#in case someone was interested the song is Wrong Side of Heaven by Five Finger Death Punch
cilldaracailin · 4 years
A Kind Of Magic
Here is the next part. Thanks for all the Tumblr love :)
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“There is nothing like a shared interest to draw people together.”
They cleared away all the breakfast dishes and tidied the kitchen, Taron washing and Robyn drying as before. They also took the time to dress each other’s stitches.
“Did Doctor Keane give you any tablets like I got some?” Asked Taron as he tapped the dressing to Robyn’s shoulder.
“Yeah she did. My prescription finished on Thursday morning. I just have to go and get these stitches out next week.”
“Your shoulder still looks bruised though. Isn’t it still sore?”
“If I lay on it with direct pressure yes but I can move about and lift and stretch.” She felt Taron run his finger down the tape to keep it secure and stuck on the dressing. “Thanks Taron.”
“Anytime.” He said as he pulled the strap of her top back up.
She got to her feet and kicked her shoes off. “Garden.” She said simply and skipped out into the deck and onto the grass before turning back. “Suncream.” She said as she walked past Taron who had been following her but stopped as she walked back into the apartment and into her closet in the bedroom before she walked out again. “Case.” She said but turned and walked back into the bedroom. “Purse.”
Taron couldn’t help the fully belly laugh that he made as he watched Robyn walk around her apartment from one room to another just randomly saying words and it felt so good, but at the same time quite sore and unpleasant as his side hurt to laugh like that.
“Key.” She returned holding a tiny key in her hand and walked to the laundry room. She opened the door, disappeared for a second before coming back lifting a very heavy looking case.
“Whoa, that’s heavy Robyn!” He went to give her some help but with ease, Robyn lifted the case up higher and onto the island. “You are a little freakishly strong.” He said as he watched her put the small key in the lock and open it.
“Lifting three and four years old builds some serious muscle. I don’t know if this is something you want to see inside of. It will completely change your opinion of me.”
“Why?” Asked Taron intrigued.
“Well this is my case from Florida that I had great intentions of coming home to pack properly after I went to the 7/11 to get my turtles, which I never actually got by the way. Anyway, after I left you in the hospital…” Robyn gave him a sad smile. “I had about an hour to pack up the rest of my things before I needed to leave for the airport so I literally just threw everything in.”
Taron moved a bit closer to her. Although he was hurt when he found out she had left him so suddenly, he hadn’t really thought about how Robyn had felt as she packed up to leave so quickly to return home. As much as he was upset with her departure it must have been just as horrible if not worse for Robyn.
“I just want the suncream but yeah. It’s in here somewhere, in this mess.” Robyn heaved her case open. “Left or right?”
“You haven’t unpacked this yet?” Asked Taron as she unzipped the left side.
“Erm no. Haven’t really had the motivation to do it.” She walked away and back into the laundry room and carried out a white wicker laundry basket. “Might as well sort the washing out too. You really don’t have to watch this Taron. Not going to be very interesting at all. Ya know girly delicates and dirty clothes.”
Taron pulled a stool over and sat on it, feeling the need to sit rather than stand, his body feeling tender and rough. “We have already crossed barriers that others haven’t. I think we might be past the dirty laundry stage.”
“Okie dokie.” Replied Robyn as she started pulling clothes out and throwing the majority of them into the laundry basket. Pants, t-shirts, bras, shorts and bikinis as well as many pairs of socks were put in along with some jeans. Robyn stopped when her hands pulled out the blue polo shirt she has been wearing the in the 7/11. It was still frayed at the bottom from where she had cut it to use the material as a bandage for Taron’s arm, the back-left shoulder covered in her blood and it was littered with spots of Taron’s blood too. She turned to look at him before moving over to the bin beside her kitchen door. “Well I don’t need that any more.” She then pulled out the jeans she was wearing and threw them into the bin too. “Or those.” The white pair of converse she was wearing were next but she dropped them in the laundry basket for a wash. She wasn’t quite willing to part with an expensive pair of shoes that cost her more than half a day’s wages.
“I am pretty sure my ripped white t-shirt is in a bin too. Couldn’t really salvage it when someone decided to rip it in half.” Taron tried to lift the spiralling mood and was glad to see that Robyn had thrown the clothing out that she was wearing in the 7/11 because he had done the exact same thing once he was given back his belongings that he came in with in the hospital. It was a reminder he didn’t want and it seemed Robyn was thinking the same.
“I was updating your boring white t-shirt look. It needed some rips.” She welcomed how Taron quickly made a little joke about the clothes they had been wearing when everything went to shit in the 7/11 and she returned to her case, making quick work of pulling out more dirty clothes and finally at the bottom of the left side of the case she found the bag of suncream she was looking for. “Ah-ha!” She said proudly as she pulled the canvas bag out. She left the suncream on the island and closed her case over, zipping it fully. She lifted it off the island and kicking her laundry basket across the floor she put both in the laundry room to the side, closing the door behind her.
“What?” She asked as she came back to stand beside Taron, opening the bag of suncream.
“You are seriously going to leave that in there like that?”
“Yeah, I will fix it later. I really am not in the mood for clearing out the rest of it and sorting the washing? Ugh not happening right now.” She enjoyed the disapproving look he gave her. “I told you your opinion of me was going to change. I only wanted the suncream for us.” She turned the bag upside down, emptying it all out onto the island. “Ok factor fifty for you and I shall take this ten.”
“Ten? Absolutely not. I saw your sunburn in the 7/11, I even rubbed the aftersun in. Factor fifty for you too.” Taron took the ten away leaving the bottle of fifty.
Robyn grinned. “That was because I didn’t use any suncream. I will be ok with ten and you can take the fifty. I already have a very good base. I am normally not this colour. I just tan easily and took full advantage of my weekends on the beach.”
Taron got off the stool. “Let’s compromise with a twenty-five then.”
“Twenty-five for you and fifteen for me? Ten for me? Or I could go straight for this factor four tanning oil.” Robyn picked up the brown bottle.
Taron grabbed the bottle from her. “No tanning oil. Seriously? Tanning oil?”
“I love a good beach holiday and I like a tan. Tanning oil helps, near the end of the holiday. Not at the start.”
Taron pulled two bottles towards him. “Twenty-five for me and fifteen for you.”
With the suncream factors agreed on and rubbed in, Taron making sure he got Robyn’s shoulders, both Robyn and Taron took to the garden and a sun lounger each, Taron on his back, a soft pillow under his head, Robyn sitting up reading a book. His right side was still giving him hell after laying on it all night and lying on his back was the most comfortable position for him. Robyn had asked him to tie the strings of her top behind her back after he had finished rubbing her suncream in. ‘Tan lines’ she had simply said and he obliged tucking them in the back of her top. As the time passed on, his had opened the remainder of the buttons on his shirt and the heat of the sun felt just perfect on his shattered body.
Robyn had given him free reign over the music and he would ask Alexa to change the song or artist but he had settled on Elton John who was playing through the speakers which Robyn had connected to her Alexa so the music could be heard inside and out. It was exactly what he was sure Doctor Hart would have been expecting of him. Relaxing, listening to music and it was pure heaven. He sang along every now and again, having to stop when he gave it too much gusto, his whole body protesting but he definitely enjoyed it when he heard Robyn joining in at times too.
She had thrown back the doors to her bedroom too, turning off the air con and letting the late summer fresh air filter the whole way through her apartment. She took a glance every now again to Taron as he lay with one leg bent, his arms down by his side, his whole pose looking stress-free, his eyes closed, his breathing easy. His open shirt fluttered in the breeze and the bruising on his ribs and side still looked very sore, even a week after he had been hurt. Seeing how much slower Taron moved that morning, his hands moving to his side as he turned too quickly or bent the wrong way, Robyn knew he was trying to hide how much discomfort he was still in despite the strength of his pain killers. In saying that, the picture of Taron lounging easily in the sun was another image she was adding to her album of him in her mind. It was her perfect idea of a very lazy Saturday.
For three hours they lay in silence, the music enough for both, Taron dozing in and out of sleep. He wanted to pocket this feeling of surreal tranquillity and pull it out whenever he felt stressed or his anxiety start to rise. Every now and again he would look to Robyn and she looked just as peaceful as he felt. He watched her mouth the words along to whatever song was on as she flipped through the pages of her book. He couldn’t explain how much he enjoyed her company and he took delight in the fact that there was no pressure for them to talk or make conversation and it was a wonderful easy atmosphere surrounding them. He felt like she knew what he needed before he even needed it and he needed this rest. The angst and worry that had plagued him were slowly leaving his body as the sunlight and warmth crept in. As much as he loved his family, he knew he would never get respite like this at home. His mam would be almost fussing over him, being overly concerned which he loved about his mam but it was the not the attention he needed right now. He knew Robyn was keeping a very close watchful eye over him too, just doing it in her own stealthy way, letting him just rest in the silence, but ready to move to him if she needed.
Their quiet was interrupted by a ringing phone, Taron turning his head as he recognised his ring tone. He went to move, a grimace filling face, a groan leaving his lips and he had stop getting up as his head felt light and his delicate chest twinged.
“I got it.” Said Robyn as she jumped to her feet. “You stay.” She saw how Taron’s whole body froze as he experienced a serious wave of pain as he moved off the low lounger. It just added to number of times she had watched him cringe so far that day and she wasn’t liking it.
She walked into the bedroom from the garden and picked up his phone from the bedside locker where he had left it and brought it back out to him. Taron had sat up very gingerly and moved so his legs were either side of the seat and she handed him the phone, watching as his eyes lit up as he read the name on the screen. Robyn hadn’t looked but knew it must have been somebody special for the call to get such a reaction.
“Elton, hey!”  Robyn’s head turned twice as Taron answered the phone. “My mam yeah? Ahh man thanks Elton. No, I am ok. I’m good. I’m really good. I’m at a friend’s house. Yes, her name is Robyn and what else has my mam told you?” Taron looked to Robyn as he spoke on the phone and patted the sun lounger beside him for her to sit down and she did so copying the way he was sitting. She listened to the one ended conversation as Taron spoke to who she could only presume was Elton John. She had never seen Taron’s face light up so much and his eyes shone as he laughed and joked and spoke to his good friend, but she did notice how a frown tinged his features every now and again, his hand going to his side or his head. “I haven’t been doing much singing, no. I have to wait until my ribs heal up but Robyn and I are going to have an Elton/Freddie sing off.” Taron’s smile spread wide. “I haven’t heard her sing a lot but I know she can sing. I will represent, don’t you worry though with the looks I am getting now, I have a feeling I should be a little worried.” Robyn smirked and nodded. The conversation lasted two or three more minutes, Taron assuring his friend that he was ok and thanking him very much for the phone call. Taron said his goodbyes, wished Elton’s family well and ended the call, casually placing the phone down on the lounger between himself and Robyn.
“So, Elton John regularly calls you on a Saturday morning?” Asked Robyn.
“Yeah.” Shrugged Taron with a breezy tone but as he looked to Robyn who was raising an eyebrow at him, he had to laugh. “My mam phoned him to tell him what had happened and let him know I was ok. He is holding a charity action in a few weeks time and just wanted to make sure that I would be able to attend it after what happened. We are supposed to be singing together but he told me I was only to do so if I could.”
“Elton John was just calling you.”
“Robyn.” Grinned Taron, watching her eyes light up.
“Let me freak out for a little bit ok? It’s Elton John!”
Taron chuckled but his laughter was disrupted his phone ringing again. “Let’s play guess the celebrity caller.” Robyn grinned as he picked up his phone.
“Ahh this is a celebrity we both know.”
Robyn looked at him puzzled until he answered the call. “Hey Richard!”
“Richard!” Echoed Robyn.
“Let me put you on speaker mate. Robyn is here too.”
“Hello my fake co-star girlfriend.” Laughed Richard.
“Hello my fake boyfriend.”
“It is good to hear your voice Robyn.”
“You too Richard.”
“Taron, I have literally been calling you for the last two days.”
“Aww sorry mate. I have been sleeping for the last two days. I have made one phone call and that was to my mam.”
“So, you made to Robyn’s then?” Asked Richard, so glad to hear his friend’s voice. He had been worried when he had been getting through to Taron’s voice mail for the last two days.
“Yeah I did.”
“And she let you in? Robyn, I thought you would know better than to let strange men into your house!”
Robyn laughed. “You would think I would but I guess not and I don’t know if I count you two as complete strangers. I mean we did spend a whole night together.”
Another round of laughter filled the air.
“Taron how are you mate?”
“Yeah I am good Richard. Getting there and you? How are you?”
“Make up has had to cover the bruises but I am good too, Straight back into it. It’s been a good distraction.”
“Richard, can I just say something before, we have a catch up?” Robyn’s tone of voice turned serious.
“Sure Robyn.”
“I am so sorry for leaving you in the hospital Richard and for the letter I wrote and leaving all the responsibility of dealing with the fall out of what happened in the 7/11 with you because it was something that should not have been left to you to deal you. You were affected as much as Taron and I by what had happened and we all needed to talk about it but I got scared and ran away, which is a normal Robyn reaction. I am trying to be better. Taron has helped a lot and is teaching me that its ok to let people in but I just cannot apologise enough for what I did. I am really really sorry.”
As she spoke Taron reached over and took her hand.
“I am only going to say it once, but you do not need to apologise to me.” Said Richard over the phone his voice sterner than Robyn’s. “I am firm believer in things happen for a reason and this, whatever happened between us, happened for a reason. I won’t lie, when I found the letter, it took a while for me to process it and I don’t think I was the best person to speak to Tina but I imagine that by now all that air has been cleared and Taron is going to be ok, me too and you as well Robyn. It was you who held us all together in the 7/11 and whatever happened after that, might have been done in haste and because you were scared and had your own responsibilities but it’s done. You two have probably had that conversation by now so let’s leave it there. We know we will always be bonded by what happened and know we can turn to each other when we need to and that is what is most important.”
“Jesus did you two take lecture lessons after we met? You are both seriously knocking it out of the park with these speeches.” Robyn might have answered Richard’s touching words with her usual defensive sarcasm but she could feel the burden of guilt and worry she had been carrying about leaving Richard leave as he spoke and she wished he was there so she could give him a very grateful squishy hug.
“So, we are all forgiven and know that we can talk to each other when we need to?” There were a firm yes from Taron and Robyn. “Great. So, what have you two been up too?”
A long light-hearted conversation followed as the three caught up with each other, telling stories of their last three days, Richard very jealous of the baking Taron had been tasting as well as their chilled-out time in the garden. Richard was up to his eye in script changes and re-shoots. It was relaxed and carefree chat, jokes and giggles being thrown about and when the phone call ended, the three had made a promise to meet up when their individual schedules allowed it.
“So, can I expect any more phone calls from your friends?” Asked Robyn. “Maybe Hugh might give us a call, sing us a song…” She grinned.
“I can call him if you want.” Said Taron as he went to look for his number in his phone but Robyn pulled his phone from his hands.
“I was messing, God no.”
“Seriously, though, I can do that.”
“I know you can but you won’t. I am going to put this phone back now.” Robyn got up from the lounger, walked back to the bedroom and put the phone on the locker beside the bed.
“You’re a Hugh fan?” Asked Taron as she walked back.
“Have been since is Oklahoma days. He’s an amazing performer.”
“Did he come to Ireland on his tour?”
Robyn pulled her lounger closer to Taron’s so they could lay comfortably back down in their own space but closer than they had been before. “Yeah, he did and I missed out on a ticket at first. The two nights sold out so fast but two days before the concert Claire sent me a link saying more tickets had been released and I bought one. Right in front of the small stage and it was the best one hundred euros I have ever spent.”
Taron enjoyed the smile on her face. “Right so I know you like Hugh Jackman and that you like to bake, that you don’t really sleep and you work with children. I don’t know much else. I think it’s time for twenty questions.”
“Only if I get to ask twenty in return.” Taron rose an eyebrow towards her. “Just because I like your work and enjoy your movies doesn’t mean I spend my days googling you. I honestly don’t know a lot about you. It’s only fair.”
“Ok then. First question. When is your birthday?” Asked Taron.
“Twenty-second May, eighty-eight.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? May twenty-second?”
“The day Rocketman was released?”
“Yep. I even went to see Rocketman on my birthday, brought my mam with me.”
“It’s destiny Robyn. Definitely destiny.”
She laughed. “Ok well when is your birthday and I can see if I have any connection to it at all.”
“November tenth, eight-nine.”
“Yeah no. Nothing. I have nothing. Guess it’s not meant to be!”
Taron reached over to swot at Robyn but she dodged him, giggling. “Eight-eight?” He questioned. “You are older than me.”
“Older and wiser.” She replied laughing as he went to playfully slap her arm again. “Only by six months.”
“Six months.” He repeated.
“My turn.”
Questions were fired back and forth and while Taron learnt that Robyn hated scary movies, was an only child, could speak Irish and had two degrees, Robyn learnt that Taron would eat anything put in front of him, adored his little sisters, could speak conversational Welsh and had his own degree.
“Two degrees and two diplomas?” He asked.
“I have been studying since I was eighteen. Couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do after college the first time and because what I wanted to do is so bloody specialised I kind of fell into childcare. I literally finished my second degree last year and I am done.”
Taron admired her pure determination to get back up after been knocked down when she applied for the same masters twice and failed to get it both times.
“It wasn’t nice being told we love your experience but your grades don’t encourage us to take you on. I am not an exam person. The pressure of having your entire year graded on a three-hour exam does not suit everyone. My college grades never reflected what I could do. I have always wanted to work with dolphins since I was a little kid and that is heart breaking to hear, that your marks were not good enough. The dolphin therapy diploma for me was giving all those who said I couldn’t do it, or that it didn’t exist, the finger but like I said, the field is so specialised it is hard to get into it. I kind of went back to work with the kids with my tail between my legs after that but then the promotion happened and I felt like I was doing something right and I realised that I was good at what I do, which spurred me to go and get the childcare degree. Worked my arse off, got my one one and once again shoved in the faces of those who said I couldn’t.”
“I love that take no bullshit and determined attitude you have except when you were standing up to those maniacs with guns but I know it is hard to get back when you have been told you are not good enough, or you won’t make it. It’s not easy to keep going after hearing that.” Taron shared some his own experience of auditions that didn’t go the way he wanted.
They moved onto hobbies and interests both talking their experiences of being in choirs since they were kids, both having sang in church and school choirs.
“Ok favourite skill you have learnt from your work.” Asked Robyn.
“Even though I didn’t get to do it on set, learning to shoot three arrows for Robin Hood was a pretty amazing experience.”
“I was in an archery club in college, the first time I went to college.”
“I am telling you Robyn, destiny! But seriously, archery?”
“Yeah seriously. I can’t shoot three arrows but it was good fun. Good responsible fun.” She added. “I shoot with my left hand though.”
“Left hand?”
“Yeah I know. I am one of those people who can use both hands for doing things!” She laughed. “No, my mam is left-handed and I just find things easier with my left and shooting arrows was one of those things. We met twice a week and it was a good laugh. Went to a few competitions too. Now I was never competition material but it was a great group of friends and we had a good time together.”
Taron smiled. “Maybe we need a shoot off as well as a sing off.”
“I haven’t shot a bow in years. Actually, the last time I did was when I was on holidays a couple of years ago and I hit the centre of the target first time. Complete fluke but it made those people watching stop and stare for a minute. I think we will stick to a sing off.”
“I am going to ask you the same question. A skill you have learnt during your years of working with children apart from reverse phycology”
“One of the girls I worked with, who has now left, well she and I could change thirteen nappies in ten minutes.” It was not the answer Taron was expecting and it made him laugh so hard for a good minute before he managed to somewhat control himself. “I am also a master of paper plate animals.” Robyn added with a very serious face which she could only for long as Taron giggled more, her own face changing with laughter. “And am a very good referee and negotiator.”
“Referee?” Asked Taron, still chuckling.
“Hell yes. You have one red truck and two children want the red truck; you learn to mediate quickly. Three-year olds are fierce headstrong little things.”
The changed the topic to allergies, hospital visits and favourite place in the world.
“Aber for me, Aberystwyth in Wales is my favourite place in the whole world. I am not allergic to anything and my latest hospital visit has been my most exciting.”
“Here, my home is my favourite place and I wouldn’t call it an allergy as such but mosquitos love me but I don’t love them and I have no appendix or tonsils.”
“Ugh I get eaten alive and some of the bites swell. I am sure I have a picture of one on my arm that looked like a swan. I have lots of littles scars on my hands and arms from them too.”
“Not so much but yeah.”
“And I think I understand your liquid panadol comment now. You have been in hospital twice?”
“My appendix was horrible. I sat college exams with a rumbling appendix not knowing what it was, sat in A&E for a long time before I was admitted and then in surgery, they realised my appendix had burst.”
“Yeah key hold surgery turned into proper surgery and an eight day stay in hospital. It wasn’t nice, let me tell you. It was pretty frightening. I reacted to whatever medicine they were giving me and I started to cough up blood.”
“Jesus Robyn.”
“Yeah, like I said it was frightening, I was ok though, just had to take it easy at home after and I have four scars instead of one. My tonsils were nowhere near as complicated. When I started working in the creche, I was ill every six weeks or so with my tonsils so after six months my doctor referred me to a specialist and three weeks later no more tonsils. I have health insurance, so it happened quickly and touch wood…” Robyn tapped her head. “I have been sore throat free since. I have a fabulous immune system though. Working with children, you become immune to almost everything.”
“I don’t think I want another hospital experience like the one I had or any like yours either but I could do with a stronger immune system at times, especially on set. It can take quite a toll on me after a few weeks and I just get run down and ill. Makes my days harder. I just want to sleep but have to be up at five am to get to set.”
“I can only imagine. Your work comes with such expectations and you to be ‘on’ all the time. At least I can hide in the office if I need too.”
“I might come and hide in your office, or actually, maybe I will just hide out here in your garden instead.”
“Even when it’s raining?”
“Even when it’s raining. I don’t mind the rain.”
“My garden is not as much fun when it rains.”
“Well then I can just lay on your couch.”
“I think it might be time for me to change my locks.” Laughed Robyn.
“Don’t you dare.”
Another easy quiet fell between the two, Robyn lay back on her lounger, while Taron did the same on his, the afternoon sun still glorious on his skin. He enjoyed getting to know Robyn and he secretly loved the fact that she honestly knew nothing about him. It was refreshing and he saw that she genuinely wanted to get to know him and willingly shared as much information with him as he shared with her. She was naturally funny and he loved how easily she made him laugh. It was another feeling he was going to bottle up and keep for when he needed a pick me up.
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yourescapetofiction · 5 years
The Tides Have Turned-Part 3
A/N: This is my old work, The Tides Have Turned. It is a complete story that I am reposting on this blog so the work isn’t lost and can be found for those interested :)
An entire month. Shit. What was I going to do? I sat alone with my thoughts, Nate’s comment ringing in my head. I felt myself get heated, I was angry at myself for letting this bother me. I am not going to let this ruin the vacation that I have been looking forward to for months. 
The last few hours of the road trip passed fairly quickly, I kept myself preoccupied playing games on my phone and snapchatting with the guys. God I feel bad for everyone viewing Sammy’s snapchat stories, he was relentless. I smile to myself, starting to feel better.
It was about five o’clock and the sun was no longer high in the sky. We started seeing signs saying
I felt myself begin to get excited as we weaved through the narrow streets and past shop after shop. This place had everything, Tiffany & Co., Ralph Lauren, Coach, you name it. I guess that’s the perk of being wealthy and living in this area. I felt lucky that we were even able to vacation here, our three families splitting the cost.
“Ayeeee there she is!” Johnson exclaimed and pointed through the front windshield. We all directed our attention to the direction J was pointing and I heard collective gasps of awe. Directly ahead of us was the beach house we would call home for the next month. We pulled up the long winding driveway that was marked with trees on both sides. Nate pulled to a stop on the circular driveway and threw the bus in park.
“Oh..my..God..” Cam exclaimed breathless. This was their first time joining the five of us on this vacation, but even I had to admit this place had the same effect on me. I round the back of the bus and grabbed my case out of the trunk and dropped it to the ground. I placed my hands on my hips and just stared in awe.
“Wow” I let out. This place was breathtaking. It was large, so much so that it made our houses back home look like dollhouses. It was made of stone and was surrounded by palm trees. There was a gate on the right hand side of the house that led to a trail which took you to a private stretch of beach.
“Amazing isn’t it?” Gilinsky slung his arm around me.
“Always” I smile at him. He grabs my case for me and we all file into the house, jaws hitting the floor. The smell of fresh wax hit my nose as I notice the shiny wooden floors. The living room was unique in that it had floor to ceiling windows letting in massive amounts of light. The house had high vaulted ceilings and a fireplace that was eye catching. It was made out of stone and tiles with a mosaic of the ocean. I ran my fingers along the smooth colored glass, savoring each moment here.
“Hello, we’re here!!” Johnson shouts, his voice echoing through the house.
“In here kids!” we heard Johnson’s mom shout from the kitchen. We all followed the sound of her voice until we reached the equally impressive kitchen. Granite counters and state of the art appliances dotted the kitchen, complete with a dining table fit enough for a party.
“We’re so glad you’re here and made it safe and sound!” she exclaimed wrapping her son in a tight hug. She proceeded to hug us all individually and we all exchanged pleasantries until she suggested we get settled into our rooms.
“Why don’t you guys head upstairs and get settled? When you come back down you can join us for dinner” she smiled wide.
“Dibs on the master!!” Gilinsky shouted racing towards the staircase.
“Oh no way G! You got it last time!” Johnson shouted, quick on his heels. I just laughed shaking my head.
“I guess we’ll all have to settle for the sub-par rooms huh?” I question aloud making the rest of the guys laugh.
“Well you know you can always bunk with me” Sam suggested wiggling his eyebrows.
“Yeah, when pigs fly Samuel” I pat him on the back in a condescending manner. I caught a glimpse of Nate who was watching our interaction intently. He had a look of caution in his eyes, he was trying to feel me out. I stared right past him.
“You know what? Sam why don’t you show me my room after all” I say linking my arm in his.
“Sure thing babe!” Sam grinned wildly. Nate’s jaw clenched tight, his fists balled up.
“Hey man let’s get a room” Swazz slapped his back distracting him.
“Uh, sure” I heard Nate grumble.
We made our way upstairs and to the second door on the right. Sam steered me inside and I gasped at the size of this bedroom.
“This is a guest bedroom?!” I squealed.
“Nah, baby, this is the master. We all thought you should have it” Gilinsky interrupted marching into the room.
“You don’t have to do that G” I start but he holds his hand up signaling me to shut up.
“Nope, no arguments. Just take it and enjoy” he says. “But there’s one condition,” he starts
“And that is?” I question raising a brow.
“You gotta let us hang in here with you. And at least spend one night, I mean come on look at this place” he started to laugh.
“Alright G, you gotta deal” I chuckle.
“We’ll let you get unpacked and meet you downstairs for dinner” Sam says before kissing my head and exiting the room.
I plop down on the end of the bed, it was king sized and had white sheets and comforter. A flat screen tv hung on the opposite wall, and floor to ceiling windows gave me a view of the beach. The whole room was serene and had a relaxed beachy vibe. I was in heaven.
“Dude we are NOT sharing a bed!” I heard Cam shout from down the hall. I poked my head around the door when I heard Nash whining.
“Well I’m not sleeping on the floor, so get used to the idea” he smirks at Cam. I giggle to myself and slip back into my room before they knew I had heard them. I knew I was in for a lot of laughs this trip.
I began to unpack my case and place my clothes neatly into the walk-in closet. I had Spotify open on my phone and placed it on shuffle. Music always made tasks easier. I was dancing my way over to the closet with my favorite evening dress in hand when I heard a soft knock on my door.
“Come in!” I yell cheerily.
“Y/n?” I heard a voice call out.
“In here!” I yell in return. I spun around to see Nate standing in the doorway of my closet, and I could feel my face fall slightly.
“Hey” I say trying to force a smile. I didn’t want him to know anything was wrong.
“Hey,” he smiled back. “I, uh, just wanted to make sure you’re ok” he stuttered.
“What do you mean?” I ask, playing dumb.
“You know, after that incident in the car earlier…” he trailed off.
“Oh that? Yeah I’m fine Nate, really.” I lied. Nate visibly relaxed as he let out a sigh of relief.
“Oh good. I was hoping you’d say that. I mean it was pretty obvious that I couldn’t say I would sleep with you” he laughed it off. Now my blood boiled. What was so wrong with me that the notion made him scoff? I was fuming on the inside, but I wasn’t going to start World War 3 and ruin everyone’s time.
“Mhm” I uttered through clenched teeth.
“Ok, so you and me-we’re good?” he asked one last time.
“Yep, I’ll see you at dinner in five” I dismissed him turning around trying to fight back tears.
Nate’s POV
I regretted the words as soon as they came out. She looked cagey, like she was protecting herself. She shouldn’t have to protect herself from me, I was supposed to be someone she trusted. But I had to go and open my big mouth, it seems as though I’ve made it worse. I was so desperate to know that things were okay between the two of us. I can’t bear not having the closeness between us.
I saw the look of pain in her eyes as she spun around fiddling with the clothes in her closet. I didn’t want to push it, or put my foot in it again so I reluctantly left and walked downstairs for dinner. I approached the dining table where Gilinsky’s mom made us all plates. The boys were already gathered around the table diving in and yelling obnoxiously loud. Nash tried to engage me in conversation about his latest Youtube video, but I just nodded my head not fully listening. I couldn’t get y/n out of my head.
About five minutes later she emerged from the staircase. She had changed her clothes, she was now wearing a breezy white dress. She looked incredible, which just added insult to injury. She walked over and sat down between Gilinsky and Johnson. G was so obviously flirting with her which drives me fucking crazy. He could get near any girl he wanted, why did he have to have her? I mean yeah she was a part of our squad but I always felt like she was my girl.
She was about to say something but Johnson’s mom interrupted. Damn.
“I heard there’s a little party at the cabana down the beach tonight. You kids should go, it sounds like a good time” she said. All the boys made eye contact eager at the idea of a party.
“Oh yeah I heard about those parties, they gather all the teens and young adults staying in the beach houses to get to know each other and chill” Johnson answered. For the first time since that dumb game I saw y/n’s eyes light up. The girl loved to dance and have a good time, I knew she would be going tonight. Which meant one thing; I am too.
3 hours later; dusk
Y/n’s POV
We had all finished dinner and our parents were going out for the night to meet up with people they went to college with. This left the house to us and we blared music as we pre-gamed for the party tonight. I was in the mood to forget the drama with Nate and just have a good time tonight.
We all walked down the path, shoes in hand, and made our way down to the beach. The night air was swirling my hair around my face and I felt my dress flutter around my knees. There was a glimpse of light off in the distance and we knew we were heading in the right direction. Gilinsky came over and grabbed my hand flashing me a wide smile. Even in the dim light I could see his pearly whites.
“I’m telling you man this song is gonna be a banger” Johnson was animated while telling the guys about a new song he and Gilinsky were working on.
“You gonna learn the choreography this time J?” Gilinsky joked.
“Fuck you man, you know I can’t dance unless I have a couple drinks in me” J answered back.
“Oh now this is something I have to see” I laughed out loud, causing J to shoot me a glare.
“Baby I got moves, just you wait and see tonight” he winked.
We started to approach the light that was emanating from lit tiki torches. The cabana was open to the night air, but had enough room for a dance floor, a bar, and a dj booth. We immediately went to the bar which was run by some college kids. Needless to say we weren’t going to have a problem getting alcohol on this trip. I downed a couple shots and spun around when Kenny shouted to me over the music “y/n you have got to see this!” I shifted my focus to the dance floor and saw Sammy tearing it up- like literally tearing it up.
“Homie’s all over the place” Nate laughed loudly. We all burst into a fit of giggles to see his sporadic movements on the dance floor.
“OH! Shit, I think he almost hit that girl in the face!” Nash exclaimed out of breath. Sure enough there was a girl clutching her cheek and shooting an oblivious Sammy a dirty look. I had lost it at this point, between the mixture of alcohol and Sammy’s moves I was finally having a good time.
“Hey baby let’s dance!” Sam ran over to me.
“Sammy, how much did you have to drink darling?” I giggle grabbing his arm.
“Nothin’ yet, why?” he answered. This caused us all to make eye contact and burst out laughing.
“W-wait, you’re telling me you move like that and you haven’t even had anything to drink yet?!” Cam explained in shock while slapping Sam on the back.
“Yeah, ha-ha very funny guys. I’m just gonna jellyfish out of here” Sam puckers his lips and shoots me a silly face before disappearing back into the crowd.
I turned around to see some blonde girl grinding all over Nate, his hands fisting at her hips. She was flipping her hair all over the place, and I saw him bite his lip. She turned around to face him and I saw him place a sloppy kiss to her neck, making her throw her head back in pleasure. That was the last straw for me. I’ll show Nate who’s not hot enough to sleep with. I marched over to where I saw Gilinsky talking with Kenny and grabbed him by his shirt. He was wearing dark jeans and a white button down that he kept unbuttoned down to the center of his chest. His dark hair was long and swept every which way. He looked shocked when I grabbed him aggressively and pulled him to the dance floor. When he realized what was happening he eagerly followed.
I parted the people in my way and found a spot for us on the dance floor that would be right in Nate’s line of sight. I started by throwing my arms around Gilinsky’s neck, his hands finding my waist. Our hips were swaying to the music, when I heard the DJ take over the mic
“Alright y’all, it’s about to get sexy up in hereeeee!” he called and immediately the sound of Ginuwine’s “Pony” filled the air. The bass was boosted and reverberated off the walls. Oh hell yes, this is it. I spun around switching our positions so I was backed up against G and his hands slid down my waist and gripped my hips. He pulled me close to him as I grinded against him intently. I reached a hand behind me and ran it through his silky hair giving it a little tug here and there. I could hear his breath hitch as he buried his face into my neck. Jack brought his hands up to my neck and slowly worked them down over my bust, stomach, hips, down my thighs and back again. I was really losing myself in the song and the feeling of Jack’s hands when I dropped my head back on his shoulder giving him better access.
I glanced up slightly to see Nate looking furious. I shut my eyes again feeling satisfied with myself, when I felt a rush of air pass me. I looked up and saw Nate was gone. The next thing I know there was a separation between Jack and I, and I heard a harsh grunt as a fist flew hitting Jack straight in the face.
“Nate!!” I shout.
Jack stumbled backwards clutching his face when anger flickered in his eyes. He lunged forward out for blood. I couldn’t move as I stood there in shock.
What have I done?
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