#if you're a fat person you could have strep throat and the doctor would tell you that you should just lose weight
katierosefun · 4 years
hot take but really should be an ice-cold take, but okay whatever, i feel like going off: fat-shaming is actually bad, no matter who you’re criticizing. if you’re going to criticize someone for being racist, sexist, homophobic, all the bad things, then criticize them purely because of that. do not go after their body shape/body type and add “fat” in there as an insult. 
when you do say “ah, this person is a fat, sexist, racist, homophobic asshole”, you’re lumping in “fat” as a bad trait. given that people who are fat (and i use this word purely as a description, not as an insult, because the term ‘fat’ has been so demonized by media), are already severely discriminated against by doctors and work spaces and just like...the media in general, using the term “fat” to describe someone who’s just an asshole feeds into the already-forced narrative that all fat people are greedy and lazy is so incredibly damaging. 
like. someone’s body shape or someone’s health is not something that should not be in the criteria for someone who’s a jerk. if someone’s a jerk, you can find other ways to explain why instead of going after their body shape.
#caroline talks#idk why some people dont understand this#i might get flack for this too but like holy shit not to get mad at diet culture and fatphobia on main#but that is exactly what i feel like doing on main today!#also if no one believes me about the fat people are more likely to be discriminated against by doctors--#please listen to 'food psyche' by christy harrison who *is* a registered dietician who cites all these studies#and talks to other experts about these topics#but like...YEAH#if you're a fat person you could have strep throat and the doctor would tell you that you should just lose weight#doctors are also less likely to advise fat patients#let's also talk about how fatphobia *is* also a byproduct of capitalism and racism!#let's also talk about how bmi is absolute BULLSHIT and was never meant to be an indicator of health!#it was literally a statistics tool measuring the bodies of white people in BELGIUM#BE L GIUM#and you expect to use *that* as an indicator of health for ALL PEOPLE?#let's also talk about how! yes! in workplaces fat people are less likely to be given tasks#or even HIRED#because people assume that fat people have a discipline issue#(oh you cant even discipline your  body how can you be expected to handle this important corporate job?)#also like ie: racism#let's talk about generational trauma!#your body collects fat or will gain weight in response to famine/starvation#it is your body's way of PROTECTING you because it remembers#that GENERATIONS AGO your ancestors faced FAMINE#your body's dna is literally doing the best it can to make sure that you never have to starve like that#as for racism: the inherent fear and hatred of nonwhite bodies that *arent* skinny#also i swear im....working on prompts but i had to say this
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