#ikevamp mozart fanfic
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xxsycamore · 11 months ago
❝ 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬? ❞
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╰┈➤ ⁉️ Everyone is acting so strange today, and Sebastian seems to be the only one noticing it.
Sebastian, Comte, Napoleon, Theodorus, Vincent, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Isaac, Leonardo, Dazai • rating: G • tags: April Fools' Day; Pranks and Practical Jokes; poor sebas; Humor; Crack • wordcount: 1,682 • masterlist
a/n: HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! After Dazai pranking everyone and then everyone pranking Dazai, it seems like this year's target is Sebas…
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It's not every day that Sebastian allows himself the indulgence of enjoying a drink with his masters, even when they so generously invite him to the table in the game room. The events of last night are but a blur in his memory now, as he's not the best at holding his liquor and neither has their immunity to hangovers. But a butler must be prim and proper at all times! While he's on duty, that's it. So that's why he allowed himself the fun of last night, but is readily up and out of his bed early in the morning today.
He enters the kitchen, humming the tune to Mozart's Turkish March in this tranquil moment of being the only soul awake in the whole mansion, on his way to begin preparing breakfast-
"Oh, good morning Sebas. I'm already done with some things here, figured I might help you."
"My! What a nice surprise Monsieur Napoleon, thank you."
"M-M-M-Monsieur Napoleon what are you doing here????"
"Helping you with breakfast."
"No, gods, I was wondering why are you awake at such an early hour-"
Napoleon looks at him dumbfounded. And so does Sebas, mirroring him. Granted, there are dark circles under his eyes but that hardly does anything about the vigor with which he moves the frying pan and multitasks with the preparation of another ingredient at the same time.
"Is it that strange that I felt like waking up earlier today?"
Well, yes it is! That's what Sebastian wants to shout at the top of his lungs, but he can only blink mesmerized instead. Fearing that he might offend him in some way if he keeps this up, he saves his confusion to himself and gets back on track with his task.
The breakfast preparation goes on swimmingly with Napoleon's help, even if he strangely seems to have forgotten how to cook all of a sudden so he needs some serious memory refreshment... Sebastian blames it on his lack of sleep, of course that would be the reason.
Soon the dining room begins filling with the real early-bird residents that pose no surprises for Sebastian, and the plates are already waiting in front of them like clockwork.
"Pancakes again? I'm starting to get tired of this. You got something else for me, Sebastian?"
The sound of pots and pans falling to the floor greatly concerns the van Gogh brothers at the table after the younger one's question, but soon after the butler emerges from the kitchen with a haphazardly pieced-together English breakfast. He places it in front of Theodorus who asked for the change, waiting. Waiting to see if he's going to eat it at all.
"Here you go, master Theodorus. Do you need extra jam, or-"
"No need, looks more than enough to me. Why are you staring at me like that? Is it poisonous?"
"Gods, no, how could it be! I'm merely...surprised is all."
Vincent chuckles a little at the exchange, preparing to dig in on his portion of...pancakes, fortunately. But he pauses.
"Theo, would you hand me the syrup? I feel like eating something sweeter today!"
"Stand up and take it yourself."
Sebastian's eyes are about to pop out of his eye sockets.
"Messieurs, is everything alright with-"
The door opens with a bang that belongs to no gentlemen living in this household.
And certainly not to Le Comte de Saint-Germain.
"M-monsieur le Comte, what are you wearing?"
Comte's casual walk to his place at the head of the table with hands in his pockets is rivaled only by the even more casual look he sports today, with a halfway-open shirt and a pair of checkered trousers that don't really match. To finish off the look, his hair is a mess. He lands with a thud on his chair, raising his feet to rest crossed on the table.
"What am I wearing? Since when did you start asking so many questions?"
"I'm terribly sorry."
Comte sighs and snaps his fingers repeatedly in the air. "Coffee. Now."
"I already brew a pot of your preferred morning tea-"
"Don't make me repeat myself, butler."
"I got it."
On his way to the kitchen, Sebastian overhears Comte slamming his fist on the table telling everyone that from now on, they'll be paying rent.
Sebastian must be sleeping. This has to be some kind of nightmare. There's no other logical explanation.
When he returns to the dining room the door opens to welcome another couple of residents - Jean and Mozart.
"Good morning Herr Mozart. Good morning to you too, Monsieur Jean, what a surprise!"
Mozart and Jean both turn to Sebastian...and they give him their brightest smiles. Imaginary flowers bloom in the air around them. They greet in a cheerful voice together as one, and it's the most beautiful melody. "Good morning, Sebastian!"
"We decided to grab a bite before our trip to town today."
"Your... your what?"
"That's right, I'll be taking Jean in town with me. The carriage is already waiting at the gate."
Mozart going to...town?? With a carriage?? With Jean??
"Aha! The trace of this bloody delicious smell seems to have led me to this dining room!"
Now what? Sebastian turns in the direction of Arthur's voice albeit it sounds a little different than usual, as if he's playing a role... and there he is, having just entered the dining room... with a looking glass in his hand and a pipe in his mouth.
"Good morning, Master Arthur. Your observation skills are on point as always. What's with the curious accessories?"
Sebastian doesn't know why he asks anymore.
"Why, I'll be going on a Sherlock Homles book fair later today! You know it's all the hype these days, I figured it's the best place to learn something about my beloved character that I don't know. You know my methods, Watson. Haha!"
Thank god, Sebastian is not the only one about to faint right now. Given how normal everything else was taken by his housemates. Theo says the one thing Sebastian couldn't bring himself to say.
"This idiot has reached rock bottom in his search for skirts he hasn't yet fooled around with."
Arthur looks...grossed out. As if he's been made fun of by Dazai, or something similar. Actually, there haven't been a great deal of chances to see Arthur sporting this expression. It's definitely strange.
"Theo, could you not be so foul-mounted, please? You know I hold no interest in the fair sex."
"A-Are you feeling well, Master Arthur? Maybe when you drink your coffee-"
"Ah no please, tea it is for me!"
"Are you feeling well, Master Arthur?????"
"Sebastian seems really uptight today. Are YOU feeling well, Sebastian? Why don't you sit with us for a while?" Jean smiles at him again. It's a smile Sebastian wants to protect. It should be automatically making him feel better but it only serves to increase his confusion. He even sat next to Comte. Comte doesn't deserve this! At least not with his current behavior. Oh how strange of a thought that is.
"I appreciate your concern, but, I just need to know what is happening with all of you today. I can't be calm until I ensure that you, my masters, are alright, and I demand you tell me what is happening this instant!"
A near dozen pairs of eyes blink at Sebastian as if he's indeed the crazy one. He sits down on the offered chair, then quickly stands up again. "No, please tell me what is-"
The door opens yet again and this time it's Leonardo and Isaac who enter. Sebastian paces left and right, trying to spot empty plates to take to the kitchen before he can witness anything weird again-
"Isaac, mio amico, can you please not smoke in here? You know I can't stand the smell..."
"AAAAAAAGH!" Sebastian yells, breaking his professional image and running straight towards the door. He can't do this. It doesn't matter if he escapes now. It's just a nightmare. Just a nightmare-
He nearly crashes into the person entering at the same time.
"Hello Sebas-kun~"
Through the DOOR?
Sebastian breaks. Like a stone statue slammed by the pressure of a cataclysm despite the decades of stoicism, even if he thought he'd seen everything...
He falls to his knees in defeat.
Before he has a chance to remove his hands from his eyes where he tried to block the world, a wave of residents quite literally falls over him, each embracing him and laughing.
Okay, NOW he's confused.
"April fools? But- But my calendar said it's-"
"Someone had a little too much to drink last night and had to be carried to his room... let's say we meddled a little with it. Sorry, Sebas." Napoleon pats his shoulder. "Okay, can I go to sleep now?"
Sebastian laughs, and despite what he predicted for himself just a minute ago, it's not out of descending to madness. It's a genuine laughter, one he hasn't had in a while.
"I would never guess you could be capable of doing such a thing! Every one of you! My god, you got me quite well."
"Heh, guess you don't know us well enough then, eh? Remember this well, some of those guys are going to remember it for the rest of their second lives." Leonardo says, finally lighting that cigarillo. Good thing they didn't have to put on the act for longer than that.
"Indeed. I hope we weren't too harsh on you, Sebastian. My residents are always such naughty boys." Comte consoles, suspiciously looking as if it was his idea all along.
Sebastian chuckles some more, then he stands to his feet, dusting off his uniform and letting out a small cough behind his fist.
"My masters, that was indeed too naughty of you! I appreciate seeing you have fun, and I have to admit, you got me well. But that doesn't mean I won't find it fitting to flick some foreheads."
"Sebaaas, can we please have our usual breakfast now?"
"Why yes, coming right away!"
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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natimiles · 1 year ago
What is that? (a tattooed reader)
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Summary: You tied your hair in a high ponytail that morning, and it was enough for the tip of your tattoo to be visible. You've had it for so long that you're used to it, and sometimes you forget it's there — plus, you forgot that they've never seen it before.
Words: 1716
Tags: reader have tattoos; platonic relationships; more like friendships; no pronouns for reader, but you wear a dress and have sort of long hair.
Can you tell I have favorites? Only Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arhur, Vincent, Theo, Napoleon and Sebastian show up. Le Comte is vaguely mentioned.
If you're curious to see the tattoos, I linked their images in their respective descriptions throughout the fanfic.
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“What is that, mademoiselle?” 
You're helping Sebastian with breakfast, moving around the dining room, but you’ve been feeling a strong stare for a while. You're already accustomed to everyone, so you don't mind. You knew that if it was Isaac trying to muster the courage to ask you something, he would eventually do it. But it’s Jean’s voice, and it catches your attention because he usually eats in silence; and he sounds unsure and curious.
You set Arthur’s coffee in front of him while you glance at the table and everything you and Sebastian made. Perhaps there's something he doesn't know, like when you baked him macarons, but today's menu is the same as usual.
“What is what?”
“That thing,” he points in your direction. 
Isaac, Mozart, Vincent, and Theo are already having breakfast too, but they pause to glance at you, curious about what Jean is talking about. You feel a bit self-conscious and briefly inspect your clothes. Did you spill something? Fortunately, no. 
“I don’t follow, Jean.”
“That thing you have here,” he points at his own back. “I’ve seen it since I sat here to eat, but I can’t understand.”
You raise an eyebrow at him and look over your shoulder, Arthur takes advantage that you’re still by his side to lean backwards on his chair and measure you up and down — and definitely stare at your ass.
“Stop it, perv,” you playfully spat the writer’s arm, earning a chuckle from him. 
“Ah, I think Master Jean is talking about your tattoo,” Sebastian tries to help, pointing at his own nape.
Realization finally hits you. Since arriving at the mansion, you've been exclusively wearing long clothes that cover almost your entire body. However, summer started a few weeks ago, and you've been feeling the full force of the heat. It's scorching every day, and at times, you wake up covered in sweat. You've been yearning for an air conditioner or even just a simple fan. So you bought lighter clothes recently — aka Comte bought you a whole summer wardrobe as a gift. What you're wearing today is just an off-the-shoulder dress, so the front and back necklines are a bit lower than usual, but not by much. However, you tied your hair in a high ponytail that morning, and it was enough for the tip of your tattoo to be visible. You've had it for so long that you're used to it, and sometimes you forget it's there — plus, you forgot that they've never seen it before.
“What is that?” Jean is even more curious now, evident from the way he furrows his brow.
“It's a drawing on my body, made with a special kind of paint that never fades. It's a form of art.”
“Really?” You've piqued Theo's interest in art. “And what is it?”
“Music,” and now you’ve piqued Mozart’s interest in music. He doesn’t really show it, but you know him well enough to see when he’s curious. “Well, kinda. It goes a little down my spine, but it’s safe to show. Sebastian, can you help me, please?”
The butler nods and approaches you. You turn your back and move your ponytail to the side for a better view, while Sebastian lowers your neckline slightly so the others can satisfy their curiosity and see it.
It starts just at the end of your nape and goes 5 inches down. It’s an all-black DNA drawing with musical notes on the middle lines, a representation of a metronome pendulum on top, and a treble clef at the bottom. The middle actually has the same number of lines as a music sheet, and the notes can be read as the first five notes of your favorite song.
There’s only silence for a few moments, and as you turn around, you see that they're still staring at you. You think Theo hadn't even blinked until now because he suddenly blinks a lot, and his eyes meet yours.
“It’s pretty!” Vicent smiles like the angel he is. “Is it a real song?”
“It is,” Mozart hums the notes, his eyes conveying that he knows it’s your favorite song.
You've told him once, when you went to the music room to give him an afternoon snack. You were already friends (kind of), so when you saw he wasn't there at the moment, you knew he wouldn't mind if you sat down and softly played it; so you did. The next thing you knew, he was barging into the music room to scold whoever had the audacity to touch his piano, but he stopped when he saw you. He may have asked you to write down the notes so he could play it with you.
“Oh, yeah, you played it for us in the last banquet,” Isaac remembers.
“Does it hurt?” Jean asked, curious again. 
“No, not anymore. It hurt when I was getting it done. Boy, that was one hell of a ride,” you laugh. “But it’s been years, so it’s all healed and okay now.”
“It suits you, hondje. Do you have more?”
“I do!” You beam at them, feeling all bubbly inside. It's lovely how they always show interest in anything about you and remember what you like. “It’s on my thigh.” You use the tip of your toes to put more leverage on your right leg, grabbing a fistful of the skirt of your dress. You lift it to show them your tattoo, but a hand stops you when it's reaching your knee.
“Nunuche, what the hell?” 
Napoleon had just woken up and was joining you in the dining room. Did you say something about your thigh? He was still a little sleepy, so he thought he heard you wrong. But then you grabbed your dress… What the fuck do you think you’re doing? He was at your side in the blink of an eye, gripping your wrists tightly and looking at you with a panic expression. It’d certainly be red in a second, if the loud slap sound was any indication. 
And that’s how you make vampires choke on their foods and drinks. You look at them, a confused expression on your face. Isaac spat his tea all over his plate and is now coughing to clear his throat. Jean dropped his fork, frozen in his chair. Mozart is blinking in a frenzy, his mug in such a tight grip on his hand that his knuckles are white. Vincent is blushing furiously, his mouth agape. Theo is actually amused, and you clearly heard Arthur complaining to Napoleon that it was just getting good. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, startled. 
“MC, just remember we’re not in the 21st century,” Sebastian says, clearly holding a smirk. 
You feel your entire face heat up. Oh my God! That was certainly an uncomfortable situation. But you were so used to them; they made you feel at home, so you didn’t really think about what you were doing.
“Oh, right, sorry,” You chuckle and blush under the intensity of their stares. “But it’s no big deal, really. Sebastian and le Comte have already seen it.”
“Say that again?” Theo asks as his gaze drifts to the butler, just like everyone else's. 
“It’s nothing weird!” You can almost feel the emperor’s grip tightening. Sometimes he was so overprotective — they all were, and it was both endearing and funny. You huff. “We were talking about the 21st century, and I told Sebas that I have tattoos and showed him. Simple as that. Lots of people wear clothes that show a lot of skin in modern days. Do you think I would lift my dress to show the tattoo when I’m right next to Arthur if it wasn’t okay?” You deadpan Napoleon.
“Hey!” The writer complains, but everybody ignores him. You do have a point.
Napoleon frowns, but slowly releases you. You look at the others and just from a look they know you’ll be mad if they freak out again, so they try to act cool. Keyword: try. They’re staring so much you think they’ll open a hole in your thigh, but at least they’re quiet. You lift the dress just a little more and your tattoo is finally showing. It’s colorful and about the same size as the other. There’s white fine lines connecting dots, forming the Leo constellation, with a blue-purple watercolor background.
“Yes, luv! Now that’s a good breakfast,” Arthur smirks and places his elbow on the table to support his head as he looks at you. He’s so glad that Jean started this conversation while you were still beside him. Napoleon purses his lips and glares at the writer, but he knows better than to start a fight. His nunuche wouldn't let him live it down. 
“What the fuck is that?” Theo raises an eyebrow. Don’t get him wrong, he likes the art, but he just doesn’t understand what it’s supposed to be.
“Theo, language,” Vincent scolds his brother. He doesn’t want you to think they don’t like it.
“Is it upside down?” Jean frowns and tilts his head, trying to get a different angle, but it doesn’t make a difference.
"It's the Leo constellation," you chuckle and glance at Isaac, knowing he would understand. He enjoyed stargazing and always invited you to join him, especially after discovering your shared interest — then he started rambling about physics and astronomy, and you were lost.
“Oh, the stars,” Vincent says.
"So," Theo begins, and you can tell from his amused tone that he's about to say something to make you blush, "you have one that resembles Mozart and another that resembles Isaac."
“No, no. It’d have to be an apple for Newt,” Arthur grins when the poor physicist blushes as red as… the mentioned fruit.
“You’re the worst,” Isaac mumbles under his breath.
You chuckle at their banter. “So that’s it,” you say, releasing your dress. “We have a lot of things to do. So finish your breakfasts quickly.” You clap your hands twice.
“Indeed,” Sebastian nods in agreement.
You have moments of silence after that and you go back to work, but you feel the stares the whole day. You know they still have so much to say and ask, but they stay quiet.
You have some “not-so-permanent tattoos” now — and they might have helped do some.
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I don't have tattoos yet, but I really want it. I'd make the first one, but with colors.
Crossposted on AO3.
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fang-and-feather · 1 month ago
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Ikemen Vampire - Mozart x Reader
Almost at the end of the day for me, but a quick birthday fluff I managed to pull out for at least one of my boys. It's not much, but at least I finished it!
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You tried to be as quiet as possible as you opened the door just a crack to peer inside. Luckily Wolf was very particular about sounds and wouldn't stand a creaking door.
Even in the dark, you could make out the form of your sleeping boyfriend on his bed, and you could imagine his face, for a rare moment, soft and vulnerable… He was always so pretty, but there was something special about the rare times you could just watch him sleep…
Wait. This was no time to daydream. This visit had a purpose, and the more you delayed it, the more chances of Wolf waking up. Or of someone finding you, considering you were still at the door.
You slipped inside and tiptoed towards the bed, your task still delayed a moment longer as you couldn't keep yourself from taking a moment to just look at him, and wish you hadn't been so late with this and could have just joined him.
Although there was something both romantic and thrilling about doing things this way.
You carefully set the small gift box on the nightstand, the first surprise for when he woke up, then turned your attention to the clock.
Just a little past midnight. Right as you expected.
Turning to the bed again, you considered if you wanted to risk waking him up, but deciding against it, you just smiled down at him.
“Happy birthday, Wolf.”
Even if you would be the only one to know, you wanted to be the first one. A card was attached to the gift, but it wasn't the same thing.
You reached out, in a mock gesture of touching him, despite the urge to do so for real. But when you were ready to retreat, there was a lightning-fast movement, and you found yourself pulled on top of him on the bed.
“Don't get even a kiss, meine Liebe?"
From this close, you could see him smirk, but his gaze soon turned soft.
“How long have you been awake?”
Since you opened the door. Did you really think you could sneak up on me?”
The haughty tone didn't match the way he brushed a strand of hair from your face or the gentle smile that followed these words. You shook your head at the contradictory attitude, but smiled back.
“Happy birthday, my love.” You repeated, finally leaning in and giving him a soft kiss.
But as soon as you started to pull away, his hand slid to the back of your head, and he pulled you for a longer and deeper kiss.
“Thank you. Why are you sneaking up on me for this, though?”
“I’m finally finished cleaning and thought I should be the first one. Sorry if I woke you up.”
“I am glad I woke up to actually hear it from you. Thank you for the gift.” He kissed you again.
“You didn't even open it up yet!”
“I was talking about you, my most precious gift. Besides, I trust your judgement. Now stay with me.”
It sounded almost like an order, but his gaze was pleading. His gestures matched his tone this time, though. His hand shifted to your waist, pulling you along as he shifted positions, pulling you to lay by his side.
“Well, looks like I have no choice.” You chuckled, snuggling up to him. "Not that I had another answer in mind.”
“Good. I wanted you to also be the first one I see in the morning.”
“Then I will be. Sweet dreams, Wolf.” You kissed his forehead.
“With you, always, mein Schatz.” He whispered, eyes already closed, then pulled you closer.
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Tag List:
@tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya
@eventinelysplayground, @queengiuliettafirstlady, @2-lines-and-a-circle
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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eventinelysplayground · 3 months ago
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It's day three of the Ikemen Advent event hosted by @candied-boys and @queengiuliettafirstlady! Today's prompt was hot chocolate and I once again have incorporated a prompt, first snowfall, from @writingwhimsey naughty or nice event. This fic like some others loosely ties into a previous fic I wrote that can be found here. Fluffy sweetly sad, if that makes sense. WC approx 860.
Cold Chocolate
Mozart let out a sigh as he looked out the kitchen window. He wasn't sure if she would come tonight even if it was something of a tradition of theirs, not after the fight they had had earlier but still he had prepared two cups of hot chocolate just in case. The time ticked slowly by with Mozart just staring out the window and his drink almost finished.
The relief was evident in his voice and he stretched out an arm to his daughter. She walked over to him leaning her head onto his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her.They said nothing for a while and the silence began to become awkward.
“Is that hot chocolate?”
A pang made it's way through Mozart's heart.
‘I made some hot chocolate.’
‘No hot chocolate. See it's a beverage…’
‘Papa are you having chocolate again?’
‘It's hot chocolate, Liebchen.’
‘Look Papa, tonight I made the chocolate!’
He had given up correcting her by then. Frankly he thought she had been doing it on purpose to annoy him and was relieved when she finally stopped but tonight, tonight he found it bitter sweet.
“Yes, I had also prepared one for you but by now it’s gone cold.”
“That's fine.”
He watched his daughter pick up her cup and take a long sip of it. Of his three children she looked the most like him but her personality was almost entirely yours. While he had numerous things in common with his younger children the only things he seemed to share with her were a love of hot chocolate and music. He had quite enjoyed the years he spent teaching her and watching her progress. Her talent on the piano and especially the harp was outstanding and it was something that had always held them together, until now anyways.
The silence continued for another long while. Finally Mozart straightened up and turned to face his daughter pulling on the hem of his jacket as he did so.
“Yes Papa?”
“I'm…. I'm well, I'm very proud of you.”
Mozart straightened and tried his best to look authoritative like he did when his children were little but it was clear by the faint smile on his daughter's lips she wasn't falling for it.
“Thank you Papa, but is that all you want to say?”
Mozart knew what his daughter meant but he pretended not to.
“No, just when do you plan to leave?”
“About three weeks before the start of the semester. This way I’ll have time to settle in at the mansion. Comte seemed very excited in his letters to have me coming to stay and said he'd make sure that the music room was spotless and your old piano was tuned and ready for my arrival.”
“That sounds like him, though I wouldn't trust his cleaning abilities. I never found them very good, though I suppose most would find them sufficient.”
“Don't worry Papa, I'll give the room a thorough clean once I'm there.”
Mozart and his daughter fell into another silence but this time instead of awkwardness it was filled with a feeling he couldn't quite describe. There was pride certainly, but also love, loneliness and worry. As he continues to gaze at his daughter she seemed to blur and overlap with all her younger selves and he smiled sadly.
“You know Papa, I'm sure your name will come up in my lessons at the Conservatoire. Your symphonies and operas from your first life are still quite famous.”
“Hmm well, I expect you to receive the highest marks in your class if they do Liebchen. If you don't, I won't think twice about visiting in person to scold you.”
“Really? I thought it was going to be much harder to get you to travel back to France to visit me!”
Mozart's daughter was smiling and lightly laughing. She may be trying to appear brave but he could hear the faint unease in her voice.
“You have nothing to worry about mein liebchen.”
Mozart reached out and tucked her hair behind her ears.
“You will excel in your studies and have a wonderful time. With all the shopping Comte is sure to drag you out on, not to mention the parties, and all the noise and fuss the others are sure to make you'll forget about us all in no time.”
Mozart almost lost his balance as his daughter threw her arms around him and squeezed tightly.
“I could never forget you all, especially you Papa.”
Mozart's daughter buried her face in his chest and she began to cry. He was only trying to cheer her up but…
“I know, I was only joking with you.”
He wrapped his arms around her and held her humming soothingly to her as he had done when she was little.
“Look outside.”
Mozart lifted his daughter's head and turned it towards the window.
“Oh it's snowing, finally. I can't believe it took so long!”
The two stood in the kitchen watching the first snowfall of the season. The fact that this first snow also heralded the coming end of one of their own seasons was not lost on either of them.
Tag List: @floydsteeth, @nani-nani-nani, @nightghoul381
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writingwhimsey · 2 months ago
Whimsey's Naughty or Nice Event
Part 3 of @tooold4thisish request :) Features ikevamp Mozart. I hope you like what I came up with.
Prompt: Ugly Sweater- Naughty
Suitor: ikevamp Mozart
Warnings: NSFW 18+ content, fingering, PIV, vampire biting, blood drinking
The Monstrosity
“What…are you wearing?”
I turned around at the sound of the sharp voice coming from behind me. I smiled as I looked at my lover. “It’s an ugly sweater.” I answered, gesturing to the gaudy monstrosity of yarn, decorated with tencel, and snowmen and trees, and even a few ornaments, that was my sweater.
“Clearly.” Mozart replied. “Why?”
“Because we are doing an ugly sweater party.” I answered. “I made you one, too.” I was then picking up a matching ugly sweater I had made for him as well. “We will totally win with these.”
“So…the point is to actually have and WEAR the ugliest sweater at the party?” He asked.
I nodded. “You have that right. Now come on and put it on, Wolf.”
He looked at the sweater, still blinking as if trying to process the fact that it was for him. “I… I don’t think I can wear that.”
I gave him a pout. “Please? For me? I really want us to win the contest.”
Mozart sighed. “Alright, alright, mein Liebe". For you.”  
I was happy when he took the sweater and put it on. I kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”
“No one outside of this mansion is to ever know of this.”
I giggled. “I swear.”
We attended the party together, thankfully it was just downstairs in the dining room. We ate a large dinner, played games, exchanged gifts…and thanks to my creative handy work, Mozart and I won the ugly sweater contest.
Afterwards, we snuck away to his room. As soon as we were inside, Mozart pealed off his sweater and then turned to me. “I have been wanting out of that as soon as I put it on.”
I giggled. “Well, thank you for putting up with it for me.”
Mozart smiled tenderly at me as he walked closer. His arms wrapped around me. “Anything for you, mein Liebe.” He told me, kissing me gently on the lips. “Seeing that smile on your face was worth it. Especially when we won.”
I grinned. “Victory was indeed ours.”
“Now…it is time to get YOU out of this monstrosity.” His fingers were then dipping under the hem of the sweater as he gave me a wolfish grin.
I felt my cheeks heating up. “Wolf…”
Before I could get anything else out, he was stripping me of my ugly sweater, his graceful fingers teasing at the chemise I wore beneath it. “I’ve been wanting you out of that thing all night.”
“When you say things like that…it does funny things to my heart, Wolf.”
Mozart smiled at me as he pulled my body flush against his. “I know.” He replied, grinning before capturing my lips with his. As our kiss deepened, he slowly began to push me towards the bed.
It didn’t take long before I felt the bed against the back of my legs. We broke the kiss, looking at each other breathlessly. Wolf’s hands were quickly moving to remove my clothes as my own moved to tear off his.
Once Wolf had me bare, one arm wrapped around my waist while the other moved to cup my cheek. He looked into my eyes.”Much better having you out of that hideous thing.”
I grinned. “And the rest of my clothes, too.”
“Once I took off one layer, I couldn’t stop.” He replied. “Not when you’re so beautiful.”
The next thing I knew, I was on my back on the bed, Mozart over me. His eyes looked at me with a hungry light as his musician’s fingers began to play notes of pleasure along my body. He brought a particularly high note through my lips when his fingers began to play with my nipples as his lips found their way to my neck.
“Sing for me, mein Liebe…” He murmured into my ear before playfully nipping at my lobe. His hand slipped down lower between my legs as he kissed down my neck, over my collarbone. His fingers stroked me at the perfect rhythm, sending shockwaves of pleasure through me.
“Oh…yes…like that…Wolf…” I moaned as I moved my hips in time with his fingers. I ran my own hands over his body, wanting to feel every inch of him.
“Mein Liebe…you keep touching me like that…and I won’t be able to hold back…”
“I…don’t want you to…hold back…” I replied, moving my hands lower.
He practically growled when my hand reached his hardening length. He quickened the pace of his fingers between my legs to match my pace as I stroked him. We continued to stroke each other, increasing our pleasure and our need only for Mozart to finally decide he’s had enough.
He removed his hand from me and reached for mine, pinning them both above my head as he repositioned himself between my legs. I let out another moan when I felt him slide inside of me. My heart was racing from the way he was pinning me down as he began to move.
His hands slowly moved down my arms, slowly releasing his hold on me. As soon as my hands were free, I wrapped my arms around him and our bodies pressed close…and then I was plunged into euphoria when his fangs sank into the side of my neck.
My world became pure feeling and I saw stars as my eyes rolled back in my head and my back arched. “Hah…Wolf!”
Our night continued on, Wolf loving me until we both fell in the bed together, exhausted and wrapped in each other’s arms. I couldn’t be happier than to be in the arms of my beloved.
Tag List: @zulablaise @kisara-16 @tele86 @otomewonderland
@lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady
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tayovampr · 2 years ago
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How Gossip Spreads Through The Mansion.
ikemen vampire headcannons
( warnings? ) none. ( notes? ) THIS HEADCANNON CONTAINS MY OC. just a few thoughts about how these vampires are extremely nosy and love to spread false information unknowingly :0
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It all begins in the kitchen. As the coffee brews for the mansions residents, our lovely helpers: Sebastian, Mitsuki (Y/n) and Temi seem to be cooking up some trouble…
Mitsuki would unintentionally reveal something that happened thorough out the day. Maybe it was something she overheard while shopping, on the balcony or watching Napoleon and Jean spar. She always tells Sebastian and Temi what she hears about the residents—since Sebastian has that interesting hobby of his.
“Hey Sebastian, Temi?” Mitsuki calls out to the two as they washed the dishes. Sebastian was scrubbing, Temi was rinsing, and Mitsuki was drying and polishing.
The two turned their heads to look at their friend, wondering what was the matter.
“I was in Comte room earlier helping him open up some letters, and that’s when I came across this one letter. Now mind you, it was scented, had a very prestigious emblem on the wax and included a dried rose in it.” Mitsuki began.
“Le Comte gets letters like that all the time.” Sebastian responded. “Was there something special about it?”
“Well, it clearly came from a girl. And when Comte read it, he was so happy! I mean I never saw him like this before, but it makes me think if he has a secret lover—” Before Mitsuki could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Temi, who had accidentally dropped a plate into the sink, causing the water to splash up at her.
“Secret lover?!” She exclaimed in disbelief. “What makes it worse is that it’s believable…”
“What if she’s a vampire bombshell who was childhood friends with him and lives in a gothic castle lavished in red and riches? I can’t compete in that race…” Temi grumbled afterwards. Sebastian however looked at the two thoughtfully.
“Well, we’ll do no good sitting here pondering. At dinner let’s go ask Le Comte ourselves.”
Most of the times, it’s something tame. No big deal, and not needing of attention. But as always, if your trying to keep a secret in a mansion full of nosy vampires with supersonic hearing—you better believe this game of telephone will spiral out of control.
Isaac, surprisingly, is the main catalyst for this disaster. Jean coming in a close second. ( I mean, you can see it in some events when it’s almost always these two mishearing something (*´▽`*) )
But it would always be unintentional! Isaac would just walk past an open door and when he heard something shocking, he couldn’t help to stop and get a closer ear. Jean on the other hand wouldn’t stop. He would take the bits and pieces he heard and formulate them in his mind, completing the story for himself.
‘Comte has a lover?’ Isaac thought to himself as he listened in to the conversation. ‘Why has he been hiding it from us all this time? Well—I could understand. I hope he introduces us to her…’
‘That rascal!’ Jean grit his teeth when he heard the news. Although heard would be a stretch. ‘Playing with Temi and Mitsuki’s heart even though he has a women of his own. I will get him to confess…’
And now we have three stories. The truth, an assumption, and a incomplete statement. Which one will travel throughout the mansion quicker?
Jean obviously tells Napoleon and Mozart. It slips out during their sparring lessons, and he tells Mozart on a whim—since they’re friends.
“Wait so—Comte is married?” Napoleon exclaims, as he puts his sword back into its hilt. Jean nods, sitting down of the ground to catch his breathe.
“He has refused to tell us about his secret lover for this long. It makes you wonder what else he has been keeping from us…” Napoleon loosely claims, wiping the sweat that adorned his forehead.
Jean however was thinking in his head, that he was right all along not to trust him. “That shady man…”
With Mozart, he looked a bit confused. “There is just no way Comte is married Jean, did he tell you himself?”
Then for Isaac, the words accidentally slip when he was getting teased by Arthur and Dazai. Of course, these were the worse people to tell out of everyone in the mansion.
Arthur applauded Comte on his fruitfulness. Claiming that it takes skill to hid a lover for so long. While Dazai takes this information with interest. It just so happened when he was scaling the windows, he overheard Mozart and Jean’s discussion.
For Dazai, he didn’t really believe this. As he saw in the music room, Jean wasn’t sure who he heard this information from. But being chaotic as Dazai is, he naturally wanted to be included in the fun. So he often changes up the story.
“How sly of Comte, it seems that he has not only hid his secret wife, but the fact that she will be moving in to live with us soon. Isn’t that great Ai-kun? Lovers reunited at last.” With these words Dazai left, not daring to explain anything.
“Move in with us? By Jove, you would think that old man would tell us before making the decision?” Arthur comments with a sigh.
Dazai doesn’t tell anyone else after that. He is more interested in seeing how this spreads and which one would reach Comte’s ear first. Arthur however tells his best buddy Theo. Theo tells Vincent and Vincent tells Shakespeare. By now the rumor has morphed into something unbelievable.
“Comte is a pathological liar who is hiding his wife from the residents and is planning to make her move in with them because she is expecting soon.” Don’t ask how.
Leonardo hears about this from Temi, who asks if Comte had a lover. Leonardo laughs and answers not anymore—wondering why she was asking.
“Are ya worried about “Comte’s” love life cara mia?” Leonardo jokingly asks.
Although he was joking in that moment, it just confirmed his suspicions that something was spreading in the mansion. Throughout the whole day Leonardo was hearing bits and pieces of a story that including Comte—so it was time he saw the truth for himself.
When he gets to Comte’s room he wastes no time to ask him about it.
“Have you just been in your room all day? Looks like you don’t know what’s happening outside.” Comte looks up from the papers he was sorting at Leonardo, a confused look on his eyes.
“Outside?” He asks, to which Leonardo takes out a cigarillo and begins to light it.
“Yeah…something about you being a compulsive liar who is hiding his pregnant wife from us—it gets a bit tricky because half are saying she’s gonna move in with us, and half are saying your gonna move in with her.”
Comte is just astounded. He just stares blankly at Leonardo…an awkward laugh sounding from his throat. “…Really?” Is all he could muster, as Leonardo begins to laugh.
“See I knew it wasn’t true. But you know might as well confirm before I do damage control right?”
Comte was still shocked. After all he’s done from the residents, was this how easy it was for their views to change—and when did he get a pregnant wife?
“For these being the great men I choose to revive…I wonder how great their intuition really is…” Comte mumbles to himself.
“Well, let’s go straight if things out. I’m fairly certain I know who started this.” Leonardo claims, laughing to himself. “I want to know where the story changed too.”
The residents were all gathered for dinner, the main goal being to clear up the misconceptions. Each person was made to go around and tell what they heard and what they believed, and from there they traced it down to Mitsuki, Isaac and Jean.
Mitsuki explains her thinking to Comte, I’m which he clarifies that he has no secret lover and that the letter was just from an old friend he saved years ago.
Everyone breathes out a sigh of relief. It looked like none of them were ready for a new arrival. And some, specifically Mozart, wasn’t particularly fond on a baby crying and running around…
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ikeromantic · 1 year ago
Ikevamp Boys React to Tattooed MC pt 2
Theo, Vincent, and Mozart!
Theo grabs your arm as you set down a frame in the small gallery where the next art show will be hosted. His grip is firm and insistent.
"What?" You raise an eyebrow, more curious than annoyed.
His other hand tips your chin to the left so that he can examine the side of your head and that's when you realize. He's noticed your tattoo. "Hondje, what did you do?" His voice is lethally soft, ungentle and demanding.
"I've had that since before I met you." You pull from his grip. "Anyway, it's none of your business."
"Everything about you is my business." He catches your hand in his and pulls you close. "Tell me."
You sigh. "Fine. I wanted a tattoo when I decided to go straight to work instead of college. Something to show I trusted myself. So . . . I got that star. Because I am my own guide and I choose things for myself."
Theo's severe expression doesn't shift as he tucks your hair back to get a better look at it. His breath tickles your skin. "Mmm. Fits you. Stubborn girl. Never listen to anybody."
"Hey!" You smack his shoulder. "I do when the advice is worth my time."
He laughs. "Is that so?"
"It is! Hey! Why are you still laughing?"
"Give me a kiss, then, Hondje." He points to his lips, a wicked gleam in his eyes.
You disrobe, preparing to model for Vincent. It's the first time you've sat for him without being fully clothed, and you're a bit nervous. The vining flowers on your leg are not discreet and this will be the first time he's seen your whole leg without the cover of skirt and hose.
Vincent's eyes are immediately drawn to the colorful tattoo. His eyes go wide and before you can take a breath to say anything, he's kneeling beside you, fingers tracing the delicate lines and curls of ink.
"Ummm. Vincent?" You look down at him, feeling a bit flustered. His smile is angelic but the way he touches you is . . . not. And you aren't sure what to think.
"This is gorgeous. The colors. How did they get this shade? Here?" He is so close to your calf now that you can almost feel the motion of his lips, the flutter of his lashes.
"I - I don't know. You'd have to ask the shop." You give a self-conscious laugh. "Is it going to be a problem? I understand if you don't want -"
He looks up at you, his big, blue eyes as wide and endless as the open sky. "It's beautiful. You are beautiful. But I am going to have to figure out how to mix that color before we start." His smile is full of anticipation and excitement. "Do you have any more of these?"
Vincent reaches to push aside the modest robe you are wearing.
"N-no!" Your face is completely flushed now and your heart is racing.
He drops his hands, his expression going still and flat. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
You feel immediately terrible for disappointing an angel. "It's ok. I just didn't expect you to be so interested."
His smile returns, tentative and shy. "I am interested in everything about you." He presses his cheek to your tattooed skin. The gesture feels intimate, precious. When he lets go to mix his paints, you can still feel the ghost of his touch.
You notice Mozart giving you an odd look. Something between bafflement and horror. "Do I have something on my face?" You self-consciously wipe across your nose and cheeks.
He shakes his head and stands, lips pressed together in a pale line. His hand goes to your arm, drawing a line up from your wrist to your bared shoulder. "This, fraulein. What is it?"
That's when you realize, you've never shown him your bare shoulder, where your colorful little tattoo is etched. The rose and thorns are easy to cover, though you don't mind showing them off. "It's a tattoo. Surely you've seen one before?"
Mozart opens his mouth and then closes it again. It takes him several breaths to get there. "You let someone put needles beneath your skin? Someone who touched you? Who marked you?"
"Erm, yes? I mean, that's how you make a tattoo."
He crosses his arms and walks to the window, chin jutting out.
"What's wrong?" You go to stand beside him, but he won't make eye contact with you. He's grinding his teeth and just staring out at the garden as if he wanted to see it burn. "Do you . . . hate it so much?"
You didn't want him to hate the tattoo. It was part of you, and seeing him like this was making your heart ache.
"No," he grumbled finally. "It's . . . it's very beautiful. I just . . ." He let out a long, slow breath.
"You what?" You prompt him to speak after several silent minutes pass.
"I don't like the idea of someone else touching you like that. On your bare skin. Holding you." He frowns.
You wrap an arm around him and lean your head on his shoulder. "Wolf, you are adorable when you're jealous. You know that?"
"I'm not - I mean, I -" He huffs, trying to excuse himself without admitting the truth. Then he sighs. "It's fine. I'll just mark you in my own way." He turns his head and you can see a dangerous, hungry smile on those delicate lips.
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koco-coko · 9 months ago
Sleepy Comforts | OC x Mozart
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word count: 788
CW: slight meowzart
tags: fluff, pre-established relationship, sleeping in the same bed, cuddles
authors note: the voices told me to do it. Also yay my first fic with tchai!!!! :3
people: @natimiles @olivermorningstar @lorei-writes (tagging b/c oc and i know they like ocs if you want/dont want to be tagged tell me hehe i promise i'll make a tag post soon)
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Some days were a bit harder than others. Almost everyone could attest to that fact, and that was his only comfort to such weakness. For Mozart, it meant days where he had to interact with those rude and uptight nobles for just a bit too long, where he was stuck on a particular verse for hours at a time, or simply having a bad, annoying day. Maybe Arthur spoke too loud or Comte asked if he would attend another ball… Whatever it was, by the evening, he was ready to collapse and sleep for days.
But he had something– someone to look forward to. A certain girl with baby pink hair in two long braids was reading on his bed, resting her legs after a long day of helping the local ballet company rehearse. Just thinking about it, Mozart felt proud. They both still had a long way to go when it came to learning what the word ‘break’ meant, or… self-care… but Tchai was far more receptive than she was before they started dating. Now, even though she'll be aching and clinging to a florally decorated cane or wheelchair, at least she wasn’t hunched over the floor, strumming a cello or viola or other. 
His feet dragged across the floor. He was thankful the rest of the mansion was asleep this late (or out drinking). He wouldn’t want to be caught dead in such a sorry state, especially in front of those teasing authors!
All thought of other men left his mind as he crossed the threshold to his bedroom and locked the door. Mozart was throwing his layers off as fast as possible, kicking off his shoes by the bedside. He was in such a hurry to disrobe he almost forget to notice the girl laying on the bed.
“Good evening, дорогая,” Tchai said, closing her novel and placing it on the bedside. She held a gentle smile as she crawled beside him, resting her head on the familiar nook between his neck and shoulder. She pecked his neck absentmindedly. 
Mozart gazed solely at his partner while he placed his coat on the bedpost beside him. “Why aren’t you asleep?” he whispered, his concern barely concealed under weak annoyance, “It’s late.” Even still, he gently tilted her chin for easier access to a romantic kiss. Tchai slowly wrapped her arms around his shoulders. It wasn’t rushed nor forced, but neither diluted any passion and lust they held for the other.
Tchai giggled between breaths. Mozart could feel her smile against his lips. “I could say the same thing, Wolfy.” Mozart huffed, only to cause Tchai to chuckle more. “And it’s hard to sleep without you. You know that…”
Mozart stilled suddenly, pulling back to look into the lavender eyes of his lover. She watched his violet ones in turn. Maybe it was cliche or lovesick, but the idea of someone waiting for him was far too appealing to a tired mind. Suddenly, the composer melted into his partner’s embrace, his weight entirely on her chest. She accepted him readily. The scent of flowers overwhelmed him in seconds, soothingly so.
“You really are like a little котенок sometimes,” she said. Delicately, she petted every hair in his head, taking extra care with the baby hairs on his neck. She even scratched him in specific spots, the ones she had learned he responded well, too. When he exhaled deeply and hummed, she knew she had done well. 
“Mein liebe,” he murmured into her. Quietly, they both fell back to the mattress and adjusted appropriately, snuggling into each other in such a manner that only experience with the other’s imperfections and curves could teach. “I love you.” Mozart spoke those words like a prayer before he kissed and nipped at her neck. The fellow composer welcomed every devoted and soft lick and pressed against her, cradling him even tighter. The only time her arms and legs untangled from his was to click off the lamp on the bedside. She returned as fast as she could.
Tchai smiled when she heard Mozart’s breathing slow even more, his lashes tickling against the nape of her neck. While she loved the overprotective, jealous, practically needy Mozart during the day, there was something oddly comforting about times like this. When all he craved was her touch and comfort, or he only got by with the idea that she was waiting. It was an ego boost, of course, but after a lifetime of underestimation, it was rewarding to have someone rely on her for once. “I love you, too.” Tchai nuzzled into him one final time, a desperate attempt to be with more of her partner, then closed her eyes while her cheek squished against the top of his head.
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damekathearasi · 1 year ago
Ikemen Vampire - Mozart x Reader
Prompt Day 7: Sex in a Vehicle
Word count: 559
Warnings/Tags: Sex in a carriage, AFAB reader, Mention of possessiveness, Historically appropriate undergarments (open drawers)
Author's Note: Prompt from Visions of Temptation 2023, hosted by @xxsycamore. I don't write much or have much time to, so YOLO posting it before I can chicken out.
It was only about an hour and a half into a 5 hour carriage ride and you sighed because Mozart was practically losing his mind. The current section of road was not as well maintained as the roads near the city.
Mozart had asked you to come to help keep him calm during the carriage ride and distract him but everything you tried was to no avail.
After another 20 minutes of Mozart's fretting, you realized something that would absolutely be distracting if nothing else.
You began to rub him through his trousers. Gentle movements keeping a steady rhythm. "You can't be serious this isn't the time or place."
"I think this is the perfect time and place, besides didn't you say you wanted a distraction?" You slip your hand under his clothes to start stroking him directly, a moan escaping your lips when you feel how warm and hard his cock is already.
"This is hardly enough to be a distraction in my book." He pouts despite the flushing of his cheeks giving away his enjoyment.
You turn around and move to straddle his lap as you free his cock from the pants it threatens to tear. "I think you'll find plenty of distraction to be had here."
After giving him a few more strokes, you lift your skirts and petticoats as you move closer. You are for once thankful for 19th century open drawers and there open crotch design as you line him up with your entrance. Peeking at him through your lashes, you see the dawning realization on his face right before you slowly lower yourself taking him centimeter by centimeter.
The moan that comes out of you when he is fully sheathed inside you sounds so perverse and so divine all at once, making him twitch inside you.
You begin to move up and down with each bump. Letting the rocky road determine the pace at which you ride him. Slow first, then faster.
"Mmm… I could get used to this." He moans in your ear as he starts to navigate around your various layers and underthings to pinch and pull on your nipples.
As he works on your breasts with his hands, he kisses you with such a passion that you feel as though you might forget to breathe. As time goes on though, the bumps in the road have become intermittent. The drop in your pace as you mirrored the carriage's now less bumpy path, is just not enough for him though. "I want all of you and right now."
He flips the both of you around. Now you are lying on the seat as best as possible and Mozart was above you. He thrusts into you at a steady pace. His sense of rhythm never fails to take your breath away.
As he continued, it was like he was just pulling earth shattering orgasms from deep inside you. Telling you how good you are and how you are all his as he fucks you into the carriage seat.
You lose count of how many times you came, but when as you start to become exhausted, he bites your shoulder drowning you even more ecstasy as he came deep inside you.
"If this is how you'd like to distract me from now on, I might start to hate these carriage rides a bit less."
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clavissionary-position · 2 years ago
ɪ ᴋ ᴇ ᴍ ᴇ ɴ ᴠ ᴀ ᴍ ᴘ ɪ ʀ ᴇ 😱🌙 Night of the Living Maroron 🌙😱
STARRING the silly little residents of Comte's silly little mansion
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(a crack fic I wrote a year ago based on a prompt from a friend (and spiritually combined with a prompt from a different crack fic that I received from someone else), neither of which I've ever posted before)
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"Okay, Brush, you're good to go." Vincent fixes the cap on his pet raccoon's head and then gives him a little kiss right on the Pizza Hut logo. "Remember to drive within the speed-limit."
You stand next to Vincent and thread your hands with his as you watch the rodent shyly hop onto the driver's seat of the carriage. He adjusts his seat and starts up the horses before peeking out through the window and presenting an affluent little smile.
Vincent sheds a few happy tears as Brush drives off. "I'm so proud of him."
You give Vincent a powerful, soul-crushing side-hug and massage his painterly shoulder muscles. "You did good, Vin. You did good."
He wipes his snot on his sleeves. "We just got really lucky that Jean was willing to teach him how to drive a carriage."
You blink a few times. "Sorry, who taught Brush how to...?"
"Jean was really generous. I should finish that painting he commissioned of the macarons wearing lingerie."
You try to process the vowels and bullshit coming out of Vincent's innocent mouth. "Vincent. Jean doesn't know how to drive."
"Hmm? He doesn't?"
You shake your head. "No! He doesn't! We have to stop Brush before-"
- - -
"You were run over by a raccoon driving a carriage?"
"Insofar as a raccoon posed on top of a carriage with a tiny rapier pointed forward in menace can be said to be 'driving,' yes." Shakespeare frowns. "Am I going to die?"
Charles puts his medical equipment back into his bag and takes out a single band-aid with Vlad's face on it. "Just put this where it hurts and you should be okay."
"Aren't you going to apply it for me at least?"
"I would but your insurance doesn't cover it." He rises to his feet. "But it does cover this." He gives Shakespeare three pats on the head. "Good night, Sweet Prince."
"It's afternoon."
"It's night somewhere." And with a terrifyingly innocent laugh, Charles gets into this carriage to return to his master's castle.
- - -
Napoleon sets up a command center in the dining room. Theo makes calls to all of his connections. Isaac bites his lip with nerdy concern.
"My sources say that a rogue raccoon was spotted here, here, and..." Theo sets down the last pancake. "Here."
"Theo, I can't see anything on the map. Please move your pancakes."
"You've got glasses, Arthur. Use them."
"Oh right. I keep forgetting my glasses have the unique ability to see through breakfast foods. Why didn't I think of that? Silly me. Such a novel invention is wasted on one of mininiscule intelligence such as I." Arthur puts on his glasses. "By Jove, it's as if I can see not simply through pancakes, but through the whole of the universe. Everything is at my fingertips now. Reality is mine to command. What will become of me now that I have unlocked such horrifying potential? How will the annals of space and time shift under the sway of my weighty influence?"
Arthur takes his glasses off. "I'm serious, I think I just became a god. Look." He points at Comte's baguette and an invisible force of energy ripples out from the tip of his finger, making the baguette scream as it jumps out of Comte's embrace, grabs Dazai's hand and pulls him out of the room.
Napoleon and Theo stare at each other. "....What the.... fuck... just happened?"
Arthur looks down at his quivering hands. "I am a monster."
- - -
Sebastian tackles Jean into the water. "BATH TIME MONSIEUR D'ARC."
"Sebas!? What are you doing?!"
"You are under bath-arrest for attempting to teach a raccoon how to drive."
Jean freezes. "Wait, that thing was a raccoon?"
"INDEED IT WAS." Sebastian releases several rubber ducks into the water. "Strawberry or coconut-lime body wash?"
"That is not a flavor."
"No, there's a maroron standing behind you."
"Standing? How can a maroron possibly be standing-"
- - -
Leonardo awakens from his nap to the sound of a sentient baguette pulling Dazai into the library.
"Good morning." Dazai waves with his free hand. "Have you met my new wife? What's that, darling? You don't want me flaunting our relationship in public? It makes you shy? I have crumbs on my face from kissing you?"
Leonardo turns around and goes back to sleep.
- - -
"Why did you point at the macoron?!" You stare at Arthur in disbelief.
Arthur shrugs. "I wanted to double-check my powers! Like Vlad!"
Comte picks himself up from being slapped by a sentient maroron. "Are ya winnin' son?"
- - -
Vlad climbs in through your window just as the sun begins to set. Faust climbs in after him.
"I told you once, Faust. I can't give you any blood samples today because I didn't eat any strawberries today." Vlad throws himself on your bed and pulls out a paperback driving manual. "Interesting... it says that driving with a rapier can help with drag forces..."
Faust stands beside the bed and prepares his syringe anyway. "Science can't wait for you to consume strawberries."
"And neither can I."
"Right, neither can this fully-sentient maca... Oh shi-- NO NONONONO--"
- - -
Mozart shuts his piano down with the tell-tale Windows Sound. "Good work today, Wolf. You still got it. Masterpieces out the ass like a fart at Thanksgiving." He chuckles at his own lewd joke, for his enjoyment only.
Then exits into the hallway where his chuckle dies in his throat.
The tiny maroron rolls to a stop in front of his boot.
Mozart screams.
- - -
Brush returns home after his first day as a pizza delivery pet to the mansion completely abandoned, save for a single ominous note scrawled on a crepe: "God Have Mercy on Our"
"Oh, mad libs is fun," says Brush, as he completes the sentence with the word 'Testicles.'
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xxsycamore · 1 year ago
Can you do Mozart & wet dreams?
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╰┈➤ Mozart has never allowed himself as much as to think of her romantically. Strangely, his most recent dreams are all but lascivious, and twice as confusing. träumerei [noun, german] - dreaming
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart x MC • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Wet Dream; Mutual Pining; Feelings Realization; Denial of Feelings; Love Confessions; Miscommunication; Fainting; Hand & Finger Kink; Vanilla; Dream Sex; Ambiguous/Open Ending • wordcount: 1,104 • masterlist
• Welcome to my personal kinktober challenge, Visions of Temptation 2022 - that’s right, 2022. You can find the new one, Visions of Temptation 2023, here. DAY 3: WET DREAM
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"Mozart… Mozart, touch me more with your hands, please…!"
It would be too easy, the composer muses in his thoughts, but he can't find it in himself to deny and tease her anymore. It warms him from the inside when she craves him so, his hands, his touch, so much that she's writhing underneath him. But when she lets out these beautiful moans, the spark of warmth blooms into a consuming fire.
"You love it so much when I touch you. You don't need to beg me. If you want me to touch you, then undress and show me where you need to be touched."
"No, that's all wrong. Did you not pay attention when I showed you? Here. Look."
Deft fingers dancing on the piano keys, Mozart repeats the chords with ease in yet another demonstration. His gaze moves on her even before the last notes can fill the air, making sure she's paying attention this time.
Even if it does things to his head, being this close to her.
Given that she was in his dreams just last night. Dreams that were not so innocent...
"I did, it's just… it seems like I was watching you play the piano, and not the notes you play. Tehee…"
His hands. He's not the type to seek eye contact, but more often than he catches her looking back, he catches her looking at his hands.
"I want more…I need more, please…please, Wolf!"
It catches him by surprise, how naturally it came out of her mouth. In contrast, her face is burning, gaze not as bold as her tongue, making him want to rain kisses on her hot cheeks. She needs to understand how happy she just made him.
He keeps moving inside her, gently removing the hands she tries to hide her face with. He needs to make love to her more, to give her more until she's pliant and spent and satisfied in his arms.
"You finally said my name." Betraying his own wishes, Mozart finds more appealing spots to press his lips against other than her face. Her neck, where her blood pumps in a rhythmic pulse; the metronome telling him to play her like a melody; to eat her one fang-filled bite at a time. "Keep saying it. I want to hear you say it more."
"Where do you want me to put those, Wolf?--Oh! I m-mean, Mozart! I'm so sorry. I didn’t mean to sound disrespectful! It just slipped out and-"
Something he didn't expect to hear outside those dreams that haunt him. Just an accident. Merely a slip of the tongue.
"That's fine, don't apologize. Are you okay? You're shaking."
She puts down the folded sheets where Mozart points her to, hurrying to find anything else to keep her hands busy with and mask some of that trembling. While nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she unknowingly barrens her nape for Mozart's gaze.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just…couldn't sleep well last night."
"Me too. Be careful not to overwork yourself."
"Wolf… I actually… have feelings for you-…No that's awful! Too straight to the point. Ugh. Wolf, I…."
Listening in disbelief, Mozart is overtaken by all sorts of emotions. Her confession came out of nowhere. But she's so finicky about getting it right, she just keeps saying it again and again.
"The truth is, ever since I came to the mansion, I found myself attracted to you and before I knew it… I was truly in love. I grew up with your music, and hearing it has always soothed me in times of- Nonono, what am I thinking? I grew up with it? I'm definitely not saying that part!"
And from finding himself embarrassed, Mozart now finds himself letting out chuckles he can't control, so much unlike him. His heart feels so light, glowing with the newly discovered reciprocation of his feelings.
"I knew that already… you were being pretty obvious, you know. To think that I doubted it still… Hurry up and settle on your confession so I could make mine, would you?"
Today she's nowhere to be seen, and for good. Downing another cup of coffee, Mozart hopes he could drown those pestering, illogical feelings in the bitter liquid along with what remains of his sleepiness. Concentrating on his work has never been this hard and he hates it; the sound of ruckus coming from downstairs joining in the cacophony of distractions until he gets up from his desk and goes to check it for himself.
He sees her then, unconscious in the arms of another man who luckily broke her fall. Somebody answers Mozart's horrified gaze with a brief reassurance that she'd most likely overworked herself and it's nothing any more serious than that. The residents are shocked when it's none other than the composer himself who insists he'll take care of her and carry her to her room.
It's maybe on the way there when he realizes, or maybe it's when he finds himself tucking her in under the covers.
Her room, that is adjacent to his.
Her bed, which is positioned in a way that is mirrored to his own, with only a thin wall separating the headboards.
His keen ear as a composer. One thin wall…
Her glossy eyes stare at him under heavy lids, gradually widening as if in disbelief.
"Idiot, you're going to work yourself to death. How long has it been since you last had an adequate amount of sleep?"
He's no good scolding for this with those most likely noticeable dark circles under his eyes, alas.
"Alright, alright, I'll rest! I'm closing my eyes the second you go through that door! Jeez…Hey Mozart?"
"Thank you for— Are you okay? Your face is red…"
It's funny how fast the tables turn when her hand touches his forehead in an utmost caring manner, and Mozart has to remind that she might be too warm herself to accurately check for him. And judging by the way she has the energy to frown and bark at him, it must be okay now for him to take his leave.
"I'm right nextdoor if you need anything."
"I know where your room is, Mozart…!"
"And one more thing." He keeps his hand on the doorknob, turning his head to look her in the eye one more time. "Next time you have trouble sleeping because there's something on your mind, just come see me."
The only answer he gets is a shy nod that comes after a rather long pause. And it's satisfying enough of an answer.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @ndoandou Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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natimiles · 1 year ago
Lazy morning with Mozart
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Words: 422
Tags: scenario; morning cuddles; fluffy; no pronouns specified for reader; established relationship.
Notes: and suddenly this becomes a whole series heh
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You wake up before him, as usual. His arms are locked around you, but it isn’t uncomfortable. It’s welcome, safe, and loving.
You smile tenderly and let your eyes wander over his face. One of the best things about waking up before Mozart is being able to admire how peaceful and beautiful his expression is while he sleeps — and to play with his soft hair. You can’t help but feel a sense of warmth as your gaze falls upon his silver hair, disheveled from sleep.
With a gentle shift of your body, you lift your hand to his head, allowing your fingers to softly twirl and comb through his locks. You’re playing with it, letting it fall down like cascades between your fingertips, when you hear a loud sigh. You try to hold your breath and stop your movements, but it’s too late.
“Meine Liebe,” he calls you with a sleepy, husky voice. He opens one eye to peer at your close face. “What are you doing?”
“... playing with your hair,” you reply, your words coming out slowly, uncertainly. He frowns, and you smile sheepishly. “Did it wake you?”
“I’ve been awake ever since someone decided to stare at me while I slept,” he says in a teasing tone, but you notice his cheeks blushing lightly.
“Sorry,” you pout. “But your hair is so soft, I love playing with it.”
“You should be,” he chuckles, bringing his face closer. “It’s your turn now.”
Mozart kisses your forehead, and before you can ask, he gently turns you around. You let out a squeak, and he chuckles a little louder.
“Shhh,” he brings his hand to your hair, twirling it around his finger and mirroring your earlier actions. “I said it’s your turn.”
You want to ask why he turned your back to him, but his sheepish tone says it all: he is probably embarrassed by what you said. You feel Mozart shifting behind you, entangling his legs with yours and pulling you into an even tighter embrace.
“Alright,” you sigh and close your eyes.
“Good. Now, let me help you go back to sleep,” his voice drops an octave as he murmurs so close to your ear. “It’s too early to get up.”
He kisses the back of your head, and then his fingers resume playing with your hair.
You drift between wakefulness and drowsiness, noticing how his caresses gradually decrease in frequency, indicating that he’s likely falling back asleep too.
With a content smile on your face, you surrender to sleep.
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Taglist: @bicayaya @silverbladexyz @koco-coko @yamarireads @judejazza
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fang-and-feather · 5 months ago
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Ikemen Vampire - Mozart x Reader
Written for Day 2 of Visions of Temptation by @xxsycamore
Prompt: Handjobs
Words: 899
I finally finished one. Not sure about the ending of this but... And yeah, i recycled last year's banner...
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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“I still can’t believe you agreed to this one.” You told your boyfriend as he helped you into the carriage. “We have quite a trip ahead. Are you sure you will be okay?”
“With you by my side, I will manage.” Wolf kissed the back of your hand before climbing after you.
You smiled. It was sweet that he felt so safe with you, but you were still worried. Even you weren’t sure how you would hold up.
It was a hot summer evening and you would be locked up in this “box” for at least an hour. Twice.
Most of his performances had been in town or close to it. Usually a fifteen to twenty minute ride. This one was… In the next town? You weren’t even sure. But it probably was an extraordinary opportunity if your boyfriend agreed to it despite his fear of carriages.
Or maybe Comte just bribed him again.
Whatever the reason, the start of the trip was like any other. Wolf started off a little nervous, but you held his hand and his attention went entirely to you. You talked about a lot of things, but by now that conversation had died out.
At first the silence was comforting, and you just sat side by side, in as much contact as possible, but after a moment when the carriage jerked violently.
Wolf’s hold on your hand tightened, but his attention was outside in a vain attempt to watch the road.
Sincerely, not even you knew where you were at this point and if the roads were safe, but you had to reassure your boyfriend somehow. You didn’t think something would happen, anyway.
So you also tightened your hold on his hand, and when that didn’t even make him look at you, you kissed his neck, making him jump and finally turn around.
“What was that?”
“Does it bother you?” You asked with a smirk, pulling his hand up and kissing it.
“No. But why?”
“I’m bored, and you need a distraction. And we still have a while here… alone. Well, mostly.” You leaned in and brushed your lips against his, feeling him tense for a moment, then relax.
He started to chase after you when you pulled away, but stopped himself.
“You will ruin your makeup.” He warned.
“This one won’t get out so easily. And even if it did, I could always reapply it.” You kissed him again.
This time, his free hand slipped yo your neck, careful not to mess your hair, and he deepened the kiss.
Your free hand moved to his pants, gently squeezing him through it, feeling how he was starting to come to life already.
“Does the situation please you, or do I really arouse you that easily?” You asked in a whisper.
“You know the answer to that, Meine Liebe.” He replied, stubbornly. “Is your method of distraction just attempting to tease me?”
“Why?” You rubbed him, gaining a low groan. “Did you expect more? In here?” But even as you said that, you put more pressure to your movements and he was hardening under your touch. “Do you think you can stay quiet enough?”
You didn’t wait for an answer, though. His tone was enough approval, and you moved to unbuckle his belt. He helped you remove his pants, refusing to let go of your hand.
“I could always bite you if I feel like I can’t.” Wolf grinned, finally answering you. “That won’t mess up your dress.”
He gulped and his smirk vanished as you wrapped a hand around the base of his cock. He wasn’t fully hard yet, so you lightly dragged your hand up until you could reach to tub your thumb over the head.
His groan was slighter louder, and he bit the inside of his cheek.
“Someone is very sensitive today.” You whispered in his ear. “I wish we were somewhere private, so I could show you what I really can do.”
He grunted back as you gave him a light squeeze, before sliding your hand back down with a light touch, and kept that soft pressure in your following movements.
His hand on your neck pulled you closer again, and he kissed you, muffling a moan.
“How can a sweet lamb like you have so much power over me?”
“Because you belong to me, Wolf. Just like I belong to you.”
You kissed him back, tightening your hold on him and building a new, faster pace, and his hold on you tightened back.
“I never thought not being able to touch you properly would be so difficult. If we were on our way home…”
His words were lost in another groan as you focused your efforts on the leaking head of his cock, rubbing it with the palm of your hand.
“If we were on our way home, I know neither of us would be holding back, except from making more noise.”
Wolf chuckled and kissed your neck.
“If you could keep yourself from making noise.”
“Me?” You gave him a light squeeze. “Are you confident you would fare better if I wasn’t holding back?”
“That depends on what you have to give, Meine Liebe.” His fangs teased your skin.
You mentally cursed this party that had both of you holding back so much, but you tried to focus back. You had a task literally at hand right now.
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Tag List:
@tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya
@eventinelysplayground, @queengiuliettafirstlady, @2-lines-and-a-circle
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
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eventinelysplayground · 5 months ago
A Short Symphony of Blood.
Kinktober Day 7: Size Kink/Blood Play
Pairing: Mozart x Reader
This day was hard for me. I wasn't really having good ideas for either prompt but then I got some inspiration for this fic and it's very short compared to the others I've written. CW: mentions/ minor descriptions of blood and blood drinking. WC approx 560.
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As the rain softly fell against the window pane its sound added to the song forming within your room.
Mozart looked into your eyes silently telling you how much he loves you before his fangs pierced your skin once again. Another wave of heat washed over you as pleasure coursed through your veins and your body arched. He pulled back letting your blood trickle down your skin before he drew his tongue along it. Everywhere his tongue touched your skin felt electrified and you gripped the sheets.
“Meine Liebe.”
His voice was tender and his lips soft as he kissed you. His tongue danced with yours bringing with it the now familiar taste of your own blood. You could hear your heart beginning to slow down again and Mozart pulled away from your lips kissing towards your neck then sinking his fangs in once more when he reached it.
Once again your body arched under him as his fangs gave you what the rest of him had been denying you. This bite bled more than the others and your blood felt warm and slick as it trailed down your neck to your collarbone.
The constant ripples of pleasure emanating from his bite marks were making your head spin and you bit your lip.
“I want to hear more of your voice.”
His lips closed around your nipple followed by his fangs. Your mind had been hazy for awhile now but on some level you were aware you couldn't take much more stimulation before it crossed the line from pleasure into pain.
“Wolf…please I can't…ahhh!”
“I know meine liebe.”
With one swift guided motion Mozart was inside you. You were so sensitive you felt every vein, every twitch as he thrusted hard and deep inside you. You cried out whether from pleasure or from pain you weren't even sure at this point only able to focus on the way he filled you up. As you were losing yourself in the feel of his cock inside you you became aware of his hand gripping yours and pulling it from the sheets. He brought it up between the two of you kissing your palm before moving down to your wrist where his fangs sank in a final time. This time he drank deeply from you and you felt the way your blood pumped through your veins as he did.
You felt your walls tighten around his cock and your body buck as yet another climax hit you and you fell unconscious.
Mozart stared down at your naked body as he tucked the blanket in around you. He wasn't sure when it was he had become so addicted to your blood but he knew he could no longer live without it. It's smell, it's taste, the way it looked against your skin, the way you moaned and writhed when he lapped it off you. He placed a kiss to the bite mark on your wrist before gently laying your hand down and going to sit at his desk.
As he sat there he replayed everything that had happened in his mind. Every look, every movement, every moan and cry, even the sound of the rain upon the window and they all came together flowing out of him and onto the music sheets into an intimate symphony.
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alby-rei · 1 year ago
The Paranormal Performer (IkeVamp; Luigi's Mansion AU, Part 2)
a/n: Decided to get this one out soon since Part 1 was more of a prologue. When your curiosity leads you to pulling a musician out of his muse, how will you survive his harmonic wrath? Happy reading! ✨
Series: Comte's Ghost Mansion Tags: Humor, Crack treated seriously, Luigi's Mansion AU, Spooky scary spectral vampires, Ghostbuster MC WordCount: ~1200 words Characters: You, Mozart Previous: Part 1 Next: Part 3
You lifted the oil lamp given to you by Sebastian to fight off the cold gloom of the mansion, shielding you with a warm, orange barrier. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness eventually. Trotting up the stairs, you opted to explore the east wing first.
A long hallway stretched before you, similar to the one you woke up in, if not the same one. Framed pictures hung against the wall that you passed by. Most of them were generic landscape paintings. You stopped at one that had a name engraved under it.
'Le Comte de Saint-Germain.'
It was terribly dusty. Curious, you removed the dust with the vacuum.
The force of its suction was much stronger than you expected. It latched onto the painting so hard you feared it would crumble and tear.
You, being an amateur at this, could not escape the dust storm that ensued from prying the vacuum off, sending you into a sneezing fit. You stumbled, crashing into something with your elbow. The crash of something fragile froze you in place. It sounded like porcelain.
Little embers illuminated the crime scene. You vacuumed the floor as well as you could, but the larger pieces remained as incriminating evidence. You pushed them under a chair, your sole witness, and hurried along. 
“What Sebastian doesn’t know won’t hurt me,” you convinced yourself.
You peeked behind you, discerning if it was hidden enough from a distance. The darkness helped. For now. 
Turning the corner, you slowed down to catch your breath. Oddly enough, lively piano music could be heard at the end of this new hallway. It was a catchy melody, one that had you walking in step with the tempo. It was hypnotizing in the way it made you forget what happened earlier. You followed the sound to its source, opening every door on the way. They were all locked.
“Aha!” Right outside where the music was loudest, the click of the doorknob meant you could go through.
You were met with a lone fortepiano in the middle of a pristine white room. Along one wall were instrument cases, probably for violins or violas. You struggled to tell them apart. From an arched window, moonlight peeked between the clouds, reflecting off the white keys in a heavenly glow. Little wispy particles danced in the air as the piano keys played themselves.
You stepped closer, mesmerized by the music, cheerful and uplifting. Familiar, the kind of merry tune that gathers dancing folk at a festival. The day before you visited the Louvre museum, you attended an orchestra concert celebrating Mozart’s 268th birthday. That must be where you heard it.
The piano played its last chord, drawing out its sound until it faded naturally. Scribbles appeared on sheet music paper leaning against the piano's rack, transcribed by a floating ink-stained quill. You blinked and tilted your head around the empty seat. Out of curiosity, you pressed some of the keys.
You jumped back and recoiled your hand, for a couple of reasons. One, the piano was out to get you for using it without permission. Two, there was now a fuming phantom-like figure sitting at the piano. His entire form was wrapped in an ethereal light, and you could see through him at certain angles. 
“You dare interrupt my creative process?” His voice echoed in the room. “Have you no respect for a musician’s craft?!” 
A gentleman, around the same height as Sebastian, stood up (he had no legs, you noted, so perhaps “floated up” may be more apt) and fixed a glare upon you. His white hair reached past his ears with a fringe swept in an arc, partially obscuring his striking lilac eyes. But it could not conceal the ire behind them. His figure towered over you as he drew near. If he was not about to kill you, you may have called him handsome.
“Hey, let’s talk about this,” you stalled as you fumbled to get your vacuum back on. “What you played was beautiful, I just didn’t notice that you were there.”
You could say he lacked stage presence, but you kept that to yourself.
He narrowed his eyes, keeping his distance from you. “That machine… Hmph, I won’t let you capture me that easily.” The instrument cases unzipped themselves, releasing floating violins from their sleep. They hovered beside the paranormal performer, who blocked your path to the exit. The violin strings acted as a crossbow for violin bows that materialized from thin air. They followed your every move.
You ducked just in time, and a violin bow zipped past you and shattered against the wall into a thousand sparks.
This ghost was not messing around!
At last, the vacuum whirred to life. It vibrated incessantly against your back, like a massage chair. Dodging with the machine proved difficult. You used the piano in the center as a shield, but you knew you had to confront the phantom eventually.
Your aim was shaky, but you managed to redirect the violins away from you. They took time to aim each shot. Once you figured out the rhythm of the attacks, you leveraged the downtime between each one to target the paranormal performer.
The tube latched onto his cravat, bending his figure like a boomerang. He flailed and stretched his arms beyond human proportions in search of an anchor. Struggling against his resistance, you cranked up the strength with an unsteady hand.
Stumbling around the room, you strained to keep the tube locked on its target. Try as he might to wiggle his way out, the paranormal performer proved no match against the Poltergust’s power. His shrieks filled the room, oddly melodic like he was singing his last goodbye to the world. Once he was fully captured, only the blare of the vacuum remained.
You breathed heavily, whirling around expecting more ghosts to pop up. Your whole body shook. You blamed the machine’s vibrations against your back. Seeing no further threats, you switched it off. The shaking didn’t stop.  
“So,” you said. “Sebastian really was a ghostbuster, then.” And now, so were you.
You picked up the ink-tipped quill that the paranormal performer held. Beside it was a key. You twirled both items between your fingers. Normal to the touch, nothing magical about them.
“Was that one of the ‘esteemed guests’ I was supposed to avoid disturbing?” You scoffed. “Maybe he shouldn’t have disturbed me first!”
Feeling justified in your self-defense, you grabbed the sheet music and the quill and threw them into your item pouch. They seemed ‘of interest’ enough by your standards to return to the butler. At the very least, you had more questions for him. You kept the key in hand, maybe it would unlock one of the doors you passed by.
Stepping out of the room, you walked with a spring in your step. You just faced a ghost! And lived to tell the tale! Now knowing what you were up against, you kept your eyes peeled for any more irregular movements.
After reaching a dead end, you walked back by the broken porcelain in the first hallway. The painting of ‘Le Comte de Saint-Germain’ was still intact. You sighed in relief, and you could actually observe the painting properly.
The subject of the portrait gazed at you with mysterious amber eyes. There was wisdom behind his gaze, like that of a timeworn tome, and a touch of melancholy. His smile was warm and inviting but didn’t quite reach those eyes. Illuminated by the lamp, recognition washed over you. You’ve seen that same sweeping blond hair and tailored suit before.
It was the same man who you met at the Louvre!
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ikeromantic · 3 months ago
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Ikemen Advent prompt featuring Mozart! approx. 400 words.
“It’s going to be fine,” you say, glancing from the sleigh to Mozart and back again. His haughty gaze would fool most, but you can see the anxiety beneath it as he climbs into the passenger seat beside you. 
The sleigh driver glances over his shoulder. “Alright back there?”
“Stop asking stupid questions and get on with it,” Mozart snaps.
The driver snorts and turns back to his work. He clucks and the Belgian draft horse begins to pull the contraption across the packed snow. Bells on the sides of the sleigh jingle, the holly garlands swaying. 
Mozart’s lips are pressed tight together, color high in his cheeks. His fingers grip the bench so tightly that his knuckles have gone white.
You reach over and pry his hand from the wood, twining your fingers with his. If you say anything, he’s sure to snap again so you keep silence, hoping your presence will be enough to calm his nerves.
The sleigh slips and slides down the length of the road, or where the road ought to be beneath the heavy blanket of snow. Everything about the world around you has been transformed by winter. Bare black branches jut into a cloudy sky, bark shimmering with a coat of ice. Evergreens glitter with frost at their tips, drifts of white hanging in thief boughs. It is beautiful.
You glance at Mozart, wondering if he is enjoying the view as much as you are. But his gaze is fixed on you, not the passing scenery. You lean close and ask, “What is it?”
“Nothing.” He frowns. “Just . . . you look happy.”
“I am.” You lay your head on his shoulder. 
“Even being jostled by this - this thing?” He looks to the driver. “Is it necessary to go so fast?” 
The sleigh driver doesn’t respond, and may not have even heard. Not that you are going fast. 
You kiss his cheek and he blushes. Public displays of affection always bring a reaction. “Look, you gesture toward a bright splash of red in a tree. A cardinal. 
Mozart follows your gesture, and for a moment seems to forget he’s in a moving vehicle as his eyes light on the bright crimson feathers. 
“And there -” you point to an overgrown holly bush, its greenery and berries decadent against the snowy backdrop. You continue to point out the beauty you are passing, and his eyes follow yours, taking it in. You can feel the tension in him lessen, his grip on your hand gentling.
When his gaze meets your eyes again, you know that he knows you were only trying to distract him. “Thank you,” he says softly, almost too quiet to hear. 
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