#im so glad my fiance slept through that he would never let me hear the end of it if he'd been there
roaenexists · 1 year
I accidentally set my altar on fire just now, which could've been catastrophic as my altar sits right before my biggest bookshelf. The cheap plastic candle holder I had caught fire and that caught on the palm cushion I use for my singing bowl. If it weren't for 1) the fire alarm in my apartment, and 2) the wax-sealed pentagram paper i kept under that candle, things might be a lot worse right now. I was even sitting right in front of altar, I was just looking down at my tarot cards. My response wasn't particularly good either: I blew that bitch out like a birthday cake—one strong huff. Very thankful it wasn't worse. Lessons learned: keep a fire blanket and an extinguisher near the bookshelf and altar; wax-sealed paper can buy you a couple of seconds of reaction time; $3 dollar target candle holders are a Bad Idea. Finally and most important: PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FLAMES ALWAYS.
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