#if you're curious right now i'm getting back into oscar isaac stuff... so it's been good cborle you've been great. cheers girl
ahaaaoootblooded · 1 year
i'm going to be real with you all my musical theatre interest is fading and fading fast... just wanted to be transparent
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zainclaw · 5 years
I'm so excited you're writing for Finnpoe!! However I'm a bit curious just what story you're gonna write bc I think I've seen you mentioning in your tags that you haven't seen any of the movies aside from Force Awakens..? I'm looking forward to it either way! xx
Okay, lemme clear this up XD
I saw Force Awakens in theaters back in 2015, and I started shipping Finn and Poe immediately after that. Read plenty of fics set after that movie. Good shit. 
But then I kinda forgot about this new trilogy, I suppose, and when The Last Jedi came out I heard it was shit, so I never bothered to watch it. I just read a lot about it, watched spoiler reviews on youtube, that kinda stuff. Saw gifs with Finn and Poe, of course, but understood there wasn’t even much of that.
Right before Christmas my brother decided he was gonna drag me with him to see Rise of Skywalker sometime in the beginning of the year, and at first I was like “ugh, do I have to” but then tumblr fucking exploded with gifs of Poe burying his face in Finn’s neck and Oscar Isaac saying THINGS and I’ve just been sitting here like ok well that’s it I guess I’m Finnpoe trash again now.
I rewatched Force Awakens yesterday, and saw The Last Jedi for the first time tonight, just so I’ll be up to speed when I’ll go see Rise of Skywalker on Monday, so that I can write fic set after the trilogy as a whole.
Don’t get me wrong; there’s plenty of things in these movies I don’t agree with and that I’d rather pretend never happened, but I really wanna try write a fix-it epilogue kind of thing. If it’s possible. Won’t know until I’ve seen the last movie. That’s not to say I might not write more than one fic for them! We’ll see!
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