#if you look at this and youre like 'dogma did you make a oneshot module for the rpc'
lunarscaled · 1 year
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Lord Dullanathri the Season Keeper requests the pleasure of your presence at the turning of the season in the city of Baldur’s Gate for a party of great splendor in celebration of the arriving fall season and Autumn Equinox. Guests are expected to arrive Saturday, the 9th or fashionably late.
Formal partywear will be provided. Further details are enclosed.
>Check the envelope contents?
A Dungeons & Dragons / Baldur's Gate RPC Event ( crafted w/ assistance from @charmsperson and @heincus ! )
Hi Hello Hallo Bonjour Ciao! This section will contain a rudimentary breakdown of this event in plainspeak for muns, as I understand the google doc might seem intimidating at first glance.
Essentially: this is a big excuse for dnd + bg3 muses to be dressed in fancy formalwear and interact! I saw a lot of people on dash saying they wish there was a DA: I Winter Palace equivalent event in BG3, and several people seemed interested in having a form of open-fandom event taking place that gave them a reason to do that. That is the main goal of this event---to let muses have fun in fancy clothes.
Lord Dullanathri the Season Keeper is an Archfey who has brought his Domain of Delight to Baldur's Gate for his annual festivities celebrating the ushering in of Fall, which it is his duty to oversee. All of Baldur's Gate, including the Outer City areas and Duskhawk Hill, are encompassed by his domain at this time and subject to its rules and aesthetics to some degree. Namely: fall leaves and colors, Feywild plants, lots of fall harvests ( plants such as corn, kale, pumpkin, turnips, beets, etc. ), music, large feasts, and a good dose of fey whimsy. Dullanathri's presence, for those who are aware of him, is considered to be a blessing as his domain's arrival will ensure the successful harvest of all crops and forgeables in the surrounding area, leaving plenty to preserve for the upcoming Winter. Baldur's Gate also loves a good party, and though there is typical Fey mischief afoot, Dullanathri is a neutral party and will not intentionally harm others personally. While the party is going on, all individuals inside the domain will be automatically dressed in formal gala attire; feel free to choose any outfit you would like that you feel is suitable for your character and share it with others! Draw it! Make an image collage of references! Dress your character up in appropriately fancy clothes from the game! Write a drabble about it, Cinderella style! Approach this however you like, before or during the event.
What is an RPC / Dash Event ?: Consider this the dashboard equivalent of an in-game event, such as the Lantern Rite Festival in Genshin Impact or special 7⭐ Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet+Violet, where many people can come together to participate.
Who is Playing the NPCs?: You are! Or your writing partner is. Feel free to fill in the gaps of the personalities of other party attendants and citizens of Baldur's Gate in a way that is interesting to you and use the skill checks as a guide for your interactions (if you wish). This includes any battle segments, such as Flower Wars---you are free to play this as true-to-form of a real campaign battle as you want, or to plot out things with your partner in advance. Do what suits you.
Is this Mutuals Exclusive?: No! Anyone is free to take the event information / set-up and post opens or write while also respecting the rules of individuals
( ie. you do not have to be mutuals with me to participate in this event, but you must still respect the rules of other writers ( such as being mutuals-exclusive ) unless they state otherwise. )
Do Characters Have to do Side Quests?: No! The Side Quests are merely additional scenario prompts to help flesh out the party, and to give various types and personalities of characters a reason to attend and interact. Not every muse is an extrovert but some are heroic, or power motivated, or curious. These quests exist to give writers material to interact with the party in a way beyond just attending, and to write with others. If you aren't interested, you don't need to focus on them.
If you have questions, feel free to send me an ask, and I'll do my best to answer them!
I hope this can be an event people have fun with, so I've left a large timeframe open to give people more of a chance to participate, as I know people have busy lives and different timezones.
When?: Saturday, September 9th, 2023 - Sunday, September 24th, 2023
Where (in game)?: Baldur’s Gate ( all city districts ); Dusthawk Hill
Who?: Dungeons & Dragons / Baldur’s Gate muses + OCs. ( mutual status is not required to participate. Anyone interested or with an affiliated verse may use this content to interact, write threads, create art, etc. )
Tags?: #EquinoxEvent_2023
please use this tag to track opens, prompt lists, interact with others, and so that non-fandom blogs make blacklist it if necessary (for those who are multi-fandom)
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