#im actually obsessed that i got an anon on tumblr dot com about the ashes last night. look ma i made it. anon come back i love u
raytorosaurus · 1 year
my twitter algorithm now only recommends me tweets about international test cricket and i think i'm finally having the ideal social media experience. just thousands of people roasting the english for blatant hypocrisy in the game that is so intentionally boring it's more of a podcast with incidental visuals where the commentators discuss ball seams and delivery lengths and ideal placement of the short fine leg and silly mid-off for several hours. they show actual graphs and strategic diagrams on screen every few minutes. on the field, seeing as it's often more of a psychological battle than a physical one, you will see grown men dressed in all white and wearing knitted vests attempting to intimidate each other using inoffensive language and creating hysterical drama over the umpire enforcing the rules of the game that every eight-year-old junior cricketer knows to follow. each match lasts for five days and you will stay up until 2am watching each one, riveted. ah the gentleman's game.
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