#imagine making the guy you gave such a shitty farewell to record these videos for his ex teammates' grand farewell ceremonies
meowmeowmessi · 1 year
It's totally ironic, but in the hindsight, if what Gérard Romero leaked was true and not a total bullshit. Xavi was totally right when he said it was on Messi's hands. Messi just needed to give a call to La liga to get them saying we'll give the answers by Monday. Then suddenly, there's progress about the transfer news.
Doesn't change the fact about the disrespect Messi is going through.
kinda goes to show how they've got him on strings tbh. feels as though there's a lot of effort coming from messi's side, when all he should be doing is getting his written offer within the promised time and if not, start negotiating with other clubs. yet his camp is the one making the phone calls, doing all the waiting etc etc. bc lbr: why the hell does messi's father have to call tabas to get things moving? is their beloved presi laporta that incompetent that he can't put pressure on the guy himself? and why is romero shamelessly announcing the fact that messi's camp is pissed he leaked this info? to paint his family as the villain again?
anyways, laporta won: he'll make himself the savior of barça and mankind by bringing messi('s revenue) back to brokelona after having discarded him like tissue paper. he played leo like a fiddle. bravo
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