#implied klaus x caroline
Battle Lines
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Pairing: Platonic Mikaelsons x reader and past Mikael x reader.
Warnings: Canon typical violence and behaviours and Mikael is a warning on his own.
AN: This is my first time writing for The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.
You landed on the floor with a quiet thud.  Thankfully, the voices coming from outside seemed to conceal the noise your arrival made.
Forcing yourself to control your breathing and heart rate, you inched forwards until you could see Niklaus, Elijah and Rebekah.  You disregarded the fact that you could also see Stefan, Damon, and Elena.  They weren’t important right now.
Mustering all of your courage, you straightened your posture and confidently walked over to the three Originals.  Your display of courage was all for show and you knew that the Mikaelsons would have registered your presence the second you arrived in their home even if they gave no indication of it.  But your show wasn’t for them.
“Elena was so kind to provide me with the information I needed to find you,” Mikael crooned mockingly as he clutched a terrified Caroline.
Rebekah scoffed and turned to face Elena, “So literally stabbing me in the back wasn’t enough for you?”
“He threatened me!” The brunette protested.
Taking advantage of Rebekah’s distraction, you moved into Mikael’s line of sight. If you had blinked, you would have missed the way his eyes widened but there was no missing the way his gaze locked onto you.
“Caroline,” you addressed the blonde teen, stepping forwards.
Mikael quickly changed the way he was restraining Caroline and gripped both sides of her neck, “Come any closer and I’ll break her neck.”
“He’ll do it,” Klaus assured you stonily.
You raised your hands and stepped backwards.
“That’s better,” Mikael praised.
“I apologise for the delay.  I arrived as soon as I received your message,” you informed Klaus without taking your eyes off of Caroline and Mikael.  Klaus didn’t reply and you addressed Caroline.
“Caroline I need you to focus on my voice.  Can you do that?”
Caroline nodded minutely.
“Answer her properly,” Mikael snarled into her ear. 
“YES!” Caroline shrieked.
As you breathed out, you commanded the shadows to creep forwards from behind Mikael.  Mikael let out a laugh, “So this is your great ally, boy?” He spat at Klaus, “Your hybrids would be a greater challenge for me even though they would be defeated before you could blink.”
Klaus’ expression didn’t change, “I don’t need the hybrids this time.  I made the mistake of underestimating her once.  It is a mistake I never intend to repeat.”
The shadows erupted from the ground around Mikael stunning the vampire long enough to allow one of the shadows to pull Caroline out of Mikael’s grasp, grab a hold of Caroline and disappear.  The shadow reappeared next to you with a shivering Caroline.
“Release her and depart.”  You commanded.  The shadow followed your order and Elijah moved smoothly forwards, gathering Caroline in his arms, and speeding up the stairs.
Mikael sped forwards but the shadows still under your command formed a large, opaque, circular wall that encompassed the entirety of the Mikaelson house between you, the inhabitants of the house and the oldest vampire.  You heard Mikael grit his teeth in frustration.
“No company that you keep will be able to keep you away from me.”  Mikael vowed.
You kept the shadows in place for three hours until Klaus informed you that Mikael had vanished.  No one in the Mikaelson house was sure how long Mikael would stay away for but at the moment, you had other pressing matters to attend to.
“How exactly do you know Mikael?” Elena demanded.
“That is what you’re focusing on now?” The Original hybrid retorted, “Not the fact that you put Caroline’s life in danger by revealing information to my father?” 
“Brother,” Elijah cautioned from his perch on the stairs.  “I fear any aggression on your part would distress Caroline further.  Her current resting state is tenuous at best.  Rebekah is doing her best to maintain a calm atmosphere for Caroline.”
Klaus sent Elena a look filled with loathing before stomping up the stairs and passing Elijah.  A small smile blossomed on your face as you noticed the closer Klaus got to the top of the stairs, the quieter his footsteps became.
“I will answer your question Elena,” Elijah stated, adjusting the sleeves of his shirt.  “Not because you are entitled to the knowledge but because keeping a secret such as this one would give Mikael an advantage over us and right now, that is the last thing any of us need.”
“Well?” Damon prompted, “Do we need to play twenty questions before you tell us?”
“The thought did cross my mind,” Elijah quipped.  “But no.  To put it simply, my father’s time with (Name) was interrupted and he is attempting to resolve that.”
“And here I thought you had taste.”  Stefan sent you a judgemental look as he realised what Elijah was alluding to.  The other Salvatore brother gazed at you with disgust.
“If that’s the case, how are you still alive?  Why are you welcome here?” Elena persisted.
Out of respect for Elijah, you refrained from rolling your eyes.  Barely.  “Our time was interrupted because a vampire found out he was in town and attacked.  During that battle, I realised the connection between Mikael and the vampires of New Orleans. As soon as I connected those dots, I fled the battle and came here to warn Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus about Mikael's presence. Naturally, I also needed to prove that I was honestly unaware of the connection they shared with Mikael and I went to great lengths to do so.
“We respected her genuine honesty and determination to prove herself,” Elijah supplied.  “Such qualities are rare to find in today's society.” Elijah examined you,  “Though I fear that using your abilities to defeat our father has done little to deter him from his pursuit of you and that it has done the opposite.  I strongly advise that we all practice caution for the foreseeable future.”
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morningstargirl666 · 8 months
This is a snippet from chapter 36 of TBBW, a very very rough draft - I haven't done much for this chapter because I'm obvi focusing on editing. However, I'm sure you'll still find it exciting - and a hint to where the fic's plot is taking us next.
Klaus eyed the new girl standing in the Lockwood study, watching as she perused the family’s various collectables and ornaments decorating the room, admiring a painting which Klaus thought rather tacky that was hung over the fireplace. There was a scent about her, tainting the entire room, wet fur and damp earth - a werewolf. Interesting.
“You’re a new face,” he commented, making her jump. She hadn’t noticed he was there.
To give her credit, she recovered quickly, spinning around to face him, taking in his appearance with a sharp eye. Klaus let her look, stepping further into the room, his hands behind his back.
“And I take it from your accent you’re an old one,” she pointed her finger at him, tilting her head in question. “Klaus?”
He smiled down at the floor, amused by her valiant attempt to hide her fear. Unfortunately, her jumping heartbeat gave her away. 
“My reputation precedes me. Hopefully not all bad.”
She curled up her lip in obvious disgust. “A little bad. Mostly repulsive.”
His smile dropped, no longer amused at all. He couldn’t work out if her disrespect was foolishness or arrogance.
“So you’re a friend of Tyler’s-” he continued, walking closer towards her, eyes narrowed. “That’s strange. He’s never mentioned you.”
The girl clamped her mouth shut, suddenly with little to say. And that was when Klaus heard his name being said, far away at the other end of the house, by a voice whose cadence he recognised instantly: Caroline.
“You’re kidding me? Klaus?” 
Klaus turned his head slightly, frowning as he listened in more intently. He could practically hear the wince in Tyler’s response.
“Yeah, and I really don’t want to piss him off so…You should go to the party. I’ll be fine here.”
“But I’d rather hang with you,” he heard Caroline reply, so tentative and so very hopeful.
Regardless, Tyler shot her down.
“Trust me, I am no fun right now.”
Why would Tyler turn her away? The petty, vindictive boy Tyler was, no doubt he’d jump at the chance to have Caroline on his arm while Klaus was in the house. A childish fuck you, since he couldn’t turn the hybrids protecting him away. So why say no? His mother was out, so she wouldn’t intrude, he was alone in the house except for-
Klaus’ gaze fell back on the new girl, looking at her in a new light. Suddenly, her presence took on an entirely different meaning, one that Klaus didn’t like at all.
“And I think I know why,” Klaus continued, shooting her a smile that was all teeth.
“Okay. Well, I’ll see you later then?”
“Yeah, I’ll call you,”
“Yeah, okay.”
Klaus felt his hands clench behind his back, an anger settling his chest at sheer disappointment and hesitance he heard in Caroline’s voice, like she had done something wrong. The nerve of this boy-
“Tell me…” he trailed off, pointedly looking at the girl.
“Hayley,” she answered quickly.
“Hayley,” Klaus echoed, beginning to circle around her. “Tell me, Hayley, how did you and Tyler meet?”
She shifted her weight to one side, folding her arms around her chest. Defensive. “I ran with the pack he sought help from.”
“To break my sire bond?” Klaus asked, her face confirming his suspicions. He waved the panicked look in her eyes away. “Yes, I know all about that. So, you are one of the Outcast then.”
Hayley frowned, shaking her head in confusion and looking rather impatient, as if he was rambling nonsense. “Outcast?”
“Werewolves like yourself and Tyler: descendants of the same wolves that stabbed their brethren in the back for a chance of mercy. Doomed to forever wander in aimless, disjointed  packs,” he explained, stopping behind her, forcing her to turn to face him. His mouth curled into a sneer of his own. “Traitorous little things.”
She scoffed, smiling a little. “I literally have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“No. You wouldn’t,” Klaus drawled, tilting his head again, in that wolf-like way. Her smile fell. “Allow me to enlighten you,” he continued, pointing a finger at her, “You see, werewolves like you, like the others I made my hybrids - they know not of our nature. Instead of making a stand, staying to fight against the vampires and witches alike - your ancestors ran and hid. And in hiding, they failed to teach their children the ways of our kind. The traditions, the knowledge, the culture. All was lost until they were so far from what they are, they believe their wolf is a curse. Outcast. Alone. Forgotten.”
“Lycanthropy is a curse.”
Klaus grinned. “Is it?”
Her eyes narrowed, taking a step back from him, clearly ill at ease with what he had just said. “What would you know of our histories? You’re more vampire than wolf, I know that at least.”
“My father is what we call an Alpha of Alphas. A King,” he said, closing the distance between them, not allowing her to escape. “Do you know what that makes me, Hayley?”
“Am I supposed to say Prince Charming?” she sneered, all disgust and foolish defiance.
Something dangerous settled in Klaus’ gaze, violent and spiteful.
“Werewolves follow power. They do not follow weak Kings.” His hand shot out, enclosing around her throat and lifting her up by the neck. His eyes bled black and gold, veins crawling across his cheeks. “Do I look weak to you?” he growled out through sharp fangs.
“No,” Hayley choked out, fingers scrambling at the hand holding her throat.
“Then tread more carefully then, because unlike my father, I am not prone to mercy," he snarled in her ear, tightening his fingers around her throat for emphasis. "And learn to curb your tongue or you will find yourself without it,” he said, almost as an after thought, before letting her go. She dropped to the floor, gasping in lungfuls of air and curling over, coughing. Klaus cocked his head, his expression suddenly serene once more. He looked almost bored. When she looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes, he raised a brow, gesturing to the door impatiently. “Go.”
She didn’t need telling twice.
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honestgrins · 7 months
kc + caroline has MANY complaints about klaus but her biggest one is that the only time he responds to her follow up emails is to ask whether something is illegal
Per My Last Email || Klaroline
Weirdly canon-esque, and I have no defense. But we all know Klaus would be Caroline's neediest client.
Dear Mr. Mikaelson:
Per the agreement you signed, my services have been retained for legal representation on your accumulated traffic tickets ONLY. Please note that these emails fall under attorney-client privilege, but you should still avoid excessive details that would test my standing as an officer of the court. I trust that you will respect my professional boundaries, as difficult as that will be for you. To make sure I have all the relevant information at hand, please forward me the details of your current ID, vehicle descriptions, and all license numbers. 
As your court date is tomorrow, please respond as soon as possible. Otherwise, I would highly recommend paying your tickets before 9 a.m. via the online portal. My retainer fee, however, is nonrefundable.
ID, vehicle descriptions, and license numbers, ASAP.
Caroline Forbes Salvatore
Attorney, MF Group
Sweetheart, settle a bet for me. Kol insists his baseball bat is considered a deadly weapon, but surely it's just the force with which he can wield the bat that makes it deadly - therefore, its presence alone cannot be considered "assault with a deadly weapon."
A speedy answer would be appreciated, I just noticed the local bar installed a security camera that may limit your legal arguments after the fact.
And don't think I didn't notice the "Salvatore" in your signature. 
I did.
Dear Mr. Mikaelson,
My married name is registered with the state bar association and a matter of public record. In fact, my ability to practice in Louisiana is predicated on the fact that "Caroline Forbes Salvatore" holds a valid law degree and active license. If you have a problem with that, please feel free to retain other representation.
That said, I do want to remind you that I may advise on hypothetical legal scenarios, but will not abet any illegal activity such as assault with a deadly weapon. The threatening manner in which you imply your brother might wield a baseball bat, hypothetically, would be enough to enhance any assault charges possibly caught on camera.
As your lawyer, I don't recommend putting these hypotheticals in writing, and I really don't recommend letting Kol loose on New Orleans with a bat. Hypothetically, the whole city has cameras and it's a miracle certain activities haven't come to light. Yet.
Since you failed to send me the necessary details before your court date, I asked Elijah. You're welcome for getting the parking tickets dismissed, by the way, even though your behavior in court was detrimental to your case. The judge was not amused by your sense of humor, and neither was I. To prevent a repeat performance, I would suggest storing your luxury sports car in your massive compound instead of literally the middle of a pedestrian plaza. Just a thought.
Elijah has also taken care of your court fees and my incidentals since I had to void your last payment. Next time, please just pay the invoice. You don't tip your lawyer.
Caroline Forbes Salvatore
Attorney, MF Group
Love - quick question. Rebekah is throwing a bit of a tantrum and stole the doppelgänger blood I had stored. Is this a civil suit situation, or can I press criminal charges? Honestly, I think she'd have a lark in prison, but I think the inconvenience would be consequence enough for her to feel my ire.
Mr. Mikaelson,
Again, I'm sure this is a hypothetical situation where your sister, who lives in your shared family domicile and therefore has rights to whatever is stored inside, takes something of no actual value, such as human blood stored for medical study and nothing else, then - hypothetically - a grown man with substantial resources like yourself can surely see that neither a civil suit nor criminal charges would be wise to file. None of those details of a...supernatural...sort would belong in the public record.
Not to mention, sending your sister to prison would only get me and several other people killed.
Seriously, I'm too busy for this, and I'm not even on retainer anymore. I will be sending Elijah an invoice for this email communication.
Caroline Forbes Salvatore
Attorney, MF Group
I've wired a retainer fee directly to your account. And since you're on the payroll, I have some paperwork to go through. Working dinner? I'll buy.
Caroline: Klaus, you cannot send me a million dollars in a personal check. 
Klaus: Clearly, I can. Dinner?
Caroline: ...
Caroline: ...
Klaus: I'm thinking Italian. 
Caroline: If you think this counts as a retainer fee, I do not have the time to explain how wrong you are, but I will if I have to. To be clear, that is a threat, and you know I will follow through, complete with slide deck and appendices. If you would indeed like to retain my services for the family, Elijah and I have already worked through an initial contract with LIMITS, you absolute ass. All official business will go through him, I swear, or you will regret it. 
Caroline: Again, that is a threat.
Klaus: So, see you at eight?
Caroline: ...
Caroline: I'm donating the money you sent.
Caroline: But yeah, Italian sounds good.
Klaus: Change your email signature.
Caroline: Don't push it.
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hyperactivewhore · 10 months
I can't believe the topic of what happened between Damon and Caroline is still being debated, as if it should've ever been debated in the first place. Damon 100% raped and abused Caroline, and Elena 100% knew about it and still chose to be with him anyway, because she gave no shits about anyone else but herself and was a shit friend and a piece of shit in general. And you wonder why people hated Elena so much? For that exact reason right there and deservedly so. Stop being so stupid and in denial. And Caroline being the one to actively pursue Damon first and consenting to sex one time only doesn't make what Damon did null and void. The dude is still a fucking rapist and abuser. I get you hate Caroline, but come one now.
Jesus. Take a pill and calm down lmao, no one is attacking you.
There is no evidence of Elena being aware of the rape because the writers decided to act as if Damon never touched Caroline: I'm aware he did, he forced himself on her and the show never addressed or even recognized the trauma she endured. Just as they decided to act as if he didn't also rape Andy and as if Katherine hadn't raped Stefan and as if Klaus hadn't made out with Care in Tyler's body, which is no matter what sexual abuse all the same, especially because Caroline was gonna have sex with him - I don't think he would have went further with her, though.
I do agree however with the fact that Damon 100% raped Caroline, Stefan probably knew (as it's implied) and people pretending otherwise is just stupid and awful. This conversation says everything we need to know:
[Stefan: They are people, Damon. She's not a puppet. She doesn't just exist for your amusement, for you to feed on whenever you want to.
Damon: Sure she does. They all do. They're whatever I want them to be. They're mine for the taking.
Stefan: All right, you've had your fun. You used Caroline, you got to me and Elena, good for you. Now it's time for you to go.
Damon: That's not a problem. Because... I've been invited in... and I'll come back tomorrow night, and the following night, and I'll do...with your little cheerleader whatever I want... to do, because that is what is normal... for me.]
But blaming Elena for it is straight up disgusting. As far as I know, the only time she brought up her "relationship" with Damon was in season four, some comment about how Caroline jumped in bed with him. She would have never said that if she knew he had raped her, and it's left ambiguous for a reason.
Liz was the best friend of the man who raped her daughter, Caroline got along well with the woman who raped her husband and Caroline herself was forced to get along with Damon, the man who abused her and traumatized her. Deciding if x person knew what had happened has always been our choice, the writers would never dare to address the sexual abuse this characters did simply because they were fan favorite.
Being honest it's quite stupid of your part to act as if Caroline herself wasn't also a bad friend. Everyone in the Mystic Falls gang was at one point. Hating Elena - and Matt - was literally a trend that started in social media and got out of hand because people got caught up in it, everyone was crying when Nina left and everyone hates season seven just because she wasn't on it, the character people despise so badly. And the fact that you're implying I've ever defended a rapist is fucking disgusting, I've never done that and I've never will, stop being stupid and grow the fuck up, the way toxic stans lose their shit because people don't like Caroline is ridiculous.
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rp-partnerfinder · 8 months
✨Hello!✨ I'm almost 25 (she/her) looking for a 19+ rp partner. If we rp with ocs I double up exclusively. If we rp canon character ships I am okay with not doubling up but I'm willing to do so if it's a preference of yours.
I am totally okay with darker themes and angst, but with smut I'd rather fade to black and imply it since I have some trauma so I'd rather just not. That, however, doesn't mean I can't be a bit steamy. I do love some good tension between characters😉 I am open and mindful of your triggers, too. I very much welcome pre-rp chats where we can establish boundries😌✨
Ideally our ocs could interact. They obviously don't need to be best friends but it's definitely more fun that way imo! I'd also prefer if we chat, plot, and make up hcs oorp to add more lore and love to the rp.
All LGBTQIA+ welcome! I'm better at FxM and FxF but I'm absolutely willing to play MxM. I know very little about poly but if you're willing to help me out I can absolutely be open to it🫶 Love triangles welcome (and love squares; 👀 @ Miraculous Fandom)
I am looking to be semi-active, replying to the main rp about twice a week or so and our oorp chat at least daily. I write somewhere around 500 words per reply (trying to match your vibes, mainly🥰), but I am willing to committ to other limits (though a higher word count obviously might affect the amount of replies per week) so it's not a dealbreaker if you have other preferences🩷 I am ESL btw.
I am open to rp-ing on other platforms such as discord.
Bold is who I'd rather play📝 (I can be flexible tho!) Italics is preferred ship!🥰
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington x OC
Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley
Robin Buckley x Vickie
Robin Buckley x Chrissy Cunningham
The Vampire Diaries
Kai Parker x OC
Klaus Mikaelson x OC
Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Klaus Mikaelson x Caroline Forbes
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
Kol Mikaelson x Bonnie Bennett
Stefan Salvatore x Rebekah Mikaelson
Fate The Winx Saga
Sam Harvey x OC
Like this and I'll reach out to you🫰
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findyourrp · 8 months
✨Hello!✨ I'm almost 25 (she/her) looking for a 19+ rp partner. If we rp with ocs I double up exclusively. If we rp canon character ships I am okay with not doubling up but I'm willing to do so if it's a preference of yours.
I am totally okay with darker themes and angst, but with smut I'd rather fade to black and imply it since I have some trauma so I'd rather just not. That, however, doesn't mean I can't be a bit steamy. I do love some good tension between characters😉 I am open and mindful of your triggers, too. I very much welcome pre-rp chats where we can establish boundries😌✨
Ideally our ocs could interact. They obviously don't need to be best friends but it's definitely more fun that way imo! I'd also prefer if we chat, plot, and make up hcs oorp to add more lore and love to the rp.
All LGBTQIA+ welcome! I'm better at FxM and FxF but I'm absolutely willing to play MxM. I know very little about poly but if you're willing to help me out I can absolutely be open to it🫶 Love triangles welcome (and love squares; 👀 @ Miraculous Fandom)
I am looking to be semi-active, replying to the main rp about twice a week or so and our oorp chat at least daily. I write somewhere around 500 words per reply (trying to match your vibes, mainly🥰), but I am willing to committ to other limits (though a higher word count obviously might affect the amount of replies per week) so it's not a dealbreaker if you have other preferences🩷 I am ESL btw.
I am open to rp-ing on other platforms such as discord.
Bold is who I'd rather play📝 (I can be flexible tho!) Italics is preferred ship!🥰
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington x OC
Steve Harrington x Nancy Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler x Robin Buckley
Robin Buckley x Vickie
Robin Buckley x Chrissy Cunningham
The Vampire Diaries
Kai Parker x OC
Klaus Mikaelson x OC
Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Klaus Mikaelson x Caroline Forbes
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
Kol Mikaelson x Bonnie Bennett
Stefan Salvatore x Rebekah Mikaelson
Fate The Winx Saga
Sam Harvey x OC
Like this and I'll reach out to you🫰
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
do you hate klaus x caroline or do you ship it? cause i'm confused.
Oh LOL so I'm guessing you're unfamiliar with Klaroline then? Because imagine a scenario where there is something that you really love that seems to only be getting better and better and makes your favorite show and favorite characters more interesting and developed and is just overall very cool. Then imagine that it abruptly stopped and the people who created it and heavily implied that it was going somewhere told you to fuck off, and then the franchise that it was a part of so suddenly crashed and burned that it was shocking and confusing. Then imagine that the people who caused it to crash and burn said that in fact it was all because of the thing that you liked, and more particularly because of the people who liked that thing, so why don't we all shit on the people who like the thing, which in turn led to both the people working on the shows and the remaining fans of said shows to constantly harass the people who liked the thing. Then imagine that despite the constant blame and harassment, the entire franchise continues to crash and burn because it sucks, and because the thing that you like is one of the only things left that can actually generate interest, the people making the show occasionally trot it out to bait people in between shitting on them constantly. That is, in essence, the experience of Klaroline. Ergo, I both ship it/love it and cannot fucking stand it because of the shitshow it became.
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violets-page · 3 years
In her arms |R.M|
Rebekah Mikaelson x reader
Word count: 2181
Rebekah and you have been friends forever, but when Damon and Elena try and use you as leverage she confesses her feelings. 
warnings: torture, nothing too extreme or graphically depicted. 
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God, you hated living in Mystic Falls.
Those were your first thoughts when you woke up alone and in the dark.
Where you were was a mystery but how you got there was plain and simple. You had been kidnapped. But by who was what you still had to wander.
You sat as still as you could trying to listen for voices, footsteps, or hell; even traffic. Not that you could even hear anything over the sound of your own heavy breathing. Your head pounded as you tried to figure out how you ended up here. 
Last you had remembered you had been walking to Bekah’s house. It was only about a mile from where you lived and the sun had shone brightly. Not to mention your mom’s car was in the shop so she had taken yours. 
The last thing you remembered was smiling at the thought of the Mikelson’s trying the spicy pasta you were going to make for them tonight. That and then your head colliding with something hard.
You gave up on listening and started to struggle. Your hands were bound in front of you by a thick rope and your feet bound underneath you. After trying to shift your hands out of the ropes for probably a good 10 minutes you realized that whoever tied them was making sure that you weren’t going anywhere. 
By now all the thoughts had started running through your head. They’re going to kill me. Or worse. I’ll never see my family again. Will they ever find my body. Oh my god oh my god. Rebeckah is waiting for me. If I die… I hope she never has to see my body or hear about what happened. 
By now your hands had brush burn where the rope laid, and your legs had fallen asleep. the old shirt of a gag that they had tied around your mouth was soaked in spit and you could no longer taste the bourbon on it that you could when you first woke up. Not to mention the pains in your stomach from skipping lunch, and now probably dinner. 
Rebekah- god knows why- had become rather insistent in training you on self-defense so you had gotten pretty good at that. She failed, however, to show you how to escape from rope bonds. 
You managed to scoot forward quite a bit. Reaching up towards the door handle you twist it only for it to be locked. Of course. But that didn’t mean it was useless. 
The door handle looked ancient. It was metal with one of those old keyholes. Part of the metal plate jutted out in what looked to be an attempt to yank it off. 
Reaching up you started to rub the ropes against the metal piece hoping to cut it off. Your actions halted before starting again faster at the sudden appearance of footsteps.
Shit shit shit.
When the door opened you fell threw. Not realizing how much you’d been leaning against the door. 
“Damon, we already have her. You don’t need to torture her too.”
You were pushed onto your back by a foot to the stomach.
Your eyes met pale blue ones song and a terrifying smirk.
Damon Salvatore
The only reason you knew who he was was because of the absurd amount of time he spent pestering Bonnie and Rebekah. Who happened to be the few people at Mystic fall high you talked to regularly. 
You recognized the voice scolding Damon as Caroline.
“Oh come on, she’s not gonna come if she thinks her girlfriend is A-okay. We gotta ruff her up a bit.”
They definitely had the wrong person
As you made eye contact with Caroline she dared to shoot you a little smile and wave. You just glared at her.
“Alright listen here hun, all you gotta do is scream, cry maybe spill some blond for us then call your dear friend Rebekah over to save you and we can all leave happy. Okay?΅
Your brows furrowed. What do they want with Bekah?
Bekah must have a girlfriend she never told me about. And they must think I’m her. 
Your heart hurt at this realization.  
When you made no move or any attempt to reply he continued on.
“look, we just need Stefan back’
Your reply came out muffled by the gag. Which he promptly (and aggressively) ripped off. You shifted so you were sitting up with your back against the cold wall.
“Bekah doesn't have stefan”
He rolled his eyes at you
“I know that. But Klaus does. Klause doesn’t love anyone but his family, and we couldn’t catch them. Trust me we tried. However, Rebekah loves you, which means she’d do anything to save you even if that meant betraying her brother.”
“Maybe.” Caroline piped up.
“Even if she did she would call the authorities to come and save me. Bekah wouldn’t risk her life to come and get me. Plus I’m not her girlfriend.” 
At this, they all rolled their eyes.
“Trust me she will” Damon scoffed
“Let’s just give this over with” came the voice of Elena. Who had somehow appeared at your side. 
Your eyes went wide at the sight of the needle in your leg before quickly dropping closed. 
*   *   *��  *   *   *   *   *
When you awoke again you were in what appeared to be the Salvatore living room. A quick glance down showed that your hands and feet had been bound tightly to a chair.
“Finally she’s up.” Elena grumbled
“Well someone miscalculated the dosage” Damon side-eyed her. 
“Well no one told me she was a human”
Human. There was that word again. You never really understood what they meant. Bekah and her brothers always referred to you as their little human, which implied that they were different. While you didn’t fully understand it, you knew parts of how they were different.
You knew Rebekah and her brothers were all extremely strong and never seemed to get hurt. And you knew from eavesdropping that there were others in the town like them. 
You weren’t scared though. Well, at least not of the Mikelsons. They would never hurt you. Damon and Elena on the other hand….
The earlier stalked towards you with a devilish grin on his face. He reached for your hand and you immediately tried to pull back. Unable to because of the restraints you felt his cold hand engulf yours. 
Right before he broke your finger.
You screamed partially from the shock of seeing your finger bent flat against the back of your hand and the other part from the pain.
It wasn’t until you saw Damon glance back at Elena did you notice that she was recording.
Other hand. Same finger. 
Again you screamed. Louder this time. 
One by one he broke each one. Waiting for your screams to subside before moving on the next. *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
After there were none left to break and your vision was fading in and out from the pain, he leaned in close. 
“Now beg for her”
At first, you didn’t know who he was talking about. But as the tears started to run down your face and all you could think of was the safe embrace of a certain blonde, you knew. But never would you drag her into possible danger. You would rather let him break every bone in your body. 
And it seemed he might.
“Is that all you’ve got?” you mumbled so quietly that you weren't sure if he even heard you or not. Apparently, he did. And boy was that the wrong thing to say.
He motioned to Caroline who handed him a sleek and simple dagger before covering her mouth and turning away.
You hoped you were wrong about what you thought was coming. But when the dagger pierced the skin on your thigh there was no denying it. 
“Bek… “ it had slipped through your lips without you even noticing. Damon however easily caught it.
He removed the dagger and aimed a little lower before plummeting it back in. Your mind rattled as the sound of your screams filled the house.
“BEG FOR HER” but it was too late. You had already passed out
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
“It’s good enough,” Caroline tried to convince the pair. “Just send it to her”.
So they did.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   * 
Rebekah was starting to get worried. You were supposed to be at her house by now for family dinner night. Plus it was your turn to cook. 
She wanted to tell you all about how mad she was at Nik as you played with her hair. She wanted to see you smile as your warm arms wrapped around her with promises that everything would be okay. 
You would have texted her if you were going to be late. Right? 
She let out an audible sigh of relief at the sound of your ringtone coming from her pocket.
Her ease was short-lived when instead of a text she saw a video. Of you. Hurt.
A million thoughts raced through her head as black veins extended from beneath her eyes. 
Before her mind even caught up with her body she was out the door.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
By the time she arrived at the Salvatore house, she thought her dead heart would just about burst out of her ribcage. 
Flinging the door open she ran right to Damon. Steak already in her hand she raised it high above her head
“STOP” she looked over to see Elena holding a knife against y/n’s tear-stricken face.  Her demeanor quickly changed as she let the stake clatter to the floor. Her tight grip on Damon’s shirt, however, remained. 
“If you touch her Elena it’ll be the last thing you ever do.” 
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
At the familiar sound of her voice, you couldn't help but let every muscle in your body relax, despite the situation you were in. 
You couldn’t even hold back the words that left your mouth.
*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
“Beckah.” She heard you sigh in relief. Her heart swelled at the sound of your voice. 
“Here’s how it’s going to go.” Elena spoke with a sudden burst of confidence “Call your brother and get him to bring Stefan back and make him turn back on his emotions. No Stefan. We kill her. Hurt any of us. We kill her. Got it?” 
Rebekah looked back at you. There was no way she could get to you in time, the dagger was already drawing blood from your neck. Shoving Damon back she walked out with a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.
The moment she was out the door she immediately dialed Nik.
“I need you to bring Stefan back.”
His reply was exactly what she had been fretting: “You know I can’t do that bekah.” 
Her hands shook as she tried to keep her voice steady. “Please Nik, they-” breath in breath out. “They took y/n.” 
The line went silent.
“Please please please” she begged as silent sobs wracked her body.
“Wait right there”
* * * * * 
Klaus had a soft spot when it came to anything involving his sister. And if that meant protecting a weak human girl that made her happy then so be it. 
Don’t get him wrong he adored you as well. You came over every Thursday to prepare a new dish from around the world with them. And while he wasn’t as infatuated with you as Kol and Bekah are, he had grown fond. 
He arrived at the Salvatore house hours later to find Bekah curled up on the sidewalk out front. When she looked up he saw that her makeup had been wiped off and her eyes rubbed red. 
As she took note of the lack of a Stefan she stood up. “Where's Stefan?” 
“Don’t worry I'll handle this” he made a move towards the door but Rebekah quickly moved in front of him.
“No Nik you can't, they’ll kill her. You need Stefan, please just go get Stefan.” 
He gripped her shoulders and gave her a slight shake to bring her back to her senses. “Bekah. Don’t forget who you are. Who WE are.” she gave him a nod and they turned towards the house. 
Within moments the pair had knocked out two of the vampires and the third was left cowering far away from y/n.
Becka leaned close so only Elena could hear. 
“If you ever even think about touching her again, I will kill everyone you ever love. For all of eternity,” she smiled and the quaking brunette. 
As soon as the vamps were taken care of Rebekah wasted no time running to your side. Your head felt light and you weren’t sure if you were hallucinating because of the blood loss or if Bekah just snapped Caroline’s neck. You also weren’t so whether she was talking or that was just the ringing in your ears. 
As she undid the ropes you faded in and out of consciousness. But now you were certain you had heard her mumbles clearly
I love you. I love you. I love you. I’m so sorry. I’ll never let you go. I love you. I love you. I love you. 
as she pulled you into her warm embrace you knew you were safe.
And as tears and lips hit your forehead. You knew this would be the end of your friendship.
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writeseasonally · 4 years
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Imagine being Caroline’s little sister and recognizing Kol while attending the Mikaelson ball.
Pairing(s): Kol Mikaelson x Forbes!reader, Caroline Forbes x sibling!reader, Klaus Mikaelson x Caroline Forbes (if you squint), Damon Salvatore x Elena Gilbert (implied)
Word(s): 840
A/N: This is the first imagine I wrote for TVD/TO so expect the characters to be somewhat ooc? I apologize for that. Also, if anyone has any other ideas for an imagine or one-shot, feel free to send me an ask :)
"Caroline, are you sure this is a good idea?" (Y/n) asked, adjusting the strap of her dress. She looked at the older blonde beside her as she took a deep breath before putting on a tight smile. Caroline turned to her little sister, smile still on her face, before responding.
"I'm sure that this is a terrible idea. But I need to make sure that Damon and Stefan don't get into too much trouble with Elena."
The younger blonde nodded before entering the household with a nervous smile on her face. Caroline was beside her, her hand grasping onto (Y/n)’s. "Promise me you'll be careful? I still don't want you here but despite me being a vampire your stubbornness still amazes me."
"Promise." She smiled.
(Y/n) scanned the crowd with an unsure look, eyes roaming with hope to spy any of the Salvatore brothers. Though, she hoped to spot Stefan to maybe keep him in line as she knew that Damon was probably already on Elena's heels.
The only word that revolved around her mind at the moment was magnificent. The elegant dresses and gowns of the guests didn't fail to amaze her. She found them beautiful, the details and all. The guys on the other hand looked above handsome, especially those who obviously put effort in their looks. Despite the similar looking tuxes, with some only standing out because of the color, she was still able to distinguish them and admire their attires.
While admiring the choice of clothing by the guests, she spotted Damon with mayor Lockwood in what seemed to be an interesting conversation (which surprised her because she was so sure that he would already be with Elena by now, but maybe she wasn’t there yet. Yep, that was probably it). (Y/n) turned to her side to tell Caroline that she'd be with Damon, but was surprised to be met with no one there. She noticed her walking away, specifically from Klaus, who seemed to be trailing after her.
A chuckle escaped her lips as she didn't miss the look of annoyance painted all over her sister's face.
(Y/n) stalked towards Damon, catching his attention. He flashed her a small grin before beckoning her over. She then noticed that someone else also made their way to the mayor's direction. It looked like he was introducing himself as she noticed him kissing her knuckles. They exchanged a few words before the mayor excused herself.
Almost near them, she heard Damon introduce himself. "Damon Salvatore, have we met?"
"I've met a lot of people, and you don’t particularly stand out."
Damon pulled his hand back as it was obvious that the person wasn't interested in returning the handshake. (Y/n), who was now beside Damon, eyed the intruder with her friend, she swore she'd seen him before, she just couldn't remember when and where.
Like every other male in the room, he too was wearing a tuxedo; his brown hair was perfect, to say the least. Glancing to his face, she noticed the mischievous grin that was graciously on his lips with his eyes reflecting the same as he also eyed her.
The man quickly took a hold of her hand before gently placing a delicate kiss on her knuckle, the same way he did with the mayor.
"Well, hello darling. Kol Mikaelson." he paused as he brought his lips at the back of her hand, "And must I say, of all the people I've seen tonight, you are unarguably the most outstanding of them all."
(Y/n) quickly pulled her hand from his grasp, returning it back to her sides. She was about to respond before Damon interjected. "Woah there Mikaelson, that's the sheriff's daughter. I don't need another original obsessing over the Forbes."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes at him before focusing her attention back to, who apparently was Kol Mikaelson. "(Y/n)...and I think I've seen you before."
"Ah, well, I am quite hard to miss in a crowd. You probably saw me somewhere and thought that I was a handsome lad and -"
She remembered.
"You were the vampire that tried to feed on me earlier before another vampire stopped you!" she snapped her fingers, glad that she was able to pinpoint the certain memory. But as soon as she realized what she'd just said, a scowl immediately made its way to her face as she glared at the original in front of her. "Great job on the compulsion by the way. Totally worked.” She spat, her voice laced with thick sarcasm. “How 'bout next time you actually check whether your poor victims are on vervain or not. Oh, and be glad you weren't able to actually feed from me."
With that, she stomped away from the two males in search for the other Salvatore, hoping that he'd be better company.
Kol's eyes remained on the back of (Y/n), the amusement in his eyes still present. Never had he found himself interested on his failed meal before.
gifs are made by yours truly unless stated otherwise
posted: 07-10-20
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livlepretre · 4 years
So we’ve established that Klaroline was set up horribly and never made much sense—plus it totally wrecked Tyler’s storyline, but were there any other ships you thought were ooc or done very poorly? Or any ships you wanted to see or thought had good potential? I still wish the show was willing to admit what was really happening with Klefan in the 20s...
Well, first off, I agree with you about Klefan with the power of a thousand burning suns. It’s so very very very clear that Klaus and Stefan were ALSO involved, and that they were involved in a messy ménage à trois with Rebekah. That detail makes Klaus insisting on Stefan going with him that summer so much more potent-- like, of course Klaus wants Stefan there, of course it’s this bizarre messed up power dynamic where they were definitely sleeping together that summer but Stefan has no idea that he and Klaus have a history, he’s just high and angry and depressed and this force of nature has entered his life and knows just exactly how to get him off?? And the angst that would cause with his reunion with Elena-- the idea that they had true love, but probably less than a month after he leaves with Klaus, he’s sleeping with him? Devastating. The fact that Klaus is so jealous over Stefan, the way that Stefan goes after him like an angry ex in season 3? Fantastic. I love this ship. I approach TVD as though this is canon because honestly it has to be?? The subtext is basically vibrating so hard it reads as just plain text. 
This also brings up the thing about Klaus calling Stefan “brother”-- Klaus has a weird incest thing to him. I’m not sure I would call this “a ship with potential” but I do think there is a really strong implication that Klaus is sexually obsessed with his sister and I understand that TVD was never going to go there as it was a CW show, but considering they are vampires and just how WEIRD their chemistry is on the show and the whole thing where they were definitely both dating Stefan, I tend to headcanon this as well. It’s part of why things are so fucked up between them. 
I suppose on to the final hinge of this triangle, this is the ship I most regret not really getting in TVD: Stefan x Rebekah. I remember after 1x03 aired, I was convinced that we were about to launch into a sickeningly angsty (read: I lived for this) situation where Stefan would be in love with both Rebekah and Elena, through no fault of his own, and be unable to put one before the other (at least, not without a really long and epic emotional arc). I really enjoyed this idea in particular because Rebekah so embodies the parts of Stefan that Stefan most loathes about himself, the parts of him that he works so hard to suppress, but which are also very deep and intrinsic elements of his character. Elena represents a different side of himself: the person he tries to be, that he tries to change himself into, with lesser and greater success. It would have been a really fascinating ship that would have given some real tension to Stefan in season 3 and also lent Stelena its first real obstacle. 
Obviously I wish there had been some actual Elijah x Elena and some actual Klaus x Elena, because everything pointed that way and it would have been FUN, but the show seemed to think that Elena could only have so many love interests, which, shame. 
In some of my more lucid moments when I can tamp down my die hard Delena feelings, I can admit that Damon x Bonnie would have been a great ship. I don’t personally like the idea of it because I really really am all in for both Delena and Stelena, but it probably would have been utterly magnificent. 
As for what I think was handled poorly:  
Salt under the cut. 
obviously klaus x caroline 
I was never very happy with Steroline... a little surprising to me that I disliked it when I actually received it, because I shipped it pretty attentively in season 2, at the height of my interest in the show. My main issue with it was that by the time it happened, the show had pretty much convinced me that anyone other than Elena would always be #2 in Stefan’s eyes-- from what I’ve seen of the finale, it seems like the show went out of their way to reinforce Stelena again at the end, even though Stefan had married Caroline by that time. I suppose I just think what we actually got really sucked for Caroline, and it makes me sad for her. 
Elijah x Katherine-- Loved the idea that they would find a way to be together-- and even that Elijah would overlook how cruel Katherine had become (not that he should be throwing stones, or, in Elijah’s case, pebbles). HATED how quickly he left her to pursue the plot of the Originals-- I was NEVER given a satisfactory excuse for that-- the idea that they would still burn for each other 500 years later, that they would finally have a chance to be together, and what? Elijah discovers Katherine is in fact Katherine, the monster he and his brother made, so he ditches out? LAME. ALSO the fact that he didn’t come to her bedside AS SHE LAY DYING in 500 Years of Solitude?????? UNACCEPTABLE. This was WASTED. (But also. Because of this ship. I had to hear with my own ears “the sweet peasant girl you fell in love with way back when is dead”. UMM. EXCUSE ME. Nothing about the flashbacks imply Katerina was a peasant? Girl obviously had the connections to go to England? I’m so embarrassed for Elena’s wild lack of understanding of any basic history, I curl up and die every time I hear this Godforsaken line.)  
Elijah x Hayley-- OOC! I pretty much hate this ship. Mostly because if Elijah was going to pull what he did with Katherine, he ought to have been wrecked by it, not forgetting about Queen Kat and falling for random mean teenager Hayley. Maybe if it had been introduced later in The Originals, but it was like whiplash for me as a viewer and it set me against it right away 
Bonnie x Enzo-- look, I understand that people are into this ship and say it’s really well done, and I can admit that I haven’t really seen enough of the later seasons to judge fairly, but my gut feeling to encountering this has always been wtf? I just have a lot of trouble grappling with the idea of Bonnie with a vampire. The thing about Bonnie is that she’s consistently just about the only one with their head on straight. She knows vampires are THE WORST. and also, does no one remember that time that Enzo murdered Stefan? I DO. I SURE DO. I can just about buy the idea that over time Damon would get under her skin enough that I could see Damon x Bonnie, but this thing with Enzo strikes me as bizarrely out of character for her. Girl is too smart for this!! 
Anything pertaining to Silas/Amara/Quetsiyah-- kill it with fire 
OH and anything pertaining to Caroline x Alaric please smother it with a pillow-- I know a lot of people are into teacher x student as a kink and that Caroline had grown up by then, but teacher x student has and at this point probably always will squick me to no end and I hate the way that this ship brings Alaric’s character down, because Alaric is just so wonderful and has gone through so much grief, he should just get to not have this storyline tainting him 
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xxsovereignsarayaxx · 4 years
Fifty Shades of Mikaelson
Shade 1
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Authors Note: So here is the first installment of a mulit chapter series, I posted a teaser chapter last year and after a lot of work and editing here is the first chapter. This will be a slow burn series but I hope you will stick with it. Word Count: 2953 Pairing: ???Mikaelson x Reader Insert (Slow Burn) Warnings: Implied sexual humor. Richmond Virginia is the home to Mikaelson Enterprises, one of the largest companies in the US to date, with countless connections across the country and the world. After receiving the company from the untimely death of their parents and younger brother Henrik the six remaining siblings all took a share and equal role within the company. 
The loss of their parents and younger brother was hard on the remaining family and became so tough on Freya and Finn that they ultimately took a step back from public eye of the company and became silent partners, this allowed Elijah, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah to have a free rein on the company so to speak.What made Mikaelson Enterprises different to all the others was the fact that it didn’t have one sole purpose. 
The company originally thrived at investing low market sales. Rather than take the risk and invest in the higher term stock markets each sibling took to different sectors and reaped the rewards of their own doing which allowed them endeavour into other opportunities.Each sibling was different, Rebekah stuck to fashion. Her aim was that she wanted people to look great whilst not breaking the bank and so she worked with a large team of designers to manufacture a line of clothing that was stylish while being at affordable prices. Kol and Niklaus went into business together to create the bourbon of bourbons, wanting to create a new brand and enjoying the odd glass or two led them to a likely partnership. Elijah was different compared to his other siblings rather than go out into the world and create a new product he used his studies and degree and built a highly respectable law firm. And each separate business venture was all under the same roof in the tallest building in the city.
Springtime in Richmond was often cold and or wet, and as I watched from my large bedroom window the weekend hustle and bustle of those wanting to get to work on time hurried in large packs and then would disperse quickly into different buildings. I padded barefoot through my large apartment, still half asleep, yawning and stretching relying on my auto-poilet function to get me to my kitchen so I could sort myself out with a cup of coffee and some much needed breakfast. Scratching my scalp with my nails I waited for the kettle to boil when I heard my laptop ping with an email. Groaning that I had emails to read on my day off, I ignored them whilst I carried on waiting for the water to boil but then the glorious chime of the skype ringtone filled my ears and I begrudgingly went over to my desk and answered the call.
“You’ve got some explaining to do love.” Klaus said, as I clicked on accept.
“I'll take your late night business meeting went well.” I teased back wiggling my eyebrows, carrying my laptop to my kitchen island. 
“Why didn’t you tell me Caroline was the representative for the Salvatore’s?” 
“I didn’t want you to have...performance issues.” I replied with a higher tone of voice whilst also swinging my hips as my back was to the camera while I continued to fix up my daily dose of caffeine. 
“You can do better…” Klaus deadpanned sounding un-amused. 
“Is that what Caroline said, aww champ.” I said as I turned back around to the camera with a mug in hand sipping away at the hot liquid. 
“I need you in the office today.” He said changing the subject. 
“You know I don’t work Saturday’s.” I replied, leaning back against the kitchen cupboards taking another sip of coffee. 
“Kol needs a new assistant…”
“And that is my problem how?” I sassed back.
“Unless you want the extra workload? I suggest you find somebody.” Klaus said smugly as he raised his eyebrow. 
I leaned towards the camera slightly. “I mean the extra money would be nice but it doesn’t quite fit in with my schedule, but who in their right mind is going to put up with your brother? Come on how am I meant to pitch this? By the way the guy you're going to be working for is arrogant and so self absorbed not to mention he thinks he’s the hottest and smartest guy in the room.” I ranted sarcastically. 
“I’ll see you within the hour Y/N.” He said bluntly and he ended the call. 
Letting out a huff I closed the laptop lid in a swift motion and lent back on the kitchen cabinets and took my time drinking my coffee. I glanced up at the clock, I saw I had about forty five minutes to get into work, which meant an hour give or take. Putting my now quarter empty coffee cup in the sink I headed over to my bedroom and picked out some clothes to wear. Selecting a form hugging, white knee length dress with a thin black belt, I then moved into my on-suite bathroom and jumped in the shower.  
As I entered the building to my workplace I did my usual rounds of saying my good mornings and made my way to the elevator. Standing patiently I waited for the metal doors to open and it made me think back to my very first day at the offices working for Niklaus or Klaus as he liked to be called. I was fresh out of college and had my tuition debt looming over my head and as I read through the job adverts in the daily paper I saw that there was a position at the esteemed Mikaelson Enterprises, hearing that it was good money I applied for it and I had been working happily here for the past two and a half years.  
Strolling through into Klaus’ office he looked un-amused just like he was in the video call earlier.
“You're late…” He scolded.
“I told you I don’t work Saturday’s.” I sassed back. 
“Do you want to find yourself unemployed?” He threatened. 
“Oh please you couldn’t even last a day without me, I know you better than you know yourself. Tell me again who is it that sends out Christmas cards to the shareholders? Or handles organizing all of your meetings?” I replied, rolling my eyes at his lame threat. 
“Organizing meetings are a part of your job Y/N.”
“Ahhh Y/N there you are darling, here is the list of candidates you asked for.” Kol interrupted, walking into Klaus’ office interrupting mine and his bickering and the younger Mikaelson hands me a stack of files.
Taken aback by the weight of the files, I gave him a sarcastic smile. “I did?” I asked, gritting my teeth sending my boss daggers with my eyes. 
“Brother would you like to join me for a drink? The distillery has a new batch they would like us to try.” Kol asked. 
“Would love to, I’ll catch up in a few moments just have a few things to sort out here before we leave.” Klaus replies and with that Kol says his goodbyes and leaves the office. 
“Really? You're calling me into work so you can play hooky?” I questioned, gesturing with my free hand.
“Duty calls. If it makes you feel better you can work here.” Klaus says with a smile and gets up from his desk and grabs his leather jacket and heads for the door.
“Would you also schedule a meeting with Marcel?” He asked as he turned slightly facing me. 
“Sure, how does the 10th of kiss my ass sound?” I deadpanned, rolling my eyes.
“Perfect love, I’ll see you later.” 
Klaus left his office and I let out another huff, so much for spending my Saturday at home binge watching TV whilst having a face mask on and eating a tub of ice cream, hanging up my woolen coat on the coat stand I placed the files on his desk. Slumping back against the leather office chair I reached out for the phone and slotted it under my ear and shoulder as I dialed the number for Marcel’s office while I looked at the first résumé. 
“Hello Gerard Corporation, Davina speaking.” 
“Hey Davina, it's Y/N.” I replied whilst scanning down the document. 
“Hi, Y/N! What can I do for you?” Davina asked in a chirpy tone.
“Can I book Klaus in to see Marcel next week? I did say it’ll be the 10th of kiss my ass but if that doesn’t work how does the 6th?” I asked her, spinning in the chair. 
I heard a chuckle down the line. “I have no idea how you can get away with talking to your boss like that!” 
“Takes practice, don't worry though in a year or two you’ll be speaking to Marcel exactly the same way.” 
“I doubt it, but you're in luck Marcel is free on the 10th. I’ll email you a confirmation this afternoon. But why are you working today? I didn’t think you worked on a Saturday?”
“Yeah so did I. Klaus called this morning saying that Kol needs a new assistant and that unless I want the extra workload to find someone suitable.” I replied with a grumble. 
“Oh dear. Have you found anyone yet?” She asked.
“Well so far I’m on the first one but listen to this.”
“I’m hardworking, loyal to a fault and will complete any task given to me to the best of my ability.” I said in a completely different accent and all I could hear from the other line was Davina laughing.
“Kol is...a difficult person anybody sweet and nice would just crumble under him.” 
“Tell me about it, well here's to hoping I can find someone in this stack who can stick it to him. I best get back to work but fancy going for a drink on Friday night?”   
“Sure thing, let me know how it goes. Speak to you later Y/N.”
“Bye D.” I said as I put the phone down and got back to looking at the applicants. 
Taking another of the résumés I left the office and headed to the break-room to fix myself another hot drink. As I was leaning over the counter waiting for the coffee maker I heard a clearing of the throat. 
“Nice to see your putting in the extra hours Y/N. Niklaus seems to have taken the hint about getting you to work one weekend a month.” Elijah says. 
Slapping the document on the counter I span around. “Do you really have to make me sound so cheap Elijah?” I teased feigning that he hurt my feelings. 
“Deepest apologies Y/N, you are looking lovely today might I add.” Elijah says.
“Why thank you, what brings you to this floor?” I asked him, fluttering my eyelashes.
“I was hoping to see Niklaus, is he available?” 
“Wasted your time I’m afraid, he’s playing hooky with your brother down at the distillery. No idea what time he will be back. But I can call you once he gets back into the office?” I suggested, picking up the cup and slid the résumé under my arm.    
“That would be rather helpful, thank you. I couldn’t help but also notice that some of my brothers' employees were looking a little frazzled. Perhaps you could aid them?” Elijah said back. 
“I’m a secretary Elijah, I’m not running a day-care when your brother goes out.” I replied pulling a face, rolling my eyes and walked past him leaving him alone. 
As I walked through the office back to Klaus’ office one of his employees called Joshua collared me. “Miss Y/N the fax machine isn’t working.” He uttered stumbling over his words. 
“Joshua darling, did they not teach anything at college? Here hold this.” I started, handing him my coffee cup and file and went to the fax machine to which was surrounded by a few other members of staff.  
“Listen up children.” I called out. 
“Bessie has done her service over the years you just need to know how to deal with her.” I added as I lifted up a flip, kicked the bottom drawer and pulled out the paper that had jammed. 
“Thank you.” I said quickly taking my cup and file and made a rather sharp getaway and back into the safety of Klaus’ office. 
I spent the remaining part of the afternoon going through the remanding résumés and to be honest out of the thirty I had read none of them stood out to me, the majority of the applicants were female and seemed ‘too nice’ and I didn’t think they would stand a chance, what male applicants were there also didn’t seem to be packing much in the spunk department. Looking at the clock on the wall I noticed that it was three-thirty and I was seriously hoping that Klaus and Kol would be making their way back to the office soon so I could go home. When I had an idea. Picking up the receiver on the phone I dialed a number to which I hoped would be the savior I needed. 
“Cami? Hey It’s Y/NN how are you? Just a quick one, are you still looking for another job?” I asked, twirling the wire around my forefinger.
“Y/NN, I’m good thanks and yeah I am. Why do you know of somewhere?” She asked me back.
“How do you feel working at the same building I work at? My boss's brother Kol, he’s looking for a new assistant. I will warm you though, he may be hot but he can be an ass.” I told her with a chuckle.
“Honestly I’ll take what I can get, the hours at the bar are getting fewer and fewer.” 
“Pop down to the office on Monday. I’ll schedule an appointment so you can meet him and get a feel for the place.”
“Alright I’ll do just that, thank you so much Y/NN.” 
“No worries Cami glad I could help.”
Ending the call and putting the phone back, the door to the office swung open and Kol and Klaus stumbled in, while Klaus propped himself up by holding onto the back of the sofa, Kol crash landed onto it. 
Raising an eyebrow. “I take it the tasting at the distillery went well?”
“That it did love.” Klaus slurred back.
“Did you find me a new assistant? Y/N” Kol asked me, shifting his position on the sofa.
“I did, I’ve set up an appointment on Monday so you can meet her. If she is too your liking she can start as soon as.” I replied back to him, moving to another part of the room that had a jug of water, pouring it into two glasses. I handed one to each of the boys. 
Klaus and Kol looked at me and then at the glass of water in their hand, letting out a sigh I made a drink up motion with my hands. 
“Elijah was also looking for you earlier, I did tell him I would contact him when you got back to office however I don’t think now is a good time. And that is also me done for the day thank you very much.” I added and collected my things and left the office. 
Walking into my apartment I was exhausted, dumping my handbag and coat on the sofa I stripped off and turned the shower on. Standing underneath the water flow I enjoyed having the hot water fall onto and down my body as I felt the day drain away from me. 
Monday came and I was back in the office like normal and already typing away at my desk which was located just outside Klaus’ office. I was in the process of sorting through some of the stray bits of paperwork that was scattered on my desk when the familiar notification came through. Glancing at the screen I let out a scoff, Klaus wanted to see me in his office. Pulling out the USB drive that was in my computer and strutted into the room. 
“His lordship wishes to see me.” I teased, mocking a curtsy. 
“Did you type up the transcript from the Salvatore meeting?” He asked bluntly. 
“Yes it’s all on here but you also have paper copies in the bottom drawer in your desk, you have a meeting in twenty minutes with Marcel and I also made a reservation at that fancy restaurant for you and Caroline at eight.” I replied, motioning to the USB stick in my hand when I mentioned it. 
“What would I do without you love?” 
“Probably you wouldn’t survive at all, but is it really a good idea to be seeing Caroline outside of business negotiations?” I asked him. 
“You see love that when people have too much to drink they let details slip. All you have to do is ask questions. But would you be a sweetheart and pick up my suit from the dry cleaners?” Klaus replies smugly. 
“If you say so, but in my opinion playing Caroline like the way your aiming is just a dick move. And what did your last slave die of?” I told him bluntly. 
“Love I’m not playing your friend. I’m playing the odds so I can win the bothersome game between us and Salvatore’s just remember who you get your paychecks from, and we ‘evil villains’ have minions such as yourself to go and pick up dry cleaning. Now if you don’t mind.” 
“Yeah, yeah I get it. Just if you do you know find yourself in a compromising position later tonight make sure you wrap it before you tap it.” I sassed, winking at him and left the office. 
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐫
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Imagine: You have a secret admirer and your very shocked by who it is.
Pairings: Human!Enzo x Human!reader Human!Kol x Human!reader Human!Klaus x Human!Caroline Human!Hayleyx Human!Elijah Human!Rebekah x Matt Human!Stefan x Human!Elena 
Warnings: implied smut, boner, Kol being jealous, perverts(it just came up ok, please no hate. It’s not as bad as it sounds.)
I’ve just got out of the shower and I’m starting to get ready for school. I read a text from the groupchat I have with my bestfriends Caroline, Rebekah, Bonnie, Elena and Hayley. 
Hayles💕: Guys it’s Valentines day !
Carebear🐻: I know I can’t wait to see Klaus😁!
Lena💖: I can’t wait to see Stefan either !
BonBon🍬: Me and Jeremy haven’t sorted things out...so i’m not so excited this year girls.
Bekah💞: I am excited to see Matt but Y/N what about you ? This is the second year you’ve been single on Valentines xx
Hayles💕: Oh yeah. I didn’t mean to be insensitive Y/N❤.
It’s ok girlies😂i’m fine. Yes I may be single but that is Kol’s fault and he’s missing out on all this, plus how many cards do I get ?
Hayles💕: She’s right guys she does get the most guys hitting on her. Mikaelson boys are idiots Y/N, Kol is missing out.
Hayles your dating a Mikaelson boy or did you forget about Elijah😂?
Hayles💕:I forgot he was a Mikaelson he doesn’t act like one. Just Kol then cause Klaus isn’t that bad either, i’ve never met finn and Henrik is too young.
Carebear🐻: Klaus is dreamy😍.
Bekah💞: Finn’s married and doesn’t really contact any of us except my sister and my parents, and Care please don’t be like that in front of me please🙏.
Lena💖: Anyway moving on. Everyone dress in pink or red, cause I have a really cute outfit picked out look.
Okay nobody else show their outfit wait till we get to school.
I picked out my outfit. I then got in my car and drove to school. When I arrived I got stared at, this started happening since after I broke up with Kol. I have no idea why sometimes it was nice to feel noticed. I saw the girls and ran over to them, we looked hot there was no denying that. 
We walked to first period and as usual we got handed all Valentines cards that were for us. What the school did is a week prior to Valentines day everyone puts cards in a big mailbox in the cafeteria for people as secret admirers and you get given them on Valentines day. Your not allowed to put them in the box on the day though, or actually you can but they will get thrown away because they empty the box the night before.
This year I got alot more than I was expecting. Usually I know who it is straight away. This year there’s Rebekah(bestfriend), Elijah(promised to always send me one, because ‘I always deserve one’.), Tyler(a fling), Damon(boy bestfriend, always sends me one), Matt(sends our whole girl group one each every year cause he’s sweet), Mr Williams(Mr pervert), the janitor(saw me naked in the changing room once, since then he’s trying to convince me to sleep with him), Stevan(sweet guy I kissed in middle school), Klaus(my first time, he’s always had a thing for me),Stefan(pity’s the fact i’m friends with Damon, also to be nice),Ollie(first boyfriend), Kai(my first kiss),Kol(yes we aren’t together anymore but we ended things on good-ish terms) and one extra and I have no clue who sent it which is off all is says is,
I have had my eye on you for a while, I can’t stop thinking about you gorgeous. 
Your secret admirer xox
The first periods flew by as usual and we were having our break already. I was doing the usual rounds today at break. Giving Rebekah a hug, texting Elijah thankyou, telling Tyler I said thanks with a kiss on the cheek and a cheeky wink, doing a run and then hug with Damon when he gets out of the girls toilets to have his ‘Valentines day fling’, giving Matt a kiss on the cheek, telling Mr Williams to stop being a pervet or threating to get him fired, telling the janitor very kindly to back off and then punching him when he says no, giving Stevan, Ollie and Kai a kiss on the cheek, telling Klaus that he’s needs to stop when the girls aren’t with me because he has a good girl and he doesn’t need to mess it up, Stefan I give a hug cause Elena doesn’t like it when I kiss his cheek cause she’s worried he might care for me to much, When I found Kol I madeout with him and I know I shouldn’t but it’s hard and then I didn’t have enough time to find out my actual secret admirer. 
I was kind of shocked when I realised that 2 periods had gone by already and as I was walking to the Cafeteria to eat my lunch, I got winked at. By Enzo St John, holy jesus. This officially just turned into the best day of my life, every girl in school has had or has a crush on him. You are incredibly lucky if he likes you back or even acknowledges you in the slightest, I call that a win. It’s weird that none of me or the girls have ever spoken to him he’s in a friendship group with Klaus, Damon, Kol and Tyler. 
We sat down in the cafeteria and the boys joined us as usual except obviously Enzo. From the minute I sat down I could tell the boys were all pissed at me and I had no idea why. Klaus was scowling, Damon looked pissed at me, Kol had a knife in his hand looking like he was about to murder someone and Tyler was probably the calmest out of them. The one thing they all had in common though was that they were staring at me.
“Guys why do you all look extremely pissed at me ?”
Kol stood up, grabbed my arm and walked me out into the janitors closet.
“How long have you had a thing with Enzo ?”
I looked at him weirdly.
“What are you talking about ? I don’t have a thing with him, i’ve never even spoke to him. Why would it matter if I did anyway ?”
“Stop lying ! It matters cause he’s my bestfriend Y/N.”
“We broke up Kol that means I can do whatever, whenever with whoever. You clearly don’t understand that.”
Then I saw the janitor and I rolled my eyes when he spoke.
“You broke up can I have a spin now.”
I scoffed in disgust.
“Go away Phil, I will not sleep with you.”
I then stormed out the closet to get away from Kol but he was following me back to the cafeteria.
“So that kiss the morning meant nothing?”
“Kol what do you want me to say that it did ? Cause I can’t do that. Your the one that broke up with me, I accepted that and I moved on which is what you should’ve done aswell, clearly your not very good at that. I don’t know what that what was this morning, but we are done ! I don’t want to hear the excuses or the lies. We are done ! That means no more random make outs or one nighters, no more texting me late at night when you feel lonely or coming to my house whenever you want acting like we never broke up! It was your choice! We aren’t together anymore! So get that through your head and stop trying to control me !”
For a second I felt relieved that I put Kol in his place but then I realised where I was. Smack bang in the middle of the cafeteria, with everyone silent and staring at me with their mouths gaping. I quickly walked out the cafeteria with tears streaming down my face when I got pulled in the janitors closet.
“I swear to god Phil...I WILL NOT SLEEP WITH YOU!”
“Who’s Phil ?”
I widened my eyes and wiped my tears, I knew exactly who it was. I turned around slowly and looked at him.
“Enzo ? I uh I thought your were Phil-uh the janitor.”
“He’s been asking you to sleep with him ?”
“He saw me naked in the changing rooms once and now he keeps trying to convince me to sleep with him.”
“Right. Anyway did you figure out who sent you that random card ?”
“No I di-wait how do you ? How do you kno-oh sweet jesus. It was you ?”
He laughed at me and nodded.
“Why would you-is that why Kol is pissed?”
“I don’t know why Kol’s pissed. Maybe it’s because he found out his ex girl likes his bestfriend and then got even more pissed when he found out his bestfriends likes her back.”
“Oh right okay.”
I was about to leave again when I widened my eyes. He just said he likes me. he likes me. Enzo St John like ME! Holy Jesus this is...woah.
“You like me ? You must be cr-”
He cut me off by kissing me. Of course I kissed back. He’s such a good kisser. 
“Yes I might be crazy. But I have liked you for a while. So how about a movie tonight Y/N ?”
I blushed like crazy and nodded. I couldn’t help but kiss him again this time longer and more passionately.
6 Months later....
I walked into school, except this time not alone. I was walking side by side with Enzo holding my hand. I talked to Kol he eventually gave up fighting with me and gifted us his blessing. The girls had finally talked to him and I couldn’t have felt better.
“Okay well we all have Gym let’s go.”
“Yes !”
I looked at Enzo and saw how excited he is ang giggled. 
“Stop getting so over excited about Gym, people will think you like school.”
“I don’t like school. But I like Gym not just because I’m good at it but I get to see you in your little gym shorts and it excites me.”
I giggled and kissed him and as I pulled away I bit his lip. I knew it would drive him crazy it always does, especially before Gym. I looked down and brushed my hand against ‘him’. 
“Yeah I can see that.”
He had a boner but he didn’t hid like most would he wore it proudly, which makes us all laugh.
“I’ll get you back for this Y/L/N!”
“I hope you do.”
I winked at him and went to the girls changing rooms.
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Heyyyy you said you wanted an anon ask that gets you talking paras, here’s a controversial one (because let’s be honest it’s the controversial ones that warrant discourse)
What according to you are Caroline Forbes worst character Flaws, (and not character flaws that are labelled to her like controlling neurotic insecure, but flaws you found as the show progressed, like for me I always found her to be a massive slutshamer and a tad hypocritical here and there) since you’re writing is all about complex layered characters who’s flaws and perfections don’t binarily vilify or hero-paint them but only humanise them, I’d really like your opinions. ❤️
OH wow! I kind of expected that post to just float into the wind but this is a nice surprise and I’m more than happy to discuss! I’ll start off by saying: I stopped watching the show (properly - I obviously know what happened but can’t bring up dialogue or anything) past about...season 5? So take that as you will. I also am more than happy to discuss my own stories and the characters in that (because, like, I wrote it so of course haha)!
I don’t know how I feel about suggesting that the show is as smart as I’m about to imply but my feelings on the slutshaming? They very much relate to that flaw of insecurity and her past experiences. Things like insecurity really don’t just go away like that. Even when you think you’ve overcome issues, they’re still within you. When you’ve been insecure for so long, it really becomes ingrained in you and you start to just project it as a result. So the short answer, I suppose, is: projection, which does fall under hypocrisy.
I’ve covered this sort of topic in PK but I think Caroline has internalised a lot of hatred and as a result, projects that onto others. Caroline has spent so much time putting high expectations onto herself that, well, why shouldn’t other people do the same? She felt attracted to Klaus but felt that it was wrong, that she should be ashamed of herself for it. Therefore, why wasn’t El*na ashamed of being with D*mon? From the moment Caroline met D*mon onward, she went through a lot of trauma and she was alone for most of it. One of the biggest ‘symptoms’ of PTSD for me has been resenting people who haven’t experienced what I have and are just (in my eyes) living life, doing fine, keeping it together without so much as a thought. Caroline sees El*na as just that. To her, El*na got to transition with a large and immediate support system, she knew what was happening to her when she transitioned and then she gets into a relationship with someone who has caused Caroline a lot of pain.
This isn’t me saying: aw poor Caroline she’s been insecure and been through a lot and therefore, should not be criticised. Just because there’s a root to her hypocrisy/judgement doesn’t mean it’s suddenly excused. It’s a flaw and should rightfully be criticised but this is why I think she displays it. And I think all of this internalisation and projection really combust when she does turn off her humanity (something that I honestly did not enjoy when I did watch the scenes of because they seemed to make it about SC’s development more than her own personal development). But all I can do is analyse and I can’t say that this is what was going through the writers’ heads because I think the show did a terrible job of exploring relationships past the surface.
Anyway, I know this seems like just one flaw but I think it is her biggest. I do hope this made sense because it’s late and my brain is fried.
x Lottie
P.S. If anyone does want to talk about any of my WIPs or finished works or drabbles, whatever, I will jump at the chance.
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unholyobsessions · 4 years
Request Guidelines
Currently closed
I currently write:
Criminal Minds:
x reader for Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, and Grant Anderson 
BAU x reader
Could try writing Spencer x character
Julie and the Phantoms:
x reader for all characters (Alex would be male reader of course)
Julie x Luke
x reader for all characters
Klaus x Caroline
Harry Potter:
It’s been a while but I could try to write x readers
I also do headcannons for all of the above
Specify gender in your request! If you don’t specify I will write it gender neutral.
I reserve the right to deny a request if it makes me uncomfortable or if I feel that I would not do the request justice. Remember that I do this for free and in my limited free time so please be respectful :))
Please be specific in your request. Writing *character* x reader won’t spark any inspiration. 
Could take a while to write. I’m a full time student with extracurriculars in the midst of college applications so I ask you to be patient.
I don’t write RPF or smut, although a lot of my fics have implied smut, I’m not good at writing it.
If one of my fics is missing a warning send me an ask!
I only do taglists for series!
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highgaarden · 5 years
Caroline was absolutely sure in one thing - in the dark and stormy sea of eternity Klaus was her only anchor
Caroline was absolutely sure in one thing - in the dark and stormy sea of eternity Klaus was her only anchor.
She used to think that maybe she was just good at drowning. Nothing felt real in mystic falls after the nth tragedy: she felt awash, underwater, everything a rippling blue. Elena slept. Bonnie drifted. Stefan and Damon disappeared into the woods. One day she goes to look for them, and finds Klaus instead.
"Hello, love," he says. As he always does.
"Hello," she says, because what else is there to say?
He's sitting on the fallen trunk of a tree, looks quite at home in the moss and muck of the forest. His cheeks are ruddy and red, his hair looked swept through with wind. It had been a full moon last night, which explained the hum of danger about his teeth, she supposed. Klaus' hands are busy carving a piece of wood with a sharp little blade, but he tilts his head to the empty spot next to him.
For lack of anything else to do on a sepia-toned mid afternoon, she joins him.
"New Orleans kick you out or something?" she asks.
"You could say that."
"Why come back here?"
Klaus gives her a very obvious look. "You're never one to fish for compliments."
Caroline turns red. "That is so not what I was implying!"
"Alas," Klaus sighs, pocketing his little carving to turn and look at her fully. "It's always you, isn't it? I came to tell you I've decided to break my promise."
"Unceremoniously so," Caroline rolls her eyes.
"Don't pretend you haven't been dying for a bit of madness." Klaus grins at her. "Do you forgive me?"
Klaus' grin falters. Only the slightest. Caroline is ashamed to say she notices only because she's always quietly catelogued the way she looks at her. The way he'd looked at her at her bedside, the way he'd looked at her as he had her pressed and panting into a tree - the way he looks at her now.
"If I do," she ventures slowly, "will you promise not to break another promise to me?"
"I'll have to be careful, love," Klaus teases, "one can get too used to the adrenaline that comes with ruining a sacred pact." He pauses, then must have decided to say it anyway, "especially a pact made between lovers."
Caroline elects to ignore this, but the fact that a heat is creeping up her neck doesn't escape her nor Klaus. "You better not break this one, Klaus."
He tilts his head at her, curious. "Tell me."
"Leave with me."
"Leave mystic falls?"
"You and I."
"'cause I fancy you, innit?"
Klaus makes a face. "don't ever butcher my accent every again." He hops off the log, she follows. "Do you need to pack?"
"Nah." their feet fall in tandem, crunching through the overgrowth in the dirty forest floor. "Let's just get some new stuff on the way."
Klaus looks at her, impressed. "Well, well, Miss Forbes."
She glances at him. "I prefer sweetheart."
She snakes her fingers through his, and together they find their way out of the woods.
Write me a sentence, and I'll finish the rest of the story for you.
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fafulous · 6 years
Round Two
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Summary:  Reader’s family doesn’t include her in their Christmas plans for the night, leaving her in shreds of sadness until her phone rings from her favorite family of vampires to save her Christmas.
A/N: AL right. Now the reason I’m writing this sad prompt is because this is what happened to me although not exactly, but the feelings are the same. @heythereelejah gets prompt credits for asking me to vent out through this prompt. ILY ALL
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Christmas is the time for endless fun and sloth behavior. It is the time when you're wrapped in woolen clothes warming yourself from the freezing cold while the aromas freshly baked cookies of various assortment filled the room completely.
It is the time to rekindle old traditions and mingle with the already closest members of your home, your sweet family.
But god save you, it will never the same with your family.
While Christmas has it's beautiful merits, the only thing favoring you was the demerits of it.
Being the youngest sibling and the quiet one, you were always foreshadowed by the eldest and her happenings. Not only by her, but it seemed like you were always taken for granted by the rest of your family. But it never bothered you that much, they were family and you loved them no matter what.
And Christmas can make the most dysfunctional family functional right?
Apparently not.
"I still don't understand why Elijah didn't call her Nik."
The Mikaelsons shuffled around the table as they made their last minute preparations and adjustments here and there.
"As I said," Elijah huffed, disappoint me written all over his face, "she told me she had to spend Christmas with her family. And this was quoted by Y/N herself."
Elijah felt a pang of sadness but pushed it away quickly. All of his siblings were bringing their dates for Christmas, except for him. Thinking it was the perfect opportunity to make a move finally, he had asked you to attend the dinner. But you couldn't and he realized it too - she had to celebrate it with her family.
"But we all know how she doesn't like spending her holidays with her actual family," said Kol with a faulty tone.
"Are you accusing me of not inviting sweet Y/N?"
"Enough both of you," stormed in Rebekah as she placed the bottles of red wine on the table.
"Kol," said Freya placing a soothing arm on his shoulder, "we all know that. We also know that Elijah and none of us can go and drag her from her family festivities. Maybe this Christmas she can actually have fun with them, you'll never know."
"On the bright side, we have a table and food as long and as wide as our lives. She can join us anytime," said Klaus as he carried Hope in his arms, silently upset that his friend couldn't make it tonight.
"I have a good feeling she'll be here tonight, Elijah," reassured Rebekah
Elijah wished that too, for he wouldn't have spent half an hour preparing an infinitesimal surprise for the woman he cherished silently.
To his luck, his wish was granted.
After a while, the Mikaelsons' dates had arrived. Marcel, Davina, Caroline, and Keelin made their ways to their loved ones, carrying small packages of gifts for everyone. By the time they sat down one by one after exchanging warm wishes, they were interrupted by the sound of continuous knocks. Elijah swore he heard a familiar whimper and ragged breathing too. All the Mikaelsons' antennae turned towards the door. Before Elijah could get up knowing who it was, Klaus was already out of the dining hall.
"Don't worry brother, I've got this"
The cold outside made your teardrops colder, your cheeks feeling ice bitten by those salty splashes of water streaming down your eyes.
It happened again. Yes, you were quite used being dominated by most of your family members and being ignored by them occasionally, but this time it crossed the line.
When you came out of your steaming shower to get ready for the unplanned evening, you noticed the strange quietness that was never associated with your family.
"Mom? Dad?"
At first, you were foolish enough to think it was a prank in form of a surprise. But later, it was very obvious that your family had gone out somewhere without even telling you. You didn't need to decipher that only by reading a note handwritten by your uncle.
We've all gone to the nearby mall for some quick shopping. Will be back some time.
You clung on to the last sentence like your poor heart depended on it since you never really like being alone most of the times, especially on a holiday like this.
But an hour passed and they were nowhere to be seen. They didn't even bother calling you, which made you cry out loud so loudly thanks to the fact that no one was home.
You went up to your room, slamming yourself into the plushy cushions sobbing and decided to not do anything for the day. So much for the holidays, you wished you were actually in that dreadful college of yours.
It was now that you regretted politely declining the Mikaelson's Christmas Dinner. Elijah had personally made the effort to invite you all the way by visiting during after college hours only for it to be declined by you. How you wished you could be there right now.
But the familiar chimes rising from your phone diminished the regret.
Messages from your favorite family flooded the home screen, one from each Mikaelson.
Kol: Christmas is no fun without our lame jokes being tossed around at everyone. Come home if you can, we have a special Mikaelson kiddie chair reserved for you dwarf size darling ;)
Klaus: Y/N. As much as you know that I'm not a Christmas person, the house feels empty without you. Hope wants you to be here too, and we have a spot saved just for you. See you soon and Merry Christmas.
Rebekah: Bitch you better bring your arse down here no matter what time it is. You promised me you would burn your wishes with me and the family. Even if you don't come by midnight, I ensure that you do.
Freya: Hey come home, we all miss you. Keelin says it's been ages since she saw you, might be the perfect night to rekindle stories. Hopefully see you there tonight :)
And finally from the man who made you nervous and fidgety.
Elijah: I hope you're having a good time with your loved ones this Christmas. Although you declined the invite, it's never off the charts. I wish you were here with us. I really do miss your presence Y/N. Merry Christmas.
You just instantaneously sprang up from your bed, happy tears rolling down your cheeks. All of their messages touched your heart, especially Elijah's, realising they still saved you a seat. The fact that the family missed her, the fact that he misses her made her heart flutter with mixed emotions of happiness and anxiousness.
Rebekah was your college mate, the only one who helps you to get through the educational hell hole. Long enough, she confided in her family secrets, her vampirism and her small aim in life to start a family.
The Mikaelsons, as usual, were very very apprehensive about maintaining an acquaintance with you but this problem was long forgotten. You were able to bring a small amount of cheer within every single one, be it taking care of Hope or assisting Freya with spells or even talking to Klaus about the deepest regrets of his lifetime. All of them took her in like a sibling they've always wanted.
Except for one.
You quickly took a small piece of paper and scribbled something on the lines of:
Waited for 'some time'. Headed to the Mikaelsons for some actual Christmas Cheer. See you tomorrow and hope you have a good one without me.
And right now you stood in front of their beautiful teak wood door engraved with their Mikaelson sigil surrounded by a beautiful Christmas wreathe. Wanting to get there fast, you just slipped on black jeans with a black top, pairing it with a beautiful white woolen overcoat and some black boots.
You knocked the door twice, wiping the last set of tears from your cheeks. You didn't realize how puffy your eyes must've looked as Klaus opened the door with a smile that soon dissolved to a protective glance.
"Is it too late? If it is-"
He pulled you in with his strong arms, pushing away your statement. "Poppycock. You're right on time."
"Klaus. I look horrible."
"Oh, that will never be a problem when Kol is around, love." He held you by your shoulders as he guided you to the dining.  "But besides the jokes, have you looked yourself in the mirror? Cute, small-"
You playfully slapped his shoulders which earned a chuckle from his lips.
"and beautiful," he completed. You hugged him sidewards as you reached the center of attraction.
The hall was decorated beautifully, ornaments stringing the Christmas tree just like in those Christmas movies you've always seen. Presents were wrapped in colors you never knew that existed and it was then you realized as you walked into the dining,
"I didn't bring any gifts."
The table was filled with food and expensive silverware. From a variety of roasted meats to salads and pies to cakes, you were very eager to taste them all with the best company you could ask for. Your eyes scanned at everyone seated around the table, dressed in red, green and white.  They finally landed on Elijah, who looked as usual - ridiculously good looking. A jet black suit with a white tie, which you had gifted him for his birthday last month. It was the first gift you had ever given to Elijah and you were glad it was acknowledged.
"As much as you hate my cheesiness, you're our gift darling," said Kol as he came up to you giving a kiss on your cheek.
Wishes and kisses were exchanged as the siblings and little Hope, who loved the woolen overcoat you were wearing and who just couldn't stop touching it.
You then went up to Elijah, awkwardly deciding whether to kiss him on the cheek or give him a hug, but finally, you decided to just wave it out. You swore you heard Kol and Rebekah sigh, for they knew how much you were attracted to him.
"Come on now, here's your kiddie chair," said Kol.
Before you could place your hand on the chair, your hands collided with Elijah's.
"Allow me Y/N,"
Ever the gentleman you wondered, as he pulled out the chair and helped you to sit. Your heart soared, even more, when he sat next to you, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks. Throats were cleared loudly to state the obvious.
Elijah glared at Marcel, Caroline and Kol, who were the culprits of the noise. Everybody knew how you both had a liking to each other, except for the parties involved. Everyone was seated next to their beloved. Klaus and Rebekah smirked at each other, while Kol whispered something into Hope's ear.
A toast was made by Klaus, out of character and emotional, thanking his siblings and guests, especially you for their tolerance and love disposed at him.
"To Family."
There was just merry and only merry in the room, as everyone ate to their hearts' pleasure. Everyone's glasses were red, except for Freya, Keelin, Davina and you for it was not blood but the best red wine caught hold of by Elijah.
Embarrassing Christmas stories were thrown onto the table as everyone ate, only pausing whenever the laugh was too hard to control. Caroline spilled the beans about Klaus' proposal while Rebekah talked about Kol's ridiculous adventures. At this moment, you smiled and laughed forgot what your actual family had done to you and never noticed the occasional needy glances Elijah gave you.
While taking a sip your eyes raked at everyone with no worry plastered on their face, their bond overflowing the conversations. If not for Elijah, you would never be out of your reverie if he hadn't placed his palm on top of yours.
"It really is great having you here Y/N," whispered Elijah, not even audible to the rest of the vampires as they all started calling Klaus as Santa, "I am absolutely uninformed as to your circumstances of you leaving your home and spending the holiday with us, but I'm really really glad you're here today."
Elijah's grip on her palm tightened as he saw another coat of tears brim up your eye, but not enough to roll.
You nodded at his statement of comfort, but then soon joined back to the table's merriment.
"Come on dad please," requested Hope as she conjured a Santa hat on top of her father's head, "It's not really Christmas if you don't say it." You smiled at Hope's magic, improving day by day for such a young girl of ten years old.
"Oh alright alright," said Klaus, "Santa Klaus is coming to town! Ho ho ho!"
The whole table erupted with laughter at Klaus, while he joined as well, laughing at himself.
The Christmas dinner proceeded with Elijah's palm never leaving yours and both of them couldn't have asked for anything else better.
After the hefty dinner, you barely couldn't even move from all the delicacies. Turns out this Christmas, it wasn't team girls but team boys who went all the way down to cook each and every item on the table.
"You favorite gingerbread and sugar cookies wee exclusively baked by Elijah himself love," grinned Rebekah, "Plus the boys wouldn't let us enter so why not?"
Soon Rebekah started to hand out pieces of parchment to everyone so that they could write it down for good luck and burn it.
You involuntarily looked up at Elijah, least bothered if anyone was looking. He turned up and looked at you as well as he held Hope in his arms. To be in his embrace in both good and bad times, to lead a life with him no matter where it takes you, to grow up with this dysfunctional yet caring family was your ultimate wish. But it seemed like a dream, a dream too far to touch, like touching the stars with your bare hands.
But nevertheless, you wrote it down feeling foolish and greedy to want to have the best things in the world.
"Gather around its time!"
After Rebekah's calling, one by one everyone burnt their wishes into the small fire built by Freya.
You sighed as you made you moved away from the gathering, up and away to the room you would always go to every time you'd come here.
In reality, it was Elijah's study. Walls covered with bookshelves with a very huge fireplace giving you the perfect warmth all the time. This was the place where most of the times Elijah and you used to bond reading books in silence and confiding in thoughts and personal matters that wouldn't be heard by any other person. It was getting cold and you might as well thought to get yourself warmed.
But when you turned on the lights, you were in for a treat.
The whole room was dimly illuminated with fairy lights strung upon every tall bookshelf that covered the rustic walls. You even saw huge socks lined up on the mantlepiece of the huge fireplace you've always adored. In place of the couch, a small bed mattress was placed on the floor with a navy blue bedspread covered with fluffy cushions - just the way you liked.
Your heart felt fuzzy, this whole room giving you so much of aesthetic warmth. What made you even curious was that no one used this room except for you both. So that must definitely mean-
"I sincerely hope you like it."
You turned around to see Elijah standing by the door frame with a mug in his hand, his thick accent giving you a small chill. As he walked towards you, you shamelessly checked him out from head to toe - how the suit hugged him perfectly making him look dapper as ever. You took in a deep breath, not being able to stand there without touching him.
"It's really gorgeous Elijah. I love what you've done with the study," you blushed.
"Well, I'm glad. This was a small surprise for you-"
"You did this for me?"
"Of course. I did have a hunch that you'd be here tonight."
You blushed even more furiously, putting your head down. This man could make you go crazy but still remain sane at the same time.
"Here I brought this for you," said Elijah as he handed over the mug to her, making his way to set up the fireplace.
"Oh you're always spoiling me, Elijah," you chuckled realizing he made you Hot Cocoa, something you've always liked to have when you're feeling cold.
"By all means, I am to do that always," he huffed as he removed his coat suit, flinging it to one of the idle chairs. He began to roll up his sleeves, all of his attention on getting this fireplace started, but yours, by all means, wasn't.
Your breath hitched, with heart skipping a few beats probably, seeing his well built muscular arms bulging out of his black inside shirt. He then bent down to place the firewood and start the warm fire, which gave you a perfect view of his backside, which made you cough so loudly because damn it was one fine-
"Are you alright?"
You cleared your throat, prodding yourself for shamelessly checking him out, "Yeah- yeah I'm good."
"Well, come be seated."
You removed your overcoat as it began to slowly get warm. Elijah's eye's lingered to you, as he saw you in the black knitted tank top, as you took your sip from the hot cocoa. You made a pleasing noise after drinking it, which unconventionally turned him on lightly. He cleared his throat just to get the ridiculous thoughts out of his head.
Keeping the mug aside you sat down, removing your boots that stuffed your legs the whole day. You stretched your legs and neck, unknowingly giving a beautiful display of your chest to Elijah, but averted his eyes being the gentlemen he was.
"This is so well put together Elijah. Thank you so much,"
Elijah nodded slightly, loosening his tie from the warmth that was growing in the room. Realizing you were looking too much, your eyes moved to the prickling fire.
"I don't want to sound persuasive, but if I may ask you?"
You cocked your head towards him sighing. It annoyed you that it hurt every time you thought about it. But it was Elijah, the one man who you could express your emotions freely.
"They left me, Elijah," you stopped, slightly getting choked from the emotion.
"They all went out without calling me."
And like this rambling teen, you went on and on about what happened just a few hours back. A few tears fell here and there while ranting every tiny detail of the evening to him and not did he for even a second lose his attention from all your words.
He wasn't even realizing what he was doing as he cupped one of your cheeks with his hand as you completed, giving a defeated whimper and sigh.
"...makes me feel so unloved all the time Elijah. How much more do I need to prove myself?"
"Shh," he whispered as he came closer to you, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "listen to my voice, mine and mine alone. Take a deep breath."
And you did so, focussed on his voice, the only thing you wanted to hear for the entire day.
"Y/N you are so loved, so loved," he came closer you almost inches away from your lips, "I want you to know that very clearly. Do you understand?"
You nodded, your eyes closed from the proximity of Elijah's face. You could feel his hot breath fanning on your face and you were pretty sure he could feel yours as well.
"We're here for you always love," he paused and resumed, "I'm here for you."
"I know that Elijah," you whispered hoarsely, "I'm eternally grateful for you and your family."
"But I don't see you the way my family sees you."
You opened your eyes, the tension finally hitting both of you as you looked at his half-opened eyes. You looked at his soft, supple lips that made you lick yours involuntarily as you felt Elijah's grip on you cheek harden. He made his move and you decided to make yours.
"Yeah yeah that's good," you hesitated, "because neither do I, Elijah."
That one statement was enough for Elijah to slam his lips onto yours.
As both of your lips entwined he could taste the cocoa that was on your lips a few minutes ago and he loved it. You moaned into the kiss as he pulled you onto his thighs. Your palms roamed freely, tugging on to his perfectly styled hair.
In the heat of the moment, you removed your tank top revealing your strapless lace black bra you wore. It was a delight for Elijah, kissing you sensuously right in the middle of your breasts. He made his way kissing you all the way up to your neck. From the sounds, you were making he figured it out that this was your sweet spot.
He then made his move, ripping his own shirt for you to devour. You traced his torso with your finger, checking if it was really true if you were about to do it with a living sex god in front of you.
You peppered up kisses up his neck, just like he did and finally found your way to his lips. You let your tongue explore him, as you both fought for dominance. And in the heat of the moment after pulling away your tongue from his, you bit his lip, which produced a loud growl from Elijah.
Getting hot and bothered as Elijah noticed, you were grinding his hips, where you felt him bulging from his pants.
"Elijah please," you cried.
"What do you want my love?" he whispered huskily, which made you go high.
"I want you, please," she begged, as she traced down her trousers.
As his arms snaked up to unclasp your bra, exposing your breasts, he came up to your ears whispering thickly as he pressed his chest onto yours.
"And so you shall my love."
Back down there everyone was opening presents while drinking wine. There was Merry all over until after a point of time Caroline noticed something.
"Hey! Where is Y/N?"
Everyone looked around in confusion realizing they were missing a member from the festivities.
"I think Elijah has gone in search for her," said Freya as she cuddled Keelin in the living room.
"Oh oh alright that's good," she said content with the reply.
"Oh, that sounded like him. I think he found her. They'll join us at any momen-"
"Oh Elijah"
Everyone just stopped, as all the vampires dropped their jaws and the gifts they had in their hand since they heard something that was something extremely inaudible to Freya, Keelin, and Davina. Rebekah gasped but secretly proud of her girl.
"What's wrong? What happened Kol?" Asked an extremely worried Davina, apprehending they must have heard something that she wouldn't have.
"Elijah. Y/N. They're um-"
Kol stopped Caroline Midway. "It's about time if you ask me. Was this the surprise Elijah was talking about? The surprise of Christmas Sex?"
Klaus hit him hard on the head on account of little Hope who was unwrapping her gifts, fortunately not paying attention to what the adults were talking.
Everyone blushed and let out small fits of laughter. They were happy that finally, those two got to know how much they actually mean to each other.
Davina whispered something and snapped her fingers, knowing that the vampires feel more silence with her magic.
"Now now let's give them privacy," smirked Davina.
"Atta girl", said Kol as he kissed her forehead, "Rebekah I think you owe me a 100 dollars for predicting Elijah’s Christmas Sex."
Klaus almost chopped his head off in a moment’s fury.
Elijah pulled out the extra navy blue sheets covering both of them. Right below his arms, you lay down covered in a thin film of sweat beads, staring into the fireplace and then looked right at him into his chocolate colored eyes.
He leaned down to give you another kiss, devouring your lips slowly as you placed your palm on his cheek.
"Talk about the best Christmas, this was way out of my league," you whispered
"It was nothing love," he said grinning as he lied down next to you, kissing your forehead and pushing away the strands from your face.
You snuggled closer into him, wrapping your arms around him, your head on his torso. "This was the Christmas gift ever. Thank you, Elijah,"
"Oh no my love, that's not all I have for you," he whispered as he got up instantly, making you follow suit as well.
Gripping the sheet to your chest, you saw Elijah reach of for something in a medium sized box green box with a red ribbon on it.
Taking it, you looked up at him smiling with curiosity and back at the box and decided to open it.
Inside it was a small silver chain with a pendant on it. It was so beautiful at a glance you were smiling so hard at Elijah without even discerning what it was.
The pendant was the Mikaelson sigil, a beautiful M calligraphed onto a coat of arms. And on the backside of the pendant was a small letter, that denoted the first letter of your name.
The emotional wreck you are made your eyes a tad bit watery.
"Elijah. Th-this is beautiful. You didn't have to."
"No," he simply said taking the chain from the box and nudging you to turn around, "it's of utmost importance that you know this truth Y/N."
He helped you put the chain onto you as he brushed your hair away gently and placed his chin on to your shoulder, whispering something you never thought you will hear.
"You will and always be family, no matter what the path takes us to. You are and will undoubtedly be the one who I cherish my life with Y/N. You must know that I-"
"I know," you turned around to him, inches away again from his lips, "I love you too Elijah."
Both of you feverishly kissed again as your hands found your way to his hair, completely forgetting about the sheet you were holding onto.
When you let go of his hair briefly your soft supple breasts were left on display for Elijah. He looked at them, his eyes going darker which you identified as lust. Without any warning he tugged you to him, feeling his well-built torso on your chest, which made you giggle incoherently.
"It's not a Mikaelson Christmas if there is no round two love," whispered Elijah as he began to do what was meant to be done.
And that's when you wondered: What more could you ask on a Christmas Day?
I warned you that it was cheesy. Your loss xD
Also, I’m taking this opportunity to wish all my lovely followers a very very Happy New Year. Hope all your wishes come true :’)
Tags: @heythereelejah @evyiione @idkhaylijah @dendrite-lover @elejah-wonderland (this is a random taglist ahahah ;___;)
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