#im done trying to believe lies sauing it'll be ok
heavenssexiestangel · 9 months
I'm gonna be jobless again at the end of December and it's becoming extremely fucking tiring - especially because most of the time I do double the stuff others do, I get thanked, said I'm amazing, that they wouldn't know what to do without me blah blah empty words. In the end, the ones keeping their fucking jobs are the ones doing absolutely NOTHING, but they can't be fired or let go for whatever reason, and I have to find something new. And right now, I'm hunting, I'm trying to find stuff to apply to, and there is absolutely 0 shit I can do or actually apply to. It's fucking tiring, it's fucking stressing, and I'm so fucking done with all of it. I thought this one was gonna be a good job but nooo of course the city council worked behind my boss's back and they gave my job to someone else, so my position is useless and my contract won't be renewed and I'm doing stuff I wasn't supposed to do. And now what? What the fuck do I do? How am I supposed to stay positive when NOTHING EVER GOES FUCKING RIGHT?
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