#in either case hunter would feel godawful and like he'd failed at the only thing that matters. but he feels pretty godawful anyway
crimeronan · 18 hours
If Hunter ever had a breakdown about how depressed he is and how much he NEEDS Luz and Him and Amity out of the castle, like, Yesterday, how would Luz react? I can’t imagine she’d immediately drop everything but I can imagine her expediting her plans for ending the Empire in ways that aren’t as air tight as she’d like that she’ll have utterly restless guilt about later.
Or honestly, better yet, how would AMITY react?? For their entire relationship all Amity has ever known about Hunter is that A) he’s a gigantic dick and B) he would do ANYTHING for Luz without question or complaint. I’d love to see her reaction to him having a panic attack in a broom closet somewhere going “I can’t do this I can’t do this I need to get her out! _I_ need to get out!!”
i think luz's immediate first response would be to try to arrange some way to get hunter out of the castle, even though she Knows he won't leave her. she's like no no this is different, i can just trust the people in my inner guard to take care of me, it's not an abandonment, we'll keep in contact, i'll call you every night for hours and--
hunter would not take this well.
in the most IDEAL world, luz goes to darius to beg him to talk sense into hunter, & then darius gets to be like. you should discuss this with raine actually. love and light <3
amity's reaction would depend on exactly how hunter phrases things, i think. because if he's still framing luz as his top priority then she Knows she can't separate them. but if he's like "i have to get out, i can't do this, i have to get out" then i think she'd be like okay. i can smuggle you out of the castle. luz won't hold it against you and if she does she's not worth following anyway--
hunter would also not take this well. but it would clear up his intentions pretty fast!
honestly i think the most likely thing that would happen is that hunter would pull himself together after a panic attack, pretend it never happened, and swear amity to secrecy like. luz cannot know about this. she has enough to worry about right now and i cannot burden her. Do Not Bother Her
while amity is like. I THINK SHE'D MAYBE WANT TO BE BOTHERED????
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