#im not sure how saying 'when pigs fly' around a pig faunus is offensive. calling them that/an animal is offensive bc theyre a person
constantvariations · 8 days
I can't stop thinking about the relationship between characteristics and faunus types. Given we know next to nothing about faunus biology and how it may differ from human, are these traits regular genetics or symbolic like semblances (sometimes) are?
Is Adam stubborn because he's a bull faunus or is he a bull faunus because he's stubborn? Is Blake agile and dexterous because that's how cats are or just how she is? Is Velvet easy prey for bullies because she's naturally shy or do her rabbit instincts make her so? Does Sun love bananas because they're a delicious source of potassium or because he's a monkey boy?
To what extent are faunus influenced by their animal side?
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