#im really working out how to balance the sort of negative character growth for krester without it coming across as me demonizing him?
fatherramiro · 4 months
please say more about the angel+krester spec because you are one of the only people i trust with them <3
hello yes welcome to the only ship adjacent fic for them i will probably ever write <3
tbh a lot of it has come from our discussions of what the sort implications would be for a narrative in which krester's, erm, poor decision making skills? would lead him to have a more negative character arc overall. since this is a post anyone can read i do want to clarify that this is not me being a mean ol' ramiroángel shipper who just wants krester to be a jackass but actually me looking at his story in season one and being intrigued by what it could mean for him to get worse, in fact. i think krester's loneliness and anger are vastly underexplored topics in fandom, and i want to see a story in which he does have a much darker overall role in the narrative. (also watching the rain made me have a mighty need for more tragic villain roles played by lucas so)
and on the flip side, just in general i do think ángel would have more positive character growth if only because he's able to accept what krester literally struggles to accept in season one: someone offering him understanding and a chance to be vulnerable and loved. for ángel, his romantic relationship with ramiro offers that and we see him accept it. for krester, his sibling relationship with tove means she's offering him choice and a chance to get away from their mother's influence and he spits them back in her face. so what happens in a later season, where ángel's growth is more cemented but krester is still struggling to find that for a variety of reasons?
this fic is, essentially, a conversation between ángel and krester set in reality/2099 in a hypothetical season three context. there's a lot of background work im doing for their stories (and for the stories of ramiro and tove, who won't be in the fic but whose influence will be strongly felt) that actually won't end up in the text itself? because i really want to just give a snapshot of this particular version of 1899 that lives in my head in only this scene, where ángel and krester sort of confront their similarities and how they've both become different. it isn't shippy at all, though obviously the simulation stuff will be addressed and i do think there's going to be some... idk, i don't want to say confusion on krester's part over what he feels for ángel, but i do think it is sort of him mistaking that "we're mirror images of each other" bond for romantic attraction when it simply does not exist for either of them (and would not have been healthy had they tried to pursue it). it is very sort of ambiguous and vague, and the ending is extremely open at the moment as to what will happen next, but it's been very fun for me to sort of outline and work on a fic with a dynamic that ive really avoided writing so far (mostly out of disinterest and a preference for other dynamics) but yeah. this is what that is! and it is one of the three sort of Big Oneshots im planning on writing this year to sort of break out of just writing ramiroángel because while i will be writing ramiroángel forever, sometimes a guy's got to branch out into other things so!
ask me about my wips based on their title!
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