#im not doing the lyrics thing because i'm stupid and hate being sappy but there is your sonk
penske-slut · 5 years
trop beau - lomepal
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melody-ofstars · 3 years
bnha! okay so u prettyyy much know all this but I'll do it for the sake of something idk
15, she/they (demigirl) andddd i like all genders i don't discriminate :D also I'm ace and u already know that
anyways my personalityyyyyyyyty
AAA okayyy so i tried to do a personality 180 a few days back irdk who i am anymore ;-; but but but I'll still try because ily
I'll say I'm an extrovert?? but i also cant make the first move in friendships because im just awkward like that! i need someone to introduce me to people or for them to approach me to befriend em! anyways! i like to think im funny! ah i forgot THE MAIN THING!! im dirty minded as fuck 😭😭 except im ace and it makes no sense to people! but yk that already did i really need to mention that? also I'll fuck my sleep schedule up for my friends because im just like that!
as for what i likeee,,, i like listening to Musicccc!!! my music only stops when im studying and need to concentrate so there's thatt! also i like analysing song lyrics!!! and poemss!! oh and I like green tea (without lemon because lemon makes it taste so bad ughhhh)
as for what i dislike I'll say i hateee my anger issues cuz like anger gives me anxiety but i also got anger issues ;-; also i hate the hate because hate is sooo pointless i mean why hate when u can just sleepp???? (just gonna pretend i dont hate people sometimes,,,, im working on it 😭😭😭)
im not loved enough to realise dafuq my love languagee issss but I'll say i like hugs!!!
idk if i overshared or undershared but this is this have fun doing ur writer magic and if u overwork urself im gonna fucking kill u :D
I won't overwork myself broski, don't worry about it and uh stay hydrated you lemur.
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I match you with...
☽︎ Mineta Minoru ☾︎ (you should know better than to interrupt me writing cute moments with your reality)
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I match you with...
☽︎ Ashido Mina ☾︎
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Yup, broski she is the perfect match for you and you better not ruin your chances with her because of your technicality, or I will pair you with eyeless potato.
So we all know that Mina is a QUEEN and she needs a peasant, which is you. Just kidding, but yeah Mina is a queen and you are supposed to make sure she knows it!
She is amazing and cheerful and the person who would definitely approach first, ending your problem of having to make the first move.
She respects you for being an ace and will definitely try her best to make you comfortable and will never force you to do anything.
You both are very similar like, you both have outgoing nature you both have a dirty mind (according to me, Mina does have a dirty mind) and joke around together, you both love making friends and you both would do anything for your friends, hence you two are pretty compatible.
I just know that Mina will make green tea for you whenever you are sad or tired or whenever you need to be calm, she will make green tea for you because she cares and she is a QUEEN.
She LOVES HUGS, yeah, she loves to hug people and you can't fight me, and you like hugs too so, you know... A person who likes to hug + Person who likes to be hugged= LOTS OF HUGS
You both love to cuddle and watch sappy movies together while you both are crying and making fun of it at the same time.
She makes sure to keep you away from angry people knowing that they scare you, (I am looking at you Katsu.)
You losten to new songs and when you like any of the lyrics or they remind you of her, you send it to her immediately and save it in your notes, because it might be handy later.
You keep comparing Mina to the lyrics of any song you hear, because frankly she is pretty much a person who poole would write a song about.
I think that she sometimes get insecure about her appearance but you never let her feel that way for long, you always tell her that she is beautiful from inside and out and that you love her eyes, hair, and skin
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You sighed as you watched Mina goofing around with Jiro and Hagakure.
It has been year since you realised that you had feelings for her... Your Best Friend...
If it was in your hands, you would have gotten rid of these feelings a long while ago but unfortunately, it wasn't, so here you were... Stuck in a situation that had no solution except for waiting and burying it deep inside.
You remembered the first time you had felt this way about her, it wasn't all of a sudden but rather slowly and gradually,
It was because of her making sure that nobody around you was aggressive, her being there for you when you needed her, no matter what time. Her being there, her laughing at the jokes that you made that weren't even funny. Her knowing everything about you and making sure that you are included, her being there for you during the panic attacks...
Her bringing extra pair of globes and caps because you always seemed to lose them times when you both played weird video games together, laughing and screaming at the fun and horror ones... And when you both hung out on the beach during sunsets and having snowball fights, making snowmen...
All these little things slowly added up and it was then when she held your hand to take you towards something that she liked, that you realized that you had fallen completely and utterly for her...
So now you were here, back in the room with Mina, Jirou and Hagakure by your side, who were constantly laughing and watching the movie, cuddled in together.
It was a beautiful weather, it was snowing outside and you all were huddled together in a few blankets with coffee and pastries.
"You know what!? This movie is boring me... Let's go for a walk and from there we can part ways!!" Mina suggested,
You all agreed with her and decided to head out, wearing your coats and jackets.
Shortly after you left the place, it began snowing and it was beautiful. The whole place was covered with a beautiful white layer, and the decorations for christmas were already beginning to start.
"Aahh y/n look!! It looks so great!!" Mina said as she excitedly jumped around, looking at the lights.
You did not hear her as you were busy watching her,
"Y/n chan??" She asked,
"Oh right, it is beautiful..." You replied, and she smiled,
You looked down at your hands that were freezing because you had forgotten your gloves, yet again.
"I knew it." Mina exclaimed as she looked through her bag, trying to find something.
She then handed you a pair of gloves with a smile on her face.
"Y/n chan, you always forget..." She said, a small smile etched on her face.
"Sorry..." You replied, not looking at her.
"It's oka—" She was saying when Jiro's voice interrupted,
"Y/n chan? Can you help with this?" She asked, buying hot chocolate from the vendor.
"Are you ever gonna tell her?" She asked as you walked upto her.
"Oh you know what I mean..."
"When are you confessing your feelings for her??" She finally asked,
"What feelings?" You asked back,
"Y/n chan, I love you and all but sometimes I really want to pull my hair and run away." She said,
"I don't, I can't... I don't want to ruin our friendship..." You said and took the hot chocolate from the vendor.
"Are you planning to like her from the shadow always?" She asked,
"No but... I don't wanna make things awkward between us or do anything that can jeopardize our friendship..."
"Y/n chan, this is Mina we are talking about here... She won't let things get awkward or in the way of your friendship." Jiro reassured,
You took a deep breath, nodding at her words, she was right, it is Mina that you are talking about...
You smiled at Jiro and took one hot chocolate for Mina, who was busy kicking stones.
"Mina chan, here." You said, handing her the cup.
"This smells so good!!" She exclaimed, taking a quick sip and burning her tongue.
"Be careful." You warned, taking a sip of yours.
"Y/n chan, what— Oh my god!! It's snowing!!!" She excitedly said, as she looked around her.
It was indeed snowing, the dirty layer of snow was slowly getting covered by the fresh and soft snow that was falling,
"Oh my god, Y/n chan!! It's snowflakes!!!" Mina yelled as she closely examined a flake on her glove.
You looked up towards the sky, with your hands outstretched and a smile on your face. Snowflakes were one of the many reasons why you loved winter,
"Y/n chan... You look so happy and beautiful..." Mina said,
You smiled at her and thanked her.
"Actually, there's something I need to tell you..." She quickly said and you started feeling scared...
"Everything okay, Mina chan?" You asked her worriedly as you discarded the empty cups in the dustbin.
"Oh yeah... Its just that... I like you" she said, looking away.
"I like you too Mina chan..." You said,
"No, not as a friend..." She mumbled, looking down at her hands.
Your heart started fluttering in your chest, you were speechless, this was certainly like a dream come true for you. The girl you liked, liked you back...
"Mina chan..." You whispered,
"No, it's okay! It's completely fine if you don't like me like that! No problem!" She said, her hands clamped together nervously,
You smiled, taking a step towards her and unclamping her hands to take them in yours.
"Mina, I like you too, I have for quite a ling time now..." You said, looking at her hands and then up at her.
She stared at you, lips parted and her eyes wide and glistening from the reflection of the snow.
"Really?" She asked you,
"Yeah," you answered with a smile.
She blushed and looked down, the ever so energetic Mina was now just standing there, her hands in yours as you looked at her with a smile.
She then smiled brightly as she looked up, leaning in and pecking your cheek.
You laughed and pulled her into a hug, and she hugged you back as the snow fell around you on the beautiful winter night, while your friends cheered from the side, happy that you both finally confessed.
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