#if you use a pick-up line to be funny he'll just think you're cringe
takinghisbow · 2 years
Romance Stats
repost ; use the template linked to make your own with your muse(s) ; the more hearts the more this works in romancing/seducing them.
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Pick-Up Lines: ♡♡♡♡♡ Cuddles: ❤❤❤❤❤ (only with 100% trust) PDA: ❤❤❤❤♡ (only with 100% trust) Dancing: ❤♡♡♡♡ (only with 100% trust & only slow-dancing) Dates: ❤❤❤❤♡ Gifts: ❤❤❤♡♡ Act of Service: ❤❤❤❤♡
stolen from: @rosanimemuses <3
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sparrowhero · 2 years
can i get headcanons for shigaraki and a flirty reader who loves using pick up lines on him? :D thank you!!
Sure thing!
Shigaraki x Flirty! Reader
Shut up. No, seriously, shut up. You're going to get on his nerves FOR REAL in the beginning if he doesn't know how sincere you are/if you're just like this to everybody. He cannot stand if he thinks he's being made a fool of so he might blow up at you a little bit in the beginning because he thinks you're trying to be funny at his expense.
When he figures out that no, it's literally a mixture of your personality and actually thinking he's cute, he's still going to tell you to shut up because it's embarrassing him. Stop saying he's cute! You're annoying. (His ears are red underneath his shaggy hair and he refuses to make direct eye contact with you.)
He secretly does like them and when you have an actual, genuinely funny one that he hasn't heard before it takes a lot out of him not to laugh and smile at it in front of the others. Despite pretending he doesn't like it at first, he'll be in a mood if you don't at least wink at him or blow a kiss when nobody's looking. It's fine as long as there's not a huge audience.
All pick-up lines are cheesy and cringe to him and he IS going to tell you this. There's a lot less bite than you would think, though, since everyone else he'd tell to go die.
"Are you from Tennessee because you're the only 'ten' I see" "Did you get that from the back of a cereal box?"
If you're the pet name type, even if he says he won't use them, he gets a real thrill out of you using them on him in private. "Are you doing alright, Handsome?" and things like that immediately makes his heart skip a beat.
He won't ever be that same kind of flirty back, but sometimes he'll just mutter about you being the cute one or the handsome one or the pretty one or whatever of the 10000 descriptors you give to him a day are. Often happens while he's getting one of his "recharge" hugs and cuddles.
"You think you're so funny, don't you?" He mutters, face nestled between your shoulder blades and hiding just a hint of a smile. "You're right."
Since you throw pick up lines at him so easily, he's going to be a little more vocal about when he DOES want your verbal affection and will sometimes request you repeat what exactly it is you like so much about him that you have to let the world know so much. It's a real ego boost for sure but it also makes him feel very loved, so he'll be much more smiley and open about receiving it. It's really all about timing with him.
For the sake of peace love and unity within the League, please do not throw pick up lines or anything else you'd usually reserve only for him at anyone else, even if it's for a joke. It will hurt his delicate feelings.
If you're naturally a little flirty, he'll do his best to be understanding of that, but he expects you to also make some compromises. He can tolerate some friendly banter but as soon as you start throwing your arms around somebody else and joking about running away with them, he's going to have an actual fit. He's also going to be mean to whoever made him jealous for like, a week. Nothing extreme but the icy glare he shoots out gives Geten a run for his money.
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zeninsama-moved · 1 year
I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT MY ANSWER TO THIS ALL DAY (AND EVER SINCE U FIRST RECOMMENDED THE FIC TO ME TBH) AND I JUST... first of all, i haven't finished it yet, i stopped at chapter 11 because i had to sleep so these are my thoughts so far. i may have missed a thing or two but this is the gist.
be warned there will be jjk manga spoilers/fic spoilers also this post is so fucking long i'm sorry
so i made note of the scenes/lines that had me screaming my head off and i will share them/discuss them under the cut <3
starting lighthearted with gojo things i found absolutely hilarious
"damn. by virtue of that, that means that technically-ish, gojo would be the semi leader of the zen'in clan. holy shit. shit's wild, son."
"maybe later he could trot over to lawson's and get himself a nice juice box, then a chocolate coolish ice cream pouch. yeah, that's the shit right there."
"behind you, he could hear your mother speaking with one of the servants in the hallway and he hopes to god she doesn't join in on the conversation. why the hell does she have to be here? fuckin' kris jenner with her bullshit, couldn't she leave her daughter to make her own decisions for herself? what's next, a sex tape to keep you in the zen'in family? shit. caught in 4k, filmed by gojo (and starring gojo)."
"should he pick you up and shot-put you into the distance so that you're like one twinkling star as you orbit? he doesn't know. if you were a dude, he'd definitely do that to you. fine. equal opportunity, it's the twenty-first century, he'll shot-put you."
"he looks nice like this, you think, in a thin white linen button-down short sleeve with cream shorts and... you do your best not to grimace. fucking assistant to the regional manager over here with the birkenstock kicks. at least he's not wearing white socks with them. you'll make sure you don't look anywhere past his kneecaps."
"'you wanna kiss me that bad?' he slaps his palm down onto the table as he chews and swallows. 'i knew it, you can touch me anytime, anywhere you want, babe–'"
GOJO IS A FUCKING MENACE IN THIS FIC! I LOVE THAT HE'S SO EMBARRASSING, IT FEELS LIKE REAL GOJO <3 his dynamic with the reader is so funny too, how she (for the most part) wants absolutely nothing to do with him. how things can be normal and sweet between them and then he says something so painfully cringe that it snaps us back to reality. what a fucking man.
"sometimes, he would dream that your thumb was a sausage and give it a bite. usually you would wake up and give him a bite back on his black, pointy ear."
NOW THIS LINE IS NOT GOJO OR NAOYA RELATED BUT IT'S ONE I ENJOYED NONETHELESS... i love kimi so much <3 the concept of him alone is so cool, being part-shikigami, part-demon or whatever, and how he can morph into different weapons for us to wield <3 also the scene where his paw emerged from the shadows to pester gojo for some salmon LMAO
okay.............. onto the main event i think...... onto naoya......
a lil tw for misogyny/death even though i know naoya anon will be the only one reading this
"a boy, he wanted a boy. he must have a boy. at least two or three. then you could have a girl, he'd gift you with one, he had told you before as you stared up at him with that dumb, fucked out expression. he'd gift you a baby girl after you had done your duty to him as his wife. a baby girl, as a treat. a reward if you're a good little wife."
"for now, you would make do with expensive designer items as gifts until you managed to bear him a son. no little girl yet. but you'd work on that, he'd work on that – he'd make sure to work his fat dick into you as often as he possibly could to achieve that goal. he'd tell you he's such a good husband, making sure you get your own little treat."
"yeah, don't bother. this is too much for yer pretty little head. just go be pretty and dumb elsewhere, lil' baby. go on now, shoo."
"my pretty little girl. right? that's right. yer my baby girl, all mine? tell me, baby girl, who do you belong to?"
"stayed up all night waitin' for me, eh? what a good wife y'are. c'mere'n let me see yer cute face."
JUST... THE WAY NAOYA SPEAKS... THE THINGS HE SAYS TO US. it reminds me very much of touya because it's affectionate for a guy like him but still teasing and playful. these lines had me blushing so hard and kicking my feet and giggling. the use of petnames like "lil' baby" and "baby girl" and him telling you to "c'mere'n let me see yer cute face" ohhhhh my god.......
not to mention, i love his accent very much. country boyyy i love youuuuu.
"'c'mon now,' he mutters, turning his head to the side so he can press a kiss to your temple. 'why didn'tcha say somethin' earlier if it bothered you that much, you dumb baby.'"
this scene really changed everything for me... i will expand on this more later but the connection they have... their loyalty to each other... or moreso their desire to just have each other.
"a man, the man who had humiliated maki's mother many times, spoke hideous things about her children within earshot, is straining to call one of his other cousins because fuck fuck fuck why aren't you answering. his eyes soften and he's not exactly sure if it's because of the sweat in his eyes or the picture that you had just sent two minutes ago, a picture of you and the new lipstick you're trying on. you look so pretty. fuck. he's gonna cry."
I SAVED THIS ONE BEFORE THE SECOND POV CHAPTER THAT WENT MORE IN-DEPTH ON NAOYA'S FEELINGS AND THAT ONE – I WAS ALREADY DYING BUT THAT FINISHED ME OFF! this fic is so well-written that i felt grief for this fucking man. grief for naoya fucking zen'in of all people. it left a hole in my chest and i haven't felt this grief since [REDACTED REDACTED] in csm.
especially later, when reader was remembering her honeymoon in amalfi coast, when they were driving in the convertible and lost her scarf. for some reason that flashback made me so sad.
"'that girl will be your downfall,' is what his father tells him later on that day. naoya wants to believe that. maybe you'll be the one to drag him to hell. that would be nice. he'd be back home. he'll always come home. if that's where you're at, he'll always come home."
OKAY... we are almost to the end of it <3
"'wait. oh my god, wait. wait. no way. you... you loved him? you actually loved naoya? naoya? zen'in naoya?'
your eyes sting hot, and you're not sure if it's because he's speaking ill of your very dead husband or because you're taking it personally for having loved the horrible man.
there's something about how you feel when it comes to naoya. defensive, even. you're certain that although love and family had been a difficult, complicated subject for the man, he fucked you like he loved you. like you had been a very fragile thing that he needed to care for – and he did. he always did; had always cared for you in ways that no one else would. or at least, he cared for you in ways that no one else would or could within a fifty-mile radius.
'babe, really?'
for all of his acid and harsh angles and sharp tongue, naoya was someone who took care of you and protected you. he made you feel wanted and safe and cherished and by the gods even if he didn't actually say it, he made you feel loved. that's what mattered to you. now, at least. maybe too much, even."
THIS WAS A FUCKING INSANE MOMENT TO ME reader wondering a few chapters ago whether or not she loved naoya and admitting now that she did, so very much so.
this really resonated with me in particular, not to get all wah-wah pity party but i've dealt with a lot of relationship trauma and all i've got to show for it is a crippling fear of abandonment. this type of love is therapeutic to me. when your person loves you and only you, there's nobody to compete with because they don't give half a shit about anyone else. you're the only one that sees that soft part of them, dare i say the real them.
another thing that made me very happy was seeing a lot of similarities in how the author characterizes naoya & how i've been characterizing him for the menthol prequel. fucking daddy issues central. naoya being a contradiction of himself because he's everything a zen'in should be, and yet he has these haunting moments of clarity where he realizes that's the last thing he wants to be... and yet nothing changes. he will be this way until he dies, and he was this way until he died. not that this man deserves tenderness because he's evil, but like... the care in which the author handles his character. it's everything to me.
trying my hardest but like oh my god it's going to be hard to let myself fall for gojo because the man the author wrote naoya to be. the husband he was. the deep, profound love he had that's even more special because it's all the love he has and it's all for you.
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seventeenfluff · 4 years
a/n my favorite bside is all my love but Hey Buddy friendzoned me so I live for it for the angst :)
Previous: HONG JISOO
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ctto. to the pics
Dating Wen Junhui is literally slow-burn, best friend to lover au 40k fanfic
lmao like there's no way he would date someone he just met for the first time. I think he'll date someone he knew for a long time and is already comfortable with
he is so shy at meeting new people so if the two of are you are shy and neither wants to make the move because you are too shy, good luck?????
anyways, Jun is someone who really needs someone who he is comfortable to break out of his shell
once comfortable though, dating Jun is an adventure lmao
his mental age is either a 3 yr old or 35 years old. There's no in between
He is naturally funny so there's no such thing as "let's sit down and talk it out"
like one moment you're angry, sad, smad????, and then suddenly you're having a hard time to breathe from laughing too much
He really jokes around alot like he really loves making people laugh and Jun might be a quiet person but his sense of humor could rival BooSeokSoon's
anyway, dating Jun also felt like having a second mother. Seungkwan confirmed that Jun is the mother of the group so i think the way he treats people who is dear to him is the same way a mother treats her child.
He is your morning alarm lmao like if it is the weekday and both of you have schedules for the morning, he'll be calling you first thing in the morning to make sure you're not late
In the early stage of relationship, Jun is too quiet that there will be times it felt like you're talking to yourself most of the time
But once he opens up, this boy loves to talk and his stories are entertaining
whether talking about his hometown, hobby or discussing if cereal is a soup. Jun is a good conversationalist. He is really good at expressing his ideas and communicating what he really wants to say. (the best debator in the two seasons of GoSe Debate Night)
But despite the fact that he is good at talking, Jun is not the one to confront people.
If something made him uncomfortable, he would just bite his tongue and wait for people to notice his state, which is a big problem in his part.
Someone who rarely initiates physical affection but someone who craves it the most lol
He only uses physical touch when the situation really needs it (e.g when you're crying)
you two have no normal couple pictures because every selcas of you and him is meme-worthy because of Jun lmao
his love language is act of service.
Will make you breakfast when he could, reminds you to eat your lunch or not to work too hard, will take care of you when you are sick, etc.
Jun needed someone who could make him feel confident with himself. Someone who can assure him that he is enough and doing amazing.
Jun is a homebody so homedates is more frequent than going outside.
Will introduce to you the things he enjoys, from games to foods to movies.
Sends you picture(s) of him unprompted.
dates ranges from reserved fancy restaurants to "hey i found this stall that sells food in cat shape, wanna try?"
He is just so fun to be with like you know everytime you two hang out, your cheeks hurt from laughing too much
Jun is a person that is hard to read, you really don't know what he will do next or what he will say next.
He is a man full of surprise.
But Jun is a hardworking person, someone who could stay up all night practicing choreo, someone who could forget to reply to your message because he is busy leveling up his games
You actually find that trait endearing because the only time he could really focus on one task is when he is practicing or playing games lmao
But frequently, Jun is a hyperactive man specially when he is so comfortable with you.
If he is not that comfortable, you might find him boring.
Jun is the god of flirt, get ready to have your heart melt everytime
But he's also easy to be flustered lol
But anyway flirty Jun who would wink at you when the two of you are just eating silently, unprompted cheesy, toe-cringing pick up lines out of nowhere...
Also he knows he is handsome so yes he is aware of what he could do and how dangerous he is
But lol this side won't come out on the first date though.
Anyways, Jun is a guy not easy to date, not because he is a high maintenance boyfriend rather, he is not someone easy to crack.
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