#im 50% jinjin 50% mj
m0onbean · 7 years
Movie Dates with ASTRO
this is a long thread!
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would probably choose a comedy movie
would buy the largest size of popcorn and accidentally spill some on the way to your seats
you actually die of embarrassment around him
he would laugh at the serious moments in the movie
i kid you not this grown man would very quietly not so quietly murmur "that's what she said" 
you wanted to die but it was amusing
would embarrass you by turning around to the kids sitting behind you
"this is my girlfriend (Y/N)"
"MJ what are you doi-"
"isn't she pretty?"
the kids would nod their heads and MJ would smile not before growing serious and suddenly snapping
"she's mine though, understood?!"
poor children would widen their eyes and you would give MJ a >:( look
MJ would give you a ;) look
whenever something remotely funny happened he would look at your face to see your reaction
turns out you kept a straight face the whole movie
the movie wasn't funny
after the movie ended MJ would act clingy and cute
"did you like the movie?"
"hmm it was okay"
he would whine
"you're not satisfied?"
"no if you had fun then i'm satisfied"
"let's movie hop to whatever movie you would like"
"isn't that illegal"
"it's not illegal as long as you don't get caught"
MJ would make sure you had fun by randomly snickering comments in your ear which made you two burst in laughter
throw popcorn at eachother and look away pretending as if nothing happened
annoy the employees by constantly refilling popcorn
end up watching every movie in the theater
you two are probably banned tbh
in the end it doesn’t matter
the funnest time you’ve ever had at the movies
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lets you make all the decisions
doesn't care what movie it is
just wants to spend time with you
ends up watching a movie about dogs
jinjin would subconsciously coo "aww" under his breath whenever a dog showed up
so like
during the whole movie
you learned that jinjin loves dogs
he would mutter in your ear
"let's get a dog"
seveRAL times
"how about that breed?"
"what do you think? small or big dog?"
you would just scoff but squeeze his cheeks
"you're so cute"
would hold your hand during the entire film
would randomly tap on your shoulder
"what do you want?"
"can you hold this?"
he would stick his hand in his jacket
his hands pops back up with a finger heart
would look at you proudly
"i'm such a cute boyfriend"
you would roll your eyes but return the heart
"jinjin look here"
you would pretend to look for something in your pockets
"did you forget your wallet? it's ok i paid" he would worriedly ask
"found it!" you would exclaim
sticks your hand back up
BAM! finger heart
he would uncontrollably smile
by the time you two are out of the theaters
guess what
a dog died at the end
jinjin is literally sobbing
you hug him and soothe him
"it's ok jinjin... he's in a better place now"
he cries harder and grips onto you tightly
"snowball didn't deserve that..."
"i understand"
he would be sniffing continuously on the drive home
he takes out his phone and starts typing passionately
"what are you doing?"
"i'm writing a five star review on the movie"
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chose whatever movie you wanted
paid for your ticket although you insisted it was fine
"(Y/N) i'm supposed to be paying you'll make me look bad"
"fine but i'm paying next time"
loves how stubborn you are about it
constantly asking if you want anything
"want some popcorn? or anything else? ice cream? mozzerella sticks? nachos?"
in the theater he would laugh inside at you
because you were like
about to fall asleep
your eyelids were giving up on you
your head kept falling
you tried your best to stay awake but
he would notice how tired you were
wouldn't say anything but would lift the seat divider up
tucks you inside his humongous winter coat
you would snuggle inside since it was warm
wraps his arms around you 
kisses your forehead when he notices you fall asleep
lowkey grateful the date turned out like this
he was never interested in the movie in the first place
your eyebrows would scrunch up suddenly
he would be alarmed
it would look like you're in pain
he would rub your back soothingly
gives you multiple kisses
your expression would wash off your face upon feeling his touch
now you're smiling in your sleep
his heart is aching
he's trying not to fanboy right then and there
he loves you so much
when the movie ends he would nudge your shoulder
"(Y/N) wake up sleeping beast"
when you fully regain conscious you would be embarrased
"u-uh sorry if I ruined the date"
he would laugh
you made the date better than he would even imagine
"let's do this more" 
he would say and wink
you die out of humiliation
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moonbin would buy the whole food shop
"hi can i get two large sodas, large buttered popcorn, an ice cream bar, oh do you guys have chicken nuggets? yeah? i'll take that 2 lmfaO. no wtf im not done. some mozzarella sticks, chicken tenders- what do you mean the bill is over $50? scuse me im an idol"
s m h
during the movies you two would just be talking the whole time
honestly what was the point of going if you two were just gonna have  nice conversation
everybody looking at u 2 because
on moonbin's lap are the chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks, and drinks
on your lap would be the chicken nuggets, and whatever tf he ordered
a F E A S T
everyone lowkey hates u guys
the chicken nuggets smelled good
and u two were conversing so casually
a kid actually kicked your guys' seat
"can u shut up i can't hear"
"scuse me i'm an idol"
"u dont look like one"
you had to restrain this GROWN man from fighting some 10 year old
don't worry about leftovers
legend says that moonbin inhales the food
you two would be having a pick up line war
"hey baby. tie your shoelaces i dont want u falling for anybody else"
"are you a laptop? bc you can make my lap warm."
"wtf was that dirty"
"no omg i swear i didnt mean it like that"
"lets break up"
a forceful kick to moonbin's chair
you 2 were kicked out
what gives
the food wasnt that gr8 anyways
"its the theater's fault. shouldve put more interesting movies so we wouldnt chatter so much"
"yeah" you groaned "long movies are boring anyways"
"you know what else is lon-"
legend says that moonbin still flinches whenever you slightly raise your foot
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very quiet around people
but around you??
he's actually jumping around on his toes
"omg i'm so excite!!"
"minhyuk can u calm down"
"but the new lego movie came out and i'm really excited bc my fav character was the unicorn cat girl bc she's really nice and stuff but when shes angry shes ready to fite and i think that represents me bc u kno how im all fluffy and stuff when we first meet but like if somebody messes with me or you or anybody i am friends with they get beat up even tho im smol"
"...we're not even watching the new lego movie."
you would massage your temples in frustration
angry -> happy when the manager lets him exchange it
in the theaters he'd be so happy
"u can be the wyldstyle to my emmet"
he would pout
"babe i put a lot of thinking into that pickup line so i really dont appreciate it when you start doing this to me because like i put so much in this relationshi-"
u would stuff popcorn in his mouth so he can shut up
his eyes would intently follow the movie
hes so into it!!
would laugh a little too loudly at the jokes
scrunches up face when the bad guy does something bad
widen eyes at intense scenes
when unikitty popped up on the screen
"OMG UNIKITTY!" he would scream
rips open his jacket and reveals a unikitty shirt
whole theater glaring at him
you are actually hiding in your sweater
"pls kill me"
after the movie
"minhyuk this relationship isnt working"
"wdym lol"
"you're a disgrace to me"
"i only wear my idol's merch <3"
u would sigh
he would put his jacket back on and hug u
"sry babe next time ill get a shirt with YOUR face on it"
"wow thanks"
"mhm np"
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"w-why'd u choose a horror movie"
you had to drag this tall baby in the theaters
"i don't want to..." he would whine
"please sanha"
you would perform your aegyo on him
shooting him finger hearts and comfort
"sanha u r a man u can do this"
upon hearing he's a man he'd be like
"oK i can do this i'm a man"
clinging onto your arm during the whole movie
would close his eyes and bury his face in your arm
"tell me when its over"
you would pet his floof hair
"its ok sanha, you're my brave knight arent you?"
he immediately recomposes himself and sits up straight
"yes. your majesty i will save u"
few minutes in and he gave up
is actually hugging you full on
not even watching the movie
"sanha... the movie's done now"
after u two are out the theaters
proud of himself
it was cute but
"really? wanna watch the sequel?"
sanha would loudly gulp
when he would drop you off at your house
he would be stalling time
"sanha you can go now"
"r u scared lol"
"lolololol hahahah wdym"
ends up staying the night at your place
cuddling with you the entire night
he would sort of flinch in his sleep
or his body would jump suddenly
u would kiss his forehead and wake him up
"are you ok?"
he would stare at you
"pls go back to sleep and never wake up"
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cheesyramynry · 7 years
(late) tag? on my blog? it’s more likely than you think
tag tag tag!!!
man i miss doing tags so much :’)
i was tagged by the bestest and coolest minnie @ohkaypopthis ily ily
rules: list 10 songs you are currently vibing to then tag 10 people.
1. Watch What Happens - Kara Lindsay , Newsies (Original Broadway Cast Recording) // i love the sound of her voice and her vibrato!!! i saw ms. kara lindsay live in new york in wicked and honestly the best time of my life she’s,,, so good,,, i love how this song is fast an sweet and the charming, pippy strings supporting the vocalist and how the lyrics are fast and they are like her train of thought!! a good song; newsies is a blessing
2. Merrily We Roll Along - Merrily We Roll Along Company , Merrily We Roll Along: 2012 New York Cast Recording // LISTEN THIS VERSION OF MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG IS SO UNDERRATED i got into it bc lin manuel miranda is in it :> but really, the story is so heart wrenching the way its structured and the orchestra is!!! so good!!! the brass is honestly so spectacular and i wish that more people would like this musical, even though there are no bootlegs or anything on it. please listen to this whole soundtrack!! sadly its not on youtube tho i listen to it though amazon music and apple music :< :< :<
3. Interlude - DPR LIVE , Coming To You Live // weird that i mention this, but idk the piano is so nice on its own!! i love that it has the tune of the song after it and askdfj;aslkfdj like you dont hear these calming piano compositions often before a litty song thats like rnb and k-pop you know?? also listening to CTYL as a whole and having that come up before the very last song is so soothing, bc its preparing you for this last track and it transitions very smoothly~
4. To Myself - DPR LIVE , Coming To You Live // DPR WE GANG GANG boiiii this is like the second song ive heard from dpr and i, love it, so much, homeboy dpr live, so good, i love his rapping voice!! and the track behind the vocals is so vibey and im never bored from the instrumentals!!! i get lit to this every time and this is a spectacular ending to an amazing album it really makes you feel whole :> dpr live is such a good rapper please give him love
5. I Luh God - Erica Campbell , Help - EP // listen i get lit to dpr live but when saturday rolls around you bet your two pennies that i be getting DOWN to the SALVATION OF THE LORD AMEEEEN yo this is lit and its like,,, pure lit and i luh God, you don God, whats wrong w/ chu??? idk i love dancing and getting lit for God because it shows that you dont have to worship in the traditional ways!!! i love God man im so glad we have a Savior asd;fjalskdfjlkdkl
6. She’s a Baby - Zico , She’s a Baby - Single // ahhhh this song is such a bop and a sweet jam <3333 then it becomes a BANGER asdfjas;f i love zico so much he was the reason i got into kpop!! (besides kyung too lmao heart heart to block b) if you want to know what a REALLY GOOD SONG IS, then listen to this!!! tfw you dont need a singer for your own song bc you can rap AND sing zico is so talenteeddd and i know the song was meant to be cringy but the tracks and the beat the blessed music video are sooooo good i cannot STRESS THIS ENOUGH and!! i love that it ends so suddenly bc it makes you want to listen to it again!!!! aahhhhh a good good song that i always vibe to~~
7. Searching for ELRIS (Intro) - ELRIS , We, First - EP // this is just an intro but its so well made and i love the ending chord and their voices all together and how it starts?? i think thats sohee in the beginning but its an beautiful start to the whole album!!!! they sound so angelic and i dont even know the lyrics of the song but man i would pay all of the money i would ever own just to have ELRIS sing this to me as a lullaby or something TT TT TT so light and fluffy a beautiful song
8. Hyde - VIXX , Hyde - EP // listen i love being edgy and everything and hyde is my favorite VIXX song AND stage (shangri-la is coming a deathly close second tho) like,,, vixx are kings in having their choreo really go with their lyrics and story and music and their live stages are a BLESSING!!!!! i love the minor chords in the chorus AND THEN THE VERY END IT ENDS IN MAJOR LIKE WASDFASDGASDG WHAT DID YOU DO!?!?! WHAT! WHAT! WHAT! WHAT! anyways the chord progression of the chorus is also really good and that lil “rah-veh” before ravi’s rap and the “arraH!” during it? big mood. hyde is a really good vixx song and i love, the concept, so much, what the hec, ALSO LAST NOTE KEN’S RIFTS UP ARE HEAVENLY ASDSFGE
9. How People Move - AKMU , SPRING - EP // okay i only add this bc of suyeon’s voice at about 2:50 of the music video because i think about that every day, when im in school, when im doing homework, when im sleepig, EVERY MOMENT MY BRAIN WORKS I THINK OF THIS PART AND THIS PART ONLY and her rift in the end too thats really good too BUT HER VOICE IDK WHAT SHE DOES I DOasdkfj;sd i dont think she’s doing that for real its just for effect but its REALLY good effects and ,,, honeslty,,,, 2:22 is so good,,, and i love chanhyuk too dont worry akmu is seriously so good their voices are so nice,,, wow,,,
10. Crazy Sexy Cool - ASTRO , Dream, Pt. 2 - EP // ahhh i love their comeback so much and ive been vibing the good ol bass in the chorus~~ im happy moonbin gets a lot of lines and EUNWOO GETS A LOT OF REACCURING LINES TOO THAT ARE DIFFERENT and sanha’s voice has changed so much and its so delightful and you can really hear him grow up and it makes me so proud :> jinjin and rocky’s raps are perfect and DALLA DALLA DALLA and lmao everyone thinks jinjin says “basic body” instead of “face and body” like tbh im both and WOW LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY SUNSHINE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE KIM MYUNGJUN WHO GOES BY THE STAGE NAME MJ HIS VOCALS ARE SO BRIGHT AND PERFECT AND I FALL IN LOVE! EVERY! DANG! TIME! and their song structure is good too astro is v good at this
ive been vibing a lot of stuff thats chill on the ears, vibey lit, or easy to daydream to >.< ahh i hope people listen to the songs i listed they are all good!!!! also im gonna add one more good suggestion: Honeymoon by B.A.P (only bc im listening to it as i type this lmao) anyways i tag whomever wants to do this~~ you can blame me for tagging :>
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