#im erm. gonna tape it when i get back home………
skenpiel · 11 months
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i dropped my pjone on the pavement and the screen didnt break but it DID fall off. like the whole screen AND everything behind it so for a moment i was just staring at the empty metal shell that was once a phone. then i just clicked it bck into place and everything is back to normal again .
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Imagine Sokka and Azula getting stuck babysitting together and it being chaos.  
Azula entered the room she was instructed to by Zuko’s note and looked around. The room was empty and silent and she frowned, Zuko’s note had been so brief and panicked it just asked her to come and help Katara with something and he’d owe her a huge favour in return but the water bender wasn’t here. Azula got ready to leave when she heard voices. “Sokka I have to go but you won’t be alone okay, Zuko’s coming to help”. “Zuko? well atleast i’m not alone”. “Exactly” the voice said before opening the door. Katara was stood there a bag on her back and noticed Azula. “Azula?”. “Obviously” Azula said dryly “Zuko asked me to come and help you with something”. “He can���t make it?” Katara asked and Azula nodded “obviously”. Katara’s eye twitched and Azula sighed “he had a last minute fire lord meeting so left this note for me” “Well i’m grateful he sent someone” Katara smiled “look I really have to go but Sokka’s in there and Mai will only be a few hours at most, okay?”. Katara rushed off and Azula frowned going into the room. Sokka was stood leaning over something and Azula coughed so he’d know she was there. “Hey Zuk.....AZULA?” Sokka gaped. Azula rolled her eyes at this family’s need for announcing the obvious “duh, now why are we here? Your sister didn’t tell me”. “Ah that explains it” Sokka nodded to himself “I didn’t think Mai would want you babysitting her brother”. “DOING WHAT?” Azula cried. Sokka pointed to the basket and Azula stepped forward to see a sleeping Tom-tom. “No way am I doing this! I don’t care if Zuko will owe me a favour I am not doing this!”. “You have to I can’t do this by myself! I only agreed because Katara said I’d have help, you can’t leave me alone!” Sokka whined. “Watch me” Azula shrugged when Sokka blocked the door “I didn’t want to do this but...you’re gonna need that favour with Zuko soon”. “What? why?” Azula asked and Sokka shrugged “I’d love to tell you but why would I when you’re going to leave me here?”. “Because I can do this” Azula said lighting her hand on fire and Sokka rolled his eyes “ow yeah so you’ve resisted the urge to torch all those boring council members and idiot nobels at parties Ty Lee drags you to just to attack me and get sent back to prison? I don’t think so”. Azula rolled her eyes “so if I stay and help you will tell me what Zuko is planning for me that I need to stop?”. Sokka nodded “i promise”. “Fine” Azula sighed and Sokka grinned at how well his plan to force Azula to help had worked before he paused “wow I never thought I’d be happy you’re spending time with me, weird huh?”. “Very” Azula agreed as Tom-tom started to cry.
Sokka and Azula looked over at the basket with fear and approached it slowly. They looked in to see Tom-tom red faced and very angry as he screamed his lungs out. “I think you woke it” Sokka commented and Azula glared “me? you were the one talking so much!”. “Well it doesn’t really matter who did it the fact is it’s awake and very loud”. Azula and Sokka frowned at Tom-tom and then glanced at one another. “Very loud” Azula complained “is it meant to be that red?”. "I don’t know” Sokka shrugged staring at the baby. “Well...pick it up" Sokka nudged Azula and she glared "me why me?!". "Because well, don’t girls like babies or something". Azula’s glare intensified and Sokka realised his mistake "okay not all girls! Not all girls!" he cried as Azula squared up to him. Azula smirked as Sokka raised his hands above his head and nodded to him "and don’t you forget it, now you pick it up". Sokka cautiously approached Tom-tom and picked him up gingerly. "No not like that" Azula commented "you'll drop it". Sokka turned Tom-tom around and Azula frowned "no not like that either!". Tom-tom squirmed and cried again and Sokka panicked and thrust him into Azula. "Take it i’m losing my grip". Azula instinctively grabbed the baby and Sokka laughed pulling his hands away "ha ha your problem now". "You filthy...." Azula started when Sokka shushed her "don’t yell! It’s stopped crying". Azula halted and looked down at the thing against her and saw what Sokka said was true. Tom-tom was giggling touching the gold buttons on her shirt. "Ow..well what do i do?". "Do?" Sokka asked. "Yes how do i make it stay like this?". "Erm im not sure do whatever you’re doing now?". "But I don’t know what i’m doing now" Azula cried panicking and Tom-tom started to cry again as Azula gripped him too hard. "Well you did something right before...don’t you know this kid?". "I know Mai but I don’t hang out with her baby brother for fun too! I don’t know what he likes, aren’t you an older sibling, shouldn't you know what babies like?". Sokka frowned "no, I kept well away from Katara until she could walk so I don’t know what to do!". "Well i don’t know what to do either" Azula said raising her voice to be heard over Tom-tom’s crying. Sokka took that as a challenge and raised his voice even higher "well what are we going to do then?". “I don’t know” Azula screetched and they both glared at one another.
3 hours later
Mai pushed open the door and sighed she couldn’t wait to just get back home and relax. "Thanks for looking after Tom-tom guys" she started and stopped abruptly to see Sokka and Azula. "What are you doing?" She yelled. Sokka and Azula froze but shrugged "what?". Tom-tom was strapped to Sokka with what looked like tape and Azula was waving fire infront of the baby. The room was a mess, toys, nappys, baby food and basically all belongings thrown everywhere. Mai was speechless "what? Why is my brother strapped to you and why are you trying to burn him?". "Don't be so dramatic Mai if I wanted to burn him I could do it easily" Azula said rolling her eyes "he likes it". True to her word Tom-tom was giggling trying to reach for the flames which Azula kept out of his way. "We were doing it to make him fall asleep but i think it just excites him". Mai stared "you used fire to make him sleep?". Azula shrugged "it seemed like a good plan". Sokka nodded "yeah babies like fire right?". Mai glared and strode to them, she pulled Azula back and unstrapped Tom-tom from Sokka "and why was he strapped to you?". "He kept moving" Sokka said straight faced and Azula nodded just as seriously. "So you strapped him down?" Mai asked angrily. Sokka shrugged “what were we supposed to do? He was too quick when we put him on the floor so Azula found some tape and started sticking and he seemed to like that too! Atleast this way we couldn’t lose him”. Mai rolled her eyes “idiots! Just put him in his cot or something”. “Tried that and he cried, why do children do that it’s just awful” Azula sighed and Sokka nodded sympathetically. “I think we did pretty good aswell” Azula said defensively “neither me or water boy wanted to baby sit but he’s alive and well isn’t he”. “Barely” Mai said dryly and Sokka raised an eyebrow “hey I think Tom-tom really liked us! Right Azula?”. Azula shrugged “he did seem to warm to us, I think it was when we stopped screaming and passing him to one another”. Sokka nodded “or when we stopped calling him an it”. Azula nodded thoughtfully and Mai groaned “both of you get out now you’re banned from babysitting ever! I’ll kill Katara and Zuko for this”. “Gosh fine! We know when were not wanted” Sokka pouted and Azula nodded “no respect for anyone these days” she muttered and Mai glared slamming the door on them both. “Well that was rude and after we did it as a favour” Sokka commented and Azula nodded “I know, some people are just difficult”. Sokka nodded and it only just dawned on him who he was talking to. “You know Azula you’re not so bad” Sokka thought outloud “sure you tried to kill me a few times and you sacraficed Tom-tom that time remember? Anyway the point is the three of us got along well so there’s hope for anyone!”. Azula nodded “yes I suppose you’re not too bad for a p..” she’s been about to say peasant but saw Sokka’s face and changed it quickly “person” she finished “you’re not as annoying as the others...suprisingly” she added and Sokka smirked. “Anyway I must be going” Azula said standing up straight “so goodbye”. “Bye Azula” Sokka waved smiling and Azula tensed. It was weird having someone smile at her and say her name so happily. Weird but not bad, it actually felt nice to have...well a friend. The thought of making a friend embarssed Azula so she hurried away but she smiled slightly to Sokka as she passed. After years of thinking she was unlovable and incapable of forming natural friendships Azula couldn’t believe how easy it had been to befriend Sokka. She’d made a friend all on her alone and barely trying too! Azula grinned to herself hurrying to her room. Ty lee was going to be so impressed when she told her!  
So this could be interpreted as Tyzula or Sokkla because I ship both and do think Sokka and Azula would be a very good couple. I mean they’re both intelligent sarcastic tacticians with resentment towards their siblings and both had extreme pressures on them from a young age from their families (for Azula it was to be a prodogy firebender and Sokka to protect his whole tribe and become a warrior). Plus even in the series Azula recognised Sokka as a threat and in the comics they share a couple of really cute canon moments. The combination of their brain power and personalities would be the literal defenition of a power couple (just imagine them as a team for pictionary or something). Also just imagine everyone’s reaction to them announcing they’re dating, everyone expected it was Katara and Zuko who had something going on when Sokka and Azula have been together secretly for months (Zuko and Katara’s reaction alone I would pay to see!).
But even if it’s not as a couple I still think Azula and Sokka would be amazing friends too! They’re pretty similar in that they’re both stuborn which would make for very interesting interactions! Azula needs someone like Sokka that isn’t afraid to call her out on her bad behaviour but can also relate to her traumas and be there for her!  So anyway I just want more interaction between my two favourite characters thats all!! :) 
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