#imm just assuming that you're doing what i am trying to stop myself from doing
I heard from grape vine that you do tarot readings and i know this is parasocial but can you do it for primeboys meetup please im desperate like idec if you are a dranti or what im embarrassed to ask anyone else even when i am anon
i saw all your asks about this and sorry I can't do that. I do tarot for fun, my mum does it for srs reasons. I don't want to put the wrong idea into your head no matter what card is chosen. Tarot is used as a guide, it can't determine the exact future of things. one time i did a tarot reading on my friend at school and it freaked her out so i keep it more personal now.
At the end of the day, its ok to feel sad over it, regardless of what will happen as no one knows. But Its also important to not rely on ccs for your mental health. I understand comfort duos and streamers, Im in that boat myself. But ultimately, its their lives and their friendship. I remember back in 2021-2022 if those two didnt meet Irl I believed I wouldn't ever be happy but I know now how harmful that mindset is. Often, we don't see the ccs dynamics as their actual dynamic, we see a version of that dynamic and many treat them like fictional characters, and thats the problem. And yeah, Its gonna suck and make you feel horrible if its over but its not like those past memories of joy don't matter anymore. Yk when you lose a friend, and you're devastated and spending time wishing to fix all that went wrong, that doesn't mean that all those times when you laughed and hanged out with them went to waste. The present matters. You were happy then and you can be happy again. Theres no need to waste time doing srs tarot readings about content creators lives. Stressing over other peoples friendships never goes well, especially content creators that you don't actually know.
Helpful quotes v
"Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin' really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feelin' is like a, beautiful sadness." - Butters (tray parker)
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr seuss
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thispabulum-blog · 2 years
We All Know Why We're Here ;)
Why Are Men? Wednesday
Men are fascinating creatures, yes? Let's see some examples.
I ran into this nice fellow. He is in fact a stripper; he works at what I would consider the most well known male strip club in this area - because it's the only one I know by name.
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He has a lot of pictures such as this one - professional shots clearly taken for work - one picture of him wearing a shirt, zero normal candid pictures, and his profile specifies he's not looking for hookups.
I got a message from this guy, and it was truly a very confusing conversation.
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From what I could gather, the second message didn't have anything to do with the first - meaning that there wasn't anything specific about my profile that led him to believe I was trans; he's just a paranoid transphobe like a lot of guys I've run into.
It turned out (I did answer him out of curiosity) that what he was referring to in his initial message was whether or not I'm actually poly? Idk. He's blocked me since then, unsurprisingly.
Tangent: This is a thing I talked about a bit in my Thursday post last week, but it's frustrating when guys assume that when I say I'm poly, it means I'm just trying to fuck a bunch of dudes.
I recently had this conversation with a guy, which I'll transcribe because I'm full up on screenshots in this post.
Him: So what you're looking for on here?
Me: I'm open to most things, honestly. The whole point of poly, for me at least, is to be able to interact with people in whatever way makes sense based on chemistry/dynamics, etc.
Him: Can I be honest with you about my intentions
Me: I would very much appreciate that.
Him: I’m not rushing anything. I am open to whatever comes my way. Something about you intrigue me. I mean this with no disrespect but I can be a little blunt and ignorantly speaking.
My intention with you would be to fuck and experience life. Nothing more nothing less
Plus you not looking for a relationship so building and creating is off the table.
But we can experience things together
Me: I definitely never said I wasn't looking for a relationship, but that's fine.
Him: Guess you didn’t I just assume because you said poly.
But you okay with that?
Me: I'm not opposed to it offhand. Just prefer to do a little more groundwork before I move in to anything physical.
Him: So you’re a small talk type individual that’s fine I respect it.
Me: Not exactly. I just generally don't fuck people unless they're interesting and I respect them.
Again, I appreciate this guy being up front and honest about his intentions. Clear communication is a huge plus. But like...why do I have to have this same fucking conversation at least three times a week?
(Also no, I'm not going to sleep with this guy, but it has more to do with his poor writing and his face tattoo and the fact that he's an ignorant transphobe than that he's open about his intentions.)
Here's an example of me being super awesome at flirting.
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Because fuck that guy who never answered me, albatross are fucking fascinating and you can't convince me otherwise; they are my second favorite animal.
Here's the picture I was referencing:
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That's not even a full grown one! Shit, man. I don't know how that wouldn't blow your mind. But what can I expect from a guy whose Tinder profile features a Machine Gun Kelly song?
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This is a statement I see in a lot of profiles, and I take issue with it, because...I don't? Honestly, I've talked to so many guys at this point that I have no fucking idea what any of us are here for, myself included. Especially on OkCupid, which is much less of a hookup site than something like Tinder.
Here's one I saw quite some time ago that's just...so great.
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No pictures of himself, ofc. I matched with this guy (out of curiosity only) so I could hear more about his situation, and once I told him I only do ENM (ethical non-monogamy) he stopped responding. Go figure.
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I just wanna know how effective it is for this guy to IMMEDIATELY reference Rick and Morty. Do you think he gets a lot of matches this way?
I feel like Rick and Morty is like writing poetry; even if you enjoy it yourself, as soon as someone else mentions liking it you immediately cringe.
Speaking of things that immediately make you cringe, tell me how far you get on this one.
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About once a week I run into a profile like this:
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And I REALLY want to know if this ever works. Not to stereotype, but I can't see a lot of women going for this. Partly because I feel like for women, any level of sexual desperation has to be balanced against personal safety to some degree, and personally I'm never going to seriously consider anything with a guy who doesn't have actual pictures on his profile.
And we'll just finish up on this one:
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I don't feel bad about including this guy's Snap because, well, he's already comfortable putting it out there. He knows what he's about.
Ah, damn. I guess that's all for this week.
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