#im sleepy so i won't edit thing...maybe read it on ao3 instead
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wormstacheangel ¡ 4 years ago
Almost: Ch9 Epilogue
Summary: Castiel was moving on with his life. He is engaged to a man who loves him and has a semi-relationship with his family. Then his father dies and Cas has to go back to his hometown. It's fine. It's not like he would bump into the man he loved on his first day back and realize that - oh shit! He still loves him! Now what?
Note: This is all in Cas's POV so you will read some Cas/Mick stuff but don't worry it's still the happy ending we all wanted :)
Read the completed story on AO3 link (maybe leave a nice comment)
Word Count: 6063 More Under the Cut
Cas kicks the front door of his childhood home closed and drops back against it with a huff. He drops his head back and bangs his head against the hardwood for a few seconds before he hears steps walking towards him. He opens his eyes and sees it was Michael who was striding forward, a curious glare fixed upon him before he raised his eyebrows.
“Was that the hick’s car, Castiel?” Cas rolled his eyes as he pushed off the door and walked to shove the bags into Michael’s chest. He only laughed in response as he took the bags and ignored Cas’s shoulder shove. “You’ve only been here for one day and you’re already crawling back to those Winchester’s again.”
“I don’t see how that concerns you, Mike.” Cas didn’t look behind him as he walked up the stairs to his old bedroom. He needed to lie down.
“Well, Mick went out with Gabriel to go pick you up. Do you know Mick? The man you agreed to marry?”
Cas sighed as he gripped the stair banister before he turned to glare back at his older brother. “I know very well who I am engaged to. Thank you.”
Michael shrugged, a smirk on his face as he started to walk away. Cas tightens his hold on the banister as he fights his instinct to at least throw his shoe at his cocky brother. “Just didn’t want you to forget. Mick is a good man.”
“You mean because he comes from a good family?” Cas caught himself making air quotes again and quickly put his hands deep in his pockets.
“Exactly.” Michael disappeared around the corner and into the kitchen.
“You’re an ass! You know that!” The only response was a laugh and Cas stomped his way back up the stairs.
He’s almost 30! He should not be bullied by his older brothers but here he was. Slamming his bedroom door shut and quickly jumping into his old bed like good ol’ days. He laid on his back and stared up at the ceiling as he hugged a pillow to his chest.
Dean kissed him. He kissed Dean.
Cas’s fingers hovered over his lips as he sucked in a breath before he screamed into his pillow.
What the hell was he thinking kissing him? Fuck, it was good. It was so good. His heart hasn’t stopped racing since getting out of the car.
How many times has he just imagined being back in that car since he left? He hasn’t thought about it in a while but all those feelings just rushed him as soon as he saw Dean. In his stupid cute work overalls too! Messy hair and...No!
“Nope.” Cas sat up and patted his chest as if that would calm his heart up. “Stop. Stop.”
‘He’s already married, Castiel’ He thinks to himself before he pulls off his gloves to look upon his engagement ring.
They both moved on. Yeah. Yeah, so what if Dean says he loved him way back when? So what if Dean fucking Winchester just made out with him? Cas wasn’t going to break up a family just because he wants to kiss the guy.
‘Yeah! That’s it. It’s just the sexual tension.’ Cas tells himself as he lets out a shaky breath.
“Castiel?” Cas looks up as his door begins to open and Mick poked his head in. “Hey, sweetheart, did you actually walk all the way home?”
He closed the door behind him and walked to sit on the bed with Cas. His gentle fingers started to run through his hair and calm Cas’s mind. Yeah. he’s moved on. He shouldn't worry about it anymore. He has Mick now.
“Are you okay?” He hears Mick quietly ask before he leaves a small kiss on his temple. Cas melts into it.
“Yeah.” Cas sighed as he smiled at him. Thankfully Mick wasn’t the best at reading him so the guilt was easily hidden away. “I’m just tired.”
“You wanna head back to the hotel? You can nap there while I finish some work.”
Cas nodded a few times. Yeah, he shouldn't stay in his old room where most of the things in here were Dean’s. But there was something he had to do first.
Cas grabbed Mick’s face and kissed him. His fiance was shocked by the sudden kiss because that’s not who they are. Mick was so gentle with him. He was patient and waited for him even after two years of just being friends because Cas didn’t want to date anyone who was friends with his older brothers but Mick wasn’t anything like them. He was nice. He was kind.
And Cas hates himself for making excuses about why Dean’s kiss was better. It was because there was desperation. There was tension there. They haven't seen each other in years, of course, it’ll be hot but...this - with Mick - was nice .
When he pulled away Mick blinked at him a couple of times with blushed cheeks. “Wow. What was that for?”
Cas just shrugged. “I just missed you today. You’ve been with Gabriel all day.”
Mick nuzzled his nose against Cas’s own as he left a small peck on his lips. “Then I promise to be gone more often.”
“You better not.” Cas smiled and kissed the side of his mouth before he stood. “Come on. I wanna leave before Mike sends me another errand run.”
Mick wraps his arms around Cas’s waist as they start to walk out the door, his lips leaving little kisses at the back of his neck that did make his heart race. Cas loves him. There is no doubt about that or about Mick’s love for him so he shouldn’t think about Dean again.
He hasn’t done so in years! So it should be easy to push him deep into his mind again.
It’s not like those green eyes and cute little smirk has any effect on him. Nope.
They walked down the stairs and to the kitchen where all the noise was coming from. He walked in to see - with no surprise - Mike and Luci arguing about something that Raphael probably said. Judging by that sly leer he had across his face. Gabriel was in the middle trying to calm them down while Anna was nowhere to be found again.
“We’re leaving!” Castiel calls out over their screams. As soon as he had their attention he cleared his throat as he lowered his voice. “We will see you at the funeral tomorrow.”
“Wait. Castiel?” Cas froze - a damn chill went up his spine - when Michael called out for him. “Are you going to need a ride?”
Oh. He was being nice. “Um, no. Mick rented a car.”
“Oh good!” Michael walked over to him and there was a flash of something malicious on his face. Fuck, he fell into a trap. “I could have called Dean for you.”
Cas could feel his ears heat up. “That won’t be necessary.” He hissed between his teeth.
“You sure, Cassie?” Luci - of course piggybacking from Michael - walked to tower over him.
Cas turned towards Mick. “How about you go and warm up the car and I’ll be out in a few?”
Mick squeezed his hand but nodded. He wished everyone goodnight and it wasn’t until they all heard the front door slam closed that were all screaming at each other.
“I said mind your own fucking business, Michael! Just because you are divorced that does not mean you have to make all of us sad and single!” Castiel shoves at his brother.
Gabriel was quick to step between them when Mike lifted his arm to lay a punch on him. He instantly calmed down when Gabe pushed him back. “Okay! We’re stopping this! Do you think Dad would want us to show up to a public event bruised up?”
No. It wasn’t ‘Do you think Dad would want us fighting?’ because they were all always fighting. It was all his family did. It was all his father did.  As long as their image to the outside world is fine then they can cut each other’s throat all they want.
They all immediately backed away from each other.
“Fine.” Mike fixed his tie. “It’s not like we’re going to see that Winchester again.”
“He’s going to the funeral.” Cas turned to walk away not caring enough to see their expressions. “And you better not fucking bother him or his family tomorrow!” Cas opened the front door. “Goodbye!”
‘So we’re not going to be adults about this.’ Cas thought as he watched Dean and his family walk away.
He felt Mick kiss his cheek as he squeezed him closer. “So that’s Dean. He seems... nice .”
Cas heard something off in his voice and he felt that annoyance bubble in him but he cleared his throat, shaking his head, before letting it rest down on Mick’s shoulder. He knows he was just getting too protective of Dean, the same feeling he has always felt since meeting him at 14 years old.
“He is.” Cas can hear the stiffness in his voice. “Um, you go sit down. I’m gonna go look for Gabriel.”
“You sure?” Mick gently tilts his head so Cas had to look at him. “You look a little shaken up.”
Mick leans in to give him a kiss but Cas ducks his head. His lips pressing against his hair. “I’m fine. Nobody here really misses my Dad.” Cas chuckles, it was cold and that only made Mick look at him with rounder eyes. “Save me a seat, okay?”
Mick’s only response was a stiff nod while Cas leaves the entrance to walk to the back offices where his siblings have been hiding the whole time. None of them wanted to go speak to their extended family but instead, they found it more important to practice their speeches for when they had to go up and pretend to be a perfect child to the perfect father. Cas was quick to deny making a speech along with Gabriel.
“The place is as full as it could be.” Cas announced as he walked in, dropping a kiss on Anna’s cheek when he saw her. “Where have you been?”
“The further I am from all of you the more I feel like I keep my brain cells.” She quickly and easily answered.
“Fair enough.” Cas smiled back at her before he went to sit beside Gabriel.
“Not a dry eye in the house I assume.” Raphael comments and they all chuckled. It was dry and humorless. The air was still calm around them. Nobody has raised their voice all day. Maybe their father’s death hitting them differently. They weren’t sad. No. It almost felt like they were all disappointed.
Maybe all for different reasons.
Cas was sure disappointed that the man decided to die before they could work things out. But of course, Chuck’s anger would take a hold of his heart and end up killing him. Kinda left Cas feeling stupid for even caring about him but tears have not shed.
Not from the guest. Not from his siblings. Not from him.
Cas spent the rest of the funeral sitting beside Mick trying not to roll his eyes at the melodramatic way his siblings were all acting.
When the whole thing was over Cas sent Mick to their house because he wasn’t allowed to the burial per their father’s request. His siblings were already gone to wait in their cars but Cas stayed behind to make sure everything was running smoothly.
“We’re ready to take your father to the car.” A funeral service worker told him and Cas was ready to just nod and let him get on with it but something stopped him.
“Um, can you give me a few minutes?” Castiel asked him but didn’t wait for a response, not wanting to see the pity in his eyes cause that’s not what he deserved.
Cas walked over to the casket knowing he didn’t miss his father. No. He missed the father who he wished he had. A father who rarely showed himself to him. In birthday letters with money inside, even after he moved away and was cut off. In random books being delivered to his door all year round by someone unknown but knowing it was his father because the book was used with little notes written on the margins and the bookmark was still between the pages. A leaf or another piece of trash stuck between them.
He didn’t understand his father but he… but he really fucking wished he had more time to do so.
“Cas?” He heard his name being called and he turned just slightly to see who the faraway voice belonged to. Oh. Dean.
Next thing Cas knew, his face was being gently cradled in Dean’s big rough hands. Eyes soft and warm as he stared back at him. Cas thought that he was okay but then he heard Dean ask, “Hey. Hey, Cas, it’s okay.”
And that’s when Cas realized that it wasn’t. No. He wasn’t okay. This whole situation wasn’t okay.
And Dean let him cry. He let him cry and didn’t mock him for feeling anything but anger towards his father. Dean held him and heard him. He understood. Like he always has.
And he’s gonna see him later.
Before going back to face his siblings Cas quickly goes to the bathroom to splash water on his face. He can’t look like he was crying. His brothers will give him no mercy.
The house was filled to the brim but Sam was easy enough to spot. He was with Charlie and Balthazar in the backyard. There was a big group of them laughing over something but Cas didn’t see Dean in the crowd.
He didn’t know what switched in his head but as soon as the burial was over and Cas got in his car he couldn’t wait to go home. To see Dean. To be in his arms and just be held. He knows it’s wrong. He knows but a hug is nothing but innocent.
“Sam,” Cas pulls at Sam’s arm. “Where’s your brother?”
“Oh, um,” Sam looked over the crowd and was about to shrug with a small pout when Charlie grabbed his attention.
“He went upstairs. Said he wanted some peace and quiet.” She tells him and Cas smiles a thank you to them before quickly walking over.
He took the steps two at a time knowing where Dean would be. The only place Dean would feel comfortable in this entire house.
As soon as he opened his bedroom door and saw Dean - looking beautiful and bright - he felt relief crash over him like a beach wave.
“Dean.” He wasn’t sure if he said his name out loud but he could feel the tremble on his lower lip when he spoke it.
Cas could feel the heavyweight on his shoulders lift away just by the sight of his old best friend. He knew these were all dangerous feelings but if he made enough excuses for them then it was okay. It was okay if he felt like he was floating when he finally made his way to Dean and then their bodies were pressed against each other.
Cas clung to his warmth, breathing in his scent of motor oil and cologne that lingered on his skin. He heard a giggle that shook through his chest and realized it was his.
Wow. He really wanted this. Needed this. Dean.
“I didn’t think you were going to come.” He heard himself admit. And the truth hits him as well. He figured Dean would be angry with him. For him to be as dead to Dean as his father was but no. No, Dean was kind.
He said he loved Cas way back then. He kissed him back. Held him as he has always dreamt of being held by Dean but...but-
“Wow! Am I getting one of those hugs too, sweetheart?”
Mick .
Cas can feel his body stiffen and go cold because he has been caught. Oh, it’s gonna become a talk. He already knew it.  
What can he say this time?
That he couldn’t feel like he could breathe until he was in Dean’s arms? Wait - Cas turned to look at his fiance smiling at him. Yeah, he was a little mad. The strain in his eyes was clearly visible. Then Cas turned to look at Dean and before he could ask Dean answered his silent question.
Of course, he would understand.
Then before he said goodbye to Dean he had to give him his number. He dug through his drawers and ripped a piece from an old notebook to write his number. Then he drew a happy face to reassure Dean that he can call him. Text him. Just talk to him.
The kiss he left on Dean’s cheek was just as unexpected to him as it was to Dean. But his lips tingle the whole night.
Even when Mick lectured him about getting close with Dean again. He started to feel guilt eat at him when he kissed Mick to reassure him but his mind flew to Dean. And he knew - fuck he knew- he was screwed.
Dean sent a heart. A heart!
Cas's own heart threatened to leap out of his chest but before he could respond Mick walked back into the room. In nothing more than pajama bottoms and a towel over his head.
“Why are you smiling like that?” Mick crawled over to him and pressed a kiss at the base of his neck.
“Well, now I’m looking at just you.” Cas turned his phone off and wrapped his arms around his fiance. “You had a good shower?”
“Would have been better with you.” He kissed him and Cas laughed before kissing him back.
“Too tired.” Cas told him as he nuzzled his nose against Mick’s skin. “Distract me? A lot...a lot happened today.”
“Sure, sweetheart.”
And they got comfortable and talked all through the night. Passing out over the covers.
Cas’s last words before he fell asleep were, “You know I love you, right?”
“I know.” He kissed the top of Cas’s head.
Cas decided he’ll delete the conversation in the morning. That his dumb crush on Dean was not worth losing this. Losing Mick.
Cas didn’t think he would end up bruised and beaten by the hands of his brothers again. No. He figured the will reading will be as calm as the funeral and the burial but as soon as the lawyer told them that Dean was getting most of the money he should have known. He should have protected him better.
Dean dragged Cas to the bathroom after everything was over. Throughout the whole reading he kept fussing over him and as much as he loved Dean’s gentle touches - and he kept burning him with them - he was getting annoyed because his brothers kept glaring at them.
“You’re so stupid. You shouldn't have hit him back. You dumb fucking hothead.” Cas was leaning against the sink as Dean wiped his eye where it stung with blood. “Stand still!”
“No! It hurts, asshole!”
“Don’t be a baby.”
Cas rolled his eyes but tried not to twitch his face as Dean cleans him up.
“There you two are!” They heard Bobby call out to them and walk into the bathroom to give them a few bandaids and one ice pack. “You two head out. I’m gonna get a ride with Gabriel. Still got a few things to get through here and I don’t want your dramatic dumbasses getting me kicked out.”
So they left and Cas was too frustrated to do anything but listen to the familiar music. Feel the familiar vibration of the engine underneath him and just feel at peace once again. Feeling like finally - fucking finally - he was where he belonged.
So when the music started to end he got nervous. He didn’t want to leave this car just yet. He can’t handle the real world right now. Everything is different now. He had no money now. His siblings were mad at him for once again picking Dean over them. Because he always had.
Fuck, he was glad Mick wasn’t making him choose because he was afraid he'd know the answer.
If he can just have Dean next to him. Like this. As a friend and nothing more. Then he can live like that.
But now, one second he was laughing and the next Dean's face was practically on his. Heavy breaths mixing and their body heat warming the car even more.
He was gonna kiss him! Dean was going to kiss him again! No. No. He’s married! He has someone and Cas has someone! No. Fuck his stomach hurts but his eyes were closing.
Cas hummed in response to Dean calling his name. His head couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted Dean to just call his name from now on. Wanted Dean to be his. Wanted Dean.
But Dean won’t kiss him. Kiss me. Kiss me. Kiss me!
He was holding him so desperately but Dean was still hesitant. And Cas wasn’t willing to close the gap because Dean kissing him was different than Cas kissing him. But he wanted him again.
“Dean.” Gosh, he sounded so pathetic. Like he was praying to him.
He moved a little closer and accidentally brushed their lips together and Cas knew he couldn’t wait any longer. His whole body heated up at the slight brush. Then Dean made a whimpering noise and Cas’s whole mind went blank.
Did...Did Dean sound like that? He wanted to hear more.
Cas couldn’t think of the damn consequences anymore. He didn’t care when he could have Dean right now. He was pathetic and crumbling right in front of Dean.
Then a loud bang flipped the switch back on in his head and made Cas jump away from Dean’s touch.
No. No. No.
Cas turned to see Mick standing outside the door and he didn’t think of Dean as he scrambled out of the car to see his fiance’s heartbroken expression. Anger was already there but then it faded to concern.
“Can we talk inside?” Cas could hear his shaking voice but Mick took his hand to lead him away from the car.
Away from the closest he has ever felt to home. Where he felt like he belonged. In that car. Sitting passenger side with Dean Winchester beside him.
Now Cas was sitting at the edge of his bed watching his fiance pace in front of him. Quietly fuming because Mick was nothing like Castiel.
Mick doesn’t yell. Mick doesn’t throw punches. Mick doesn’t fight. He’s patient and kind and that’s why Cas fell in love with him in the first place.
But right now Cas wished he would yell at him. Fight for them.
“So, what? Are you just going to...what?” Mick asked because of course, he wanted to know what Cas wanted. “Do you want to break up?”
Cas let the tears burn his eyes as he looked down at the ground with a heavy shrug. “I don’t deserve you, Mick. I always knew that.”
“That’s not what I’m asking.” Mick took Cas’s face in his hands and it was soft. “I’m asking you what you want. Do you want me?”
Cas nodded as he reached to grip Mick’s shirt with his bruised hands.
Then Mick sucked in a shaky breath before he said the most surprising thing. “Then that’s all I need to know.”
Cas blinked up at him. “But...but-”
“If you still want me then I’m here for you, Castiel.”
“Why? Why are you...Why are you being nice to me? You should be mad! Fuck, I’m mad!” Cas gripped at him and pulled him forward until Mick was sitting practically on Cas’s lap. “I almost kissed - I kissed someone else!”
“I knew it would be hard for you to see Dean again. You loved him. He’s the reason why you kept breaking up with me in the beginning. He was...he was your first love.”
“Stop being so nice.”
“No. You deserve nice.” Mick wrapped him in a hug as Cas hid his face into Mick’s shoulder. “I love you, Castiel. And I know you love me. Maybe...maybe tomorrow we can finish the paperwork and head home.”
Home . No, he’s not going home but it’s as close as he’ll get.
Cas doesn’t say another word. He only cries while Mick holds him.
“We can just leave. You don’t have to say goodbye to him, Castiel.” Mick brushed his fingers on Cas’s cheek to reassure him.
“I can’t do that to him again, Mick. But you’re right. I’m just gonna say goodbye and it’s gonna be a fresh start for us. No more Dean. He has a life and family to think about and I have mine.”
“Don’t want to be a homewrecker.” Cas laughed, it was cold again.
“I’m fine. Let’s go.”
“Castiel,” Mick huffed as Sam finally dropped his arm around him. “Your friend wasn’t letting me through. Are you ready to go home?”
Home .
Cas twirled his engagement ring in his finger and he let out a shaky laugh because he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life. Again.
“I am home, Mick.” Cas sighed as he finally felt like he could say what he wanted. He was free, to be honest with himself and with everyone else. “I’m sorry.”
Mick’s face drops and Cas wants to take him in his arms but he stops himself.
“So,” Mick cleared his throat. Eyes watering as he looked Cas over. “You’re staying?”
Cas nodded before he slipped the ring off his finger and gave it back to him. Closing Mick’s palm over the beautiful metal ring.
“I love you.” Mick tells him, so quietly and broken that Cas's own heart calls out to him.
“Me too.”
“But it’s not enough?”
“I’m sorry. I just… I love him more. I always have.”
“I know.” He says it so quietly while he stuffs the ring in his pocket. He sniffles just a little and then Sam was patting Mick’s back.
“Um, Sam?” Sam turns to awkwardly look at Cas. “Take care of him? I’m just gonna go-”
“Sure, man.” Sam smiled with his lips pressed together.
“Don’t worry, McDreamy, we’ll take care of your um...Mick here!” Charlie winked at him and Cas thanked them before he quickly went back to Dean.
Went back home.
Cas knew this morning was different. He could feel it in his bones and by the way, his skin warmed against the rising sunbeams that shined through the window. Today was a new day. A new start.
Starting with the new person - old friend but new future - who was heavily draped on top of him. And not to mention drooling on his chest.
Cas rubbed his eyes, slowly moving as to not wake up the sleeping Dean, to admire his new - they haven��t gone through specifics but Cas would like to say - boyfriend. He won’t say it out loud. Not until Dean mentions it but he would think it.
Mick was never much of a cuddler. They slept on their side of the bed and that was always okay with Cas. Especially when he got a whole blanket to himself but with Dean, he really didn’t need a blanket. His body heat was enough to keep him warm through the night.
They must have fallen asleep talking last night - well they were doing more than talking but talking took priority - as they were still in their clothes from the day before. Cas just realized that he’ll have to face Mick to get his stuff from their apartment in California. He starts to make a list of things he wanted and if it was even worth the hassle or he could let Mick just throw it away.
But he wanted his books.
“A little higher.” Dean hummed in his sleep, nuzzling his face into Cas’s chest with a sleepy grin, and Cas looked down to realize that he absentmindedly started to rake his fingers through Dean’s hair. Cas did what he was told with a happy grin and watched as Dean threw a leg in between Cas’s own to cling tighter around him. “That’s the stuff.”
Cas couldn’t help the silent chuckle that shook through him and the blush that rose when Dean pressed a kiss to his chest.
“Are you awake now?” Cas used his free hand to run down Dean’s back. “I kinda wanna shower and change out of-”
“No.” Dean clung to him more. Like a stubborn child and man, how could Cas ever believe he could live without him. “Sleep still.”
“Dean, you have a meeting to go to. And I would like to pick up my inheritance as well.”
Dean sighed and pushed himself a little higher so he could look down at Cas with a grumpy pout. “Do you only want me for my money now?”
“Of course. I’m poor now and I need you to take care of me.” Cas grinned up at him as Dean rolled his eyes but slowly leaned down for a kiss. Almost as if checking to see if it was still okay. If it was the right thing to do but Cas stretched his neck up to close the gap between them.
Kissing Dean first thing in the morning is in Cas’s to-do list for the rest of his existence.
A few sleepy kisses, a lot of soft laughter, and an awkward toy left in the shower later they were finally dressed and ready for the day. Luckily, Charlie was kind enough to bring Cas’s suitcase back to him so he had some of his clothes at least.
“You look too nice, too fucking proper, to walk around with me.” Dean commented as they walked down to the car hand in hand. Maybe they were both blushing too but Cas is trying to ignore that part.
“I don’t even know what that means.” Cas rolled his eyes as he leaned into Dean’s shoulder. “I like what you’re wearing. You look...um shit - nice.”
“I look shit nice?” Dean raised an eyebrow at him as Cas cleared his throat.
“Well, if you must know I was thinking that you look hot as fuck, like a dumb lumberjack but I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to say that shit yet.” Cas didn’t dare turn to meet Dean’s grinning - stupidly teasing - expression.
“You think I’m dumb?” Dean teased and Cas had to fight back a groan because he knew what was coming out of his mouth next. “Cause If I remember correctly-”
“I’m pretty sure I got the higher grades between the both of us.”
“And the higher GPA!”
“I can’t believe I chose to deal with this for the rest of my life.” Dean stopped short and Cas looked at him confused. “What? Did you forget your keys?”
Dean’s expression softened as he carefully reached to cradle the back of Cas’s neck and leave a soft kiss. “I can’t wait to deal with you for the rest of my life too.”
“Oh.” Cas felt himself grin as his body shivered in anticipation for the next kiss Dean gave him. Yeah, he loved this man so much it ached.
Of course, dealing with his siblings wasn’t going to be easy. Especially when they were all pro-Mick and anti-Dean. Now more than ever. But Dean went with him to pick up his inheritance from the family house and even pack up his room because Michael got the house and he was sure he wanted everyone out.
“You sure you want to do this right now while everyone is home?” Dean asked as he followed behind Cas. “We couldn’t wait until like a week later?”
“No. I’m afraid they will destroy my books.” It’s all he had of his fucked up father and he wasn’t going to lose them.
Cas didn’t even bother knocking as he unlocked the door and marched right in. He was going to go straight to the study when he heard his name being called.
“Gabriel.” Cas sighed in relief. “I’m...I’m just here-”
“Mick called.” Gabriel started as he stopped a few steps away from them. Cas couldn’t read his brother's expression besides confusion but Cas was ready for whatever screaming match was about to happen. “He told us you ended things. What...What happened?”
Gabriel knew the answer already. Dean was standing right beside him, probably awkwardly scratching the back of his neck or twitching.
“I did.” Cas answered not saying anymore as he saw Gabriel’s anger slowly rise.
“Castiel! You can’t just-!”
“Gabriel, I didn’t come here to fight!”
“We are not fighting! We are discussing!” Gabriel turns his glare on Dean. “And what the hell is wrong with you?”
“Gabriel,” Cas warned.
“No! Tell me! Why does a married man want to ruin my little brother's life?! What the-the wife not doing it for you anymore?”
Dean shakes his head. “I’m not married.”
“What?” Gabriel blinks at him before looking at Cas for confirmation.
“Yeah, turns out he’s not actually married and Dad lied to me.”
“Shocker.” Dean and Cas both say at the same time.
Explaining to Gabriel was easy enough. Explaining it again when the rest of his siblings kept pouring in was...harder. Considering they are looking at the guy that took most of their Dad’s money. But in an odd turn of events, there was no yelling.
They talked. They asked questions and Cas learned that it wasn’t just him that lied to.
“Ah, there you are.” Cas looked up from where he was sitting in his father’s - nope now it was Michael’s - office and was greeted with a kiss. “You’re supposed to be packing.”
Cas held the book up at him. “I found another book where Dad left me notes to read.”
He closed the book with the same dried up lavender flowers that Chuck used.
“Can’t believe the books are all the old man left you.” Dean sat on Cas’s lap as soon as Cas put his book down. Cas wrapped his arms around Dean and pressed his nose against Dean’s cheek before he kissed it.
“It’s the only thing we had in common. I’m not surprised.”
“Babe, you didn’t get the house. Didn’t get any money. Or the damn business. What did you get?”
“I got a rich boyfriend.” Cas grins at him and that makes his boyfriend laugh. Cas loves that laugh and relaxes at the sound of it. “And I get to read words my Dad never said out loud to me.”
“What did he say in this one?”
Cas spent a few minutes reading passages of his book to Dean with his father’s comments. Yes, they were both angry that his father lied to them and kept them apart but sometimes they just have to let the anger go. Chuck was gone. They were free now. They were together and they weren’t gonna waste another second with that ugly feeling.
Especially when he could make out with his boyfriend in his old office like a couple of sneaky teenagers.
“Hey!” They both quickly turned to the doorway to see Gabriel with Sam and Charlie grinning behind him. “I’m paying you to work! Not kiss!”
Sam looks down at Gabriel. “You’re paying them? What the hell, Gabriel?”
They walk away arguing while Cas turned to give Dean another kiss. “We should get back to work before Michael comes back. Just cause he likes you now doesn’t mean he will be any nicer.”
“Yeah. Yeah.” Dean got off of Cas’s lap and quickly helps him stand to pull Cas into his arms. “I love you.”
Cas holds him just as close. A smile on his lips as he stares at his beautiful boyfriend’s freckled face. In disbelief that he can finally say this. Finally, have this. Have him. “I love you.”
Dean kisses him softly before patting Cas’s ass - making Cas open his eyes mid-kiss and roll them - and pulling away. “Okay! Now let’s get your pretty books packed so we can head home!”
Yeah, Cas made the right decision.
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