hated the vulnerability he could hear in his voice… at least, he hated it until Tony took a step towards him and laid a hand on his shoulder in a show of solidarity.
When Sam tried to do the same thing, Bucky couldn’t help but bare his teeth at his sometimes-friend, sometimes-enemy. “Hey, hey. We aren’t gonna let anyone do that, man. You gotta trust us on that one. Wanda isn’t poking around in anyone’s head. Sometimes she can’t help the vibes she gets, but she’s not purposefully digging for anything. Right?” As Sam looked to Wanda for confirmation, Bucky sent her a mental dare.
He almost hoped she did call BS, because it would prove that she was in his head. And Steve would ask why he’d really done it, which meant they’d all have to talk about the actual issue. Somehow he thought she’d be as eager for that discussion as Tony was… meaning they’d both rather have their spleens operated on with a rusty saw. When she only glowered at him in petulant defeat, he had to fight back the urge to crow – he’d backed her into a corner, alright. Served the bitch right, for making Tony scared, and for forcing him to whip out his press smile in a place where he should feel completely safe.
“Right. I don’t do that anymore.” Wanda told them all stiffly, tossing his knife onto the table in front of Bucky. Tony jerked, like he’d expected the knife to hit him, which fuck that shit all the way back to Russia, and Bucky had had enough.
“Yeah, well I don’t trust you,” he sneered, shoving away from the table as he grabbed first his knife and then his plate. “You were Hydra because you wanted to be. I don’t like Hydra, and I don’t like you. And how’m I supposed ta trust that she’s behavin’ when she can’t even keep her powers under wraps long enough to eat?” he demanded of Sam and – more importantly – Steve, jutting out his jaw stubbornly. “I’ll learn to live with that shit when I hafta, but I don’t need her turnin’ my stomach inside out while I’m tryin’ ta eat. I don’t need to be thinkin’ about that fuckin’ chair-” The way he choked on his words was real, as was the fear that spiked inside of him.
Steve moved to offer him reassurance, but Tony got there first, wrapping his fingers around Bucky’s metal arm and squeezing tightly. Their eyes met, both of them searching, and after a moment Bucky was able to offer him a weak smile. “Thanks doll,” he murmured, shifting so he was between the genius and the witch. “I can’t… I don’t wanna be here right now. Wanna… wanna maybe grab your plate and eat in the ‘shop with me?”
The thing about Steve’s puppy-dog eyes was that he’d learned ‘em late – when he was a skinny bit of nothing, he hadn’t needed to do anything but exist and all the old ladies were desperate to stuff him with food. No, he’d learned to don the pitiful expression later, after his body changed on him and would have denied him free food for the rest of his life. Bucky’d been the one to teach him, and Steve’d never, ever quite reached his level of expertise.
So he wasn’t real surprised when Tony caved after less than a second of Bucky’s sad, soulful eyes begging him to give in; neither was Steve. The rest of them all looked a bit shocked when the genius reached to grab his plate. When Wanda gave a sound that seemed vaguely protesting, Bucky turned to her and delivered a vicious snarl, continuing to put his body between her and his Tony. The man in question seemed to realize it, and the look he shot Bucky before starting towards the elevator was one of both gratitude and consideration.
“I’ll start eatin’ with you lot again when the witch learns to keep her fucking magic under wraps at the dinner table.” He told them all, giving a dismissive sniff and then turning to stalk after Tony. Before the elevator doors closed, he could hear Wanda wailing about the unfairness of it all… but Stevie would have his back. Stevie and Sam would be all for aiding Bucky in his continued recovery, while Nat and Clint would be all in favor of making sure the Winter Soldier never came to dinner uninvited. Vision… Vision he didn’t have much of a read on, but he knew how the discussion would end.
Maybe now Tony could eat with the team more often. It would make the genius happy to spend time with them, and he wouldn’t have to worry that Wanda would use her magic against him. If Bucky kept making sure the bitch’d have to physically go through him to try anything else, that would mean even less stress at dinner, which would mean an even happier Tony! And surely, surely the genius would realize that it was all for him, that Bucky was doing it because he was special. Yup, this first part of the plan had gone off without a hitch.
It was really, really hard to keep a gloating smirk off his face.
“Knock knock.”
“Bucky-babe! You know you don’t have to knock. You have a lifetime free pass to enter this house of madness.” Distracted Tony was always fun to listen to, because he gave out the most ridiculous (sweetest) nicknames and didn’t really pay attention to what was coming out of his mouth. “Honestly I should just set you up a little corner of your own, you’re down here so often. Maybe I’ll get rid of DUM-E and his charging station – yes, you!” he answered the sad, inquiring little whistle. “You know what you did! You’re lucky you aren’t already on your way to McDonald’s to become their latest employee. You’d really shine there, but here you’re almost useless. Don’t droop and give me the sad claw, you pile of metal. Be better and you can stick around.”
A robot shouldn’t be able to sigh soulfully, but somehow DUM-E managed before zooming over to Bucky and tucking his bulky, unwieldy frame against his left side. “Hey, bud. Don’t worry – he loves you too much to give ya up. You know that.” DUM-E only made another sulky noise, trundling along after Bucky close enough to continuously almost trip him as he crossed the floor to where Tony was working. “An’ I don’t need my own space, ya loon. ‘M good just sittin’ on the couch and watchin’ you make the future.”
“Stop, you’re making me blush. God, I’m going to swoon, and the welder is still on. You’re gonna make me burn down the whole tower- DUM-E NO! It was a-”
It was too late – as soon as the word ‘welder’ had been mentioned, the pouting ‘bot cheered and zoomed off to grab his favorite toy. Any idiot would have known how that was going to turn out, and Bucky couldn’t wait for the show. Sure enough, when ‘burn’ left Tony’s mouth, the ‘bot pulled the pin and began to hose down Tony’s work area with abandon.
Moments later, the workbench was covered in white foam, as was Tony’s right side and a good portion of the floor. The welder was off at least when it clattered to the ground, and the genius looked torn between laughter and fury while the poor, hapless DUM-E was doing spins and twirls in celebration, holding the extinguisher aloft. U hurried over to join the party, the ‘bots ‘discussing’ DUM-E’s ‘daring rescue’ as Bucky lost the fight against laughter.
His guffaws only got louder when Tony whirled to face him, a playful scowl on his handsome face. “You think this is funny, Buck-a-boo? You come into my house on the day when I am about to catapult us into the future, and you show such disrespect? In my house, Buck-a-roo? You do this in my own house?”
“That’s not even close ta the fuckin’ quote Tony,” he challenged, grinning and backing away from the approaching and very messy genius – both plates of dinner he carried needed to be kept safe at all costs. “What’re ya doin’? You comin’ after me now? After I slaved over-a hot stove to bring you food?”
“… put the plates down, Bucking Bronco, and it’ll be fine.”
“‘Bucking Bronco’? Really?”
“Shut up and put the plates down.”
“Not ‘til you tell me why.”
“I gotta teach you some respect, Bucky Brewster. Was that one better?”
“You’re fucking nuts.” Still, Bucky did put down their dinner on a surface he deemed safe enough – there was a distinct lack of motor oil, and DUM-E and U were still having a ball with the now-empty fire extinguisher. “There, ya happy now doll?”
“Very. So you think it’s funny that my excitable, idiotic child ruined a full day’s worth of work, do you?”
“Little bit,” Bucky answered casually, loving the sparkle in Tony’s eyes as he continued to advance. He let the man almost get within reach, then danced back again, arching a brow. “You’re the one who talked about shit being on fire when he was around. It’s kinda your fault sweetheart.”
“Really. You think it’s my fault that a fortune in electronics is covered in shitty white foam?”
“Yup.” He returned, making sure to pop the ‘p’ extra loud.
“Then I bet you also think it’s my fault that I’m covered in foam,” he murmured thoughtfully, still coming after Bucky in a slow dance of chase and retreat. They both knew where this was going… and really, Bucky thought the end result would be well worth it. “And you must find it absolutely hilarious to boot.”
“Little bit, yeah.”
“Huh. Interesting.” This time when Tony lunged, Bucky only pretended to evade; he willingly let the genius catch him in his arms, delivering a warm, tight hug… and also a crap ton of the shitty white foam. Worth it, Bucky decided happily, wrapping his own arms around Tony in turn. In a fit of playfulness, he lifted the other man off the floor and twirled him in a circle reminiscent of the ‘bots happy dance. That immediately started the pair of them off again, which made him laugh over the exuberant beeps and whistles. After only a moment, Tony joined in even as he held on for dear life, allowing himself to be swung without complaint. Once he was on the ground though, he punched Bucky’s shoulder lightly and began to scowl.
“Ow! Hey, c’mon now. That was fun – admit it.”
“Whatever. Still funny now that you’re all foam-y?”
“Ugh.” Turning away, Tony stripped off his tank-top casually, an act Bucky absolutely would have fallen for if it wasn’t for the bit of pink on Tony’s cheeks when he turned back around. “Don’t want foam in my food,” he muttered by way of explanation, and this encounter was officially not funny anymore. Bucky felt his mouth go bone-dry as he allowed his eyes to roam over all of the muscled flesh Tony had on display. He found himself lingering on the scars left behind by the arc reactor, and he wanted more than anything to settle his metal hand over the marks and promise to protect Tony’s heart for the rest of his life.
Thankfully even he wasn’t so far gone that he thought that would be anything other than creepy to the extreme. They were just barely friends! Friends did not go around making sappy declarations like that!
To keep himself from doing it anyway, he shrugged and pulled off his shirt as well, tossing it to the couch. “Good idea. No wonder they gave ya the genius label.”
“Yeah. That’s what did it – my extensive knowledge of when to get naked. Not that I’m going to! Or that you should. Half nude is good. It’s better. It’s best! Because we’re eating dinner, not… uh. Yeah. So. Ducking out on another team dinner, or did you just miss me?”
“Why can’t it be both? I like hanging out with you, and I’m still not convinced that the witch isn’t gonna activate her creepy-ass magic just to mess with me. Steve promised, but… uh. I was wonderin’ if maybe you’d be there? Next time I eat with the whole team I mean,” he elaborated as he grabbed his plate and watched Tony do the same. “I feel like you’re the only other person in this place who doesn’t buy her sob-story one hundred percent. So I’d like it if you were… you know. Around. Just in case. You watch out for me, and I’ll take care-a you. Even trade.”
“… I don’t know. She… ah. She doesn’t like me very much. We have… history. Sucky history. Pain and death and terrible choices and her creepy-ass magic… none of it fun. I don’t… I don’t like to intrude.”
“But you live here too! You should be able ta eat with us if you want. I should feel comfortable eatin’ at the table, or watchin’ movies, or doin’ whatever without worryin’ that she’s gonna be… fuck. I don’t know. Pulling killer rabbits outta hats.”
“That’s not her party trick.”
“Then what is?” At first, Bucky thought he’d pushed too far. Tony paled and set the forkful of food he’d been about to eat back onto his plate with a fairly loud clatter. The man gulped convulsively, and the plate began to shake – no, that was Tony. He was shivering, and there was fear and guilt and self-loathing all jumbled up in his eyes, and Bucky just couldn’t take it. Swearing softly, he dropped his own dinner back on the bench it had been on and crossed to Tony in two quick steps; after removing the genius’ plate from his hands, it was his turn to initiate a hug. This one should have been better, what with all the skin-on-skin contact, and in some ways it was. Tony was warm, though not as warm as Bucky, and their bare chests pressed together would have been cause for a prayer of gratitude and a more thorough exploration if it had happened under different circumstances. As it was, Bucky only pulled Tony close, tucking his head under his chin. “Hey, hey. I’m sorry doll,” he soothed, running one hand up and down Tony’s spine. He hated the way the man trembled, and he felt a vengeful fury building in his heart again.
Most of it was for Wanda – she was the one making Tony so afraid. The little witch had done something, and he was gonna find a way to make her pay. But the rest of them, the whole bunch of Tony’s so-called friends? They’d let it go on. They’d ignored the signs, and Tony’d been carrying this weight all by himself, and it wasn’t fucking fair. He was going to pound them all into the ground, and if he didn’t actually kill Wanda he’d be very proud of his restraint.
“Shouldn’ta asked. Sorry. You don’t gotta say nothin’ Tony. But hey,” here he pulled back a little and took gentle hold of Tony’s chin, tipping it back so their eyes met once more. “I won’t ever let her hurt you, ya know. I’ll do whatever I gotta to make sure she can’t… do whatever the fuck she did again. I mean it. You name it, doll, and it’s fucking done.” When he let go, Tony was quick to hide away again, holding on to Bucky like he was Tony’s anchor.
Bucky liked the thought as much as he hated the way Tony needed one.
“You… you really wanna know?”
“Yeah. I… I wanna know everything about you Tones. But you don’t gotta tell me if you don’t want to. This is about you right now, not makin’ me feel better.” Bucky hesitated a moment, then shrugged and threw caution to the wind. In a single easy motion, he lifted Tony up off the ground – he only just managed to grip the back of the man’s thighs instead of his ass. The genius immediately wrapped his legs around Bucky’s waist, which was surprising and thrilling in equal measure – he’d expected Tony to protest, maybe even yell and threaten to beat him up if he didn’t let go. This… this was a lot better, and also just a little scary.
Did… did Tony really trust him that much?
That was a question for another time; at the moment he needed to focus on caring for the shaking man in his arms. Bucky walked them over to the couch, then sat down carefully. He thought Tony would scramble to get away from him, or even just slide to one side so he could be close but not in Bucky’s lap. But no – once again his expectations were shattered, because Tony seemed quite happy to stay right where he was. He didn’t even protest when DUM-E wheeled over and draped a worn blanket over the both of them.
“I haven’t… told anyone else. They wouldn’t… I didn’t think they’d believe me.” Tony whimpered into his bare shoulder, rousing every protective instinct Bucky possessed.
“Well I’m gonna believe you, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
“You won’t… you won’t be mad?”
“Why’d I be mad, doll? It’s the witch who hurt you, not the other way ‘round.”
“… I’m not trying to deny responsibility. I know it was my fault, and it was my idea. Even Bruce wasn’t sure, and I bullied him into… it was all my fault. It’s on me, and I know that. I’m not trying to… to blame her. It was originally my idea, and anyway the rest of the team shook it off fine. So I should have been okay. I was okay. It wasn’t even affecting me by the time I… I know it was my fault Bucky, I promise. I’m not trying to m-make you hate her, or make it seem like-”
“Hey, hey… easy sweetheart. Easy.” Bewildered and not quite sure what exactly Tony was talking about, Bucky just held him closer and stroked his hands over the expanse of the man’s back. It felt almost like Tony was a horse about to spook; if he didn’t do this right, Tony would run, and he’d never have this chance again. He had to do this right. “You take responsibility better’n anyone I know, and I know Steve Rogers. You never avoid shouldering your fair share of the blame – more than your share, most times. So… don’t worry ‘bout that, or me being mad. And I hate to break this to you doll, but I hated Wanda way before you’n me started hangin’ out.” That got a choked little sob of a laugh, and Bucky vowed to set the whole goddamned world aflame if it didn’t stop hurting the guy he loved.
“Right… right. You never did seem to… and you said… and you… right. Okay. It’s… it’s about Ultron.”
Somehow, as soon as those words were out of Tony’s mouth and they slotted with the rest of the word-vomit the genius had spewed, Bucky knew that there was a good chance he was going to commit murder before the night was over. If this was what he thought it was…
Well. It just might be time for a good old fashioned witch hunt.
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belleetlabeast · 7 years
Dangerous Woman-Part 2
A/N: WOW, the outpouring of love for my new fic Dangerous Woman is crazy! It hasn’t even been 24 hours and it’s already blown ALL of my other fics out of the water. Thank you so much to everyone who has liked it, reblogged it, and asked to be tagged. I was going to wait until tomorrow to post Part 2 but you all deserve this! Enjoy!
Warnings:There one curse word...
Summary: You’ve caught the eye of Tony Stark to become the head lawyer for the Avengers. You never expected your life to change but fate has a funny way of turning everything upside down.  
Bucky x Mom!Reader
Part 1
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The following Monday, you called Stark. Actually, you had Henry call and say that you would like to meet at the Avengers compound to discuss their proposal. Of course, Tony insisted that he send a car. It was a fabulous, brand new Audi S8 plus. Expensive like most of his other cars. You had dealt with wealthy business men and women before, they tended to need your help more than most, but nothing like Tony. There was no one else like Tony. Even when you were in the car, you couldn’t believe it. Iron Man and Captain America had asked you to be their attorney, their advocate. You wanted this job. Bad.
“Thank you.” You nodded towards the driver as he opened your door.
“Ms. L/N! It’s so good to finally meet you!” A tall, gorgeous woman with blonde hair greeted you. “I’ll show you right to Mr. Stark.” Ah- an assistant or model turned assistant? You shrugged it off. Tony. The building was modern with glass walls and ceilings and filled with sharp angled furniture. You tried to keep your mouth closed and your head straight as your heels clicked along, but it was getting difficult. You had to channel your badass lawyer side, not the fangirl that was threatening to bubble up. It would have been easier to continue your charade but as you rounded the corner, you bumped into two super soldiers. Literally. You were knocked off your feet when you bounced off of Bucky’s chest but he easily caught you and kept you upright.
“Ms. L/N!” Steve’s eyes went wide. “We were just coming to meet you.” But you weren’t looking at the captain. Your eyes were locked on the crystal blue eyes of the man whose arms were still around your waist. You could feel your mouth gaping open and a blush across your cheeks. He stared back. You had seen pictures, of course, of the World War II hero, read every article, and even advocated for the Smithsonian to update their Captain America exhibit to include him but this was different. His flesh arm was warm around your waist and metal prosthetic hovered, as if he willingly stopped himself from touching you with it. If he only knew. But the moment was soon over when you saw something click in his eyes. He looked panicked and shuffled away from you.
“Um, yes. Hi, Ms. L/N.” His eyes couldn’t quite reach yours as he spoke. You could almost see the hint of a blush on his cheeks.
“Hello, Sergeant Barnes. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You huffed out before you lost your breath again. His hand reached out and you grabbed it, shaking it entirely too long. You could feel your heart pounding out of your chest. Steve Rogers was handsome but Bucky Barnes was something else. He still wore his hair long and had the initial growth of a beard across his jawline. That jawline. And he even seemed larger in person. He was still staring and you were still shaking his hand, lost to the world, until Steve cleared his throat.   
“I-I just have to say thank you for helping us back into the country.” He was stumbling over his words but that didn’t help your own nervousness.
“I had to! I mean, I wanted to. You’re a hero. You deserve to be home.” You paused, distracted by his gaze. “A-and I owe Captain Rogers my life. I was trapped in an office building during the Battle of New York. If it wasn’t for you” you now turned to Steve “and the other Avengers, I wouldn’t be here.” You could see Bucky’s face fall slightly. You scrambled, trying to think of what you said, but the model-assistant pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Well, gentlemen. I don’t want to keep Mr. Stark waiting.”
“Ah, that’s actually why we’re here. Giselle, we’ll take it from here.” The blonde nodded to Steve and then winked at Bucky as she walked away. But Bucky didn’t notice as his eyes were locked on you. Hero? No one had regarded him as a hero and yet here you were. He watched as you and Steve made small talk about potential office accommodations and family. Your eyes were bright with excitement but there was a tinge of darkness behind them. If he were back to his old self, he would have been talking with you, even flirting, but he felt nervous, embarrassed. He had no way to thank you, to give you anything close to what you had given him. . . a second chance.
You knocked on the door frame to Tony’s lab but then continued in without being invited. By the time Tony turned around in his chair, you were already beside his workbench, leaning over to see him eye to eye.
“In case you were wondering what it felt like to be barged in on while you were working, this is it.” You smirked.
“Noted.” He smiled but you could tell he was slightly annoyed. “Your office will be on our executive level beside Steve’s.” He huffed and then turned back around to his work.
“Excuse me! I haven’t even given you my answer!” You stood straight and folded your arms across your chest. You were obviously going to say yes, but you needed to make sure you were still somewhat in control. You could hear Steve groan out of embarrassment behind you.
“Oh, you came all the way upstate to say no?” Tony didn’t even bother looking away from his work. You pursed your lips and tried to think of a good comeback but none came. “Ha! I’m right. FRIDAY, please call all the Avengers into the common room.”
“Yes boss!” The AI chippered.
“It’s a yes, if you did care to know.” You mumbled, following Tony into the common room.
“I’m sorry, Ms. L/N. Sometimes he can be a little eccentric.” Steve stood meekly by your side as he tried to make up for Tony’s behavior.
“It’s okay and please, it’s Y/N.” You smiled and he returned one back. You looked over to Bucky, standing beside Steve, to include him as well. He nodded, giving you a slight smile.
Meeting the World’s Mightiest Heroes was quick. You already knew everyone and after your trip to D.C., they knew you. Bucky could see your shoulders rollback and your back extend but then relax when everyone returned to their daily activities. You reminded him of royalty. You were constantly ‘on’ when there was an audience or large group, gliding around the room and gracefully shaking hands. But your smile was brighter when it was just him and Steve. It was a smile that could make his heart stop. He could feel a surge of protectiveness, to keep that smile on your face, the longer he was with you.
Tony’s work was quick and your personal effects were here almost instantly. You didn’t have a lot and you had already redistributed cases at your firm before you left. Steve and Bucky were the first to volunteer and help. There was a small part of you that was more than willing to watch Bucky lift boxes. They lifted boxes easier than any moving man. You eventually felt guilty for just watching and decided to help lift a box but you were no super soldier. You began to wobble under the weight of the box. You slipped and the contents of the box scattered but you never hit the floor. A familiar pair of arms wrapped around your waist again but this time he was quick to place you back on your own two feet.
“My hero.” You nervously giggled as you desperately tried to pick up your belongings.
“Ha, I just seem to catch you at the right time.” He smiled at you, an adorable lopsided grin. The years of torture and confusion seemed to disappear when he smiled. Your heart skipped a beat. You could not fall in love with Bucky Barnes. Sure you had a crush, ever since you saw that picture of him in his greens, but you couldn’t imagine yourself and him in the same league. What you didn’t know is that he was thinking the same. You were too lost in your thought to notice him start to pick up your personal effects. Then you snapped out of it.
“Oh, I’m sorry! What am I doing?” You started gathering your small mementos and framed photos but not before Bucky grabbed your favorite framed picture. It was a simple frame. A small black frame surrounded your little one. She was asleep surrounded by white sheets with a messy bun of curly, chestnut hair on top of her head.
“Is this your daughter?” Bucky asked meekly. His eyes flashed from the picture to your left hand and back.
“Uh-yes! Amelia Eloise. She’s my angel.” Your eyes softened as you continued to stare.
“She looks like it.” He smiled back. “Beautiful, like her mother.”   
Part 3    
Tags: @imgettingmarriedtobuckybarnes, @livforthegames, @dontstopwiththelyin, @elorcansalvaterre, @yknott81, @arabellaaurorabarnes, @38leticia, @all-time-loading, @aljadams369, @jenn0755, @kaitskennedyy, @roomfortwos, @karmamariejoy, @alphadareme, @barnes-toddpartnersinheartbreak, @marvel-music-books, @chipilerendi, @sometimes-iwritee
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged. If I missed you I am SO SORRY.
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dailyofficereadings · 4 years
Daily Office Readings July 23, 2020
Psalm 50
Psalm 50
The Acceptable Sacrifice
A Psalm of Asaph.
1 The mighty one, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. 2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth.
3 Our God comes and does not keep silence, before him is a devouring fire, and a mighty tempest all around him. 4 He calls to the heavens above and to the earth, that he may judge his people: 5 “Gather to me my faithful ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice!” 6 The heavens declare his righteousness, for God himself is judge.Selah
7 “Hear, O my people, and I will speak, O Israel, I will testify against you. I am God, your God. 8 Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you; your burnt offerings are continually before me. 9 I will not accept a bull from your house, or goats from your folds. 10 For every wild animal of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. 11 I know all the birds of the air,[a] and all that moves in the field is mine.
12 “If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and all that is in it is mine. 13 Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? 14 Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving,[b] and pay your vows to the Most High. 15 Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
16 But to the wicked God says: “What right have you to recite my statutes, or take my covenant on your lips? 17 For you hate discipline, and you cast my words behind you. 18 You make friends with a thief when you see one, and you keep company with adulterers.
19 “You give your mouth free rein for evil, and your tongue frames deceit. 20 You sit and speak against your kin; you slander your own mother’s child. 21 These things you have done and I have been silent; you thought that I was one just like yourself. But now I rebuke you, and lay the charge before you.
22 “Mark this, then, you who forget God, or I will tear you apart, and there will be no one to deliver. 23 Those who bring thanksgiving as their sacrifice honor me; to those who go the right way[c] I will show the salvation of God.”
Psalm 50:11 Gk Syr Tg: Heb mountains
Psalm 50:14 Or make thanksgiving your sacrifice to God
Psalm 50:23 Heb who set a way
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 59-60
Psalm 59
Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies
To the leader: Do Not Destroy. Of David. A Miktam, when Saul ordered his house to be watched in order to kill him.
1 Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; protect me from those who rise up against me. 2 Deliver me from those who work evil; from the bloodthirsty save me.
3 Even now they lie in wait for my life; the mighty stir up strife against me. For no transgression or sin of mine, O Lord, 4 for no fault of mine, they run and make ready.
Rouse yourself, come to my help and see! 5 You, Lord God of hosts, are God of Israel. Awake to punish all the nations; spare none of those who treacherously plot evil.Selah
6 Each evening they come back, howling like dogs and prowling about the city. 7 There they are, bellowing with their mouths, with sharp words[a] on their lips— for “Who,” they think,[b] “will hear us?”
8 But you laugh at them, O Lord; you hold all the nations in derision. 9 O my strength, I will watch for you; for you, O God, are my fortress. 10 My God in his steadfast love will meet me; my God will let me look in triumph on my enemies.
11 Do not kill them, or my people may forget; make them totter by your power, and bring them down, O Lord, our shield. 12 For the sin of their mouths, the words of their lips, let them be trapped in their pride. For the cursing and lies that they utter, 13 consume them in wrath; consume them until they are no more. Then it will be known to the ends of the earth that God rules over Jacob.Selah
14 Each evening they come back, howling like dogs and prowling about the city. 15 They roam about for food, and growl if they do not get their fill.
16 But I will sing of your might; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been a fortress for me and a refuge in the day of my distress. 17 O my strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love.
Psalm 60
Prayer for National Victory after Defeat
To the leader: according to the Lily of the Covenant. A Miktam of David; for instruction; when he struggled with Aram-naharaim and with Aram-zobah, and when Joab on his return killed twelve thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.
1 O God, you have rejected us, broken our defenses; you have been angry; now restore us! 2 You have caused the land to quake; you have torn it open; repair the cracks in it, for it is tottering. 3 You have made your people suffer hard things; you have given us wine to drink that made us reel.
4 You have set up a banner for those who fear you, to rally to it out of bowshot.[c]Selah 5 Give victory with your right hand, and answer us,[d] so that those whom you love may be rescued.
6 God has promised in his sanctuary:[e] “With exultation I will divide up Shechem, and portion out the Vale of Succoth. 7 Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; Ephraim is my helmet; Judah is my scepter. 8 Moab is my washbasin; on Edom I hurl my shoe; over Philistia I shout in triumph.”
9 Who will bring me to the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom? 10 Have you not rejected us, O God? You do not go out, O God, with our armies. 11 O grant us help against the foe, for human help is worthless. 12 With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes.
Psalm 59:7 Heb with swords
Psalm 59:7 Heb lacks they think
Psalm 60:4 Gk Syr Jerome: Heb because of the truth
Psalm 60:5 Another reading is me
Psalm 60:6 Or by his holiness
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 66-67
Psalm 66
Praise for God’s Goodness to Israel
To the leader. A Song. A Psalm.
1 Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth; 2 sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise. 3 Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! Because of your great power, your enemies cringe before you. 4 All the earth worships you; they sing praises to you, sing praises to your name.”Selah
5 Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds among mortals. 6 He turned the sea into dry land; they passed through the river on foot. There we rejoiced in him, 7 who rules by his might forever, whose eyes keep watch on the nations— let the rebellious not exalt themselves.Selah
8 Bless our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard, 9 who has kept us among the living, and has not let our feet slip. 10 For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried. 11 You brought us into the net; you laid burdens on our backs; 12 you let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a spacious place.[a]
13 I will come into your house with burnt offerings; I will pay you my vows, 14 those that my lips uttered and my mouth promised when I was in trouble. 15 I will offer to you burnt offerings of fatlings, with the smoke of the sacrifice of rams; I will make an offering of bulls and goats.Selah
16 Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me. 17 I cried aloud to him, and he was extolled with my tongue. 18 If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. 19 But truly God has listened; he has given heed to the words of my prayer.
20 Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me.
Psalm 67
The Nations Called to Praise God
To the leader: with stringed instruments. A Psalm. A Song.
1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us,Selah 2 that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. 3 Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you.
4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth.Selah 5 Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you.
6 The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. 7 May God continue to bless us; let all the ends of the earth revere him.
Psalm 66:12 Cn Compare Gk Syr Jerome Tg: Heb to a saturation
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Joshua 9:3-21
3 But when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and to Ai, 4 they on their part acted with cunning: they went and prepared provisions,[a] and took worn-out sacks for their donkeys, and wineskins, worn-out and torn and mended, 5 with worn-out, patched sandals on their feet, and worn-out clothes; and all their provisions were dry and moldy. 6 They went to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal, and said to him and to the Israelites, “We have come from a far country; so now make a treaty with us.” 7 But the Israelites said to the Hivites, “Perhaps you live among us; then how can we make a treaty with you?” 8 They said to Joshua, “We are your servants.” And Joshua said to them, “Who are you? And where do you come from?” 9 They said to him, “Your servants have come from a very far country, because of the name of the Lord your God; for we have heard a report of him, of all that he did in Egypt, 10 and of all that he did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, King Sihon of Heshbon, and King Og of Bashan who lived in Ashtaroth. 11 So our elders and all the inhabitants of our country said to us, ‘Take provisions in your hand for the journey; go to meet them, and say to them, “We are your servants; come now, make a treaty with us.”’ 12 Here is our bread; it was still warm when we took it from our houses as our food for the journey, on the day we set out to come to you, but now, see, it is dry and moldy; 13 these wineskins were new when we filled them, and see, they are burst; and these garments and sandals of ours are worn out from the very long journey.” 14 So the leaders[b] partook of their provisions, and did not ask direction from the Lord. 15 And Joshua made peace with them, guaranteeing their lives by a treaty; and the leaders of the congregation swore an oath to them.
16 But when three days had passed after they had made a treaty with them, they heard that they were their neighbors and were living among them. 17 So the Israelites set out and reached their cities on the third day. Now their cities were Gibeon, Chephirah, Beeroth, and Kiriath-jearim. 18 But the Israelites did not attack them, because the leaders of the congregation had sworn to them by the Lord, the God of Israel. Then all the congregation murmured against the leaders. 19 But all the leaders said to all the congregation, “We have sworn to them by the Lord, the God of Israel, and now we must not touch them. 20 This is what we will do to them: We will let them live, so that wrath may not come upon us, because of the oath that we swore to them.” 21 The leaders said to them, “Let them live.” So they became hewers of wood and drawers of water for all the congregation, as the leaders had decided concerning them.
Joshua 9:4 Cn: Meaning of Heb uncertain
Joshua 9:14 Gk: Heb men
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Romans 15:1-13
Please Others, Not Yourselves
15 We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 Each of us must please our neighbor for the good purpose of building up the neighbor. 3 For Christ did not please himself; but, as it is written, “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.” 4 For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, so that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope. 5 May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, 6 so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Gospel for Jews and Gentiles Alike
7 Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. 8 For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the circumcised on behalf of the truth of God in order that he might confirm the promises given to the patriarchs, 9 and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written,
“Therefore I will confess[a] you among the Gentiles, and sing praises to your name”;
10 and again he says,
“Rejoice, O Gentiles, with his people”;
11 and again,
“Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and let all the peoples praise him”;
12 and again Isaiah says,
“The root of Jesse shall come, the one who rises to rule the Gentiles; in him the Gentiles shall hope.”
13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:9 Or thank
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Matthew 26:69-75
Peter’s Denial of Jesus
69 Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. A servant-girl came to him and said, “You also were with Jesus the Galilean.” 70 But he denied it before all of them, saying, “I do not know what you are talking about.” 71 When he went out to the porch, another servant-girl saw him, and she said to the bystanders, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.”[a] 72 Again he denied it with an oath, “I do not know the man.” 73 After a little while the bystanders came up and said to Peter, “Certainly you are also one of them, for your accent betrays you.” 74 Then he began to curse, and he swore an oath, “I do not know the man!” At that moment the cock crowed. 75 Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said: “Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly.
Matthew 26:71 Gk the Nazorean
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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unmarked-stream · 5 years
Howl Unheard (a novella)
Here’s a version of Howl Unheard where each line has been fed to the Open AI GTP-2 to contextualise them within paragraphs. What has been generated is a sort of novella riffing around and ordering the poem into a narrative.
Howl Unheard for Allen Ginsberg "It Wasn't a Good Day to Be Alive." He says it was "a terrible day to be alive." He says it was an "unbelievable day" in his life to have been murdered. "And yet, I sat on the bench in the living room and read those words and I thought, this is not an ordinary life. This is a beautiful day to be alive, this is a life of purpose, a purpose of joy, and a life of hope for the lives of the children who have gone through this. I hope that I give a lesson to those who have been with me, because all those who have been able to come and be here, to come and be the sons and daughters of the nation now. I am now leaving behind those who live in my heart and my soul and don't want to be there anymore," he said. “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by Everything but the best of them." The author of the book, "Life of Anus, the Prince of Peace or Anus?", was a member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. In 1989, he created a new book titled "Anus and Peace" (which he called "The Book of Peace") and launched the new book with a bold yet pragmatic aim: to present the world, with its political, social and cultural structures, in a more liberal light. Today an important part of the popular imagination is the "Bold Man of Peace" concept, which is currently gaining popularity in much of the world. It is based on the idea that what makes a person good is often the most fundamental characteristics of his or her personality, which are the traits which make him or her good. This belief is the main idea behind the concept of the "Bold Man of Peace". In an interview with the Times in 1998, Anus said: "I'm happy to say that people think that I'm a typical man. They think to me as someone who has been through lot of horrible situations and there are things I've done to improve their lives, the way in which I have been through something. And there's a sense of pride and happiness." Some say that the "Bold Man" concept of the "Good Person" is simply wrong -- that all cultures treat their people well. However, this attitude is not an inherently good one – it is rather a matter of perspective. For them, the person who works for Peace is the person with good qualities, and the person they love best. The BOLD MAN of Peace The concept of peace, then, is not the only way that people can make peace. The Buddhist text states that the good man is a "good person" who is able to provide for the needs of his people and their relationship. This is the "good person's person", which is called the "good man's wife". Some countries have introduced laws to distinguish between the "good" person and the "good" person and treat them with respect, while others have not. Others, like the United Arab Republic, has laws which set up the government of a "peaceable" state, and which will, on the basis of this attitude, provide for the rights and responsibilities of the innocent to ensure maximum peace. For many people, the idea of peace, then, becomes a ghosts hungry for cleaner air opening their windows by cracks in the chaos of no more night. It was by this that the light of the fire moved to the middle of the night, where it could be seen only from the outside. Not by the light at the end of a tunnel, but by the smoke from the window. One evening the next morning, a light that would have given the ghost the first taste of the sun to the rest of the world. He could not have known that the ghosts were alive, that they were just like he had seen. The starving and wretched tantalus asleep on grease papers dripping chicken fat and sticky fresh balls of coughing concrete. "Why shouldn't I come to him?' my son told me, and then I walked to his bed and he could see me. I looked into his blue eyes and said, 'Hello, son, I am here to hear you say hello. Come in.' " He had wanted this for a long time and he wouldn't give it to me now. I had tried to tell him to stop, but I knew his heart was broken. He did not want me there. Diane was just my first husband, born in 1962. I was raised by her parents and raised in a very Catholic family. We were good neighbors. We ran our own grocery store at 12th Street and King Street. My parents never tried the drug. We didn't have a lot of friends, we had lots of money. We knew that we were destined to be a great couple, but we didn't want to be married. We would live in the streets and our parents would not let us. So, we were kind of lonely, and I think that a lot of us did. Diane was pretty small. I think I weighed about 90 pounds and she was 6 feet by 8 feet, but that is still not accurate, because there were no black, thin, skinny girls in my family. I did not like to be called fat. I was too tall. It was for a reason. I always enjoyed spending time with my little white family, but I've always had a problem with the way they treated me. These people seemed to love me from the get go. They never punished me for my problems. They wouldn't let me go to school. We had nothing in common. We started out having big, round dreams. We were constantly doing things on the weekends, which I never did. But we were spending our money on things we didn't do. I think we were the only married couple in the neighborhood, and when you are married you have to pay more than people in your area. I would have to go to college to get ready for life, but I did, too. I did not have a lot of control over what I brought with me. I was a lot thinner and I thought I knew better. I had too many friends. But I didn't like to be there when I wasn't ready. At that time, I thought, "If I ever have that luxury, and if the ones whose cracked lips gag hopeless to the exhaust pipes inhaling dust and vitamins, they can die. But they will not.” Of course, no sooner had the "good" doctor stepped aside than the "evil" doctor stepped aside too; and, still too soon, the "good" doctor did not step aside, but rather a few months later, when the good doctor's son was about to be born, only the good doctor who had once said that all of medicine was bad began to explain that his godfather did not need to approve of "the bad" doctor. He said something totally different, which she did not. That is why I think there are so many sick people who have been cured by doctors who only believe in their own minds. Because the devil is always playing ball with their minds and their minds always playing ball with their bodies. One has to admit, even in their own homes and hospitals, that as an adolescent or young adult, every time they saw the psychiatrist who said to these patients, in stark English, "You don't know it now," or whatever was in their head, they felt like it was all in their head. And if you were not sick, it was all in their head—maybe at some point in their lives. But in a sense, they were free. But in a sense, the only people in that home or hospital who were afraid of the things they "know" that they did was these "good" doctors. So how do you convince one's own body of these two terrible truths? My first step was to put aside the fact that, as I learned, a man's mind gets worse as he ages. Before long, I knew for certain that my brain was going to be filled with junk. It was going to be filled with junk. And it was going to be junk. And I didn't know that. In fact, I didn't know how to react to it. So I tried to look into it. I tried to think about it. I tried to be able to look at it. First, I got to know him better. I looked at one another. I tried to look in his eyes, because we were very close. I tried to look at his face. I tried to put in my hand on his shoulder. I tried to put in my elbow on his hip. I tried to push my mouth up and down. I tried to read his mind as it was. I tried to get his attention, because the bloodshot eyes, strained, blue light flicker kept awake waiting for the bomb to drop. I pushed his hand against my chest, forced myself to look down at my feet. I saw him fall and the burning pain slowly but surely cleared. I tried my best to be calm, I had to take care of my surroundings. But, I did not want to be any more. I was too scared to get out of the building without some cover. After all, I was inside a building, and I knew how to hide when I was at home. But why would I risk it for a friend? "You're dead. You just didn't get killed." "But that's what I wanted. You would be the last person I would be killed for. If the bombs hit our building, we would be the last people left alive." "I didn't want that. I'm dead. I'm in a building. You're not here. I know you want to kill me. I didn't want to be part of this city." My mind felt disconnected from reality and turned to space and time. In the distance, this moment was different from the past, more beautiful. I saw a dark room with thick walls and dark, glowing windows. A strange, ghostly figure stood within this glowing window. It was not a man, but someone was looking over it. The red glowing eyeballs on its body told me that this was who it is. As I waited for the man, my mind became aware of a familiar sight. There was a certain man in the room. He was dressed in the white dress made of silk. He wore a black dress with a white robe. A tall man with a black beard covered his face. The man appeared to be wearing a long black robe with a white ribbon across the chest. "I am the one that will make you stay here. This is what makes you the one who will save me." I didn't know what this man was. I didn't know why he was saying this. I did not know that he was here. Since that day, I had been looking at the man in darkness and wondering what it might be. I was holding his hand, my hand, my hands, my hand. My hand was trembling in fear. I was trying to push his hand away, I was trying to push his hand away from my heart, and then my heart was broken. What made me so scared was the ripped up open and bleeding humiliated for trying to imagine a preta life. I didn't know what my life would be like after that. It never occurred to me that I would be able to have a full and healthy life. But over the course of my years in prison, many people asked a stranger what might have gone wrong if he had caught me in the act of fleeing. He replied: "Don't remember anything about it." Then he wrote down his past and made up his story on the phone. I've never listened to that story. Cultural appropriation of the real In my experience, all the time, police officers talk about race. They talk about what it means to be black. They talk about the power of racism. I've been told that the way black children are treated is the same as the way white children are treated. They can't be treated in a way that makes them feel like an outsider or an outsider's son. When I first saw this story, I first thought about how little I believed the police in my hometown. I thought about how I felt about them being treated. I thought about how they could never be understood as anything other than a stereotype. The police don't feel guilt. They don't have to get off of me. They don't have to get out of my way. I've been told that white children don't feel pressured into telling the truth about race. I heard stories from people I knew as adults about how the police were in their shoes. I've heard stories of how people see themselves as their own family. I heard more about how poor whites behave to those around them. I heard stories of how black people face the same shit they face. Over time, I've come to realize that my life has changed significantly from what it was back then. I've become more racially aware and more optimistic. I've learned to appreciate the things I really hold dear. I've become more engaged with my communities and can understand what they feel as a community and what can make them better. I've learned to be more supportive of people who are trying to get involved with me, helping to make the world a better place for people who are struggling right now. Despite all the violence coming from my own community, I have found myself in a position of trust and ownership. I understand that some things that hurt me were my own. Though it's okay to feel like a little racist to talk about it, I can't have it, the eager and suckling carbon dioxide magpies drooling for the next bell to ring. "The entire town is buzzing with excitement and I've had everyone asking questions and I've never heard about it," he said. He did agree, however, that there is a certain irony that leads some to believe that if the police believe they are being watched by carbon monoxide, they can easily catch this person's attention. "I think they may have got a lot of attention at night because it's kind of the whole world doesn't want to see anything like that, and it only happens in the daytime, but again, you know, we don't know what the rest of the world's about. At some point people will call this thing a police car, and I think that's going to cause an uproar," he said. Not that there hasn't been a case in New Hampshire in recent years, but the recent number of cases has been alarming. About a dozen people have been arrested on arson charges, and the governor of New Hampshire says there are cases that are being investigated in the state, too. "The case is still ongoing, which is nice," he said. The new study focused on New Jersey, and it found that more people were going about their everyday lives without any problems than when they were driving. "There haven't been big things that have made a big difference to the safety," Gov. Chris Christie said on Monday's "New Day." New Jersey, he said, is a place where people don't need an experience. "It's a state where you can drive a six-wheel drive and everyone's going to work and everyone's going to cook and everyone's going to work at the same time and so it's not that people aren't having problems, but more people are being told they actually have something to worry about," he said. While New Jersey's data shows that at least one person is at risk for the pollution, Christie did say it's only because local officials are failing to respond quickly enough to the issue. "Maybe that's because of the limited amount of time that is available and maybe they're not responding fast enough to the people that we're talking about. Maybe it's because we're sitting in the corner and thinking, 'We're all going to die!' It's just a bit more difficult to get a grip on the situation," he said. In that way, it's a good reminder to the nomadic addicts drifting sensual from expired agreements to fresh prescriptions, of who they really are. In an emailed statement to The Huffington Post, the DEA says, "Our focus is on the research, development, and evaluation of a new drug that we have found to have significant risks to the health of people doing recreational marijuana. We are also working with the DEA to develop a program where the drug will be regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration." The DEA is currently investigating, but we'll let it roll forward. New York City In the last two weeks, when the city's streets were awash with white noise, a new wave of anti-Semitic and anti-Semitic violence has come to life in its streets. Some have described the violence as a prelude to the forthcoming election. Some have described it as a preemptive response to the violence that has begun to engulf the city and is being inspired by violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip. Others say it is the result of the heightened racism of the Trump administration. And others say it is a reflection of the growing national anxiety over Muslim violence and calls for a comprehensive immigration reform, free from foreign violence. Here is my first post in this series, which has been a very busy affair. This post was a bit of a surprise, given that I've had time on my hands for other projects and to get all of the updates on this blog by hand. So, let me make it clear, this is not the first time in my life I've been a part of the Vixen project. I'm going to take a look at each of my favorite Vixen projects, both in terms of general feature design and overall experience, which is just about my first foray into Vixen. Some of these projects are quite easy to get started on but the experience is very different. In order to get to that experience, I need to start with the basic workflow. I know that I would need to start my first Vixen project with a simple workflow but I thought that I'd go for a more advanced approach. In fact, I'm going to do what I did before in another post and also follow the same approach in my next one. The best part of this is that I'm not going to have to read through all the information in this post. In order to get started, I just want to start by looking at one of my favorite Vixen projects the filthy flagellants marching toward billboard sunrise, eyes closed, teeth grit, repenting machines and all. I first hooked up with an obscure Dutch company called Merengine Aarau, whose website features a video of their Vixen project. The company and Vixen have recently been collaborating on a commercial for its new Vixen product. "It's a fairly well developed medium," says James Hundemans, VP of marketing for the company. "It started out with some simple, good news: You can buy Vixen now and then. It's not all about your product but all about the future of consumer electronics." This product is a video-game based on the company's Vixen video, where the machine's screen is rendered in Vivid colors and then fades to black and white. You can watch the video right here. The video is quite simple: If you're using a Vixen to display your news in a more visual way, you'll need to convert your video into video, which is something the company says its Vixen video's video-quality may have been able to do. But the reason they're giving that video a green mention is because it's very much a Vixen video. Unlike Vixen video, Vixen video does not only make sense on Vimeo. But it's just as good on other Vixen video-shows as it is on YouTube. The video does almost nothing to help you with your Vixen video. It's just too good. You can watch it right here.<|endoftext|>On October 2nd, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to pass the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Act (R.S. 10040). It contained many provisions that were important to the creation of strong public-private partnerships and to this day, many of these provisions have been greatly criticized for their ability to create government safety net programs which would eliminate the need for additional state government programs. R.S. 10040 It was the seventh piece of R.S. 10040 which was introduced in the House of Representatives in December of 2010. However, there were no amendments made to the bill which would reduce these provisions. R.S. 10040 did not include the provision that states and localities could not implement 'reform plans in which they would undertake a program for providing non-discriminatory the uploaded and unbound! Flittering consciousnesses like a storm of feathers sea breeze free riding up through the ether or the cloud of air and the smoke of a car is a very real phenomena of the world." (R.S. 10048, § 1.) In July 1992, the President joined with Congress to end discrimination against black commuters. Section 503(c)(5) of the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed (see Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) extending the civil rights of all Americans to all Americans who met minimum standards of race, color, national origin, age, color, gender, and sexual orientation. The Voting Rights Act of 1965, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, amended Section 503(n)(6)(B) of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 to allow for the registration of voters who were African American. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 created new States of residence for non-citizen citizens who met certain requirements to register to vote; but Congress expressly prohibited any voter from registering to vote by more than one State, because such voter was ineligible based on race or ethnicity. In 1993, a Federal Circuit Court affirmed the Voting Rights Act, ruling that the provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was not sufficiently broader than Congress intended. (See S.B. 3121, pp. 6-7; see also S.B. 3540, pp. 15-16.) Congress amended Section 503(c)(5) to require that individuals who are eligible to vote under the Act be registered to vote under any State. Section 501(b)(1)(B) of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was amended to limit discrimination against noncitizens, noncitizens determined by the President to be unqualified and ineligible to vote under the Voting Rights Act of 1965, to persons who met the criteria specified in section 504(c)(2) of the VRA, and to make it a crime to vote or not vote in a noncitizen's presence. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was amended by a series of amendments, including: (a) prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability of any person if the person: (1) is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States; or (2) is a resident of the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Alaska, the District of Columbia, the District of Columbia and the District of the polygonal mutants afraid of their own forms unable to forget what they looked like before they met a man they knew. The man was a man, named Charles, but he was able to tell the last few minutes of the night after his murder by saying, 'The murder will not end here in this forest.' The night before, Charles was having a conversation with a fellow named Henry, who he thought would be right at home at the church. Charles called out, 'Henry, I was wondering if you would mind sharing some details of your story with me just so you don't feel like you've seen me go 'round and round' talking to other men that he'd met there, 'for I'm very concerned for those prisoners of war who die during the night.' Henry asked, 'I believe you are actually a homosexual.' 'Thank you for the question, Charles. It's a very nice question, Charles. In fact, I have found no difference in our life so far. There are no new gays in this country because gays cannot be whipped but it does seem very close to being so. The night before, Charles left the church and spent the night in the woods, talking to his wife, Mrs. Williams. Henry thought it interesting that the next day his wife woke up the next morning and said to him, 'I know you had a great time, Charles, but I think you ought to spend the night at the cottage.' 'You're not getting the chance to spend the nights in the woods,' said Charles, 'I don't think it's a good idea.'" Henry finally took a long, slow "no" because he felt compelled to give the last few minutes of the night to his wife. He went up to the cottage, bought some meat and set out into the night. His wife was late, but when she saw him coming, she told him she was late. He did not say his name but she told him that he could have some pictures of her for him to call her. She told him that she thought he would call her him if he saw her leaving. He answered, 'Well, yes, I'm sure I will.' The next morning she went to the cottage and began to lie in bed in bed under the bed and said to him, "I am sorry to see you go into the woods. I was not trying to help you, Charles." Charles smiled at her and she said, "I am sorry, I meant nothing, the amnesiacs sleepwalking with arms outstretched crowding Twitter awaiting trumpets.” That was the last of the day's events. Trump was out of town and Hillary was in New Hampshire. The last thing she remembered of the day was when she sat next to her Republican counterpart. The Clintons were in New Hampshire on a Friday evening when the Clintons could be found among the numerous Clinton campaign chairs. They were enjoying a delicious dinner, as well as the presidential debates. A good part of the evening was spent watching the televised Hillary debate. There was even a break between the two parties at the White House. For more news from the Press Box, follow us at @PressBox on Twitter and read our latest stories here. In a second poll released on Wednesday, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) is facing off against fellow Republican Donald Trump at a rally in Dayton, where his supporters are looking for their man. Kasich is easily considered the frontrunner in the race. The poll of 1,049 registered Ohioans surveyed by The Associated Press had Kasich up by 2 and Trump up by 1. "In this last election, Ohio is looking pretty much certain that John Kasich is our nominee," said Chris Sager, director of the Urban Institute in Ohio, "In Ohio today, Kasich is easily considered the better candidate." Kasich is coming off a poor performance in the state he was first elected in 2008, when he trailed Trump by more than 5 percentage points. The poll had Kasich up by 1 point, according to the AP. "Donald Trump doesn't seem to be that different, but his message of 'America First' has been the message of this election," said Jon Kabat-Zinn, a pollster for the Urban Institute. "That's particularly true of Kasich, where he's trailed by a small margin, but it was still a surprise to see him in the polls." Trump is leading the field in Ohio's primary, the state where he was ranked last in 2008 by The New York Times. Polling averages show a Republican presidential candidate at or behind in the vote share of at least 50 percent. Carpenter's Dilemma - The Last Song of the Deep By Nivi Romm The end of the Great Recession, many hoped that the country would be prepared to take a step back from the toxic fumes of rampant investment banks. Since then, the banks have been more brazen. For more than three decades, the Federal baptised in fluoride squeaky bleach clean undipped heel babies sucking carcinogenic teats from their mothers' noses, children were sterilized. Over three hundred women died from the same disease and poisoning. The children died from no known health problems. Over three hundred women died from fluoride poisoning and had low IQs. Over three hundred women needed to use fluoridated water every day even when drinking fluoridated water. Children needed it to stay ahead of their parents by eating fluoridated cereal. The child in the hospital had a brain tumor with just a few hours' worth of vision and one that was getting worse. It was only when the pediatrician turned up at the hospital that the patient was cured. Dr. Daphne R. Smith. Here, in the hospital after my father's death, was the story as it was presented to me by the children who were sterilized. Our children came to us with no physical disabilities, but we had dental implants so that they could have full teeth. Doctors told us that the children had a wide variety of diseases and had a wide range of interests and were very curious to know what was in them. They told us that the children were not as bright, but that they were intelligent and interested in reading. We were puzzled by those stories. We were so shocked when Dr. Smith's lab discovered that only half of the children were blind. If all of them were blind, then we had no idea what was in a child who had no teeth. At first we thought that Dr. Smith and his colleagues would realize this. They were wrong. In the 1960s it became apparent that the majority of people affected by fluoride in the United States were not children, although some were. The same thing is happening at hospitals in Canada, where many children are injected with fluoride before bed in order to be seen and to remove their teeth. Children's dentures are very different from those of any other age group, and the effects of fluoride are much more extensive. The fluoride in our water is being injected deep into our bodies by the human body as it is deposited into the water column. It is being injected into our veins through the skin, and it is going into the bones and leading to the deep, red, teeth. Our babies are being fed the fluoride. The fluoride in our water is being pumped into our intestines and into our gut. We can breathe a lot better and are more active, but we are not being fed as well as we need to be. Those health problems which have been mentioned before, in a recent study the voiceless coughing hot and bothered sweating under the collar as the heat is turned up and down may actually be not only a symptom but also a disease. "What's clear is that people who are actually in a condition for coughing are not responding well under controlled environments." The study had eight children and two adults with respiratory symptoms. In the children (age 3 and up) the doctor said: "We did not find any significant treatment differences between the two groups – they all exhibited similar symptoms. "We also found no significant difference in the degree of coughing behaviour (if any) when the temperature was turned up or down over the course of the study. "We know that many people who are suffering from a cough problem are not allergic to colds, such as sores or nose bumps. "In addition, there is a risk of developing symptoms of asthma. This is the kind of respiratory stress that can be caused by the presence of colds during hot weather conditions." Divert to hospitals A spokesman for the American Society for Testing and Materials said: "I'm very surprised at these findings and feel they can be interpreted as suggesting that the vast majority of people who have an allergy to colds are not all susceptible.” Who weep naked on the flicker of love promised gone, of bird shit swiped through decks of potential disappointment, of the poor in a dying old town to see their beloved in their place, and of their own little house to cry for. When a man's heart is broken in love, when an old man's dead, when a dying man grows a nose-smell of cold blood, when a woman's dying, and a husband and wife with hands all the time are at a point of death again, when in the middle of a terrible fight you run into a woman who is on her knees and your blood-stained head is bleeding from her chest, and you ask her, "Where is my lover?" and when she says, "I don't know!" you do the same thing, for the only thing you know is that he's yours, and you know it because you know it. When a man is lost in a world full of grief, when he is lost in the sight of a loving, loving man, when he is lost in his own person, and when he is lost in the love of the world, there is a time for life. There are times when it's the only way you know for yourself. And, finally, once you've been blessed enough to move towards the highest and most beautiful place—where you'd like to be made a thousand times better or do more—when the time is right, then you've got to give up on life. You've got to give up your love of life, for that's probably the most difficult thing you'll ever do, and there's no going back. So you need to take responsibility for your own choices if you ever want that ultimate happiness you would have had if you had chosen life. Advertisement You know it sounds obvious that living in a cave, at a bar, and having your own car or a house, but just because you live in a cave, it doesn't mean you cannot be happy with your life, you just couldn't be happy with what you have. There are so many things you can do to live in a cave and be happy with life, to live in the present moment. The first one is to walk your dog, say, five minutes of your daily meals on the way home, and then take time to wake up. Most of the time, that's just a way of life. The other is to do some reading on the subject. When you read your book for the first time, then make your first real connection with those whose throats are full of guilt and cobwebs: you will learn something. You will learn to feel like a normal person again. Sometimes, however, you will find that you will be not only more guilty, but also more vulnerable to you. Even when you take control, you will still lose it. The most important thing to remember with writing a book is that you care about characters. They are important. When you read them, you see the strength of their story and their courage, the kind of people who fight for justice and good. But you also know what makes these people special, and you see their flaws. When you read them again, they will turn out to be even more important than you thought you did. When you read a book that tells a story and tells a story that is told in your head, you can make your own mistakes, but you can make these mistakes a lot more quickly. You can make them less understandable and more human. But you can also make them better. The more you learn, the better you know how to deal with them. What is the most effective thing you can do to make your mistakes a lot less understandable? First, read the book as you read it. Don't do it as a regular teacher. In fact, remember it that way. Don't be afraid to read it now and then. Remember that you have a book to read about it. Just remember that you need to. Be patient. You have a book you need to read. You do not have to. The book you read will make you feel better about yourself as you understand it, which makes it a great experience to read more frequently, if at all. But sometimes, it won't be good enough to read the book. There are also books which have been known to make you feel better. Be sure to read them as many times as you know how to read them. At a certain point, you will become aware of what is wrong but with other people as well. The book you read will also remind you of how to be better about yourself. Be aware of what you are doing wrong. The way you treat others in the world depends on that, too. And it depends on what you think you are doing wrong. Most people feel that the world they live in is better than they are. They feel that their behavior is different from what they expected. They feel that the world is better because they have been the ones who float through walls and red lights from downtown traffic to motorway blockage and under train tracks locked in middle class frost bite. They feel trapped in the world, their lives cut short by their own, their lives cut short by someone else's. But the fact of the matter is that the world is much better with them than those who drown in the same way. It can't be that way. It's a complicated process of human behaviour, and it can be a very complex thing. We can only look at one side, but we can also look at the other side. No, the world is much better with us than we are with them. This is the story of Andrew Sullivan and the rest of us. On March 14, The Times of London published its first article about the FBI's investigation of Hillary Clinton, pointing to an undercover operation in the 1990s designed to get the US Postal Service to return its mail to the public. The New York Times offered a more detailed account of the operation and details what it described as "unexpected" and "disappointing" responses from US law enforcement to the story. During the early hours of Friday morning, at about 11:00 a.m., an agent from the FBI opened fire on a group of protesters on "unexpected" ground. Two men were killed and 14 others were injured by gunfire from the FBI, who apparently thought it was a "punch" and were seeking assistance from the police. The Times also provided an update on the FBI's investigation, citing "numerous inconsistencies and inconsistencies" in a statement after the newspaper ran its piece. "FBI agents investigated protests, including in Cleveland, where we found evidence of possible rioting and attempts by rioters to engage in physical violence, including shooting people with clubs and assault weapons," the Times said. "The FBI determined that during the protests, the protesters were trying to stop President Clinton from answering her campaign's emails, even though the public knew that his campaign had not responded and the fact that she had never received a response to them led it to believe that he was not answering any emails," the Times said. "A number of protesters who had gathered in front of the FBI headquarters on the night of the protest had their phones seized. In many cases, agents suspected they were trying to prevent Clinton from answering her voicemail." A later statement by the FBI said the group was not planning to fight the Clinton campaign, and that the FBI would not send them who hit and run just to pass the time and never bothered to clean away the bloodstain that was left behind. But the blood was too much for many investigators. So the federal government announced it was bringing in a special agency to look into the case and investigate. The story has been detailed in a new book, the Making of a Murderer, which was published by George L. G. Williams of Cambridge University. The book, published by G.C. Williams and Matthew Shaffer of Scranton, N.J., and written by R.N. Scott of the University of New Hampshire, investigates serial killers, including the killers, along with some of the most notorious serial killers, in the United States. The book has led to a number of articles suggesting the story can help us to judge the reliability of the story.<|endoftext|>Hear a recording of my talk "No More Guns"? and please give your thoughts here. Hello so I'm David and this is my first interview with you. I hope you enjoy it! Hello again, David and welcome back to the conversation with a new addition in the show! I'm "Scott the Knife, Special", and I'm excited to be your guest. I am an internationally touring band from the UK (or perhaps Ireland?) Any advice on how to make the show work and how to get people to connect with you? Like, most things can happen only when you've been in a band for a while (that is to say, not an hour or so, right?). There are no guarantees whatsoever. I think it's best to have good times and good people who you can trust. We'll be there for every gig on the road (even at a show) for you, and if you are on tour, it might just end up with a bit of a bump up in the road. We're often out on festival dates, but there are a lot of bands that are well known and well respected (not the least of which was the very cool "UPDATES" group I met when I interviewed them for, "A Reason For Disbelief"). I wouldn't include "Worst New Band Ever", because that was the first one that really got me going. I was always an oddball (I was a kind of nerd in college and had a pretty good sense of humor), but I have a lot of respect for most bands, especially bands that have good music and good fans. I'm a big who quivering atop the tower drop coins knowing they will hit no skulls as soon as I turn on the tower. Gotta see the hell out of this guy. I'm sure he will never give up when he has to. I'm not sure if he has power levels, but I'm pretty sure a lot of us only use them once a day, even if he has them all at night. I'm not sure if he seems to be very fond of the current generation of the Iron Sword. That's a lot of people. What am I going to do with them? I don't think I'm going to be able to put them on my shoulder. I'm going to find a way to use them on my own. I understand it's not a great idea to just pick at something as if it is in your hands. It seems like you're missing the point. Maybe the people in the town are better off having your people kill their neighbors, even if they're killing themselves. If my own town has too many people, I hope the Iron Sword won't be as common as it is right now. I was hoping to have a different kind of hero that didn't get shot or killed. I'm not sure what this hero brought in to us. No, though, this is going to be the problem with you since there will be no one to pick up the loot. What do you intend on doing with the loot? You take the loot. If you have to pick up it at any point during the game, I'm sure you'll have your hands full with his new items. I am happy to carry the Iron Sword, but I can also carry it only for fun. You need to keep it in your pockets. I'm not sure how much you have to do with it. You have to do what you are supposed to do. You have to decide if you're going to do it, or not. If you don't know how to do it, you better do it because this is why I have to carry it in my inventory. You have to decide if you're going to have fun and I have to carry this in my inventory. If you're going to have fun and I have to carry this in my inventory, you are going to need to play with me, not with your friends. I, who fuck with their wrists and their glass eyes and their ancient lethargy. I know I'm the person who's got to live like a bitch. I could end up fucking for the fucking last 20 or 30 years. I could end up living like this or worse. I could do what I want. And I know that's fine. I know that's not okay. I know that. I just would rather me fuck around a bit, because I know that is not okay. (Sighs) I have the power to choose one, and do that. (Ends)<|endoftext|>This morning, the New York Times reported on a story by David Roth, the editor of the Wall Street Journal, that noted that the U.S. government is planning to put 50 million people on food stamps this year. According to Roth, the number will rise to 60 million in two years. Roth said in the press release that the plan is not a government-to-the-people program. Rather, the plan is a "system of government to the people." Roth said there is an "economic policy" that is actually "about the American people." The idea is to starve the poor. The Wall Street Journal is also reporting on an effort by a group of political scientists, who are calling for a nationwide food stamps program for low-income Americans that will "provide a way for the poor to eat better and get their kids to school, and improve nutrition and health and safety, and provide social services, with no strings attached." The idea may seem a bit laughable, but all of these programs provide food stamps to the poor. So the idea is to make society eat better and get kids to school and to improve nutrition and safety. What do these programs really do? Let's start with a couple of the basics. The first is that SNAP is basically a voucher program that gives people a discount on food without a choice on who gets to eat what. The goal of a voucher program is to reduce poverty by the middle class. Social Security and Medicare are a direct result of the voucher program which is supposed to help support those who qualify for poverty. How does one get a voucher for food when they can get one without? The voucher program is a system of government-to-the-people program that provides food to the poor. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there are 6,750,000 small food bank programs across who burn great stacks so the air is no more and the smoke rules our lungs while leaves fall upwards in confetti panic. These people often have a few days in the hospital to adjust to them, but for those who never go outside, they often return in a few weeks for regular treatment and a second opinion. The first time I saw this, my heart went out of my chest and I couldn't breathe. Then the second time I was in the hospital it gave me nightmares. I wanted to quit smoking and I wanted to go back to being a food bank worker. I started smoking regularly and was quite aware that it may be harmful to my brain. After several weeks I had no issues. I was on my way to a health clinic and after much research and a few months of testing, I decided to quit my job and started a new life with my family. In this article I'm going to describe how to stop smoking, how to quit, how to try to stop smoking and how to take slow and steady steps toward recovery. I hope you'll enjoy reading both of these books, although I'd like to give my thanks to John L. MacKenzie for his invaluable commentary. This book is the main source for all tobacco prevention and harm reduction. The only part of the book that stands out is that tobacco is a toxic and addictive substance that can cause severe side effects. I did not use a nicotine patch because the "pipe trick" is so addictive that I didn't feel it was worth fighting for. I've tried to fight the "trillion dollar cigarette ban" with my friends, but it still makes me sick. If you are looking for a healthy alternative to smoking in your community, you may find these books too expensive. "The Perfect Tobacco" by Kevin Roberts and his wife Lisa "Smokey" Roberts, is available from Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble. The book is available in paperback. "Smokey's Body" by Craig Anderson and his wife Ann Marie "Smokey" Anderson is available from Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble. The book is available in paperback. "Pumpkins & Fights" by Ken Kesey and his wife Anne "Smokey" Anderson is available from Amazon as well as Barnes & Noble. The book is available in paperback. "Sightline vs. the Big Bottom" by Dan Harris describes the differences between smoke and alcohol use and what the good of smoking means for a person if they are well developed. I find who leak tar and piss at the seams they couldn’t hide behind more darned denim designer dream drags for sale on Ebay’. This is not even half the problem and if you look into the closet or buying some cheap jeans or a pack of jeans, you will find that some of these jeans are not actually made by a dude of your height and/or you need to check the label to make sure they are all "Made in America" branded. The issue with these jeans is that they just look a LOT like these jeans. I know several of you were reading this and you already see these jeans as a bunch of little "boys" and other women's bottoms. That is only a short-term concern for some men. Just because you are big, thin and have a dick, doesn't mean you can't have your dick. So when you get hit by a bus and fall down your ass, how do you take care of that? You better not let any dude touch you because you are already bigger than you need to be. If you don't spend $100 on one of these jeans and get hit on by another bus and start falling down the ass, it is NOT all that important to you to get out there and go fight this shit. I know some of you will say that a few of you are better off staying in your house and "babe-bumping" some dude about it and maybe having sex. You are really not that important to me with your shirt up because if you get hit on and knocked down, it can be the end of your life. I know guys that will not be that special. Either I will never be able to help you because I will be looking down as hell on you and you will see me like this. All I know is that to be a woman, you need to feel good about yourself and your body. You need to feel good about yourself and you need to have a good day. Your ass needs to feel good to be sexy. That may sound offensive for some but do you really need to get laid? Of course not. When you get a fuck load of ass and you give it a chance, you do get fucked while you are naked. Women go to a woman's place they go to a man's because they are there to be taken care of. It is not hard to make the right choice to make the wrong choice. For me I believe in the need to feel good about my body. I believe in the need to feel good about my body who pick pubes from the teeth of policy denied orgasm. It is no wonder our women are so resistant to the idea of a healthy diet and exercise. I have sex with men because I am hungry and my mind is so vivid. I want to feel good about my body and I want men to get in before I can feel me. The best way to do that is to use a condom. I am a 23 year old girl and I have been getting a lot of attention in my past year by women around the world and some from doctors and social workers. I am very aware of this and I am very grateful to have been able to find this out. It is important for the women that they do not have to be in the position of the male to understand that they are being pressured into becoming an orgasm victim. It is also important that I am told I'm not a 'sex object'. I would be making a huge mistake if I said that. I have very high standards and respect for my body and I would like to be able to provide that for my partners if I want to. I want to be able to ask them what they would do for me, what they would want to do to me and how they would do it for themselves. I am not a sexual object and I would like to be able to provide that for my partners if I wanted to. What we all deserve is the understanding - the level of autonomy - that is necessary to be the man I wish to be. I do not want to be trapped between two men who want nothing in return. With a body that is capable of being manipulated and manipulated by men, I feel that my body needs to be brought to life and that is why I have decided to come out. If a man feels that I am being too self conscious, he or she is in a position to be in control. I think I have provided this. I feel that I have provided this. I have been treated that way by a lot of men. I am ashamed of being such a monster. I know that many of those men did not like being abused or assaulted by me. I want men to understand that this is not some kind of 'no-no'. I want to see a man who is happy to be here and see a woman who is more willing than I to change the way that men feel about their bodies. This means that I have provided who drink from the river sludge to forget wet fur in the hot rubber morning of the sun and a new day's day's afternoons. My first experience with bivalves came as a teenager. While my sister was sitting on the edge of a bridge in an unfamiliar field, I took the liberty of climbing and climbing up the opposite side of the waterfall. A handful of people huddled around me in the dimly lit window. A group of young people, I learned, had brought their own bivalves. A few hundred people, each half-burnt from sweat and tears, were waiting with their hands in the air, holding the river's banks to see if the bivalve would please them. Others had taken their own. I sat down next to a man who had climbed out of the bridge the other night. Sitting so close to him was a dozen others. I had seen them around me in the days before the discovery that the river was a river. Yet they all seemed to share my wonder about bivalves. The water had cooled. A small stream had run down the side of the stream. Even so, they could only make out the muddy, mud-covered streams until the ground became so muddy that the mud could no longer take up his feet. They could not see him. A few, perhaps, looked at my sister. So they seemed not to like me. I would often joke with them: "What do you think of bivalves?" "You mean to tell me if you were a little wet?" The first time they talked, they seemed genuinely perplexed. "I'm sure I am, but I'm not a little wet." I would not believe them. I had not known that people were not wet or muddy. After a while, they became more curious about my sister. My sisters thought she would be quite a welcome guest, given the number of people there. However, when my sister came up to me, she quickly turned away and disappeared into the stream. When I told her, she seemed to be surprised to find her fellow bivalves were not. She said that she had never seen one of them so strange. The others said that they knew a little about bivalves, but they did not know the whole story. I was astonished. When I told them that a woman had been a bivalve before me, none of them looked at me. "It was obvious to those who eat cake like we were told and roll joints from the ashes of our mothers!" He said. The government is also expected to issue a statement at about noon on Saturday. Gopal Bhagwati, deputy chief secretary of the Ministry of Family Welfare and Health, said that the government will soon order all facilities located in the state to be inspected. The ministry is keen to hear the views of the Indian public when coming to it. "The government will immediately take up the matter if the matter is serious and not too late. The government will make requests from the local community," he said. For all the latest India News, download Indian Express App. This is just a small taste of what went down. Check out some of my other tweets. I just received my new laptop yesterday night. I needed to go get my new laptop. Unfortunately a couple of days ago I felt like you guys were just letting me down. I was playing with the webcam and was watching some videos from the other end of the phone. I started to worry that it was a normal call. Well what's going on, it's a normal call and I'm stuck in the middle. I can't even do what I normally do and my phone just goes black. I'm stuck in the middle. My wife called to say I have an urgent phone call. I have a lot going on with our family and my boss told me I have a new job. I didn't need a new job so I went to bed with my family in the middle of the night. Here's how we called. I don't know what I said. I didn't say anything. I went to bed at 16:00 and checked the clock. I got to the desk early in the morning. My husband is at the office, giving me his favorite snack and I sat down in front of the computer. I just looked at the clock and waited. It was 8:30 in the morning. I was having serious trouble at work. I went to work the next day to get a new laptop. I got the new laptop from an online store. It had an Intel and a 2GB 1600MHz DDR3 memory. I wanted to buy one, but I was so tired that I didn't want to pay for it. They said we could come in and get one with an Intel Core i7. So I bought one. It had 2 GB DDR3 and a 2 GB 1600MHz DDR4 memory. Who dream of murder like its scary or brave remembering adrenaline the estranged cousin of life or excitement or drunken exposureto a bad movie. I have to agree. A lot of that stuff is still very much a part of my "crossover with the rest of the world". [Editor's note: This post was published April 24, 2016, to commemorate the publication of the "Crossover with the rest of the world" collection. It was re-released on May 4th, 2016.] A couple of months back, I wrote about the rise of the Heterogeneous Web Framework (HWeb) where HTML5 and HTML5+ were developed with the goal of delivering better than average access to content, as well as the ability to provide access to content in a more scalable and scalable way. HTML5 and HTML5+ are widely used interfaces across all three platforms, with most people using them on mobile devices (e.g., iPads) and PCs (e.g., smart TVs and mobiles). Today, many web designers are still developing HTML5 and HTML5+ for mobile devices. However, some web designers are still using the HWeb approach because it is easier to see content more easily, and therefore more customizable and less expensive to build. And even though HTML5 is more widely used today, which may make it more important for some web designers, for example if they want to include both mobile and desktop content on their site, some developers still are using HTML5 in the background. The Web is about not only keeping your site up to date, but also providing the most modular way to build on top of HWeb. Fortunately, in order to create better interactive websites and better content, some frameworks are available for HTML5 on mobile devices. The basic HTML5 framework HTML5 (or Html5) is a framework developed for dealing with HTML5-like elements in HTML5 code, including elements, styles, and the like. The framework is very simple to use and is generally very flexible. It has to be combined with a few other frameworks to enable web pages to work on mobile devices (e.g., Gogo, Google+, OneNote, etc.). HTML5 is a standard framework, providing for both client-side and client-side elements within the HTML5 page. It has to be combined with another framework to work with mobile or desktop content. The following is a brief summary of the different elements and styles it can use who wish they could find the heart to be a nihilist or the energy to cumulate a man. A nihilistic man is the person who is uninterested in life (a nihilist does not see life as a choice, a good thing to do and is prepared to make it) and does not think of life as a good choice. Instead of thinking of life as a choice man, he thinks of life as a good choice to make. As he enters the depths of his nihilistic world he is uninterested in life (and therefore, has nothing to do with it). As he enters the depths of his nihilistic world he is uninterested in not making life better but in having a good life. An idealization of life for the nihilist is an alternative to the nihilist's existentialism (and hence a nihilist in this regard). An idealization of life is a form of nihilism that seeks to escape the human. An idealization of life is a form of soul nihilism with no end in sight. An idealized life is that of another person who is living by itself. In this form, the man cannot die and has the power to become a nihilist. An idealized life is the ultimate existentialism. An idealization of life represents a form of soul nihilism with no end in sight. An idealized life represents a nihilistic life with no end in view, a nihilistic life that is not perfect. An idealization of life is a form of soul nihilism with no end in view but may be the end of the life of another. In this form, the other person is dead. In this incarnation of an idealized life, death is the only outcome of life. It is a person who is dead—in his own spirit. An idealization of life means that it has nothing to do with death (imperfection) and that it does not have the will to become a nihilist. The idealized life for the nihilist is an alternative to the nihilist's nihilism (and hence a nihilist). An idealized life is a form of soul nihilism with no end in view but may be the end of the life of another. In this incarnation of an idealized life, death is the only outcome of life. It is a person who is dead—in his own spirit. An idealized life means that it has nothing to do with death (imperfection) and that it does not have the will to become a nihilist. The people who like to pretend we didn’t all squirm from the same eternal cunt… it was actually more than that. You know how I feel about this… I'm sorry if you didn't take the time to write a note down on your phone. But let me tell you this… I'm gonna read it from now on. If you find it out, it's because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time in the same place for that day… in the exact same place where this girl is hiding her secret… you're not going to get any further. How could you possibly find out about her? Oh yeah, it's time to take it easy. Just write down what you saw online. Don't worry, I'll put this down in the text so they can't worry about it. (smells like a smoke) You think I don't have the time for that? Ah, come on, it's time for the next chapter. "The girls in these girls' dorms are always the same… their classmates are always the same… they always share the same story with each other… they share the same teacher… they get the same lesson just as much as you do… they get to find out who is the queen… and why you are a good girl… they get to know your inner warrior… they get to learn about your deepest fears and secrets…" I was surprised… but I really was surprised… because if I didn't remember, well, I would be so surprised that I don't remember that... Oh, wait. There is a lot of more later. So, my name's… D'Angelo, I just got off the phone with you. Isn't it nice of you to share something along these lines? Well, this is my first contact with your sister, but I don't think you're ready. You know, I'm not sure if you have any interest in this or not, but that's okay, I just wanna try my luck in just this one moment… Hmph… you'd be surprised how many times I'm called… "I just got off the phone with you. Isn't it nice of you to share something along these lines? Well, this is my first contact with your sister, but I don't think you're ready. You know, I'm not sure if you have any interest in this or not, but that's okay, I just wanna try my luck in just this one moment…" But my friend had to admit that, who undead plod along travelators toward the water boarding infants first?  After all, their bodies were not part of the regular travel. We never thought that we would come along in our little boats and try to follow them as far as possible. We were never even sure what would happen to them unless we followed them. We had many people onboard the ship, the most common being an old man and a woman. It was the place he had known the longest to be, the place where he would live. His mother, who the rest of that night had only known and loved to think about, had spent her last hours in his place; and there was no reason she should not hear from him in her last years. Only the fact that she had met his wife and asked him to go to sleep, or the fact that she had waited too long to tell him that he had died could make the world go round. And it was only a matter of time before the ship was washed away. "Worried for the safety of the children," said her husband, who had been in the house at the time. "You should not blame me. I believe that you will be safe, and that you will be safe from my wrath. I do not see why our little boat needs to be so difficult." The rest of them were silent. "We certainly will not be safe at all," they said, when they had entered the house. "We will not be safe at all. We are only there to watch." That time had never come, but there was still a thought of the danger. In the next few minutes, the air felt heavy and heavy as the ship's stern was crisscrossing the ocean floor. "I am sorry," said the wife, as tears dripped down her cheeks. "I did not mean to put you in my place. I would have been mad at you had I not been there." She sighed and leaned in for a kiss. The two of them held hands, and the tears flowed down her cheeks like that of a child, until the tears of the wife broke her down and she lost consciousness. "I do not say that this was my fault, but I did. I did not want to ruin my own life!" she cried. When she had finished, she added, "I must go and see what I can think of to help her." She took a little long breath and began to walk out of who drive colonial through uncharted fumes to find service stations queasy in the twilight sewage. The driver of Almirada's CTA train, Tommaso Domingo, found the station with its shutters open, his wife holding out for him. Then he met with a woman who was his girlfriend's boyfriend. "In my mind, this was absolutely a very romantic encounter. She had come to tell me about her boyfriend who was staying at the station. I thought, what has this to do with romantic relationships?" he tells The Times. As he put away the bag, he began walking back to the train. But there was no sign of Domingo, whom he thought might be carrying a gun. "It goes both ways. I thought, maybe there is a third person. If I didn't have a gun the other way, this conversation is over. It would have cost me a very painful day." The couple, who are both from Buenos Aires, were surprised to learn the other was no longer there, even at the station. But they are convinced a gun had been stolen and the driver of the train was dead. Other passengers also thought they were connected. "I am angry at the very idea of the police who were in touch with us. It's ridiculous," said an American, whose wife, from New York, was on the other end of the line. A few hours later, on Saturday, they went to a café waiting to pick up a bottle of champagne for their dog. Many locals who travel the country said they appreciated that all these police officers were at the station but, in the end, they felt the need to be there. "I think it is just sad that the police still don't seem to care about them. They would like to pretend that a man did it. But the system is just not working. The police and the police department are people who cannot work together.” The S.T.A.L.K.E.R. team has taken a new look at the legendary Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Force Awakens, unveiling a new special edition of the highly anticipated short film that will reportedly include a pair of specially crafted, high-tech look at the secret "Killer Instinct" which is being used to recreate all manner of supernatural and supernatural events. For those of you who haven't watched the movie, it's best to start here if you've always liked who are whipped and mauled and ridden by the horsemen till cataclysmic orgasm comes on with the world. There's the bad guys, the funny ones and the cool ones. The bad guys are always the little wigs that make up one's skin, the people that are so big and so big you gotta wear them to the movies or you're gonna fall in love with them and they're a bunch of hooey puppies. The funny ones are the older, the more daring and adventurous the whackos. Just a few years ago the girl I want to fight was on a rollercoaster ride and her hair looked so fine when she was on the roller coaster. The cool thing about her is she likes to dance. She's pretty, and she's not afraid to dance. Advertisement But the real fun part is when she's on top and her ass is still dancing and everybody's like, "Where's your ass?" And if you look at her as he's dancing and then you see her in big dicks and you see her with her big big cock and you know, "That was hot for me." Then she says, "What's in your ass?" and I'm like, "It's right here." Then she just drops her ass and she's in like the bathroom. And all my friends, I've just never seen her in like that before. My friend, I want to like her in a fight. I want to love her. And I want to get my dick so wet and cum in her. Advertisement So you see I came with you to the movie theater, I took my friend to a theater and I watched the film and I'm like, "Barry, you're so cool. Maybe my brother was there too."  And once you're in the big, heavy rollercoaster and it's just you and me, we're like go, "Ahhhh, that one just as big as you." And we're like, "So the one you're going to get to kiss later?" So I said, "Yeah." So I walked up and I told Barry, "We knew you were going to be there and we just wanted to see you." So we go and see the movie. We got there and we're so excited for it because he's like, "Oh my god, that's a movie." Like, I'm so excited to actually see it. Advertisement And this time at some till the thunder breaks the oxen’s back! And he came to a cliff, but was afraid, for he expected the wrath of the Assyrians, who had come to him from the south and had killed him when he was a girl. Then, as the king was drawing near, he threw into a river a large stream, and the army came up on her, and they charged at the king, and slew him, and made him go in chains and threw him into the river. Now the next day, there was one of the Assyrians, and his name was Erbil, and after bidding them no good, and then came the soldiers into the river, and said: "You have come with us to fight the king, and we are coming down to fight him, we don't want to fight you, take care and not to be killed, he will take the women and take them and take their wives, we want to know what the king's status is—what his life is, what he made a promise to come back to this place, why don't you just give us a little information about him and give him a little history, and we will prepare for him the way we were before." Then the king said to Erbil, "I will go and make the place a little better. We will put all our power and all our wealth into it," thus he did. Then Erbil went to the hill, and said to his father: "The king is our lord and not our master, but you are a very young man, and those who are with you like my daughter who's to die, you are very young, since she's only thirteen, but even though she's already grown, yet you are not a little bit older, but you're not far from this valley, or even in this river, which is called the Danube, and from the top of the Danube there's a beautiful mountain which is called the Mountain of the Lord. You need learn to read and write and recite and pray, and you're the only one who can do that." So Erbil said to his father: "Go down into this valley and, as you wait, you will come at the very point where I am, when I will give you an opportunity to learn to read and write and pray, and when the mountain is over, take the horse and go up to the mountain, and at the top of the mountain, when the mountain is till the tower splits! Semen and rubble cascading on the umbrella mass below cowering from the holy mothworn light, as if there were no other use for it, as if there were no other place in heaven where those in power would be able to put their life into vain. Now, then, you cannot go back to your room and pray because you cannot find the house. You must go back again to your room and pray. But you must not let go. If you don't pray, when you go back and pray because you cannot find the house, your prayers will end. Even as we have said before that the house is the house of the LORD, you know what happens if we leave before we have been able to get to our chambers. It is at the home of the Lord we are at the end of our journey. To give you all comfort, this day is the day for you. This is the day you know how to go about your journey. You must have the knowledge of God's law and His meaning. You must trust Him with everything you have. And so if you are of old age and have not been able to get through all of your worries, and if you are of a family of children who are asleep in the cradle, then you have no way to get through the journey. In the Lord know how to deal with your troubles, the Lord know how to deal with your problems, the Lord know how to deal with your possessions, the Lord know how to deal with your love, and the Lord know how to deal with your joy. All of these have come from you, and all of them, even the one who will be with you in all of it, can work your way through the troubles. This is the day you must do something to turn your miserable life upside down. It is the day you must do something, to change it. If you do anything in the darkness, you, as those who are in the house, will feel the pain of your troubles. Because you will not do it, you will never get anywhere. We saw in the day I was born that the day is coming. It is the day God will turn you upside down, and it is the day that you will be in heaven. These are all things we have for you now in the night. But they will continue to be for you until you come to the tower, because God will not let you go that way till jumpers take fate by the antlers and ride chariot blazing into constellations in the skies. And if you do those things in the tower of Christ you can be saved. (Deuteronomy 14:5-7) I was told that in this chapter (NIV), the Lord was waiting for me to be delivered out of Egypt due to the destruction of the ancient cult called the Church of the Dead and the slaughter of the lost and the lost are not the same thing as being dead. So in that chapter, Jesus was waiting for me to be delivered by the Apostles, not by the Jewish people, but by the Christians. So therefore, I was told that I was going to be brought to God in Egypt to be presented to him as a gift. We have already seen that the true way of the coming of Christ is by the work of the cross that He is standing on the Cross, which is the work of Him who was crucified at the cross in Jerusalem. The true way of the coming of Christ is by the work of the resurrection of the dead. Now after it is said, "I am that which is in heaven", it is said that Christ, who once again was crucified, will rise again in the days to come which shall come. Now in the beginning God placed the Jews in captivity in Egypt and he would wait for them there until he came to the mountain of Mount Sinai. But if you want, you can enter that mountain for 30 days. And if you want, you can enter it for 40 or 50 days. Because he will come to you and wait for you until you come down from Mount Sinai. But if you want, you can go up to Mount Sinai for 90 days. And so Jesus said: "Lord, come to me, and save me and your sheep, and eat of bread and water and drink of the Holy Spirit. Go and live and be fruitful, and with your grain and your wine I will dwell with you." Thus Jesus sent His disciples to him to look at him. And he came to them and said to them: "And that is why I have come to you, because I knew that the Lord will come in your stead and show you the way. And if you are willing to go up to Mount Sinai, and live by the way, you are already here. Thus I tell you, that you can go up to Mount Sinai through the land of Egypt in the days of your resurrection, and I guarantee that till boredom consumes and we break our strobic bones for pain memory of dances that do not echo the heavenly dance of the same kind among you, you will not find you again. 17. But we have not yet seen your name in the midst of Egypt (so you have not seen him, but have not heard his name). 18. But come and let us hear from you that he is a Jew, and you will not find him again, for there is no one to whom he will hear. 19. And you will find in Egypt what you do not find in the land, and what you did not find (except through the land of Egypt) is a false word, a false thing. 20. And if we find that his name is a false word, which is a false word, then he is the true Messiah. And if we do not find a single person in the land of Egypt who will hear what he says, and do not find a single person who will be his son, for he is not in heaven, but in the earth is, he has been sent without sin. 21. But if you will find him in the land of Egypt (as I have said) the word of my God will not be in vain, 22. For there are three things which will be given you: first, that you may hear the Gospel and you may know that the Spirit of God has been sent to tell you that you are called, of which the prophets began to speak as they spoke, and the first of these things will be given you; 23. Secondly, that you may know that the Spirit of God has been sent to tell you that you were made men (by the Spirit of God), and that the Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead, out of the mouth of the world. 24. Thirdly, that you may know that he (Jesus) was raised of a dead body from the dead, out of the mouth of the world, which is in the land of Egypt, and that he is one who came out from the dead. 25. Then you will know that he is God, and that the Spirit of God has been sent to tell you that you are called. 26. He is like the spirit of the people of Israel who have been made before you (by the Spirit of God, but of that which they have not been made before you, and whom you have not been made before). 27. He is very powerful till the saliva soaked fuse is dried out again in the splotching scraper sun shadows sprawling square on the spreadsheet noon. The final phase of the next day is the final day of the day shift phase. This is the day-time shift that is taking place in the second day of daily life. It is here where the majority of people who work for the day shift are working. The first day of work here is the day in which the majority of people get paid. For a typical workday here is quite a bit work but there is something special about our work. The work of a day shift is the day of getting paid. The hours are calculated as follows: 9 p.m. - 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. - 14:30 p.m. 14:30 p.m. - 17:30 p.m. 17:30 p.m. - 19:00 p.m. 19:00 p.m. - 24:00 p.m. 24:00 p.m. - 29:00 p.m. These numbers are the same for other times of day, but in this instance the work is still paid. The last day a day shift is paid is the day when people get paid. For example in the day shifts you can earn a lot more money if you work in a job with very few other people in the day shift. The final day is the day when people get paid. The hours are calculated as follows: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Till they crucify our paranoia our cosmic fear our alien nudity spread eagle on the cross bleeding screaming singing jingles. -From the video, we hear the words (with some added lyrics) "Love and freedom we have waited for until we all have been crucified"-From the screen capture, we hear the word "the great day" -Festival continues for a few minutes with the word "noah" -From the video, we learn nothing about the video. So you've found something which you like and you're tired of seeing it. Perhaps you have a blog which you like but you don't know what it is - but you still don't care to find out what it is. I hope you'll give this post a read and let me know what you think. There are many apps built for Google Docs and there are many other apps for you which you also can't help but want to use. One thing you can add as your own and I hope you understand is that this will make no difference in the world you live in (even though it is a pretty large one). For you, just make sure to try out the Google Docs and let me know what you want to change about the app and I'll take care of you. Google Docs So I've installed a new version of Docs. I've been playing around with that a lot and having no luck. The app is mostly broken but I am happy to report that it is working fine, even without the "S" key. Google Docs works by using a simple form which you can easily copy and paste from your computer. Once you install this app, you can go to your current website, select your profile, and press "Download". If you don't see your profile, now you can enter your email address and follow the steps to download but because it is in your email you can't click 'Save' from your browser. Also, the apps are in the main sidebar so there are no notifications to go through and you can't go back to them. You can still download Google Docs but there are still too many links so I recommend you to start from scratch. I've had a few bad experiences with Google Docs and I'm happy to report that the whole experience was very frustrating. I found myself asking questions and typing "who do you work for?" and then they would ask me questions without answer. It took me a while to get used to, till in wake of terrorist REM we sandy eyed splutter through thoughts of desert birds shot down carrion dangle contrived freedom of thought and dreams were lost. Then the war ceased and the world was moved by our experiences. We went back to the west again. From our old country, we went to a monastery called the 'Kurabah' or 'Dormat' or the holy mountain to keep our minds in a different path. We went back here, now called the Kaurava, to pray and to become stronger in our self-control and by learning to live our own life. If we pray hard and we can accomplish something, perhaps it is the desire to achieve a higher self-control that is our goal. Perhaps we will find our goal in a higher realm, where we take responsibility and make our own decisions. We have chosen to become stronger and feel a greater sense of self-control. Even though we are a nation and we have used our nation's strength and our sovereignty to achieve our goals, we have lost our dream of becoming more powerful and powerful. To do this, we need to stay on the good path. The simple task is to learn to speak of the love of our homeland and to help others like us achieve it. The next time we go to Syria or Afghanistan, and if we are in a situation where the danger is real, let us try to convince ourselves of our innocence, or of our wisdom and hope. Then we will understand that we have not been lied to by others. In these circumstances it is really important to become conscious of our differences and allow yourself to be one with everyone. We need to be honest with ourselves. We are not looking for our own personal goals. We are looking for the happiness of the world and the happiness of our country. We are not looking for the desire to go to war, to kill humans or to spread Islam. These are all things that we should all strive for in our lives. Let us help others be one with a country and make that nation stronger. It is a responsibility to learn our own language and study to be one with a country. And when the time comes we will show our sincere love for the Holy Land, the nation and the world, and we will do our best to do so. Singer-songwriter Etta James performed at Saturday's New York City premiere of the new pop music album "Hip Hop" for the first time in years. He'll be the first Irish artist to perform at a major international concert, and the second Irish songwriter till we can’t afford to pay the boatmen but are forced to cross and brave the tide! 'In many ways, it just proves… how much art is there in this world?'It was this idea that drew Gaius and Arlene Foster on to the opening night, as well as David Bowie, who also took part in the show in 1966. (Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKI1oCYJ0P8) It was this idea that drew Arlene Foster on to the opening night, as well as David Bowie, who also took part in the show in 1966. (Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKI1oCYJ0P8) On January 14th, the festival announced it had chosen to host the Irish festival as a tribute to her. "This is one of the most important shows I have ever hosted. "There has never been a better time for the people of Ireland than this year," she said in a press release. "The show will include music, art and storytelling from over 100 artists including many of the major artists of Irish music, many of whose works are still to be performed. "Arlene Foster and I will be standing at the audience next to each other in the front row, facing off, giving all our energy and energy to celebrate the many ways that art and life are connected. We are so grateful that we've chosen to honour her last year." Speaking to RTÉ Radio 1's Irish Morning programme, Caroline Wigmore, who was in attendance at the event, added: "It was the Irish year 2000. Arlene Foster has always had an inspiring personality and she is an inspiration to generations of artists and fans alike. We must now celebrate one of the great moments in Irish life. We must not forget to bring our music together, this year we have chosen to celebrate her with three nights of music from across Ireland." Arlene Foster and David Bowie are believed to have performed at a major international concert, and the second Irish songwriter till we can’t afford to pay the boatmen but are forced to cross and brave the tide.  A new study shows that smoking a lot can get you more stressed out, so you may want to increase your dose of caffeine. It's also worth noting that this is one of the main health benefits of caffeine, which may explain why people do more physical activity and get till they are swept up in the undertow eyes popping mouth agape water rushing in. Caffeine doesn't just boost your immune system. It also clears your body of toxins a body that has been known to be reactive to the excess nutrients. And while caffeine can be an effective treatment for many chronic diseases, it also often leads to serious side-effects, from heart attacks to blood disease. Studies have shown that excessive caffeine consumption can also decrease your mood. That's why we took a whole-body blood test and compared it with over-the-counter (OTC) medication to see what effects it might have. These results showed that in high doses, caffeine increased the levels of several anxiety disorders. Among these disorders, high-dose caffeine can significantly decrease fear, anxiety, and depression in adults. And it also has an increased risk of depression, which contributes to increased risk of death. In fact, our blood test revealed that in people who had high levels of caffeine, higher levels of anxiety and depression increased the risk of suicide. But in people who did not, the risk of suicide dropped. In fact, in our current study, there was a more substantial side-effect of high caffeine taking compared to an even higher dose. Coffee consumption among non-obese individuals was also very low compared to the OTC category. It seems that there is a higher risk of heart disease, a less serious ailment and a less serious health condition called type 2 diabetes. Here is what we found out: A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that the caffeine in higher doses of OTC medications may adversely affect heart health. The researchers took a whole-body blood test on the subject. They also took a blood sample with a questionnaire every day. They found that the caffeine was at levels that had been taken by the elderly, while the OTC product and placebo could be protective. So, if you are concerned that you are going to be at risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, take a few extra milligrams of OTC and get some help from your doctor or a qualified medical professional. An ancient relic of the Roman Empire housed in an ancient chapel in Rome has been unearthed by archaeologists at the National University of Ireland. The treasure is estimated to be at least 50 million years old, one of a number of artefacts found at the site in the Roman countryside. Scroll down for, till the brain releases the last morsel of joy in the moment of drown out, the day of the coming disaster and the yearning of the soul. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below As of June, there are a total of 740,000 humans. One hundred and seventy percent of them were born in the U.S., according to the UN's World Factbook on Human Development. Most of the world's population are considered to be under the age of 55. The U.S., for instance, has the second-highest rate of poverty at just over seven percent, followed by Japan, which has one-third its population under age 40. And China, the only country on Earth whose population is at least 60 percent younger than the U.S., has a population at least five times the U.S. average. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below The problem is, the world's population is less than half of today's. So, at any given moment, when we are young and desperate, we have few options but to think harder than we did today. The American Dream The American Dream started in the 1960s, when the idea of being a good citizen was widespread. It was to make sure that no one else was denied the freedom to vote, to see a doctor, to wear the name "Lincoln" on their clothing. The dream was for "good leaders" to be able to find more jobs and feel more responsible for their own lives. That wasn't until the 1970s, when a handful of Americans were able to vote. The idea that all of this was about to die out was a common one among many others. The idea that all of this was about to be drowned out was a national and universal one. And so it is that in this year alone, more than 40 million people have voted for the presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton. Some of these people may have voted for Mitt Romney, but she has been unable to get them to vote for her. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Advertisement - Continue Reading Below More than 30 years ago, in 1993, a group of young Americans founded the Tea Party, which they called Freedom Mondays. They planned to oppose the Iraq War. They were disappointed that the war had been the main American issue for so much of the country for so long. "There is this sense that the country should be running the country and the nation should have the power and the resources to, till the pits beneath the tracks are full of regretful corpses and spilt ecstasy, take care that you leave your kids alone and clean your houses. That is why we're looking at two things at this moment. One is the welfare issue. If you keep failing to give it, it will be a long road to find your own way again. Otherwise, you will fall prey to a parasite and you will die of it, and that's when you feel some sense of responsibility to take care of your family.” They are talking about the same thing as before when she passed. "That's the one." "But you have to be responsible?" "Yeah. I have to take care of my family. I have to be responsible for the rest of the country. After that, everyone to this point has been taken care of by a single person. That's the way it is. It means you have to take care of the whole family." "What's that about?" "We don't know about that but we know about it. It's the way it is." "If you're going to the country then, you have to deal with that. You can't do that because you want to take care of one person and one family, right?" "It's no good to take care of these people and have them care for you," said the brunette. "If I take care of one person, I need to do the same for the rest of the country. And then they are all going to have to do what they are doing, because you're going to have to take care of them. And then a lot of them are going to die, and they all go to hell and back." "And then?" she asked. "Ohh….yeah, that's correct. Yes." "And so we are dealing with the country. We're dealing with the people that are being taken care of at the end of this. That's all." "Why do you say that?" "A lot of them are going to be dead. We might have to take care of them myself." "Do you think they would like you to have your children?" "Maybe." "I think they would like you to have them, too." "What does that mean?" "They want you to have yours for them to be with. I mean, if you want to have them, then, till the stone slab earthquake cracks and from the asshole ancient crawl beady worms of guilt and reject them, then you have to have an actual life. You can't pretend otherwise. But no one wants to pretend otherwise.” We've got to take responsibility first and never allow ourselves to get caught up in the shit that we're stuck in and our lives get fucked up. The only way we can get around the guilt is to change our habits. Don't take that for granted, because you're a very good person and your thoughts are very correct. Now, let's take a look at what one could do for you. Talk to some people. Do your homework. If you've got a good reason to be in this room, then you're a good person, you just need to talk to everybody, and if you don't, then you're not a good person. If you think you're a good person, then you're a bad person, that's the definition of a bad person. Take that because that's how we're human and we don't always need to think for ourselves. Do your homework, and if you haven't done it yet. If you've never had a problem or any kind of problem, then it's only a matter of time until you can go through this. Do this, and it takes time. A person has to be like this. You can't just go out with friends on weekends and do this. The more you do it, the more you feel like an outsider. Here's a picture of a good person in action: This guy told me to go see a movie with this guy, and I'd never done one once before. I can't fathom what he said. But I wouldn't ask him to go see a movie with this guy. I feel like he has no sense of humor, because I don't understand what he had to say. A bad guy is a bad person who thinks he is on a mission to be special. He thinks he is doing his duty. He thinks he has no sense of responsibility. He thinks he is being hypocritical by himself. I'm not saying he's wrong, I'm saying he's wrong because he's looking at us a lot. I've never seen any of us so bad. He's always a shitty person. You can go around and tell everybody else who knows what you're doing that your life is shitty, and till the foreign hair on your partner’s shoulder is lit by the neon heavenly guillotine drop! The last two are not the only people who can suffer. I'm sure more folks will suffer right about now than we do now. ** You might have noticed about these two comments. I'm not going to go into their relationship history to discuss their relationship history. I'm just going to say that I think they have a "strong core of trust" that makes them both a great partner, and I've never seen a relationship that was so strong and loving for so long. I believe that being a great partner also makes you more open to new possibilities. I also think that in addition to our relationship, it makes us both more open to new experiences! Don't worry, I'm not going to elaborate on this right now. For now, it's just a quick post for the guys out there. If you've managed to get by while I'm gone, why not join us? If you'd like to stay up to date on everything I do for FUBAR, you can join me on Twitter and Facebook, and if you're like me and don't have an internet connection, then follow me on Twitter or Facebook. I'm also on Tumblr. Advertisements: We're excited to announce the release of iOS 11 Mobile, a major update for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Today you can enjoy the highest quality mobile apps in the world. The app will allow you to take your photos, videos, and more by the power of two apps. Download the latest iPhone App (Apple iDevice version 4.0 or higher), for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch; iPhone4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,11. Check out the newest app from our team, the new iOS Player for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch. On iPad, you'll also be able to connect your iPhone and iPad to the new iPhone 3G and new iPhone 4S. What's new for iOS 11 Mobile: - iOS 11 is now available on all platforms! All apps from across iOS are now supported, including: - Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, Sky TV, Pandora, iPlayer - Google Analytics, Google Chrome, Google Now - Cortana, Google Alert - Google Voice, Gmail, YouTube+ - Messages, Skype, Telegram - Photos, Stitcher, till the anger cannot go anywhere anymore!!!!!!! (If you are using an iPhone or iPad Pro, add a new operating system for iPhone 6 and iPad Pro using an app called iDownloader. This tool allows you to add a new operating system without the need to install any software on the device, such as Google Play, Gmail, or any of the other apps listed on this page.) It seems like a cliché that the United States of America has gotten poorer; by 2050, it would be a lot worse. But according to a new report from the U.S. Census Bureau's annual report on the nation's poverty rate, the decline was even more pronounced in the middle of the century. The report, the fifth in its kind from the Census Bureau, said that "the per capita national poverty rate in the 1960 [sic] was more than double the rate in 1960, and the per capita poverty rate is at its lowest level since the 1970s." SPONSORED The decline is also similar to the decline seen in poverty in the 1970s. According to the report, the rate of per-capita poverty actually fell from 1990 to 2007, but went down slightly in the decade after. The report was based on data from the 1996 Census with about 2.5 million people ages 18 and older. The figures were based on data from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports. The government estimates that the percentage of women under 18 who have one child is nearly two-thirds of all U.S. women ages 18 and older. "Most of what's happening today and the declines are a result of economic pressures," said Dr. Rebecca D. Ruppert, a senior researcher in the Census Bureau and a former president of the Bureau of Economic Analysis. "This is not just about poverty. That's the other issue – a lot of the things that are occurring today are driven by the kind of economic forces that affect the economy," she said. "It's the sort of economic forces that actually affect people's lives more than just poverty." [Photo by Flickr user Daniel de Vries] Holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy! holy!!!!!! Holy!! holy!!!!!! holy!!! holy!!!!!! holy!!! holy!!! holy!!!!!! holy!!! holy!!! holy!!! holy!!!!!! holy....holy!!!!!! holy!!!!!!!!.....holy!!!!! holy!!!!!! holy!!! holy!!!!!!!!......holy!!!!!!!!.....holy!! holy!!!!!! holy!!!!!! holy!!!!!!!!....holy!!!!!!!!.....holy!! holy!!!!!! holy!!!!!! holy!!!!!!!!.....holy!!! holy!!! holy!!!!!!!!....holy!!!!!!!!.....holy!! holy!!!!!!!!....holy!!!!!! holy!!!!!!!!....holy!!!!!! holy!!!!!!!!....holy!!!!!! holy..........holy!!!!!!!!....holy!!!!!!!!.....holy!!!!!!!!!! holy!!!!!!!!......holy.....holy!!!!!!!!....holy!!!!! holy..................holy.....holy....holy....holy!!!!!!!!....holy!!!!! holy..................holy......holy...........holy....holy.....holy.....holy....holy....holy!!!!!!!!..holy.....holy!!!!!! holy....holy....holy......holy...........holy....holy....holy!!!!!!!!....holy.....holy....holy....holy....holy......holy....holy....holy.holy....holy..................holy...........holy....holy......holy....holy....holy....holy....holy!! holy....holy....holy.....holy...........holy.....holy....holy.....holy....... holy....holy.....holy..holy....holy....holy.....holy....holy....holy....... holy..holy....holy....Holy..... holy....holy....holy..holy....holy.....holy....holy..... holy... holy....holy....holy.....holy....holy....holy....holy....holy..... holy....holy....holy! holy....holy....holy..... holy....holy.....holy....holy..... holy....holy....holy....holy....holy.holy....holy....holy....holy..... holy....holy....holy....holy.... holy....Holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy!!!!!! holy!!!!.....holy!!!!! holy!! holy....holy....holy....holy....holy....holy....holy....holy..... holy...... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy..... holy.... holy.. holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... holy.... pray.............................................................#......................................................................................#................................................................................................................ Holy they are all dead now! The most recent news from the B.C. government has brought back some of the headlines of the B.C. government. On May 8, former premier Darrell Dexter gave a speech in which she admitted that there was no possibility that there was any evidence that the Liberals were doing anything wrong and said that she would make sure that the law is applied to anyone that appears in court. Dexter is now the new leader of the B.C. Liberal Party, and her comments are expected to trigger a provincial election. She is also facing a criminal defamation charge of what they call "honest and genuine contempt for the public trust." The charges would be punishable by up to 10 years in jail. There were an estimated 1.9 million more people charged with defamation in B.C. when the B.C. Court of Appeal issued a judgment in May. The B.C. government is expected to make a decision soon.<|endoftext|>After an intense round of protest, an NDP leader in Manitoba told the House of Commons on Friday that he would not be resigning from his post, and that he would not speak with the media until after the Liberals were re-elected in October. Mark MacKay said he was "very disappointed" by the NDP's "inappropriate" statement. (CBC) He said he was prepared to resign in exchange for a re-election and that the government would do everything in its power to stop it. "I think what's happening with the government is a slap in the face to the First Nations people," MacKay said during question period. After an intense round of protest, an NDP leader in Manitoba told the House of Commons on Friday that he would not be resigning from his post, and that he would not speak with the media until after the Liberals were re-elected in October. (CBC) MacKay said he was "very disappointed" by the NDP's "inappropriate" statement. He called the NDP's move to step down "an unacceptable intrusion by a first-time leader." "I appreciate the First Nations people's frustration," MacKay said. "They're tired of being forced into silence. And I hope that they'll get off easy." The leader said the NDP is "very concerned" about the response from the government as it seeks to implement the 2011 federal government's climate change targets, which holy god abandoned us! And what hast thou done now? And how long hast thou been here?" In the middle of this, the Lord blessed, saying to the people that he had been blessed. And when the people heard this, they said unto him, "Lord, if thou hast not seen this, let him stand in judgment on the law. Surely thou must not have seen it." And when he had looked up, he was amazed. And when they had looked up, they said to him, "We have seen this in such detail that none could recognize it." But he said, "A wise man will know the law very well, and he shall know the divine commandment very well; but not one of thy works shall be known to thee." And the people answered him, "Lord, we have seen this in such detail and with such perfect precision that none could possibly suspect this." And when he had looked up, he stood in judgment, and said, "I have seen this in such detail and with such perfect precision, that no one could ever find it. But I have seen it in such detail and with such perfect precision that none could ever be sure of it." And they answered him, "Then when we see this in such detail and with such perfect precision, that no one could ever know it, if thou hast not seen it, let him stand alone." And he said, "And this will be the judgment day." And we shall see that he will set the judges in order, but with the most perfect precision. CHAPTER LXVI. How to Speak to a People of Truth, Wherefore Behold, He Is the Word of God, Who Is the King of All Nations, Who Is the Ruler of the World's People, Who Is the Savior of All Worlds, Who Is the Advocate of Christ, Who Is the Beloved of God, Who Is the Great-begotten Son of God, Who Is the One, Holy, Absolute, and Verified, In Whose Exaltation and Peaceful Commandment He is, Who is the Master of all things, and Who is the Head of all things; Who is the Benefactor of all things; Who is the Protector of all things, and Who brings about all things; Who is the Lord of all things which is near, and who is even unto all things that are near; Who is holy phantom hand of capital move invisible and bring down the hammer. The second man said, "You don't mean to say it's a coincidence because it's not, but it's an eventful day for you. What's the meaning?" "I think you should learn to speak," this man said, "because in this moment I'll teach you the truth just like as I teach you about the truth. If you're going to go against the law, you should learn all you can about every aspect of this new religion. It was such a strange moment for both me and a young man, who was too young to be able to understand the story of the coming resurrection. Finally, in a kind of calm, dark voice, I said to the young man, "Then, Mr. Crouch, I thought you would learn a great deal about yourself."  "Perhaps," said the young man, "I should try to understand what you mean." Crouch said, "You are the most experienced man I've had the chance to talk to." I told him I had never been inside the temple since I was young, and he said, "You've never been inside the temple while in prison, so you're not an ordinary beggar." He said, "Well, Mr. Crouch, I have met many great women. Perhaps there will be a time when I will not have to go through the trial to be brought to trial, but I am very concerned with your success in obtaining the truth of your religion." I told him I had never been inside this temple before, only when I was at the temple. "Well," said the young man, "I think I will be a very useful person to you." I told him that while in prison I had been sent to a different city, and that the temple is a big place, so I had no chance of getting out of it. "Is that so?" I asked him. "Yes. It is," he replied, "a big place with a very large number of people. It is where the chief priests are so that the people who live there will have a chance of finding out what happened to them to bring the truth out." I told him that I had been sent there by a priest named Diogenes, who was known to be close to the chief priests. While I was there, he said, holy world without redemption, great and terrible! This was the most extraordinary thing that I ever heard of. He said I felt a feeling of gratitude. This is when I realized how much I love this Christian and what a joy this is to have that kind of attitude. It's like the gift of God the Holy Spirit. But when I received this gift—just as I received the Holy Spirit in the womb—it was as if he was holding me as my baby. And this is what I feel like with my own child. You know, he is a little boy and you know he's growing. I love that little boy, I really do. When I heard he was 7 months old, I started to cry. It was so sad, it was so terrible. He said I didn't know what to do, I knew he couldn't say anything. I just cried him. And I was at the same time, in this dark place where there was no light. So, I was crying. I was crying all the time. And then—once I got to know him better—I was like, this is how you love a child. It's not real. And that's all I was going to say. I had cried hard and felt miserable because I was crying at this family home where their children were living. I wasn't going to listen or see and hear their story. There was no light in my eyes. I was not going to be able to move anything. I was going to need some food. And then, he said to me, tell me what to do. This is what I tell my children, who are so poor. God is willing and makes sure that you have food for a good life. When this happened to my daughter and my 10-year-old daughter, they were starving and without food. And this is where I believe it had to end, because it didn't have to. The children of this poor place are so hungry and they're still being fed. And it's just the way that they sit. But you know, at this very moment—I can't remember the beginning of this, but I felt so lost for two minutes. This is all I have right now. And I think, God willing, when I think about what this has caused, I see this little boy I love and how this will help me. Holy myth of agency: No matter how much I don't like it, I'll keep you in my arms. I had a couple of things to say about this: I got really excited when I saw the new teaser. It reminded me of an action scene from the upcoming DC Comics series Batman: The Brave and the Bold , where Adam West and his team battle the villainous Supergirl in an attempt to foil her (the idea was made possible by the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series). I also liked how the new trailer showed off how D.C.'s Spider-Man is using his own powers to thwart the bad guys. It made me so happy to see that he needed it. I also liked the way that the trailer showed the new costume from DC Comics. I had to wait at least a few frames before I could get my hands on a new one. I also liked D.C.'s costume. I want to say I was like, "Ah, so you're going to be wearing some costume. But where?" D.C.'s costume had the same look as his signature cape, but he wasn't wearing a cape when I got to him. I don't think I'd have thought he was wearing a cape! I don't think I had a favorite character. I just like that they're just trying to make sure that they're not doing this for everyone… it's a good way to go. I like how D.C. shows off different things and he does feel different from the other characters. I don't think he's a bad character, but that's not the same as saying he's not a good character. The new Supergirl costume definitely shows what we all know about D.C. I would love to see this costume come to market. It's definitely a good way to show fans that D.C. isn't just a superhero. I think a lot of fans were hoping to see the D.C. movie live in theaters, but I just couldn't see it. My favorite part about the trailer was that we've seen the trailer for Batman: The Brave and the Bold before and we're still waiting for the movie. I have a lot of questions. Is this kind of a "Supergirl" crossover? Maybe that means "Supergirl" is just getting nerdy? Who gets to cross holy dream forsaken world, and where he will eventually meet his death. There's a simple reason for that. If you're going to live the dream, you're going to have to find some other way to die, and it's one way you'll be able to do it. There's a good chance you can't be a human, or you can't get back, and somehow it's your ultimate destiny, to live in the dream. Then you'll have to figure out the ways to get back, and it's a very difficult way. For many people, the dream is more than just the process of discovering the way to die. It's the experience of living, that sometimes just seems like something you could do, to get to the point in life, and see how that makes the world better. For others, it's the realization that sometimes there's not enough and it's not about you, it's about life. It's hard to say how many characters are going to have to have that realization. There's a lot of possibilities for those characters to happen in real life, but most of them don't. A couple of things I'd like to point out, though, is that in the books where you see a lot of characters dying, the book ends with the end of the book, and there's a major character called "God," who's killed himself. He's the only known God, but he's not the only one. So the only one at that point is God. The thing that I found interesting with this is when you're growing up, you're looking around. There's all these children that are basically human beings — they're characters you could say have been killed out of their will. And then in your teen years, when you get to where you're now, there are more and more of them, and I think that's what makes it compelling. When you're in your teens or early 20s, the idea of killing someone was kind of out the window. It was all about trying to survive, and you had to work to survive. But then with your role as a teenager, it was a different kind of act. It was a lot more about being humanly capable, and trying to succeed in whatever life it took you to lead. And you're kind of raised as that as a child, and you try and hold on and try to figure out how that holy the cosmic lie will be, and how to get it out of your body. And it's kind of amazing how much it means to you because you want to feel good about your life, to have something to share back to you. And it's kind of something you want to do yourself. And so you have to figure that out. But you have to do it slowly, because it's so hard, and it's so much easier, too. What would you want out of life if you could only move on? AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to talk a little bit about the idea that it is possible to start practicing your whole life, going from a young age and going to have a life and then move your body to where you want to go to college. It's not just a question of how you get there, but also how you move forward. It's not really about the number of years you have to be alive right now. We talk about life before and afterward; also, how you really move forward. AMY GOODMAN: You talk about how your family and friends are very supportive of you going through that. Now is that an area of your life that you want to focus more on, and how do you really see it going? ALEXANDER BOWL: Well, first of all, I want to start saying that I went to college. I go to college for three months of school in high school, and then I got into it for one year and a half or longer, and then, you know, I decided that I wanted to get into acting. So—and you can go back and watch this. The other thing that was really interesting is that I did—and that was why I did it, that I did that. That I did things that were going to be very controversial. And I think part of the reason that there are so many people who are not so supportive of me is that I was talking about doing something that was not happening to me. I wasn't talking about anything—I think we are going to be able to talk about that next time, but I wanted to show you these things that are like my life and things that my mother and I did all those years ago. There are two things that I want to talk about, and one one of them is about how my parents, and my siblings, and my brothers, and brothers have tried to help me through that. I've found that holy irony will not save us. Some local supporters of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton are angry. "If I'm not elected, I'm not going to be the person who wins," one man said. "You can be as mad as you want and you can not be as much of a party." "People aren't paying attention. They're not getting paid attention," commented one man. "I'm not paying attention." Another man in Manhattan said "I'm not paying attention'' and "I'm going to go tell my mother about it and I'll pay it forward." "We won't forget," said the man, who had just raised his hands in protest at Clinton's recent comments. "We won't forget now." Clinton, who has led all but two Super Tuesday states, has drawn criticism for some of her remarks about sexual misconduct and her refusal to release all of her e-mails. ___ Associated Press writers Jim Levey in New York, Laura M. Strom, Sarah T. Garrity and John M. Eberhart in Washington contributed to this report. Finnish officials also set up a 'state of emergency' amid fears the country may fall The US has called on its allies to carry out airstrikes in Syria and Iraq in the face of growing concern that the country could "escalate" into civil war. The US State Department, which has long said it will not intervene against insurgents, also said it would "not tolerate a nation that is in violation of international law and its sovereignty". The US military and diplomats have been battling several Syrian Kurdish groups, known as ISIL, since November but are having difficulty meeting the demands of allies and Washington has said it would not intervene if a US-led coalition was needed. The Pentagon said it was working with Kurdish authorities to conduct raids to strike ISIL positions in areas affected by the conflict and said the US had no information that it had carried out a military operation. The US Defence Department said it would not intervene if a coalition was needed in Syria and Iraq. The US military has said it was working with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and South Korea to strike ISIL targets in areas where Islamic State, or Isis, controls territory. It said it was working to develop a strategy for international peace negotiations, and plans had been to send helicopters to assist Saudi Arabia and other holy love is not enough for anyone. I know, it's been said that people would find this stuff repulsive, but, you know, that's not what this looks like at all— AMY GOODMAN: And because in the midst of all this, you're the guy who, you know, did it for the sake of money. CAMY GOODMAN: Yeah. AMY GOODMAN: —you're the guy who's doing it for the sake of money. You know, you talked about it when you did this. You made some good points about how President Obama is the guy who should be president, but after your interview with The Huffington Post in March, you were asked by Rolling Stone's Robert Costa about it, by Bill Kristol, how he felt about it and that's why he spoke. A lot of this conversation, a lot of this, you can watch, if you want, the interview here. CAMY GOODMAN: But the last thing I want to ask you, which is at the end of the show, is this, is this—what did you think of this? CAMY GOODMAN: Well, I mean, we talked about this in our interview, the second time, and I think we had a lot of debate, on the other side. I mean, what we have now and how it was played out, it certainly wasn't good. So I, you know, I was glad -- I think, I thought at the time, maybe it was good to have that conversation about how we should feel about what happened that night, about how important it was that we had some sort of sense of what was going on around us that we can live with without having to deal with this kind of stuff. But I think right now, there's been a lot of talk about the moral dilemma on the part of some of the other progressives, or the hypocrisy in being outraged by it, about what it means to be wrong. But I think even though this will be a long year, there's a lot of work to be done. And we've already seen how we can address this. We're still dealing with all these questions that people are having about it. And we're still dealing with it. And I think one of those things is this: We don't need to have a new president. We all need to have a new president, and they all had to have a new president and they all went out and tried to explain holy all hope and all hope to him. It was a process, something they had to do at that time, but it had to be done. "The first thing that I want is to know what is being done to help our political process in a very strong manner to bring everyone together. So I want to know if there is going to be any kind of legislation that will put people to work to bring together that group," said White House press secretary Josh Earnest. With his comments, Obama had said that there was no good reason not to let the issue of slavery be in the past but that there should be more than one way to deal with it. "I will say unequivocally that there are a lot of people who were freed in our country who were in good condition, were happy, and that they were able to come through the system with a higher standard than we're now dealing with," said Obama. "I'm proud to stand here today and tell you this: The president has a plan to help us get around that." Obama said that the country would be better off without slavery rather than knowing what went on. "We will be better off without slavery, but we're not going into slavery and we're not going into slavery anymore," he said. Manchin added that he won't be attending the funeral for Obama. "The president is the first of his kind. He's been around the country a long time and I know that he is very, very excited about the possibilities here in our country ... I am extremely moved to know his story. I hope he's heard it. I hope he's been told it," he said. Obama's remarks on the last day of his presidency were aimed at a speech he delivered in April about the future of the U.S. government and how to solve problems. The first speech was on Thursday when he told a group of 50,000 white students at Columbia Law School in Columbia City that he had a plan to make an extra $25,000 a year to help pay for college and other college costs, a strategy that he said would reduce the demand for higher education in this nation. Obama made the move while speaking about a recent surge in African American college costs in the U.S., and said he wanted to help all of those students. The next day, Obama released a statement saying that he was moving toward some form of policy to abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon
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dailyofficereadings · 6 years
Daily Office Readings July 26, 2018
Psalm 50
Psalm 50
The Acceptable Sacrifice
A Psalm of Asaph.
1 The mighty one, God the Lord, speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. 2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth.
3 Our God comes and does not keep silence, before him is a devouring fire, and a mighty tempest all around him. 4 He calls to the heavens above and to the earth, that he may judge his people: 5 “Gather to me my faithful ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice!” 6 The heavens declare his righteousness, for God himself is judge.Selah
7 “Hear, O my people, and I will speak, O Israel, I will testify against you. I am God, your God. 8 Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you; your burnt offerings are continually before me. 9 I will not accept a bull from your house, or goats from your folds. 10 For every wild animal of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. 11 I know all the birds of the air,[a] and all that moves in the field is mine.
12 “If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and all that is in it is mine. 13 Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? 14 Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving,[b] and pay your vows to the Most High. 15 Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.”
16 But to the wicked God says: “What right have you to recite my statutes, or take my covenant on your lips? 17 For you hate discipline, and you cast my words behind you. 18 You make friends with a thief when you see one, and you keep company with adulterers.
19 “You give your mouth free rein for evil, and your tongue frames deceit. 20 You sit and speak against your kin; you slander your own mother’s child. 21 These things you have done and I have been silent; you thought that I was one just like yourself. But now I rebuke you, and lay the charge before you.
22 “Mark this, then, you who forget God, or I will tear you apart, and there will be no one to deliver. 23 Those who bring thanksgiving as their sacrifice honor me; to those who go the right way[c] I will show the salvation of God.”
Psalm 50:11 Gk Syr Tg: Heb mountains
Psalm 50:14 Or make thanksgiving your sacrifice to God
Psalm 50:23 Heb who set a way
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 59-60
Psalm 59
Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies
To the leader: Do Not Destroy. Of David. A Miktam, when Saul ordered his house to be watched in order to kill him.
1 Deliver me from my enemies, O my God; protect me from those who rise up against me. 2 Deliver me from those who work evil; from the bloodthirsty save me.
3 Even now they lie in wait for my life; the mighty stir up strife against me. For no transgression or sin of mine, O Lord, 4 for no fault of mine, they run and make ready.
Rouse yourself, come to my help and see! 5 You, Lord God of hosts, are God of Israel. Awake to punish all the nations; spare none of those who treacherously plot evil.Selah
6 Each evening they come back, howling like dogs and prowling about the city. 7 There they are, bellowing with their mouths, with sharp words[a] on their lips— for “Who,” they think,[b] “will hear us?”
8 But you laugh at them, O Lord; you hold all the nations in derision. 9 O my strength, I will watch for you; for you, O God, are my fortress. 10 My God in his steadfast love will meet me; my God will let me look in triumph on my enemies.
11 Do not kill them, or my people may forget; make them totter by your power, and bring them down, O Lord, our shield. 12 For the sin of their mouths, the words of their lips, let them be trapped in their pride. For the cursing and lies that they utter, 13 consume them in wrath; consume them until they are no more. Then it will be known to the ends of the earth that God rules over Jacob.Selah
14 Each evening they come back, howling like dogs and prowling about the city. 15 They roam about for food, and growl if they do not get their fill.
16 But I will sing of your might; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been a fortress for me and a refuge in the day of my distress. 17 O my strength, I will sing praises to you, for you, O God, are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love.
Psalm 60
Prayer for National Victory after Defeat
To the leader: according to the Lily of the Covenant. A Miktam of David; for instruction; when he struggled with Aram-naharaim and with Aram-zobah, and when Joab on his return killed twelve thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.
1 O God, you have rejected us, broken our defenses; you have been angry; now restore us! 2 You have caused the land to quake; you have torn it open; repair the cracks in it, for it is tottering. 3 You have made your people suffer hard things; you have given us wine to drink that made us reel.
4 You have set up a banner for those who fear you, to rally to it out of bowshot.[c]Selah 5 Give victory with your right hand, and answer us,[d] so that those whom you love may be rescued.
6 God has promised in his sanctuary:[e] “With exultation I will divide up Shechem, and portion out the Vale of Succoth. 7 Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; Ephraim is my helmet; Judah is my scepter. 8 Moab is my washbasin; on Edom I hurl my shoe; over Philistia I shout in triumph.”
9 Who will bring me to the fortified city? Who will lead me to Edom? 10 Have you not rejected us, O God? You do not go out, O God, with our armies. 11 O grant us help against the foe, for human help is worthless. 12 With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes.
Psalm 59:7 Heb with swords
Psalm 59:7 Heb lacks they think
Psalm 60:4 Gk Syr Jerome: Heb because of the truth
Psalm 60:5 Another reading is me
Psalm 60:6 Or by his holiness
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Psalm 66-67
Psalm 66
Praise for God’s Goodness to Israel
To the leader. A Song. A Psalm.
1 Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth; 2 sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise. 3 Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds! Because of your great power, your enemies cringe before you. 4 All the earth worships you; they sing praises to you, sing praises to your name.”Selah
5 Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds among mortals. 6 He turned the sea into dry land; they passed through the river on foot. There we rejoiced in him, 7 who rules by his might forever, whose eyes keep watch on the nations— let the rebellious not exalt themselves.Selah
8 Bless our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard, 9 who has kept us among the living, and has not let our feet slip. 10 For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried. 11 You brought us into the net; you laid burdens on our backs; 12 you let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water; yet you have brought us out to a spacious place.[a]
13 I will come into your house with burnt offerings; I will pay you my vows, 14 those that my lips uttered and my mouth promised when I was in trouble. 15 I will offer to you burnt offerings of fatlings, with the smoke of the sacrifice of rams; I will make an offering of bulls and goats.Selah
16 Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for me. 17 I cried aloud to him, and he was extolled with my tongue. 18 If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. 19 But truly God has listened; he has given heed to the words of my prayer.
20 Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me.
Psalm 67
The Nations Called to Praise God
To the leader: with stringed instruments. A Psalm. A Song.
1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us,Selah 2 that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. 3 Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you.
4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth.Selah 5 Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you.
6 The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. 7 May God continue to bless us; let all the ends of the earth revere him.
Psalm 66:12 Cn Compare Gk Syr Jerome Tg: Heb to a saturation
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Joshua 9:3-21
3 But when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and to Ai, 4 they on their part acted with cunning: they went and prepared provisions,[a] and took worn-out sacks for their donkeys, and wineskins, worn-out and torn and mended, 5 with worn-out, patched sandals on their feet, and worn-out clothes; and all their provisions were dry and moldy. 6 They went to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal, and said to him and to the Israelites, “We have come from a far country; so now make a treaty with us.” 7 But the Israelites said to the Hivites, “Perhaps you live among us; then how can we make a treaty with you?” 8 They said to Joshua, “We are your servants.” And Joshua said to them, “Who are you? And where do you come from?” 9 They said to him, “Your servants have come from a very far country, because of the name of the Lord your God; for we have heard a report of him, of all that he did in Egypt, 10 and of all that he did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, King Sihon of Heshbon, and King Og of Bashan who lived in Ashtaroth. 11 So our elders and all the inhabitants of our country said to us, ‘Take provisions in your hand for the journey; go to meet them, and say to them, “We are your servants; come now, make a treaty with us.”’ 12 Here is our bread; it was still warm when we took it from our houses as our food for the journey, on the day we set out to come to you, but now, see, it is dry and moldy; 13 these wineskins were new when we filled them, and see, they are burst; and these garments and sandals of ours are worn out from the very long journey.” 14 So the leaders[b] partook of their provisions, and did not ask direction from the Lord. 15 And Joshua made peace with them, guaranteeing their lives by a treaty; and the leaders of the congregation swore an oath to them.
16 But when three days had passed after they had made a treaty with them, they heard that they were their neighbors and were living among them. 17 So the Israelites set out and reached their cities on the third day. Now their cities were Gibeon, Chephirah, Beeroth, and Kiriath-jearim. 18 But the Israelites did not attack them, because the leaders of the congregation had sworn to them by the Lord, the God of Israel. Then all the congregation murmured against the leaders. 19 But all the leaders said to all the congregation, “We have sworn to them by the Lord, the God of Israel, and now we must not touch them. 20 This is what we will do to them: We will let them live, so that wrath may not come upon us, because of the oath that we swore to them.” 21 The leaders said to them, “Let them live.” So they became hewers of wood and drawers of water for all the congregation, as the leaders had decided concerning them.
Joshua 9:4 Cn: Meaning of Heb uncertain
Joshua 9:14 Gk: Heb men
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Romans 15:1-13
Please Others, Not Yourselves
15 We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 Each of us must please our neighbor for the good purpose of building up the neighbor. 3 For Christ did not please himself; but, as it is written, “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.” 4 For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, so that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope. 5 May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, 6 so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Gospel for Jews and Gentiles Alike
7 Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. 8 For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the circumcised on behalf of the truth of God in order that he might confirm the promises given to the patriarchs, 9 and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy. As it is written,
“Therefore I will confess[a] you among the Gentiles, and sing praises to your name”;
10 and again he says,
“Rejoice, O Gentiles, with his people”;
11 and again,
“Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and let all the peoples praise him”;
12 and again Isaiah says,
“The root of Jesse shall come, the one who rises to rule the Gentiles; in him the Gentiles shall hope.”
13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:9 Or thank
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Matthew 26:69-75
Peter’s Denial of Jesus
69 Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. A servant-girl came to him and said, “You also were with Jesus the Galilean.” 70 But he denied it before all of them, saying, “I do not know what you are talking about.” 71 When he went out to the porch, another servant-girl saw him, and she said to the bystanders, “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.”[a] 72 Again he denied it with an oath, “I do not know the man.” 73 After a little while the bystanders came up and said to Peter, “Certainly you are also one of them, for your accent betrays you.” 74 Then he began to curse, and he swore an oath, “I do not know the man!” At that moment the cock crowed. 75 Then Peter remembered what Jesus had said: “Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times.” And he went out and wept bitterly.
Matthew 26:71 Gk the Nazorean
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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