#implied hiiai
distortedmoondisc · 1 year
Do you ever think about the parallels between Rinne and Aira
Not only they have a shared interest in protecting Hiiro and ensuring his well-being/growth as a person, (and it's extra interesting given how Aira sort of dislikes Rinne for how he dealt with Hiiro in general—by leaving him alone at their hometown and disowning him in the summer of the MDM—, so even though they have the same interests and goals regarding Hiiro, they aren't exactly friends nor like each other — though this is mostly from Aira's part, because Rinne does like Aira and even acknowledges him as someone important to Hiiro that he must keep in his life), but Aira kinda is what Rinne used to be, before his dreams of becoming an idol we're crushed by the new rules of ES.
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!! Main Story, Episode 171, "Revolution"
I've seen many people talk about how Rinne and Aira would get along because they're both idol otakus, but I believe that's a common misunderstanding of Rinne's character, because Rinne isn't an idol otaku (at least not anymore). He doesn't like the current idol system and the way Ensemble Square is running the industry. That's why he tried to change it by force in the !! Main Story by acting out. This is different from Aira, who loves the idols born from this system, and is a participant in the ES system that is going to hurt the industry in the long run (because ES is mass producing idols like a factory, stripping them from their own individuality and what makes idols especial in the first place — which is why Aira likes idols to begin with! Because they're different from ordinary people!)
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!! Main Story, episode 220, "Despair"
Aira is aware that the idol industry isn't perfect, in episode 171 he even acknowledges that the mass production of idols similar to items of consumption made in a factory is wrong and it strips idols from their beauty and value, but he doesn't have the insight and first hand experience with heartbreak as Rinne had, so he doesn't have the motivation to protest or change the way ES is running the industry. They both love idols and dreamed of becoming one, but Rinne isn't an idol otaku, because he can't be a fan of idols mass produced by the current system.
What Rinne does instead, is support underground idols that would otherwise be trampled or forced to disappear by ES because they don't fit their sets of standards (and because ES has monopoly in the idol industry, they can easily do this without much repercussions or public outcry) and gives them his protection. This is explained throughout the course of the story of Night Club.
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Nigh Club, Epilogue 2
Aira tries to impersonate an ideal idol persona, as the ones he watched when he was younger. He wants to embody a model idol and inspire others as idols inspired him in the past. Rinne used to be similar, but ES arbitrarily destroyed his solo career making him lose that dream, and that's why he embodies the wild and rebellious persona he portrays on stage, which is a complete opposite to how a traditional idol should act (and this is a constant point of conflict between him and other idols, such as Himeru; Himeru tends to scold Rinne for being so wild and doing whatever he wants because it goes against what is expected of an idol, but in Night Club he comes to understand that this is Rinne's soft way to protest against ES, despite having lost to them in the first part of the !! Main Story).
(Sometimes, I wonder if Rinne is happy being the wild and playful self he is with Crazy:B, or if he would prefer to be on stage as an ideal idol like he used to do years ago....)
However, despite their differences and the dislike/intimidation Aira might feel towards Rinne, he admits he understands his feelings and where he comes from, and that he can't help but to relate to him due to the fact that they both love idols. Aira scolds Rinne in episode 220 "Despair" to make him stop his pity party, but later in episode 224 "Flutter" he comforts and encourages him instead—telling him that he should not give up being an idol, because he recognizes that Rinne loves idols as much as he does, and that he still has a reason to live because he has fans of himself and of Crazy:B waiting for him among the crowd, meaning that he is still loved and accepted by someone, despite all the wreckage he had caused.
(And if I'm allowed to get personal for a moment, I just need to make emphasis in how important Aira is to the development of the Amagi brothers in the last arc of the !! main story, and this scene is a perfect example of that. Aira is the one who encourages Rinne to join the others on stage and sing, and after that it is Hiiro that pushes Rinne to give that step which finally leads them to perform on stage together 🥹)
So as we can see, Rinne and Aira have a lot of similarities, but they act in completely different ways due to their circumstances. They have similar backgrounds as idol lovers but they have different views and feelings about the industry and the profession, (however, they seem to share the same ideals as to what an idol should be, and love the same type of ideal idol inside their hearts). Adding to that their shared most beloved person, Hiiro, and how the two of them want what's best for him but they have a point of contention due to Rinne's bad actions in the !! Main Story, and their relationship becomes x10 more interesting, and I wish we talked about it more!
And we know Happyele hasn't forgotten about them, because Aira appeared in Rinne's recent relationship chart, just below Hiiro.
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(also, a little unrelated, bu i think it's funny that despite having a heart to heart at the ending of the main story, their relationship is still "want to tease him" and "he's a little scary" ahdks Aira, who scolded Rinne in front of hundreds of people in the MDM, regressed to feeling intimidated and troubled by him. A couple of friends commented that it was probably because Aira had a burst of courage in the MDM because of the severity of the situation, so he had the determination to call out Rinne, a senior that he particularly feels intimidated by, publicly without second thought. It is canon that after the fact, Aira admitted that looking back on the MDM he felt embarrassed for doing such a bold thing. Idk, it's just something i find very interesting and fun about their dynamic www)
So this leads me to believe that they haven't forgotten about the history these two had in the main story, and all I can do is just wait for them to expand on their relationship and dynamic more eventually in some future event.
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neolxzr · 2 years
ive had this idea for a fic that's kinda hurt/comfort–y involving rinne and aira where like. aira gets kinda upset at being called hiiros girlfriend all the time (this involves my transmasc enby aira hc), gets mad at rinne and kinda just ends up getting really emotional all of a sudden bc they aren't really out to a lot of people and rinne was one of the first people he actually told—albeit unintentionally—and rinne drops his regular attitude and comforts aira (big brother instincts kicked in) n yea
it isn't very fleshed out but hopefully u see what I'm going for here (also there's hiiai implied—maybe kohiiai idk it isn't written at all lolol)
awhwagheufhsjgjfdhgfkhgh i love this idea so much!!!! i just adore rinne comforting aira cause aira probably wouldn't expect him to be comforting at all and wouldn't want to break down in front of him cause he'd probably assume he'd just get teased for it but he'd be pleasantly surprised to see rinne's sweeter side awahwhhwahw
and transmasc aira and enby aira r my favs that boy is not cisgender. love him <3
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shipsarebeautiful · 1 year
out of curiosity who are your favourites in enstars other than valk
OOH! I HAVE A LIST! In no particular order:
• Trickstar (we been knew)
• Alkaloid but specifically Hiiai
• Eve
• Oddballs (ESPECIALLY Natsume (and Shu but that was already implied))
• Pretty 5
• Branco
• Kohaku
• Ritsu
• Nazuna (I get he technically counts as Valkyrie but also No He Doesn’t)
I know there’s a few repeats in there because of group overlap but WHATEVER this is how I organise my thoughts-
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thinking about magical girl au more, the tragedy really is that corruption can only be cleansed through a contract huh like even if a demon were to take down a monstrosity by themself, without a contract, they wouldnt be cleansed anyway
maybe it has something to do w the magical girl's pows? bc i was thinking that mgs had to b ppl w "something" that made them diff, like a diff form of magic not like the demons, and that when they make a contract it allows the mgs to finally tap into it properly, but since its new and foreign to them (they havn't grown a muscle memory to using due to never having to) the dmeons are there to serve as conductors for their powers. ergo, the weapons
their pows might be an anti-thesis to demon magic actally, which would explain why their presence allows corruption (the worst/most extreme/highly concentrated form of demonic magic) to be cleansed
[1]like if demons attract negative energy when they use their powers magical girls attract positive energy and the combination zeros out?
mayb defeating monstrosities releases an unknown something that triggers the clarification part of mg magic
[1]ye maybs
[2]that could also b why mg-demon compatibility is so important cus if the demon and mg don't attract the same amount of energy it could cause an overflow of either corruption of whatever the positive energy will b called
perhaps thats how contracts used to work, with the magic of magical girls balancing out that of demons’, thereby completely nullifying the natural accumulation of corruption that demons usually experience; but with keito’s changes to how contracts function, resulting in witches, perhaps pure witches are stronger than monstrosities because they have the magic of both a magical girl and a demon :blob: something something their magics can balance each other out, but they should never be mixed
[2][3]though this does raise a good question :bonk: its harder to cause an overflow of positive energy since contracts no longer nullify a demon’s natural accumulation of corruption, but if a magical girl managed to tap into their natural well of magic, what would be the result of a magical girl overusing that magic ?
[3]hmmm good question
[3]omg wait what if there's a polarization to witches? like a monstered form of a mg? like something called a divinity? or spirit? a fairy???
angel lol
alnfkldsnlfnadsfadsnfas what happens to angels tho they seem like the peak of "should not exist" OMG WAIT ABT TO TANGENT
if an accumulation of corrupted energy turns demons into bloby monsters then an excess of positive energy could break a mg's sense of worldly position?
concept: angels are beings of pure good luck (essentially) and are never meant to exist in nature as nature does everything to prevent their existence (such as sealing away mgs nat pows n shit) but when they do exist they are extremely fragile and die very easily, either when attacked or naturally within a few minutes. however the death of an angel causes "blessings" ie miracles like putting out wildfires, making salted earth fertile, replenishing water banks, etc. so there are a collection of ppl who want to summon and kill angels in order to "save the world" (enter: gatekeeper (my beloathed (mortal enemy)))
LANKLFNDSKNFKASDNKFNASDNFONASDLF????????????????????/ lmao wait how does madara feel abt the chiakana witch
i Know he cries himself to sleep every mf night
[4]like at first it starts small, like a tiny flickering light occasionally at the corner of view or swirling colors when they stand up too fast. but then it grows, seeing colors layered on top of each other when they should've been solid. seeing distinctly the difference between every grain of wood and particle of dust, looking into a light and becoming transfixed, unable to look away. no one knows for sure what it's like to experience an overflow of positive energy as all the mgs that have can only describe their experiences in incomprehensible ways. they may use words within the human language but they will trail off on their sentences, have gaps in their words that seem to have some unspoken (unhearable) words between them, or, most commonly, they'll trail off in screams. they see too much, understand too much, slowly the way they experience the world around them mutates as they can no longer see "the world" but are forced to bear witness to the universe in it's entirety, constantly. it drives them to insanity.
tears up the grass over their empty graves about how it shouldve been him [4] :insanity: [4]my proposed effect of positive energy overflow
neat. what if we angel'd aira
or like, almost angel him but hiiro pulls him back in the last min oh oh what if there's a moment when both hiiro's demonic energy and aira's mg magic are overflowing and they're abt to like, explode or something so they just lean in and fuse into somthing in the great beyond (ie idk they turn into a god or celestial body or something lol) (end series)
[5]i got it from breaking down the powers of a witch, with the corrupted energy giving them the ability to bring things to ruin and attack with corrupted power, then the positive energy will give the witch the ability to understand the functioning of the universe, the infinite worlds that can be contained within it, and thus allows them the ability to create their own pocket trauma world
i thought the witches had like their own spaces behind portals in pmm
their trauma dimensions yes
[5]omg wait then what if angels don't really "die" instead they just blip out of that layer of reality and the "miracles" left behind are just from their pocket diimentions kinda sitting on top of certian spots and having their powers leak out even tho they aren't accessibly/visible/physical and when those miracles "end" its just bc the pocket dimensions have floated too far away from their layer of reality to have an affect on the area anymore? boom now we have potential for "rescue the angels" arc or someth omg maybs that what mam's doin
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“Y-You’re a d- demon, aren’t you?“ Aira stammers as the boy cradles him tighter into his arms. “I dunno where your magical girl is, but… but you’re gonna save us, right!?”
“Save you?” the boy repeats, his smile ever present. He continues to traverse the debris of the mall, blackened with corruption from the witch’s domain, but doesn’t continue speaking, and the silence that follows unnerves Aira.
“You are going to, right? After all, us survivors are trapped here with no chance of escape…”
The other’s answer does little to soothe him. “Fwahaha! Eventually.”
“… Eventually?“ Aira deflates somewhat in confusion, his face scrunching up. “Huh? What’s that mean?”
“Mmh. It’s not my intention to leave you all at the witch’s mercy, but I didn’t come here for you.” He leaps several feet in the air over fallen debris. “You see, I need to bring my big brother home. However, every time I see him, he keeps running away from me.
“I know he is working under a magical girl to defend humanity from what you call witches. It is a part of his contract to guard your kind. He has told me that he’ll terminate his contract only when every single human in the world has died. I can’t wait that long… so that’s why this witch’s appearance is an opportunity I can’t pass. And that’s also why I can’t let any of you leave this labyrinth!”
It takes a moment for him to process the boy’s words, but when he does, Aira can’t hide his astonishment, his mouth gaping in shock. “You’re not… gonna help us leave? You’re not gonna let us leave?”
“He won’t defeat this witch if it’s only me trapped here,” the boy explains cheerily, as if what he had said was perfectly sensible. “But he will if there are humans in danger. Saving you is part of his job as a magical girl’s demon, right? Ahh, there’s always the chance that a magical girl themself comes to save us… but I know nii-chan’s active in this city, so there’s a good chance he comes anyway.”
He pauses, then quickly tacks on, “Oh, do not worry! I will protect you the whole time. Yes, yes, I will help you scavenge for food as well, since you humans need it.”
Aira falters, his stare focused on the smile still present on the demon’s face. A few moments before when he had saved Aira, it was angelic. Now, it seemed cold. Disingenuous.
“W-W- Wait a minute!” When the demon opens his mouth to explain again, Aira interrupts, “No, no, I get what you’re saying, but—what?! You’re endangering all of us, you know! This isn’t right!”
In response, the demon tilts his head. “It isn’t? But I will be protecting you. You’re in no true danger.”
“In no true danger?! We could die any moment to that witch, and you’re using our lives to draw him out! Don’t you think there’s something wrong with that?!”
“Maybe. But if there is a punishment waiting for me, I will gladly accept it after I have taken my brother home with me. I’m sorry if that upsets you.”
Aira raises his voice in exasperation, “Magical girls are supposed to help the weak, no matter what! For goodness’ sake, you’re a magical girl’s demon! You have to help us escape, you have to—“
“I am a demon to no magical girl.”
Aira freezes up at the sudden change in tone, and when he looks up, he finds a stern glare directed down at him.
“You aren’t paired with a magical girl?”
“Mmhm. After all, I don’t want to associate with those I wish to destroy.”
“But— You’re a demon, you’re supposed to contract with a magical girl— what do you mean by ‘those you wish to destroy’?!”
The demon huffs, his stare directing away from Aira.
“… Magical girls. Humans with unending wells of magic. We as demons have realized that magical girls are the key to avoiding our tragic fate as monsters.”
The demon’s frown deepens with each word he speaks.
“I can respect the power they hold, but my brother has been charmed by one. My elders have told me they’re weakening his power as an heir of the Amagi bloodline. I cannot let this happen. My brother must stay the fearsome leader he is.”
As the demon touches down upon solid ground, though, he grins to Aira.
“So cooperate for me. Just for a little while. I know my brother will not leave us for dead.”
But that’s what you’re doing to us, isn’t it?! Aira’s mouth feels dry. In the corner of his eyes, he can see a group of survivors congregating outside a make-shift shelter. “Are you kidding me…?!”
The demon shrugs before carefully letting Aira out of his arms. “If that is enough conversation, human, let me put you in the care of your brethren.”
Aira flinches when he’s set down on his feet, his ankle screaming in pain. But his annoyance soon enough overtakes his fear, and before one of the other survivors can take him in arms, Aira suddenly lunges and grabs the demon by his frill. The demon seems surprised by the attack, smile wiped off his face.
“My name is Aira Shiratori! Not ‘human’!” he shouts, frankly infuriated, “You’re completely misunderstanding what a magical girl even is! Besides that, I don’t care if you’re a demon, but if you let any one of us get hurt even a smidge, I’ll make sure you don’t even get to see your brother!”
He beats a fist against the demon’s chest, his weak assault barely resounding a smack.
In response, the demon’s bemused smile returns. Aira realizes how insignificant his threat must be, coming from a human as small and fragile as himself, but nevertheless, a shine seems to overtake the demon, and he stares at Aira as if he were a precious jewel found in the dirt, whose true value only shone after closer inspection.
“Aira Shiratori… Ufufu! What a beautiful name!”
His hand — Aira notes it is much bigger and more calloused than his own — pushes Aira’s fist away, patting it gently.
“Aira. My name is Hiiro Amagi. I am the only one who can defend you all. I would like it if you treated me kindly because of that fact. Believe me when I say I want to save everyone here, so wait until my strong big brother gets here and defeats the witch for us, okay?” Hiiro takes Aira’s hand in his own and shakes it. “Until then, let’s be friends!”
Aira can only feel further rage.
… In this situation, there’s no way we can be friends!
slides this towards you
[anon1]holy fuck let me Read in the car The ufufufu I love it 😭
he ufufus in canon its so funny not enough hiiro ufufus
[anon1]I’ve never seen him do it but I love it
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[1] airas sheets r green -> airas eyes are green -> aira likes the color of his eyes -> aira dislikes liking the color of his eyes bc his (old) classmates made fun of him for it
[1]hiiro says the color of his eyes are pretty, like the riverbed in the springtime, covered in lush, new grown grass and budding flowers. leaves that had finally returned to the trees being reflected in the bright waters. aira has never heard anyone say that before, could never envision the fairytale-like sight of the picture the boy is trying to portray, having grown up surrounded by concret and asphalt. but it is the longing in his words, the wistful look in his sky-like eyes that convinces aira that that place must be beautiful. (and, in turn, that someone else is able to love him his eyes too)
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“gdhdjdn bmeru dragging a search party along to help look for kaname, and its crazyb except kohaku was legitimately commissioned to kill the beast by the suou family, who heard of the sazanamis’ one heir being transformed into a beast and have taken this chance to eliminate the royal family of that country in an attempt to usurp power”
kanfklsnadklfnsad omg what what happens next wait wait is the royal family hiyori or ibara????
:bonk: i think in the original fairy tale the beast was a prince who was cursed or something so when i wrote the msg i imagined jun as the royal but HIYORI being part of the royal family makes more sense
👀jun being from a clan/kingdom that fell into ruin during the mega-war spanning like the whole continent and jun, the only survivor, gets cursed into becoming the beast in the hopes he becomes so unrecognizable no one seeks to kill him but then hiyori ends up falling into the remains of his castle and the "no one who enters shall leave" curse that was also placed on it to make sure no one can physically spread word of his survival kicks in and suddenly its a 590k slowburn enemeies to reluctant housemates to lovers au
:cantdothis: :UEEEE:
jun and hiyori, also on a mega-quest to figure out how to break BOTH curses bc jun just Doesnt Want To Live Like This WTF: kaname, ibara, nagisa, and ig crazyb who end up getting roped into their quest bc they're trapped now too:
GEHWVQJSVDJFN hiiro going to search for his brother and ends up pulling alkaloid into the fray,
wait what is hiiro in this au? and aira omg wait
man i don know BDJDFBN inb4 snow white aira
i had an idea the other day where bc toku talked abt a vid she saw comparing arashi mystic fragance to swan lake so arashi = swan princess and aira =ugly duckling / her adopted son-student-disciple
:O snow white swan aira? wait that gets confusing … hiiro=snow white, aira=swan prince (bc arashi swan princess 😎 ), rinne=evil queen butjust;;;; the most fucked up morals
:3c rinne puts him to sleep bc the elders or whatevs were pondering brainwashing/torturing/augmenting w magic-ing him into a super weapon and rinne was like Naw so he faked hiiro's death for him w/o telling him and then made a deal backally shady style w mam (professional sus man) to get a cure for the curse/find his tru luv and mam was like "dw my daughter has a son/disciple i can hook ur bor up with hes real cute dw" and rinne was like "fuck yea"
HES REAL CUTE HAHAHAHA snow white hiiro retaining all the hard-working housekeeping traits of original snow white but twisted in a way such that the elders pretty much use him as an indentured house servant and hiiro doesnt even question or think its wrong
ok wait so aft hiiai gets 2gether they gotta flee the kingdom bc the elders cant know hiiro's alive so they go to (ba ba babaaaaaaaaa) tatsumi's kingdom! just in time for the arrival of (brbrbbrbrbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) ursela mayoi (in disguise as a human (i think her name was jessica or somth in the movie lol))!
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