#im so normal abt francis yall...
risetherivermoon · 2 months
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thinking about Francis and religion on this fine day...how are we folks?
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frcnciscos-blog · 7 years
hi i’m jen ( pst + she/her ) n that’s all i have to say abt myself sdfkljsdf, i’m excited to write with everyone though, o i watched like 2 seasons of the 100 or like 3 up until the robot hologram lady but idr anything :( o and i never watched the show matt’s in either sry yalls :( 
❝ ——・✧ ( matthew daddario ) may the ark provide you a good life ( francisco nolan ) !  you are now at the age of ( twenty-six ), and identify as a ( cismale ). around the ark you are known as the ( noceur ), and you’re a ( jocular ) citizen even if you’re sometimes ( reticent ) !  with your contribution to the ( agro ) station as ( a cultivator ) we’re going to make this place a better home for us, and our future generations. ( jen, she/her, pst )
noceur – one who sleeps late or not at all
honestly the most simple definition right but i cbf to look for a masterlist
cultivator / curator – maybe i should’ve called him a botanist or a farmer idk but he’s an expert on plants and growing them in space! makes sure all the species are thriving and all that. spends a lot of time talking to the crops bc not many are awake in the dead of night! 
jocular – fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful.
reticent – not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily.
so francis/frankie/chico/whatever the fuck are nicknames for francisco idk ;(
anyway he’s basically this v lighthearted guy, kind of makes you feel like you know him and all because he’ll joke w/ you a lot n be nice, long-winded talks about things, sounds like he’s sharing but it’s never rly anything... about himself... he just doesn’t lemme figure out why bc i’m jst um. doing this as i go : )
okay his other half <3 got floated for doing the thing raven and finn did with the oxygen n lost some oxygen except she was older so floated.... maybe 5 yrs ago? 21 is a good age. he never talks about it. ever. although he does think about her every single day.
this is a dedicated self help book: i think that maybe, he’s just trying to build as nice of a life as he can for himself and has been for the past 5 yrs. he’s nice, people r nice, life is okay, but it just. will never be the same. also i imagine the ark is a pretty desolate place to be! planet earth nuked, all of humanity on this one spaceship ( as far as they know ), limited oxygen supply, rationing, etc. etc. so he puts on his happy face and sometimes it works, sometimes he’s sad and talks to the plants in private :’(
o ya isn’t it so funny that his mobile theme rly looks like the author’s about on a book cover 
o his parents got saved 2 the ark or something idk how this works but ig they were scientists n normal upbringing i guess they brought him 2 the plant nursery a lot
he doesn’t really think of himself as exceptionally smart or anything special, funnier/more handsome/etc than anyone else like obv he’s aware oh yes these are good traits that i possess but not ... over anyone yknow, like he just does what he’s supposed to do/what’s right.
o his birthday was.... YESTERDAY! whenever that was. 8/8 and he thinks it’s weird tht he was born on earth! but all he remembers is the spaceship :( anyway he’s freshly 26
o a hc: he rly good at drawing plants and flowers bc his <3 was like . how tf are u gonna be a botanist but not even be able 2 draw. so he practiced n practiced n it was part of how they even got 2gether aw. like hs sweeties. but if u ask him 2 draw a person it’s gonna look fugly as hell
idek if they’re allowed 2 draw or if that takes up resources :( o well that makes the whole notion more romantic 
o since i see some nationality things... n idk wtf matt d is he some types of different whites... imma just make him a canadian LDFSSDF
idk what else 2 say basically summary: he is nice n humble n maybe funny idk no emo broodiness no sign of sad :( he’s jus Chill
possible connections (crossed off = taken):
someone that was maybe his other half <3 ‘s best friend (yes ‘<3′ is apart of their name) n so they sometimes jst talk about their feelings n stuff together n maybe they weren’t close or maybe even disliked each other before everything OR maybe they still don’t like each other, but rly they’re the only other one that knows how the other feels/who they’re missing yknow ok let’s make them NOT like each other thanks!!!!
o okay ‘it isn’t the same but it isn’t love’ ok maybe they dating and it’s pleasant and all but rly it’s a charade n maybe they keep hanging on bc IT WORKS but it’s just. not passionate, it’s not love, so maybe they gotta break up. ‘it’s a waste of time’ OPPOSITE OF WILL THEY WON’T THEY as in will they won’t they BREAK UP
o wouldn’t it be so cool for francisco 2 be like. this happy mentor buddy thing 2 someone cuz i noticed some of yalls characters r emo as shit right, but then one night they discover he’s a FAKE... sort of ? n that disrupts. stuff yeah ha
o maybe someone who gets themselves into shit n he always goes n gets them before they get into trouble n he’s just Tired. of doing that right but he keeps doing it bc he’s been doing this for forever n idk big blow up xD? responsible old man matt d activate!
on the other hand, someone he trusts n knows is also responsible enough so that he can chill out too? weeds n alcohols lmao, maybe theyre best friends forever and i mean like, forever, maybe they were neighbors growing up on the ark 
lemme put some simple ones in here 2 bc im down n we can develop ya? o wow there aren’t many i’m sorry . but yall got wc too so we’re good ! !! 
childhood - cut off or just long lasting
crushes/romantique interests but he dating someone so that’s risqué :O – maybe we do this on chemistry pls thanks idk <3 
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