#im sorry im sure she's lovely irl but she comes off so annoying sometimes I'm 💀
ganja-hq ¡ 4 months
My sister compared me to kaelynn from love on the spectrum? Why don't u just stab me in the face instead dude
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maspwinj2 ¡ 7 years
So, I'm new to actually...Thinking J2 are in love. For the longest time I thought "conspiracy theory!!" but as of late, I decided to be open-minded and, well, now I see it. I was wondering, can you remember the thing or moment that first made you realize they're in love? Tbh I think they love their wives, but I don't think they're IN love with them. I get the feeling they're sweet, close friends and parents together but not in love. Again I'm VERY new so I don't truly know about the wives.
But also…Idk how to feel about Gen. Sometimes I feel like she doesn’t mesh quite as well with J2? What do you think? (Sorry if you’ve answered similar questions before, again I’m new as in like…Only today literally did I finally realize lol)
hey! it’s cool to hear you now see the light! thanks for being open minded!
for me there wasn’t a specific moment that made me go: “ok that’s it THAT is gay” lol no, it’s just an accumulation of things and looking at the big picture
so long story (not so) short:
i started watching spn in summer 2015, and dug in the fandom in september 2015 and the thing is i never gave a shit about jared and jensen and conventions and all, i figured they got along but didn’t care more than that because i was only in it for sam and dean and during those months i never EVER saw once a tinhat post or even a mention that there are fans who think j2 are together all i saw was posts by people shipping j2 being like “hahaha they are such husbands!” you know? but only in a joking shipper tone so i never took it seriously and the way i found about their relationship was purely coincidental!! so i could have never learnt about them at all if not for this coincidence!!! 
i found @jaredandjensendaily blog by pure luck (i suggest you read it if you haven’t yet, it’s really great) and it was the most shockng experience of my fandom life i swear to god because i really did NOT expect something like that coming from jared and jensen lmao, i remember EXACTLY when and where it happened, and i was in a shop and i was staring at my phone for like 10 minutes like “what the fuck is THIS?????????!!!!!!!!!!!” so i was really excited and interested but it was 100% the thrill of discovering a big secret and pure juicy gossip lmao i still didn’t give a shit about j2 themselves, and she talked about j2 being together like its the most natural and obvious thing in the world (which it is but i didn’t know that at the time) and i was like “WHAT??? IS SHE SERIOUS????!!!!!” 
anyway on her blog she linked “speak the truth”   and said to read it if you’re a newbie so i did it and was truly impressed, i wasn’t convinced at all but i was definitely leaning on the j2 tinhat side and since i was interested i made research and started looking for tinhats blogs and all and watching conventions and little by little you start seeing the patterns and you start seeing and witnessing how much j2 love each other and since speak the truth stops in early 2013 i learnt thanks to tinhat blogs that j2 actually live in the same place which made me go “WAIT WHAT?????!!!!!” and again with time you discover new slips and inconsistencies and you see that j2 spend all their time together instead of with their “wives” lol so in the end you understand that the only logical reason that explains all of that (the slips, the inconsistencies, the them always being together and living together and raising their kids together and getting married at the same time and people they work with saying how much they get along and actually witnessing how much they get along during cons and knowing the only reason spn went for so long was because of how well they get along and the not brotherly looks they give each other etc etc etc) the ONLY reason it all makes sense is that they’re in love and have to hide it because otherwise it would put an end to the show, THIS  is the key that exlains everything else, them being gay and bearding is the last piece that completes the puzzle, that explains all the weird and shady stuff that surrounds j2
so it’s been a while now that im 10000% sure that j2 are together and what they have is relationship goals and every day with more slips and the time they spend together or the damage control that comes after they look too gay (couch couch date night incident), they only convince me more and more
so yeah no, sorry, there’s no one thing that sealed the deal for me, it’s everything put together that does it and honestly i really don’t get how people can be convinced by one moment, i get when people go to conventions and see them together IRL and they’re struck by their love but just one moment?? nah man i need some cold hard facts, and catching j2 red handed in their lies, that’s what truly convince me
to me understanding j2 are together is 50% seeing how beautiful their love is and the sacrifices they make to stay together in this homophobic business and society and it’s 50% respecting myself because i hate how j2 and their PR team treat us like fucking morons and think we’re all stupid sheeps and they can sell us their bullshit narrative and we’ll swallow it and say thanks, yeah no i have my fucking pride and im not gonna let those assholes make fun of me like that no way
about the wives, youll learn little by little why people (me included) dont like them and dont believe they’re close friends 
but basically danneel was a party girl, drinking, doing drugs and forced jensen into the marriage by going on the ted casablanca show assuring everyone she will marry jensen so jensen was trapped but after jj’s birth she calmed down and now shes pretty low key so now she’s the “good” beard, and also jensen is giving jobs to her entire family with the beer business and that’s annoying to me, she can fuck off
and gen was cool at first but jared was always the one doing the most OTT bearding *insert eye rolls*, also people dont like her cos she cant act and ruined ruby and she’s gotten worse and worse with the years, fighting with the Js leading to jareds breakdown in 2015 and now with all that instagram bullshit to have all the attention on her bla bla bla and with the latest vid of her with jared shes officially THE worst tm (and with this latest vid i think it’s an understatement to say she doesn’t mesh with j2 lmao) so she really needs to fuck off lol
but most of the relationship with the wives is based on behind the scenes talks so there is no hard proof of that and i suggest you make your own opinion, take your time, but just don’t believe it when j2 say they have a support system with the wives thats utter bullshit, they just push the narrative that they’re  a big family to make it look normal that they (j2) spend that much time together, live together and raise their kids together and if it weren’t for those bearding arrangements j2 would never spend that much time with gen nor danneel so nope not a close friendship
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