#im sorry for the common fanfic trope here btw
raitrolling · 8 months
Cursed Drabble meta post because i cant help myself sometimes
while i dont think i nailed the vibe for the tumblr reader x celebrity self-insert fan fiction (mainly because i just Could not get through a single fic without dying of cringe. im sorry i do not vibe with this genre in the slightest for reasons that are probably evident in how i wrote that fic) and its probably more wattpad / quotev fanfic tier, i think i did pull off the standard tropes for those sorts of fics
like how the self-insert is supposed to be a blank slate for anyone to, well. self-insert into, but they're always very obviously written to be (cis) women. and the author can't decide if they want their self-insert to be meek and easily smitten, or sassy and genre-aware, as well as simultaneously living the fantasy of having a glamorous lifestyle that people would be jealous of, but she's also totally just an ordinary girl you guys. see, she's got average looks!
and also the combination of fulfilling the fantasy of 'what if my dream man saved me from a scary situation like gross dudes hitting on me', and the fact that the love interest is... often not written that much better than the bad guys lmao. the 'i saw you from across the room and immediately fell in love and wanted to protect you because you are so beautiful' seems to be popular in self-insert fics from what i skimmed through, but a lot of the time the dudes always come across as creepy to me. but in this fic sharle is using french terms of endearment so clearly he is sexy and romantic and not also a weird sleaze, duh
i died the most writing every single piece of sharle's dialogue but also the descriptions talking about how hot he is, btw. the line about the reader imagining his hands choking someone and them smelling his intoxicating scent in his bedsheets both made me want to hurl LMFAO props to people who can write that shit, id rather swan dive off a cliff thanks (tho the hand focus is also due to me listening to that read-through of the foxhole court and the video essayist mentioning how often the characters in that story grabbed each other by the chin. i was just like 'ok yeah i need more hand stuff in this people eat that shit up')
the warnings at the start are there solely because when i was scrolling through the tumblr tags for reader self-inserts i saw quite a few that warned for swearing which i thought was funny since like. this is a 13+ website. you can say the fuck word here and not get in trouble. apart from the cringy dialogue i wouldnt say anything in the fic actually merits a warning, but i felt like i needed to add the other stuff to keep it true to the formatting style that is common for tumblr self-insert fic
the bit with ropikk at the end definitely breaks the illusion and probably turns the fic into some 'lol well that just happened' marvel '''humour''', but tbh i just wanted to include a 'he would not fucking say that' joke and needed to write a palate cleanse LMAO you can pretend that last paragraph doesn't exist if you dont like the immersion-breaking
anyways uh. this was a lot of words i wrote to explain my stupid drabble i wrote as a joke and because people voted for something cursed. you can't say i half-ass anything lmao
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hisuuuuuu · 7 years
I was tagged by @tvvy and @dallyingdivergent thank youuu!! 💕💕
1.) If you had one, what was your ‘stereotype’ in school? (jock, nerd, goth, etc)
idk if it has a name but I was like the sweet quiet one that was kind to pretty much everyone. like the krista of the school pretty much aha. like I remember one day I was helping the school sell chocolates and my friend wasn’t going to but she said I was too cute to say no to ahaha aw I miss the days at school when I wasn’t ridden by mental illnesses rip

2.) What are your favorite and least favorite foods?
favourite: aw man idk maybe bacon? bacon hasn’t let me down in a while now least favourite: peanuts maybe?

3.) Who is your favorite character from your current fandom and why?
leviiii ackermannnn. I won’t say all the reasons bc this will go on for too long but this man came from nothing (he literally would have died if it weren’t for kenny god bless him) to a well known hero. and like he never once got cocky about this or his title (in fact I think he hates the burden of it but is willing to sacrifice that part of him for humanity). despite all the shit he’s been through (which is a lot of shit) he still remains kind and untainted (to a point. like he’s willing to get his hands dirty for what he believes in. he’s definitely not pure). but yea all he wants is to protect and save humanity and his friends from the titans. he literally just wants to get rid of them all so they can rest and find peace (probably bc he knows he won’t be able to so he’s willing to die so others can 😭) I’m gonna stop here bc I’m gonna cry and bc this is gonna get too long but I just love everything about him!!

4.) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
my fear of some social situations & risk taking (I’m getting better tho!)

5.) What are your favorite hobbies?
video games, video editing, listening to & playing music, dancing (I’m planning on taking lessons soon if my anxiety chills)

6.) Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?

7.) What’s one obstacle you’ve overcome recently?
I think I’ve finally found peace with myself and I don’t take many things as much to heart anymore. it’s actually a really big thing I don’t know why I’m not celebrating lmao

8.) Yes or no:
Pineapple on pizza? it’s not too bad. honestly it used to be my favourite but now I’d rather not but eh it’s ok
Fries dipped in mayonnaise? omg haha possibly? I haven’t had mayo in so long bc it used to make me sick. I mean the thought makes me sick but I guess for like three fries I could handle it lmao
Ketchup on eggs? my dude!!! it’s not a bad taste but the yolk goes pink and it’s so cute!! 

9.) What is your most resourceful skill?
remaining positive, optimistic and calm in stressful situations (most of the time)

10.) If you could pick three fictional characters to bring to life, who would they be and why?
ymir so Icoulddattteeherrrrrr erwin smith bc I want him as my dadddd xander from buffy bc he’d be a good friend and he’s got that dorky humour which I love

11.) What is the end-goal for you; What do you want to do with your life?
I’d like to move to some nice lil city and have a job that I adore with a nice circle of friends, a beautiful home to share with my beautiful gf and beautiful dogs, and to just be happy and at peace with my life that’d be cool
1. What is your LEAST favorite color?
purple maybe? I like most pastel purples tho
2. Which trope in a fanfic do you absolutely hate and want to die?
omg uke/seme tbh
3. Pick a favorite character from your current fandom and write at least one headcanon about them.
oh my gosh ok it’s levi but I’m gonna use this to write about the beautiful rare pair that is moburi haha
when moblit isn’t busy making sure hange is still alive and breathing, he and levi chill out together. they bond over their love but stress and concern over hange. levi drinks tea whilst moblit drinks coffee (which is more than often mixed with some alcohol) while they chat and unwind with the other. they’ll often light heartedly complain about the day they had or something
levi admires moblit’s artistic skill (he literally in canon calls them masterpieces) and likes to just quietly watch him sketch or doodle. as someone with little to no artistic skill he finds it fascinating to watch how effortlessly he can bring something to life. it’s also very soothing and relaxing for him. it takes both their minds off of things or on whatever it is moblit is drawing
moblit at first was flustered by this because of the amount of attention he was getting and the pressure of not messing up because someone is watching. soon enough it became routine for them and moblit could truly relax around levi as he drew
if levi finds moblit drinking on his own (which is quite common) he’ll often join him and work on paperwork as it has no effect on him while they silently enjoy each other’s company
levi likes to if he can to include moblit and any other cadet that’s often left out in conversation or something social bc he loves all his soldiers and wants them to at least have some gOOD MEMORIES BEFORE THEY DIE BYE I HATE THAT THIS ENDED IN ANGST IT WASNT MEANT TO BUT FCK IT IF IT INVOLVES LEVI OF COURSE IT IS I HATE
ALSO IM SORRY THIS GOT LONG I JUST LOVE MY BOYS AND LEVI I’m so gonna use this as a ref to write a moburi fic btw omg
4. Which movie universe would you like to place the characters of your current fandom in?
movie universe.. I was gonna say life is strange bc of the high school au but that’s a video game rip. kingsman maybe? or pmmm. actually nvm just the happiest movie universe where no one dies thanks like some fun college movie or something lmao
5. Enemies-to-lovers or Childhood-friends-to-lovers?
enemies-to-lovers probably but childhood-friends-to-lovers is pretty cute too
6. Who would you switch bodies with, and why?
I don’t think I would tbh I don’t know I don’t want to mess with another persons life like all john malkovich style haha. I always wanted to be mystique tho so I could change the appearance of mine like to just improve little things and cosplaying would be so heavenly and easy I could become all my favs aha
7. Favorite book genre?
mystery/suspense maybe
8. Which video game universe would you like to live in, and why?
animal crossing: new leaf! bc everyone’s so nice and cute and you’ve got everything you need within walking distance like a convenience store, retail, a museum! a coffee shop like bruh
9. Where would you like go on a first date?
probably the movies bc then if you don’t like the person it isn’t as awkward bc you can just enjoy the movie lol
10. For you, what is the right age to get married?
21 and up probably
11. Favorite ice cream flavor
neapolitan bc I can’t pick haha
I tag: @tatakaeeren @apetitan @yaboylevi @sanspert @eren–gayger @micasaas @piecks @reibertx @sarianapng @kenny-ackerman @drunksara
and my 11 questions are:
1. favourite album: 2. favourite time of day: 3. a song you could listen on repeat and never get tired of: 4. favourite rare pair/s: 5. a song that never fails to make you happy: 6. if you had to cosplay anyone who would it be? 7. what would you say your 'style’ is? 8. if you had to get a tattoo what would it be? 9. favourite video game: 10. a ship that is similar to your relationship goals: 11. what was your first plushie/soft toy/teddy’s name?
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