ahllohehn · 17 days
they ( @emtheforeverdm , @linnyunicornlover ) think imur favourite is that true :3 /j
Whatever makes y'all sleep at night /j
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heyo, little intro from me here!
I’m theo (they/them). this was just going to a place for me to vaguepost into the void, I’ll probably still do that quite a bit to clear my stupid brain, but I’ve decided it’s as good a place as any to rant about my wips.
My main wip is a steampunkesque adventure set in a London ravaged by solar storms. This has forced the majority of the population to live underground, in London Beneath, they are classed subterran. A smaller proportion of the population emerged from the solar storms with unusual magics and a natural resistance to the deadly power of the sun, they are classed as celestian.
The story follows Hawk, a subterran mechanic, who, by complete accident manages to save the life of Princess Cecelia, the girl she’s considered her nemesis since she was nine years old. This turns her life upside down, when as thanks for saving her daughter, the Queen makes Hawk a maidservant to Princess Cecelia. The notion entirely ridiculous, Hawk is a six foot three, giant of a mechanic often found in greasy coveralls and she would not be seen dead in the pretty maids’ clothes now required of her. Being maidservant to the Princess is a fate worse than death. In fact, she is sure her life is majorly at risk, after all what happened to the last ten maidservants that barely lasted a day in the palace?
Hawk soon finds herself wishing she’d left the Princess for dead. But Cecelia being the biggest bitch topside becomes the least of Hawk’s worries when kidnappings and assassinations become a major part of her daily life.
For some reason it’s up to Hawk of all people to keep the Princess from certain death.
Hawk is desperate to be someone, to be important, but she doesn’t really believe she ever will be. But in reality, she is one of the most important people in the country.
Cece is destined to be the most important in the country, but all she wants is to be free, all she needs is to be rescued.
This is a tale of a hero and her princess, and their journey to truth, love and understanding.
I’m also working on a video game story about a peaceful nomadic race of aliens called the Luhrien who travel the universe, fleeing from the Imur who have persecuted them for millennia. They followed a signal believing it to be their salvation, but in the end, it turns out to be their downfall. The story will be told through the eyes of the player, a young space archaeologist many millennia later as they go on their first adventure and have to puzzle together the downfall of these two warring civilisations.
I’m also an engineer and developer but that’s just my day job, who cares about that?
I’ll probably also ramble on a lot on here about being aroace and general vents about whatever is annoying me at that point
But hey if you’re still here, feel free to reach out if you wanna talk about writing, chat shit, or hell you need advice, I’m pretty good at that too.
theo <3
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girl4music · 7 months
Thanks for tagging me @danielleitloudernow
10 songs I’ve listened to recently.
Well, I’ve been listening to this WayHaught playlist I made on Spotify pretty much constantly so all of the songs I’ve been listening to recently are either from scenes in ‘Wynonna Earp’ with Waverly and Nicole in or from fanmade WayHaught videos on YouTube. I’m pretty obsessed with this WLW/queer couple at the moment. They’re the best WLW/queer representation I’ve seen in TV art/entertainment since Xena and Gabrielle and they really remind me of them.
I really like their physically and emotionally intimate scenes because there is a lot of narrative build up and foundation behind them. This isn’t something you always get with WLW/queer ships if both characters in it are not main characters in the show. So a lot of intimate scenes between WLW/queer ships in TV art/entertainment just happen with no rhyme or reason for them to. And therefore they look extremely forced and contrived because of it. This doesn’t ever happen with Waverly and Nicole. There’s always rhyme or reason for why they are as intimate as they are - both in a physical and emotional context - and it just makes their relationship so real and authentic. I am always absolutely enraptured in watching their intimate scenes and a huge factor as to why is because of the music they chose to play over those intimate scenes.
1. Sam Smith - Fire On Fire
Not actually in the show but in my favourite fan video.
2. The Casket Girls - Secular Love
This song plays during WayHaught’s first meeting.
3. Fleurie - Wildwood
This song plays the first time WayHaught make out and decide to become an official but private couple.
4. IMUR - Breathless
This song plays during a make out scene between WayHaught - leading to their first time having sex off-screen. There’s a conversation between them showing that it is important for Nicole that Waverly truly and fully consented to having sex with her because it was Waverly that was initiating it and Nicole wanted to be sure that she was sure in going all the way with her. And by the gods after all the shit I’ve watched involving violations of consent between WLW/queer ships, I really fucking appreciated this great scene.
5. STACEY - First Move
This song plays when WayHaught are about to be sexually intimate after Waverly was possessed by a demon and Nicole asks her whether the other times that they were sexually intimate while she was under its possession were actually her and what was real and Waverly reassures her that every time was all her and that it was all real because she remembers everything that happened between them whereas she couldn’t remember everything when she was possessed by it. Again, the notion of consent there is very appreciated.
6. Robyn Dell’Unto - Common
This song plays when WayHaught get sent into an alternate Universe where there’s no Wynonna and they never got together. Waverly walks in with Nicole’s lunch at the police station and she sits on her desk. We see it all happening in slow motion from Nicole’s perspective because Nicole has a huge crush on Waverly who is about to be married to a guy. She has this big dumb expression on her face that entirely gives her away but Waverly is completely oblivious. And it’s just a very adorable scene between them that makes you see that they’re destined to be together.
7. Adaline - Ghost
This song plays during WayHaught’s first and only on-screen sex scene. It’s a really beautifully done scene that has so much narrative build up, foundation and emotion behind it because they have been separated from each other for a really long time. Well, it’s a really long time for Nicole, who experienced the separation as long as 18 months, 3 weeks and 4 days. It’s very emotional to watch the scene bearing this in mind and the two actors that portray WayHaught did it justice not only because of their insane chemistry but also because they choreographed the scene themselves.
8. SEIL LIEN - It’s Love That Brought You Here
This song plays during a scene where WayHaught are kissing on the bed and Waverly tells Nicole that while they were separated, an evil entity tried to pretend to be Nicole and fool Waverly. And when Nicole gets concerned, Waverly tells her nothing happened between them and even if it did, she’d have known immediately that it wasn’t the real Nicole because she knows every inch of Nicole’s body and how it responds to her touch. She then asks Nicole if she could tell her about her year and a half but Nicole is in her own mind and therefore isn’t present with Waverly because she’s so distracted with the anxiety that they’re in danger from monsters that have been trying to get into the Homestead since Waverly was separated from her. It’s a very poignant scene showing how much more difficult and traumatic the separation was for Nicole.
9. Desiree Dawson - All In
This song plays during a WayHaught engagement scene. There is another engagement scene but it was during a looming and inevitable apocalypse where Waverly proposed to Nicole and it wasn’t appropriate so they redid it. Even though this engagement scene was supposed to be a double proposal (Waverly to Nicole/Nicole to Waverly), Waverly asks Nicole to just let her propose alone because she wanted to in the first place and Nicole consents. And it’s a really well written and performed scene where you could see the actors felt real emotion because it mattered to them.
10. Lindsey Ray - Won’t Let Go
This song plays during WayHaught’s wedding, which is in the final episode of the show. In fact, the entire episode pretty much is all about WayHaught getting married. It’s not just the main narrative of the episode, it’s also the main narrative backbone behind the entire season because not only did both main WLW/queer characters survive to the end of the show, they were also endgame as a committed main WLW/queer ship and this was celebrated by them getting married and having the whole season revolve around that as a main narrative - wrapping the main narrative around the characters rather than the other way around as all character-centric genre shows should do. This hasn’t, doesn’t and likely will never happen again. It is absolutely groundbreaking that they achieved this. Especially in a time in TV art/entertainment when it was either Bury your Gays or Bury your Gay show. I know that it’s because it was a reward to the fans that fought so fucking hard for a final fourth season. Just that very fact makes me love this song all the more.
We certainly won’t let go because we deserve to be seen, heard and represented in TV art/entertainment just as much as the straight characters and straight observers are! We deserve main narratives! We deserve to live! We deserve to be happy! We deserve to be in love! We deserve to be treated as equals! Not killed off! Not cancelled! Not queer-baited! Not Man-Inserted! And not made to feel as less than deserving!
The creators/cast/crew for ‘Wynonna Earp’ did WLW/queer representation completely right and I’m in awe!
(Btw - I only put “/queer” because Dom identifies as non-binary and even if their character is female, I still feel it’s respectful to acknowledge this about them.)
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theleechyskrunkly · 9 months
I'm sorry but I'm not a very good gibberish translator, could you repeat that 💀?
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fellasleepinbaltimore · 10 months
parents are so detached from reality like... u made imur child cry and you say it's not necessary??? was it necessary to raise your voice and like completely rip them apart??? LIKE WHAT??! HOLY SHIT
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martinmohba · 11 months
It-twemmin fl-għajn matul is-sekli Introduzzjoni F’bosta kulturi, kemm dawk tal-passat kif ukoll dawk preżenti, jemmnu fil-qawwa tal-għajn li tista’ tkun trasmessa minn bniedem għal ieħor, jew lejn annimali, pjanti jew affarijiet oħra, kemm biex tagħmel it-tajjeb kif ukoll il-ħażin. Dan it-twemmin imur lura għal żmien iċ-ċiviltà fil-Mesopotamja, madwar 3,000 Q.K. Il-qawwa sopranaturali…
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yamamiya · 11 months
i hate u
IMUR – Miss You Hate You I M U R · Miss You Hate You Now I’ve debatedThat my sobriety is overratedAnd I want to feel intoxicatedFor just a moment to escape itI miss youI’m feeling weightedAnd it’s been so long since I’ve been fadedI’m not trying to make this complicatedI’m proud of the life that I’ve createdI hate you あなたのことが嫌い​​です だって嫌いなものは嫌いだし。はたしてどこまで嫌いかはともかく。カナダ、バンクーバー発、R&B強めのエレクトロユニット、I M…
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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gametainmentnet · 2 years
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Mural sepanjang 12 meter bertemakan God Of War Ragnarök hadir pada Jakarta Experience Board (JXB) mulai 8-14 November 2022. Even ini digelar bersama Sony Interactive Entertainment Singapore (PlayStation) dan Pemprov DKI Jakarta melalui Disparekraf DKI Jakarta dan UPK Kota Tua. Hadirnya mural yang memiliki panjang 12 meter itu, merupakan kolaborasi yang unik dengan memadukan unsur jelajah kota, aktivitas anak muda dan tren global. Diharapkan kolaborasi ini memberikan pengalaman baru di kawasan Kota Tua seraya mendekatkan euforia peluncuran terbaru game God of War Ragnarök di Indonesia. BACA JUGA: Rekreasi Sambil Edukasi ke Museum Sejarah Jakarta di Kawasan Kota Tua "Aktivasi Ruang Publik kali ini menggabungkan unsur jelajah kota, aktivasi anak muda dan tren global. Diharapkan kegiatan ini memberikan nuansa baru di Kota Tua," ungkap Direktur Utama JXB, Novita Dewi di Kota Tua, Jakarta, Selasa 8 November 2022. Novita Dewi mengatakan, pihaknya berharap dengan adanya kolaborasi ini akan dapat membawa kesadaran masyarakat muda untuk mengunjungi lokasi wisata yang baru saja di renovasi. Sehingga, tidak hanya orang tua yang berwisata, melainkan muda-mudi juga akan akrab dengan lokasi yang penuh sejarah. "Kami ingin menyampaikan pesan bahwa Kota Tua itu tidak hanya untuk orang tua. Tapi anak-anak muda juga berhak untuk mengunjungi lokasi ini. Dan kolaborasi ini sangat cocok untuk menarik perhatian generasi muda datang ke lokasi ini," kata dia. BACA JUGA: Mengunjungi Kota Tua dengan Berbagai Spot Menarik Tempoe Doloe Ruang Publik di Batavia Kota Tua Kepala Disparekraf Provinsi DKI Jakarta Andhika Permata mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan terus mendukung dan akan memberikan ruang bagi para pelaku industri kreatif. Khususnya,  untuk ikut serta memanfaatkan ruang publik di Batavia Kota Tua. "Belakangan ini Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta sedang giat membangun dan merevitalisasi ruang publik yang ada. Salah satunya Kawasan Batavia Kota tua. Ini  sebagai ruang interaksi antar individu atau komunitas untuk berbagai tujuan,” paparnya. “Kolaborasi dengan PlayStation dan Jakarta Experience Board adalah satu upaya untuk mempercantik ibu kota. Dan meningkatkan daya tarik masyarakat untuk dapat mengeksplorasi wajah baru Batavia Kota Tua," sambung Andhika. Ia juga mengeharapkan depannya kolaborasi serupa dapat terus kita lakukan. “Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta memiliki berbagai ruang publik yang bisa dimanfaatkan bagi para pelaku kreatif untuk memamerkan karya-karyanya," tambah dia. BACA JUGA: Plaza Senayan Pekan Ini Hadirkan Paguyuban Burger Jakarta, Ada Apa Saja? Nantinya, Mural sepanjang 12 meter ini akan terpasang di Plaza Fatahillah dan melibatkan seniman berbakat. Seperti, Cep Toha dari komunitas seni IMural yang menggambarkan dua karakter utama God of War Ragnarök. Yaitu Kratos dan Atreus saat berperang melawan Thor dalam perjalanan mereka melewati Sembilan Alam. Kegiatan itu juga akan melibatkan generasi muda yang akan diajak untuk mengeksplorasi kawasan Kota Tua. Caranya, melalui kegiatan Jelajah sembilan Sudut Kota Tua, sebuah kegiatan yang terinspirasi dari konsep sembilan Alam dalam kisah God of War Ragnarök. *** Sumber: Antaranews
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girl4music · 3 months
These are songs that play throughout all seasons during WayHaught (Waverly Earp and Nicole Haught) scenes in ‘Wynonna Earp’.
The first song is from my favourite WayHaught fanmade video on YouTube and isn’t in the show.
1. Sam Smith - Fire On Fire
2. Casket Girls - Secular Love
3. Fleurie - Wildwood
4. IMUR - Breathless
5. Olly Anna - Write My Story
6. STACEY - First Move
7. Robyn Dell’Unto - Common
8. IMUR - Should Be
9. Adaline - Let's Stay Inside (Stripped Christmas)
10. Adaline - Ghost
11. SEIL LIEN - It’s Love That Brought You Here
12. Desiree Dawson - All In
13. Lindsey Ray - Won’t Let Go
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thelampunabawimurah · 2 years
0858-2666-1921 TERMURAH, Jual Lampu Hias Kubah Masjid Kayu Putih
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cruelrhythm · 3 years
thought it was over.
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“Case of You” is sultry, RnB coated electronic pop, a twisted love story that is embracing companionship and how energy can impact our actions. It emits both a power and a danger, as is living life freely with an open heart.
I look forward to this new chapter from I M U R; expect their third album out this summer.
Written by: Chloe Hoy Photo credit to: Sterling Larose
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biawanna · 5 years
New song ;) Go stream it <3 <3 <3 
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Tell everybody what they wanna hear
What they wanna hear
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