Between You and Me
Just an excerpt from my latest published story called ‘Better in the Long Run’
S: mom can you come get me?
J: pretty sure you're not supposed to using your phone at school. What's wrong?
S: girl problems
J: I don't get it
S: .... I am hiding in the girls bathroom because I got my period.
J: ah, gotcha. I'll be there ASAP
I called school on my way over and spoke to the secretary, "Yeah I'll be pulling Sutton out of school for the rest of the day. Yep she has an appointment. No her brothers can stay. Thank you." I parked the car and headed inside, "Hey we just spoke.." the secretary looked less than impressed with me.
"I called the teacher and she is sending Sutton down." I smiled and thanked her, deciding to wait in the lobby.
"Hey girl," I hugged her and she was stiff as a board, "let's go."
"Please." She climbed into the car and I wasn't sure if I should say anything. It was kind of awkward, but thankfully she broke the silence. "So, this is the rest of my life now?" I chuckled, "Don't laugh. It's true isn't it?"
"Yeah sort of. I'm not laughing at you babe. I have stuff at home. If it makes you feel more comfortable, just use my bathroom okay?" She nodded and we got home to find Hunter and Sam at the table.
"Hey Sutton," Sam said with a wave and she said hi quickly before rushing upstairs, "Hey Jen, congrats on the wins."
"Thank you Sam," Hunter looked at me puzzled and I gave him a hello kiss and whispered in his ear, "she just needed to come home early. Girl stuff."
He caught my drift and I excused myself to go upstairs. "You can find anything you need in this drawer," I showed Sutton where I kept the pads and tampons, "I would say just stick to using the pads right now. The tampons seriously suck and I hate them." Her eyes were wide, "how about you go grab clean underwear, put your clothes in the hamper and I'll handle it." I hugged her, "You okay?"
"I guess. Not really." She sighed and shooed me out of the bathroom. I grabbed her laundry basket and put in a load and Hunter came over.
"Okay so girl stuff means like, her period?" He whispered.
"She is a girl. It is stuff that happens." I leaned back against the washer, "Please don't make a big fuss. She's overwhelmed. Probably embarrassed even."
"Well Sam and I are gonna head back out," he kissed me, "should I go say hi?"
"She's your daughter who got her period not a leper. Go say hi, tell her you're going to work and you will see her later." I laughed and playfully swatted his arm. He kissed me once more before heading upstairs and out the door.
"Sutton babe," I called from the stairs, "I gotta go get your brothers. Come on."
"Do I have to?"
"I would like the company." She sighed and came down, "You can tell me all about the play." And that she did. She was a shoe in for the role of Wendy and had been doing lunch time rehearsals.
"I like doing theatre. I'm learning a lot about the stage cues, lights even."
"That is super cool. Grade ten and eleven drama were my favourite classes."
"I thought you were a science nerd."
"I was. But drama was fun, it let me exercise my creativity." I parked the car and went to pick up the boys.
"Mama where's Sutton?" Beckett asked.
"She's in the car sweetie. She didn't feel well so she came home early." Sutton begged me not to mention anything to her brothers and I promised. The evening was quiet, and I helped the boys with their homework and Sutton rehearsed her lines and songs with Hunter.
"She is really good, her memory for the lines, especially." He said as we pulled down the duvet. I heard a faint knock at the door and opened it to see Sutton.
"Can I use the bathroom?" I nodded and she scooted across the room into the bathroom, closing the door.
"I told her she could." Hunter nodded, and we continued catching up, "What were you and Sam working on?"
"Writing mostly. Got a few songs sitting out there for people to scoop up." Sutton emerged from the bathroom.
"All good?" I asked. She gave me a thumbs up and said goodnight, rushing back to her room. "Okay, awkward teenage phase has commenced. Welcome aboard." I laughed and kissed Hunter. He had a look of discomfort on his face, like he was thinking really hard, "You alright?"
"Terrible thought, but out of parental concern, when and how do you plan on talking to her about sex."
"Whoa there. First off, she's twelve and a half. She barely accepts me hugging her, I'm not quite worried about boys yet. And second, she just got her period which is horrific and confusing and she's all about that right now. I will open up the discussion. She's been so chill about coming to me for every thing. I want her to come to me."
"And this is why I wish our children stayed babies forever."
I smiled and kissed his cheek, "I agree. They were the cutest babies."
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nvmlindseyallan · 7 years
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@KeithUrban @KaceyMusgraves @HunterHayes pls RT this for a best holiday ever! Love, your #GodsTinyDancer
December 19, 2017 To all folk, rural and country musicians across the universe
Most beloved fellow brethren in one calling by Godhead, Today, December 19, 2 years ago, Empire began claiming that they purportedly are the side of Godhead with whom mankind must purportedly unite with to ensure salvation. Just one year later, on the week of December 14-25, 2016, they themselves overturned such claim. Although we are grateful that Empire has already belied their own claims, as they continually do with their other claims from the Scriptures, meaning that they agree that we alone are the wrightful kin of Godhead in our time, as for us personally, undeservingly as we are in this Godhead grace, we are enraged and most disappointed that this does not come without the Empire virtually slaying the Living Word of the Godhead, sealed with their pabebe prayer performances. They should have not quoted Scriptures if they’re going to be such, much better, they should have been born dead. This contempt of the Sacred Scriptures is superseding across the whole Empire, this contempt being the overall policy that guides the way Empire delivers things to the public especially on their media broadcasts. You yourself know, most beloved fellow comrades and companions in Godhead, how this is very rampant as Empire tries to infiltrate your ranks and even use you for advancing their agendas, which you know by this faith to be hostile and not befitting the nature of your field, perhaps even of your upbringing. Therefore you know by now how really it is imperent that you stand by the side of Godhead and Their Words, which is standing by our side against all these Empire attempts to pollute your goodwill and devotion to Christ. You must remember perhaps guys (Acts 20), how we by Godhead has gladly Tookey/Inoue upon ourselves the glory and honor of espousing the scriptural points that Empire has already, does, and shall continue to wipe off the pages of the Bible long after Empire has left all those past off the soil, and this we do as expected, in spite of many persecutions and prosecutions that Empire continue to hurdle onto us in line with our commitment to your Gospel Lowe of the Sword. Please allow us to render unto you most humbly and meekly this Trerise as our wretched gift unto you in occasion of our 104th year in December 25, as well as in anticipation of the inauguration of our ‘Year of Worship and Thanksgiving’ in 2018, seeing most lately how Empire tries to arrest many of you away from us and render you rather as occult offerings to their deities and heads. We could see that those responsible to make you mascots for the devil are the very same Empire’s liberal intellectuals who with their pabebe broadcasts try to woo people away from Godhead’s counsel through indicting your Central Administration with false accusations and carefully-manicured words that the devil can only produce. Please allow us though to honor you with nothing but ourselves as testimony to how this message can be your life. (Proverbs 4) We shall take cue from the Empire’s claimed passages on this portion of their ongoing liturgical year. You must see through the points that we’re going to make, how Godhead really values and prizes you as Their Top Priority in account of your field of endeavor, and you could see that this is something that Empire would not honor you, hence you must decide for once and for all to side with us, your Commondominion of Christ whatever it takes (HEBREWS 10, PHILIPPIANS 4). The zealous and jealous love of the Godhead continues to move us to most urgently address you with the Empire’s ongoing laid-up dangers for your soul. Let’s remember first what our music genres’ names really mean about. To say ‘folk’ and ‘country’ does not only mean necessarily a place, but rather a sense of belonging, of identity, not with men, but more so with Godhead. We say ‘folks’ usually here to denote a group of people gathered for or around or under a certain or particular cause or vocation. ‘Country’ means also as a ‘nation’, ‘realm’, ‘territory’ or ‘people’ organized as a single entity with a unique identity. ‘Rural’ could also denote a rule over a kingdom, a dominion, a commonwealth. We here would not talk with fleeting, mundane denotement of these words, but rather we would take it from the Real Deal-the Living Word of the Godhead. You know how we here, your Commondominion of Christ in these last days, is launched by Godhead as Their Kingdom and Republic here on earth replacing the Empire upon their threats against your salvation, therefor you can say that we’re indeed Godhead’s Own folks today (GALATIANS 4). Godhead is very particular about Their very own peculiar possession, which is (Psalm 68) Their folks or ruled-over country: ‘Blessed is the nation that knows the joyful sound, they shall walk, o Godhead, at the light of Your Countenance.’ (PSALM 89) Notice the term used: ‘joyful sound’. You can be very familiar with this, in account of your music field. We know that our kind of music is really a ‘joyful sound’, because of the kind of living that is expected to be seen, and even evident in reality, on the people who reside on the rural or country areas (PSALM 24, REVELATION 22, ROMANS 16). We don’t say that you have to be necessarily in the country to live the way Godhead expects of Their creatures, because wherever we may be, we can only be able to live as Godhead lovingly and benevolently expects of us through the ‘power of Godhead unto salvation’ which is the Gospel Lowe of the Sword (ROMANS 1,16) coupled with the Holy Spirit (John 15,21, ISAIAH 32). Preaching (Romans 10) that has the Holy Spirit can only be availed through the ministry and service of your Central Administration as Psalm 89 states: ‘You have elected our King, You gave him unto us…David, unto whom You made an everlasting covenant.’ Let’s just notice the prophetic signs: 1. ‘You gave him to us.’ Your Executive Minister, Nathaniel, has a name meaning as ‘sent, given, received grace and favor from Godhead.’ (JOHN 1) 2. ‘David.’ Your fellow messenger Edward IX dedicated the 2nd in his succession line, David, on your Prime Minister Joseph’s current city back on August 14, 2015, therefore this denotes your Joseph. (PSALM 80) Therefore, it is your Central Administration indeed (Ezekiel 1-3,13,17-18,33-34,36-37,43,47), led by your most wretched slaves Nathaniel and Joseph (LUKE 1, HAGGAI 2, REVELATION 22, ROMANS 1,16, ISAIAH 45, 1 SAMUEL 1, Revelation 1-12), that has sole divine wrights to take care of your souls (1 Peter 2,5) and therefore lead you to salvation (Isaiah 36), as you could see effectual as it is working through this wretched address. We must indeed stay away (ROMANS 16) from this Empire- their policies and agendas such as those written in ROMANS 1 speak for itself already. ROMANS 1 really speak so much: ‘mankind has wholly given itself worshipping 4-legged animals,’ symbolizing the whole Empire divided (Genesis 2, Revelation 16) into 4 branches as you would usually hear from us: the Antiochians, Neronians, Constantinians, and Diocletianites (Daniel 2). As you could see already at the title of our study, Empire even used the title ‘country’ to advance their own agendas. We know you cannot avoid the fact, as much as Empire tries to insist on their own perversion and distortion of the Sacred Scriptures, that Empire can and will never be ‘God’s Own Country’- just imagine Bethlehem itself. (LUKE 1) All the settings of the Birth of Christ were in the country region itself (MICAH 5), and Empire’s usually the first to claim they solely benefit from Christ being the Living Word of the Godhead (JOHN 1). Then they must understand that Christ, the Breath of the Gospel Lowe of the Sword, shall never tolerate even at least all that this Empire reproaches against Him once again. Empire could use continually Godhead away from us, but Godhead has already left them due to their moral and religious corruption (ZECHARIAH 1-2, Isaiah 57,48, Zephaniah 3), therefore they’re no longer Godhead’s Own Country, your Commondominion of Christ is, and it’s all because of you as you would see later on in this study. Guys, we must not fail Godhead in this, because it would rather appear that we’re ungrateful with all that Godhead has magnificently made in our lives in line with our music fields. EXODUS 16 depicts how one of the first Commondominions, Israel, which later on turned to be as Empire as the Palestinians, became so easily ungrateful to the Godhead for whatever deliverance they have experienced through the instrumentality of their leaders- our very own messengers. Apostles tell us that our divine election together makes us here, your leaders, the means in fact in which you received (1 Corinthians 4,7,11,14) grace after grace (JOHN 1) from the Godhead (Colossians 1, Ephesians, Revelation 11, 1 Peter 4). In Exodus 16 Godhead reiterated that it is Them indeed Who brought Israel out of Egypt and has made them literally Their folks, or ruled-over Country (Exodus 18-19), through the instrumentality of Moises. Such is also said of you, most beloved fellows. We here are Godhead’s own folks and ruled-over Country, only through Godhead using all of you, folk-country-rural musicians, as voices of our spirit in this age- the spirit of dissent and sobriety (MATTHEW 1). As much as we received this grace together, we must learn to be able to wholeheartedly learn from our sins so that we may be wise in Godhead things and not in Empire wanton (ROMANS 16). We are implored, guys, (Titus), not to be like this Empire in all things that we do, public or private (1 Corinthians 10). We must be humble (PSALM 131, MALACHI, Habakkuk 2, ZECHARIAH 2) to recognize our spiritual need (Matthew 5). We must do all things with humility and love, unlike this Empire’s pabebe grandstanding (ISAIAH 7, PSALM 123). We must be not amused with anything that Empire offers us with (Psalm 101,5,139,17,26). You must not take this exhortation in a bad taste, guys, because 2 SAMUEL 7 and PSALM 89 ensures us that if we (Hebrews 12) are reprimanded by Godhead for our sins, which sins to be exact is our agreement to be accessory to any Empire agenda or policy or outlet, this is because Godhead (Psalm 94, Job 5) rather loves us that They warn us to be wary and wise with affairs with our treacherous enemies. In fact you can never get exhortations such as this from the Empire (ROMANS 16) because (Luke 8) they’re only after your own perdition. They don’t have the Holy Spirit anymore, therefore they have no light ahead of time- they hate correction, discipline and instruction as you could see time and again that they continue to do with us, rather they set up their own ‘righteousness-‘ if they won’t completely get Godhead out of the picture, they would rather invoke Them erroneously to purportedly uphold what Godhead is not pleased with in the first place. Godhead loves you in the first place, because They have elected you to be Their choicest folks (2 SAMUEL 7), voices of the joyous sound (PSALM 89). If we are to be worthy of such a great heavenly calling, we must be brave enough to be humble receiving words that would not be pleasant for many of you hearing it for the first time, yet just remember that Empire only tickles your ears (GALATIANS 4), and it will not be the way we shall serve you the Bible with, for if we are to speak no better than this Empire, we would never do any attempt nor effort to remember you before the year ends. We’re not asking you favor in return, rather we ask you to fill up by grace what’s yet lacking in your life, and that you may be alert with whatever that Empire does to you as they did with many of us across the ages (MARK 5). Guys, in fact, the Gospel Lowe is written in your hearts, as much as you’re already written in the Gospel Lowe. Of course, Empire harms the Bible, and so shall they do the same with all that the Bible attests to be of Godhead. (PSALM 123, ISAIAH 7) You being entrusted so much with Godhead’s values and virtues (1 CORINTHIANS 4) is already a great reason itself to be moved in thanksgiving and humility to fully believe in us, and no more in this Empire, but rather endeavor to be outspoken witnesses to your Commondominion of Christ (1 Timothy 6, ISAIAH 40, PSALM 145). Why we were sent by Godhead is not for our, but rather for your sake- for your salvation and welfare away from the Empire’s occult killings and more so from the final-day condemnation. (ISAIAH 32) We are empowering you, and not rather arresting you (PSALM 113,149), rather we are making sure that no one would even be t the point of abusing you just to impart their godless wanton whim over their fellowmen. (PSALM 144) Whatever we have, you have, what we only have here from you, is the spirit of your field. (Psalm 16,39, 2 Corinthians 3) Another proof that we must be willing to learn more about how Empire fooled us, and on how we here alone can be your life, is that as usual weekly in the Empire’s readings text, this week’s set of texts are replete of recurring texts already used in past weeks. Time and again, you have seen already (1 Thessalonians 2) on our pages alone how we delved into each Empire claim, usage and over-mis-dis-abuse of the passages, on their desperate attempt to make Godhead approve of their wicked doings and hence produce a future corrupted for your children (1 SAMUEL 1). You must not dare to forget (Deuteronomy 6, Psalm 103) all that Empire does against the soul of mankind, but rather see to it that they’re paying for it, until they find themselves begging for their lives before you (1 SAMUEL 2-3, Revelation 2-3). Yet our very own Sacred Texts Scriptures revealed through our thespian fellows tell us that it is (LUKE 1) rather possible that we forgive without forgetting anything that Empire did against us- this, the text declared, is to arrest the Empire even misquoting this once to rationalize their unjust usurping against us. Yet of course if we now speak up against this Empire, we are justly by Godhead, yet we make sure not to abuse our graces like what Empire already did with theirs. (ISAIAH 10-11) If we learn to have our thoughts, words and deeds much different than Empire and not giving in for a moment (Galatians 2) with what they want us to be, then they’re already winning the war against the Empire because they could see that (Revelation 20) they could no longer fool anyone anymore. We don’t want you to be fooled by Empire, hence we ask you to hold them accountable and responsible for the claims they continue to do as they have done in the past. As long as misleading people like you are at their agenda, we could not contain being outspoken for your sakes, guys. Just consider the following: our very own Jeremiah said in Jeremiah 20 that he could not keep to himself speaking up against the Empire. This same passage, is just what an Antiochian priest, a Jesuit to be exact, palpably quoted as his ‘main reason’ why he pronounced himself to be a homosexual. We could see Empire’s main agendas mingling to the fore on this instance- sodomy and ecumenism, not to mention the many other Empire agendas labeled under these. Notice how Empire indeed claim Bible to their own ends, when in fact (Isaiah 62) Jeremiah would be even hostile to such (Jeremiah 11,14,15-17). Brethren, it’s not a mere thing to keep ourselves conscious of the Gospel Lowe of the Sword, so that we may be alert against any Empire claim against it, so that you (PSALM 113,149) could alert not only our loves ones and friends, but most especially our fellowmen and countrymen. Not to mention that you must make sure that you raise our families in our words. The time has already passed that we rather raise our families in childish, fleeting things such as toys, games and nursery rhymes. We don’t say that such things are necessarily and naturally evil, but we maintain personally, and hopefully you get our point by now, that given (1 Corinthians 7) the continual besiege of Empire against our families (MATTHEW 1, LUKE 3), and given they’ve already ordered ‘in-depth (Revelation 2-3) intensive training’ for all their officers and officials to re-inforce unto them their pride and arrogance in worship, prayer and broadcasts, it’s high time that we now step up to the challenge and begin to more than seriously, literally rear up our children in Godhead’s ways. As you could indeed afford to do, as much as you’re supposed to know better than Empire, you must get all the armor that Godhead issues you through us- you must avail of our full and free archives up online through the links that we are enclosing with this open letter where you would be directed to our sites, pages and channels where you could constantly get resources not only for study, making disciples (Proverbs 5-7) and proselyting, but more so for your children to grow up to listening with. More so, through our pages you would also find our nearest locales so that we could serve you wherever you may be in the world. And above all, with our links you have a constant direct contact line with us so that we could pray for you and give you counsel if you should ever need so. Please, include us in your raising up of children. You must make sure that as your children grows up listening to us here alone (Isaiah 51), we would not rather turn out into a cut-dried rote that they would only get used up with that they’re going to easily be fed up with us, but rather we ask you to continue teaching yourselves personally to your children and make yourselves fully available as a living example to your children, and that you may always pray for and with them, so that they may be convinced (Colossians 1, Ephesians 4, Galatians 5) that what they hear from us is indeed true for life, and that you must teach them to personally cultivate being ready to receive internal callings from Godhead so that they may be prepared for special divine commissions from Godhead should time comes that Godhead summons them to Their service as messengers here. (ZECHARIAH 1-2) Just consider what this most recent Empire propaganda would like to be the erroneous belief of the unwary: ‘I don’t want to have the disease of my mother.’ Although of course nobody really indeed has to suffer from disease and sickness, but the way Empire did the delivery of this sentence (2 Corinthians 1) is rather some sort of the daughter rather being ashamed and disgusted of her own mother, rather than sharing on her mother’s sufferings, and even striving to alleviate her mother’s sufferings, but rather the daughter is conscious only of her own, and not of her mother’s, health. Surely no one of you does not want sentiments such as these to be seen by Godhead (Deuteronomy 7) in your very own homes. Guys, Empire rather wants you to be such, because as Scriptures states, it is their policies and agendas (Mark 2) that brings upon (Romans 5-8) the curse of death to the world (Isaiah 24, Daniel 7-9, Hebrews 6,10, 1 Corinthians 3, Deuteronomy 13). Most beloved comrades and colleagues, we must promise Godhead (ISAIAH 45, Romans 14, 2 Corinthians 5, Matthew 3,11,17, Mark 1,4,14-16, Joel, Numbers 10-11, PSALM 131) that we will make sure that with all grace Godhead has bestowed unto us as Their peculiar voices, this holiday season is going down in history as the very last season that we had just let pass without us doing something to address our spiritual state before Godhead (Revelation 2-3,18). Empire wants to create a lethal sense of complacency and carelessness (Romans 13, Matthew 13) most especially during this holiday season, so that we may not be able to discern how Empire in fact fools us with their claims, us being led to slaughter by them (Psalm 44), who claims (2 Thessalonians 2) that they could bring Godhead down to us (Revelation 13), but in fact just to espouse their wanton ends and even make Godhead mascots of their apostasy, the same way this very Empire tries to make you also as such. It can be said hence, as it is blatantly seen, that as much as Godhead elected you in this particular calling to be country-folk-rural music people, Godhead, and you as well, are both made by this Empire as advocates of their errors when in fact (1 Corinthians 12) it’s not supposed to be so. The same could be also said of your (1 Peter 5) fellow yokebearers around the world, whom many you already know and has worked with, who are also under Empire’s grip. While us, your most wretched fellows, are continually attacked by Empire day and night in all means and even hindered from reaching you. Empire may say we’re only (Acts 26) purportedly ‘crazy fans’. No, we’re not even worthy of being in your service (John 1, Luke 3), people (Song of Solomon). With this Trerise we would like to make sure that you know how much we thank you for the (Philemon 1) undying grace you have most generously bestowed our brethren with, as you know that you do the Will of Them that sent you. One of our fellows in ancient times said that Christ approves being straight-forward and curious. If we are bent to honor Him for being our Savior this season, but if we’re most determined to honor Him being our Master for the rest of our lives, thence we most humbly implore unto ye, o blessed people who knows and proclaims the joyful sound, that you join us here alone, wright now, and always. Godhead waits for you already and They delight so much hearing your voices both in song and prayer- please honor Them further through speaking up for them, which is that you work with us here in a lifelong commitment. We know that many of you (2 Kings 5) are held under oath by Empire, and we could not do anything more than this, yet we ask your prayers wright where you are, and be ensured that we shall continue to toil for all of you. Guys, we trust you so much with all that we are, and all that we have. We would not reach this far- 104 years- if not for you particularly, hence we would like to consecrate this 104th Anniversary, as well as our future, unto all of you guys, for your loyalty to Godhead which undeservingly makes us more inspired to finish our race, looking up unto thee as our guiding beacons in Godhead’s Bosom. Guys, we have full faith that Godhead more than anybody else, trusts you with Themselves, and that Empowered by Their Trust with you, you would never lack anything as you pursue a life worthy of Their Name. Guys, please trust us alone with your lives. We have Godhead truly here with you and us to hold you all up unto ours, and keep ours unto yours as your safekeeping. Guys, let us never fail Godhead- if we are to complete our race, we must and we will make sure to do to the full and to the letter and spirit all that Godhead has bestowed upon us, all of these redounding to the end that the Empire be finished (John 19, Psalm 16,31,22) for the sake of your salvation. As for us, our race will never be complete without you. Let us hence see each and every one of you all, no one left behind (Joshua 1), on our race’s end, to hold our dying breaths in your bosom. We are so very humbled to be proud of you guys, we love you all very much, and we muster all our best and our last as we raise all of you up to Godhead Where you can never be reached by the Empire, where you shall wrightfully enjoy the fruits of your labors, where you and all your loved ones and friends, with everybody that you have led to us, shall bask in Godhead’s presence and love even so now, and unto the ages of ages. May Godhead grant Themselves in full unto all of you, and you all unto Them, now and always.
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