#if you're reading a list of migraine symptoms and being like oh but i get these with my headaches I'm sorry to tell you
allonsybadwolf · 1 year
One of my biggest pet peeves is people calling headaches migraines. Like I understand that headaches are really annoying and can be very painful, I get it, I have normal headaches too, but they are NOTHING. NOTHING. next to a migraine. My worst of the worst headache is a walk in the park compared to my migraines.
And I'm not gatekeeping anybody here. If someone tells me they have a migraine, yes, I believe you, I will respect that information and act accordingly.
But, as a migraine sufferer, when some people are talking about "migraines" in general, you can just tell. They're talking about headaches. THAT'S A HEADACHE.
And I really don't want to sound like I'm minimizing people who suffer from headaches because that sucks and I feel for them, it's just about using the correct words. You wouldn't say you broke your arm if you burned it while cooking. They're different things. They require different treatment.
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