#ight it's off my chest
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torushawty · 1 year ago
thank u emmie for posting this, hi so ! first v sorry for the never ending annoying discourse, i’m like not on here anymore but this is needed to add my side of the story especially since i play a part, i had to take my blog of seven months @/kazushawty down for some petty accusations i didn’t start. as well as since i’ve dealt w the same sub post issue/bullying not that long ago this month + similar drama kind of by this creator.
i was mentioned here by another fellow writer (won’t mention to protect their peace) so, i’m gonna speak up because i know i previously said, i have a life and i don’t care about this high school type drama, but what i’m not gonna do is stay quiet and keep my mouth closed while i was being mocked and talked about from the side lines for no reason when i didn’t even do anything
that being said, i have every right to defend myself and i’d like to also speak for any other fellow deactivated writers who lost their hobby or passion of writing just to this unnecessary childish discourse
also this isn’t a post to by any means be hateful i’m just simply sharing my experience
i remember around sometime the beginning of this october right before the discourse started i got two anons on the same day that involved this writer, and me being confused, i answered it because i figured people were being genuine. one was like “is this saetoru’s second account? /gen” and then another was like “i hope this doesn’t come off as weird but you remind me so much of saetoru you guys have the same humor” and i guess they figured i sent those to myself? because it was mentioned (i obviously didn’t, it’s even weird i got not one but two anons that revolved that blog on the same day hm) i honestly didn’t think much of it really, so i answered both and went along with my day.
but then come to find out a day or two the drama started, someone shows me this screenshot from said writer’s main and it revolves around this ask which was revealed of being my @
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while i appreciate it a lot, i can see how it would have caused things between writers— however for the anon, there’s no need to pin writers against each other and consider one’s skill better than the other, but i feel like this entire situation was a simple misunderstanding (?) i think it was unintentional but reacted in the wrong way, also i got randomly accused of sending this ask, which again i did not. i’ll say this right now, if you have something you wanna talk about just dm. the only “proof” it was apparently me doing everything was all because of the backwards apostrophe and i do that in my writing sometimes only because (1) …. not everyone has an american keyboard, and also, (2) it could be anyone sending that anon. literally. anyone. so blaming it on one person without solid proof anyway is nuts
my thing is, i was literally never contacted in private to deal with this, only to find out i get blocked not even hours later and talked about after i find out this even happened. i completely understand blocking someone, i am not mad in the slightest about being blocked, you’re utilizing the button, that’s in your right. but to hard block and proceed to bash them behind closed doors is entirely childish in every shape or form.
some might say “no one asked you to deactivate” i left on my own choice and accord, mainly being this discourse shit is not worth it. reason why i’m not on here at all after everything happened. all this for some anime porn about pixels. this is tumblr dot com, this app doesn’t pay my bills or any of my necessities and i know when to not take things serious and this entire thing has been so so so so drawn out. literally i write for fictional characters for fun then out of nowhere i get accused of things with no proof only to then get talked about as if i won’t see it, as if i won’t respond. don’t get me wrong, i hate any types of drama, i don’t care for it but if my name is getting dragged out i’m gonna say something because i have every right to defend myself. if you’re gonna talk about me, at least message me so we can have an adult conversation? 😭 all this ‘hard block and sub post all types of bullshit about this person’ is really.. this is so unneeded. no confrontation happened at all and it’s just so
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strange how all this evidence is now all deleted, but i wanna talk about this too, because firstly i didn’t befriend anyone. if anyone knows me, i don’t ask people to be mutuals anymore due to my own comfort reasons. and about my anons on my main being off days before, i never said i got those anons sent from her, i’ve been getting hate silently way before this discourse even happened, i only then decided to speak about it on oct. 9 on my call out post + plus this thing coming out of nowhere on top of the constant racism and hate was just really again, not needed in the slightest.
and again, idk why i kept getting accused of sending anons to this blog when NO PROOF IS BEING SHOWN. how are you gonna accuse someone then not show evidence of what’s being spoken of, let alone confront the person directly. at that point you’re just going off your own word. it makes no sense. like i said, if i have an issue, i’m gonna be an adult and say what i need to say to your face instead of just blocking to only then continue to bring a person’s name up while they clearly can’t speak for themselves
instead of accusing someone, maybe i don’t know, get proof first. because at that point you’re just spreading erroneous false claims. i have no types of time to be living in anyone’s inbox, let alone anonymously. it’s the way this could have easily been prevented and cleared up if i was contacted about the matter, but i literally never was. i got hard blocked for an issue i only found out about many hours later, then i start getting mocked and blamed for doing all types of untrue things—
i’m not gonna immediately assume they’re talking about me in this post like they immediately assumed i was dogpiling them wtv anons but i recall this post that’s now deleted was perhaps sneak dissing me judging from the shawty in my url, also this was right after i deactivated. if i can remember in the asks that was answered about me, i thought you said you didn’t know i existed, so you miss my posts on the dash now? weird
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if this ain’t about me, my bad. it is kinda odd.. this is deleted now but just something to think about
this is ridiculous, and really immature. if you have a problem with me you wanna talk about, just spare the energy and @ me or dm. bc all this lame sub posting shit towards people and not confronting them in private is so kiddy, we’re supposed to be adults and stuff like this is happening. what is this, high school? the constant mocking, bashing, and belittling other writers is just really . . i cant depict a word for it, but it’s really concerning.
this is supposed to be a fun place, not a toxic competitive place— this is an app, to write, create or do whatever. and why yes it is sad i was one of the many writers leaving due to this, at the end of the day it’s not the end of the world because i don’t take it serious like most do. tumblr is a hobby, and i won’t get worked up over it. i can always start over again
without tumblr, you’re literally.. just an average person behind a screen lol. no one is a celebrity on here regardless if you’re a big known blog or not. we all do the same thing at the end of the day, and that’s to write about fictional made up characters. i agree, i feel like people weaponize their high following count to do or say whatever they want and not get held accountable.
sadly after reading everyone else’s shared experiences, i’m sure even this won’t do anything. this will pass and then more writers are gonna get ran off. it’s truly not fun to spend time on a platform where such discourse is never ending, but it’s important to know your worth, there’s no shame in deactivating. there aren’t any hard feelings because again, i don’t take this entire thing serious, i wish all parties nothing but the best regardless. logging out and later deleting this acc like i said to move on but that’s all i had to say. it is quite sad to abandon your passion or hobby because of dumb drama, but what’s really important is to protect your peace.
saetoru is talking abt you on her private blog (@/clorindes) yuckkkkk
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hi nonnie, thank you for letting me know! since i’m leaving this blog & this platform for the foreseeable future i figured i might aswell get a few things off of my chest before i go. i apologise in advance for the vibes this post will probably bring, the discourse & the posts that will ofcourse follow, but i honestly i am not the first person to be targeted by this creator and i’m sure i won’t be the last considering the amount of creators that have been bullied off of this app by them.
first off i’ve had multiple blogs that would be considered bigger blogs such as @/hvnlydmn, @/atsymu + now this blog which is the biggest of all 3. i think there’s a sort of unspoken responsibility that comes with being a bigger blog which i know is no fun but it’s also because it can be super harmful on a site like this, when people weaponise their following.
on that note i’ll start this post by saying that i’ve known tee for probably around 3/4 years, maybe? we were mutuals on hvnlydmn & atsymu and we continued to talk on discord even when i was off of tumblr. i will honestly admit to this day i have never had a negative interaction with tee to my face and she was genuinely supportive of me during any discourse i was involved in. i am not some angel, i’ve had my fair share of crap on this app (of my own doing) but this post is not meant to come across like “oh she doesn’t like me so i’m calling her out” no. im sorry if this doesn’t line up with my brand and my ‘victim complex’ but i’m not gonna lie down and let someone on a power trip on a hobby app drag me through the mud.
first off i had began to get some off vibes from tee when i had started writing on garoujo, notably when i’d just hit my first milestone which was probably around 1k. during this i had decided to move my instagram theme from my main blog to my writing blog.
i’d noticed tee subposting (on main and on her personal blog which i followed at the time) about someone basically using the same theme as her, which after then clicking onto her blog i realised was an instagram theme. i didn’t think much of it, again me & tee were friends and she hadn’t came to me directly so ignored it. i was still a new blog and trying to solidly an aesthetic (before the beige lol) so i changed my theme / masterlists / layouts a lot.
a few more sub posts later i decided to message tee about it because with every thing i’d change / post on my blog, there always seemed to be another post. so i messaged her and got this response in: (i’ve blurred out my irl name btw) open up pics for convo!
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so i let it slide, kept posting & that was that. probably a few days / a week later, tee had soft blocked me which then eventually led to me being hard blocked. i was upset ofcourse because i genuinely considered tee a good friend but i’ve always been a big advocate in controlling your space.
this was when, one of our mutuals in common (the first of many may i add) approached me on discord to say that just like now, i was being ripped to shreds on tee’s personal blog:
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again i was notably upset about this because i was being accused of not only copying her theme but also her writing & masterlists, we did have a lot of mutuals in common so it was also upsetting knowing they would all be seeing these posts aswell. i allowed myself one sub post about “creating a narrative” because i was particularly frustrated but tee then also subposted about this, even though she had me blocked?
i would also like to say regarding our mutuals in common that this was not the first or last mutual to approach me regarding tee. i’ve had multiple people tell me that “they’re only mutuals with her because it would be more damaging not to be” “it’s easier to be on her side”. also i am not saying this is okay but i’ve had multiple of her current mutuals send me not only her posts, but screenshots of her private, personal instagram & also tell me about how all of them and their friends had a running joke / theory that tee made up her boyfriend (ex-boyfriend?) for attention.
regarding the accusations from tee i’d like to first comment on the instagram themes, again i had done an instagram theme on my main blog but it seemed to only be an issue when it was on my writing blog that was gaining traction. if the timing was off and it seemed like i copied her, i genuinely have nothing to say except it’s not the case— it’s instagram (which tee already admits she doesn’t own above) also the hanma writing? i’m still not 100% sure which drabbles she was referring to but i can only assume that 1. is when i posted a drabble about hanma fucking you outside of his subordinates house — this was a almost completely word by word rewrite of a suna drabble i done on my old blog @/atsymu i literally just changed the concept to fit tokyo revengers themes. i can post screenshots of this suna drabble also from my google docs dated February when i deactivated. the other one may have been some basic concept about him fucking you against the window.
she also mentions in the very first recent screenshot at the beginning of this post that i have apparently stolen concepts of fics / posts from her mutuals. what i want to say regarding this is, do you believe that i would have made it this far on stolen work? i don’t know any of the mutuals she’s referring to apart from 1 which i’ll get into. but every single accusation i’ve ever received has always come from someone associated or in contact with tee, she has always been at the root of it all but i have yet to receive a single anon or ask about me copying or taking inspiration from anyone’s work.
i know there was apparently a blog and an ex mutual of mine, who i had a lot of respect & time for who was under the impression i’d stolen their concept for this gojo fic. the whole premise of this fic is honestly not uncommon considering how many times people losing control of their techniques / powers / quirks during orgasm has been done in fanfiction. this concept was completely my own, i had originally posted shitposts about him losing control of his technique & also him putting you into a mating press / breeding before i’d decided to smoosh them together into a fic. we all read from the same workbook, we all have the same material to work off of — two people in a fanbase of THOUSANDS having a similar idea is not unheard of.
now onto the masterlist banners. the screenshot on the far left are the comparison photos that tee made herself— i’m sure you’ll be able to see them in better quality when she makes her own post about it; because obviously that’s going to come. first off i will say, i will admit i took inspiration from her official art masterlist banners — i thought hers looked good and i needed a masterlist so i used official art. fair game there although i only kept them for a few days before i changed again.
but onto the grey masterlist banners, i can honestly say i did not even know tee had this masterlist, also the only comparison i myself see is the colour. the only reason i chose grey was because i had started to use a grey / white overlay on my manga panels for my layout (as you can see far right), and as you know— i’ve always kept my colour scheme pretty consistent. on that note, regarding the actual layout of the masterlists— i’ve added screenshots from atsymu (that i could find due to it being deactivated) that shows the layout of my old masterlists, which was what i took inspiration from for my current. although the title font for each heading like headcanons is different, i had used the sort of old style, basic font that everyone uses before i had deactivated so it would match my fic headers i just don’t have photos obviously.
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anyway on the back of this there was then discourse over me apparently copying tee’s kinktober masterlist, which again was not the case. but again due to tee’s following i had received multiple death threats into my asks the morning after i posted mine. as far as i was aware, the only similarities were the fact we both used gifs in our headers & the layout listing thirsts, hcs & fics (which is very common during kinktober but i admitted below i could see that similarity). unfortunately during all of this discourse was when ffflowers, my hate blog also came into the mix which then lead to tee reaching out to me in dm’s from her old blog.
the interaction between me & tee was pretty good, again she was nothing but nice to me directly despite the way she obviously spoke about me in private above. but as you can see below, tee herself told me that basically most of the similarities all made above were brushed off as basic. we spoke about the ig themes & i apologised, saying i could understand where she was coming from and that was that. i unblocked her & she unblocked me so i could reblog her post, it’s been that way since.
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it is not my place to comment on other people’s experiences on this app but i would need more than 2 hands to list the amount of people that i’m sure have had similar if not worse experiences with tee. i know i have had multiple mutuals who have been bullied off of this platform & had their safe space ripped from them for little things such as: liking a character that this group selfship with, tee and her friends not liking their characterisation. they’ve even went as far as to go through other larger creators notes to check for minors so they can make excuses as to why they’re thriving.
i also know of a blog who was ‘blacklisted’ from tee & her mutuals as they self shipped with arataki itto at the time, one of tee’s friends also did, so they blacklisted this creator and had all of their mutuals block them for this which then in turn drove this creator off the app. there has been other notably bitchy things that i’ve heard but i have no receipts for therefore i don’t see any relevance in starting rumours.
i would also like to say i know plagiarism is a horrible thing, we have all been through it— myself included but it’s got to the point where being accused of copying tee has become a canon event. notably, bigger platforms have been ruined and driven off of this app for little things such as mdni dividers, similar colours schemes etc. and it’s the reason i’m also leaving.
i will say i have met some amazing people through my discourse with tee, notably people who have been in similar situations and i also apologise to any mutuals who we still have in common who are now sort of stuck inbetween. no hard feelings. although to tee: id be careful of the people you trust because it seems the loyalties they have to you are not as sincere as you may believe. you can also go to her personal & read the other things she was saying about me like how she was always so ? at how many people seemed to like me.
so that’s all i have to say, i’m sure dash will get a few responses from this but i’ll be logging out & turning off asks because honestly? couldnt care less. the only thing i’d change about my experience on this app would be i wish i’d blocked tee sooner.
i’d say have a nice day, but instead, have the day you deserve.
— emmie :)
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nkogneatho · 3 months ago
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—fushiguro toji x fem!reader
#TAPE NO 1 OF 'Tis the Season to be Naughty
—cw: breeding, santa kink (idk bruh i am all high and horny), mention on pregnancy, prone bone, raw sex, spanking, dirty talking, nick names. (art creds: yy6241 on ig)
—a/n: 1.2k words of everything that is wrong with me
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Christmas wasn't particularly the most awaited time of the year for Toji. You on the other hand? You made sure that your place looked like the Christmas Spirit threw up garlands, trees and cute lights all over.
"Can you pass me those lights?" you ask Toji who was hanging the pinecones on the tree.
"Tell me why we're doin' this again?"
"Because it's Christmas. It's the season of joy. Oh, by the way," you gently step down from the table that helped you a gain a foot to put on the decorations, "gumi's friends are coming tomorrow so make sure to dress up as a santa."
"What?" He is stunned. It's not that he doesn't like kids but to have all their excited eyes on him would give him quite the stage fright.
"Please Please Toji. I know you don't like this kinda stuff but gumi was so excited the other day to see santa."
"What's in it for me?"
"You want a bribe for dressing up to make your son happy?" Your arms fold against your chest and you look at him with a poker face.
"Of course. That little brat gets spoiled way too much by you. When's my turn?"
"Toji. It's either the santa costume or the shark costume and dancing on baby shark for an hour"
"Hope ya know Santa doesn't like you, sweetheart." He walks away after giving you a nasty look. You know he doesn't mean it. He is cute when he is all pouty.
The party felt like forever. You send Megumi off to Shiu's place with his son and his mom. They were gonna have a sleepover. Megumi was a raging introvert just like his father so him having a best friend was a big deal for you.
"So the dishes are done. The extra party hats are in the cupboard, the floor is clean and y—" You stop your moving feet and look at the view in front of you. "And Santa hasn't left yet."
"Well...I still have one bad girl on my list. Thought I'd take care of that." He steps closer. The heat emitting from his body already reaching to hug your skin.
"But I've been your good girl, haven't I?" your doe eyes flutter at him, your fingers curling his white faux beard.
"Nah sweetheart. You've been so bad. You've barely paid any attention to me all month. Don'tcha think ya should get punished for that?" His grainy voice grazes against your neck. You try so hard to come up with a quick witty answer to turn this into a wholesome conversation but that was down the drain the moment he put that thing on. You were never into the whole santa thing until now. All blame goes to the man underneath the costume.
"P-punished?" You clear you throat. "Like?" You wait for an answer but you don't get one. Well, at least not in words.
Toji picks you up bridal style and walks to the cozy mattress next to the christmas tree and the gifts.
"Gonna give you a full experience, doll."
Everytime you fuck, Toji's always the one to get undressed first. He is too impatient to feel you against him. But tonight, you're the only one getting undressed. Your dress pools on your stomach as calloused hands hike it up.
"tsk tsk. address me properly, naughty girl."
"Santa! Need you inside me.
"Heh. Not so soon, darling. Gotta punish you first." In a split second, you're turned on your belly, face pushed against the pillow. Toji inhales a sharp breath watching your exposed ass. A quick spank is landed on your them, making your husband hard as your plump skin bounces.
"Look at'cha. Such a slut. getting all wet with just a spank? what you gon' do when santa fills up your hole, doll?"
"Ah! Fuck. I am so sorry, Santa. I promise I'll be a good girl f'you" you mewl.
"Promise? ight. Let's test that." You hear him shuffle. His fingers unbuckle the comically large belt and tugging down the pants just enough to expose his throbbing cock. He pumps it a few times before slapping the precum covered tip on your butt cheeks, the slight wet feeling on your skin turning you on even more. Toji grabs a cushion and settles it between the floor and your stomach so your pussy is easily visible. It's shameful. You know you're so wet that it's traveling down your thigh and drenching the cushion.
You feel his cockhead rub against your slick, opening the folds.
"Shit. She's dripping, sweetheart. Don't even need to stretch ya tonight. You ready for Santa's cock?"
He doesn't even give you a chance to answer before he is slowly forcing it in your pussy. Emerald eyes not even blinking for a second out of fear of missing even a single frame of the way you swallow him.
"Fuuuuuck!" you cry out at the stretch.
"Attagirl. Took it all in once. Keep it up and I might take you off my bad list, baby."
He starts off a few gentle strokes to get you used to it all before he puts his arms on your back, pushing you further against the mattress as he starts pounding into you like an animal.
"Fuckfuckfuck fucking god! I love your pussy. You feel so fucking good. Ughhh"
"Ah! Ah! Ah! Santa, pl—please. You're so big."
"I know, baby. But—ugh—you're takin' me sooo well. Fuck! Yeah, baby c'mon. Grind that ass on my cock. Yeaaaah just like that fuck!"
"G-gunna cum, anh anh ffu—ngh," you cry and your tears are soaked by the pillows. In another second, you're coming undone on his cock, screaming his name.
"Good girl. Good. Fucking. Girl." Each word enunciated with a deep plunge in your shivering pussy.
"You've been such a good girl. Santa's gonna give you a gift." Toji picks up his pace again, rolling his hips faster, the faux beard chafing your shoulders as he is putting all his weight on you, all his instincts telling him to breed you.
"Gunna give my sweet doll the greatest gift. You better take it all. 'm gonna make sure your pussy does. goddaaaamn nghh—" A few more deep thrusts and soon he is losing his composure, cumming and painting your insides with his thick leak.
"You better return the gift in nine months doll." You're too fucked in your brain to even register what he said.
The next morning you're not even making eye contact with Toji, too embarrassed to accept you were turned on by something so innocent. Good thing Megumi comes by the door running, helping you avoid the situation for a little longer.
"Aww come here, my boy. Did you have fun at Uncle Shiu's?" He nods. His little arms coming to hug you.
"So what gift ya got brat?" Toji asks the little sea urchin.
"I got a pink tiger with a red color bow. He is the best. I named him Yuuji." You chuckle, wiping the drool from corner of his lips. "And we ate fortune cookies."
"ohh! what did your cookie say?"
"It said Santa will bring a little sister next year." Blood rushes to your cheeks, your face heating up at the little boy's innocent comment, sounding completely sinful after scenes from last night play in your head. You bite the insides of your cheek.
"Mhm. Hope he does, babe." He kisses the top of the boy's head and then your temple. Yeah he is not the Christmas kinda guy. But this might be his new favorite holiday now.
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4milly · 5 months ago
not my hair. /jimmy u. +millytober+
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yall school has been killing me. i’m in my first semester of my junior year in college, and im so tired everyday. and im working too. i wanna dedicate this to @blacst4r for their RECENT TEXT AU😭😭 it gave me an idea.
than to, @caramelcleopatraa. me and her are both in college and struggling with time rn friends. also, remember to be nice…some of yall anons are fckin bullying people deadass, you need to be popped in your mouth for saying that shit to her <333 ty for being patient with us <3 check out her writing if you haven’t !!! her SMAU’s are my fav 😩
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex (wrap it up, no kids pls), p in v, hair pulling, cursing.
parings: jimmy (jon) uso x black!reader
jimmy’s reaction to you getting your hair done goes a bit overboard…
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as you unlocked the door to your home, you heard the patter of feet. upon opening it, Bowser, the shared Rottweiler, greeted you enthusiastically.
“hi baby. my sweet boy, you like mommy’s hair? we gotta take you to get groomed next, boy,” you cooed at the dog as he nuzzled his nose into your face “where is your daddy?”
“bowser,” jon’s voice boomed causing the dog to stand at attention “food.”
with a snap of his fingers, the dog darted toward the kitchen. a shirtless jon, wearing only grey sweatpants, walked over to you; pulling you close and nuzzling your neck, leaving soft kisses all over.
“fine ass. you look so fuckin’ good. c’mere.” he takes your hand dragging you down the hall towards your bedroom
“wait! jon, hold on!” you giggled, as you drag your feet on the carpet against his hold
“whatchu mean, holon? it wasn’t no holon for you to run yo ass to ulta. get them clothes off.” jon commanded as he reached for your jacket to yank it off, throwing past his shoulder
“ah!” you squeal as he threw you onto the bed. moving into your neck, starting to kiss and suck on it, while his hands reached for any piece of clothing left you had on before snatching it off you. “baby, lemme get the bonnet.”
“fuck the bonnet, tryna see yo sexy ass when you cummin all over me.” he groaned before pulling his shorts down revealing all his long thickness, standing at attention pointing right at you with a curve.
Jon was blessed. But he can go over board sometimes wanting to partake in overstimulation and being so rough…on your hair. He loved to pull it and make your pussy swallow him whole; you shouting to the celling about how good the dick felt with tears pooling in your eyes. It was his favorite thing to do.
“jon, don’t pull it and i’m deadass.” you rasped out pushing against his chest as he leaned over you kissing the side of your face, and throwing ur legs over his arms.
“ight, I promise…shit!” he grunted running his fat leaky tip through your folds, before surging into you bottoming out.
jon wasted no time before starting to pump that girth into you rapidly, splitting your pussy wide over him. you always needed a minute to get used to his thickness, the stinging sensation combusting all over your body for a moment. you felt that thick vein running from his base to his tip, rubbing against ur spot. He let out a grunt as your pussy molded around his dick.
you let out a sharp hiss as he nearly pulled out before bottoming out again, letting the small thick coarse hair tickle your clit.
tonight was different; his dick was aching ever since you sent him them damn selfies. he needed to explode. he could damn near drill through a brick. the sight of your head thrown back, eyes rolling to the back of your head, hands gripping the sheets, toes curled, moans and cried if ecstasy running through his ear, and your hair spiraled over the bed couldn’t have been more pretty.
he’d make it his lock-screen if he could.
he starts creating a pace, fucking into you. your pussy weaping all over his dick made it an easy ride. you whined and bucked your hips up to match his pace, your clit pressing into him—adding more pleasure. his dick working your pussy with fast, smooth, and deep strokes. his pants and your cries bouncing off the walls creating a song.
“mmm! ba—baby!” you stumbled over your words trying to string together a singular sentence
your push your hand against his chest, “nah. wanna run yo ass to ulta, right? i said bring dat ass home. you wanna be hard headed. lay the fuck back…yea, take this dick. that’s my good girl.”
his mind became clouded at the sight of his dick coated in a sheer white, and your pussy wetting up his lap. each pump causing his stomach to tighten. he knew if he kept going he’d be fucking a baby into you.
he quickly pulled out flipping you onto your knees, sliding back in. he slowed his hips into small circular whines; grinding against your ass to drag out your orgasm.
he was beating the pussy up, all from a damn hairstyle. secrets to be kept; before you arrived he nearly broke his phone clutching it in his hand so hard as he wrapped his hand around his thick base and yanked on the red, leaky, tip till he came on the pictures you sent him…now he was just making up for time.
“look at dat, mama,” he sighed pulling against your shoulder to make you look up towards the mirror on the closet door, “pretty ass…so fuckin sexy. you so fuckin pretty, baby. lemme hear you say it.”
“i’m so pretty…” you softly mewled
“hell nawl. whatchu say?”
your eyes were permanently glued to the sight of jon pushing your neck into the bed, the other gripping your hip to pull you towards his irritate thrust, and his lip tucked between his teeth tightly. the only thing flowed out your mouth was your saliva pooling at the corners of your mouth, and incoherent babbles.
you were in the perfect position. face down was down, and your pussy hiked up in his lap being fucked thoroughly. jon felt his dick swell from the sight of your curtain bangs messily sticking against your forehead.
you tightened your pussy muscles around his dick everytime he pulled out, your aching pussy twitches at the feeling of his hot cum spraying inside you. you could see white spots in your vision at the feeling of your stomach tightening.
“you gone make me cum too quick, doin’ that kegal shit, girl.” he groaned out cracking his hand on the side of your ass—a move to tell you to stop.
you let out a gasp as his hand moved into your hair tightening, pulling you upwards.
“jon! you pro—ugh! shit!” you screamed out towards the celling
“you wettin this dick up so fuckin’ good, mama. tell me what i’m tryna hear.” he panted—sweat beads formed on his forehead and his chest, as his balls slapped against your clit
“i’m so pretty! i’m so prettyyy—jon im cummingg!” you cried into the air as your pussy twitched before your orgasm squirted over him—the force nearly pushing him out.
the sensation of your pussy jumping around him trigged his own release, his cum jetting out in thick ropes inside your pussy—mixing with your own.
he fell over ontop of you, leaving wet kisses in the crook of your neck. his hand reaching between your legs to rub small circles on your clit to drag out the effects.
“you’re a fuckin’ liar, jon.” you panted holding yourself up on your wobbly arms
“text me her booking site or sum…i’ll pay for another appointment. can’t promise that shit ain’t gone make me fuck you tho.”
this guy…
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🏷️: @caramelcleopatraa @harmshake @msbigredmachine @angiedawn02 @amandairene88 @cyberdejos2 @queeny23
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make sure to reblog, comment, and follow! xoxo <3
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rissouu · 1 year ago
Can you do a story with plugony about him and his gf doing a drop off together because she begged to be there with him and one of his female clients start to flirt with her right in front of him and what his reaction would be ?
you sat quietly in the passenger seat as ony went back and forth with some girl through the window. earlier, you had begged him to let you ride around with him to make drops and surprisingly he let you.
usually the overprotective man would say ‘no, i don’t want you around all `dat’ but he wanted to be in your presence right now, so fuck it.
you casually scrolled through your phone— not paying the two any mind. ony was a popular dealer so of course he’d have to deal with female clients as well, you didn’t mind it. but, they did get out of hand at times.
“c’mon bro you knew an eighth was gon’ be thirty, i been told you dat’.” ony was fed up with the annoying girl, she kept asking for him to lower the price. which he wasn’t going to since he let her know how much it was before hand, and she was okay with it.
now she was fucking with his time and his money, shit he never took lightly.
“onyyy don’t be like that.. maybe i can repay you in other ways?” she took one glance at you and cockily smiled, she knew what she was doing. her hands slipped through the car window in an attempt to touch his chest.. but before she could even do so the man slapped her hand away.
“oh this bitch got me-“ you leaned up from your seat—already preparing to whip some ass. evidently you didn’t want to cause ony to lose any clients but, oh fucking well. you weren’t going to let her disrespect you without retaliating, period.
as soon as you reached for the door ony locked it, placing his hand on your thigh in an attempt to cool you down.
“no ony cause she need her ass beat, ion know why she playing wit’ me!” one stern look and a rough squeeze to your thigh was all it took for you to hush. you were still heated of course but it wasn’t worth making your man upset, he didn’t like you fighting at all. you were too pretty for it, honestly.
“i got it mama, let daddy handle it. ight?” you reluctantly nodded before sitting back in your comfortable position. because if your man said he’d handle it, then he would.
ony chuckled lowly while grabbing his gun from the glove compartment, sitting it on the dashboard so that the girl would see it.
“you see my girl sitting right here dawg.. fuck is you playin’ for?” the girl watched him with nothing but pure fear in her eyes as he slowly picked up the gun— aiming it to her head.
“you played wit’ my time.. my money.. and my girl,” ony grinned before nodding his head towards you which took her attention off of him and onto you..
“ain’t she pretty?” instead of answering verbally the girl decided on a simple nod, and you couldn’t tell if she was being genuine or just scared for her life.
“fuck wit’ her again and you dead, now gimmie my thirty broke ass girl”
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ayeyolooo · 1 year ago
Dappin’ up 10’s
You and your friends thought that it would be a good idea to dap up boys that y’all found cute. But there was a twist(we’ll save that for later😉)
“Pretty girl you ready?” Sasha stuck her head in your door, you smiled and nodded and made your way to the front door. You had just got out of a relationship so y’all thought it would be fun to go and do the lil video. Cause who was about to go out sad about a nigga?? not you.
Yall finally made it to downtown Miami where the beach was and parked. When y’all got out the car Sasha and mikasa giggled and squealed making you laugh and shake your head. “Dang if I was the big L I’d most definitely shoot my shot at you.” Mikasa said making you laugh. “Girllll pleaseeee.” You said waving her off with a laugh.
Y’all was walking and found an area with a whole bunch of people which y’all thought would be a great area to do the video. “Ight y/n/n you first.” The both of them said. You nodded and squinted your eyes trying to find someone. Your heart dropped as you seen a friend group all of them was so fine if you was being honest but the dark skinned one caught your attention, so you just walked over to them.
Mikasa started recording as you walked over to them, dropping their conversation making them all look at you. You had your attention on him and only him. You held your hand out and he paused a second before taking it and looking at you in your eyes. You took in his facial features and your face went hot. He had waves with a fresh tape meaning he got his hair cut today.. (oh lord he one of them wanting to show off his haircut.) he had on a black tee shirt that was tight around his upper arm and that goatee,mustache and pretty lip combo. He had on his chains that sounded like ice and water when he moved,you took your hand away and flashed your grills at him making him look at you with them eyesss( if ykykkkk) your chubby cheeks made him look at you in aw. He scanned your outfit and nodded in approval. You mikasa and Sasha walked away giggling as they looked at ony hitting his chest in excitement.
“Yooooooooo!!” Connie and eren placed their fist up to their lips and laughed. “Who was thatttt she is so gorgeous oh my goodness??” The both of them asked him. “Man ion know.” The both of them sucked their teeth making him look at them with a stank face. “You need to find her cause I felt the tension all the way over here.” Connie said cackling. And that’s exactly what he did.
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babygirl-riley · 1 year ago
Growing Pains
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this art work belongs to my all time favorite CoD fan artist. @ave661
Simon holds his baby thinking about when you announced that you were pregnant.
Warnings: fluff, smut, swearing, dad!simon
simon x reader guide
simon x reader family edition
Simon held onto his baby girl as she slept on his chest. She wore his favorite pants she has, skulls littering all over the grey of the shorts and just a simple shirt. Socks covering her feet so she didn’t get cold. He patted her back and rubbing up and down.
Never did he think that he would have a child. Let alone a baby girl. Simon thought about how he wouldn’t be the best dad and was afraid to be one. When meeting you that was the first conversation you both had.
“No kids.” He mumbled sipping his tea as you flipped a pancake.
“No kids,” You repeated. “Then you buy plan Bs since you don’t like condom nor pulling out.”
Simon chuckled at that. You were right he hated both. He loved to feel you gummy walls as the tightened around his cock. And he loved the thought of his cum coating your walls. “Fine.” He said softly standing up to walk to you and kiss your neck.
Five years later the topic was brought up. This time it wasn’t cause of not having one. “Simon,” You whispered through the phone. He knew this voice. Something happened. Something not good. He was gone on an assignment for three months. You have been wanting to mention to him about the forming bump before he got home. This time you had to. You couldn’t have him come home to that. “I’m pregnant.”
Simon thought he heard wrong. He had to. There isn’t anyway. “You sure?”
You sighed tears rolling down your face. Sob coming out. That’s when it hit him. It was true. You sobbed telling him you are terrified and didn’t know what to say. Simon stayed silent. He didn’t know what to do or say either. After a couple of minutes and you stopped talking. His heart was ripping he wanted to comfort you yet he was fucking terrified. “How far along?”
“3 months.”
Simon wanted to laugh. Of fucking course. This had to be a joke. You knew his thoughts about having kids. His thoughts would go back to his dad and what he would think about if he was a dad. Turn like his own. “‘Ight,” He sighed rubbing his painted eyes with his glove. “It’s gonna be fine.”
Price knew something was up with Simon when he was trying to take his time to go home. Usually he would be the first out. “Ya still here?” Price asked walking to him. Simon just nodded. “You and the Misses fight?”
Simon sighed shaking his head. “She pregnant.”
Price was taken a back. “Pregnant?”
Simon sighed once more. “I don’t know what to do.”
Price chuckled actually chuckled and loud. Price rubbed his chin taking out a cigar. “That’s what I said too Simon.” Both Simon and Price sat against Simon’s truck talking about pregnancy and what Price’s wife went through. What to expect. Especially not to be scared. Price explained that you were already terrified. Especially since this wasn’t planned.
When he walked through the door, it was dark and quiet. You were in bed, he did take long of coming home. When he took off his boots and clothes, showered before crawling into bed. Watching your body rise and fall from your sleep. When he started to wrap his arm around you, he felt it. The bump. The form. The child. He rubbed your stomach. “Alright kiddo. You win.” He whispered, pulling you closer.
The next day you woke up last (per usual). You noticed that it was recently warm, knowing that he just got out. You saw a distant light illuminating the hallway. You got out putting on your favorite robe, that kept you warm. Noting that it started to shrink. :(
When you reached the kitchen, he was in the back balcony. Mug in hand. Watching the sun come over the hills. You stepped out, having him turn to you, he moved his hand to grab yours and kissed its palm, before placing on your stomach. “‘M scared.” He whispered.
You put your hand over his and nodded. “I am too.”
Simon was silent looking at your belly. “What if I…” You placed your finger against his lips and walked around to straddle his hips.
“I’m going to stop you right there, I could tell you many ways how you are not your father,” You explained, he looked up at your face you massaged the back of his scalp. He sighed into it. “You might be tough skinned but you also have the biggest heart Simon.”
Simon sat there watching your smile, your eyes full of adoration. He smiled and placed a hand on your cheek. You leaned into it closing your eyes, feeling his warmth radiating. “I love ya so much.” He mumbled kissing you on the lips.
The next couple of months it was amazing. Simon would hold you, help out with putting on shoes when your feet would disappear. Rubbed your belly and hummed to the baby. He would kiss your stomach. He even lifted your tummy so you could have some relief. Soon enough Simon was coming more and more on terms with having a baby. With you. Having a mini both of you running around.
When she was born he was late, he was just landing as he sprinted to his truck. Soap pattering along with. As Soap drove Simon was on the phone with your mom who was informing him of the early birth. Saying you were alright just the baby was ready to be born. Simon was worried that he wouldn’t make it in time as Soap drove through the streets in high speeds.
Simon was throwing his gear off as much as possible. At least look decently alright, he would mess with his blond locks as he sprinted inside the hospital. Nurses guided him to the room that he heard painful screams. When he walked through, you were pushing already. “Si.” You whispered reaching for him.
Simon ran to your aid, holding your hand as the doctor would encourage you to push. Simon kissed your forehead with the breaks as you leaned into him. “You’re late.” You joke smiling at him. He smiled and brushed your sweaty hair out of your face. Before he could make a joke to you the doctor ask for one more push.
Simon thought you were beautiful, sweat and all. Most of all he felt terrible about the pain you were enduring. After one last squeeze of your hand and loud scream. A loud wail came from the bottom of you. You laid back in relief as you panted for some air. Simon was frozen as they moved his little girl over to clean her up.
You watched them then turned to Simon. “Go see her.” You whispered drawing circles into his hand. He looked down at you and immediately you knew he was scared yet excited. “It’s okay.”
Simon nodded once and walked over to his bay girl. The nurses moved over (even though they didn’t need to since he towered over them.) He watched as her face would change into scrunching then not. She started to whimper instead of crying. The doctor looked up at Simon and smiled. “You ready dad?”
Simon nodded once as they passed the bundle of blanket over. She was tiny in his arms. The doctor explained where to hold and placements. You watched as you teared up, watching your boyfriend of all people being told how to hold a baby. Your baby. His baby. Simon looked up at you, tears brimming in his eyes as he walked to you carefully.
You reached out for both you and the baby. “Ya did good lovie,” he whispered into your hair as he gently placed the baby against your chest. “I love you.”
You looked over at him as you smiled, tears falling down. “We did baby, I love you so much.”
Simon held onto her tighter as he remembered that day. The day he felt so many emotion for one little thing. She cooed and was chewing on her hand, Simon kissed her forehead as she cooed. “How you changed everythin’. Ya know?” He whispered picking her up to view her face.
She giggle as she reached for his face. Simon smiled as kissed her nose, she wiggled her head and laughed. Simon brought her closer smiling, she grabbed his face, as their forehead together. “I love you.” He said smiling as she grabbed the back of his hair.
He slowly pulled her hand out of his hair. You stood in the hallway watching as he laid her down on her tummy to teach her crawling. Your heart swelled watching quietly when he had his moments like that. All that mattered is that he became better than his own father.
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zillatastic · 9 months ago
rapper! ony x singer! reader
summary: good girl gone bad ; you just can’t get enough of rapper ! ony who has made a name for himself for participating in a plethora of (usually) one-sided rap beefs, being a creative lyricist/producer, & being such a bad influence to your heart.
(I suck at summarizing ಥ_ಥ̥)
this post contains: head-cannons, cursing, n-word usage, smidge of smut, spelling errors, lowercase grammar, semi-toxic ! ony or wtv, crybaby ! reader, vague description of reader’s body, lowk clickbaited summary, not proofread.
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▬▬ rapper! ony who “accidentally” leaks a snippet of his new song with your moans as the intro melody.
much to your horror the audio blows up on tiktok and now every time you open the app, that accursed audio plays.
the worst thing about it is that every time you bring up the audio to ony and question how it even got leaked in the first place, you’re met with a..
“mmcht, ma, for the last time I don’t know how it got leaked. connie’s dumb ass must have did something stupid and posted the wrong shit.”
or a..
“fatbutt, I don’t know why you complaining. you sound sexy as fuck and the fans wanna hear more of the track once i release it. you don’t wanna disappoint our fans, right ma?”
“n-no, I don’t wanna disappoint them but I just don’t feel comfortable with it. maybe you can call connie one more time and try to get it taken care of ?”
it never gets taken care of, in fact three weeks later ony drops the song with eren as featured artist which doubles the song’s popularity and makes it on the billboard hot 100.
“whose pussy is this, ma ? ~ mhm tell me ?” ony asks while delivering slow harsh strokes into your trembling body. your hair wrapped tightly in his hands as it helps aid his assault into your weeping cunt while his free hand is gripping your midsection equally as tight.
“f-fucknmhm, it’s yours pa,” ony’s abusive thrusts to your pussy force your words to ball up in the back of your throat as you try to concentrate on listening to his commands and hold the phone recording the intimate moment.
watching the phone slowly start to slip through your half- boneless hands, it urged him to re-wrap your hair (tightly) into his hands and harshly lift your body onto his chest while continuing his now- upward thrusts into your cunt. the new angle allowed a deeper reach into your cervix as ony heartlessly knocked into it. “say it louder for the camera baby. whose owns this pussy ?”
“ony does, ony owns my pussy. fuck~ please pa I’m so close.”
“good girl, ma. you so pretty when you cry. now cum for me.” ony commands as he watches your body tremble in pure overstimulation and pleasure. biting his lip as he gently wipes the tears from out the corner your eyes and leans down to kiss your cheek.
▬▬ rapper ! ony who can sense when someone is making his girl laugh.
“ony what is your opinion on the Kendrick vs Drake beef?” a reporter asked while shoving her mic into his face.
ony who was tired of being asked this question sighed and tried his best to formulate a sentence that would not offend either rapper.
“well you know I be-” he stops mid sentence to turn around before hearing the soft chuckle of his girlfriend from across the garden of the regal event.
the reporter who was standing there unanswered lifted a brow and tried to gain ony’s attention back on the question for it’s live broadcasted audience.
“umm, ony ?” the reporter asked until she heard a feminine chuckle from the other side of her. the reporter and the cameraman turned swiftly to what caught ony’s eye to see you laughing hysterically at something thee Brent Faiyaz said.
“I’ll be back.” ony mumbled.
(damn.. someone stole my bitch.)
▬▬ rapper ! ony who promotes your music to his hardcore fan base.
▬▬ rapper ! ony who cannot keep his hands off your body.
he is stuck to you like white on rice.
you physically cannot escape this man because his strong arms are always securely wrapped around your waist, neck or arm.
ony isn’t a controlling person, but he is very clingy. he likes to feel the presence of his girl around him and having a body part of his connect to yours-
It sedates him.
cheesy? I know.. but he’s your man, so you’ll deal with it.
▬▬ rapper ! ony whose mean mug is nasty.
he does not play when it comes to people besides him being handsy with you.
ony’s sideeye has become a stan twitter icon.
in the earlier stages of your blooming relationship ony did not want to come off as too overbearing (he is) and let a lot of of his boundaries be overstepped. he never wanted to cause a big scene, so he always used his face to project his emotions instead of his words and fist.
a particular event where you had been pulled to the side to be interviewed had blown up all over social media because of ony deviously standing in the back- mugging the fuck out of the reporter whose hands were on the small of your back.
retweets of the incident had you delighted while ony was rather annoyed.
▬▬ rapper ! ony who dedicates an entire album to you.
▬▬ rapper ! ony who corrects your behavior.
ony has eyes all over. never forget that.
you two had gotten into an argument the day before over something small. at this point you had already forgotten what you two were arguing about, but the impact of the altercation was still there.
you despised when ony bested you in an argument and in retaliation you decided to attend a not-so little house party that ony advised you not to attend.
so what did you do?
you went to the party.
that night you’d tell ony that it was all sasha’s fault, but this was a conscious choice made by yourself.
that night you were spent bent over ony’s leg being spanked till tears then finger fucked.
▬▬ rapper ! ony who can’t stop talking about you during interviews.
▬▬ rapper ! ony who verbally dragged another artist who decided it would be cute to throw shade at your new single.
“ony, delete the tweet.” with your hands on your hips you let out a deep sigh. you two have been bickering back and forth all evening about the tweet-simply because you didn’t care what someone with barely 500k streams had to say.
“no, she’s gonna learn to pick her battles wisely today, ma.”
“oh my fucking god onyankopon put the phone down.”
(end of rapper! ony x singer! reader headcannons pt. 1)
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author note: thank you so much for reading and noting. I have not written in years (2019-22) and I wanted to jump back into something new. usually I would’ve written a 10k fanfic on naruto but I’ve been tuning into a lot of aot/jjk content and I’ve decided this is my new era of writing. I cannot wait to find my own comfort and flow with this new fandom !!
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morgluvsconnie · 9 months ago
BOUND, c.springer
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chap.3 | language, kinda short (will make it up!!!) | chap.2
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“when yo birthday again?”
“two days.” you sipped your margarita while looking up at connie. both of you were drunk, high, and out of it. you were at the bar spot once again, leaning against the counter. he did the same, looking down at you.
“you want sum?” he tilted his head.
“not from you.” you looked at connie through your lashes, smiling a little. he had a straight face for a few seconds, but started to smile. “don’t say ian ask you, ight?” he raised his brows.
before you could reply, a random guy came up to you.
“wassup.” he looked you up and down. connie frowned a little, backing up. “i guess ian here then.” he said under his breath, looking to the side and drinking from his cup.
“you fine, i saw you from over there.” the guy pointed backwards. you glanced back and looked at him. you had no damn idea where he was pointing.
“okay.” was all u said, taking a sip from your bottle.
“just tryna make sure you ain’t got no boyfriend. you pretty as hell.” the guy smiled. you smiled back and laughed. “thank you, but i got a boyfriend.” you tilted your head. connie looked at you with a confused face.
“ion see ‘em.” the guy looked around then at connie.
he looked back at you. “this him?” he frowned.
you looked at connie and connie looked at the guy. “if you ain’t cut off our conversation you woulda knew that.” he mumbled, looking him in the eye. the guy stared at connie for a second before squinting and looking at you. “ion believe it.”
“fuck you want us to do, kiss?” connie frowned again.
“he is my boyfriend. better luck next time.” you pat the guy on his chest, softly pushing him away. “you, you gotta work on your temper.” you pointed at connie.
“my temper? youn recall when you came to get that tattoo? and you welcome for helping you. shit.” connie shook his head and blew through his mouth. “crazy.”
“well ion remember. so.” you shrugged, taking one more sip from your margarita and turning around to go. “hol up, where you goin?”
“you high. and drunk.” connie squinted.
“no i’m not.” you crossed your arms.
“look at yo eyes.” connie stared at you. you pursed your lips together. “i can’t cus i don’t have a mirror.”
connie scoffed. “you tryna get off, ight. go home if you want to.” he shrugged. “i will if you gimme my keys.” you held your hand out. connie looked down at his pocket and took the keys out. “these my damn keys.”
you looked at them. “oh.” you mumbled, reaching in your purse to get your keys. you laughed lightly at yourself and hummed. “okay, ima see you later.”
“you not driving home like that.” connie rested his eyes at you and grabbed your keys, walking off. “boy what the hell?” you frowned, quickly following behind him. “gimme my keys” you pushed him. “no.” he walked to the rest of the group. “aye sash. take y/n car home and catch mikasa back.” he tossed sasha your keys.
you frowned up at connie then looked over to sasha, furrowing your eyebrows. sasha shrugged her shoulders with a smile, making you roll your eyes and groan, and being forced to follow connie outside the club.
“you high too! you can’t drive me home.” you stopped at the door and leaned on the brick wall. “i can function when i’m high. ian even smoke as much as you. so come on.” connie kept walking.
you stayed in the same spot, making connie turn around and narrow his eyes before looking up at the sky and closing his eyes.
“every time you get drunk.” he mumbled.
“it’s not every time. i’m not drunk i’m just tipsy. i’m talking perfectly fine.” you looked the other way.
to you, you were talking perfectly fine. but to connie, it sounded stupid. real stupid.
“okay, you not drunk, you tipsy. now bring yo ass y/n.”
“noooo” you whined, turning away as connie walked over to you.
that’s when you felt yourself being lifted off the ground, and tossed over connie’s shoulder. “you so fuckin stubborn.” he mumbled, walking to his car.
as much as you felt like arguing, you just let it happen.
an attitude was planted on your face as connie drove you home. he’d glance at you every few seconds, making sure you were good. “stop lookin at me.” you mumbled, staring out the window. you picked up your phone to check the time.
“it don’t matter how many times you pick up that phone, it’s still gon be dead.” connie smiled, just to mess with you. you squinted and slowly turned towards him.
“shut the hell… up.” you blinked quickly before turning the other way.
of course he didn’t care about you being rude. you were drunk. he knew, obviously, how you acted when you were drunk. but he still had to let you know,
“ion know who the hell you talkin to like that.” he raised his eyebrows, eyes still rested on the road.
“you.” you rolled your neck and him before rolling your eyes.
connie leaned back, slowly nodding with a small smile. it was funny when you were mad. apparently.
“right here.” you pointed to the house nearby.
as he pulled in the driveway, he put the car in park and put his hands behind the seat. “get out.”
you look at him.
“i’m just playin, damnnn. big head.” he laughed, unlocking the car. as you got out, you closed the door behind you, walking around the car and looked back at connie, throwing up a middle finger.
connie smacked his lips and let the window down. “damn, no thank you?”
you walked to your door and got your house key out, which was with your mailbox key, and your moms house key. fumbling to find which one out of the three it was, you dropped them, getting frustrated.
you snatched them off the ground, stumbling back over to the car and passing connie the keys. “i can’t see which one says H.” you mumbled, waiting for connie.
he glanced at you and chuckled a little, giving you the right key. “don’t drink again.”
you waved him off and walked back over to your door, looking back at him. “thank you.” you said, unlocking you door.
“you good.” connie said back, letting the window back up.
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angelic-dew · 8 months ago
Can I get yandere alphabet list with tanjiro?? Thank you babes <3
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# yandere alphabet list !
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✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🕸 ୧・author's note :: sorry for the delay, my posting schedule isn't the most consistent! I got this list from @dear-yandere to use as reference.
✧༉‧₊˚୨ 🔪 ୧・pairing :: Tanjiro K. x g/n reader — {you/your pronouns}
✧༉‧₊˚୨ ⛓ ୧・trigger warnings :: yandere. isolation. kidnapping. unhealthy obsessions. delusions. some ooc. mentions of drugs. mental abuse. manipulation. gaslighting. stalking. grammatical errors. ⁞⁞ LETTERS A—P
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⚝. Just a reminder I don't tolerate nor do I encourage the following topics in reality; I like keeping it strictly to fiction.
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[A]ffection :: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Tanjiro is an interesting individual when he becomes lovesick. His undying love for you only burns pure passion and lust into the deepest depths of his heart for you; so it's no surprise he tries to show you his affection in every way he humanly can. I see his main love languages being words of affirmation and quality time, of course, some others slip in as well, just not as much such as gift-giving and acts of service. So he's willing to go to many lengths for you, he always strives to give you his utter best and nothing less.
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[B]lood :: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Not much in particular, he would never hurt innocent civilians and villagers regardless of how much jealousy tries to tempt him into acting in such a manner. He would rather try to isolate you from that person(s) completely rather than kill them off, though, he does get sudden urges to act upon those deeds. Now, if it's a demon, then it's fair game. The brutality would really show in his actions if it were a demon, like a fire luminously burning in his chest as he fights it courageously, just for you.
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[C]ruelty :: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No, he would never dream of showing what's truly stored beneath the surface of his kind smile. Even though you got abducted by him, he would still treat you with the same vehement amount of endearment; if not, maybe a bit more since you have no one to go to besides him if there's any such issue. He likes this feeling of being depended on. Kamado would definitely make you dependent on him but also restrict some of your access to certain parts in your place of capture by keeping a heavy chain tightly secured to your ankle.
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[D]arling :: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Of course, he would, not intentionally though; he really doesn't mean to act upon it in these such ways but his self-control slips at certain times when rage begins to consume him entirely. I see him always wanting to be around you, therefore, that can translate to taking you on various missions with him with or without your permission. He lives and breathes you, it's no surprise he'd also tend to drug you from time to time with sleeping medication so you can barely remember a thing when you end up in a foreign location.
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[E]xposed :: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Before your 'disappearance', I would assume he would be very subtle with his emotions towards you; of course, he would be a little too friendly towards you but what's the harm in that? You two are just best friends, nothing more or nothing less, sharing a close bond together is all that it is. Now, when his true colours are revealed, he'd be much more open with you concerning his feelings, reminding you every night that you're with him that you're his only true love, whispering words of compassion, professing his love for you repeatedly in hopes you'd see him in the same way he sees you. Very vulnerable indeed.
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[F]ight :: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He is not pleased in the slightest. Tanjiro loves you, why can't you just see that he means all well to you. His one and only radiant angel sent from above; he doesn't harm you even though he is edged to do so, his violent tendencies are getting worse and worse. He simply sees you being unhappy with the situation, he only attempts to console and softly mutter words of how much you mean to him. It's only for your own good after all, he's doing this for you, can't you see that? Hopefully one day you'll realize that your actions of lashing out are futile.
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[G]ame :: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This situation is far from comical to Tanjiro. There is no such entertainment in having his darling try to leave him when he desperately needs them more than ever. So, attempts to escape do enrage him to an extent but he could never actually get upset with you. Not all can bare with these types of experiences, so he doesn't blame you. All he has to do is up the ante in barriers and security in your place of capture. And maybe do the same for you.
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[H]ell :: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Hmm, if I had to pick, it would be the few times he deprived you of food and water as a form of punishment. Strengthening your restraints and such as well, causing nasty bruises to form along your wrists. That and the time he locks you up for long durations in pitch darkness as another form of punishment. But this treatment type only comes when you seriously cross the line.
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[I]deals :: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He planned everything out already! He wants an estate and to be married and four kids and a pet chicken named Kota! But in all seriousness, he sees himself falling for you further in the future and you doing the same to him. He sees you walking down the aisle looking utterly extravagant! That's the main thing he dreams of each night. To make it official with you. To tie you with him until death do you both part.
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[J]ealousy :: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Not really, but he can't control it when he does get this strong feeling. He usually tries to be passive-aggressive with his jealousy, uttering snarky remarks under his breath but never anything too direct. He usually sulks in his jealousy until he reminds himself that you truly belong to him and him only! It's pretty useless wasting emotions on those who aren't worth it.
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[K]isses :: How do they act around or with their darling?
Fairly.. normal in public spaces. I mean, it is Tanjiro after all, he acts cheerful and sweet, comforting when he needs to. He acts like his usual self, however, there is a distinct possessive nature which lurks deep within him that comes out of hiding ever so often. He is keen on having your attention all to himself, and will become highly frustrated if someone were to even hold you in a conversation.
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[L]ove letters :: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Easy. I think that Kamado would definitely be a strong believer that all relationships last longer when they are friends or good acquaintances before pursuing an actual relationship; ergo, he would attempt to befriend you before dropping some hints on the matter.
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[M]ask :: Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not entirely, Tanjiro is Tanjiro, he will always be what he is, a good person deep down that wants nothing more than to help others in need, but you, you bring out something he could have never imagined himself being like - How hostile he could truly get around others when they've done nothing wrong, a sense of urgency always takes over him when he's with you, and he'd be very clingy, you must pay attention to him! and him only.
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[N]aughty :: How would they punish their darling?
As I stated previously in [H]ell, I would say he isn't one for many punishments. The most he'll do (when you're finally abducted of course), is tighten your restraints to the point you feel like you're losing circulation to that area. The cold steel tightens around your wrists, almost making your hand feel completely numb; now that would be the worst. The second type of punishment is depriving you of food and water for at least a day or two, while you're stuck in the darkness, with only his voice to alleviate your whines and needs.
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[O]ppression :: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
The most Kamado would do is restrict you from having much freedom; when he 'punishes' you, he cracks away at your basic needs: nutrients, food and water. So I would say that's bad by itself but your social interaction will also be limited, as expected. The only one you could ever truly see besides him is Nezuko, and even then, she has issues with her speech.
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[P]atience :: How patient are they with their darling?
Extremely patient, it's kind of scary at times, he rarely ever snaps - and if he does it's not something noticeable. The only thing that would change is that his always soft smile would shift into more of a neutral frown accompanied by a blank stare. Another thing about Tanjiro is that he's incredibly understanding, which makes him more tolerable than other yanderes, in turn, he can see why you will not enjoy these circumstances. So take all the time you need to adjust.
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© angelic-dew, please don't translate or reclaim without permission <3
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leah-lover · 11 months ago
My mommy. Alessia russo x daughter! reader.
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Reader is jealous of her mother's pregnancy.
You loved your mama. 
Obviously everybody loves their mom but with you it was different. You wanted to be on her, near her and in her eye sight at all times. When you would wake up she was the first thing you thought about, and you wanted her to be the last thing you saw before you closed your eyes. Alessia loved you too, she loved your clinginess, your smile, your strawberry like smell, and laughter. 
Today started out like any other day. You woke up, washed your face, took your stuffed bear and headed to your mommies’s room. They were still asleep, tangled up in one another. You stood up at the foot of the bed and jumped on their sleeping bodies. 
“Honey I told you to stop doing that.”said you mommy half asleep. 
“Come here bear, I still want to snuggle.” Said your mama, Alessia, opening her arms for you. You always looked up to these moments with you and your mommies tangled up in bed. 
“We love you so much baby bear, you know that right.?.” Said your mom. You worry in her voice but you didn't give it much attention. 
“I love you too mommy.” You add.
Your mommy gets up to go make breakfast and you stay in bed with your mama. 
“We have a surprise for you baby bear today.” She says with the biggest smile on her face. “ We are gonna spend the day together at the park just you mommy and me.”she adds. 
“But mama no training today, no football?.”you ask. 
“No care bear, just you mommy and me at the park. Let's go get dressed then.” she says before picking you up and taking you to your room. 
Today was the best day in your recent memory. Mommy, mama and you went to an amusement park, a real park where you and Alessia played football. You had lunch at your favorite place, went to the mall and bought some new toys and ice cream. It was a perfect day. When you came back home all of you were tired. And just when you thought the fun ended Alessia turned the TV on and put on your favorite movie and you had a family doing along. After one of your performances you looked at your mommies only to see Alessia's hand on your mommy's belly. You knew what that meant. Ight mean that mommy was pregnant and that a new sibling was china come and share your mommies with you. You then felt your chest rise and tears built up on your eyes. 
“No.” You yelled. “ No, brother. No sister, just me, mommy, mama, and footy.” You say before storming off to the stairs.
Your mothers didn't expect this huge of a reaction but they still ran after you. 
“ Baby bear please calm down deep breaths my love is okay.” cooed Alessia rubbing your back. You couldn't control what was inside of you and you didn't know what it was you just wanted to cry. 
“It's okay baby we are your mommies we love you we always will.” Said your mommy. 
“No, mama mine. Mine alone.” You say stomping you get on the ground. 
“I am yours baby. I will always be yours and I will always love you, play with you and hang out with you baby.” says Alessia trying to get you to calm down. 
“Baby Olive sleep on aunt Beth. Don't want brother to sleep on you. I sleep on you.” You say referring to Beth and Viv's new born baby. 
It was clear that jealousy was the reason behind your outburst. “But baby Olive is so young she still needs her mommy to help her to sleep. You will sleep next to us if you want to.” says your mommy. 
You busy your face on Alessia's neck crying even more. “I only have one baby bear in this world that I love and that you. It will always be you. I  promise. I will love both of you so much.” says Alessia rubbing your back and giving you kisses all over your face. 
“ Are you okay now buddy.”says your mommy. 
“Think so,”you reply.
“Okay lessi is gonna give you a bath while I prepared your bed is that okay.” She asks. 
“Please bear pjs mommy.” You demand which is granted as your mommy gives you a kiss and walks past you 
About an hour later you find yourself in bed with both your mommies reading you a story. 
“It's okay mommy. I can have a brother. You will love me the same.” You say and put your hands on your mommy's tummy. 
This gesture brought some much needed heart warming Emeryville in the room. 
“Yes we will.” Says Alessia tucking you in bed before giving you a kiss before heading out of your room to let you sleep.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 11 months ago
I hope you’re having a good day! I wanted to request a fic with Jimmy (or jey, I love them both) where the mc is a bridesmaid at their sister’s wedding and she meets one of the groomsmen (Jimmy) and they start to really like each other. The sister warns mc that Jimmy is a playboy but things start to heat up quick between the two anyway! You can add or take away any aspects, have fun with it. Thanks, I love your writing!
The Bridesmaid - Jimmy Uso x OC
thank you @summerssoldierxx for the request. Sorry it took so long to get out. Hope you like it! 🫶🏽
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Main Masterlist
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“I thought it was against the rules to look better than the bride.” Summer Cooper rolled her eyes and let out a sigh as she turned to face her newly brother-in-law’s best friend. Jimmy or Jonathan - she was very confused about the two names - had been flirting with her since they met at the rehearsal dinner last night. And she was flirting back, heavy until her sister pulled her to the side. 
“Do not get involved with Jonathan Fatu okay.” Her sister Vanessa said. “He ain’t nothing but trouble and I won’t allow you to become another notch on his bedpost.” Summerhad never seen Vanessa look so serious before so she left Jimmy/Jon alone and ignored him the rest of the night. She was doing a good job at ignoring him during the wedding too, even though they walked down the aisle together. 
“Damn you ignoring me? I thought we hit it off?” Jon broke her out of her thoughts. 
“Listen.” Summer trailed off. “I’ve been told about you and your little games and I will not be another one of your victims.” She crossed her arms over her chest.  Summer furrowed her eyebrows because Jon actually looked hurt and shocked at what she said. 
“Oh ight. Shoot, my bad.” He said rubbing his hands together before walking away from her. She bit her lip as she watched him walk away from her. She quickly pushed him out of her mind and went over to her sister. 
“I seen you talking to Jon.” Summer rolled her eyes. 
“Yup. Told him to leave alone. Happy?”  Vanessa smiled and placed her hand on Brittany’s shoulder. 
“I’m only looking out for you.I don’t want to see my baby sister hurt.” Summer rolled her eyes and nodded her head. 
“I understand. You just looking out for me.” Summer forced a smile on her face. “Now go dance with you husband.” 
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Summer laughed as she watched her nephew do his best TikTok dances on the dance floor. She picked up her champagne flute and took a sip as she looked around the banquet hall, the bitter feeling was back in her stomach as she watched all of the happy couples but once she looked at her sister and her brother - in -law she had a small smile on her face. That was what Summer wanted, someone who loved her unconditionally. And it seemed like every time she thought she found the one they wound up being complete jackasses who weren’t worthy of her time. 
“Who is that man and why does he keep staring at you?”  Summer furrowed her eyebrows as she looked in the direction her mother was looking and felt her heart stutter in her chest as her eyes met Jon’s. 
“One of Dontae’s friends.” Summer replied as nonchalantly as she could. She arched her eyebrow as Jon pushed himself off the wall and started making his way towards her table. 
“Hi i’m Jon” He said walking up to her mom and holding his hand out and Summer’s mom shook his hand. 
“Oh, you’re Jon.” Her mom said, causing Summer and Jon to furrow their eyebrows. Jon looked at Summer who held her hand up and shook her head. “I’ve heard some things about you.”
“Apparently, everybody has.” He said, his eyes still on Summer who rolled her eyes and picked up her champagne flute, taking another sip. 
“You wanna dance with me?”  He asked Summer and before she could turn him down, her mother spoke for her. 
“She would love to.” Summer shot her mom a look. “Summer Renee, don’t look at me like that. You might be thirty but I'm ya momma and will still whoop ya ass.” Summer shot Jon a glare as he tried to hide his laughter behind his hand.  She rolled her eyes , stood from her seat and walked away from Jon and her mother towards the dance floor.
She let out a huff as the DJ started playing a softer, slower song. Jon smirked and pulled her closer to him, taking her arms and wrapping them around his neck before wrapping his own arms around her waist.  
“So, what did you mean by you didn’t want to be another one of my victims.” Jon stated, getting straight to the point and instead of answering right away, Summer let her eyes wander around the room and stilled as they landed on her sister who was watching her and Jon dance. Summer shook her head and cleared her throat. 
“I’ve just heard some things about you and.” She paused and shrugged, “Listen, I like you and I’m not tryna get my feelings hurt. Okay..” She said averting her eyes from his.
Jon scoffed. “What makes you think I was going to hurt you? Like I told you earlier, I thought we really hit it off yesterday. I’ve told you some shit I aint even told my twin brother.” 
“Really?” She asked shocked and Jon nodded his head.
“Yeah, I’m not a liar, Summer.” She bit her lip and cut her eyes back over to her sister who was still watching them. Jon followed her eyesight and cracked a smile. 
“Ohh, your sister is the one who was talking shit.”  He let out a laugh. “Big sis  looking out for lil sis, I get it now. What did she tell you?” Summer shrugged and mumbled, 
“That you a playboy and that she wasn’t gonna let me become another notch on your headboard or something like that.” Jon bit the inside of�� his cheek and nodded. 
“Wow. Aight, imma be completely honest with you right now.” He started and stopped dancing , so the two of them were now standing still while everyone else around them continued to dance. “I was married and got divorced about two years ago.  And in those two years, I’ve had sex with one person.” 
When Summer just arched her eyebrow in response, Jon sighed. “I told you I'm not a liar, Summer. I told you yesterday that I really liked talking to you. I ain’t try nothing with you, did I?” She shook her head. “Exactly, If I was a playboy wouldn’t I be trying to get you in my bed? Look,  You live here in Pensacola right?” She nodded. “Aight so fuck what ya’ sister saying and have breakfast with me tomorrow. Get to know me without having your sister in your ear saying how much of a bad person I am.” Summer bit her lip and nodded her head, causing Jon to flash her his pearly whites.
He pulled his phone out of his suit pants pocket. “Here, put your number in my phone.” 
Summer took it, but before she put her number in she looked him in his eyes. “Don’t make me regret this, Jon.”  Jon smiled and took her other hand into his own. 
“You won’t I promise.” 
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Sorry, this took me so long @summerssoldierxx. I really hope you like it and if you have anymore request, send them in ❤️.
🏷️: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @baconeggndcheez
@theninthwonder @empressdede @harmshake @alyyaanna @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade
@abadbitchblogs @qveenmikaelson @mzv11
@black-yn @badbitchcentralinc @bebesobrielo @saintaquarius
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space-matt · 11 months ago
right person, wro- ight time
matt.sturniolo x fem.reader
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summary: lifelong best friends, but with hidden feelings.
Can one night change everything?
request: yes -> anon
cw: use of y/n, angst, fluff (?), mention of sex
author’s note: hello everyone!!! Here I am back after a long time, but I wanted to take a break from writing.
At the moment some of my stories like ''Breaking promises'' are archived because I'm revising them and changing some things, if you want you can take a look here -> masterlist
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English is not my first language, if you see grammar and typing mistakes, I apologize in advance! I just ask you not to be rude to me ♡
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺
As you watch Matt and his girlfriend engage in a passionate display of affection on the couch, you can't help but feel a mix of emotions. Jealousy and anger course through your veins as you long to be the one in his arms. The scene before you seems like a cruel reminder of what you can't have.
You have known Matt, and his brothers Nick and Chris, for as long as you can remember. Your mom's close friendship brought the four of you together, and you've been inseparable ever since.
You've shared countless memories together, from taking warm baths as toddlers to navigating the ups and downs of adolescence.
Your feelings for Matt first emerged when you were just eight years old. While his siblings ran around and teased each other, he was the only one who pushed you on the swing, making you feel safe and cared for. 
Or how that time in middle school he was next to you when coming out of the bathroom, he noticed a red spot on your butt and promptly gave you his sweatshirt to cover you up.
Over the years, your attachment to him only grew stronger, even as you had flings with other boys. You never acted on your feelings, though, afraid of ruining the strong bond you had built with him over the years.
Now, as you watch him with his girlfriend, you can't help but wonder what could have been if you had been brave enough to take a chance on love.
As you sit on a cushioned chair in the cozy kitchen, you turn towards the stove and place your phone on the wooden table, emitting a snort of frustration. Chris, who is equally exhausted by the ongoing show, rises from the couch and comes to hug you from behind, enveloping you in his strong arms.
"God, I can't stand them anymore," he whispers softly in your ear, his breath warm against your skin.
"Don't tell me" you reply, your eyes still fixated on the screen of your phone, as you use one hand to scroll through social media and the other to caress Chris's hand, which is resting on your chest.
At times, you find yourself wondering why your heart chose Matt over Chris, especially given that Nick is off-limits. Chris is so caring, kind, and affectionate with you that you have thought several times that he actually has feelings for you.
However, you try to suppress this thought because if it were true, you would disappoint his heart by telling him that the person you love is his brother.
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As you lay on Nick's bed, you stare up at the ceiling, taking in the intricate patterns of the plasterwork. The guy sitting beside you is completely absorbed in editing the video that they plan to post later on that evening, with their headphones on and their eyes fixed on the computer screen. 
Suddenly, a loud and jarring sound reverberates throughout the house, causing you to raise your eyebrows in confusion. You listen carefully, and a few seconds later, another door slams shut, confirming your suspicions that something is definitely wrong.
Your heart racing, you get up from the bed and begin to move cautiously towards the stairs, your senses heightened and your mind racing. As you make your way down to the living room, you can feel the tension in the air, and you can see that Chris is lying on the couch, his face contorted with concern.
You approach him and ask in a hushed voice, "Was that Matt making all that noise?"
He nods his head, his eyes meeting yours with surprise. "Yeah...apparently Perrie dumped him" he replies.
Your voice drops to a whisper as you consider this news, and you say, "Uhm...I'll go check on him..." You walk towards his room, feeling a sense of trepidation in the pit of your stomach. As you approach the door, you can hear the sound of muffled sobs coming from within, and you know that you need to go in and try to help him through this.
You stand outside Matt's door, knocking a few times, but receive no response. You call out to him, "Matt...it's me, please open up" and lean your forehead against the door. Only when you hear the lock click do you lower the handle and enter the darkened room.
As you step inside, the scene before you breaks your heart. Matt is lying on his stomach on the bed, his sobs echoing throughout the room. Without a second thought, you move to his side and embrace him, whispering "Shh...don't cry please, she doesn't deserve you" while gently caressing his back.
Through his tears, Matt manages to speak, "She...she's everything to me." A beam of moonlight enters the room, illuminating the bed you are sitting on, and you can't help but notice how red his otherwise clear eyes have become.
A spontaneous gesture starts from you as you take your sweatshirt sleeve to wipe away his tears. "Do you want to talk about it?" you ask, tilting your head to the side and taking his hand, offering your support and patience.
You couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain as you saw your close friend Matt in such a vulnerable state. His head was bowed, and his eyes were shut tight as he let out a deep sigh. You knew that he was going through a tough time in his relationship, and your heart went out to him.
Despite your sympathy for his situation, you found yourself thinking selfishly at that moment. Perhaps, you could finally have a chance with him. You pushed that thought aside, knowing that your emotions were taking over your rational side.
Matt looked up at you, and you could see the sadness in his eyes. He began to speak, but his words trailed off as he struggled to find the right ones. You squeezed his hand, urging him to continue.
"She says she wants to take some time to think, and... she doesn't know if she loves me like before" he finally managed to say, his voice trailing off again.
‘’Ow Matt.. I’m sorry’’ you reached out to him, stroking his cheek as he rested his head against yours. At that moment, time seemed to stand still as you gazed into each other's eyes. You could see the pain etched on his face, and it broke your heart.
As you sat together on the bed, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, your mind began to race with a million different scenarios. You wondered what the future held for you and him. As if in response to your thoughts, you saw Matt's figure approaching you, his gaze fixed on your lips.
''Matt what are you doing?’’ You ask when you find yourself an inch from his lips feeling your breaths grow heavier; 
With a gesture, his lips rest on yours and you can't help but think how soft they are and how long you've been waiting for that moment.
The rest comes on its own: removed all distance remains you, lying on his bed sharing what to you was perfection, Love. To him, it was pure distraction, Sex.
At least that was what he thought at that particular instant.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • 
You wake up to the sound of birds chirping and a few rays of sunshine coming in through the window, casting a warm glow on the room. As you turn your head to the other side of the bed, you notice that the mattress beside you is empty, and a sense of loneliness washes over you. Wrapped naked in the brown sheets, you feel a deep longing for the person who was lying next to you just a few hours ago.
You look around the room and see your clothes scattered on the floor, which reminds you of the events that took place the night before. You recall how you finally confessed your feelings for him, and you think he reciprocated them. It was like a turning point in your relationship, and you couldn't be more thrilled.
However, you don't want to arouse suspicion, so you quickly put on your clothes and quietly walk out the door. As you step into the open space, you notice his figure sitting with his head in his hands. You wonder if he's feeling the same as you. 
You glance around and realize that the other two boys are still sleeping in their rooms, completely unaware of what happened between you and him last night.
As he senses someone's presence, he turns to see who it is. It's you, and you’re standing there motionless. You ask him what's going on, but he remains silent and instead, keeps looking at you. You remain in your position, unsure of what to do next.
Finally, he breaks the silence, "Y/n, we need to talk," his voice is low and serious. You understand that this is not going to be a simple conversation, and you head towards the sofa to sit down. He follows suit.
He stares at you for a moment, as if trying to find the right words. Finally, he says, "What happened between us can never happen again... it was a mistake." His words hit you hard and you feel like someone has just stabbed you in the heart.
The words < It was a mistake > echo in your head, and you can't believe what you're hearing. Your mind is racing with all sorts of thoughts and feelings.
You feel tears welling up in your eyes, your nose burning, and your mouth becoming dry. It's as if a flood of emotions has suddenly been unleashed, and you can't control it. You try to hold yourself together, but it's too late, and you break down in tears.
You look at him with a mix of confusion and hope as you try to decipher what he is trying to say. "I thought that...I thought that you finally reciprocated my feelings and that...we were making love" you stammer, your heart sinking as you realize the truth.
He looks down, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm so sorry, y/n. I was confused, and you were there to comfort me. I didn't understand anything anymore" he says, his words heavy with regret. "I'm not in love with you, y/n, but with Perrie"
You feel like the ground has opened up beneath you. It's like the world has stopped spinning and you are trapped in an endless moment of pain. You want to disappear, to run away from this unbearable situation, but you are frozen in place.
You sit there on his couch, tears streaming down your face, as the anger slowly grows more and more. How could he lead you on like this? How could he use you like that?
"How can you say that to me now? Tonight, you didn't think that way when you were inside me, huh?" you say with all the hatred your body could muster at that moment. You get up without waiting for his answer, your mind racing with a million thoughts.
You go towards the front door, slipping on your shoes, and taking your jacket from the coat hanger. The spring breeze kicks in, causing you to clench the fabric covering your shoulders. You slip your hand into your pocket, pulling out your car keys, which you shortly use to lead you toward your home, pulling up with your nose.
You feel lost and confused, your heart shattered into a million pieces. All you can do is cry and wonder how you will ever be able to trust anyone again.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • 
Since that fateful night, two weeks have passed and that feeling of having been just an afterthought only invades your body, and it becomes even heavier when sitting on the couch eating ice cream, you get a notification after days of silence
| Chris: | Wassup ‘ma!! Where have you been? Nick and I miss you :(
As you read his message, it felt like the weight of the world had come crashing down on you. You were slowly sinking into an almost hysterical cry. It was because you had decided to completely cut off all relations with Matt. And, as a result, you had also cut off your two best friends since they lived with him.
You had thought about meeting them outside, but your appearance would have aroused several questions, and declaring that you had sex with their brother would have definitely not been the response you wanted to give.
You lowered your gaze to your belly and started caressing it while tears streamed down your face. The worst thing was when you realized that you were five days late for your period. You panicked and ran to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test, and it came back positive.
| You: | Hi, sorry I've been busy with several things... I miss you too <3
A few minutes later your phone lights up again
| Chris: | Did you hear?
A confused expression appears on your face at his question
| You: | Heard what?
Those seconds seem to last minutes, those minutes hours as your anxiety surges.
| Chris: | That moron of Matt got back together with Perrie
That's what your heart does for the umpteenth time as more tears are released from your eyes that have now turned red.
Out of frustration, you throw the phone across the couch, but it bounces causing it to fall to the floor.
C r a c k
''Fuck'' you pronounce as you stand up to see the distasteful accomplishment. You pick up the phone and see that the screen is half shattered but still working ''Fuck'' you whisper thinking how life is so unfair to you.
| Chris: | Are you still there?
You try to recover by taking a deep breath
| You: | Yeah... sorry but I'm tired, I'm going to go to sleep. I love you.
You cut the conversation short not wanting to know further details
| Chris: | goodnight Love yaa 2
You sit on the couch, feeling overwhelmed with emotions. You close your eyes, trying to control the tears that are forming in your eyes. You take a deep breath, but the feeling in your chest only intensifies. You can't take it anymore, and you know what you have to do. It's something you've done before and something that comes naturally to you - you leave.
You get up from the couch, with a heavy heart, and head to your room. You grab your computer, returning to your comfortable seat, and immediately type into the search engine < flight from LAX to Boston >. You skim through the options, and click on the first website you see, noting that the earliest flight is the next morning. Without thinking about it, you buy a one-way ticket and book the cab that would pick you up.
Immediately after making the transition, you get up and return to your room. You take a deep breath and look around. You know you have a lot to do before you leave. You walk towards your closet and take out your huge suitcase. You begin to stuff all your clothes inside, carefully folding them and making sure everything fits.
You know that this is not going to be easy, but you're determined to leave everything behind and start fresh.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • 
Over the past two months, you have received numerous messages and phone calls that you haven't responded to. Even Matt has tried to get in touch with you, but you decided to change your phone number to avoid any contact. 
When you arrived your parents were somewhat surprised but very happy to see you. You always had a beautiful relationship with them, especially with your mom, your best friend. Although with some fear, you explained the whole situation to her including that you were pregnant with Matt.
The decision to keep him/her is not yet final but you know you have two shoulders to count on and that no matter what, they are there for you.
Slowly your belly begins to become more noticeable, and with the arrival of summer, it is almost inevitable to miss it.
''Darling are you ready? MaryLou and Jimmy are waiting for us'' you hear your mother calling you from downstairs.
You look at yourself in the mirror trying to fix your shirt as best as you can, and to hide the small bump ''Yeah I'm coming'' you reply picking up your bag and then going down the stairs and closing the door behind you heading for the car ''Here I am'' you announce to your parents sitting in the front seats.
The Fourth of July has always been celebrated with the Sturniolo family, between barbeques, swimming in the pool, laughter, and the company of little dog Trevor you have only good memories in your mind.
This year you accepted only because you heard that the three boys would not be there due to several setbacks.
The drive between your homes is fortunately short because nausea begins to set in, and even more so when after stepping out of the car you are invaded by a very strong smell of barbeque.
Immediately having hugged MaryLou and Jimmy, you notice how the house is decorated from top to bottom ''Wow MaryLou you did a great job this year'' you tell her smiling ''Oh don't thank me but those three in the garden, rather go to them, we'll take care of this'' she replies pointing outside
< Are they here? All three of them? Weren't they supposed to be on the other side of the United States? What do I do? Do I run away? Do I stay here? What the fuck do I do? >
Your conscience does nothing but have question after question. You look at your mother for help but she is so busy helping her friend that you see yourself forced to give a big sigh and head for the garden followed by Trev.
''Oh my gosh y/n where the fuck have you been?'' Nick exclaims as he gets up from his chair coming toward you wrapping his arms around you ''Why did you fucking disappear? Literally no fucking messages or fucking calls'' he pulls away looking you in the eye concerned but all you do is stand silent.
Matt and Chris are also standing but neither of them seems to have any idea of moving from their position. Matt still regrets how he behaved while Chris is disappointed and angry at you.
He still doesn't understand how out of all the people you could erase from your life you chose to add him; 
And it is true, in the last few years a wonderful friendship has grown between you where Chris sees you as a reference point when his brothers become too annoying, you were and, despite everything, you are his rock.
''Sorry'' is the only thing you can utter looking away so as not to meet their gazes.
''Only sorry can you say? You are so selfish! You thought only of yourself abandoning everyone, you abandoned me'' Chris pronounces in a harsh tone approaching you, doing nothing but bringing tears to your eyes
''Say something, speak the fuck up. What do you have to say for yourself?'' Chris continues waving his arms in different directions leading you to take a step back ''Chris please you're scaring her'' Nick says hitting him on the arm ''I don't fucking care, I want to know why'' the smaller one replies to him always looking at you.
The tension in the air is palpable, and you feel a sense of helplessness wash over you as you try to explain your actions.
At that point Matt couldn't stand that situation anymore ''It's me'' he exclaims making everyone turn their gazes in his direction ''What you?'' Chris asks confused ''I'm the reason she ran away'' he says lowering his gaze ''And what about you? What the fuck happened?’’ Nick asks as he sits waiting for someone to speak, but silence reigns among you as you hear your parents' voices in the distance.
''Me and y/n had sex the day Perrie dumped me'' Matt pronounces in a whisper, almost not making himself heard ''Speak up motherfucker'' Chris says putting even more agitation on you ''Oh Jesus Christ me and Matt had sex, but it was just a one-night stand for him, which it wasn't for me since I'm madly in love with him. I thought by getting away from him and consequently from you, I wouldn't suffer but I feel like shit about it and even more since I found out I'm preg- '' you say all in one breath freezing as you realize you've told your little secret.
The silence between you and your friends seems to last forever, as you try to process what just came out of your mouth. "Are you pregnant?" Matt asks, approaching you. You nod, almost instinctively, bringing your hand to your belly. 
"Why did you keep it to yourself, y/n? You know we'll always be there for you" Chris says, his tone softening, almost as if your revelation made him forget the months that passed without any interaction from you.
You try to explain, "I don't know...I was scared and I still am now. Besides, knowing that Matt was back with Perrie made me feel bad, so I did the only thing I could do: go back home." You sit down next to Nick, feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable.
Matt then reveals that he and Perrie are no longer together, and Nick and Chris decide to leave the two of you alone. Matt takes a chair and places it in front of you, his tone calm but agitated at the same time. "I know what I told you that morning and what I'm about to tell you sounds like nonsense, but..." He takes a deep breath before continuing, "After you left that morning, I felt like shit. I shouldn't have treated you that way and I shouldn't have made you feel like just a spare tire."
He pauses for a moment before continuing, "That night kept resonating in my mind, and I thought that getting back with Perrie would make me my old self again, but I couldn't. And I can't get your name out of my mind. I feel that these feelings I've always had I tried to bury and deny myself...but fuck y/n, I'm in love with you." His words enter your brain like a hypnotic spell, leaving you stunned and speechless.
''I was really hurt about it Matt...all these years hoping that one day you would look at me with different eyes but you only had them for other girls, to you I was just your best friend...'' you confess looking into his eyes 
‘' I'm really sorry, if I could go back I would tell the me of 14 years to go to you and not to be afraid to say how I feel'' he says taking your hand in his while with the other he caresses your cheek 
''I hate myself for making you feel this way all these years'' Matt says in a whisper, shifting his gaze from your eyes to your mouth.
''A little bit too but I love you so much'' you say making your lips meet in a passionate embrace, a rush of emotions floods over both of you. The weight of past regrets and missed opportunities seems to dissipate in that single moment. The tenderness in Matt's touch and the sincerity in his words have touched a deep part of your heart. 
With your hands still intertwined, you take a deep breath, ready to embrace the future together, knowing that your love is strong enough to overcome any obstacles that may come your way.
Taglist:  @sturniolosreads @mayhem-72 @dracoflaco @lyzsaphrodite @ifilwtmfc @xoxo4chrisss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @inlovewithmattstur @sturniolobendystrawsposts @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07 @blackhorses-posts
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starryylies · 1 year ago
Simon with reader who’s insecure about her acne
‘ve been insecure about mine lately so :(
Insecure! Reader, lots of self deprecation, angst If you squint, lots of comfort, Simon is the best :)
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Me looking at girls with Me getting angry cuz Clear skin: (っ◞‸◟c). it’s not fair: -`д´-
“S not fair ‘S not fair ‘S not fair!!! I’m so tired why do I have to break out again, ‘ve been good and ‘m even taking the meds it’s not fairrrrrr.”
You were yelling at yourself while looking in the bathroom mirror. Having acne was such a pain in the ass.
Every girl around you was gorgeous with perfect skin and even the girls with acne looked so beautiful compared to you but no you didn’t, in your eyes you looked hideous..
you were so tired of the self-deprecation, you just wanted it to stop but your mind took control and you jus’ couldn’t help but let that faucet open leading to your eyes pooling with tears as they dropped down with the weight of your insecurity.
You were already drowning deep inside your own thoughts that you didn’t hear the bathroom door open with your boyfriend Simon riley stepping in with a look of worry and urgency on his face.
Looking at you crying ripped his heart to shreds, he quickly made his way closer to you.
“Love please talk to me what’s happened?”
he is in a panicked state trying to figure out what made you so upset, he cant bear to see you in such a sad state.
“Baby stop crying please”, he pulls you closer wrapping you in his big burly arms as his body heat transfers to you giving you a sense of comfort that nobody can provide better than him.
“Ssi m I ugly? ‘Cuz I feel so icky and gross I hate it I hate it I hate my skin. I fucking hate it I wanna rip it off ‘m feeling so fucking shitty”, you cry out in arms.
Simon is taken aback by your statement, does he not make you feel like the most beautiful woman alive? Why’d you think you’re ugly? Youre the most attractive woman he’s laid eyes on.
Simon wraps you closer now using his left hand to tilt your chin up gently so he can have a good look at you.
“Si don’t!”
You protest trying to stop him from looking at your face, you feel so ashamed and conscious by letting him see you in such a vulnerable and sorry state
plus you don’t want him to see the reddish bumps protruding out on your skin.
“m not letting you hide your beautiful face from me love he mutters.”
“How could ya even think that. Youre the most beautiful fuckin’ woman alive in this entire fuckin planet, How could you think of ‘nythin less than that for yourself.”
“But my damn acne, it’s so gross, how d’you still like me.. ‘m not pretty”
Simon gives out a scoff in disbelief, “ya think acne will make me find you any less beautiful? Is that what ya think of me? Love your acne doesn’t matter.”
“No woman compares to you love how can you fuckin’ say that, you’re the most stunnin’ girl I know love he says in a hushed tone with his right hand rubbing your back.”
“Fuckin’ hell I get it all the time too and you still like me all the same ‘ight?”
You sniffle out, “ofcourse si but it’s different-“
Simon cuts you off, “No it’s not, you’re just thinkin’ a lot with that pretty lil’ head of yours love.”
“Love, stop thinkin’ so much, ‘m not finding ya any less beautiful just because of some stupid pimples” he gruffs out.
“Thank you si, thank you for sayin that”, you whisper out.
“I love you si” you mutter under your breath clinging closer to him, resting your head on his chest.
Simon pulls your head closer to his chest,
“nytime and love ya more sweetheart.”
(Ps: And sorry if this fic came out bad it’s my first time writing a whole thing, I’m sorry and it was rushed since I wrote it while crying.)
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watchandread02 · 3 months ago
For the "Holidays with the Winchesters: A very Destiel Advent Calendar" by @archervale and @wormstacheangel
Day Twelve: Presents
Dean places the last present under the tree. Stepping back he surveys the arrangement of gifts. He looks over at Sam, who is also regarding all the presents placed under the tree.
“Looks good to me. What do you think?” Dean asks his brother.
“Yeah, I think we’re ready. You wanna do the honors?” Sam asks back.
Dean nods and moves over to the Christmas tree. It’s decked out in a colorful arrangement of all kinds of ornaments and Christmas lights. They had spent the last few weeks leading up to Christmas making self made ornaments with Jack, which are strewn in between the store bought ones. After the kid had made his body and mind represent his actual age, they had all decided to make this Christmas as fun as possible for Jack.
There is a small bell placed in the middle of the tree, which Dean takes into his hand and rings. Both brothers move a bit away from the tree. When they hear the patter of little feet they move over to the doorway, just as Jack clears it, and act as if they had just entered the room themselves.
Jack’s eyes shine in the dim light, the string of lights are giving off. They get even rounder and his mouth falls open as he looks at all the presents placed under the tree, which seem to have just magically appeared there. Jack immediately rushes up to them excitedly and Cas follows him into the living room.
Sam, Dean and Cas watch as Jack takes in all the presents. They sit down on the couch and Jack runs to get the first present from under the tree. He looks at the tag and hands it to Sam, who unwraps it eagerly. Inside is a book on ancient myths that Cas had gotten for him. Sam thanks Cas and the evening moves on like that, Jack going to get the presents and handing it to the person that it belongs to. Jack is, by far, the one with the most presents. It looks like they might have gone a bit overboard, but the kid looks so happy that Dean can’t find it in himself to feel bad about it in any way. They’ll probably have to think about a budget for next year though.
They spent another hour after all the presents have been given out and opened, putting together some of the lego sets that Jack had gotten. That is until Jack’s eyes start to slip closed every few seconds. Sam picks him up and the kid pretty much directly conks out against Sam’s shoulder. Sam goes to put him to bed, which leaves Cas and Dean together in the living room.
“I wanted to give this to you, personally.” Cas says as he pulls something out of his pocket.
“You didn’t have to get me anything else. The care kit you gave me for Baby is more than enough, man.” Dean replys.
Cas gives him a soft look. “Well this is a more personal, handmade gift.”
Castiel holds out a soft looking pouch to him and Dean takes it from Cas’ hand. Under Cas’ watchful eye, he opens up the strings holding the bag closed. From the opening emits a sliver of light. Dean lets the contents fall into his open hand. A necklace with a blue crystal pendant is revealed. In the dim ight the tree is giving off, the crystal radiates a soft blue light. The crystal feels slightly warm, where it is lying in his palm.
Dean looks up at Cas questioningly, “what is this?”
“It’s the last of my grace, condensed into a small crystalized piece. I want you to have it.” Cas explains.
“Cas I can’t accept this. If this is the last of your grace, don't you want to keep it for yourself?” Dean tries to give the necklace back to Cas, but Cas just closes Dean’s hand around the crystal, squeezing lightly.
Cas smiles softly at Dean and tells him, “to quote a dear friend of mine ‘it’s a gift, you keep those’.”
Dean can feel the love he has for Cad welling up inside him, his heart starts to beat faster in his chest. There are tears welling up in his eyes as he stares down at the small crystal pendant. Dean looks up to see a worried frown on Cas’ face, but before Cas can voice any concern, Dean pulls him into a tight hug. Dean buries his face into Cas’ neck and he can feel Cas’ arms close around his back. They just stand there for a few minutes, holding each other close. Once Dean feels he has his emotions under control, he pulls back slightly, but doesn’t step out of the circle of Cas’ arms.
“Would you mind putting it on for me?” Dean asks softly.
“Of course, Dean.” Cas takes the necklace out of Dean’s hand and gestures for him to turn around. Dean turns around, but still stays close to Cas. The feeling of Cas’ deft fingers working against his neck, sends a shiver down Dean’s back. Once the clip is secured Cas rests his hands on Dean’s shoulders. They just stand there for a moment and Dean can feel the crystal’s warmth against his chest.
Dean turns around to face Cas again and Cas’ hands slip down to gently hold Dean’s waist. Dean’s own hands rest around Cas’ neck and he feels Cas’ hair brush against his fingers, as he interlocks them behind Cas’ head.
“Thank you, Cas. I love it, a lot.” Dean whispers softly.
“I’m glad you like it. It makes me very happy to know that this piece of me will always stay with you.” Cas says as he places a hand to cover the pendant hanging from Dean’s neck.
Dean takes in a sharp breath at the contact. He looks into Cas’ eyes and the love in them has him feeling bold.
He moves one of his hands to gently cup Cas’ cheek. Cas leans into the touch and his eyes slip closed.
“Hey, Cas?” Cas’ eyes open again, fully focusing those damn blue eyes onto Dean.
“I love you.” Dean breathes into the small gap between them.
Cas’ face breaks out into a brilliant grin. “I love you too.”
“Yeah, I know. You already told me and then promptly died on me.” Dean gives Cas a repreminfing look at that. “I’m sorry it took me so long to say it back. Everytime I tried, the words got stuck in my throat. I always had this fear that the Empty would come back to take you away again. But now that you are completely human, the Empty doesn’t have a claim on you anymore.” Dean admits as he rests his forehead against Cas’.
“I understand. I never thought I would come back and that was really the only reason I admitted my love for you. But I am happy it has brought us together, finally” Cas says.
They stand close together, foreheads touching just soaking in the moment. Dean doesn’t know who moves first, maybe it was a gradual process, with both of them moving slowly closer. But soon their lips are pressing against each other, in a slow, gentle kiss.
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years ago
A Demon’s Ache — Part 4
Eyeless Jack x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Commissioned by @cookiereblogss — thank you so so very much luv, your support has been absolutely incredible ❤️❤️
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Check out my patreon if you’d like to support me!
Masterlist: x
Jack avoids you for the next week or so
Hell, he avoids basically everyone
He stays locked up in his room, going back and forth between wishing you hadn’t slept with Jeff and trying to convince himself that you’re your own person, and you can do whatever you want
Or whoever you want, for that matter
Still, he can’t help the burning pit of rage in his stomach every time his thoughts wander to the scarred-faced killer
Of all the fucking people
Unfortunately, staying in his room gets old fast
But he still refuses to step out
Because the last few times he’s left his room, something bad has happened
And logically, he knows he can’t stay inside forever
And he knows that running into you is inevitable
But knowing it isn’t enough to stop him from stalling—he’ll delay having to see you for as long as possible
Part of him is also worried about running into Jeff
He doesn’t know what he’ll do to him the next time he sees that asshole
Killing another resident is strictly prohibited, but he doesn’t know if he’ll have the willpower to stop himself from caving his head in when he sees his dumb fucking face
The mental image brings a smile to the demon’s lips
It would be so easy
It would be so satisfying
With a sigh, Jack makes his way to the window and pulls the curtains open
It looks like a nice day out
The sun is still rising in the blue sky, the green leaves are swaying in the breeze, the birds are chirping
He shuts the blinds close, plunging himself back into the darkness once more
It’s better this way, he thinks
He’s about to crack open one of his dusty medical books to bury himself in some studies when he gets a text
Hoodie: Hey, you busy? What’re you up to?
Nm, he types back, and though he’s grateful for the unexpected distraction, he almost wishes he could just be left alone for a few more days
He needs more time to stew in his misery
A reply comes a few minutes later
Hoodie: Ight, you down to train? Masky’s out of commission, I need a partner
The demon sighs
He looks around his room
He’s not necessarily messy per se, but he’s also most certainly not the tidiest
Books, clothes, and a few medical supplies are strewn across the room
He could spend the day cleaning
Or he could spend it reading, or learning a new skill, or picking up some kind of hobby or something
He runs his fingers through his hair
Even though he doesn’t want to admit it, he knows what he should do
I’ll be there in 10, he finally answers
Jack purposefully takes the longer route through the mansion—just so that he can be sure he won’t encounter you
It’s petty, he knows it is, but at this point, he almost doesn’t care
He’s too frustrated and miserable to bother acting civilized
Hoodie’s already waiting for him when he reaches the training field
Located a short trek into the forest, the proxies have their own private cabin next to a broad open clearing
And said clearing, of which, is often used as an outdoor sparring ground
It’s almost always more fun training out here rather than inside
Something about a cramped, sweaty basement just isn’t Jack’s favorite
The proxy’s leaning against the short rotting wooden fence lining one side of the clearing, his arms folded over his chest, when Jack approaches
He gives a nod to the demon as he notices him
“Hey,” Jack says, and when he remembers what Hoodie said about his partner, he asks, “is Masky alright?”
Hoodie shrugs nonchalantly
“Yeah, it’s just a minor injury—no big deal”
He pushes off the fence, adding, “he’ll be fine, it’s just not the best to train with”
Jack nods
He follows the human into the clearing, and the two ready themselves on opposite sides
“You didn’t need me to take a look at it?”
He gets into his fighting stance as he speaks, and Hoodie does the same
“Nah, that newbie checked it out,” the proxy rolls his neck out, and it makes a satisfying crack, before then stretching his shoulder as well, “Besides, you were MIA”
The two face one another 
A gust of wind rustles through the trees around them 
They share a mutual nod to indicate they’re both set, and then the tension grows palpable as the combat session begins
Jack’s one of the strongest and fastest residents at the mansion
If not the strongest and fastest
He usually gives his sparring partner a chance by letting them make the first move
But it’s like all of the jealousy, anger and frustration that’s been building up until this point suddenly snaps inside of him
And in a flash, he charges at the human in front of him
Hoodie tries to dodge, but Jack’s inhumanly fast, and he easily lands his blow to the proxy’s stomach
The human grunts, doubling over, but he’s fast and smart enough to know that he should move before Jack strikes again
He sidesteps him, but he’s slower and clumsier after that first hit, and Jack almost feels bad for him
Maybe he should pull his punches a little more
He can’t let his anger overtake him; he’s the one who has to patch him up afterward if he hits too hard
“The newbie—you mean that guy with the gas mask? What does he call himself again? Y’s Virus or something?”
He tries to distract himself, tries to make some kind of small talk to give the proxy a chance
Hoodie huffs out a laugh
“X-Virus,” he corrects, and seeing that Jack’s giving him a moment to recover, he tries to shake the pain off before resuming his stance
The two circle one another, staying parallel with a fair amount of distance between them
“The kid knows medicine?” Jack asks, matching Hoodie’s movements
“Seems like it. He’s gotta have some kind of use for the boss to keep him. Being a cocky brat with a baseball bat isn’t enough to cut it”
He sidesteps Jack, tries to fake him out, then aims for a kick at his legs
The demon easily jumps back, then uses his momentum to mimic Hoodie’s maneuver
It gets the proxy down, giving Jack the perfect opportunity to get him in a headlock
Hoodie grunts, hands flying up to try to pry Jack off of him
“And what about you?” he asks, his voice audibly strained as he struggles in his hold, “where’ve you been this past week?”
“Busy,” he answers, and then to avoid getting pressed for an answer, he tightens his hold around his throat
Hoodie struggles for longer than Jack expects
But eventually, left with no other choice, he gives in, tapping out, and Jack finally releases him
The proxy gasps, coughing, trying to get a rush of air into his lungs, as Jack stands and offers him a hand
“I hit a nerve?” Hoodie asks, rubbing his throat before taking the help getting up
Jack eyes him for a moment
“What’re you playing at?” he finally asks
Though he wouldn’t consider himself on bad terms with the proxy, he knows fully well that the proxy often has ulterior motives
He can’t—or at least, he shouldn’t—always trust him so easily
Sensing this, Hoodie puts his hands up defensively
“Hey man, I’m not playing at anything,” he claims, “you haven’t been around, and (y/n)’s coincidentally gotten all gloomy recently”
Jack’s ears perk up at the mention of your name
“What do you mean?”
It seems it’s Hoodie’s turn to eye him suspiciously now
“What do you mean ‘what do I mean?’ Did something happen between the two of you?”
When Jack hesitates to answer, Hoodie continues
“Look man, it’s no secret that you’ve got a thing for her. But if you somehow hurt her—”
“I didn’t”
When Jack quickly interrupts him, Hoodie raises a brow at him
Jack sighs
“Listen, there’s nothing going on between us. She’s...” he swallows down the memory of what you said to him in the garden, then forces himself to finish his sentence, “she’s not interested in me”
Hoodie seems to study him for a moment, almost as if trying to judge whether or not he’s lying
“...And what makes you say that?”
“Because she...” Jack stops himself in his tracks, shaking his head, “I-I just know, alright? She’s not into me”
Jack watches as Hoodie pauses to think for a moment
“Well, I clearly don’t know what happened between the two of you,” and before Jack can intercept again, Hoodie adds, “and clearly, something did happen”
“But, whatever,” he continues, “it’s none of my business. All I can say is that, if I were you, I’d try to talk to her. Something’s been bothering her, and something’s obviously bothering you too, and the best you can do is just try to sort things out with her”
It’s now Jack’s turn to get quiet
Had he been too harsh with you the last time he saw you?
Were you worried about him because you hadn’t seen him since?
Seeing him hesitate so much, Hoodie asks if he’ll try talking to you
"...Yeah, alright, I will. I’ll try talking to her,” Jack finally agrees
Hoodie grins
“Finally. Well, with that out of the way, can we finally spar?”
The rest of the training session goes relatively well, all things considered
Jack’s distracted thinking about you, so Hoodie manages to land a fair amount of blows, but he’s still ultimately no match for the demon
Even on the whole trek back through the forest to get to the mansion, Jack’s thoughts are racing a mile a minute
If he was the slightest bit more aware of his surroundings, maybe he would’ve remembered to take the longer route to avoid seeing Jeff on the way in
Maybe he could’ve prevented the killer from noticing him, from locking eyes with him
Maybe he could’ve changed paths when he realized he was headed straight toward him
But that latter one is doubtful, considering the rage tightening in his sternum at the mere sight of him
Jack wouldn’t have backed down at that point—no matter how alert he was
“Out of my way,” Jeff grumbles
He nearly shoulder-checks him, but Jack moves out of the way before it connects
“Watch where you’re fucking going”
The venomous animosity dripping from Jack’s tone is enough to make the raven-haired killer pause in his tracks
“Fuck you just say to me?”
There’s no mistaking the pecking order in the mansion
Jack’s on top
But he’s usually easy-going enough to ignore Jeff’s constant attempts at proving himself
Not today
“I said—“ Jack straightens himself up, all but hissing the words out, “watch where you’re fucking going”
A look of visible confusion flashes over Jeff’s features
Until it clicks
“Ohh, I get it,” he snickers, and the sound makes Jack want to rip him to shreds right then and there
“You’re just upset because I fucked your little girlfriend before you ever even got the chance”
The way he admits to it—so crudely, so shamelessly—it actually takes Jack by surprise 
And Jeff, being the constant prick he is, doesn’t stop there
“God, y’know, she’s actually way less innocent than she lets on. She likes it dirty—filthy. Like a desperate little slut. Wanna know her favorite position? She just loves getting—“
Jack punches him
He hits him directly in the temple, and it knocks Jeff out in one shot
It’s ridiculously satisfying
He only wishes he hadn’t gone down so easily—he would’ve loved to beat him down over and over again
With a snort, he walks away, leaving Jeff passed out on the ground behind him
He had planned to talk to you immediately after training with Hoodie, but he’s way too infuriated to do so right now
Instead, he makes a beeline back to his room
And he promises himself he’ll confront you the very next chance he gets
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uceyliyahh · 5 months ago
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Summary: After her difficult breakup, Tiana wanted to start anew with her life. That's when she realized her life would be better when she met him.
This fanfic is 18+! NO MINORS ALLOWED
word count: 3897
smut warning; it’ll come in the story randomly so PLEASE PLEASE look out for it I’m not really good at writing ✍🏽 smuts but I’m improving at the moment.
Jey Uso x Tiana
comments, likes, repost are appreciated I would love the constructive feedback in what area I need to approve in. 🤍
ALSO! I don’t not want nobody stealing my fanfics or take it as theirs that will be an issue fasho so keep it cute respectfully.
I only own my OC along with the make up scenarios
But I’ll be writing along the way since this story is in my drafts on Wattpad right now so yuh. 💁🏽‍♀️
TAGS ⬇️ lmk if you wanna be tag 🏷️
@paigereeder @empressdede @pinkwithhearts @biancasreign @highoffaries @jstarr86 @angiedawn02 @yana3sworld @zillasvilla @hunnidmilly @bebesobrielo @skyesthebomb @xbriexx @fearlesschimera
JEY it was early in the morning as the weather was looking a bit rough today. I opened my eyes, rubbed them slightly, and saw Tiana sleeping peacefully on my chest.
I grabbed my phone that was on the bed next to me on the bed charging, scrolling through my notifications and noticing that Kehlani has texted me last night on some bull shit.
I'm tired of her harassing me and my girl. She was annoying. So, I blocked her again while continuing to scroll through my feed. As I was doing that, I felt Tiana shift in her sleep, seeing her eyes flare up, looking at me.
"Good morning mama." I said while playing with her hair.
"Morning, Papi," Tiana said in a raspy tone as she kissed me on the lips.
She got up from the bed as I put my hands behind my head, admiring her naked body. It was perfect, making me want to put a baby in that for real, though.
I could sense that she knew that I was admiring her as she turned around, "Josh, I know your eye fucking men right now, sir. Stop it." I chuckled at her while getting up and walking towards her.
"What? I can't admire my lady now?"
"Boy, I didn't say all of that move so that I can take a shower, " she said as I grabbed her by the waist, pulling her closer to me.
"Joshhhhh," I planted kisses on her face as she continued to whine like a baby, making me pull away.
I smacked her on her ass as she walked away, disappearing into my bathroom. Meanwhile, I went to go lay back down in my bed, seeing that Bianca had texted Tiana.
Breezy sent 3+ messages
Breezy: Bestie you wanna go shopping today? Breezy: tell fat head ass Josh to bring you home so we can go Breezy: lmk girly
'Damn why the fuck I gotta have a fat ass head?'
I felt my phone vibrate as I read through the messages, and I saw that Jon had texted me about something.
Twin📌: Yo, Uce you tryna go hooping later on? Jey: Yeah, fasho I think Tiana got plans today with B Twin📌: ight, then how's is Tiana btw Trin wanted to know. Jey: she's fine well it seems to be that way I haven't ask Twin📌: Oh, ight you think her ex-boyfriend might show up again? because we know that his parents are going to get him off the hook. Jey: Probably so that's what B thinks Twin📌: aw ight then well I see you later Jey: Yeet.
I placed my phone on the bed, and seeing Tiana coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body was breathtaking.
"Mamas, B wanted to see if yall wanted to go shopping," I responded.
"Ohhh, I almost forgot about that gotta spoil myself you know," Tiana said as she was drying off her body.
I got up and went towards my hoodie, getting my wallet. I pulled out my black card and gave it to Tiana, and her face looked a bit perplexed.
"Baby? why are you giving me your card?" She questioned me.
"So you can spoil yourself when you go to the mall with B." She gave me back my card, and I raised my eyebrow at her.
"Baby, I can pay for it myself. You don't have to do all of that, papi." I gave her back my card, closing her hand in the process.
"Use it mama, you know I got'chu" she smiled at me as she kissed me on the lips before putting the card in her wallet.
"I promise I won't spend a lot."
I chuckled at her while nodding my head at her, she was adorable.
✧.* TIANA I was at the mall with Bianca doing some shopping. We haven't spent time together since I've been with Joshua, so I'm glad we could get together.
Her and I were in line getting something to eat after doing all of that shopping. Since Josh gave me his card, I promised him I wasn't going to spend a lot on it because he probably needed it.
After we got our food we sat down at the table chatting it up.
"Girl, you whooped her ass?" Bianca asked.
"Yeah, I did until Josh pulled me back. I wanted to do more damage because I'm tired of her ass." I said while rolling my eyes.
"Me too, girl. She's so annoying."
I agreed with her his ex-girlfriend was more delusional than Kai ass thinking that Josh would get back with her after what she did to him.
As we continued to eat our food, we heard some familiar voices coming from the other side of the food court. When Bianca and I turned our heads, we saw Kehlani and her friends walking and talking.
I guess they didn't see us so we didn't pay attention to them while continuing to eat our food.
"So Josh let you use his card for your shopping spree?" She began to say.
"Yeah, I didn't want him to give it to me at first but he insisted," I replied.
"Girl, that man loves you and would do anything for you." We heard chuckling as we saw Kehlani and her friends standing next to us.
Me and Bianca looked at each other and then back at them while giving them a stank face, "Girl, the fuck is funny?"
"Oh, nothing. It's just crazy how Jey is so in "love" with you, giving you his card. He used to do that for me," Kehlani said.
I just rolled my eyes at her while folding my arms in the process.
"Ion' really think he did. I believe that you're very much delusional, ma'am." I retorted.
I could tell by her facial expression she was upset at my smart remark but I didn't really care, and I really didn't have time to be playing games with a delusional ass girl.
I got up to throw away my food, including Bianca's food, while grabbing my purse and keys. Looking at the girls standing there, looking dumb, before we began to walk away, I felt her pull my hair, causing me to fall to the ground.
I've seen Bianca push her harshly on the ground as her friends tried to swing at her, which made me get up instantly, pulling one of the girl's hair and dragging her, banging her head on the table.
Everyone in the mall had their phones out, recording the whole thing as me and Bianca were whooping their asses, throwing them into shit, and seeing a little bit of blood coming out of one of them.
"yo' ass wanna keep harassing me and being messy, imma show ya something." I spat as I was punching Kehlani in her face, kicking her in the process, causing her to fall on the ground, holding onto her stomach.
That's when Bianca pulled me back from her, seeing all of them on the ground winching in pain I wasn't done I let go from her grasped while dragging Kehlani by her hair throwing her in the water fountain.
I grabbed my purse and keys while heading out the mall before the police came. I didn't have time for this shit.
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uceyjucey, trinity_fatu, zillafatu, and others like your post.
tianasworld: when he gives me his card so i can spoil myself. 🤭
uceyjucey: anything for you baby. 🤍 tianasworld: @ uceyjucey 🫶🏼 trinity_fatu: girrrrl that man loves you fr wish Jon do this for me. zillafatu: that's what happens when you have a good man. shehatekai: bro I did this for you tho...you trippin bro uceyjucey: @ shehatekai if you did she wouldn't be with me huh get outta her comments. jonathanfatu: @ trinity_fatu girl what is yo' ass talking about? why am I being dissed rn? 😭
Read all the comments.
Bianca and I finally made it home. I saw Jey's car in our driveway, which confused me because he didn't text or call me to say he was going to come over.
He stood next to his car, arms folded over his chest, looking at Bianca and I pull into the driveway as we got out of the car.
"Hey, baby, I didn't know you were comin' over?" I said as I gave him back his card.
"I mean, that's not why I'm over here, but yeah." He replied.
I raised my eyebrow at him a bit while folding my arms, "what are you talking about?"
He pulled out his phone showing me a video of me and Bianca beating up Kehlani and her friends at the mall earlier actually made me chuckle a bit I mean she did deserve it honestly got tired of her ass.
I looked up at him as he put his hands on his hips like a typical mom and gave me a stern look like one, too.
"Baby? Whatever happened to our talk last time?"
"Bubba she started it first okay I had too, I'm tired of her ass." I said pouting.
Jey chuckled at me, seeing me pout like a little baby. Then he grabbed me by the waist, making me wrap my arms around his neck.
We kissed a few times on the lips causing him to squeeze my ass as Bianca cleared her throat, making us stop.
"I don't wanna see that in front me y'all like c'mon." Bianca said.
Jey and I chuckled a bit as we walked inside the house together, and he grabbed my bags for me like a gentleman.
I made sure I locked my car before going in. As we all went in, Jey and I went upstairs towards my bedroom, shutting the door behind us.
He scooped me up by my thighs, walking towards my bed, sitting on it as I straddled him. We looked into each other's eyes, smiling.
"You're so pretty mama." Jey compliments me.
"Why, thank you, Bubba. You're very fine yourself," I replied while playing with his mullet.
'He's honestly perfect for me.'
'He got everything that Kai didn't have.'
"Also, I have something to tell you. I meant to tell you, but it slipped my mind," I continued.
"What's up mama?"
"Well, before I came to spend the night, Kai's mom called me, but I didn't answer. She left a voice message saying she wanted me to release the restraining order on Kai." I could tell that his facial expression had changed.
I mean I couldn't blame him because I wasn't going to be releasing shit his mom is delusional just like him and his father as well.
It was just weird, especially the fact that she got my number. I'm curious how she got my number.
"I wasn't expecting his mother to be delusional like her son." He said.
"I was saying the same thing, love. I just wish this could be all over and I could finally be at peace," I said.
"Mama, it's okay remember I got'chu baby." I just love the way he reassured me letting me know that everything was going to be okay.
'He's going to protect me.'
He placed a soft kiss on my lips gazing up at me, we continued to make out for a little while as my hands were playing with his mullet along with him squeezing my ass in the process.
"you better stop lil mama." Jey said in a raspy tone.
I tilted my head while looking at him innocently, "or what papi?" taunting him even more as he gazed up at me with his low eyes that were filled with nothing but lust grabbing my throat firmly.
"imma beat that shit in mama, and ion want no running either." He whispered, making my body shiver and hearing him say that to me.
I got up from his lap stripping all of my clothes off in front of him as he watched me with his lustful eyes, his eyes were trailing my body from head to toe licking his lips.
"Bend that ass over on this bed so that I can give you this dick ma."
✧.* OMNISCIENT After their session together, Jey and Tiana were downstairs eating dinner with Bianca and Montez while they watched a movie.
While they were watching the movie, Tiana's phone buzzed. As she looked down to see who was texting her, she saw that Emma had texted her.
Emma🩷 sent 2+ messages
Emma🩷: hey, Tiana I was checking on you to see if you were okay. Emma🩷: I heard you at a restraining order on him.
She read through the messages, beginning to text her back.
Tiana: Hey, I'm fine girl I was finna text you to see if you were okay I know it scared you. Emma🩷: yeah, it really did like honestly. Tiana: well, I did get a restraining order against him but his mom wants me to remove it saying her son is innocent. Emma🩷: what? That's insane I still cannot believe that his parents are acting like this after everything. Tiana: that's what I'm saying girl ridiculous Emma🩷: I've seen that you fighting in the mall? Who was that? Tiana: Joshua's ex girlfriend I just had to beat her ass I couldn't stand her harassing me anymore. Emma🩷: damnnn that's crazy but I'll text you later girl Tiana: ight then.
After chatting it up with Emma, her eyes darted towards Jey's direction. She saw him and Montez talking to each other, not even paying attention to the movie like she and Bianca were.
Hearing Bianca sigh deeply while rolling her eyes at the two.
"Men always gotta be chatting it up." She said.
"Yeah, they can at least enjoy the movie for a bit, then chat it up later," Tiana said while stuffing her mouth with food.
Bianca nodded her head in agreement while eating her food. Tiana kept her eyes on the movie. The scene that we were watching was intense, almost giving her flashbacks between her and Kai. She tried to brush it off so she would not think about it.
But she always let her mind wander.
"Ms Jackson I cannot be with your son any longer he's not safe to be around," I said while keeping my arms folded.
"Honey, my son isn't like that at all; he probably didn't mean to, " she said.
I scoffed at her in disbelief. I couldn't believe that she was actually going to stand up here and defend her son, especially since she was in the same position I was in.
I got up, grabbed my purse and keys, and gave her one last look: "I cannot believe that you're going to sit up here in my face and say that he didn't mean to punch me in the face. That says a lot about your character, Ms. Jackson. Good day." After all of that, I left his parents' house, going back to the place I once called home, which is not a home anymore.
When I pulled up in the driveway I've seen Kai standing there waiting for me, he looked pissed but I couldn't care less I was ready to leave his ass for good.
I got out of my car, turned off the ignition while grabbing my purse, and walked towards the door he blocked me from going in.
"Can you move out the way Kai?" I asked trying to get through the door.
"No, not until you explain to me why the fuck did my mom called me crying because you said something disrespectful," Malakai said while he kept his arms folded.
"Nigga ion got to explain shit to you; now move out the way."
He yanked me by the hair as I fell onto the ground gazing up at him, he went down towards me grabbing me harshly by my chin.
"You wanna keep playing with me? She said you wanted to leave me."
"I do want to leave you because you're abusive and a cheater Emma was right I should've left you alone." I spat as I felt a sting on my face.
He slapped me harshly, grabbing me up by the hair while dragging me inside of the house. I was trying to fight him off, but it only made things worse as he threw me across the table, causing me to hit the back of my head.
Winching in pain, I could see him grabbing something out of his bag, which scared me.
I tried to hurry away from him, but he caught on as he hit me with his pistol, "you aren't going anywhere." grabbing me up again by my hair and pushing his pistol onto my neck.
"If you ever, and I mean EVER, think about leaving me or finding someone else, I will kill you." Malakai threatened.
I felt tears coming down my cheeks while looking at him in fear, there was nothing I could do he was crazy.
"You understand me Tink? Now go ahead and call my mother and apologize NOW!"
Without hesitation, I called his mother to apologize to her for saying what I said earlier, which was only to satisfy him and his wants.
Tiana's thoughts were interrupted by her boyfriend, Jey, who was calling for her. She looked up at him, reading his facial expressions.
He looked concerned and worried, as he knew how she could be whenever she was in her thoughts or letting her mind wander.
"You okay mama? I've been calling for you for a minute now." Jey asked.
"Oh, sorry, Bubba. I didn't hear you, " she said as she saw him sit next to her.
Jey pulled her onto his lap, holding on to her waist, and rubbed both of her sides as they all watched the movie together.
✧.* After watching the movie together, everyone went upstairs to head to bed. Meanwhile, Tiana was in the shower, letting the warm water hit her body, causing her to sigh in relief.
She didn't know how stressed out she would be with this whole entire situation between her and Kai including with Kehlani running around talking shit, it really did take a mental toll on her a bit.
But she knew that Jey was going to be there for her regardless of the circumstances because she knew that he truly loved her and was about her.
He didn't care about his ex-girlfriend or her, either. All he cared about was Tiana. She felt the cold air coming through the shower, knowing that it would be Jey coming in to take a shower with her.
He closed the curtains behind him as he approached Tiana, wrapping his arms around her waist, causing her to jump a bit.
"My fault, mama. I didn't mean to scare you." He said softly.
"It's okay, you're fine." She responded.
Jey noticed that her energy was off, pulling her closer to his body. He planted soft kisses onto her neck, sensing that her body felt tensed.
He turned her around, getting her attention. He looked into her eyes deeply, trying to read her facial expressions, but he just knew what to do.
He placed his hands on her cheeks, cupping them as he pulled her in for a passionate kiss, which caught her off guard, but she would soon catch on while wrapping her arms around his neck.
They were both making out passionately in the shower as his tongue slowly slipped into her mouth while he snaked his hands onto her ass, giving it a good grip.
This was something that she needed a stress reliever, someone to make her forget about all of her troubles or issues she was dealing with or that was affecting her mentally.
And Jey was the person to do so.
Scooping her up by her thighs, he pinned her onto the wall as their lips never left each other as their tongues were fighting for dominance.
They pulled away for split second as he placed his forehead onto hers, catching their breath together.
"Are you going to let me take care of you, mama? " he asked, kissing her thick lips again.
She nodded her head, playing with his mullet, "You always take care of me, baby." She stared into his eyes deeply, maintaining eye contact with him.
SMUT WARNING Tiana's moans and whines filled up the room, hoping that Bianca and Montez didn't hear her as Jey was giving her long, deep strokes that she truly loved him.
She was lying on her side as her legs were around his waist while he pushed his dick deeper inside of her.
Watching her facial expressions turn up every time he did it which satisfied him.
"Fuckkkk Papi..." she moaned. She had never felt so full, especially when it came to him.
He felt her walls clenching around him, causing him to let out a soft groan escape from his lips.
"Shit, mama, you can't be clenching like that around me. Let me stretch you out." he continued to give her deep strokes while leaning over to her to kiss her on the lips.
She loosened up a bit, letting him take control. He pushed her one legs back towards her stomach, going in deep with every single stroke, circling his hips to hit her spot.
"I love you so much, baby. I'm hitting ya shit and I get to watch yo' pretty ass take it." He whispered in her ear.
Tiana rolled her eyes in the back of her head as she took it all in. She would normally run from him, but this time, it was different for her. She had to learn to take it and let him do all of the talking.
She was letting him take control of the situation.
"you seemed so stressed, baby girl. Let me take care of you." He grabbed her throat firmly, drilling her. The room continued to be filled with her moans mixed with his.
"Joshhh." She whined into his neck as she felt a familiar pit going down her stomach. She felt very overwhelmed by all of this, feeling her legs shake underneath him.
He wanted her to feel every inch of him as she couldn't handle it and tried to push him away, placing her hand on his stomach, but he slapped it away, drilling her deeply.
"Unt-Un, you're doing so well taking it. Keep taking this dick, Mama. Make a mess on me." He rubbed his thumb on her clit, which drove her insane.
He continued to grip her throat firmly, not trying to hurt her, as she felt her toes curling while his strokes got slower and sloppier.
Tiana felt her legs shaking violently as she came all over him and let out the loudest moan tapping on Josh to slow down.
"Take this shit Ma." He was determined to get his nut after hers.
Cursing under his breath as he continued to give her what she needed while sweating was dripping from his face feeling his dick twitching inside of her.
He filled her up like a Twinkie as a satisfied groan left his lips while rolling his eyes in the back of his head, pulling out of her.
He gazed down at her, seeing her body trembling and quivering as he placed soft kisses on her body to calm down.
"you know I got'chu tink." He breathed out before massaging her thighs.
Tiana couldn't let out a word as she felt tired and defeated by him; he got a wet rag and cleaned her up before throwing it in the dirty bin next to her bookshelf.
He got inside the blanket with her, pulling her closer to his chest as he watched her drift into a deep slumber while kissing her on top of her head.
Under Your Touch.
A/N: ngl I'm glad Kehlani and her little ass friends got beat up especially Kehlani ass so annoying. I love how Jey take cares of Tiana.
But I hope yall enjoy this chapter lmk in the comments.
Stay Ucey.
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