#im not gud with writin :')
valer13sval3ntine · 2 years
(this probably isnt correct as i havent watched yhs in a while)
i love the idea of desert duos past endeavors influencin the way they love like they have almost identical lonliness in their past but in two different ways TCD Scar was forced to be alone only having stuff like zombies which he had to kill knowing they used to be human and couldve been potential friends
YHS grian was alone mentally to try and deal with what he was going thru in a toxic enviroment but he was barely alone physically unlike scar
they both cope with this in different ways Scar clings to whoevr he can and does his best to avoid being alone even if its jus thru having a pet (jellie)
grian attempts to be alone mentally by pushing people away but clings physically by seeking out people he loves (mumbo, scar) but does his best to keep them at arms length mentally because of yhs sometimes even abandoning things he loves to keep them 'safe'
they contrast most in double life because grian doesnt have a option to leave scar again and to him it is just like yhs causing him to look for something he could choose
scar lets this happen hes not happy with it by any means and shows it but hes not forceful with grian in order not to chase him away more as he can express his anger to the jellies and grian chooses not to tell people about his anger and just expresses it through pettiness because thats what he learned from yhs
and getting close to scar proved itself fatal in third life fatal to both of them so he does his best to avoid scar more than he normally avoids people mentally but its hard to do that when your bond goes past physical and all the way to mental messing up the way grian has coped
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xxv4mp-g4z3rxx · 1 year
randomly got inspired 2 make a new oc! soooo, dis iz scarecrow! inspired by da current season [my fav :3]
they live on a pumpkin farm! in ponyville! [datz right yall, i finally made a character who livez in ponyville, just felt right w/ da vibez i got from dis lil duder]
theyre also v genderfluid, the main spell they know iz gender magic so they liek 2 swap around, sooo ig they use all pronounz? their main 1z wud deffoz be he/they thou :0
very smug bitch right here, he lovez horror moviez & the macabre
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i luv him so much im IMMEDIATELY writin a fanfic w/ him [datll nvr see da light uv day ANYWHERE except my PRIVATE VAULT uv SHITTY FANFICZ i make 2 FEUL MY AUTISM]
who knowz maybe ill even make a gud backstory, i imagine this dude got a kinda simple life thou, only rly interestin stuff comin from him gettin in2 fightz [he can throw a punch!] & wutevr Creepy Scary Traumatic stuff i f33l l13k addin [cuz makin an oc w/o givin em some kinda dark thing dat happened/happenz in their life iz IMPOSSIBLE 4 me, i mean my ponysonaz literally a serial killer vampire]
IM RAMBLIN but uhhh YEAH!!! ik dis aint rly a text post BUT hey, itz da way i differentiate Art I Made postz from otherz, & yes i WILL continue 2 post random bullshit
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xx-dark-dart-xx · 2 years
plzzz im obsessed w ur muzikkk ahhh itz soo gud XD any tipz on writin gud crunkcore lyriczzz ?? i wna start makin sum crunkcore but i got no idea where 2 start when it comez 2 lyricz :c
Crunkcore lyrics are so similar to pop come up with something catchy and repeatable for your chorus. Listening to a lot of crunkcore you'll realize there's kind of a shallow pool of topics to write about. Not to be formulaic but writing a fun little chorus usually gives me a theme I can write the verses about
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
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~ Hello, guys! I had something else planned for today but, due to recent events, I want to do something special for our dearly departed Bran Venable, who voiced Griffon.
"Rest in peace, Little Chicken. It's been a bash."
Day 9 - Griffon
I knou u ar tired aftr yer work so kitee an i made u sum muffens an cukies jus how ya liek it
We also boiled u sum tee an put everytin on da table
Also i notesd dat u haven wash ur klods so i put dem ol in yer new washing mashin thingee an put lots of soap so u won smeell bad wen u go out u will smeell liek flowers hahahahaha!!!!!!! Kitee an i ring em real gud an hang em ol on da klodslien soo dey cud dry well
Oh an yor books arrivd jus now!!!!!!! I kindlee took em from da kiend amazon guy an sung im my favoreet songs!!!!!! I knou da guy is hapee coz he starts kryeen!!!!! He is such a cheep guy tho he diden pay me for my singen an he jus ran liek he saw a monster it still hert me feeeelins
I also took da noospepers from da noospeper guy an he also ran awei liek he saw a goost
Is it me or my singen????? Shud i sing sumtin els insted????
I hop yor day went wel luk at my writin its gettin better!!!! Donchu agreee?????
- Griffon
By da wei did u bring sum pizza?
The moment V finished reading the letter made by his avian familiar, his eyes automatically roamed around the place. At first he didn't see anything very noticeable, then he saw the mess on the table. Indeed, there were muffins, cookies, and a cup of hot, steaming tea right there but, what he didn't realize at first was that the muffins looked like mushrooms rolled over in moss, the cookies looked like burnt burger patties, and the tea looked suspiciously purple.
Not only that. When V looked to his right, he saw his still wet clothes hanging on a makeshift clothes pole next to the fireplace, in grave danger of being burned. The books he ordered from Amazon were safe and sound, save for the little talon punctures on the front cover of the leather bound book at the top, and the newspaper was placed next to the cup of tea, just like how he would place it. Although now it looked like soggy table napkins with colorful prints and V definitely didn't realize it at first.
Despite the chaos that happened within a space of two hours of leaving his familiars alone in the house, V felt grateful.
With a smile, he sat on his favorite chair, placed the box of pizza on top of the table next to the plate of mushroom muffins, took the soggy newspapers, and glanced at the sleeping, and snoring, form of his demonic avian familiar at the sofa a few feet away from him. He sure looked really spent after doing all those chores. Oh, but, maybe it was all the singing he did.
It didn’t matter to V. After all, it's the thought that counts.
V was grateful for having Griffon,... as his friend.
The one friend who actually stayed with him through thick and through thin.
"What would I do without you,... Griffon,... " V whispered with a fond smile as he opened the pages of the newspaper, only for it to fall from his hands like shredded pieces of wet documents.
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studiobeebo · 6 years
Oh wise and talented writing master, please bless me with the ability to write incredible pieces of work as well! ٩(●˙▿˙●)۶…⋆ฺ
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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yiyijeong · 7 years
tagged by @astrofireworks !!
rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 ppl
nickname: bini :0
zodiac: sagittarius 
height: 5′0 / 152 cm??? i think thats 5 ft in cm
last thing i googled: i cant rmbr what i googled but last thing i looked on youtube was city pop
fav music artist: a Lot but shinee forever and ever
last song stuck in my head: 2nd thots by jay park bc my bro keeps blasting it lol
what im wearing rn: an alaska shirt and adidas shorts
why i chose my url: yijeong has a special place in my heart nd yiyijeong juss sounds gud 
what did your last relationship teach you?: that when someone says they lov u they really mean it and arent lying ;;
religious or spiritual: spiritual def i spent like a month in the philippines nd the amount of spiritual stuff hoo
fav color: pastel blue or pink 
average hours of sleep: 5-7 oof
lucky number: 3 or 5?? idk i never rly had a lucky number but i always use 3 or 5 bc in elementary school we were assigned numbers by last name nd i usually 3 or 5 :u
favorite character: noya from haikyuu!! my sweet boy
number of blankets i sleep with: 2 but the thicker one i just put on the side to weigh down the sides of my lighter blanket if that makes sense
dream job: if im bein honest a music composer or something like that idk i havent even learned anything about composition but i feel like writin songs as a outlet for shit wld be gud 4 me... oomph,, but realistically i wanna bee a botanist or an orthopedist?? honestly i cld still compose music as a hobby hoo
@miniminsu @wooseoksgrl @lovdrunk @antilogist @lastlov @kyungiil @stan-day6 @hongseobis @boptokpop @24kool @capablemarks @letsanghosing @peachybin @kangbaekho @4moonhee 
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softrosyqueen · 7 years
5 things !
I was tagged by my gud pal @notpassingfascination ! Thank u randi!! <3
5 Things You’ll Find in My Bag
A notebook/journal
Pencil case full of writin tools
My wallet bc I’m boring?
A tangled up pair of headphones 
Restaurant candies that I never plan on actually eating but I keep around just incase... 
5 Things You’ll Find in My Room
Lots o’ CDs
A piles of clothes™
Books I plan on reading but have never read
Sketchbooks/notebooks/journals everywhere literally what kind of a person owns this many things to write/draw in pls stop me from buying any more of these
5 Things I Want To Do With My Life
Make a half an hour long film
Make a feature-length film
Try improv/standup (would be a mess but like!! I want to try ??)
Write! More! Things! (scripts, books, poetry, stories, songs, anything)
Learn how to be more kind to myself and others
5 Things I’m Into Right Now
Paramore’s new album!!!!! AAAAA IM SO PUMPED
Brooklyn 99
Making things and not caring if they’re incredible pieces of art™
Political commentary within comedy. Aka like, Samantha Bee, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Seth Meyers. I just rly appreciate those people right now
5 Things on my To-Do List
Figure out wtf is goin on with my damn brain
Write a screenplay/script for that half an hour long film
Job. Job. Get a damn Job.
Finish VEDIM
Read Amy Poehler’s “Yes Please”
5 Things People May Not Know About Me
I’m like... Kinda unhealthily obsessed with the lonely island for a grown person living in this year of our lort 2k17.... Their snapchat is .... s’good? Send help
I full on thought Brendon Urie and Pete Wentz were the same person in elementary school. I thought p!atd and fob were the same band. I am ashamed
I didn’t like Birdman. Woops.
Fave movie atm is Trainspotting, fave documentary is Casting JonBenet
I kind of (optimistically) believe in karma, and hope that if you do good things the universe will bring good things to you. I also kinda just think the universe doesn’t really give a heck most of the time but, I do hope that if you put good energy into the world you will receive it back eventually. I’m definitely not a master of good vibez though lmao
thanks for taggin me!! i’m just gonna tag whoever sees this and wants to do it :-) 
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