#if you're alone/single like me hope you feel the solidarity and happy Singles' Awareness Day
johannstutt413 · 3 years
(‘tis the season; Operators appearing based on this post) Happy Valentine’s Day from Rhodes Island
“No one should have to be alone on Valentine’s Day,” the Doctor sighed, reciting a mantra they’d heard from an Operator at lunch earlier that day. “How many times have I heard that one before?...Guess I should head to my room. No use staying-”
*knock knock* “Doctor? Are you still here?”
They got up and answered the door. “Something wro- is that…for me?”
“Y-yes.” The Cautus was blushing fiercely. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Thank you, Amiya. Um, here. I didn’t buy anything ahead of time, but I have some of these.” They handed her a mint - all they had to offer in return.
She could read their emotions well enough to know it wasn’t a comment on her breath. “Mmm. Have a good night, Doctor.”
“You too, Amiya.” They patted her on the head. “Say hi to Rosie for me.”
“Oh, she hasn’t seen you today?”
The Doctor stopped. “No, she hasn’t…Did she say she would?”
“She told me she’d bring you something, too.” Amiya frowned. “She should be home by now; we can ask her together.”
“I’d appreciate it - I’d like to know what kept her.” They followed the Caster’s lead back to the dorm she shared with the forgetting Feline. Hopefully it wasn’t anything serious.
It wasn’t anything serious. Just deceptive: as Amiya opened the door to a dorm the Doctor wasn’t familiar with (‘did she move at some point?’), there was a chorus of greetings from inside. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Doctor!!!”
“Eh?!” They stepped inside, spinning around as the Cautus closed the door behind them, to observe and absorb the moment. More than a dozen Operators were there, some with chocolates, some with flowers, some with present boxes, but all fondly looking at their leader. “Wh-what’s this? Amiya, this isn’t actually your dorm, is it?”
“Heheh. No, it’s not~” It’d been hard keeping the party a secret, but she’d known their reaction would be worth it.
The Doctor was simply stunned. “You guys…Thanks, really. I didn’t have a date or make any plans, and I was kind of worried when no one stopped by until Amiya came to get me…”
“We would have stopped by, but we couldn’t leave our posts, either.” Gravel pouted. “I’ve been waiting to see you since I woke up this morning.”
“We all found out that we wanted you to be our valentine, but it didn’t seem fair to leave it up to whoever got to you first, so we- rather, I, asked Amiya to help set this up. Apologies for the delayed gratification.” SilverAsh gave them a heart-stopping smile.
Angelina was the first to actually approach them, though, walking at first but switching to hovering to save time. “Remember that song we listened to the other day? I made you a CD with some other songs like that. You can listen to them and…and think of me.”
“Awww.” The Doctor hugged her on the spot. “That’s really sweet, Angie. Thank you. Alright, I don’t want to leave anyone out - everyone’s gonna get a turn-”
“Me next~” Before they could say “orderly fashion,” Gravel had already entered their personal space, kissed them on the cheek, and started rubbing her head against their shoulder.
They chuckled, kissing her forehead in turn. “I’ll see you tomorrow for your bodyguard shift, Senomy.”
“You don’t have to wait if you don’t want to~” But she relented, as there were plenty of people in this room that could wipe her off the face of Terra then and there if they so desired, and then how would she spend time with the Doctor?...Although haunting them would also be rather romantic, no? Still, another kiss for the road, and she made way for the next person to approach.
Skadi and Specter stepped forward at the same time. “I know I don’t say it often, and you know how I am about getting attached, but…I’m happy I met you,” the orca admitted in her usual way.
“Now that I’m back, we’ve gotta make up for lost time.” Sharky tapped the Doctor’s arm; it might’ve still left a bruise. “Yer the only landwalker I’d want down in the depths with me, no contest.”
“Not sure I’d be much help, but I appreciate it.” They gave each of them a hug - two similarly-strong embraces that managed to feel completely different, especially since Specter nibbled on their ear when she had the chance.
SilverAsh came forward next with a single flower. “I’ve always been serious about the merger offers, Doctor…Both of them.”
“Oh?” They took it, setting it in between their mask and hood. “Well, I can’t promise Rhodes Island, but maybe we can…come to an arrangement?”
“I look forward to our negotiations, then.” The Feline winked at them before extending a hand to shake.
Platinum strutted over to the Doctor and handed them a box of chocolates and a pair of concert tickets. “Amiya promised you’d be free to go with me.”
“She did, did she?” They looked over at the Cautus, who looked off to the side shortly after making eye contact. “Heh. I guess I am, then. Thanks for picking a band I can listen to.”
“As if I’d have bad taste.” Then the normally calm and collected Kuranta froze for a moment before kissing them on their non-Gravel’d cheek before galloping away.
Yato tapped them on the shoulder from behind. “Regardless of how events turn, and whose company you enjoy the most, I will still be by your side.”
“And regardless of my feelings, I will never forget you’re there.” They set their opposite hand on hers and gently pressed it closer. “Thank you for your faith in me.”
“Always.” As quickly as she appeared, the Oni blended back into the gathering.
Deepcolor had a…unique offering. “I painted the box in your image. Is it as beautiful as you are to me?”
“A picture is worth a thousand words,” they replied, gingerly accepting her chocolates(?), “but if this is how you see me, it’s absolutely priceless.”
“Mmm~ I wait for the day you’ll paint me in your colors, Doctor.”
Siege handed them a rivet, made in Londinium. “I have a few lollies, if you’d prefer them, but you deserve something more enduring.”
“As you do.” The Doctor smiled. “For want of a nail.”
“The kingdom was lost. I pray I will not lose you so easily.” The Feline bowed her head, and they took the once-in-a-lifetime chance to rub behind her ears. She audibly purred, but if she was embarrassed, it didn’t show.
Swire gave them an absurd bouquet of flowers. “You know how I am about splurging on gifts, Doctor…but if I only get to tell you once, I wanted to be sure you got the message!”
“Message received,” they chuckled. “Next time we go to the beach, take some leave and come with us, alright?”
“Only if you let me take you swimsuit shopping. Deal?...Good.” She probably didn’t realize she licked her lips after saying that.
Whislash handed them her gold card. “Another Valentine’s Day goes by, and I’m still single.”
“I can’t believe it myself.” They smirked. “Not even wine ages like you do, Zofia.”
“I-I’m not that old…but I know you’re complimenting me. Just don’t wait too long, or I might spoil on you.”
The Doctor shook their head. “You couldn’t possibly.”
“You might, though,” Carnelian noted as the Kuranta stepped away. “You look thinner than the last time I saw you. Are you eating properly?”
“Are you an interested party or trying to mother me?” they teased.
The Caprinae gave them a stare which left no doubt in their mind of the answer. “You know where to find me if you want the full answer, Doctor.”
“Heh…” She was certainly scarousing when she took that tone with them. They looked at Sideroca as she walked up. “I’m not getting thinner, am I?”
“You’re building muscle instead of fat, so it’s coming back in leaner. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you in top shape.”
They smiled. “Thanks for the chocolates.”
“You can afford to treat yourself every now and again.” The Forte looked him up and down. “But if you make yourself sick…”
“A day in bed with you doesn’t seem that bad, though.”
She smirked. “When I know you can handle it…Maybe.”
“Doctor?” Last but not least, Blue Poison came forward with nothing in hand, taking the Doctors’ instead. “Thank you.”
“Of course, Azureus. Someday, I’m sure more folks will understand. Until then, well, I’d never complain about holding your hand.”
The Anura’s neck glowed as she blushed. “Y-you can hold more, if…if you want to.”
“Perhaps.” They pulled her close for a hug. “As long as you’re comfortable with it.”
“Oh yes…” Operators watching from behind the Doctor at that moment might have noticed the smallest amount of sweat form at the notion.
With the guest having made their point, they spent the rest of the night playing games and chatting - playful spats, flirting with the Doctor, friendly rivalries developing - until the Doctor left to retire for the night without making any commitments.
At least, not in public…But it should be obvious who they called later that evening, I’m sure.
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