#in case any of you are wondering what I'm doing owo
taubenlord · 6 months
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Hello people!💌🍵
I'm TaubenLord 🕊 You can also call me: Taubarius/Taubsi/Rubinas My Pronouns are They/Them My birthday is on April 18th. I speak Swiss German, German, English, a little bit Dutch, Russian and Spanish. ⛤
!! This blog is a safe space for everyone, so please be kind in the comments or rebloggs !!
On this blog you will see the most: drawings, edits, Hetalia stuff, fandubs (German only) or memes (Maybe Covers OwO?)
I am in many fandoms like: Hetalia, BSD, Wonder Egg Priority, The Case Study of Vanitas, TBHK, Planetary Moe
You can ask me anything!
So don't be shy. You can also request me for any drawings (i don't do nsfw) ⛤
What I don't do: - All sorts of sexual things, like -NSFW
⛤ Some of my fav characters :D - Romano - Lithuania - Switzerland - England - Belgium - Czechia - Luxembourg -  China - Poland - Belarus - Prussia - France I am not really a shipper but i can say, those are ships I don’t support: All incest ships : AmeCan UsUk BelaUkr German Brothers Italy Brothers NorIce RusBel SwissLiech and more (Or Spamano… holy shit… or all ships with a weird age gap and such)
I don’t hate you if you ship one of those or not, i don’t care, this is just my opinon :)
This was my Intodruction, I hope, I meet a lot of new people here and can inspire or entertain others xD
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claudemblems · 2 years
Can I Kiss You? | Riddle + Deuce Headcanons
Summary: In which you ask your boyfriend for permission to kiss him in public.
Notes: I'm in my Twisted Wonderland era owo I love these fictional men so much I can't wait until I get through the other dorms asjdsdksjkad
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♥︎ Riddle Rosehearts
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Spits out his tea.
"H-Here? Now? We're in the middle of an Unbirthday Party!" "Does it matter?" "Yes! We're surrounded by other students!" "So?"
Clears his throat and gracefully shields his face with his hand to try to hide his blush.
"This really isn't an appropriate time..."
But the moment he sees your face fall in disappointment he shoots up from his chair and takes your hand in his, suddenly ready to put his lips on yours.
"Please, kiss me! If this one gesture will make you happy...then I will oblige without hesitation."
His face is still beet red, but Riddle endures his terrible bashfulness just for you. He'd do anything for you. In the whole scheme of things, a kiss really isn't asking for that much at all.
"You don't have to, Riddle..." "Please, allow me to do this. I don't want to see you sad. I wish to look upon your smile. And if I kiss you...I might be able to taste the last of the strawberry tart."
Now it's your turn to blush profusely.
"W-What kind of kiss are you going to give me exactly?" "Whatever kind will satisfy you."
Riddle slowly tilts your chin up towards him, brushing his thumb against your bottom lip.
"Whatever kind will let me be able to taste both the tart and you."
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
♥︎ Deuce Spade
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Chokes on his tea.
"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you right. Can you say it again?" "Can you kiss me?" Deuce.exe has stopped working.
He's internally screaming because 1) yeah he's kissed you before but not with so many people's eyes on him!! and 2) you're so cute he's going to die.
No matter how embarrassed he is he will not tell you no. Not when you have such a sweet look on your face that makes his heart soar to the moon and back.
Once he finally calms down a bit, he gives you a nod of approval before slowly leaning in and kissing you tenderly.
And now that he's kissing you he honestly couldn't care who wants to watch. Let them. This is a good reminder of who you belong to in case any of those shameless freshman get any ideas.
He's just a little possessive of you okay the delinquent side shows itself sometimes (it's kinda hot tho).
Then he hears Ace mutter an "ew" and Deuce goes feral.
He's on top of the table, wringing his hands and glaring into Ace's very soul.
"The hell did you say? Say it louder for everyone to hear. They should be a part of this, too. Let them remember you're saying "ew" over me kissing my girlfriend when you don't even have one, right? But who's surprised? With the way you act, it's no wonder you can't get women to even breathe in your direction."
Ace nearly starts crying.
Later that day you and your boyfriend formally apologize to Riddle and Ace for the commotion you caused. The punishment? You and Deuce are both banned from Unbirthday Parties for the rest of the week. Just be lucky it wasn't an "Off with your heads!"
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spitblaze · 1 year
Aaaaah I have so many questions for the Android Therion AU. Ravus Industries has def used Therion for Less Than Legal activities and I wonder how much of their treatment of him skirts on the rights of an android as well (honestly in a capitalist hellscape I'm surprised they have any at all as much as there's a sense of 'we made you we own you forever unless you can afford to buy yourself outright')
That aside, I am *very worried* for Alfyn's safety as Ravus Industries tries to get Therion back. Like... they don't have issues killing if they use androids for assassinations. owo;;
Well, even in a capitalist hellscape there's civil rights lawyers. How far the rights of artificial lives go is...up in the air, at this point. Can they vote? Can they own property? Are they considered citizens? Do anti-discrimination and labor laws apply to them? Unclear, and probably varies between jurisdictions. Either way, androids have at least been around long enough at this point that they're not like, a chattel slave class outright. Also not super common, maybe one out of every 50 or 100 people is an android, but enough that it's a sizeable population, enough that they cannot be considered property outside of specific circumstances, and Therion happens to fall under that legal category.
Therion (and by extension Gareth) are officially and legally, despite having just as much going on upstairs as any human being, property of Ravus Industries. The paperwork was all filed beforehand, he's made with a specific purpose in mind and 'would pose a danger to others' if not under the control of the company, or they claim that he has no true intelligence and is therefore not sentient enough to qualify as a citizen, or something. I'm not gonna pretend I know enough about civil rights law to make up what those exceptions are, but just know that Ravus either fudged most of em or paid off some politicians to let them keep the whole thing hush-hush or both.
There's probably a good few sympathetic scientists and engineers who consider him fully human but unable to really do anything about his situation without jeopardizing their own. There's clearly others, like whoever wrote his file, who look at Therion and only see a tool. One that's helped Ravus Industries take down competitors and acquire their tech and research illicitly, but in this case one of the benefits of Therion being private property is that responsibility lies on the company, not him. Legally speaking, at least. I'm sure some of the less-sympathetic caretakers threaten to reprogram or scrap or replace his parts every time there's a mistake, because he's not a person, he can't learn, he's a machine who has defective parts.
At any rate, uh...Alfyn is definitely in trouble, lol. Like luckily he's still a country boy who can handle himself (Still has swarthy carpenter genes and experience with an axe, probably has a shotgun or whatever the 31st century equivalent would be), and magic is probably still a thing in the 'sufficiently advanced science' way (still thinking about how osvald just does math so hard it makes fire. baller), but ultimately the one thing that's keeping him safest is the fact that all of Therion's remote activation and tracking parts were disabled or removed after his initial escape. That's it. Ravus wants to turn Therion into a Homing Murderbot so bad so they can just retrieve him very easy so they can make him. idk. steal whatever the Wyndhams are doing or murder union organizers or something. The Fantasy Pinkertons are absolutely on his ass.
Luckily Alf at least has his trusty repair van and mobile engineering kits, as well as his usual irresistible charm that nets them allies wherever they go. Ravus Industries is a well-known company that employs a lot of people, but, uh. So are Nestle and Apple, if you catch my drift here. And it's not like they're alone, either! Tressa knows enough about how businesses and boards of investors work to predict what Ravus is gonna try, Olberic and Cyrus together have enough practical and theoretical knowledge of tactics to make for very effective planners, H'aanit knows how to live off the grid and hide your tracks and is the only member of the party who can wield a shotgun with more precision than Alfyn. Ophilia and Prim are also there, idk what they do, Prim is better with diplomacy and has less qualms with muder than Therion and Ophilia is probably very good at finding them allies or places to lay low (what are you going to do, say no to a bishop???).
I have MANY thoughts. some of them related (Cordelia may or may not be a C-suite at Ravus and is very conflicted on what to do about the situation bc she thinks the robot is hot and should go free but knows the practical use he has to the company. either way therion doesnt like her) some of them not (prim has her own goals and possible beef with Ravus but keeps getting distracted by h'aanit who is a lethally hot butch lesbian) but. im having a lot of fun thinking about the whole thing. heehee hoohoo funny sci-fi au
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
The narrative is so funny sometimes. It gave us a character who struggled in making his own choices and speaking up to others until the worst possible moment where he snapped, and forcefully subjected him to the orders of someone else, even binding him in chains for it the second he entered his "new revival, new me!" era. Maybe a consequence for how evil attracts evil. Someone for whom the very letters of his name sound fluid and free like his shadows, which are never evenly cast, always waxing and waning like the moon, disorderly and chaotic yet he's dressed in the image of rigidness. His silence and respect is forced, to speak is meaningless. I wonder if his lazy smirks and villainous laughter is a way to keep himself from falling into his default OwO expression, something else to channel his emotions into so he never says something like....you've become like this, obsessive demon. The way he talked to LBD was all loose and airy, compared to the harder, defensive way he talked to the Brotherhood in 4x5 👀 interesting in how he handled confrontation changed too. Granted, with LBD he was trying to leave, so I wonder if he just up and vanished or had to nonchalantly laugh and back away from them. Still soooooo interested in how he NEVER fought back against the Pilgrims with them. And I question LMK repeating the same story of "Sun Wukong now yielded to an agent of the Celestial Host!" Azure was on about. Macaque currently has no good thoughts on the circlet based on how he reacted before it was even finished being cast, however~ He might have seen it in action ;) the "snapped in the good intentions to help his friend" is still fairly feasible. It fits in with the tragedy, but I'm still on the fence about it. Any super secret thoughts on what transpired you haven't voiced yet?
hm idk if there’s stuff i haven’t but i do think Azure’s account about Wukong’s time in jttw is sO skewed that i would never recommend taking that as truth. that’s what he believes, certainly but it is not what really happened
it doesn’t help that Heaven also has access to the circlet too (tho i think it’s only for “admin” purposes. like given to them AFTER jttw and for the emperor to use as a last resort for any serious threats.) because it does not help with refuting Azure’s biased opinion or assumptions that Wukong was working under Heaven during his journey when that was far from the case. but i digress.
i am pretty sure, in the jttw legends, the fight between Wukong and Mac is earlier than the “Camelhead Trio” but lmk is not known to be 100% by the book or follow it to a T so Wukong’s fight might have been earlier or after he fought Mac (but given how lmk makes Wukong and Mac close friends, i wanna say Macky’s fight was after because that validates Macky’s reasons for leaving them early and adds to narrative drama)
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storm-and-starlight · 3 years
thoughts abt the way fandom approaches eskel? im curious owo (hadn't played any of the games yet, and just went through half of the first book lol)
Okay, so I'm going to preface this by stating that this is... pretty deeply connected to a really rough patch in my life, so if I get overly negative here, it's probably because of that and I apologize. (Also because of this, I don't want to turn this into a discussion about Eskel; it'd just end up leading back into some bad places.)
Warning for fanon!Eskel criticism under the cut.
So basically all of this is my personal opinion -- I'm trying to keep direct criticism out of this as much as possible.
I guess it all boils down to the fact that I personally prefer characters with a bit more bite to them -- more anger, more sarcasm, more rough inter-character interactions, more trauma, etc. Eskel (or at least, my experience of fanon!Eskel) has absolutely none of that. He's generally portrayed as Nice and Soft and Kind, the Best Witcher and the Kindest, and generally Better than Geralt in Every Way, and it feels just... reductive? Like there's no depth to his character at all -- he's just there to be kind and polite and interchangeable. His entire personality is The Nice One, except that doesn't feel like a personality at all. Generally the only character conflict you get is "I feel like a monster because of the facial scarring" and that feels overdone, to the point where I don't even care anymore. Like... generically nice, sweet guy with self-esteem issues who feels like a monster because of cosmetic issues but who gets lovingly affirmed all the time and told he's perfect is just... not the kind of story I want to read. I prefer broken characters who rub each other the wrong way who try to find a way to fit together anyways, not... schmoopy fluff. (no shame if that's your favorite kind of fic, it's just not for me.)
And then there's Lil' Bleater. There was a point in this fandom where every single Eskel in every single fic I could find was just All About Goats All The Time. If he was there, so was Lil' Bleater. He was the Nice Goat Man and that was it. I could barely find fics where he seemed to have any other character trait beyond Likes Goats! It got... tiring, to say the least. Like... I'm ambivalent on the whole "big tough guy is actually super sweet and likes small animals" trope as a whole, but it was just so overdone that I ended up hating the goat. (I'm back to ambivalent, in case you were wondering lmao.)
There's also the way the fandom got... really pissed that he was a side character? Which I get, you want more of your faves, but he was a side character in the books, he's a side character in the games, he plays no major role in the plot of the books (in fact, the hansa is the most important found family in the series, instead of the witchers -- they show up for like the first half of Blood of Elves and never again) -- why are people getting so angry that he doesn't appear more?
Also, a side note, but Geralt is the character I identify the most with and feel the most strongly about, and having Eskel be more or less held up as the better version of him hurts. It's irrational, but it does.
Once again, I'm not really interested in discussing this, or in being sent recs for fandom content about Eskel -- I'm attempting to curate my own experience and the best way to do that for me is largely to just avoid him entirely. I don't want to yuck anyone's yum, which is why I try to keep this stuff off my blog, but like... there they are, those are my opinions.
TL;DR, I deeply dislike the way that Eskel ended up being portrayed in fandom and fanon as the perfect nice witcher who can do no wrong but still hates himself because of the facial scars and who is a huge burly man who is Softe and likes animals and especially goats and who is the Best Witcher -- it goes squarely against what I enjoy in character creation in stories, and is also so overused that I've moved past ambivalence to hate.
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cleverclove · 3 years
idk about you clove but i've seen a lot more allison hate than any of the other characters? like i get allison is NOT flawless but i always see people being like, "her actions cannot be excused" and then i see people do that exact thing for luther and five and klaus and diego like "oh he was worried about _____ and he had a lot of pressure on him as a kid and it was just really stressful for him because _____" like OKAY that's whatever.
i mean luther was so incredibly shitty to vanya in the first season (and second to some extent), five killed people and had few reservations about it, klaus manipulated hundreds (thousands?) of people, diego killed his mother, but yeah defend them and then denounce allison.
i don't dislike any of the characters for doing these things because i get their situation, but somehow no one ever extends that to allison. sorry for ranting in the ask box but i'm kind of mad.
NO anon don’t apologize my dear!! You are absolutely right and frankly the TUA fandom needs to do better :|
For ONE thing, see anything different that Allison has that siblings like Five or Klaus do not? That’s right, anon! Melanated skin! So unfortunately that basically dooms her to the bottom of sibling rankings in most cases.
Fandoms will see one (1) complex WOC (specifically a black woman) and will ruthlessly call her out on it no matter how big or small her flaws are. Flaws. Like…the things literally every single one of us have.
And ANOTHER thing! This is…a dark and nuanced show. With dark and nuanced characters. The ENTIRE point is to show how dysfunctional and imperfect this family is and how they persevere despite this. AND YET! The fandom completely disregards this and narrows their white faves down to “uwu baby Klaus” or “owo my PERFECT SON Five!” As my beautiful tumblr sister @lunannex pointed out, this fandom is made up almost entirely of white gays. They can’t relate to POC’s struggles as much as they can for canonically queer white ones. So they brush them under the rug and create a narrative where the white favorites can do no wrong while they most DEFINITELY did. Meanwhile Allison, Diego, and even Ben to an extent are either there as props or villains in this white-dominated fandom. There is almost no in between. It’s performative tokenism, plain and simple.
You are allowed to not like Allison. Not everything about her can be defended. As a proud Allison stan myself, some of her actions are highly questionable and deserve to be pointed out. However, nitpicking at her just because she hurt your white favorite’s feelings is annoying at best and insidiously veiled racism at worst. She is not a “flawless queen” but you know what? Neither are YOUR favorites. So either white TUA fans need to examine their own favorite characters’ actions or shut up about Allison’s.
Sorry for MY little rant there anon </3 have a wonderful day/night!!!
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writeiolite · 4 years
I want to come out of anon so that you can recognize me but im too scared. But please please please don't feel bad that I lost my comfort character. Maybe its a good thing that it changed? Maybe my hatred towards oikawa was unhealthy and yuji leaving for Erin was the best way for me to understand that oikawa has feelings too and not every guy is a cheater. I have some insecurities that I need to get over. Btw im 25 in case you were wondering my age... I shouldn't hate oikawa just because more women are attracted to him. Thats just my own insecurity telling me that a guy like him wouldn't be interested in me because he can get whoever he wants.... I think? And its not like I'm unattractive in societies eyes. Im more of like...normal? Looks wise.. Am I thinking to hard about this? I honestly am crying now at this point. I wasnt before but now I am. I'll leave my name so you can recognize me. Sorry for blowing up your phone so late? Its 430am for me idk what time zone youre in. If I am bothering you, please tell me im so sorry. But your fic really blew my brain. The only thing that would help me is therapy (which im currently in) one of my ex husband's cheated on me with my sister. I caught them in our bed. It doesn't help that I was in foster care and she's always treated me like an outcast.
-Ren 🏳️‍🌈⃝⃤⃠⃟
I hope you can see the emojis I put next to my name. I use those for my asks and some people can't see them...
+ Thank you for doing a fluff oikawa... 🏳️‍🌈⃝⃤⃠⃟ -ren
i am SO late answering this because i got incredibly busy but REN I HOPE UR FEELING BETTER :((((thank u for trusting me enough to open up abt this stuff n im glad ur doing what u can to help urself!! you’re not bothering me at all ♡ ♡ i swear!! im happy to be here for u during the good and bad times, and this stuff sounds incredibly sad but you’re getting through it. i really admire you for that!!!! i hope you know that im supporting u and see so much value in u as a person no matter what happened in the past or who treats u any different. ik whats most important is our self-value, but i hope you’re confident in urself and ur capabilities bc ur amazing for withstanding this and letting ursself have moments to cry. both are two different kinds of strength and im proud of u!!! ^^ 
and u don’t have to thank me for the oikawa fluff 🥺even if it only helps a little, im happy!! :D maybe now i’ll start writing more oikawa fluff hehe — thanks to u!!! ^^ i haven’t been able to write fluff for him in ... forever omg. so thank u for keeping me company and letting me keep u company ♡ 
also yeth i can see the emojis but only on my phone!!! ㅠㅠ it looks so neat tho owo
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watercolourferns · 5 years
Hello! I saw your requests were open and I was wondering if you could do scenarios where the main 6 (or 3 if it's too much) met a deaf MC. Also I'm quite new to tumblr so I'm sorry if I did this wrong! Anyways I hope you have a good day/night!
Hi!! I’ll do Main 3 if you don’t mind. ^_^  I’ll make this LIxReader (meaning you).Julian
He saw you walking through the market one day, stopping at Selsi’s bread stall to eat a snack. Catching his interest he follows you, sitting at your side on a stool. He tries to strike up a conversation, but he doesn’t try to catch your attention first, so Selasi catches your attention and point to Julian, who has been at it with a monologue for the last five minutes. You poke his shoulder and let him know you’re deaf, the way will depend on if you are also nonverbal or if you are verbal. Once he understands he blushes to the tip of his ears and apologises profusely. He does want to get to know you more, though, so he makes it a point to ask you about sign language so he can communicate with you.He will ask if it’s alright to write things down as he starts to learn SL. If you’re verbal he will never comment on your tone or the way you pronounce things, he doesn’t care about those things. On his free time he will go to the library and do additional research on sign language so he can learn faster.He will never stand in when you’re trying to communicate with someone unless you specifically ask him to. He respects your efforts, and knows you can fend for yourself very well, you have been doing it for a long time, why him being there would make a difference about that? Plus, he doesn’t really make a point about your deafness, he just views it as a part of you and he loves and respects all of you. He does get a bit worried at times, scared a cart will come your way and you won’t notice or something like that that could cause an accident, but he trusts you.But if you do need him, he will do everything he can to help you out. Hence why the additional studying.He has so many questions, though! He’s very curious and wants to know things, but he’s scared he will hurt you somehow for asking. He just loves you so much… But if you’re open for a thorough questioning you will get things like “Were you born deaf?” “Did you learn to speak when younger? (if you’re verbal)” “Who taught you sign language??” “C-can I have a name sign…? Oh… I mean… I know it’s an important thing… I read it in the library… B-but it’s ok, I… I was just curious…” If you HoH and not completely deaf he will ask you if you can participate in a small experiment to see what level of hearing you have, he will try to make it as fun as he can so you don’t feel like a guinea pig, because he doesn’t think of you like. It’s just, you know… he loves science, and he loves you. So to him it’s a beautiful tandem.Asra
Well, he’s known since he’s known you, but when he found out the first time he didn’t really comment on it. He was curious because he had never met a deaf person before, but he’s so chill he doesn’t really make a distinction about it. Besides he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable. He did ask some questions about your needs, sign language, if you are verbal, etc.By the by, though, you saw some things change around the shop: He created a magical system so when the door of the shop opens and you’re not at the counter lights go off around the place to alert you. If you don’t have a familiar to help, he teaches Faust to be a door alarm as well, so she will come fetch you if you happen to not see the lights. He started to use sign language without you prompting him, you still don’t know where he learned it… And even after he brought you back all of these things didn’t change.He does small things that make you smile too. Like he will come up to you and give you a love note, and then kiss you because sometimes he signs too slowly. He does get apprehensive, specially after bringing you back, when you go out to run errands. He tries with all his might not to be overprotective about it, but sometimes he can’t help it and sends Faust to help you. But he works a lot on that, specially because he knows he leaves you alone and you can fend for yourself. He just… he wouldn’t bear you getting hurt and he knows not everyone is as understanding about deafness. But he doesn’t see you as disabled, so he won’t treat you like that, at all.If you’re verbal and insecure about it he will make you feel better, telling you that your voice is very nice and that he loves it when you speak even if it’s not often. He will sign to you if you ask him to, but he will ask if you want to read his lips as well, anything that makes you comfortable.He will NEVER use magic on your hearing if you don’t want him to, and he will NEVER ask anyways, he doesn’t think you have a problem that should be fixed.NadiaAt first it’s hard for her not to try to baby you about everything the first time she knows about it. She also brings the best doctors in to see if anything can be done about your hearing. She doesn’t understand that you don’t need that in her haste to make things as easy for you as possible.But at one point you just need it to stop and put your foot down. After realising she’s crossed a line in her immense love for you she stops, apologises, and promises she will never do something like that again. After that hiccup on the road, she will start to ask you about sign language, hire a private tutor so she and the rest of the staff (including Portia) can learn as well recognising this is a better way for you to feel comfortable around the palace and be safe, too. If you’re non verbal, even though she knows you can’t hear it she will install a loud bell in every room of the library so you can call for help or assistance if you need it and there’s no staff with you. If you’re verbal there will be a couple of servants assigned to you, stationed outside or inside of any room you’re in in case you need assistance or help. She still tries not to baby you, but this is as good as she will get until she gets used to your deafness and how much you can accomplish with and in spite of it. It will take her time, it’s in her nature to be protective over the people she loves and to try to ease their existence, it stems from being a countess. But she will learn if you’re patient with her.I hope you like these. x_x My dad is HoH due to a hereditary problem, but he’s the only person I know that is like that. I have a HoH and mute apprentice called Dorcas, so for both their sakes I’m learning as much as I can. So thank you so so much for this question!! ^_^ Please, next time come off anon if you’re comfortable with it, so I can love you better. OwO
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the-rockstar-lestat · 6 years
I just found you and this is the best! Who is That Woman and are you writing a new album? I'm such a big fan! OwO
See Louis , fans. I still have them from my brief rock career. Always glad to see you here!
Anyway chérie, you asked about That Woman. I will refrain from mentioning her name , as I hear she's fond of suing people, and while I have plenty of money to spare, a court case is the last thing I need right now.
Suffice it to say she is well known to you as the human chronicler of my adventures for over 40 years. A dear friend of mine, a loyal scribe and publicist, a liberal user of creative license and a human mask for a face that, let's face it, can't exactly do book tours. But WE know the truth ,don't we, my loves? You have always believed in me.
We first made our acquintance in the 1980s. Of course I tracked down the psudonym my dear Daniel used to publish Louis' account, and to my surprise it belonged to a real person, an author of some skill,who was willing to lend a hand to editing and publishing this extrodinary tale.
And, as Louis will tell you, I am unable to leave well enough alone, so when it was time to publish The Vampire Lestat, being an actor, not a writer, naturally I q reached out to her to help organize my thoughts and assemble them into something called narrative structure And so a long and treasured friendship began, of me sneaking into her window at night and spinning my tales, and eventually bringing my friends along as well when they felt the need to get a word in. She sat, patient, listening, never marvelling at these marvelous creatures that now depended on her, nor fearing them, but lending a sympathetic ear and an eager typewriter. We worked together so well, she the author, I the muse.
So, if I am so fond of her, you ask, why the perjorative title?
Simply speaking, That Woman is now out of her mind
My scribe asked for very little in return for chronicling my adventures But now she seems to be of the outrageous opinion that it was SHE who invented the vampire Chronicles, she! Not I, who had actually lived them! She began making more demands on me, taking more and more of that dreadful poetic license, until sometimes I could no longer recognize myself and my friends and the true facts that had happened when she was finished "editing" (and yet she scorns the help of editors....) Of course , this had led to more than a few fights between us, especially over the last few years....and fights between 200 year old vampires and best selling authors can be, shall we say, explosive? We both think we know best. And perhaps I've been, what's the term, salty, about her latest novel of mine, and I'm being uncharitable. But some people just shouldn't have a poetic license.
Anyway , the friendship continues on, it always shall. I need her, I admit, maybe more than she needs me. I may not always approve of her business decisions (suing people for writing more stories about me?! Doesn't she know imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!)Nor her creative ones (why on Earth did she think I was suddenly enamoured of Mayfair witches?) But she is a part of me. A friend, a confidant, perhaps even a fledgling of my own one day. Sometimes I wonder what she would look like, pale and cold and beautiful, on the other side of the tape recorder now....what do you think? Should I give her the Blood as a reward for her hard work? Would she accept it?
Well anyway, don't tell me I never tell you any love stories.
As for your second question, am I writing a new album? Perhaps, chérie, we shall see. But I am writing. Nothing ready to show my adoring fans just yet, but perhaps, now that there are no barriers between us, I could arrange a preformance of one of the songs from my first album. Just for you. I hear it is very difficult to find it these days. Has it been forgotten completely? Benji has told me it isn't even on eBay! I wonder where all the copies went ......
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survivor-guyana · 6 years
Episode 4: "I'm pan with a plan, and I'm here to make messy ass moves." - Maynor
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So... Dog food is salty as fuck. No wonder my dog downs the whole bowl of water after he's done eating... What the hell dog food makers
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SO THIS WHOLE dare challenge this has got me GOING right now. The whole impersonations and "Who will Win?" videos are going to be BIG indicators of who is close to from my tribe. BUT DEVON.... TOOK IT TO A WHOLE NOTHER' LEVEL. A NORMAL person would do a silly one y'know? Does this guy NOT do Sarah (someone I know he's close with) and state all these things he obviously knows about her. She goes to Michigan state, has a finsta, likes to make friends in games... etc. THEN THE PICK TO WIN VIDEO.... AGAIN A NORMAL PERSON WOULD DO SOMETHING SILLY. For example: I did JD and went on about how she is CANADIAN. DEVON GOES AND DOES: Jose and how he could be tricking us... and it's actually his strategy. I can not with this being anymore. BUT tbh I'm just GLAD he's making himself a bigger target than me in case we lose. ALSO: Chelsea showing that she knows stuff about Alyssa... ummmm NO. I'm scurrrred. As say they say in French I am "le fucked" here. TBH i'm NOT lying when I say I wasn't close to my old tribe. I literally was only close to Aidan but aside from that no one else. There was an alliance of Sarah/Aidan/Devon inside of the alliance of Dani/Maynor/Sarah/Aidan/Devon/ myself. It is driving me BONKERS that Devon (the one person I NEED on my tribe right now) is unintentionally and potentially fucking his game with his videos. This was avoidable imo. Johnny didn't say "you MUST put a target on your back"... THIS IS THE GUY I NEED TO STAY WITH ME. ALSO if I ever find out Alyssa is playing me I might cry. She's literally my bitch. She's awesome. I NEVER GET ALONG WITH GIRLS IN GAMES. EVER. I just know Sammy/Chelsea are close. I could see Alyssa being close to them too so I'm just trying to make myself as relevant as possible with Alyssa because if I don't she won't feel bad sending me out. If she has doubts about it I CAN WORK WITH THAT. Sammy is totally the glue between the faves on my tribe IMO. I just know I need to somehow get closer to Sammy. I just don't know HOW! Chelsea seems super quiet and it's hard to really get a read on her. I just hope we never have to lose because I will actually cry if José pops up with an idol and my ass gets sent packing.
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So me and Jones have gotten closer and closer!!! So has me Jones and Nick as an alliance. The challenge went pretty ok but we eventually lost in the end. There's a joint tribal happening right now so we're all a little shook. The Green team is thinking of a way to stay safe through it all. The other tribe seems like it has some pretty nice peeps on it honestly lol. I watched their intro videos and Danielle's stands out the most. (I think she's the pizza one lol). The Green Team was originally going to try and get Jenna to flip back with us but we're not sure if she even values us so now we're going to try and flip with the fans and somehow vote Jenna out.
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First of, can i say that i missed jones and tim. 😭❤️ Like im so happy i finally got to talk to them. I missed my DAD Jones. We have a duo alliance going on. I brought it up right when the joint chat was made. Its going to be great. As for the vote tonight. We are going to target Nick. And hope that Jenna stays with us.
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HNNNNN Jenna isn't going to flip on the fans to my knowledge which really fucks over a lot of things. Now I'm not sure if I'm gonna be targeted or Jones or Nick. TJ and JD can go home and I'll be fine but I'd hate to get out right now. In my head I'm like UGH JENNA JUST FLIP BACK TO FAVS you'll be in a good spot and won't jeopardize anything!!! And you'll almost surely guarantee Jury!!!! But on the outside Im like.. omg ya fans vs favs is over the swap did that snatched wig tea okurrt PEriod. I just wanted a simple tribal but now I'm losing my shit. If I go after Nikias I will JUMP.
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Honestly my allies bore me. I guess I trust them but I don't know... this other tribe seems to suck too. I just want a favorite to leave at this point because the fans are getting slaughtered. But Thomas is an interesting situation. We definitely have a past and he's the biggest threat but the devil you know is better than the devil you don't? But I know he'll pick Jess over me any day of the week I've been a little quieter so I predict people might have doubts but I'm loyal to my alliance for now. I'm just trying to lay low and make it to the merge before I can really be a crazy cunt. Nick is apparently the vote and I'm sad because he's also a minority? But not too sad because idk him.
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updates: Maynor, Mitchell, Tim and I make an alliance maybe possibly? also,, we're probs gonna surrender to the fans lmao sorry JD :(
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I think nicks going home but I’m kinda nervous. Jenna’s sticking with us fans apparently. Jonesy wants jenna out that’s all the tea I have
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I was prepared to flip when they brought up Jones’ name. Like nah. I would lay down my game for Jones aka Dad. For this vote cuz i think theres a swap coming after this vote. Hopefully. It looks like its Nick tonight which i am fine with.
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(i don't have the time/energy to film a video confessional) THEY'RE REALLY GOING FOR ME HUH MITCHELL THAT FUCKING RAT threw my name out to the rest of the fans because I suggested Jenna, and now they wanna vote me out (the only reason why I know is bc my king maynor told me) Maynor said he'd try to switch the vote, but right now, it's on me, and that's NOT OKAY HAHAHA. if it stays on me, then he's gonna flip. it's so INTERESTING how all I do is suggest someone who's a CLEAR MINORITY ON THE OTHER TRIBE to be voted out!! and then SUDDENLY some fake vague ass people wanna cherish her???? like suddenly she's the token person on the tribe??? that's fake as fuck and they know that. ok while i'm writing this,,, apparently the vote went off me. but it's also all up to JENNA like ARE YOU KIDDING. like,, y'all are a group of 5 people, you can come up with a decision on your own and she can go with it. like she's really chill, I like her I think she's cool, but she shouldn't be getting this treatment from a tribe that had her on the bottom before. i'm at a point where i'm just trying to get Maynor to flip to our side, because h's just as frustrated about this situation as I am. and I don't really want Nick to will me/tim his idol if we can get him to flip. ,,, so yeah *does fake ass stick out tongue thing*
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This vote is a MESS. At one point it was Jones and then its JD and now its TJ and now I want to JUMP from a cliff. Also Nick is two faced. Apparently he had an idol hunt group composed of Alyssa, JD, Whats her face, and Himself. He probably used MY idol clue and I want to fite him.
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Hi I’ve been very tired owo so I come out of nowhere and honestly I’m like, this is cute owo so now I’m just going to come out of nowhere when we swap, and honestly that’s cute :,)
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so according to Maynor it's between Jenna and Nick, i'm still trying to work my magic on Maynor, and I think it's working. hopefully a swap is coming sometime soon though so i can kick Mitchell's ass laksdjflsdkj
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I can't imagine being in a better position in this game. Think about it:
1. I got almost everyone's trust from the fans tribe. 2. I got swapfucked alongside Jess, who I barely spoke to prior. 3. I got connected with Jess and solidified a relationship. 4. I made connections with Sammy, Alyssa, Chelsea, and Jose. 5. We haven't lost a single competition, and now the other 2 tribes will be pitted against one another. Whoever votes in the minority will be forced to come to Jess and I, so in essence, we hold every ounce of power. Best case scenario: We get swapped into a tribe with current Hosororo and old fans, giving me the ability to pick and choose who stays and who goes. Worst case scenario: We get swapfucked and I need to make new relationships with alternative favorites. I would also be more than fine staying in the same tribe, considering there is a clear gap between our tribe and the other 2.
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Our tribe really thought Jenna was the swing vote. Bish it was actually me. Im pan with a plan and im here to make messy as moves. Jones aka DAD. ❤️ I think im going to flip and do Jenna. While my fans + jenna are doing Nick. Im really hoping there is a swap cuz if there isnt im screwed. But its a move and me and Jonesy are going to be the villians of the season. But at the end of the day. A favorite is still going home.
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Me and Jones went on call for an hour and talked about the vote. We're sticking with voting Jenna out. Jonesy worked her magic on Maynor and is getting him to flip. Also Mitchell is a bad bean akdjdjs. Anyways ... Me and My wig have decided to vote ... for Jenna Nick wanted me to play the idol on him since he's getting votes this round and Maynor may not flio but HNNNNN i dont want that target on me just as of now. It'd be too risky and since he made an idol hunt group without me on our OG tribe... I considered letting him will me the idol and then him getting voted out ajsjsksks.
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Well, there's no way of getting this to work unless Jones works her magic. I'm simply trying to get people to realize that I'm social and understanding of how this game gets played. Hopefully I can get people to want to keep me and play with me come a tribe swap or a merge.
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It’s been a weird round.  I fought my ass off in the challenge but to no avail.  This joint tribal has been a battle.  I think Maynor is flipping to vote out Jenna.  If I’m wrong it’s me with an idol in my pocket. But my allies Tim and Jonesy both feel confident in Maynor and you can’t win Survivor alone so I’m going to stick with my homies and not play my idol.  Gulp.  Wish me luck:
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Curse you hosts! Throwing us into a blender to vote someone out! RTQ-read the question, or so my professor always said. What do I do not not read the whole thing and forget to put a Guyana sign or even say it In my videos. Which leaves me scrabbling to do it all again. Dog food and fucking hot sauce bullshit is not something you want to do twice in one night, let alone in one week. Lesson for the day? READ THR MOTHER FUCKING QUESTION FOLKS!
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YALL I am so sorry about not making confessionals. It's just I always have a fear that I am wasting my time and that the confessionals won't even got posted...and like nothing interesting has happened on my tribe.  Here are some fun facts tho: after tonight me, Alyssa, José, and Chelsea are the only ones that have not gone to tribal. YEEHAW SKEET SKEET YALL.  I am living in paradise, I have connected w Devon and Jess pretty well.  Devon I know I can trust 100%, I am sure that Jess and Alyssa are pretty close but I still trust them too. I want to be reunited with JONESSSS I miss her.  CRYING IN THE CLUB RN.  We had a mini tribe call just to like chit chat and that was fun.  Jess also destroyed the comp and if José would not have been on our tribe I would have asked to sit out bc like I was still recovering from editing the music video. UMM what else. Oh we have that lit joint tribal that we do not have to go to #BLESS and Idk yall I am just waiting to go to tribal so I can play the game, it's hard coming up with stuff to do and have fun when u winnn.  I have just been collecting tea about the fans sooo
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THAT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO WORK OUT OH MY GOD BLESS MAYNOR HOLY FUCK I LOVE THAT MAN SO MUCH that's all for now xoxo, i'll do a more detailed video confessional later
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Not even going to lie.. I'm shitting bricks that José is going to fuck up this challenge for us. If he does RIP me in this game. I think I'm the one on the outs out of the 5 of us. Devon is connected with people like Chelsea who won't even give me the time of day.. I'm fucked. SO FUCKED.
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Lets start off with Jenna.  I am very sorry. Im sorry that i voted for you. Im a sorry that i made the move? No. I felt you were too close to Dani and Sarah and Aidan and Mitchell. And you had lots of power that tribal. I guess you can say you were sarah and i was kass in this vote. And chaos struck. No one knew my connection to my dad aka Jones and Tim. They are ❤️. I would protect them and i did. Am i ready for the fall out idk. Hopefully no one takes the temptation on our tribe cuz my ass will go right behind Jenna. If I cant do damage control.
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Welcome to my: "I Think I may Just be PMSING" rant for this round. BUT I JUST NEED A FUCKING PERSON IN THIS GAME. Someone who I know has my back at least 75%. I'm not asking for a miracle here.. I know someone having your back 100% isn't realistic at all. However, I just need someone who I know going forward will pick me over their old friends or tribe-mates if when we swap or if I make it to merge. Where is this all coming from? I have no idea. I just have a fucking weird feeling. I felt good with my tribe but for some reason something just feels OFF to me. This is probably my paranoia kicking in or my hormones? Only time will fucking tell.... If you'd ask me currently who I considered my person I would say it's Devon by fucking default.  WHICH IS REALLY SAD CONSIDERING HOW WE WERE PRE-SWAP. We swapped together, he has ACTUALLY given me information. BUT..... I know homeboy is looking out for himself first and will sell me out when time comes. SO that's not good for me in the future... I know he has a tendency to tell people the same things too so.. that’s a mood. I would have said Alyssa is my person HOWEVER, I don't see a scenario where she chooses me over Chelsea or Sammy on this tribe right now. In the future? Possibly, I won't rule that out at all.  But for the remainder of however long we have on this tribe... I don't feel good at all. She gives me almost no information and that could be a result of me not giving her information but I’ve honestly told her everything I know. Mitchell possibly being on the bottom, what went into the Lucy/Bee vote. That’s all I got. I physically can not give her anything else. SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING I KNOW. Maybe she doesn’t know anything? I have no fucking idea. I want to work with her SO BAD. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to work with SOMEONE MORE IN A GAME. BUT I fucking can’t shake the feeling of her stabbing me in the back if it came down to me or Devon. I'm trying not to let my paranoia show and I know I've let it slip a couple of times in conversations with Alssya/ Sammy. They ignored me for a good 20 minutes when I said it so it was obvious they were on a call or communicating someway. OR MAYBE IT’S MY PMS OR PARANOIA?!!!! I’m just sure I’ve STRESSED THIS FACT ENOUGH BUTTTTT: I AM FUCKING NERVOUS. I’m almost as nervous as a drug addict taking a fucking piss test right now.  If José pulls some shit in this challenge I’m going if we LOSE MY FUCKING COOL LIKE NO TOMORROW. The way I see the connections on this tribe right now is simple: Devon has connections with Sammy/ Chelsea.  Side note: Chelsea acts like I’m the plague in her pm’s.  She ignores me harder than I ignore all of my life responsibilities and I ignore them pretty fucking hard. I believe I’m closer to Alyssa than Devon is but will she have the votes if it came down to it? NO. Sammy is close to everyone. He’s my pick to win right now. He has everything a future winner has.
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Color me SHOOK. Im very surprised that they are handling the Jenna very calm and understanding. I might not have been in as much danger as i thought. I told them the truth about why I did the vote and all the reasons. The paranoia. My anxiety that was spiraling out of control. I didnt tell them tho of my connection to Jonesy 🦑❤️ But i want to thank Jones for calming me down from my anxiety before the vote. And to Sarah who helped me after tribal cuz my anxiety kicked up again after i couldnt talk to jones and people were confused on what happened and were asking around. I am much better today tho. A little calmer than last night.
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I am really bad at this, I so imma spill some tea, which I don't have much of. Me and Mitchell agreed to work together until merge then we would kill each other whenever it best suited us. Which was a good think to do because apparently I'm a scary comp beast :D If that is all I am remembered for at the end of this game I'll be happy <3 More to come but I am at work soooooo yeah, more to come ~finger guns~
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Also I have NO idea why everyone trusts Mitchell so much!! He’s a snake and if he doesn’t go home this week, the rest of my tribe are idiots
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Well...that was quick. Aidan taking the advantage is really interesting, and also very telling: 1. Do the fans have a clear majority? Sarah and Dani didn't trust Mitchell, and this would be the perfect time to knock him out. 2. Is Aidan ACTUALLY playing the game? He seems to have a grip on what will happen tonight, which is fearsome, considering he didn't do jackshit on the original fans tribe. 3. What is this twist for later tonight? I predict the advantage has to do with either picking the swapped tribes or sending someone to exile at the F15, making it 7 vs 7 with 1 at exile.
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It looks like they may have thrown the challenge? I might be screwed? Like not in the good way. 😏  They said Mitchell’s name and i want to believe them but how are you going to be like i dont want to go to tribal and hope someone else takes it to taking the temptation. Its very clear of their intention. I just hope they are telling me the real target. Cuz if not im dead. And ill be gone. If its me, its been great. Its been fun. I wish i could have lasted longer. But oh well. Sarah i hope you make it far. Jonesy ❤️ Kill it and take the title.
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oh my godddd, so sorry I forgot to do a confessional. I completely forget to do them when my tribe doesn't have to go to tribal. ;) I genuinely love my tribe so much and have actively talked to everyone ever since the switch. Now there's talk about swaps that may happen, but I don't want that to happen. :( The only good thing that could come out of a swap is that I would have an easier time choosing someone to vote out if need be, because by the looks of it, my current tribe is the most active and serious about making it to the top. I really don't want any switches to happen unless it's merge! Also, I don't think my tribe is ever going to talk in the temptation chat because we're all so on the same page. Ugh, I love them.
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I think Sarah is going home because Mitchell Aidan and I made an alliance. She threw both Mitchell and my name so.
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