#im also probs going to put something on her other bicep. something that wraps?
bigmeandragonlady · 11 months
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petal pink and raven's wings
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dndfuckhouse · 1 year
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Whistling away the time, floating through the sky...
DAY ONE > Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 1 - 6/4 > Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 2 - 10/4 > Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 3 - 27/4
The Helpful Timeline Diagram
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Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 1 - 6/4
Vinny and Cimmorro finally decide to wrap it up after a long day of bashing their heads into tomes and formulas, both of them having completely lost track of the time. It was only until jasper started mewling for her supper when they’d all finally realized how late it has gotten.
Cimmorro and Vinny head over with Jasper to the dining hall, the former only starting to realize how hungry he was as soon as he stepped in and the smell of fresh meals wafted from the entrance, he orders more than his usual that may even be brow raising worthy for someone of his size -and of course, drinks, alcohol as promised, were present on the table as well.
Cimmorro: (cimm probs ordered smth sweet like a long island) as they eat and chatter about, the topic of the lessons were still prevalent in their conversations. "okay, okay," cimm swirls his drink around in his glass with a straw "if you had to pick ONE spell as your favorite and least favorite each from your tome what would it be?" they seemed to have wandered into the subject of vinny's spellbook Vinny: chowing down into his dinner vinny pauses while taking a sip of his drink (smth salty to help his appetite) as cimmorro asks. he folds his arms and starts thinking to himself, bobbing his head from side to side he closes his eyes as he lets out a 'hmmmmm' sound "wristpocket's quite useful when im working on something... then again so is sending and burning hands..." he taps a finger against his bicep still in thought "as for least... well i can't even remember the last time ive used sudden awakening for anything..." Cimmorro: after swallowing a spoonful of food in his mouth, he asks "never heard of wristpocket. what does it do?" he helps jasper with a prawn as he nods in agreement to his other choices. "can't argue with that, my life instantly became better after sending. also, sudden awakening seems like something that needs to be cast on YOU with all the times i find you on the floor 😂” Vinny: he looks back over at cimm "ah.. it essentially lets me flick my wrist and send something im holding to an extraplanar pocket for a little bit, i can take it out and put it back in when i need it. it's nice when my hands are full during work" he snorts after and shakes his head "t-travel is tiring..! i've got plenty of built up exhaustion over here... my bodys taking the time to catch up" Cimmorro: cimm's interest seems to pique at the explanation. "what, that's cool! like a temporary bag of holding... the hell,that would be so good for my back. carrying shit up and down those stairs, man, i tell you... yeesh...!" he shakes his head and takes another sip of his drink while snorting a little. "heh, i won't get on your case about it. you seem to get up around the same time as i do which makes sense you nap around..." looking up at the ceiling in thought, cimm hums. "i mainly asked about your spells since i would have to choose a few to get started with my own tome, don't i? and there's quite an array of choices." he shifts to lean back on his chair and smiles "how's my progress coming along though? ya think i could get into some actual spellcasting tomorrow? :D" Vinny: he nods, smiling a little at cimm's excitement "it cant take anything too heavy but having a space like that saves you having to get up alot" he thinks for a moment, almost theatrically putting a hand to his chin in thought "hmmmm... well my quick study...! we could have a go and see if you've got enough of a stable hand on things yet, though our third day will almost entirely be stabilizing your casting anyway" he smiles again brightly, spreading his hands out by his face "you're doing incredibly well already though! maybe i'll have to shorten the curriculum" Cimmorro: "for real?!" he lets out a delightful cheer with jasper happily meowing along. "yay!!! i told you i'd knock this shit right out of the park!!" he puffs his chest out proudly and flashes a sweet grin. "some of those principles almost had me for a second but i can only be grateful with how attentive you are with teaching me, of course!!" he continues to wiggle around in his seat as he imagines telling his family all about it. "that rainbow dye is also getting closer within my reach, heheh" Vinny: he gives a reserved fist pump as cimmorro cheers with a smile "it can get a little tricky to start, especially copying out the higher level ones..." before he gets lost in thought he recalls the dye and half laughs "true, i'll have to remember to make it before we land. nearly forgot" Cimmorro: "i won't let you forget it, except for tonight when we're meant to be drinking. i'll let it pass for the time being," he playfully hmphs like a boss letting his subordinate have some time off. cimm eyes the now-empty plates on their table and wonders. "hmmm, what'd be a good drinking game now... what about some classic truth or dare?" Vinny: he rolls his eyes a little while smiling "i appreciate the slack" he takes another sip of his drink as cimmorro thinks and coughs a little as he suggests the game "w-what?" he shakes his head clearing his throat "and here i'd thought you'd gotten sick of me talking about myself earlier...!" Cimmorro: "hmmmm," he rests his head on his hand as he leans an elbow on the table, "nope. fun's just about to start! and i'm curious at how well you hold your liquor." he cackles a bit. "i'm gonna be drinking for a while anyway cause if i don't i'm sure i'm gonna be seeing those equations in my dreams! i'm sure you know of the rules right? we take turns, truth or dare, can't do one then glug glug, yadda yadda" Vinny: he withers a little under cimm's stare and sighs with a wobbly smile "i'm not sure i have many idea for crazy requests or questions s-so don't complain if you get disappointed halfway through this..." as he says that he finishes off the last few dregs of his drink afterwards and tilts his head a little "though maybe we ought to get new ones..." Cimmorro: "don't you worry about that. it just means more space for me to heckle you with ^_^" he raises a brow when vinny finishes his drink then he laughs. "are you that excited to get hammered? i need a refill too anyway," he calls for a waiter for refills and upsizing both their drinks at the same time. while waiting, cimm asks "you or me first? :3c" Vinny: he almost laughs at cimmorro getting them bigger drinks this time around as the waiter refills them "just preparing in advance?" at the question he kind babbles for a second and waves his hand through the air "you go first! i dont really have any ideas yet" he rubs his neck like he's already trying to dispel some kind of nerves
Cimmorro: cimms like :evilsmile: "alright. truth of dare~" Vinny: he tilts his head and squints "truth..?" Cimmorro: cimm makes a manic laugh to intimidate him before going "kidding. i'll be easy on you for the first couple of turns. how'd you and ezra meet?" Vinny: he lets out a relieved sigh "er...lets see how long ago was it... i think the year i first opened the store is when we met actually" he pauses to consider the timing of it "i must have been 25? i heard some strange sounds in the alley outside, when i opened the side door to check it out i saw him leaning against one of the walls covered in blood" he waves a hand through the air "not all his own but er... he gave me quite the haggard look as i opened the door, so i let him in for some tea" he leans back smiling as if recalling something that sounds far more pleasant than what hes said Cimmorro: "wow? that's, not at all what i expected..." cimm seems amused by the story. "i'm just imagining you taking him in like a cat" Vinny: "he'd probably hate it if he heard you say that" he puts a hand to his chin in thought, amused "i let him stick around for a few days, it was his first time in shorewater funnily enough and now when he's in the area he comes to say hi. he usually takes care of some things for me as thanks, though i always tell him he's too much of a busybody" he shakes his head like he's internally tutting Cimmorro: cimm snickers. "what doesn't he hate? i feel like i've never seen him do anything but brood, which makes it a little funny to see you two together." he nods as he listens to the rest of vinny's story. "that's interesting though. i thought you two were childhood friends or something, really. it's the only way i could make sense of you two having met at all since you seem so different" he laughs again. "your turn." Vinny: he smirks "he's not that brooding just ah... stonefaced?" he laughs again at the childhood friends assumption "that... is very amusing to picture. maybe he'd have got along with some of my relatives..?" he finally leans back again and thinks "right, ah truth or dare?" Cimmorro: "i suppose so, either way it's fun to poke people like that" he asks the waiter for some finger food to pick at while they play and turns back to vinny at the comment about his relatives "you think so? is it because of all the travelling around?" cimm drapes one of his arm over the back of his chair as he makes a choice. "mmm, truth" Vinny: he tilts his head in thought "he just seems to get along with easy going sorts" he glances at the finger food but shakes his head as if to focus on actually coming up with a question. he puts a hand to his chin, leaning on the table "hmm.. lets see..." after a few moments he speaks up again "what's the reason you're all travelling together right now? i recall you mentioning a destination after your hometown but..."  he tilts his head curiously Cimmorro: cimm blinks at him before snorting. right, he had no idea about that. "well, vinny, i would love to tell you if i could. all we're aware of is we're hired to do a common job" cimm sighs and shrugs at it all. "we'll know what it is once we get there. without this condition i find myself having a hard time imagining travelling with half of these guys if i had any other choice." he pops a biscuit into his mouth. "i'm sure you noticed some of us don't really jive" Vinny: he folds his arms and furrows his brows almost too seriously "it has been really perplexing me... but it felt strange to ask around everyone" he leans back a little gesturing with one of his hands "putting it that way you sound like a sort of typical mercenary band though" Cimmorro: "well, if you put it that way, yeah. it'd be my first merry little band too, now that you mentioned it." he stares at the ceiling as he recounts. "i would sometimes travel with one or two other people but it's only to get to point A to B which doesn't last very long. but with these guys i feel like i'll be stuck with them for a little while." Vinny: he offers a smile to cimmorro half consolingly "here's hoping it gets easier? though i imagine any group of strangers coming together has its rough bumps" he raises a finger again "remember the common goal of getting a paycheck and im sure itll help out"
As they chat the two see han stumble into the dining hall looking, not physically tired but emotionally tired... she goes to get a little treat, a fruit cup. She eats it straight at the serving table, and then takes like another and begins to look for somewhere to sit
Han: she spots cimm n gives a lil wave before sitting by herself ... nom nom nom fruit cup… Cimmorro: cimm just gives vinny a smile that's forced and full of discomfort. "i think i need more than hope for things to work out in this group. a miracle maybe." he shuts his eyes and breathes out of his nose. "at least, yknow, we manage to get jobs done. albeit a little all over the place and chaotic..." when he opens his eyes he suddenly sees han who is clearly very, very difficult to miss. he greets her back with a friendly smile and a raised glass Vinny: he lets out an awkward laugh and pats cimm on the shoulder "the only place to go from rock bottom is up?" as he notices cimm glance over he turns as well, noticing han he also gives her a wave Han: 😊 fruit cup bliss..... Cimmorro: gesturing for her to come over Han: gets out of fruit bliss, points to herself like me? o_O Cimmorro: cimm points at her and nods, yeah you O_o Han: O_O turns around and steals more fruit cups and scuttles over "did you know they have pineapple in this thing!! its crazy!!! hi" :3 Vinny: he nods in greeting "its a big variety for a ship honestly..!" Cimmorro: cimm laughs "didn't take you for a pineapple lover. wanna come sit? we're just having some drinkies” Han: "all fruit is so good" +_+ "i would love to sit and drinkies" ^-^ to vinny “have you ever been on another ship before?" O_o Cimmorro: cimm pulls out a chair for her Vinny: he shakes his head "no, it's just what i've heard. though i guess the cost of riding one of these is already that much more than a regular ship"
Han: she puts a fruit cup in front of each of you but there’s like 10 more in front of her Cimmorro: cimm just kinda goes like o_o at the sheer number of that "is... this your dinner?" Han: "this is....." she gives a bit of a thousand yard stare "snack for being good" Vinny: stares half amused at the fruit assortment Han: deep thought over fruit costs ...... Cimmorro: cimm tilts his head "oh? something interesting happened to you today on the ship?" Han: "i said thank you to finn and had normal conversation with him where i did not upset him ... tooo much" very proud of herself as she says this Vinny: vinny looks back over at cimm like 'see?' ^_^ Han: 🐱 ❓ Cimmorro: cimm pulls a head back and laughs, immediately understanding the reason behind the thousand yard stare. "well you two are hitting it off, then. maybe before we all part ways you've have already mastered the art of not detonating him before the rest of us do. you've done good" he raises the fruit cup han gave him and goes "cheers" while slightly rolling his eyes at vinny "vinny and i were just playing a little truth or dare game but with drinks if you wanna participate :3c" Han: han listens to cimm saying all that w a grin that truly says 'ye i fuckinf doubt that', but she goes "cheers!" to it anyway "ye sure, i like game. is it drunky drinks?" han remembers last time she drank w cimm. actually han realizes that and goes "do you make everyone you meet play drunk truth and dare with you?" 🤨 Vinny: vinny ponders the phrase 'drunky drinks' for a few seconds Cimmorro: "it's the easiest way to hang out! we don't have any games on this ship. kevster's the only one with cards! i bet she's up somewhere climbing the sails or whatever they're called again" he mopes. "also yeas, drunky drinks. you drink if you refuse to do neither truth or dare :3" he mumbles about something something psalm soured the last card game anyway something something Han: han looks like she gets where hes coming from... hard to do anything on this ship. han huffs proudly "ill never refuse, so easy. ill play. who is next" >:3 Cimmorro: "atta girl. we both just finished our turn. so you can have yours" Han: han hmms and then with too much gusto goes "vinny! truth or dare!" Cimmorro: cimm clapping when han decides to go for vinny Vinny: he sighs as if summoned for public speaking "truth?" Han: she rolls her eyes playfully "of course, cowards option." looks at cimm n stage whispers "what did you ask before" Vinny: he makes a disgruntled face to himself Cimmorro: "oh, i asked him about how he met ezra" Han: "oooo..." turns back to vinny "how did you meet cole then?" suddenly genuinely curious Vinny: he blinks as if not expecting the question "oh, hm. she came to my store about 2 years ago... oh jeez that's been a while" he leans backwards a bit "she said she'd heard about my work and basically fell to the floor to beg me to take her on" he scratches the back of his head awkwardly "when i said i wasn't taking on apprentices, especially er, so out of the blue she still wouldn't give up. she came back everyday for a week until i decided to finally hire her as an employee at least..." he looks down in defeat "eventually she just started calling herself that and i couldn't be bothered to correct it anymore" Han: han laughs into her hand, snorting n shit "i didnt know you were such.. what it called. hotshot!!" Cimmorro: cimm is also just cackling and bringing up the cat thing again "i can't even blame her. maybe i would've resorted to such tactics if you also turned down my request" Vinny: he shrugs "well, the accord like to brag about their acquisitions, so maybe my name got around... and that i was specialized in the newest school of magic" he says this all with complete neutrality, though at cimmorro he sits up straighter getting embarrassed "d-don't joke about that please...!" Cimmorro: cimm sneers playfully. "you should start preparing yourself for more of those flooding in now that they're parading you, as you said... but i'm sure none of them would have as funny of an entrance as cole" Han: han nods sympathetically Vinny: he blinks like he'd never even considered the possibility before a kind of horror dawns on his face "...oh i don't want to imagine that... let's hope cole isn't fighting back young applicants at the store in my stead" he rubs the bridge of his nose as if to dispel the thought Han: han hehehes gleefully n loudly at vinnys misery Cimmorro: cimm laughs too but it's mixed with amusement and also pity "maybe it was best you are on vacation then, she could easily just say you're not there and they'd run off... least until you come back" Vinny: he continues rubbing his eyes "maybe i should have just wandered off into the forest in figstup after all..." Cimmorro: "not too late to start planning! but let me know if you relocate, i could at least come and send a housewarming gift" he snickers. Vinny: he lets out a groan and just looks forlornly across the table Cimmorro: "so, my turn yeah?" Vinny: he gestures with his other hand like go ahead
Cimmorro: "kay, vinny. truth or dare. btw han called you a coward for picking truth. remember that" Han: han nods seriously Vinny: he raises his eyebrows surprised and sits up straight again from his hunched over pose shaking his head "...truth" Cimmorro: "oh cmooooon. fine," cimm huffs as he thinks over what to ask, determined to get vinny to start drinking. "hmmm, what's one embarrassing secret you have?" Vinny: he gives cimm a deadpan face "...i thought that's where this was going" he rubs his neck as if he's genuinely considering a way to answer it while not getting too embarrassed "...m-most of the books i sell in my store are secondhand romance novels i didn't enjoy...?" Han: the delight on hans face rn Cimmorro: cimm listens to that and looks at han and goes "do you think that's embarrassing enough for a pass?" Han: han considers it seriously 🤔 then narrow her eyes at vinny "what made them not enjoyable?" Cimmorro: cimm looks at vinny expectantly Vinny: he tilts his head still sweating "...usually having terrible prose, or really derivative plots" Han: leans in n whispers evilly "what is deh-ri-va-tif plot" Vinny: "...unoriginal or boring?" Han: leans back disappointed "oh. thats all it meant? booo" Cimmorro: cimm in his head like idk why this is considered embarrassing i read garbage all the time Han: "ill still let it pass i guess" 🙄 Cimmorro: "yeah, well if vinny finds it embarrassing then i suppose it counts. it also gave me an idea what to ask next time. you're free... for now" he mimics the same way vinny gestured earlier to let him have his turn
Vinny: he makes a strained face as he attempts to move them on quickly "er...han? truth or dare" Han: "daaaaare!" victoriously puts her cup up Cimmorro: claps claps Vinny: he glances at the cup then the rest of the of the fruit cups still sitting on the table "hmm... see how many you can down in a...minute?" Han: "easy peasy!! someone count" she readies into position Cimmorro: "i'll time it, vinny can count" Vinny: he quickly starts to rethink this decision but the die has already been cast "s-sure uh" he gets up and stands next to han looking down at the table "when youre ready...!?"
Han begins downing the fruit cups like crazy, though she soon gets queasy at the 40 second mark. As the minute rounds she feels herself starting to regret this as her stomach rebels against the plentiful fruitstuffs. She reaches 20 and finds herself with a stomach ache.
Han: han is visibly not happy anymore as cimm counts 58..59..60! but she raises a hand in the air likes shes a fucking trooper and sits in the chair like that dead joe pic chip uses for a minute "fruit is.............delicious and good..............." Vinny: vinny looks on with worried eyes and pats her on the shoulder scared shes about to blow Han: thumbs up Cimmorro: "wow..... arguably just taking the drink would've been easier on your stomach but, i know you" he smiles a little pensively "very impressive though!"
Han: THUMBS UP as she groans and sits back up "my turnnnn cimmyyy... truth or daaare.." Cimmorro: "you've inspired me, truly. dare." 🖐️ Han: "i dare you .. to..." han looks at all the empty cups "i dare you to wear all empty littol cups as hats for rest of night" Vinny: vinny goes to sit down as he glances between the two of you "...how would they fit..?" Han: han thinks at the mess they could cause "okay, just two. on your horns" Cimmorro: cimm looks down at the cups and tries to figure out how to even start doing that. "han, I wouldn't mind that if we weren't on a ship on route but i feel like these would eventually end up in an accident... my horns are small" he moves his hair to show her properly "psalm could probably pull it off though" Han: han pouts "psalm isnt here to ruin my daaaaaare" 😤 Vinny: vinny looks between the glasses and cimmorro like hes doing math in his head "...guess you're drinking?" Cimmorro: cimm looks at vinny like this (just playfully), its less about him needing to drink and more about him being the first one to when he wanted to get vinny
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Cimmorro: "I'll drink then yes, my drink has already started to get lonely anyway!" Han: han looks happy with the outcome anyway Vinny: he almost laughs at how put out cimmorro looks at the idea "make sure to enjoy it!"
As he downs it, Cimmorro finds the drink packs a punch, he blinks a little more tipsy than he thought he’d be.
Cimmorro: blink blink blink wtf did that waiter put in my drink<-- cimm rn cimm blinks a little spaced out but shakes his head a little from it. maybe the previous drinks are all stacking up along too? ah well. he clears his throat. "meeeee? :3c" Han: "youuuu" :3 Cimmorro: "alrighttt," he squints between you two and lands on han. "you, truth or dare!" Han: she agonizes for a moment before feeling all those fruit cups in  her belly "..truth" 😔 Cimmorro: "hmmm, what are all those tattoos on your face about?" Han: han perks up, unexpected and then laughs a little "they arent tattoos? theyre birthmarks. go all the way down" shes points out all the ones going down her back, arms, chest, etc. "its on all goliaths. what the word... passed on. easy to tell apart clan, too." Cimmorro: his eyes follow her wherever she points. "oh... right," he slowly blinks again, the tipsiness must be playing with his eyes. "that's interesting? so... your siblings have the exact same ones too?" Han: she thinks "no, not exactly.. they are similar, though." Cimmorro: cimm nods. "i see, good to knoooooow vinny, yer up"
Vinny: he blinks back over from where he's glancing at the marks on han's cheek "hm? oh uhh... cimmoro i suppose. truth or dare?" Cimmorro: "truth!" Vinny: he thinks for a minute stumped "ah...." scratching his chin he goes on "...what's your biggest fear?" Cimmorro: "augh, ehhhh..." he leans on the table with both arms and hands on both sides of his face as he thinks. "i would say losing my connection to the ruby sorceress... but i suppose that's every follower's fear, ain't it?" he thinks again and reluctantly he goes,"i guess right now, I'm really scared of something happening to my ma... or worse! she might not come back at all" he just kinda squeezes his face as he says the last part. Vinny: he nods his head in agreement at the thoughtful answer "family woes are on the forefront of alot of our minds huh..." then makes to pat cimm on the shoulder apologetically "er sorry...i was expecting something silly as an answer, like...bugs..." Han: han gives him a big look of pity, not expecting such a real answer, and not knowing what to say rly, she just goes "sorry, that sucks.." Cimmorro: cimm snorts a bit at that. "you said BIGGEST fear. also i love bugs, excuse you!" he seems to be more or less back to his usual demeanor. "if we're talking about stuff that exist then I'm scared of geese........." Vinny: he stares wide eyed "geese...." Han: "ive only seen geese in farmer market. are they that scary...?" 🤔 Cimmorro: cimm just makes a scrunched smile. "it's okay don't worry about it, really. i got chased by geese when i was young okay!" Vinny: vinny lets out a surprised laugh, putting a hand over his mouth "...i see... a traumatising event..." Cimmorro: "there was a wedding ceremony," he begins "at my temple, the betrothed wanted to have black geese around the altar. but they got out of the cage when i was looking for willow and they just started chasing me!" Han: O_o "how.. little were you" Cimmorro: "like," he measures with his hand which is barely like 90cm-ish "this? i was 5!" Han: han stares in horror, remembering what size geese are Vinny: vinny is distracted trying to picture a ceremony with geese Cimmorro: "have you seen the teeth on those things? horrible. i barely made it out alive" Vinny: "i wonder if it was that severe..." Cimmorro: "are you saying you don't believe me :plumface:" Vinny: "i mean... i believe you're scared of them" he smiles while tilting his head Cimmorro: [off my puter jpg] Vinny: [laughs under his hand] Cimmorro: "whatever 🙄 han next"
Han: han comes out of her stupor about dire geese "hm? oh.. vinny ! truth or dare !" Vinny: he looks over cautiously "truth..?" Cimmorro: "ask him something he's gonna have to drink for :mortcry~1:" Han: han think she could very easily do that , but she would feel bad about it, so she wont "what is ... the favourite romance book you have" Vinny: he makes a lopsided face at the question and look away embarrassed again "....f-favourite huh...." he closes his eyes as he scratches the back of his head "of all time...that's a difficult choice...." he folds his arms and taps his finger on his bicep thinking "there was one i liked recently though called star night calls. it was about a man haunted by evil spirits...though one day a benevolent one steps in to act as his bodyguard, and eventually a relationship blossoms between the two..." Cimmorro: "what the hell." hold on brain static blinking again. "that sounds good? do you have it with you? can i borrow it?" Vinny: he makes a coughing sound again "i...did not bring it with me... i usually only take things i havn't read around when i travel..." Cimmorro: "ahhhhhhhhhhh, fine I'll look for it when we land..." he pouts "let me borrow something else though" Vinny: still not making eye contact he nods "s-sure sure... i'm done with a couple already..."
Cimmorro: 🐱🐱🐱 cimm making a mental note to browse through Vinny's suitcase library "okay my turn.... vinny, truth or dare!" Vinny: he slaps a hand to his red face and sighs "maybe it was better when only two of us were drinking" Cimmorro: "aw cmon you made han eat all of those fruit cups 🙄" Vinny: he looks at the cups despondently "truth..." Cimmorro: cimm taps his chin. "what are the best and worst dates you've ever been on? go!" Vinny: he drops his head with a sigh Cimmorro: ?!? "hello? portcus to vinny?" Vinny: he scratches the back of his head again more anxiously than before and lifts it again, turning to cimm but glancing away "i... have never been on one?" Cimmorro: "what? like, date-date like, lover date right? we're on the same page?" Han: "i would high five you but i scored date with psalm so i am no longer not been on one" 😎 Vinny: he nods his head still glancing away "yes, date-date" he looks at han like he's updating something in his mind Cimmorro: cimm makes a genuine, sharp gasp and just kinda stays still on his seat like that Vinny: vinny flinches a little and grumbles embarassed "it's not that dramatic come on..!" Cimmorro: "no- but, i really thought... i mean you seem very sociable enough for it, and you read a lot of those books apparently--- not even once? do you just not want to?" he's genuinely concerned Vinny: he spits a little at the mention of the books "t-the.. the opportunity j-just hasn't ever really come up! i've been b-busy studying or working! back in my village, never, and m-most people in the city find me a strange man usually, including locals..." he pauses as he finds himself getting redder at the babbling Han: han looks up from staring at vinny, and looks back at him to ask "not everyone thinks youre strange man, right? is there no one You're interested in?" Vinny: he crosses his arms scrunching his face up "i m-mean interest comes and goes- i am under no obligation to answer more questions..." Han: >:3c Cimmorro: cimm sits there and listens to both of them like, "even if you were strange, strange isn't really a bad thing anyway, no? just gotta find someone who likes strange" Vinny: he lets out a weary sigh still red "it's not high on my priority list...." Cimmorro: "what if you're interested in someone then? do you just let it pass because it's not a priority?" cimm seems boggled by this. "that's why you wouldn't get any openings then because you just close them!" Han: han was gonna push the game along to torture vinny faster but seeing cimm taking this so personally is also pretty amusing Vinny: he waves a hand around through the air exaggeratedly "i- i just said so! i'm not eager to get involved with anyone w-who doesn't know me all that well anyway... and e-even then i wouldn't want to..." he waves an arm again as if to gesture to himself in his entirety "no one needs to... augh..." he starts rubbing his hair with both arms looking between han and cimm frustrated "the question has been answered..!" Han: han just lolling inside n trying to hide her laughter w her hand, vinnys struggle is cute lol lol Cimmorro: cimm just watches him faff about like O_o. this is more serious than he thought... but he also needs vinny to function tomorrow so he decides to leave it alone. maybe. for now. "okay, you're right. it's your turn now"
Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 2 - 10/4
Vinny: he rubs eyes underneath his glasses a little as he wills his embarrassment to die down for near a minute, nearly taking a sip of his drink until he remembers the rules of the game they're playing. he lets out a wobbly sigh, shaking his head and glancing over at han "er...truth or dare?" Han: han sits pondering intensely ... having to admit shes a coward hurts... but tummy hurts more... "truth..." her pride withering rn Vinny: he tilts his head consolingly at the stomach pain as he continues to rub his face idly "hmm... best fruit cup flavour?" Han: hans surprised at such an innocent question that she giggles a lil then thinks seriously about it... then it turns kinda too serious? then after a too long pause she goes "... apple" Cimmorro: cimm snorts a bit at how han went into full thinker mode Vinny: he glances at the empty cups after han's minute of serious thought wondering if he somehow asked another upsetting question "maybe i'll grab an apple for myself then?" Han: arms crossed, very seriously "apple is simply best fruit" jjba i understand your feelings deeply jpg Cimmorro: "I'm more of a mango and strawberies fan but apples are delicious, that much i can agree" he nods Han: han nods seriously back "also good option...” Vinny: vinny half smiles again "i can agree on the mango, but im glad we've reached a real consensus on this question with the apple" Han: “strong.. powerful..." Cimmorro: "w-what?" Han: "in flavour" Cimmorro: "OH." he seems a bit frazzled by the answer. "sorry i just wasn't expecting that description of it... but i get it now!" he shakes his head from the hint of embarrassment "which kind do you like the most?" Han: "big red one" Cimmorro: cimm slowly cheers a "yeaaaaaahhhhh" with a thumbs up of approval Han: YEAAASH THUMBS UP BACK "wait, whose turn is it" Cimmorro: "yours"
Han: gasp, she looks like shes up to no good again "truth or dare" Vinny: he gives han a glance and sighs "i'm sensing a trend here" Cimmorro: cimm innocently :3c's at him Han: "the trend is you saying interesting things" >:3 "you said interests come and go... who was your last interest?" 🤔 Cimmorro: cimm laughs into his hand when han doesn't let vinny have a choice Vinny: he makes a scrunched up red face at her and moves to immediately take a sip of his drink Han: han makes the pog face "i got vinny to drink!!! i think i win??" looks at cimm expectantly Cimmorro: cimm seems surprised at vinny drinking "love life too private then, huh?" but there's definitely a look that suggests he's also scheming as he watches him, then at han "YEAH YOU GOT HIM!!" hi5 Han: HI5!!! HEHEHE Vinny: his face grows a little redder as he mumbles into the cup "my l-lack of one, yes" Cimmorro: "oh but you do have semblance of one, don't you? why else hide it? :)" Vinny: he pointedly tries to ignore cimmorro Han: hans just like yaaaay i win i win (ignores ust) "cimms turn!?" (nose growing gag) "be warned, im already point ahead--" Cimmorro: "yes, my turn!" he eyes between han and vinny, spins a fork on the table to let it decide "technically two? i also had to drink because of you" Han: she forgor.... look of shock and then she laughs like finn "HAHAHA! YES! TWO!" Vinny: 😓
Cimmorro: "vinny, truth or dare" he smiles Vinny: he sighs audibly resisting the urge to hang his head "..dare?" Cimmorro: "oh cmon, don't be so drooooopy I'm not that evil!" cimm pretends to think but clearly he's had this idea from the start. "say the corniest pick up line you can think of, one for each of us." Han: "what does corn have to do with pick up line?" :3 Cimmorro: "oh it's like, corny means something that makes you cringe, or probably cheesy. I'm not sure why they call it corn or cheese, either though" cimm seems a bit taken by the question like yknow i never wondered about that Han: "like...dairy..?" Cimmorro: "yes, cheese is dairy... have you had cheese...?" Han: nods... Cimmorro: cimm snorts at han's cluelessness still. "cheesy either means something with a lot of cheese. or it's a feeling you get when you feel... somewhat embarrassed? i suppose. it's rather difficult to describe if i'm being honest" Han: thinks deeply and stores this information in her brain, awaiting vinny to give her proper examples Vinny: he looks surprised at the suggestion, expecting something more physically strenuous in some outlandish way. he coughs, still pouting and a little red, he leans back folding his arms "c-corny....?" he tries to recall lines from anything he's read recently. after a minute of han and cimm chattering on the meaning of corn and cheese, he turns to cimm, not looking him in the eyes "my h-heart exists in three stages, solid, liquid and c-completely yours...?" he then turns to han, also avoiding a glance at her face "i think the g-gaps in my fingers were meant for yours?" he finds himself embarrassed afterward as he leans back in his chair, arms still folded, screwing his eyes shut Cimmorro: cimm puts a hand over his own eyes and laughs breathily, trying not to burst out into a full bark. after he calms himself a bit, he turns to han with a hand over his mouth, still laughing. "that's cheesy" Han: han studying the gaps in her fingers and takes vinnys hand to measure "is that so?" Vinny: he reddens worse at the laughing from cimm, though he's so flabbergasted han actually grabs his hand that he lets it go limp as he stares at her confused "i...it's not literal" Han: "OH" NOW SHES EMBARRASED, puts his hand back gently Cimmorro: "aw but you two looked so cute just now!" Vinny: >_< Han: gives cimm an unimpressed look Cimmorro: :3 Han: han looks a bit dejected but still pink "i dont think i get pick up lines after all.." Cimmorro: "it's stuff that's supposed to make your heart flutter one way or another. but truly it's a hit or miss" he leans back on his chair. "i think most of the time it really only makes me laugh, especially at bars? if someone wanted to have sex with me I'd rather they just be out with it... definitely different coming from a sweetheart though" he takes a bite of another biscuit Han: han nods in understanding Vinny: he rubs his furrowed brow "l-lets move on..." Cimmorro: "why? I'm not even targetting you anymore 😭 can't a guy talk about himself. han, have you never been given a pick up line? i feel like you're more out there than i am" Vinny: vinny stares at the ceiling Cimmorro: "🤔🤔🤔🤔 do YOU want to be pick up lined?" Han: she thinks this way... she thinks that way... "some inn guests tell me i have great thighs? or like, 'you wanna wrap those legs around me tonight baby?' but thats not like what vinny said.." she then has this moment of clarity and she goes pink "THATS LIKE WHAT STELLA KEPT SAYING TO ME!!!! LIKE 'YOURE SO SWEET, ARE YOU ON THE MENU' " she folds in on herself head on table in embarrassment, stomping a little Vinny: he makes a surprised sound as he looks over "i-i dont even know how i'd react to someone giving me one..." at han's flash of self awareness he looks over like well at least im not the only one embarrassed now at this table Cimmorro: cimm lets out a laugh again. "so, you get it right? it's supposed to make your heart flutter! or turn you on. whichever" then at vinny "YOU'VE NEVER GOTTEN ONE EITHER? does nobody flirt with you at all?" he turns to han "i think we need to bring this guy to a night bar" Han: "no! they sound silly !!! im not on any menu !!" pulls her hair :O "do you know good bars in krenic?" 🤔 Vinny: "i told you i'm not the h-hottest commodity -and I-I DONT NEED TO BE TAKEN ANYWHERE..." he lifts up an arm quickly in a stop motion Cimmorro: "why are you getting embarrassed then!" at the bar question he seems to think for a bit. "a couple, yeah. but i havent visited in the past few years so it might've changed by now. you need to LIVE a little buddy" Han: "it is new experience" nods seriously Vinny: "i'm living just fine...!" he shakes his head "all i've been getting lately are new experiences..." he gets a far off look in his eyes as he sighs, pouting again "don't go trying to s-set me up with strangers please" Cimmorro: "fine. I'll respect that..." he seems to relent until he gets Han's attention again. "you wanna take vinny out on a date or should i?" Han: !? caught off guard but gives it some thought "i only had one... and psalm said i need to work on my skills more... you sound more like expert... makes sense you go?" very genuine answer Cimmorro: "i dunno, seems like a nice experience either way... you could get some practice in! at the same time vinny gets to experience it. we could have a threeway date too 🤔" he thinks for a bit and looks around the table. "honestly, this is more or less a date already" he shrugs Han: "is it...?" han considers this seriously "i suppose it could be..." 🤔 Vinny: at some point vinny has put his red face in his hand to stop himself from making strangled sounds Cimmorro: cimm waves a hand nonchalantly. "either way it's pointless if vinny doesn't want to. but know my offer is up for grabs. han well, you have to ask her if you want her instead... know that I'm a limited time offer though!" he snickers as he jokes Han: han gives a thumb up, kinda lost but shes got the spirit ! Vinny: he drags his hand slightly down his face to reveal his eyes, face still flushed "...n-now can we move on...?" Cimmorro: "fiiiiiine.... i forgot whose turn it was.... yours?" Han: "i also forgot, lets say vinnys" ^o^
Vinny: he huffs as he leans back towards the table looking at cimmorro "truth or dare..." Cimmorro: "oh he's mad at me now...! dare." Vinny: he fights the urge to roll his eyes a little and thinks for a second rubbing his neck, he glances at the fruit cups again before pointing at them "...do your best to juggle three at once" Cimmorro: "you are very fixated on these fruit cups..." cimm picks three of them up and it's obvious by how awkwardly he's holding these things that he has never juggled a thing in his life. but by the gods will he try. "I've never done this before so wish me luck" Han: thumbs up u got this Cimmorro: cimm goes "hup, hup, hup---WHOAH-- nope, i got it! heh" as he eases into the rhythm of it. he looks smug as hell now Han: han claps while oooo-ing Vinny: he blinks a little wide eyed at the successful attempt "i'm surprised you went for it, good job though..?" Cimmorro: "what? you thought I'm gonna drink again?" he smirks and puts the cups down. "I didn't peg you for someone who'd try playing a little dirty, I'm impressed" Vinny: he makes a face at cimm "i've just been starting to feel a little bullied at this table... though if i really wanted you to drink i could have just said take a flying leap over han or something" he snorts to himself as he pictures that Han: han looks like shes overjoyed at this new mean streak Cimmorro: cimm also snorts and nods. "fair. but that's the point of the game isn't it? trying to get the other person to drink. otherwise we would just be playing regular ol' truth or dare." he smiles and turns to han. "your turn"
Han: "ummmm... vinny! truth or dare!" Vinny: he has given up on expecting anything else, he settles his chin in his hand as he looks at han "..truth?" Han: "whats the one place you would like to travel to!" :D “anywhere in world":3 Vinny: he blinks and ponders the question thoughtfully "...i've never thought about that much since coming to the city, felt resigned to staying there most of my life" he pauses as he continues thinking, mulling it over "...tyalorin might be interesting..." Han: "whats there that got ur attention?" :3 Vinny: he gives her a smile as he thinks "well...most of the city is powered by old fey enchantments, floating stairways and self igniting lamps. that sort of thing, they're pretty ancient too so they're almost historical" he puts a finger to his chin "it'd be interesting to see all that in action, not to mention most of the ore i get for components is exported from there, maybe see some of the scholar's circle..." he looks off as he gets lost in thought Han: han is like jawdrop at all that "that sounds so cool... that the fuck... i need to go there" >_< "i hope you get to see it soon" :3 Cimmorro: cimms like ooooo 🤩 then goes, "is that where you plan to head to after your favor for me?" Vinny: he gives her a lopsided smile "i guess we'll see" at cimmorro's question he turns cimm "i plan to go back to shorewater" he laughs like its a silly thing to even suggest Cimmorro: "aah? how come? would be a nice detour before you head back, no?" Han: han nods in agreement Vinny: "i'm on old berryl's radar again, and if they do come calling id rather not get my ear pulled for being out in the middle of nowhere. besides there's no fun travelling on my own" he tents his hands idly "any trip i take in the future will be at their whims most likely..." Han: han looks so sad "whaaaaat! fuck that berry guy!" she pounds the table with a fist playfully "lets travel together there then!!" :D Cimmorro: cimm frowns at that. "jeeeeez, can't even have a vacation in peace..." he seems to mumble to himself a little annoyed by the setup. but nods in agreement at han's suggestion Han: "i will protect you from berry" 😤 Vinny: he raises an eyebrow at her "it's not really on the way" he gives a dry laugh at cimmorro's understanding before giving han a sadder smile "i appreciate it" Cimmorro: "maybe after we're all done with all we oughta do, we could meet up there? I haven't been there myself." Vinny: he thinks a little wistfully "if we could make that work it'd be pretty fun, huh?" he still looks he doesn't quite believe it's possible Han: "travelling is best thing you can do!!! its movement!! its life!! its culture!! so many places to see! so much different!!! we have to all go now!!" she moves rly passionately during this tirade Vinny: he perks up a little at han's passionate spiel and laughs again smiling "well i agree with you there!" Han: "so you agree? you must go with us?" 🤨 Vinny: "just because i agree doesn't mean i think it's actually feasible..." he feels like hes explaining to a kid why they cant go to disneyland Han: "i will take you. no problem" 😤 👍 Vinny: he shakes his head like he given up still laughing a little less sadly "alright alright, i look forward to it" Han: happy she won 😊 ✨ "cimm turn" :D Cimmorro: cimm watches the both of them, amused at the results of it. "we can figure it out. we'll even help you cover it up with a little lie if need be." cimm spins the fork again, when the fork points to vinny again, cimm just leans over the table facing him. "hi ☺️ you know what to do" Vinny: vinny abt to strangle him Cimmorro: FR #(2))2)# Vinny: *EXAGGERATION Han: JSBSJEBWBDJDNDN 😳 ⁉️ ) Cimmorro: HALAKSKDKSLLCLV
Vinny: he stares at the fork with a deadpan expression "....truth... did you enchant that when i wasn't looking?" Cimmorro: "you're accusing me of that now?" he barks a laugh, entertained. "and if i did, who would be to blame? only you i think. you're the one teaching me these things~" Vinny: he snorts and shakes his head "a star pupil casting spells after one day just to harass his friend over a drinking game...?" he pauses and makes a serious thinking face "very plausible for you" Cimmorro: cimm snickers. "i know. adorable, right?" he gives him a wink and puts some thought into his next question. "what's the most sentimental gift you've ever received?" Vinny: he clears his throat at the wink as if trying to ignore it before pondering the question "oh... hmm..." he takes his arms off the table and leans back in his chair again "probably something my parents gave me, back when i left the village..." Han: han is like :3? "where are you from what did they give you??" Vinny: "they move around the green glades... er..." he seems to get a little embarrassed recalling it "it's a little silly, but they braided me a daisy chain to wear on my wrist" he taps it with his finger to punctuate the point "it's said to bring good tidings and weather, obviously it fell apart after a few days of travelling... but i felt pretty bad about it. i tried to keep one of the flowers to press it but i hadn't learned how to properly do something like that yet, and so it ended up rotting away..." his face is strangely somber as he recounts the tale Han: han gets progressively more teary eyed towards the end of this, smth about flowers as a gift .... a charm that dies so fast... augh ... poetry.... she just puts her hand on his wrist like 🥹 but fighting her snot from running down. Cimmorro: he gets a little emotional abt vinny's tale too. "ahhhh, that's the thing with flowers, so short lived... I'm sure they've served their purpose though. so it's not all to waste, yeah?" he gives vinny's shoulder a comforting pat Han: han recomposes herself while the others talk and goes "my tribe is against this, but cimm asked earlier if these were tattoos <points to brithmarks>, n they arent, but they are meant to tell lifestory, or be guidance, hence ramhead, because it look like ram, its meant to guide- anyway, what i mean to say, if you dont mind tattoos (i saw some guys have tattos at inn, they look cool, but its like the hair thing, cimm you know), maybe tattoo of daisy would be nice :)" shes still like teary eyed but in that faraway look type teary eyed, like shes imagining smth really cool...... Cimmorro: 🥺cimm goes ooooh! and nods with enthusiasm. "that's a great idea! also i didn't know that about your birthmarks, but that's a unique way to interpret it" he seems very in awe as he continues to study the marks on her now Vinny: he looks surprised at the attention the two give him over the story, thinking maybe he'd been needlessly dramatic over the whole thing, especially in recent years. her tears surprise him the most, though he in turn feels a few start to well up in his own eyes as he watches her get snotty. he wipes his eyes before they can fall, responding to cimmorro "y-yes well, i don't have much else from them these days so..." as he readjusts his glasses he listens to the tattoo idea and gets a sort of longing on his face "that sounds quite nice actually..." Cimmorro: "that settles it then! i can hook you up with willow's favorite artist when we land 😌👍" Vinny: he coughs a little to clear his throat as he raises his brow "your mentor has tattoo's as well?" Cimmorro: "oh yes, a lot. all over, in fact" he gestures to his entire body. "so don't worry, you'll be in good hands!" Vinny: he nods his head feeling a little self conscious now "well, i'll hold you to that then" he scratches his neck again out of habit Han: "wait really" O_o comes out of her bro stupor Cimmorro: he nods "yeah, they're always just under a lot of layers but it's really all over, it almost looks like a suit really, the way it covers them" Han: hans mind.. goes somewhere... Cimmorro: cimms like, "...? hello...? han?" and turns to vinny while shrugging cluelessly Han: 😳 Vinny: he looks at cimm confused and decides to move on... "er..whos next?" Cimmorro: "uh, you... i think" he's still glancing at han every other second HOWKSKDKKX Han: does not make eye contact
Vinny: he glances at her as well but decides to leave her...to whatever is happening "right uh, cimm truth or dare?" Cimmorro: "truuuuuth, i don't want you making me do something dangerous with those cups again!" Vinny: he laughs a little "caught onto my trick! hmm..." he gets back into a cheerier mood "what's the drunkest you've ever been?" Cimmorro: cimm grumbles a bit as he recalls a memory. "okay, so, I don't normally get drunk so often. it takes a while to hit me, but there's one time when my ma sent me some of her favorite liquor to celebrate my birthday. i believe i was 21...?" he brings a hand to his face as he talks, "anyway, I don't know what the fuck was in that thing but i took one sip and i was a goner! zoop! out! i was seeing shit I shouldn't be seeing! next thing i knew i was sleeping in the graveyards!" Vinny: he slaps a hand to his mouth as he laughs picturing cimm sprawled out on the ground outside "i-in the graveyards?" he's trying to not laugh harder "how kind of your mother" Cimmorro: he laughs too, finding the stupidity of it all amusing now. "no man, i was sure i saw my future self. that tripped me up. he was talking to me, but it was all like gibberish? i looked good though," he smirks. "when i was sober enough, the first thing i did was send a letter to her asking her what the fuck that shit was. i waited two months for a reply and you know what she said? 'ha ha ha ha. drink responsibly' is what she said. 2 months. in a pretty little envelope, wax sealed. that's all there was." he rubs his temples Han: han laughs along Vinny: he continues smirking as he subdues his laughter "prophetic visions huh? sounds like if you ever go drinking together she'll have you under the table in a second" Cimmorro: cimm looks at vinny as if he's just come to consider that one day he would eventually be invited to drink with his mom. "yknow... i miss her, truly. but i am never going to drink with her. she's a beast. the last thing i need is an embarrassing photo of myself in her purse she can freely show the other temples." he rolls his eyes. "han turn?" Han: han mental note: get crunk with cimms mum Cimmorro: cimm shuddering at the memory of circe out-drinking willow
Han: "oh!" she keeps forgeting they're playing tbh "umm.. cimm! truth or dare!" Cimmorro: "me? i see the tables have turned now... ehh hmmmm, truth again" Han: "u was talking about dating... what was your best date?" ;3 Cimmorro: cimm snorts at the devilish look han is giving him. "best date... ah. well, there was a girl dated before. she was really into building things! one time she set up this boat picnic. built the boat herself. it was small but yknow." he smiles recalling the memory. "just because she liked building things doesn't mean it was in its best condition though. eventually it started leaking and after trying so hard to keep it afloat, it ended up finding its resting grounds on the ocean floor... but we had a good laugh swimming back to shore!" Vinny: he tips his head curiously thinking to himself "almost sounds nostalgic, like an old summer day... also that behavior reminds me of someone" he holds back a little laugh Cimmorro: "no way... did we date the same girl" he barks another laugh Vinny: he makes an incredulous face and waves his hand through the air "n-not what i meant! i was thinking it sounded like something cole would pull" Cimmorro: "ahhhhhhhhhh" he snorts. "be more clear next time. also y'know what, yeah i could see the similarities, I'd say cole would be on the more easygoing side though" Han: han looks kinda dumbfounded but then starts hollering "you!! you said date should be about gifts or something!! and thats your best one?! thats so funny..." hitting the table with her fist.... ure killin gher ...!! wipes a tear "whats her name? is she in krenic? i wanna meet her now..." 😂 <- basically han rn Cimmorro: "w... what's gotten into you?" he finds himself laughing more out of surprise. "spending precious time together like that is a gift! one of the most priceless ones in fact! cmon han" 🙄 "actually, i don't know if she's still in krenic. we didn't keep in touch after we broke up." he looks up in thought, but he doesn't seem too sad about it really Han: shes still laughing and wheezing between words  "ye, okay, it is, it just not what i expected, at all...." calms down a little "aah, pity. she sounds fun to hang out with" Cimmorro: "the fun thing about dates is that there's a lot of things that can happen, good or bad! but a great date would be something that leaves you feeling fulfilled, despite it all... or because of it." he rests his head on his hand as he leans on the table and sighs a little whimsically. Han: "sinking boat made u fulfilled then?" snickers Cimmorro: he rolls his eyes in a lighthearted way. "one day, you'll find yourself in a situation similar to that and i will have the last laugh, you'll see... also yes, i was itching for a swim that day, i won't lie" he laughs again Han: han keeps snickering
Cimmorro: cimm spins the fork and as it points to han, he makes a gesture towards her that's like a slight limp wrist. "let's see what you got for me, hanny. truth or dare" Han: makes a really scrunched up thinking face "truth" P: Cimmorro: "hmmm... give your very honest opinion about me. and vinny while we're at it. no holds barred. I'll be a good sport about it" Vinny: vinny looks up from his daydreaming curious at that Han: "wooooah... want to know so bad??" she covers her face like shes shocked but u notice she goes kinda pink? Cimmorro: seeing han like that actually makes cimm feel slightly nervous. but he stands his ground "yes... i said what i said" Han: hans like drinking is losing........ this is also losing... but drinking is LOSING MORE.......... AUUGUGHGH >_< han pointedly keeps looking somewhere away from cimm. complete 180 degrees from him in fact. she struggles getting words out, stuttering a little, some literally thru gritted teeth. her tone is steady tho, she doesnt half ass this. she seems almost angry about saying this (BUT SHE CANT LOSE) and she does go pink lol "youre really nice to me...i appreciate it. you are funny and smart and seem to know lots that i. Dont... its... nice.. to hang out with you.. and ... LEARN.. from you... sometimes. though you are puny" then she relaxes a bit "and youre good looking" she briefly makes eye contact with vinny before turning basically away from the table 180 degrees, to face away from both of you and goes (in pretty much the same manner) "i thought you were kinda weird at first but youre pretty nice too !! you seem kind of airheaded but its cute sometimes!! and not always bad i guess!! you know lots too, its nice to listen to you talk!! also why are you built, i thought all wizards are like limp noodle !! youre good looking too !!" turns to cimm borderline steaming "DO I WIN" HUFFS Psalm: Psalm, who had wandered in for dinner notices Cimmorro, Han and Vinny having some kind of heated conversation(?) and briefly wonders if he should make an escape. Han: ;LKADG;AWILKEFS;D) Cimmorro: psalm just sees this table all red and blushing
Vinny: he blinks wide eyed at the intensity of han's proclamations going a little red himself as he glances at her whirling around in her seat throughout that "t...thank you?" he thinks how the subject of him being built also came up in cimms study today "i... lift alot of heavy things i suppose..?" he almost feels bad for not returning the intensity and pats her on the shoulder consolingly as if soothing a wild horse Psalm: Intending to just grab some food and head back to his room he can't help but overhear the tail end of Han's grand declaration to Vinny, which only adds to his confusion. Kind of a random time and place to be confessing...and with Cimmorro there...what is going on.. Han: han keeps turning and blissfully unaware to how loud she is so she spots psalm and is like WAAAAAAAVE PSALMY HIIII :3 Psalm: he waves cautiously, not sure why Han would even single him when she's clearly in the middle of..something? Cimmorro: cimm has just been sinking into his chair kind of speechless and red. "yeah, okay you win that one. geez..." he takes a fucking drink 💀 Han: HAN HUFFS PROUDLY AND SITS UP STRAIGHT. YES I SERVE CUNT HERE ! THANKS ! (she doesnt know what that means) she waves at psalm again and is like "come sit with us! o, if you want i guess..." nods at her being civil
Psalm raises an eyebrow, but ultimately decides to come and join his companions after grabbing himself something to eat.
Psalm: He nods at Vinny and Cimmorroorro in greeting before saying, "So, uh, what's going on here exactly?" Cimmorro: cimm gives psalm a small nod, acknowledging his join in the fray. he's not the best companion he'd like to be drinking with but also not the worst, he thinks. "drinking. playing truth or dare." Vinny: he coughs into his fist awkwardly clearing the air "celebrating? and failing to get drunk" Han: "i am winning!" 😤 Cimmorro: i want to make clear that cimm is not being cold but is also not being super peppy abt psalm being here JKWKWDKKSMSM IN CASE THAT CAME OUT TOO MEAN) Psalm: Not exactly sure how one wins truth or dare but deciding not to question it, he asks "Celebrating? What's the occasion?" Vinny: "cimmorro's first day of wizard study, he insisted" he gestures with a hand at the man in question "it's been giving me deja vu..." Han: han leans to mock-whisper to cimm "wait, really? did i not hear? congrats???" Cimmorro: cimm gives a 😗✌ expression "yes, i passed my test today with flying colors too because I'm so fucking epic" 🤭 Psalm: "I see." He does not see. "Congrats." Cimmorro: "cheers." he pauses and rethinks the thought of inviting psalm in the game or not 5 times in his head. eventually he goes "... so, are you joining in for our game? you'll need a drink." Han: han eyes sparkling at psalm Psalm: he is genuinely surprised at the invitation, coming from Cimmorro no less. He'd assumed he could just eat and head back to his room unscathed. After a bit of consideration he decides its better to not risk rejecting the invitation to join them.  "Sure, why not? Although if you're expecting a grand declaration on how handsome I find you like Han over here don't get your hopes up too much." Han: han kicks psalms chair from under him on auto Cimmorro: "don't worry, han's opinion is the only thing i care about." he calls over a waiter for psalm Psalm: He just snorts at han Han: she puts it back before he can reach for it cause she feels bad "whose turn was it again" 🤔 Cimmorro: "vinny's. psalmboy can go after your turn han" Han: yaaaaay ^_^ Psalm: Psalm eating his food quietly
Vinny: he looks over at their new guest and gestures with an incline of his head "truth or dare psalm" Psalm: Psalm just narrows his eyes slightly at Vinny as if to say "Really?" before he just shrugs and says "Dare." Vinny: he thinks for a moment not expecting the dare "er...." he scratches his chin in thought "do your... best impression of han?"
[brief performance roll]
Psalm: i got a 12 so in the best accent resembling han's that he can muster he clears his throat, sits up straight and goes, "YES I SERVE CUNT HERE! THANKS!" Vinny: vinny lets out a laugh in sheer surprise over the volume Ghester: you hear ghester say "i didnt know that about you psalm?" Han: han loses her shit Psalm: "Well...you learned something new today I guess." ☠️ Ghester: "everyday together is a treasure!" Cimmorro: cimm just stunned to watching psalm do that, mouth slightly ajar Han: "if we ever need to fake my voice, you are great" Psalm: "I...don't know about that." Han: pats his back (too hard as ush) "that was joke" 😇 Psalm: * coughing * "Thank god."
Han: beams at you "now! truth or dare" >:3 Psalm: He looks at her like, did I do something to you..? Before sighing and going, "Truth. I only have one impression in me." Han: han gasps "how did you know....................." 😨 Psalm: "You're not serious." He can't tell if she's joking.. Han: she pouts a little "ummm.. then, what place would you like to travel to! anywhere in world" Psalm: "Kind of a boring answer considering we were just there, but I like the beach, airships and theatres, so Shorewater." Han: she seems disappointed "whaaaat, you would just go back?? ... i mean it is great place but booooo" Psalm: He knew this reaction was coming... "I'm not from there, and I spent a decent amount of my time there on the run from the law, so..." he trails off before adding "And cities aren't really what I'm used to." Han: han mulls it over "that..makes sense... ok, when we go back, ill show you aaaalll the cool places" she seems surprised at the last bit "oh? really?" Psalm: "Sure, whenever that is." He folds his arms. "Yes. I've never visited any like Shorewater before until recently." Han: a W in hans books! "where have you visited then?" :O Psalm: "Just...here and there...in Ackran. The cities are a bit more old fashioned. And the beaches aren't as nice. Kind of cold actually." Han: han hmmms "i didnt realize its cold there too.. but makes sense (?). i suppose ill have to see for myself. your turn!" Psalm: "Well if you ever need a tour guide, although I don't think I'll find myself back in that area for now." Cimmorro: "happy for you guys planning for your second date 🎉" Vinny: vinny hides a laugh with his hand Psalm: "I suppose more congratulations are in order aren't they." /j
Psalm: "Also let me know if I say something that's been asked already...? I'm late after all." Han: 👍 Psalm: to vinny "Truth or dare." Vinny: he gives psalm a deadpan smile "ah... revenge... truth?" Psalm: "I've been kind of curious, you're obviously a wizard with some level of repute in Shorewater regardless of your own feelings about it, so how'd you get to know your bounty hunter friend in the first place?" basically one stop short of asking "why are you guys friends" ☠️ Han: han looks with curiosity at vinny :O Vinny: he makes an amused face "i answered a question like that earlier actually..." he glances down at his cup and takes a drink "i'll say it's nothing too exciting though" Cimmorro: cimm eyeing vinny like 👀 Han: han gasps and looks distraught "nooo! i wasnt here either!! only cimm hears it?!" Cimmorro: cimms just smiling innocently on his seat Han: hits table playfully "this is so unfair!!!' Vinny: he tilts his head with a smile "it's not too fun otherwise is it?" though out of courtesy he says "ask me tomorrow and maybe i'll tell you" Psalm: "That's the game unfortunately." Psalm completely understands wanting to be secretive though so he's more or less unbothered. Han: pout pout pout... "ill keep you to that" Vinny: he laughs a little at both of you before turning to cimm "you're up?"
Cimmorro: "sorry guys... i think he's picking favorites now 🤷‍♂️" and a laugh. he swirls his drink and hums. "you know, I've been thinking our drinks have been mostly untouched and we've been here for a while, save for psalm of course. so i have a proposal to make... what if instead of asking one person at a time, we could ask the entire table a general question, or a dare really, and the first one who answers to it gets saved from drinking." he eyes the table for the others' reactions. "you might think i'm being an ass for doing this on my turn but i'm willing to skip mine if it gives you any comfort" Han: han doesnt even have a drink in front of her Vinny: THATS HOW MUCH SHE DOESNT NEED TO DRINK Han: EZ GAME
Han: hans eyes glint with COMPETITION! Vinny: he scratches his chin idly curious "i guess you did sound like you wanted a hangover by the end of this" Psalm: "Fine with me." Han: han nods vigorously ! "then, back to vinnys turn? does he decide if truth or dare?" Cimmorro: "i guess the rest of us can vote for one. it'd be 2-1 anyway. also yes vinny can take the spotlight. i vote for truth" Han: "dare!" Cimmorro: cimm eyes psalm Psalm: not the tiebreaker "I'll vote truth." Cimmorro: ++ Vinny: he thinks for a second as he considers the new mode the rules have taken, he whips out a hand like its a speed round as he speaks "...favourite food!"
Han: 24 dex check Cimmorro: 16 dex check Psalm: 2 dex check
Han: "meeaaaat" luffy voice NIKUUUUU Vinny: psalm like wait whats happening Psalm: psalm like i like fish if anyone even cares Vinny: vinny nods at han's exclamation as he eyes the other two boys with a smile Han: his evil era Vinny: he's flourishing Han: han sits triumphantly
Psalm: 17 con save > the drink barely affects him Cimmorro: 14 con save > still easy sailing
Cimmorro: cimm huffs and drinks and mumbles something about fish too Vinny: vinny pleased, looks towards han "you next?" Han: "truth or daaaare!!" Cimmorro: "truuuuuuth" Vinny: "truth" Han: "majority already!" Psalm: psalm nods then since it doesn't matter lol Han: she thinks... :evilsmile: "say one secret no one but you knows" Psalm: just deadpans and drinks.......don't mind him.. Cimmorro: [kpop guy putting down mic n drinking sbux] Vinny: vinny also drinks as he watches the other two
Psalm: 18 con save > hes breezing Cimmorro: 12 con save luck feated into a 16 > still easy sailing Vinny: 23 con save > feels nothing
Han: SHIT eating grin on han, shes so annoying rn "psaaaalm tuuuuurn" grinning right next to his face Psalm: "Alright truth or dare?" Unbothered. Vinny: "truth" Han: "dare!" Cimmorro: "dare!" Vinny: vinny sigh of defeat Psalm: "Alright, let's see an impression of me then." Han: han does a completely wrong accent and is like "WAIT- ITS LIKE (WRON ACCENT)- NO OKAY WSIT I GOT IT (WRONT ACCENT AGAIN)" Vinny: vinny pre-emptively takes a drink and almost spits it laughing at han Psalm: psalm also busts out laughing Han: han is like ue ue ue... she keeps trying n failing "i still did it first so i win" sniffle NOT A PROUD WIN BUT A WIN Vinny: vinny wipes his mouth and gives her a little cheer Psalm: "I suppose that counts for something yeah"
Cimmorro: 17 con save > a little buzzed now Vinny: 20 con save > untouched
Vinny: he glances over at cimmorro as han sits somberly "you're up" Cimmorro: "right, truth or daaaaaare my sweet lovelies!" Psalm: "Dare" Vinny: "truth" Han: "truth!" Psalm: yall hate me) Cimmorro: "describe your ideal partner, go!" Han: han was so ready to answer but actually thinkign abt it causes her to blue screen Vinny: vinny pondering how to word his awnsers too long every time Psalm: "I almost don't want to answer since I know how you'll respond." He sniffs in mock offense. Cimmorro: "then drink." he says deadpan Vinny: vinny flags down a waiter while these two act bitchy for a drink for han Han: han mopes on the table about this Psalm: "I'll answer just to piss you off cimmorro. I'll answer for my past self since I don't really think about that much these days, but when I was younger I used to be really into the swashbuckling hero type." like whatever the dnd equivalent of robin hood would be or something Vinny: vinny nods his head like this makes sense as he hands the mopey han her drink, patting her on the shoulder smiling Han: her like i cant beleive hes actually evil....! i thought u were niiicee!!!! 😭😭😭 Vinny: he has been weathered by this eveening Cimmorro: cimm sticks his tongue out at him in the most childish way possible 💀 just kill me
Cimmorro: 8 con save > hit hard by that drink Vinny: 18 con save > perfectly fine
Han: 🤧 han gulps it down n almost spits it back out from the taste and gives vinny the most withered look as she gulps it down... lesson learned, do not underestimate nerds Cimmorro: cimm doesnt really care about psalms answer he just wants to torment him at this point Vinny: vinny's pleased that despite all the sips he's taking he's the least tipsy here and han's attitude over having to gulp once makes him laugh
Cimmorro: "vinny, your turn" Vinny: he looks over with a glance "oh uh truth or dare" Han: "dare" 🤧 Cimmorro: "dare" Psalm: Shrug emoji Vinny: he strokes his chin again thinking hard "do a handstand?" Cimmorro: cimm glares at vinny for this, cimm gets up, reluctantly. looks at his drink for a second. sighs. maybe its a bit of the tipsiness getting to him or he's just annoyed at psalm being a wet rag still, but he attempts the handstand anyhow. Han: han trips on the chair trying to get out to do a handstand, its so sad, she lies on the floor defeated Vinny: vinny is surprised more than one person even goes for it and claps for cimmorro as he doesnt faceplant Psalm: he like this is truly absurd in the middle of the dining hall right now. Cimmorro: cimm probably only like keeps himself up for like 3 seconds before he almost tumbles over, he doesnt faceplant !! thats the win here!
Han: 12 con save > its starting to hit boys... Psalm: 8 con save > the tipsiness is kicking in
Han: han sits up on the floor n drinks sadly ... she doesnt deserve the chair now... Vinny: vinny is starting to regret the choice of dare, though he also marvels how she can still see over the tabletop sitting on the ground "g..ood job everyone?" he looks back at han "your turn...?" he gives her another horse taming pat on the head this time since shes low Han: yay headpats ^_^ Psalm: Psalm just claps Cimmorro: cimm huffs back into his chair a little embarrassed but also feeling oddly proud. didnt think he'd even be able to do it
Han: hans already tipsy, she keeps sitting on the floor "truth or daaaare" Vinny: "..dare?" Psalm: "dare" Cimmorro: cheersilldrink2that Han: "RUN TO THE MAST AND BACK FASTEST WINS" Psalm: psalm just rolls his eyes and drinks Cimmorro: cimm almost begins to run out of the shot of adrenaline, but pauses and goes like. "what the fuck am i doing" in his head and sits down and drinks
Cimmorro: 13 con save > tipsy time Psalm: 16 con save > doing okay
Vinny: he looks at psalm drink them cimm get up then sit back down and just gets up "i'll just take a walk i guess? brisk night air might be nice" he tilts his head and leaves the room at a leisurely pace (he returns after four minutes with messier hair from the wind) Psalm: "Congrats Vinny, you win." Vinny: he sits down and laughs "i had a feeling...!" Han: han laughs and while vinny is gone pokes psalm and cimm in their cheeks (to varying success) and goes " are youu guys scaared because youre out of shaaape hehehe" Psalm: "I'm scared because I just ate and have had a few drinks." Han: poke poke poke Cimmorro: cimm swerves his face away from han's touch and closes his eyes "I'm not gonna start running through the halls at night and get myself yelled at by people who are trying to sleep in their cabins" Han: han just sits swaying on the floor going hehehhehehe at u both
Vinny: as he glances around he sits a little closer to the table "i was right about the chill though...brr" he glances at psalm "your turn?" Han: has gives vinny a thumbs up!!!! proud!!! Psalm: him like glad I didn't go outside then... "Truth or dare?" Vinny: "truth?" Cimmorro: cimm is mindlessly trying to fix vinny's hair where he could reach bc it's bothering him. "dare" Han: "truuuth" Vinny: vinny wonders how drunk he already is as he watches him do this Cimmorro: <-- not even drunk Psalm: he closes his eyes and ponders fake dramatically before asking "What's the most awkward situation you've ever been in?" Han: han plays with her own cheeks in thought but she goes "getting kicked out of brothel is high on my list...."
Vinny: 21 con save > STILL barely buzzed Cimmorro: <- MAD ABOUT IT
Vinny: vinny gives her a stupefied glance as he decides to down the rest of his drink finishing it, though he still barely feels buzzed Han: "is that awkward or just embarrassing" Psalm: psalm also just looks at her like my god before going "both" Cimmorro: cimm already heard this so he just drinks in peace Psalm: "I don't know if I want an explanation so..whose next?" Vinny: vinny points at cimm as he orders another drink Han: hans in lalaland
Cimmorro: "okay truth or daaaaaareeeee!" Vinny: "truth" Psalm: "Truth" Han: "daaAAA-OOooh..." Cimmorro: cimm thinks as he stares at this drink "tell me the worst lie you've ever said to someone" Psalm: Psalm thinks for awhile about whether or not he actually wants to answer this, before saying, "Probably not the worst lie but I used Ghester as an excuse to escape a situation where someone was interested in me." Han: han was about to start talking but as what psalm says rolls over her shes just like jawdrop Psalm: no please talk please Han: 😇 Cimmorro: cimm raises a brow at him. "involving ghester like that means they must be aware of him, then..." Han: jawdrop x2 (the implications did not actually hit han) Vinny: vinny downs his drink wondering if they gave him the wrong one as he looks confusedly between cimm and psalm Han: han drinks cause she does not want to think about the implications further actually<3
Vinny: 23 con save > zero effect Han: 19 con save <- this information is sobering her
Psalm: Psalm just shrugs like "That could be any number of people." Cimmorro: cimm shrugs to one side. he could make a good guess that he doesn't need psalms confirmation for "im sure you take delight in telling every person youve come across about him" Vinny: he raises a brow still confused "...about who?" Cimmorro: cimm looks at psalm for this Han: "his sword talks! i think..." :plumface: Vinny: vinny looks more confused Psalm: "What makes you think I was telling the truth about Ghester in this scenario :plumface: " Han: han nods seriously... Psalm: "I can't explain it more accurately than this." He just waves his hand in a dismissive way Cimmorro: "you couldve used a different subject. i dont see why it had to be ghester specifically if you still had to lie about it. thats all" Vinny: he blinks "...your talking sword stopped you from...?" he shakes his head like he wants to take another drink so it makes more sense Psalm: "I was... panicking. And he's always there so it's an easy excuse." Cimmorro: [sure jan jpg] Psalm: Psalm just shrugs like "well i answered so" Cimmorro: "indeed you have. cheers to that and lets move on to vinny"
Vinny: he shakes his head out of the confusing exchange and coughs "right... truth or dare?" Cimmorro: "truth" Psalm: "truth" Han: "truuuu" Vinny: he puts a hand to his chin thinking for a second "what was your last dream of...?" Psalm: "Nothing special," Psalm says. "I adopted a dog." Vinny: he suddenly has a cheerier expression "oh? that sounds quite nice" Psalm: "Yeah I guess you could put it that way." Vinny: he folds his arms on the table with a smile "did you recognise it from somewhere?" Psalm: "No, my first time seeing it for sure." Han: han mumbling under her breathe " i fought blaaack draaagon aaalll by myseeelf" makes wrestling gestures
Cimmorro: 13 con save > stably tipsy Han: 20 con save <- she is reawakening
Vinny: he nods "i hear seeing animals like that are usually pretty good omens, maybe you'll have a lucky week" he glances over at han next to him like ...???? Psalm: Psalm like I wouldn't describe anything that has happened to me in the past month or so as lucky but he just smiles like this :psalmface:  and agrees nonetheless Cimmorro: cimm doesnt even recall what he dreamt about all he remembers from his past day are piles of arcane formulas so he just drinks
Return of the Airship Drinking Party Part 3 - 27/4 
About a half an hour or so later, Psalm passes out due to excessive drinking, Han moves to take him back to his room. Though she feels bad waking Keva, so she instead opts to bring him to her room and let him sleep there for the night, readying herself for sleep as well.
Back in the dining hall Cimmorro and Vinny continue drinking however.
Vinny: as the nights gone on vinny's drinking tolerance was finally surmounted and he feels himself slipping past the threshold of being lightly buzzed for once. he waves a hand through the air as he talks, drink in his other hand rambling about this or that. the light flush on his face reaches to his ears at this point as his eyes grow a little unfocused, staring at the middle distance like he does when he normally gets lost in his own thoughts sober "...and i mean the import fees can get pretty high, which isn't tooooo bad really. but if you don't remember to do inventory the right time of the week the prices can double almost! shorewater's great for finding certain things but, oof at what cost..?" he tilts his head to the side ruefully, at this point he's being going on for 5 minutes on his own at least Cimmorro: "that does sound dreadful. oh dear." cimm has simply let the night settle after the adrenaline from playing games and fucking each other over drinks, so this includes him just letting vinny ramble as much as he wishes to. he's not sure what he was expecting to see, maybe assumed he'd be the sleepy kind of drunk... but now he just seems more energized than ever, prattling on and on. it's amusing. cimm has finished the last ounce of his drink by now, not at all sozzled but not planning to have another since he figures he's gonna have to watch vinny and make sure he doesn't end up being mopped by the crewmates in the morning. nothing a little spell can fix, but where's the fun in that? this is what he was anticipating to witness after all. "sounds like you had a particular experience about this you're hung over." Vinny: he gestures strongly with his hand "it Is!" he nods his head "and less a particular experience and ah... just the entire period when i was starting out. you really need to try and get a handle on it if you want to stay afloat. make the right friends at the markets too. most people found me a little strange, but if you help enough old ladies move crates of turnips..." he smiles to himself as if discussing some kind of well held secret, he leans in to stage whisper behind one of his hands "there's a woman named marissa at the docks who'll trade just about anything if u bring her some fresh baked apple pie" Cimmorro: his eyes go a little wide at the revelation, completely amused. he stifles a laugh as he says, "so, you're admitting to me that you like to woo old women, is that it?" Vinny: he snorts and smacks a hand on cimmorro's shoulder "i simply show my elders the respect they deserve! got me into the habit of baking actually... reminds that cole nearly blew up my kitchen a few months ago" he stares off into space again thinking Cimmorro: grunting at the sudden smacking, he gives vinny a look before saying "well, the turnip thing maybe solves the mystery of the... heavy arms." it really does leave such a weight every time vinny decides to park his hand on his shoulder, even when he's not even putting his entire weight into it. not sure if it's something he'll ever get used to. "does that mean cole can't cook? what is it that you bake anyways, aside from pie?" Vinny: at mention of his arms he glances at his body again "i suppose..? i only ever started doing that stuff once i got to the city funnily enough" at mention of cole he shakes his head a little and moves to rest his head in his palm "not a lick, she can do things like steep tea but.." he starts laughing a little "ahh... fire and her do not mix when it comes to food. i used to bake quite a bit of bread, though not as much lately"
Cimmorro: "somehow it doesn't surprise me that cole's a bit of a kitchen disaster," he smiles then mimics vinny's current position. "but you struck me curious now, about your big boy pre-city life... what was that like?" Vinny: he lolls his head a little "hmm? you mean back in my village?" he blows out a buff of air and hums "less hectic that's for sure... though then again someone was always up to something or another" he closes his eyes and smiles "i'd mostly read in my parents caravan when i had the time, family friends and neighbors would come by often and teach me a few things here and there too. compared to everyone else i must have seemed like a shut in" he pauses as he continues to think "my parents were mostly bards by trade, so i picked up a few things. i used to know how to strum a lute but ask me noooow and.... id hardly remember where to start" he laughs opening his eyes again Cimmorro: cimm finds himself smiling at vinny's storytelling, something about it just feels nice. maybe because lately they've mostly been talking about his life to death situations and being imprisoned in his career. "ahh, that's too bad, i was going to request a song... maybe it's something like riding a bicycle? you never really forget how to." Vinny: she shakes his head amused "nooo no no, big waste of everyone's time there. i'll end up snapping a string and take someone's eye out..." he gestures with his hand again "so my point is...ah...." he furrows his brows for a few moments, tapping his fingers on the tabletop before he recalls his point "...i was as my mother said 'a skinny twig of a thing' when i left home" Cimmorro: at this point cimm is somewhat impressed vinny can even hold a conversation still. "aha, now that's something i have a hard time picturing... were you less scruffy too?" he gestures at the early stages of his beard. Vinny: he smiles and raises an eyebrow "scruffy?" he rubs his own chin idly in thought "i suppose i shaved regularly back then, there was less to get rid of. carlyn used to say i had a birds nest for hair though" Cimmorro: he chuckles and makes himself more comfortable in his seat, silently wishing he brought his pipe. "is that no longer the case right now? minus the minor burns, your hair still seems to go wildly about, and your bed hair is just as unruly as mine too," he hums. "while it's a little hard to imagine you without your key features," he says in a joking tone and coos "i bet you looked just as cute when you were younger." Vinny: he rubs a hand idly through his hair as he closes his eyes again "i don't style it much differently...maybe less greenery..?" he blinks at the latter comments, not quite understanding "what are my key features...the beard...?" he tilts his head towards cimmorro again "huh, cute? well we're all awkward looking when were young aren't we?" he smiles again as he gets a thought and swings his arm around cimmorro's shoulder "why am i the only one telling stories now anyhow!"
Cimmorro: "you put greens in your hair...? flowers and the like? what the hell, why'd you stop? you should keep doing it..." cimm was about to comment about how his beard completes his look somehow but gets distracted by the sudden weight around his shoulders. yep, there it is. "aiiegh... you seemed pretty happy yapping on your own and i was fine just listening!" he tries to adjust his seat to accommodate vinny's weight then goes. "what do ya wanna know anyway? honestly, i think you live a more... eventful life than i do" Vinny: he chuckles enough that his glasses get a little lopsided "harder to find flowers in shorewater on a daily walk, and i mostly did it as a kid!" he waves his other hand around in the air as he makes a lopsided face "i wasn't exactly trying to have one believe me, and that's pretty rich coming from a guy who ended up...e.....embroiled in an attack against the capital city. we're going to your home so why dont you give me a primer on antics you got up to back there?" he says the last part with a smile as he grabs his drink with his free hand to take another sip Cimmorro: "okay, to be fair," cimm gets a little defensive and faces vinny "my travels up til that point has been normal, not swimmingly great but i never got caught up in something as big as that! I don't know what happened there, but i like to think the goddess just had it be my calling of sorts. otherwise I'd go insane thinking about it..." he shakes his head, goes back to his original position and huffs. he laughs a bit after seeing vinny drink more and shakes his head once more. "my antics? hnnn... you already know more or less what i do for a living," he tries to think, looking up at the ceiling in thought. "i suppose there's also the fact that i also have a musical history of my own? i was part of the choir when i was a kid. my ma figured it'd be a good use for my mouth since i never shut up." he snorts Vinny: he snickers a little over his drink at cimm trying to explain himself "it's hard to fight a ball of luck once its rolling, maybe it really was divine interference?" his eyes go a little wider at the mention of the choir and he gets a dopey smile on his face as if excited "what seriously? with the little uniforms and everything? oh, groups of kids like that are so cute!" he stares at cimms face as if trying to picture it "sometimes they have ones for the holiday in the market square, in winter their cheeks get red and they look like radishes..." he's just ☺️ like this now Cimmorro: "yeah, i had flowers as big as my head on special occasions." he lets out a small but warm laugh at vinny's stare and daydreaming. "i know what you mean. kids are a delight in many ways and always full of surprises too!" he also ☺️s then hmms. "i didn't take you for someone who likes children, I'll be honest. only cause like, well, most people who have such... hmm... demanding jobs tend to not prefer to be around them much yknow?"
Vinny: he grins a little more clearly "well... its true im not sure if i'd be very good at rearing any of my own at the moment, much less want to get any involved with my..." he waves his hand through the air sort of noncommittally at himself as he lolls his head "but they're cute all the same ☺️ i like to give a treat to any that come to the store. back in my village there was always a few running about all over the place" he stops and seems to get a little distracted by what he says after he says it and pensively stares into space Cimmorro: cimm nods in understanding and just sighs again at his predicament... even in an outsider's perspective, it's frustrating to hear and see him be so caged in. how do you look forward to anything like that...? his thoughts come to a halt when he notices vinny drifting off... and kind of solemnly for that matter. he leans his head to get a better look at him. "are you alright?" Vinny: he blinks as cimmorro calls his attention, looking over "ah..." he looks away again after a moment of staring "yes. i just realised, i haven't been back in so long. those kids are all probably pretty grown by now... i wonder what they look like these days?" he has the same sort of wistful look on his face Cimmorro: "been away that long, huh?" he gives him a consoling pat on the back. "would it hurt to visit?" Vinny: he drops his head sidelong on cimms tiredly "...what if berryl doesn't even know where they really are these days... and he's waiting for me to smoke them out...." his face contorts into a dreadfully sad expression "i don't know how id face any of them..." Cimmorro: vinny's confession of his worries takes cimm completely by surprise, so much that he doesn't even have the leisure to process him leaning his head on his like so. he stays speechless for a moment as he puts the bits and pieces together in his mind. the picture, while still not crystal clear, he can still make enough sense of it. he wants to ask a few things, but at this point he feels rather awful that the drinking has gone this far... it was merely only for some laughs and seeing vinny so hurt isn't what he wanted to get out of this. what a thing to carry this whole time... cimm finds himself being able to relate to him in a way, not being able to see family for so long. and yet he still doesn't know what to say... so, he opts to give him an embrace instead. after a moment he asks, "shall we call it a night?" Vinny: as cimmorro turns to properly hug him he shifts a little to accommodate, and takes the opportunity to tiredly drop his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes. it's been a very long while since he's told anyone about any of this and it's seems its all come tumbling out today, he should have expected it'd be on his mind since discussing it earlier really. it's hard for him to get the image of the children out his head for some reason, cimmorro's warmth is comforting however, and the fact that he let him ramble on was kind of him. he finds himself drifting for a moment sleepily before he speaks again, noticing his eyes are a little wet "...hm? ah..." he lifts his head a little, wiping at them with his hand "y-yes... maybe that'd be good..." he wobbles a little upright on the chair again Cimmorro: "aiyayayayah," he clicks his tongue and helps him dry the rest of his tears with a handkerchief. "alright, back to the room now, up we go while you can still walk. i can't carry you like a princess even if you pleaded me," he pulls on one of his arms to urge him up. Vinny: he sits as cimmorro dabs him with the handkerchief sniffing a little, he adjusts his glasses afterwards as well as he can. as he stands he puts an arm on the table as cimmorro pulls the other and wobbles a little upright "ooh... haven't been this bleary in a while..." Cimmorro: cimm thinks to just clear out the intoxication from him with a spell right now, but wonders if that would a good idea after he just spilled something he likely wasn't even meaning to. he wouldn't want to embarrass him that way... so decides not to for now. "i'll make sure you won't have a hang over, so don't worry about it," he says with a few soothing pats on the back. he puts vinny's arm over his shoulders again and supports him as best he could on their way to their room. Vinny: he lets cimmorro help move him around as opposed to trying to use the rest of what remains of his logic to figure that out. he leans on him as they walk back, growing tireder with every step, leaning on him a little more as they go. it was easier to ignore the heaviness when they were sitting but standing up really knocked the wind out of him. he finds himself letting his eyes drift closed, trusting cimmorro to direct them correctly. by the time they reach their room he recalls the man said something and mumbles under his breath "..thanks" he continues walking as they reach his bed, he wobbles and drops onto it still keeping his grip, afraid to drop something unintentionally. it's colder in the room than he expected but this way it ought to stay warm, his head is swimming where he lies but not standing anymore is doing wonders for his dizziness. he slowly begins drifting away within a few breaths. Cimmorro: in contrast to vinny's in and out drift to dreamland all the way back, cimm had been heaving and struggling to keep them both from falling over. it's a comical sight. when they got to their door, a crewmate that was passing by gave him a worried look and had asked him if he needed help, to which he replied between panting "no, ha, it's okay... this... this is our room... thanks..." after another minute or two, he finally gets to start lowering vinny down to his bed. "o-okay, good night vi-- WHOOAGH!" was all he could say as he gets towed down with him in a firm grip. is he actually fucking asleep?! he's tried tapping his arm and telling him to let go but to no avail. he tries to tug himself out but he doesn't even budge... shit. and now his back is starting to hurt, awkwardly half-standing at the side of the bed, of course. and sitting all night at the dining only making it worse. he looks at jasper at the foot end side of the mattress, just tilting her head at him, clueless on what she could do to help. that's when cimm sighs and resigns to the fact he has to wait for vinny to loosen his hold on him. he gets on the bed, right beside him and trying to at least be in a position comfortable enough for his back to not scream in pain in the morning, resulting to them lying down side by side. this is karma, he thinks, for hassling him to drink. well, lesson learned. after a little moment of mumbling and brooding to himself, he turns to look at vinny sleeping soundly beside him... and somehow, the tiny irritation fades away. he takes his glasses to put away on the table next to them and before he forgets to, he quietly whispers a prayer to prevent vinny's hangover from surfacing in the morning like he promised.
Cimmorro continues watching and waiting afterwards, but soon enough dreamland starts calling for him as well as the two slip into a tired slumber.
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