#in french it's chat and english cat
7fredofinsanity · 11 days
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I posted her on my main but I also wanted to post her here as well since she's probably going to be one of those I doodle a lot here.
Also because this, guys, is my first ever oc. I made her when I was 13 as a weird ass persona (hence where her name is Angel and I call myself ZeCrazyAngel on my main) but became her own thing.
Angel is a dragon rider, one of the 8 elemental riders of her world. Hers being light.
Although she does her best not to show it, she's a woman who lacks confidence. She's been raised to become a soldier and it was strict when she hit a certain age, she the expectations she has on herself are high.
She's wary of strangers and tends to remain civil and polite, very formal in how she communicates with others and wary because her land is just filled with war and tensions.
But aside from that, once you get past her barrier and she starts feeling comfortable, she's a lot less stiff than what she's previously seen, less stick up her ass, easily amused and caring of others.
She's the main character of a story I'm working on, man, I just love her and I love the fucking 360 she did since the day I first created her xD
And yes, she can turn into a cat.
Lastly, look at that sweet ass commission I got of her and her dragon on Skeb, the artist is Byakkok99!
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art-deco-shrimp · 9 months
Despite the best efforts of l'Académie Française to prevent the use and spread of "Frenglish", even the Miracuclass has been dipping their toes into the new, primarily internet-related slang. Also despite what l'Académie Française may think, this is pretty much harmless...
...except for making Adrien Agreste twitch in his seat every time one of his classmates starts addressing an invisible streaming chat.
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hazelle-mapelle · 1 month
i like how your name is maple but you go by oak themed pronouns. youre the whole forest!
why thank you! no tree name or pronoun shall be spared in my path to ruling the forests >:3 also honestly the maple part had two reasons: 1- i love maple syrup a LOT 2- i wanted to make a pun, and what better than taking je m'appelle and the word maple and putting them in a blender?
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ink-ami · 2 years
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I kept my promise and learned to replicate my style in Procreate as best as I could after using PaintToolSAI for 8 years. Does it look like usual ?
Anyway when I watched Puss in boots I was a child, now I’m almost in my twenties and it’s still awesome to watch the sequel ! I expected less teens in the movie theater.
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pierregazly · 6 months
every lifetime with you ꨄ oscar piastri
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oscar piastri x leclerc!f!reader
part 2 to but mama, i love him
warnings: charles is kind of ignorant (in a jerk big brother way), oscar is so disgustingly in love (aka tooth-rotting) [wc: 2.1k]
the one where oscar finally faces family dinner with the leclerc's... and it goes exactly how everyone expected. (oscar just really loves his girlfriend, and really doesn't care what her brother's say about it).
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Sunday night dinners, when everyone was able to attend, were a staple in the Leclerc family home. Even as a young girl, one thing you always remembered was Pascale ensuring everyone promised to be home in time for dinner on Sunday. And of course, no one wanted to disappoint Maman.  
Things had, of course, changed as Charles’ and Arthur’s involvement in motorsports grew, as Lorenzo became more involved in his own line of work. But you always put the effort in to make your way back to your childhood home, even if it was just Maman and yourself.  
When Oscar slowly started integrating himself into your life, Pascale was the first person to find out; interrogating you over Sunday night dinner, learning everything she could about the young Australian who had taken over her only daughter’s heart. She always encouraged you to invite him to Sunday dinner, insisting that the boys would be on their best behaviour, and there would be no blood or tears shed - from anyone.  
Which was exactly how you found yourself here, Oscar staring out at your childhood home, his hands steady with a tight grip on the steering wheel in front of him.  
“Maman would not be too happy if you brought the steering wheel in with you. She doesn’t enjoy car talk on Sunday’s, mon amour,” you said, tapping one of his tense hands with a finger.  
Unlacing his fingers from around the wheel, Oscar turned towards you with a timid smile.  
“You see Charles weekly; you practically grew up alongside Artie. It’ll be fine, Osc.” 
Shaking his head immediately, “I’m not concerned about your brothers. They don’t scare me.” 
Quirking an eyebrow at him, your only response was a shrug of your shoulders as you pulled yourself up and out of the car. Following your lead, the two of you walked up the driveway, passing your brother’s cars in the process. Pushing open the front door, you were instantly greeted by the variety of smells that could usually be contributed to Sunday dinner, the aroma invading your nostrils and prompting a smile to pull across your lips.  
Pascale Leclerc’s face greeted you the moment you turned the corner into the foyer, a happy grin across her lit up cheeks. 
“Oh, mon bébé! Regarde comme tu es belle,” she said, wrapping her arms around you tightly. (Oh, my baby! Look at how beautiful you are.) 
Eagerly wrapping your own arms around her, you inhaled her comforting scent, happy to be home and in the arms of the most important person in your life since birth.  
Turning towards Oscar, the large smile on Pascale’s face did not waver. “Oscar, hello! It is so lovely to finally meet you.” 
The moment of hesitation on Oscar’s part meant Pascale had already wrapped her arms around him before he could even blink, pressing a kiss to each cheek and then pulling back with a smile.  
“Lovely to meet you as well, Mrs. Leclerc. Thank you for inviting me to dinner,” Oscar said.  
Pascale waved him off, loud voices filtering into the foyer as the three Leclerc boys made their presence known. 
“Regarde ce que le chat traînait,” Arthur said, his eyes pinning onto Oscar’s frame. (Look what the cat dragged in). 
“Non, we will not be speaking French tonight. You know the rules. Do not be rude, Arthur,” Pascale admonished, sending a glare to her youngest son.  
“What do the English say? Execution by fire? Best way for Oscar to learn, non?” Charles said, looking towards his brothers for confirmation. 
Snorting at his words, “No, you idiot. It’s baptism by fire. Don’t be a jerk, Cha.”  
His eyes swiveled over to meet yours, a mock glare present on his face. “Oh, I’m so sorry. My apologies, perhaps if I’d be able to speak French, I’d be able to use the actual sayings.”  
Pascale’s glare whipped towards her middle son, her hand gently tapping on Oscar’s shoulder as she directed him towards the dining room.  
“Charles Marc Hervé, I’d encourage you to watch your tone. Your ignorance is not appreciated, I’m sure your sister has already begun teaching Oscar French, you of all people should know it is not easy to learn a new language as a young man. Do not be rude.”  
Almost immediately, the scolding evidently struck a chord in Charles, his cheeks brightening as he mumbled out an apology.  
“Certaines choses ne changent jamais, hm, Charles?” you whispered in his direction, sticking your tongue out at him. (Some things never change, hm, Charles?) 
“Ma petite fleur, don’t antagonize your brother.” Sticking his tongue back out at you in response, Charles skirted away as you moved your hand to smack his shoulder. 
The table had been set like all previous Sundays before that, the only difference being the extra setup beside you, cutlery and plates laid out for the Australian’s benefit.  
“Is there anything I can help with, Mrs. Leclerc?” Oscar said, ignoring Arthur as he silently imitated him, a grin falling onto your brother’s cheeks as he plopped down in his unofficial seat. 
“Just Pascale, s’il vous plaît. And non, Alexandra and Charlotte kindly helped with everything already. You are too kind to offer, Oscar,” she responded, a large smile overtaking her lips.  
“You are too kind to offer, Oscar.” 
“Don’t be rude, Artie. Maman can still take you out of this world, right, Maman?”  
Nodding her head in agreement, Pascale whacked the man in question over the head with a tea towel. Placing the final dish of food on the table, the matriarch of the Leclerc family gestured for everyone to sit, all remaining members of the room taking their seats.  
The usual pre-dinner rituals were conducted, Oscar politely engaging in all of them to the best of his ability.  
As the chatter began to pick up around the table, you could feel your anxiety spike every time your eyes wandered over to one of your brothers. For the fact two of them had driven alongside your brother more than once, all three eyed him up every opportunity they could. 
“So, shall we discuss the elephant in the room?” 
“Is it the toxic smell of your cologne, Cha? I’ve been wanting to talk about it for years,” you quipped.  
Lorenzo stifled a snort at your words, shoving a spoonful of food into his mouth as he eyed the both of you.  
“Shut up, you know what I mean. Oscar, what are your intentions? Is this some secret McLaren sabotage thing?”  
You couldn’t tell if Charles was serious, your eyes widening as you scrambled for what to say in response. 
“Not everything’s about racing, mate. I could care less about McLaren or Ferrari or whatever, when I’m with your sister. There’s more to life, evidently,” shrugging at his own words, Oscar continued to shovel food into his mouth. 
You could barely contain the internal swooning at his words, your hand gently squeezing Oscar’s thigh as you smiled at him in response. Lightly squeezing your hand back, both of you looked up at the sound of a groan from across the table.  
“This is going to make me throw up, truly. Maman, please let me speak French to articulate how disgusted I am at this,” Arthur mockingly gagged, his eyes pleading for his mother to accept his request. 
Pascale ignored her youngest son’s dramatics, turning her head in Oscar’s direction instead. 
“Oscar, dear… I’ve heard the story of how you and my daughter began dating from her view, I must hear it from yours as well. It’s such a lovely story,” Pascale practically cooed, prompting instant eye rolls from all her children sitting around the table. 
“Yes, Oscar. Tell us all how you corrupted our sister. Please.” 
The urge to hit both Arthur and Charles grew with every little quip and comment they felt necessary to make. Before you even had the opportunity to retaliate, you saw Charles wince, his head swiveling towards his girlfriend in dismay.  
“Enough, mon amour. Tonight is not about you,” she said, a smile being directed towards you after the fact.  
The Australian beside you cleared his throat before he began, gently squeezing your knee in the process.  
“I’m sure she tells it far better than I do, but I can give it a whirl. Racing with Arthur for so long, I think we knew of each other but didn’t really… know each other? Obviously, we had run into each other at different racing events throughout the years and exchanged polite small talk, but it wasn’t really until the Monaco Grand Prix last year where we really had the opportunity to get to know each other.” 
Oscar was quick to shovel more food into his mouth before continuing his story. 
“I was trying to avoid all the interviewers and Sky Sports presenters on the Grid and ended up running right into her. All I knew is one second, I was running, next second I had barreled someone over and was holding their head from smacking against the concrete,” you could hear Alex and Charlotte cooing out soft ‘aw’s’ from their side of the table at his words. 
“Thank those quick driver reflexes, hm?” Arthur joked. Multiple heads around the table nodded in response. 
“I guess it sort of went from there. She, of course, had to give me a hard time for trying to ‘kill her’ as she so kindly says all the time. I offered to make it up to her... we ended up going for dinner after the race, and I suppose the rest is history. Thank God for Monaco, of course.” 
“Oh, so you’re the reason my sister didn’t attend family dinner after I got knocked down for supposedly impeding your teammate?” Charles quipped. 
Huffing towards your brother, before you even got the chance to snap at him, you were cut off. 
“Charles, shut up. We didn’t have family dinner after Monaco, you were miserable and I’m pretty sure you said some very nasty things to our family group chat which almost had Maman in tears. We didn’t have family dinner for weeks after that, so shut up, and let Oscar finish his story. Merde,” Lorenzo said, shooting a glare towards his youngest brother. 
Oscar looked towards you, silently questioning whether he should continue or not. Squeezing his knee in confirmation again, the Australian continued. 
“She ended up coming to visit me during summer break, and things became official from there. It’s been the best seven months of my life, I couldn’t imagine my life without that day in Monaco, now,” he looked towards you as he finished his story, a soft smile on his lips as you looked back at him adoringly. 
“I’d let you run me over in every lifetime, mon amour.” 
The two of you were caught in your own little world, your eyes locked on one another’s, small smiles gracing both of your lips. Missing the small look between your mother and brothers, Charles begrudgingly accepting defeat, Arthur eager to find some way to make a joke at the expense of both of you, Lorenzo simply content to see his baby sister happy.  
Maman, though... the sheer delight was evident in her eyes, a small sheen covering them and her lash line as she watched the two of you silently interact.  
The night continued, the honeymoon phase between you and Oscar so obvious, so prominent. He took advantage of any chance he could get to press a kiss to your head, to your head, to your cheeks, and especially to your lips. All respectfully, of course, but he couldn’t take his eyes or hands off you.  
Charles took his chance to corner the younger driver, threatening a world of hurt and sabotage if anything were to ever happen to you, physically or emotionally. Oscar’s nonchalant response of “Yes, alright mate. Whatever you say, of course,” further antagonized your brother.  
It was Maman’s acceptance that Oscar was most concerned about though, eagerly asking you once the two of you were back in his car, whether you thought she liked him. You were positive the answer was a resounding yes, especially after watching Pascale squeeze him tightly in a hug, pressing a kiss to each cheek again – and then proceeding to whisper in your ear how happy she was that you had found a man who loved you so incredibly much.  
Later that night, when both of you were curled up in bed, your legs intertwined, and your head pressed against his chest, his heart beating below your ear... you knew. There was no place you would rather be. No person you would rather be in love with or loved by. 
“In every lifetime, Osc, I want to be the person you’re in love with. Promise me that I will be?” 
“I already promised you every lifetime, mon amour. I will choose you, always.” 
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sorry but oscar is absolutely the one guy on the grid who loves his girlfriend so much and would probably actually die for her... so he's a total simp and would take on all three of the leclerc brother's for lerclerc!reader.
anyways i hope you guys loved this, as much as i loved writing it 🫶🏻
as always, my requests are currently closed but if you have any recommendations for things you'd like for me to write... i'm happy to take them on. please feel free to interact with me whenever you want also!!
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hedgehog-moss · 11 months
Last Sunday in October, a story in five parts :)
i. The guy who owns the pasture next to mine took his cows back to their winter lodgings the other day, and told me I could let my llamas eat what was left of the grass if I wanted. That was sweet of him but his pasture's fence is cow-proof, not llama-proof, so I had to wait for a sunny day, so I could sit with a book nearby and keep an eye on the llamas Pampe. Today was the day!
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Pampy looked happy about this unexpected change of scenery and started grazing peacefully, meanwhile Pampe started with exploring the whole pasture, including the patch of woods at the back, hoping to find a flaw in the fence.
(Note Poldine below, desperately running after her mum so she won't be left behind if Pampe does find an opportunity to escape)
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ii. I found some impressive coulemelles in this new pasture (I don't know any mushroom names in English sorry.) I cut one to take to the pharmacy and ask if they're the good kind (here with my hand for scale)
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They're also known as nez de chat, cat's nose mushrooms, in some regions...
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I found some girolles nearby last year, but not this time. The llamas seemed to be on their best behaviour so I thought after lunch I'd go look for mushrooms farther away in the woods, down by the torrent, instead of watching them all day.
Poldine, watch your mother.
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I asked Merricat if she was volunteering her services as a llama-sitter (it looked like it)
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—but she suspected I was going home where the fire is, so she followed me. (I don't make a fire on sunny afternoons, though... she had to nap in my cardigan instead. Not as good, but a tolerated second-best option.)
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iii. I took Pan with me after lunch so he wouldn't encourage Pampe in mischief, and he was uncharacteristically audacious in his frolicking! He doesn't like water and he's usually quite prudent when we're near the torrent, even scolding me if I climb on mossy rocks, but today he was jumping from one slippery rock to the other very boldly.
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As I was taking this nice waterfall photo, I heard a very dramatic high-pitched squeal followed by a dramatic splashing sound, and when I turned around Pandolf was dragging himself out of the torrent, looking, as we say in french, honteux et confus.
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I'm sorry that his bout of audacious frolicking had to end this way :( Back to frolicking gingerly for at least a couple of years... (His fur is magical though, he looks like a drowned rat at first but then shakes himself twice and is immediately back to a normal volume of floof. So his dignity doesn't suffer for long, at least.)
iv. I found no mushrooms but something even better!
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I love chestnuts so much, I've been hoping to find chestnut trees for years but was starting to think they just don't grow at this altitude... But I suck at identifying trees so it's very possible I walked past them dozens of times and never recognised them when it wasn't chestnut season.
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You really have to earn every chestnut, even with the crushing-under-your-boot method to squeeze them out you still have to extricate them from their burr going ow ow ow the whole time. The worst thing is when you kill your fingers opening a reticent burr and it resentfully spits out a bunch of sad deflated worthless chestnuts.
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Still, I ended up going home with chestnuts in every single one of my pockets. When we got out of the woods and back on the road Pandolf and I ran into a woman we don't know (so, not a close neighbour) and we started talking about foraging and I wondered if I should tell her about the nearby chestnut spot. But those things are private. No one told me about the chestnut spot even after I made increasingly heavy casual hints about how much I love chestnuts. After a while though I started suspecting this lady knew about the spot and was on her way there. Or on her way back, through a different path. She looked shifty. So did I. It's very possible that we were both standing there in the middle of the road with our coat pockets crammed with chestnuts, making pointedly non-chestnut-related small talk.
v. I went home and started making chestnut-pumpkin soup while dodging constant coordinated chicken attacks. At first they act like they're napping on a conveniently-nearby chair, or looking the other way, and as soon as you stop distrusting their intentions, they pounce, often from two different directions.
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Side plot: Pandolf spent this whole time desperately trying to catch a cat, to restore his self-confidence after falling in the torrent.
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Morille went from strolling casually on top of the fence to lounging casually in the hazel tree above my head, making it look like she hadn't even noticed she was being chased, which was very frustrating for Pandolf. Nothing wounds a dog like going unnoticed.
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I told Morille it would make him happy if she let him catch her, and she was like eh, fine, and elegantly jumped from the hazel tree to the top of the stone wall.
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Pandolf immediately followed, poked her a bit brutally with his big nose, and then he didn't know what else to do with her once he caught her so he just wagged his tail like "Well played, cat!! It was nice chasing you" and left.
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v. bis (or ter) I want to reassure Pirlouit fans (who might have noticed that he wasn't allowed to graze in the neighbour's pasture with the llamas) that he knows he's entitled to fair compensation as a donkey, and he stood behind the fence the whole time I was preparing my soup, patiently waiting for his pumpkin benefits. Which he did get.
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I found some leftover chestnuts in my trouser pocket tonight, that I'd forgotten about, so I'm having stove-roasted chestnuts for dessert after the chestnut soup! Chestnuts were 90% of my dinner and were also the reason Pandolf got dinner. I ran out of dog kibble and I was thinking of giving him a hard-boiled egg and some rice tonight, and go buy kibble tomorrow, but on our way back this afternoon we stopped by our closest neighbour's house and I humbly offered a handful of chestnuts in exchange for one serving of kibble. The neighbour's dog didn't look enchanted with our offer but his human agreed. I usually trade with my chicken's eggs but this woman has hens so I'm glad chestnuts are also accepted as valid currency.
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themanlykittenkayden · 11 months
In honor of QSMP being sent to super hell I’d like to bring back a tumblr classic- the joke that works in any (romance) language:
English- Where do cats go when they die? PURRgatory.
Spanish- ¿De dónde van los gatos cuando mueren? PurGATOrio.
French- où vont les chats quand ils meurent? Au purCHATtoire
Portuguese- Para onde os gatos vão quando morrem? Para o purGATOrio
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rosegoldthorns · 4 months
Okay I am learning French RN and since miraculous Ladybug was a hyper fixation of mine I am using the French dub as a good study tool. Anyways as such I feel as if I need to share some one small detail about the Season one stormy weather and puppeteer.
So we all know the scenes where Marinette is babysitting and Manon is being a chronic only child. In the English dub it's stated how Marinette can't resist the 'Baby Doll eyes'
In the French dub they use a different expression.
'Petit chat yeux' which translates to 'little cat eyes'
Please tell me how cute it is that Marinette is unable to resist little cat eyes while having a cat-eyed partner. Ladynoir crumbs but cute crumbs.
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rhinozzryan · 1 year
can u do etymology of the word kitten? i cant believe ive never asked this of u yet
TL;DR: kitten is a borrowing from French, a diminutive of chat, from the same Latin root as English cat, probably ultimately borrowed from a Near Eastern language like Arabic.
English n. kitten 'the young of the cat; a young cat, a cat that is not full-grown; the young of another mammal' (form attested from the early 17th century), earlier as Middle English n. kitoun, ketoun, kyt(t)on 'id.', a borrowing from Anglo-Norman n. *kitoun, *ketoun, *kiton, *keton 'id.' (not attested, but required as an intermediary; the regular change of word-initial /t͡ʃ/- to /k/- is implied by an erroneous ca. 1190 usage of Old Picard n. caston 'id.', with the form construed with the northern dialectical form of Old Picard n. caston, caton 'collet, bezel'), dialectical form of Old French n. chaton 'id.' (attested ca. 1230), diminutive of Old French n. chat, chas 'the domesticated cat, Felis catus' (attested 2nd half of the 12th century), a passing from Proto-Romance n. *katʊ 'id.' (secondarily attested in the borrowing into Basque n. katu 'id.'; also reconstructable via the passing into forms like Old Galician–Portuguese n. gato 'id.' and Sardinian n. gattu 'id.'), reflecting Late Latin n. cattus, catus 'id.' (a term widely borrowed, including, ultimately, into English n. cat 'id.'), probably (based on genomic and archaeological evidence in Egypt and the Near East) borrowed from Arabic n. قط 'id.' or a cognate, of uncertain further origin.
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em-nikolaev · 1 year
A Few Fun Little Language Learning Tips
Hello, these are a few little tips I've found on my language learning odyssey that you may find fun or helpful
Accents! This can be a great way to 'warm up' before speaking more in depth, or a training exercise, but a fun way I've found to get myself to make French sounds (it works for any language really) is to speak English (or insert native language here) with an exaggerated accent that comes from someone speaking your target language, I find this a fun way to get the sounds of a language you're trying to speak into your head in order to make speaking easier (great for speaking exam practice)
Use addictive social media for profit! So this would be best for intermediate to advanced learners, but a way to learn more slang, grow your vocabulary, and just generally get more language input in an easy way is to create a dedicated social media account in your TL and simply lurk, do you spend hours doom scrolling short form video content? Do it guilt free by doing it in your TL, do you like cat memes? read them in your TL, it's addictive, and low energy, so you can do it even when your brain feels like a fried egg
Need a pen pal? Try Ai! So, speaking to real people in your TL can be a daunting task, for reasons ranging from the fear of saying something wrong to just plain stranger danger, so a safer (and totally free) alternative can be through ai chat bots, you can do this with dedicated language learning bots or with just plain old ChatGPT
Nostalgia Bait! One of the most beautiful things about visual art is the fact that it is a universal language in itself, certain symbols can hold significance wherever you go, so re-watching animated TV shows from your childhood or watching new TV content made for kids in your TL can be a great way to add to your vocabulary, and in call & response shows, generate responses and make them more complex if you like, to add more intrigue
When in doubt, write it out! I personally struggle a lot with conjugation, so if you do to, here's a solution I found, use Quizlet learn to help drill conjugation, and when your free rounds run out, you can manually use the flash cards to use the same effective learning strategy (or pay for Quizlet plus, but I, personally would rather eat a dusty lamp then pay for something that, in my opinion, should be free to all learners)
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So it turns out my need to draw Grog being a jungle gym for his gnome buds was stronger than my inability to draw coherent character sizes and anatomies, so... good news, I guess? Eh.
Fun fact: I originally had the mental picture of those cat scratching posts - we call those “arbres à chats” in French, so “cat tree”, and I was kinda disappointed by the English equivalent. These little guys have such cat energy sometimes :D
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theriu · 1 month
Im not in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom but I just think it's really funny how we call the guy Cat Noir in English. 'Cause it's Chat Noir in French, which means Black Cat, right? And we could have gone with that or kept the French name but no, we were like "chat is silly but noir is cool, language mashup time! For the AESTHETIC!" Which from what Ive heard seems like something Adrien would do so I'm not complaining.
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teabeexo · 2 months
Hi hi hi, I've seen you around the our life tag and I am absolutely in love with your art style, it is so lovely and it got me curious on your OCs.
So do you have any general information about your other MCs for our life? I've seen that you have a Derek and Baxter MC (very interested in your Baxter MC, they always fascinate me (ironically Baxter isn't even my favorite I just love when people have messy relationships haha)) and also a Qiu MC but do you also happen to have a Cove and Tamarack MCs? Any other side characters for your version of the game? I'd ask more in depth questions but by the look of it you seem to give your MCs a lot of thought so I will ask more in depth questions for each character in the future if you'd like <3 have a lovely day !!
AHHH, hello! Thank you so much for asking!! Knowing that people are interested in my characters makes me SO thrilled! I am more than happy to yap about them <33
To answer your question, yes, I do have Cove and Tamarack MCs! They'll be below!
My Cove MC is named Winona! Lore-wise, she follows the plot of the game, with most of the nuance lying within inward turmoil rather than outward problems.
Here's the basics (with some fun facts)!
Winona was adopted by Noelani and Pamela when she was less than a year old.
She's Korean-American by birth.
Her full name is Winona Mahina Cameron.
She begins to learn the bass as a teenager, but can fully play by the time she's an adult.
Winona's birthday is August 2, which makes her a Leo.
She sings 1st soprano and has the highest range of any of my characters.
She redyes her bangs nearly every month, often to fit with an occasion or emotion she is experiencing.
Winona has diagnosed ADHD.
Her favorite animal is a firefly!
Winona's arc mainly centers around learning to focus on oneself rather than emotionally investing completely in others. Out of all the characters, Winona has a pretty easy go of it, haha. The others have a bit more angst in comparison.
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Also, here is one of the only good digital pieces of Winona that I have!
Next is my Derek MC, Luella! Again, her story is more internal, but does have some outward elements too.
Here's some basic (and fun) facts!
Luella is Italian and German.
Her full name is Luella Bo Faraway.
Luella's favorite possession is a string bracelet that Derek wove for her while he was at a sport's summer camp one year.
She has diagnosed anxiety, as well as dyslexia.
She is extremely flexible and did gymnastics for her entire childhood/adolescence.
Luella sings alto.
Out of all my MCs, Luella is the best at drawing and has a creative eye.
Her birthday is March 18, making her a Pisces.
Luella gets all her facial piercings done over the course of time between Step 3 and 4, except for her nose ring, which she already has in Step 3.
Luella's legal guardian and parental figure is her elder sister, who was 20 years old whenever she was 13. Luella's story heavily revolves around survivor's guilt and self-worth.
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Obligatory Luella art, haha
Wooo, next one is the one and only Baxter MC, Vérène! She is by far one of the most angsty of the MCs. Baxter is in part responsible for that, but there is also some family stuff involved.
Vérène is from Nice, France and moved to Sunset Bird when she was 11 (which means she was not present for Step 1).
She is fluent in both French and English and will use either depending on appropriateness and setting.
Vérène's full name is Vérène Dominique Alcott.
This isn't necessarily a character thing, but Vérène was the absolute hardest MC for me to decide a final design for.
Vérène bakes as a hobby, and likes to chat with Xavier about it.
She was born on February 10th, making her an Aquarius.
Vérène grows up with an old cat, then as adult rescues kittens when he passes away.
Her favorite flower is a sunflower.
She is a mezzo-soprano.
She lives with only her mother for a majority of her life following a gnarly divorce. Vérène's story has mostly themes of overcoming old emotions, as well as abandonment issues. Forgiveness (or lack thereof) is also very prevalent in her lore.
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One of my favorite sketches of her!!
So! That's it for my OL:BA MCs. Let's move onto the two OL:NF MCs!
Let's start with Mina! As I've mentioned in other posts, Mina is Vérène's cousin. My other OL:NF MC, Maël, is her twin brother. Her love interest is Qiu. Like their cousin, Mina and Maël moved from Nice, France when they were 10.
Mina is French on her mom's side, but Swedish on the side of her donor's.
Mina is not fluent in English during Step 1, but that didn't impede her at all -- she learns a majority of her English from other kids (and one of them even teaches her some Japanese).
She learns the piano and plays it in her free time.
One of Mina's number-one passions is ice skating, and she often uses it as escapism.
Her birthday is June 23, making her a Cancer.
She has always loved mysterious and detective shows.
Her full name is Mina Octavia Linwood.
Mina is hyperopic, meaning she struggles to see things that are close to her eyes (hence her glasses).
Mina loves antique/old things and collects trinkets of that nature.
Most of her story is about self-confidence and self-denial, as well as discovering oneself. Qiu may have something to do with that, hehe.
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Mina profile practice <33
Last but certainly not least of the MCs, we have Maël! I'll spare you most of his background context because he comes from the same place as Mina, haha. His love interest is Tamarack!
Similar to his sister, he's also not fluent in English during Step 1 -- but he's much shier about it. Mina basically becomes his shield.
He knows French and English, but also ASL.
He was born on June 23, making him a cancer (hmmm, sounds familiar LOL).
Maël plays baseball during Step 2, and during that time he builds up a lot of his confidence and social status.
Similar to Qiu, Maël is lactose intolerant!
Maël grows up to be a teacher due to Mrs. Murray's influence.
He has ADHD that goes undiagnosed until Step 3.
Maël babysits for his neighbors during Step 2 (he is known to be very good with kids).
He could be very good in school if he applied himself more, but he doesn't like school environment and how homework functions, so his grades suffer.
Maël's story deals with things like comparison to others and healing harmful complexes.
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This is like... the only art of Maël that I have... featuring Tammy!
Phew! Okay. Finally, I'll quickly go over side characters that exist at the time of posting this.
I would like to stress that just because they're referred to as 'side characters', that doesn't mean I like them less than any other characters. A lot of them still have intricate lore and lives and I love them dearly -- they're just referred to like that because, through the lens of the game, that's what they are.
The entire Linwood family is technically side characters. Sonia, Jude, Beau, Raoul, and Quincy are all cousins to Mina, Maël, and Vérène. Sonia and Jude have already been written in (especially in Mina's story, and the other three probably will too, once I'm done designing them). Sonia's boyfriend Dante might also get a cameo here and there.
Otherwise, you have my OCs that are friends with the MCs.
All of my OL:BA MCs (Winona, Vérène, and Luella) are all within the same group, which consists of them and the canon characters. They don't really have any important friends beyond the ones provided in OLBA (and eachother).
BUT Mina and Maël are different. Mina's close friend group consists of Tamarack, my characters Rex, Diana, Sonia, Maxine, and my friend's OC Yuki.
Maël's close friend group is Qiu, Renee, and my characters Florian, Phoenix, and Róisín.
These characters will likely get posts of their own, and it's possible that more side characters will be developed as time goes on. Okay... I think that's all, LOL.
Thank you for asking! As always, if you have specific and in-depth questions to ask about certain OCs/MCs, their relationships with the love interests, or with each other, please feel free to ask!
Again, it's so thrilling to know that people are interested! I tried to keep this brief while also informative, but I don't know how effective that was because I tend to ramble haha!
Take care!
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originalaccountname · 6 months
Fun BSD French translation details and choices - Episode 22 (by someone who does not understand Japanese but thinks the differences with the English translation/subtitles are fun)
General notes:
Poe's ability is called "Le Chat noir de la rue Morgue" (The Black Cat from Rue Morgue) in text, but out loud he said "Le Chat dans la rue Morgue" (The Cat in Rue Morgue). I have absolutely no idea how common that knowledge is (don't @ me people who actually read Poe), but "rue Morgue" means "Morgue/Mortuary Street", as in the name of the street is Morgue.
Absolutely useless fact is that the guy with the white suit and moustache in Poe's book was voiced by Lovecraft's actor. He may be gone for now but his big voice persists.
Yosano doesn't use the word for abilities when she tells Ranpo that the ADA was founded only so he could make use of his talent. Since Ranpo gasps right after she says it, I'm now wondering if that was the case in the original Japanese too, that she told him he was special through his talent, not his ability...
Today's quote:
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VF: Comment est-ce possible?! Tu ne te souviens pas de moi?! Tu me fends le coeur! (How is this possible?! You don't remember me?! You're breaking my heart!) Eng: You don't remember me?
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mangora · 5 months
I’m so tired here are some assorted Disventure Camp headcanons:
•Jake is really into poetry. Some of his poems are bangers, some of them are absolute dogshit. He posts some of them online, mostly the bad ones because he’s not self-aware of how bad they are. He will spend hours on end writing in his notes app. Guy is a big fan of sonnets and free verse but his strong suits are odes and villanelles
•Rosa María, James, Yul, Lake, Riya, Fiore, and Alec are all multilingual. Rosa speaks English and Spanish, James speaks Portuguese and English, Yul speaks Korean and English, Lake speaks German and English as well as some French, Riya speaks Hindi and English, Fiore speaks English and some Italian, and Alec speaks English as well as a variety of other languages (he did a minor in linguistics for his university degree so he knows the basics of multiple major languages).
•Hunter’s a competitive chess player. Ally’s the only person who’s ever beat him fair and square, but even then, that rarely happens
•Lake is great at baking. She’s incredibly exact when it comes to measurements, timing, and technique. Rosa, meanwhile, is a great cook and she doesn’t measure anything
•Aiden can play bass guitar. He started learning as a teenager because he wanted to join an emo band one day. Chase your dreams boy
•Yul used to have braces and he’s really embarrassed about it
•Gabby’s a forager, she loves to forage for wild fruit and mushrooms and greens
•Ellie’s kinda a ghoul in the kitchen. Like she can make good food and drinks but most of the time she’s so tired that she makes evil energy drink-instant coffee potions or like that pistachio & condensed milk concoction from Arthur
•In a better universe I think Ellie and Jake are frenemies instead of fully hating each other and they play Minecraft together and Ellie is constantly stealing Jake’s shit and trying to defeat the Ender Dragon meanwhile he screams every time he sees a Creeper and begs her to turn Keep Inventory on because he keeps dying
•Miriam gets a cat after the show. She’s an older white cat named Snowball and she has the same personality as her. They are best friends and Miriam is so annoyed by her. She made them matching sweaters. Snowball is only fully nice to Jake
•Fiore listens to Thrash Metal. It’s partially just to throw people off when they find out, she thinks it’s funny
•Fiore also enjoys those YouTube prank videos, she knows they’re fake they’re just so stupid that she finds them hilarious. Kristal gives her an iPad for a day one time for entertainment and it pisses the rest of the Magenta team off so bad because she keeps playing these prank videos and watching epic fail compilations at full volume
•Grett loves crocheting. She slowly turns into one of those people who crochets during lectures and while watching movies and shit
•James is really good at Tetris
•Ally is obsessed with Sci-Fi. She, Tess, and Hunter watch Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Star Wars together because they all love the worldbuilding so much. Tess writes fanfiction about almost everything they watch. Hunter has terrible media literacy and misses the themes every time but he has fun watching
•After All Stars, Riya gets really into tattoos. She gets matching ones with Connor
•People antagonize Tom with the cop slide video and every time he clenches his fist and goes, “Stop laughing at him.”
•Kai has a bunch of pet bugs. Maggy’s secretly afraid of them still but she’s getting there. She likes rollie pollies
•Karol used to do roller derby and Lill used to ice skate. Ggirlf,riends,,, I miss them chat. Where is my old woman yuri
•Aiden eats plain yogurt nothing on it and it’s the one thing James doesn’t like about him. Like it’s so upsetting to him. Why does he eat plain yogurt
•Ashley likes hyperpop, don’t tell anyone
•Tom likes crockpot food. He is not invited to potlucks for this reason. He will always bring the crockpot
•Alec doesn’t like splatter films but he really enjoys psychological horror, especially mockumentaries and mondo films
•Lake read creepypasta a lot as a kid and she wouldn’t go into the kitchen after dark because she was afraid of Jeff the Killer appearing at her fridge
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kalabhuna · 7 months
I'm watching Miraculous in french for learning purposes (obligatory fuck astruc and zag for being biggots) and it's actually so much cooler than the english version.
A non-comprehensive list for why:
the theme song is just much deeper. French ver. "I love them but they only love my alter ego, whatever I have a city to save" vs English "We're ladybug and chat noir and we're superheroes!"
the phrase "transformez-moi" for when they get into superhero mode is just so much more epic than "spots on"/"claws out" and I know they spent more energy coming up with the latter
Hawk moth's alias makes no sense considering that he has the BUTTERFLY miraculous. But ahh, his alias is "Papillon" in French (which, yes, means butterfly)
PAPILLON IS SUCH A BIG BRAIN NAME AND I'M SO MAD - in the french theme song, Marinette's singer refers to "Hawk Moth" as "Papillion Noir" which means "black butterfly".... Adrien's superhero alias is Chat Noir... 👁️👁️
Marinette and Adrien actually sound like 14-year-olds and not grown adults trying to do kid voices
Marinette especially sounded super cute
Everyone's names just being pronounced right. No Maeranet or Cat Noire here
That's all for now. I might be back to make a partie deux
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