#if you pay me to draw transformers I'll love you forever
sumplysilly · 1 year
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ICON COMMISSION for @gayelectro
You too can get an icon like this.... give ne your money (so I can eat & get my license plate renewed)(please)
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maxfieldparrishes · 3 years
would it be harsh of me to ask for a bunch of,,like,,unposted ethanessa headcanons or something like that?? i miss the serotonin ur fics would give me ugh
not harsh of you at all! my executive functioning just sucks dong and i'm a horrible procrastinator when it comes to answering asks
so... unposted ethanessa headcanons... hmm... not really sure how much i've left unposted but!!! i will do this for you, and also for them because they are a Forever Ship
(jsyk these will be AU because i'm obsessed with the idea of them in the present day having a happy life and family together... also i'll be drawing on conversations i've had with @curioussubjects about the HML (happy modern life) AU) so here goes!!! under a cut because it got Long lol
ethanessa settles in either the pnw or maine, likely the pnw because there's some space for ethan during his time of the month but it's still relatively close to major cities (depends on your definition of close, tbf) (also i gotta represent my og turf! pnw represent!)
they have three kids - charles, claire, and celia. they are all thick as thieves which makes ethanessa sweat somewhat because of the potential of organized sibling chaos and shenanigans, but they adore their parents so they take it easy on them. mostly.
ethan is such a loving dad i can't even begin to describe him because i get too emotional!!! same with mom!vanessa... like they're not perfect people and they'd absolutely make mistakes as parents but their hearts are always in the right place!!! im crying omg
out of the three, claire and celia are both werewolves like ethan. this means that during every full moon there are 3 annoyed lycanthropes in the house and/or on the property--although now that ethan is older and more experienced with the shifting he's better able to control the urges, and he's made it a point to teach claire and celia how to better cope with the change while they're still young. claire will sometimes have supervised freedom while transformed; celia does not like transforming, does not trust herself, and will not leave the basement, even if calm/rational and if given the opportunity
charles is the most like van. magic shit. spooky ghosts. seances. freaky spellbooks. rituals that are Beyond Intricate. claire can deal with low-level shit, but anything above her pay grade (which is like... minimum wage) is sent to charles. charles is a nerd who loves lit theory and reads it for fun, philosophy and history, anthropology/sociology... academia in general; he wants to be a professor and publish incomprehensible papers when he grows up. also likes knitting to unwind, courtesy of ethan. would absolutely be bullied and stuffed into a locker if he wasn't so nice, cute, and friendly... closest out of the 3 kids to aunt cat, the sometimes-resident Cool Aunt
claire is the Social Butterfly of the three. she's the resident social (media) expert, keeps up-to-date on trends, tons of twitter/insta/snapchat/etc followers. absolutely has a hydroflask with stickers on it and an iced coffee obsession. chaotic middle child energy. super smart and cunning and protective of her family, absolutely the type to get into poli-sci for the activism, which she eventually does. loves cats even though they don't love her, animals in general, the environment, and being bisexual; does NOT love being a werewolf. she loves both her parents but would probably admit to being closer to ethan (is 100% a daddy's girl) probably the only member of the family who actually enjoys organized sports (was on the soccer team) once punched a guy who repeatedly sexually harassed her in the face, broke his nose, and was sent to the principal's office for it. ethanessa were proud <3
celia is the Artist in Residence of the clan. an absolute madwoman in the best way, she lives to create, is creating constantly, and is a fucking superstar bohemian who will one day go down in history and end up in museums. she works in a variety of mediums--painting (watercolors, oils, etc), ink drawings, sketches, clay--and always has something up her sleeve or on the backburner. gives off a vibe of being somewhat disconnected from reality, but she's very astute and observant. 100% the quietest and least social of the three kids, but also the kindest and most open-minded. can go through manic phases that result in an increased creative output but can also crash super hard, is on mood stabilizers and a diet high in omega-3s to help; the lycanthropy does not help AT ALL. 100% goes to school in paint-covered clothes, paints sets for the drama dept, has no social media at all but claire reps her sister's art on her own accounts and charles does too. has baby privilege; everyone loves her the most, including addy, the pet goat.
(they're all so supportive of each other i'm so!!!)
even though ethanessa are each other's primary partners, they are also both in a polyamorous relationship with catriona (and she with them) an anthropology professor, and the kids' Cool Aunt Cat
cat is literally a cat--she comes and goes as she pleases, she loves the kids like they're her own, she loves van to death and ethan only slightly less. far too self-directed and independent to ever be a dog, even if she is one of the most loyal and loving people ever
she's not always there bc she has her own apartment and her own life, but she spends a ton of time with the family when she can and wants to
the kids have all known her since they were born, grew up being somewhat co-parented by her, and idolize her completely, charles especially
brings yarn back from her travels so the fam (except for vanessa, who, bless her heart, SUCKS at knitting) can knit sweaters for addy (and sometimes scarves for van if the yarn is REALLY nice)
non-traditional family structures!!!
cat is the one who introduced charles to Theory and also tea. she gave him some hegel and zizek to read as a joke while he drank his genmaicha but he was absolutely enamored; told ethanessa later after he gave them all a lecture about lacan and the mirror stage at dinner: "i have created a monster. i am so sorry."
they don't have cats, but they do have dogs and a pygmy goat named adelaide, or addy for short
addy is the undisputed queen of the household and every single one of them would bend over backwards to make that goat happy
celia is addy's favorite person, because she's always on the floor doing Art, and doesn't mind it when addy climbs on her
addy has more instagram followers than charles and claire combined, because all 3 kids + ethan knit her sweaters and post pictures of her in them online. they have a schedule for it and everything, and the hype surrounding this tiny-ass goat is i n s a n e
ethanessa don't really use social media except to monitor the kids and keep in touch with fam because while they are not necessarily old they are also Old, if that makes sense
ethan goes deep into the forest during his transformations and usually it's uneventful... until the one time vanessa doesn't go with him, which becomes the one time he saves some lost hikers from a cougar and becomes a local legend as the town's Resident Cryptid
(this is a source of never-ending hilarity in the ives-chandler household. ethan is voted "hottest cryptid in the pnw" three years running and van gets it for him on a coffee mug. there is a close-up picture of his absolutely unimpressed face when he's presented with it on the polaroid wall and it is one of van's most treasured photos)
there's a well-intentioned running joke/bit in the town where they all playful accuse each other of being the HCITW (Hot Cryptid In The Woods). ethan almost got outed one day and left the grocery store sweating BUCKETS after one of the hikers he saved turned out to be the cashier in his checkout line, who said that he could have sworn he'd seen ethan somewhere before (ethan: "i just have one of those faces i guess???")
one girl in claire's class is absolutely CONVINCED it's ethan and she's absolutely right, but after claire takes her home one day to work on a project she's like "nah claire your dad couldn't possibly be a werewolf cryptid man he's way too chill and dorky" (claire: "don't tell anyone but that's the weed. at least the chill part is weed. he's just a dork naturally")
ethan is offended despite himself; van and charles have to leave the house to go walk in the woods because they're laughing so hard; celia is unbothered and only emerges from her room to change her paint water. claire thinks that she might one day marry this girl.
(they aren't married but they are still dating!)
none of this isn't to say they don't have bad days. sometimes charles hyperfocuses on things that aren't real--ghosts of people and the ghost in the book and drifts away from reality. sometimes claire is too angry for her own damn good and, when the full moon hits, becomes more of a wolf than either her father or her sister. the period of time before celia's mental health issues were nailed down and treated was hard on everyone. sometimes ethan and vanessa run out of patience with each other. sometimes they all have moods where they just don't want to talk. they're all in step with each other anyway, and sometimes you just don't want to fucking talk.
but all in all... it's a solid family. the state of being alive, in and of itself, is far too messy to ever be perfect, but their life now is better than either van or ethan could have dreamed (especially considering their own childhoods...) there's so much love in there that all of them don't know where or how they can store it all. there is so much love that no one is hungry and there is love left over for those who might need a little more. it's open hearts and warm arms and a hand to hold in the darkness. it's fucking awesome. it's the best.
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